HinaNaru Cutie
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  • so i found out more information about an otome game called MISS PRINCESS: Miss Puri!, i was interested in to see an english patch, read a blogger who played this game and recommended it to those who understand the language. i decided to go to a website that had the games information in english to understand the characters, until the ages came into factor and majority of the entire males are all pedos except for one.
    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    if you think i am joking i am not, you are a 15 year old child while the male bachelors are all in there stinking 20s bro, except for one who is your actual age - how the hell did they allow pedophilia through a company like nintendo; makes me question even more myself if the company was even good to begin with... yeesh this is just dark, and gross. yes i know of the others as well please don't remind me of them..
    alright question time, cause i am desperste twink here; can you recover a 1tb hard drive that has a damaged file inside of it? if you need more info, 1/?
    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    @KleinesSinchen so my friend suggested me to replace that hard drives usb port that is connected to the hard drive itself by removing it with one i may have around from a hard drive i dont use, or when i get a new one just take the sucker out and place it on mines to see if it fixes the problem with the disconnection and i can do it but at the same time i don't want to yet. 4/?
    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    @KleinesSinchen i have yet to do any write attempt at all, nor file system repair, and i sadly do not have a backup of my 1tb data.. never did make it because i dont got a spare hard drive that works laying around and getting one is pricy where i live at sadly. yea i will be doing that option thank you 5/5
    So lose connection on the USB (broken solder joints?)
    Recovery software can’t do magic when the damage is hardware side.
    If there is a normal 2.5" SATA HDD inside the external case, the easiest method is just taking the HDD out and directly connecting it to a free SATA port on the PC making it an internal drive.
    A few BD-R for 50ct a piece would have prevented the problem ("I don't have a BD drive…")
    well i just lost my deviantart, why? i got reported.. possