Review cover God of War (PlayStation 4)
Official GBAtemp Review

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): April 20, 2018
  • Release Date (EU): April 20, 2018
  • Release Date (JP): April 20, 2018
  • Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • Developer: SIE Santa Monica Studio
  • Genres: Action Adventure

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer

Review Approach:

I have to start with a confession - I've never been a huge fan of God of War. As much as I like hacking and slashing, I just never saw the appeal of playing the role of a near-indestructible demigod with more muscle than sense. Then... I saw the promotional material for this game. It seemed to be a massive departure from the original, and in a good way at that. It came across as much more mature, more story-driven, it seemed to have substance. It piqued my interest immediately, and since I'm happy to give game franchises a fair shake, I eagerly anticipated this title.
God of War is an action adventure game for the PlayStation 4, the latest in the long-running series revolving around Kratos, a Spartan with a lust for the blood of gods. The game was played on a PlayStation 4 Pro and was set to favour resolution over performance, your picture quality and framerate may vary depending on your system and your settings.


Where are all the good men gone?

What do you do when you smite all of your sworn enemies? When the fight is won and there is no more blood to spill? You settle down, of course. That's precisely what Kratos was hoping for after leaving the smoldering ruins of Olympus behind - a little peace and quiet. He hung up his blades, he found a wife who bore him a son, he built a small cabin in the woods and he planned to spend the rest of his days in Midgar, the home of the Norse. For all intents and purposes, Kratos the god-slayer was retired. He grew old, but he also grew wiser, more measured, less impulsive. He became a hunter and a provider, away from home most times while his wife reared their son, Atreus. Naturally, all good things must come to an end, and in Kratos' case that end was truly tragic. His beloved wife, Faye, perished before her time. Her dying wish? To have her ashes scattered off of the highest mountain in Midgar - a request that is simple enough, at least on its face. Even though I never got to know her, I could tell that when Faye died, a part of Kratos died with her. Now he had to fill in the role of the parent, a role not necessarily best-suited for an incognito slayer of gods. There was a perceptible distance between Kratos and Atreus, as if the two never really spent much time with each other. In spite of that, they both ventured on not one, but two journeys. One across the realms, the other, towards one another. What was initially supposed to be a short little skip quickly turned into an epic adventure, all because of a run-in with a strange man - a man who could feel no pain.

...and where are all the Gods?

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The solemn adventure begins... with training!

If you're scratching your head in confusion and wondering whether we're still talking about God of War, welcome to me from two weeks ago. To say that this game is a departure from the original formula is an understatement of the century. I'm one of those people who never really paid a lot of attention to the series up until now. Sure, I played a God of War game from time to time, but it wasn't one of those titles that would immediately sell me on a console. From the moment of its inception it seemed somewhat simplistic and flawed. This game changed all of that. The latest installment in the God of War series isn't just a new coat of paint on an old jalopy - it takes everything that was good about the original concept and builds a whole new game around it, and against all odds, it works perfectly. This is not just taking an established character, putting him in a brand-new setting and calling it a day, this is very different. I like to be up-front with my readers, so I'm going to give it to you straight - as far as screenshots are concerned, this review only features ones from relatively early sections of the game. This is partially because the developers at Santa Monica Studios requested that we don't spoil the story, but mostly because *I* don't want to spoil it for you. Now, whenever I see games getting straight 10's from most big name outlets, I'm immediately suspicious, not excited. We've seen many 10/10's come and go, more often than not they disappear in a blaze of fire rather than glory. God of War is not one of those games. For once, everything you have read and seen online is true - you owe it to yourself to play this game, and that makes my work exceedingly difficult. With all that said, I will do my best to tell you something about the game everyone is talking about in a way that will, perhaps, clue you in on why this, more than any other game on the platform, is the PlayStation killer app we have all been waiting for.

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Godlike or not, Kratos still has a heart like the rest of us

The story is what immersed me the most in the world of God of War, and I did not expect that from a game that originally, for all intents and purposes, revolved around a disgruntled son of Zeus exacting revenge on all of those who wronged him by means of killing anything that happened to be between him and Olympus. Make no mistake, Kratos is still a very angry man, but... he's old. You can feel it in every part of his new design - his movement, his speech, his overall approach to life. An on-looker would say that Kratos is cold and regimented, he's the embodiment of a stern father. He does not really raise his son so much as he trains him, which is something to be expected from a Spartan. Kratos expects results, not just words, and is very reluctant to put trust in his son who is yet to prove himself in true combat. His militaristic past clearly had a hand in shaping his parenting methods, but he is no longer a warrior, just an old hunter, passing on his knowledge to the next generation. Atreus seems to be the polar opposite - brought up mostly by his mother, he is warm and compassionate, eager to earn his father's love in any way he can. That being said, he can also be careless, he is still young and naive, and while he has the same spark of Spartan rage as his father does buried deep within him, he lacks the wisdom to control and channel it properly. Throughout the course of their journey you witness the rapport between them develop and before long you realise that they are not all that dissimilar and that although Kratos is a demanding father and a cold warrior on the outside, he does have weaknesses and his heart is not solid ice. Watching the two transform as they carried the ashes through adversity kept me glued to the screen more than anything else, and trust me, there's more.

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As , it turns out, size isn't all that matters in a fight

Structurally the game describes itself as "open", which is not to be confused with "open world" - a distinction that escaped me until I played the game for a while. There's one main quest for you to attend to and one way to progress the story, but at the same time, God of War doesn't pressure you to follow it. In fact, the two main characters often times urge you to stray from the path to help someone out or to explore a dungeon of some kind. Those escapades reward them with necessary resources for crafting, glyphs, money and other items which invariably help them in the long run. That being said, the game never turns into an Elder Scrolls copycat - God of War has a strong sense of direction and purpose. Any diversions from the main path, however lengthy they might be, don't take your attention away from the main goal of your journey, they merely supplement the overall adventure. The various realms of Midgar are teeming with large areas that are completely optional, and it's times when you're exploring those islands and caves when you really appreciate the sheer amount of effort that went into world-building and the dedication required to give the game such an unparalleled level of polish. It took me a few days to put my finger on it, but eventually I realised why this kind of structure felt just right - it's exactly how old-style Zelda games used to work. You know what you're supposed to do from the get-go... but there's a Heart Container on the cliff over there and you can't help but think that you could use another heart. God of War feeds that desire to discover more than adequately - if you just don't feel like continuing the hike and want to explore the realm instead, you can rest assured that you'll find something interesting without having to start a whole new line of quests.

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Sometimes additional "encouragement" is called for before an enemy goes down

From the screenshots you've probably already noticed that you're not travelling alone - Atreus is at your side, and he's another reason why God of War deserves all the praise it gets. From the moment I saw the first trailers I knew exactly what the developers intended - this game was supposed to be a cross between The Last of Us and God of War, but the final result goes beyond that. If you're worried that the game is an extended exercise in escorting a brain-dead NPC, you can put those worries to bed - not only can you tell Atreus to use his archery skills to aid you in battle, he's actually a quite formidable and smart ally when left to his own devices too. The Kratos-Atreus dynamic works very well, especially during boss battles or environmental puzzles which require the use of their combined skills. Atreus' precise, long-range bow attacks and Kratos' brute force melee work great in tandem and although our main hero traded his Blades of Chaos for the Leviathan Axe, he's still just as deadly as ever. In fact, combat is one of the more satisfying elements of the game. Admittedly, the new God of War is far less frantic than its predecessors, but the slower, more deliberate combat comes with higher stakes and more satisfying returns. One of my colleagues described it as "Dark Souls-like" - I don't think it's quite that extreme unless you're playing on very high difficulty settings, but I must admit that the days of breezing through hordes of enemies are over and every encounter can be lethal if you don't play your cards right, which is great - it adds tension to the game.

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When exploring the area you'll often come across environmental puzzles, elements of game lore and sweet, sweet loot

Among other departures from the roots of the series the new God of War features crafting and customisation mechanics, but unlike in "open-world" games they're very unintrusive. God of War gives you plenty of gameplay-changing choices without being too overwhelming or taking your attention off your quest for too long. In short, adding new glyphs to your weaponry gives you access to new skills, collecting resources allows you to enhance your pre-existing loadout and the money you collect along the way can be spent in shops scattered around Midgar - standard affair that's to be expected from a game of this type. That being said, this isn't one of those crafting systems that forces you to travel all around the map in search of a very rare pansy or having to slay armies of enemies on the off chance that the gods of RNG are going to drop a piece of damascus steel. Rather, it's a system of natural progression in which items you'd normally pick up either way enhance your character and make your own playstyle even more effective. Of course as you progress on your journey you also earn experience points - those can be spent on learning skills, both by Atreus and by Kratos. Overall the game gives you just enough leeway to make the gameplay tailored to your playstyle, but not an abundance of freedom that leads players to spend three hours in the inventory, which is a difficult balance to nail.

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Did I mention that you can find dragons? You can find dragons.

Aesthetically the game is a masterpiece, there's no other way to describe it. I played God of War on a PlayStation 4 Pro and it really shows what this hardware can do when you know exactly how to push it to get the best results. The title allows you to select whether you'd like to prioritize resolution or framerate, and having tried both, I just had to prioritize resolution despite normally being a higher framerate fan. The game is just gorgeous to look at, especially in 2160p. I don't think it's controversial to say that it's the most beautiful game on the platform, not just visually, but also from a technological standpoint. The lighting, mist, flames and other effects are dazzling and the attention to detail on display really makes Midgar shine. God of War takes you through a number of different realms and all these settings are unique, they have a different feel, different enemies and different environmental hazards and puzzles for you to contend with. The audio presentation is just as impressive as the visuals - sound effects and music are fitting and the performances of all the actors are top-notch which helps you immerse yourself in the world surrounding the heroes.

Where's the street-wise Hercules to fight the rising odds?

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...these guys probably don't need the money now anyways, right?

I tend to be a harsh critic. When I write reviews, I like to juxtapose each good quality of a title with a flaw to paint an accurate picture of the title. This review is different simply because I can't find flaws in the final product. Sure, I could say that some monsters, particularly certain bosses, are reskins of monsters you encountered previously, but at the end of the day it wasn't jarring to me - I wasn't particularly surprised to find out that there's more than one kind of ogre living in Midgar. Besides, for God's sake, if we have a 10 score, this is as close to perfect as a game can be. Like I said at the beginning of the review, I'm no die hard fan of the series, but God of War made me want to revisit all of those older games just to find out the full story of how Kratos became the man he is - the game retroactively sold me on a series I wasn't particularly interested in, and that's quite an achievement. I firmly believe that God of War belongs in the pantheon of titles that define a console generation, it's most certainly one of those titles you buy a PlayStation for it's pretty clear that you'd be doing yourself a great disservice by missing out on this one. The game deserves all the praise it gets, both from established publications and from users themselves, and if you haven't tried it yourself just yet, this might be the journey you should embark on next - you'll be happy you did.


What We Liked ...
  • Beautifully crafted world
  • Engaging story that keeps you invested in the adventures of the protagonists
  • A great re-imagining of a classic franchise that adds rather than detracts from the series
  • Top-notch audio-visual presentation
  • Terrific gameplay with a fair degree of customisability
What We Didn't Like ...
  • Some enemies come across as re-skins, although that's a minor gripe rather than a true con - there's plenty of variety in the bestiary as-is
The classic God of War combat was slowed down to be a little bit more measured and deliberate without losing its edge, resulting in an experience that keeps you glued to the screen and on the edge of your seat.
The game is easily the most gorgeous title available on the PS4 to date. There's nothing I could point out in its presentation that would come across as genuine criticism. If I had to nitpick, I'd say that some of the monsters you encounter are re-skins, but then again, it's not exactly reasonable to expect that there's only one zombie or only one stone golem in the entirety of Midgar, so it never came across as a big issue in gameplay.
Lasting Appeal
The game is full of expansive areas filled with loot and requires you to revisit old locations with newly-acquired skills to truly pillage each and every coffer ensuring a long and rewarding experience. God of War is a title I'll happily play *at least* twice, once for the story and once for the trophies.
out of 10


I said it once and I'll say it again - God of War is one of those few rare games that truly define a platform. I'm confident that many years from now it's going to be one of those titles you see scoring high in the Top 10's of our current gaming generation. The game truly pushes the hardware where it matters and the resulting product is nothing short of perfect - a must-buy for a PlayStation owner.
Never played a God of War game, but I just might pick this up then. When I first saw that your kid follows you, I immediately went "ah shite, not a game that I have to protect my kid or else gameover". But after reading your review about him not being braindead, it just might be worth giving a try.
>I said it once and I'll say it again - God of War is one of those few rare games that truly define a platform

Ya, PS4 known from their exclusives with barely any gameplay, which is overcompencating with cinematics.
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I've been hear a lot of good things about Dad of Boy (God of War,) I'll make it my second game when I buy myself another PS4 (my previous one was taken away from me)
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Thanks for reminding me about the cinematics, @Reploid - those are quite stunning as well. I completely forgot to mention that the entire game is shown in a single camera shot with no cuts or loading screens. That doesn't sound impressive *until* you see it, the transition between gameplay and cutscenes is so smooth you can't even see it happening most times. Stellar direction, thumbs up for making me feel like I'm tagging along with the protagonists as opposed to watching them on a screen.
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Gonna buy the PS4 Pro Limited Edition just for this in a month or so, can't freaking wait. :D
Great review, increased my hype for this haha. I commend your bravery for giving it a 10, being gbatemp and all lol.
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Gonna buy the PS4 Pro Limited Edition just for this in a month or so, can't freaking wait. :D
Great review, increased my hype for this haha. I commend your bravery for giving it a 10, being gbatemp and all lol.
People already call me a "Sony fanboy", how much worse could it get, realistically? Truth of the matter is that greatness has to be recognised in some way. Santa Monica Studios took a game that was lukewarm in today's climate and modernised it in a way that makes it relevant without sacrificing what makes God of War great, every part of the game makes it obvious that they poured a lot of love into their product, didn't rush it out to the market unfinished and didn't leave half of it behind a season pass. The new GOW is the complete package and it plays great, there's a reason why it's recognised by both critics and players alike. I'm not going to pretend that it's not a gem in the library just to uphold an unrealistic standard of what constitutes a perfect game - I found no problems with it and it exceeded expectations, what more can a gamer ask for?
10's a big number. I've been hearing good things about this for sure, and while I'm a little starved on both time and money at the moment, it's one of those games that I'll probably pick up one day when it's on a PSN sale.
10's a big number. I've been hearing good things about this for sure, and while I'm a little starved on both time and money at the moment, it's one of those games that I'll probably pick up one day when it's on a PSN sale.
It's my first 10/10, actually. I'm quite hard to impress, and I wasn't a fan of GOW coming into this review, so you can imagine the bar I've set for it from the get-go.
>I said it once and I'll say it again - God of War is one of those few rare games that truly define a platform

Ya, PS4 known from their exclusives with barely any gameplay, which is overcompencating with cinematics.
You know, if i didn't play the game, or if i don't know anything about it, then i won't allow myself and my grandsons to give our opinion about the game.
just saying.
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People already call me a "Sony fancy", how much worse could it get, realistically? Truth of the matter is that greatness has to be recognised in some way. Santa Monica Studios took a game that was lukewarm in today's climate and modernised it in a way that makes it relevant without sacrificing what makes God of War great, every part of the game makes it obvious that they poured a lot of love into their product, didn't rush it out to the market unfinished and didn't leave half of it behind a season pass. The new GOW is the complete package and it plays great, there's a reason why it's recognised by both critics and players alike. I'm not going to pretend that it's not a gem in the library just to uphold an unrealistic standard of what constitutes a perfect game - I found no problems with it and it exceeded expectations, what more can a gamer ask for?
You are dealing with nintendo fanboys, or the opposite of retroboy in this case. Gotta show you that the nintendo fanbase can be as toxic as others.
great review my dude, I'm still waiting for my brother to beat the game, so that he will bring it for me and i can play it as well.
You are dealing with nintendo fanboys, or the opposite of retroboy in this case. Gotta show you that the nintendo fanbase can be as toxic as others.
Everyone has their bias, I take that into account before I engage. What I don't like is regressive thinking - when games take things to the next level, people should acknowledge that because in the long run that makes all games better. Imitation, flattery and all that.
These are the guys who gave 8 to BotW.

I played both and God of war is good but 8 out of 10 good.

BotW is very innovative but guys here on temp acted as if they were the only ones "red-pilled" that it was not a good game.

God of war deserves praise for the amount of effort you see in the game and how decently is executed, but apart from that it's merely an amalgamation of good ideas from sucessful games (including zelda entries previous to botw) without bringing anything really new to the table besides the huge budget, kratos abilities from xp are very situational and the insane amount of backtracking is a poorly made attempt to catch the feeling in games such as metroid and zelda, except the key in nintendo games is usually an useful weapon or ability and not a carving stone that serves only the purpose of opening previously sealed doors.

My review of this review is 5/10. The game itself is 8/10, good game.

Moving on.
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These are the guys who gave 8 to BotW.

I played both and God of war is good but 8 out of 10 good.

BotW is very innovative but guys here on temp acted as if they were the only ones "red-pilled" that it was not a good game.

God of war deserves praise for the amount of effort you see in the game and how decently is executed, but apart from that it's merely an amalgamation of good ideas from sucessful games (including zelda entries previous to botw) without bringing anything really new to the table besides the huge budget, kratos abilities from xp are very situational and the insane amount of backtracking is a poorly made attempt to catch the feeling in games such as metroid and zelda, except the key in nintendo games is usually an useful weapon or ability and not a carving stone that serves only the purpose of opening previously sealed doors.

My review of this review is 5/10. The game itself is 8/10, good game.

Moving on.
They gave botw a 7/10, if they would have gave it a 8/10 or a 9/10 people would still be complaining. There is a reason why this game is getting a lot of 10/10 and 9/10, just like botw. BUT, if we are going to give our own opinions, i highly believe botw deserved that 7/10.
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They gave botw a 7/10, if they would have gave it a 8/10 or a 9/10 people would still be complaining. There is a reason why this game is getting a lot of 10/10 and 9/10, just like botw. BUT, if we are going to give our own opinions, i highly believe botw deserved that 7/10.

Yeah thankfully you're a single digit minority and innovation actually wins the day rather than games that make do with bringing nothing new and suffice with taking ideas from the most successful games in the last years.

The game you guys here are saying is a 10/10 perfect flawless game will struggle to reach 15% of the installed base.

The one you say is a 7/10 got an attach rate around 1:1 at a certain time and made the switch the fastest selling console in the recent years.

Good luck dealing with that.

Have a nice day.
And that proves what?
Also, not hard to have an attach rate of 1:1 on release when all other games available for the console were either ports or small indie games.
And that said, I actually like Zelda, but it's hard to digest fanboys.
Yeah thankfully you're a single digit minority and innovation actually wins the day rather than games that make do with bringing nothing new and suffice with taking ideas from the most successful games in the last years.

The game you guys here are saying is a 10/10 perfect flawless game will struggle to reach 15% of the installed base.

The one you say is a 7/10 got an attach rate around 1:1 at a certain time and made the switch the fastest selling console in the recent years.

Good luck dealing with that.

Have a nice day.
Let's see... botw sales in the first week were arround 2 million units sold... smo sales in the first week were over 2 million units... gow, uhm... 3.1 million units in three days? okay, so you say it wont continue selling, considering that it is actually selling and that also sony lower the prices of its games from time to time, thing that nintendo does not, thus allowing more people to actually get it, so...?
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Let's see... botw sales in the first week were arround 2 million units sold... smo sales in the first week were over 2 million units... gow, uhm... 3.1 million units in three days? okay, so you say it wont continue selling, considering that it is actually selling and that also sony lower the prices of its games from time to time, thing that nintendo does not, thus allowing more people to actually get it, so...?

BotW in the first week didn't even have an installed base lmao it made its own

God of war was on pre-sale for 6 months (I for one ordered before relase) and a 80 million install base and even with the good reviews coming prior to release it reached less than 5% of its intended install base. Is 5% a unanimous of sorts?

This review is pure fanboyism, to say the least. Not even Sony outlets called the game perfect and gave it a 10/10 because it's not.

But it's ok, reviewer is within its right, but having played the game I'm just calling this for what I think it is.
BotW in the first week didn't even have an installed base lmao it made its own

God of war was on pre-sale for 6 months (I for one ordered before relase) and a 80 million install base and even with the good reviews coming prior to release it reached less than 5% of its intended install base. Is 5% a unanimous of sorts?

This review is pure fanboyism, to say the least. Not even Sony outlets called the game perfect and gave it a 10/10 because it's not.

But it's ok, reviewer is within its right, but having played the game I'm just calling this for what I think it is.
Mind if i remind you of skyward sword having just a total sales of 4 million units wordlwide, when the wii at the time of release of the game had over 80 millions units sold? So, where was the install base? what about the ds zelda games not even selling the 10% of the install base? or a link between worlds considering all the 3ds that were on the wild?

Their numbers are still nice/fantastic, but no game will sell the amount of the install base, not even the 50% of it, nor the 40%, 30% or 20%...
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I don't see the issue here, the scores are a subjective opinion of the reviewer who wrote the piece, not the word of God. They're also not indicative of the feelings of the rest of the Staff here, reviews are written individually. I too played both games and I found BotW ambitious, but ultimately flawed. Even Nintendo themselves acknowledged that through a myriad of balancing updates, this isn't a secret to anyone.
These are the guys who gave 8 to BotW.

I played both and God of war is good but 8 out of 10 good.

BotW is very innovative but guys here on temp acted as if they were the only ones "red-pilled" that it was not a good game.

God of war deserves praise for the amount of effort you see in the game and how decently is executed, but apart from that it's merely an amalgamation of good ideas from sucessful games (including zelda entries previous to botw) without bringing anything really new to the table besides the huge budget, kratos abilities from xp are very situational and the insane amount of backtracking is a poorly made attempt to catch the feeling in games such as metroid and zelda, except the key in nintendo games is usually an useful weapon or ability and not a carving stone that serves only the purpose of opening previously sealed doors.

My review of this review is 5/10. The game itself is 8/10, good game.

Moving on.
How dare you compare a great game with great gameplay and great ost and great story and great graphics and details to a simple game with good gameplay with no story and like 4 ost with cartoony graphics?
And what's new about Zelda games? they are all the same to me.
How dare you compare a great game with great gameplay and great ost and great story and great graphics and details to a simple game with good gameplay with no story and like 4 ost with cartoony graphics?
And what's new about Zelda games? they are all the same to me.
Not that this is the place to discuss it, but when you say "what's new about zelda games?" - right after talking about botw, it's kind of silly. Because botw is nothing like any prior zelda game.
Not that this is the place to discuss it, but when you say "what's new about zelda games?" - right after talking about botw, it's kind of silly. Because botw is nothing like any prior zelda game.
Correct, it's Nintendo's first attempt at an open world game made in-house, and it shows.
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How dare you compare a great game with great gameplay and great ost and great story and great graphics and details to a simple game with good gameplay with no story and like 4 ost with cartoony graphics?
How snobby and pretentious can you get? They're both fantastic games that've received very high praise, chill.
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It's OK not to agree with the review scores from one site or the other.

What matters is that the reviewer gave his honest and unbiased opinion, as subjective as it may be. The reviewer may have liked or disliked the game; which doesn't necessarily mean you will also like or dislike the game.

At least with GBAtemp you can be certain nobody other than the reviewer had a say in the score - not even the admins. Our site isn't owned by media groups or any corporation, so nobody's telling us the scores. Can you say the same for all other sites out there? There are certainly some that are honest, but a lot of them are owned by big corporations so their review scores can be hard to trust.
How snobby and pretentious can you get? They're both fantastic games that've received very high praise, chill.
I didn't say i didn't like it, but as i said before, no game is perfect enough to get 10/10, botw is fatr from it, and 7/10 is still good because it have a good gameplay but non of the rest, GOW is close to 10/10 but again it's not perfect, i'm not the one who start the botw conversation here.
I think if you can get past 10/10 meaning perfection, and instead meaning amazing or excellent, or any other great qualifying word, it becomes easier to accept how good this game is.
As I've said before, what is the point in a 10/10 scale if no-one ever uses the top end of it because "no game is perfect"?
I honestly think this is a great game but I do like God of War 1-3 more.

It`s definitely not a 10 for me though. No game is in fact but this one imo is far from it. Gripes I have with the game for example are the following:

--beware: some minor SPOILER--

-Some plot points are either not resolved or resolved in a very abrupt way. I think the later half is very weird because the agenda of the protagonists never seem to shift, which is odd considering his past and what is happening during their journey. Even as a set-up for sequels I think the way they handled the ending was not satisfying.

-Essentially only 3, maybe 4 big boss fights.

-The last half of the game has some backtracking that doesn`t really result into something worthwhile. For me backtracking only works when during your way back you find something new, when it is a real open world to where your way back is not so strictly predetermined or when the way back changes drastically, which kinda does sometimes in this game with new enemies and such but for me never in a satisfactory way to where it felt engaging or different enough.

-Also the nature of opening up the world by lowering water makes going to places you didn`t go before a bit more tedious. It felt a bit like the game is punishing you for not doing stuff when it is available sometimes.

-The economy is very weird, because personally at around 2/3 of the game I had a particular armour set and after that point literally nothing in the store ever even remotely was as good as that leaving me with so much currency that the incentive for exploration was nearly absence.

-The camera perspective made fights a bit convoluted sometimes, since you just reacting to arrows and stuff the boy is shouting at you rather then seeing what is coming at you when the enemy is not right in front of you which results in rolling around until you know what is attacking at you. Fighting what is directly in front of you, especially while targeting feel great. That targeting can be an hindrance though when enemies attack you from all sides. I think enemy placement could have been more thoughtful. Maybe similar to Resident Evil 4, where they placed the enemies in a fashion that was suitable for the limitations you have as a player.

-The new camera comes at the expanse of not having those amazing camera movements of the older games. It is a trade-off that I wouldn`t have made. They still could have had the transitions because the camera before was just way more dynamic in gameplay letting the designers do whatever they want. Now it may be more visceral but aside of the cutscenes, which admittedly are very impressively shot, the gameplay itself is not because leaving it in the hands of the player will never result in anything as great as a more designed camera. Though the openness of the area made free camera a necessity. I do understand that. Changing the camera would have resulted in a very different game.

-The game is not challenging at all in the later half aside of some optional bosses, which imo are not very well designed, tedious and honestly feel same-ish.

-The absence of QTEs for me hurts the game. Not being engaged at all in some fighting cut-scenes aside of some context sensitive stuff didn`t feel right. I think the old games handled QTEs very well by not overusing it and not punishing you as much as other games but still have you be engaged even when a cut-scene is playing out.

-I gotta say traversing "dungeons" was very linear and puzzles were kinda easy. I know older GoW games didn`t have harder puzzles as well but since they were more challenging in the end it still felt engaging enough at the end. In this game sometimes I felt like I`m going a straight path with deviations that doesn`t lead to anything challenging. Esspecially since the later half of the game is not as hard so I was expecting puzzles or traversal to get harder at least. I think one of those three aspects would have benefited from being harder.

-Mid-bosses get very overused to a point where I really didn`t want to see them anymore. I was shocked by seeing some animations probably 20 times up to a point where it even was amusing. I did appreciate that the animation changed with a new weapon though.

-The last boss was a joke.

I think what I essentially enjoyed most in this game is the acting, dialogue, graphics and the camera work in cut-scenes. The combat is really nice as well. Also the side-quests and when they are available is kind of clever because the game gives you incentive in the story to go and do optional stuff. Some games offer you side-quest but the plot doesn`t really offer room to do them, which I never appreciate. GoW does a good job in that aspect.

Everything else is ok. I really like the game but a 10 is very different to me. There is room for improvement and personally I hope in a sequel they will address some things I didn`t like about the game. But praising it in a fashion that won`t have the designers maybe even remotely questioning their own work I think may lead them to a point similar to GoW Ascension. I think nobody wants that... It is a very good start though!

That was pretty constructive, @Master Mo. Always remember that this is a forum, guys - differing opinions are welcome, but it'd be nice if you all substantiated them like this. "Hurr durr fanboi" is not very helpful for other users, if you don't like something, you should tell others why.
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That was pretty constructive, @Master Mo. Always remember that this is a forum, guys - differing opinions are welcome, but it'd be nice if you all substantiated them like this. "Hurr durr fanboi" is not very helpful for other users, if you don't like something, you should tell others why.

I think at the end of the day comparing games is never purposeful because it nearly never really leads to objectively evaluating a game rather then seeing what subjectively you like more in each series, especially when the two series are rather long-running and also not very comparable genre-wise. I always see reviews as a guide for potential buyers but also as an evaluation of the work of artists, that potentially leaves room for improvements. I think while praising the work in certain places there should always be room for criticism when the artwork merits that. The later part is what I expressed in my post simply because I thought that was misrepresented in your review. But that could also be a matter of taste. Some things that bothered me don`t have to bother anyone else. The consensus right now is that I am nitpicking. For me though some of the stuff I had gripes with were in fact decreasing my enjoyment of the game.

Now what I do have to say is that the obligation of a reviewer and of a "normal" person playing through a game is very different. As such how they articulate their opinion can be as different in my opinion. I don`t see a huge issue in that.
I think at the end of the day comparing games is never purposeful because it nearly never really leads to objectively evaluating a game rather then seeing what subjectively you like more in each series, especially when the two series are rather long-running and also not very comparable genre-wise. I always see reviews as a guide for potential buyers but also as an evaluation of the work of artists, that potentially leaves room for improvements. I think while praising the work in certain places there should always be room for criticism when the artwork merits that. The later part is what I expressed in my post simply because I thought that was misrepresented in your review. But that could also be a matter of taste. Some things that bothered me don`t have to bother anyone else. The consensus right now is that I am nitpicking. For me though some of the stuff I had gripes with were in fact decreasing my enjoyment of the game.

Now what I do have to say is that the obligation of a reviewer and of a "normal" person playing through a game is very different. As such how they articulate their opinion can be as different in my opinion. I don`t see a huge issue in that.
I noticed certain recurring enemies and mentioned it in the review for transparency, I strive to be objective, the readers can make their own decisions based on that. I also said it didn't bother me because it genuinely didn't, but as you say, your milage may vary.
Can we just appreciate a game, and not have flame wars because some dude can't afford to buy a game and just wants to pretend its bad because they can't buy it?

I 100% agree with this review, God of War is one of those games that happen once in a decade, fully deserves the credit its getting everywhere, already on my 3rd playthrough.

Also OP you shouldn't engage with some of the people here obvious trolls, people hating this review just cause you gave another game 7/10? wow the level of toxicity.
Can we just appreciate a game, and not have flame wars because some dude can't afford to buy a game and just wants to pretend its bad because they can't buy it?

I 100% agree with this review, God of War is one of those games that happen once in a decade, fully deserves the credit its getting everywhere, already on my 3rd playthrough.

Also OP you shouldn't engage with some of the people here obvious trolls, people hating this review just cause you gave another game 7/10? wow the level of toxicity.
It wasn't even my review, but in the interest of fairness I'll say that my score wouldn't have been much higher. BOTW is the best Zelda game on home consoles in recent history, but it was deeply flawed upon release and continues to be flawed, although patches have addressed some of the issues I had with it.
i just finished the 8hr+ story and its definitely not higher than a 7 IMO. ive played g.o.w ps2 1+2, psp 1+2, ps3 3, those games looked better, there was always something huge in the background and tits and stuff. if awesome graphics and a shit story earns an automatic 10 then put The Order 1886 as a perfect 10 as well
i just finished the 8hr+ story and its definitely not higher than a 7 IMO. ive played g.o.w ps2 1+2, psp 1+2, ps3 3, those games looked better, there was always something huge in the background and tits and stuff. if awesome graphics and a shit story earns an automatic 10 then put The Order 1886 as a perfect 10 as well

Even if it wasnt serious, IMO you should never be able to review a game, never.
He's entitled to have an opinion - I like tits too, ain't no shame in it! Who doesn't, really? I can't think of a game that wouldn't be made better by adding tits.
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the tits didnt matter to me but i remember all the talk about how good god of war was and a friend made me borrow it and finish it. the new one is ''meh'' to me because the story just keeps dragging on and on, really not a 10 but ps4 is a dead console and so everything released IS a 9 or above, based on graphics, because thats the only thing ps4 has going for it
I know it is a dead console, since no dead console would keep selling this much and be near of reaching the 100 million units mark...
I know it is a dead console, since no dead console would keep selling this much and be near of reaching the 100 million units mark...

its hard to name more than 3 games for each year on ps4 without research, (that arent cod, battlefield, 2k sports, or ea sports)
it depends too on how you would score 'the last of us', 'metal gear 4', 'uncharted 4'. All similar games... but all better than gow4
It's actually extremely easy to name great games on the PS4, there's a ton of them. Sony's more concerned with hardware than they are with software, but when they do release games, they tend to be top notch.
Have to agree he with you @Foxi4, this game is 10/10 for me too. Easily the best PS4 game I've played and for all the reasons you listed. Also have to point out that the trophies are quite organic in the game since at the end of the game I was missing only 1 or 2 before the Platinum trophy. This rarely happens in games as they tend to make them annoyingly a completely separate thing compared to gameplay. Kudos for a great review yet again!
Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): April 20, 2018
  • Release Date (EU): April 20, 2018
  • Release Date (JP): April 20, 2018
  • Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • Developer: SIE Santa Monica Studio
  • Genres: Action Adventure
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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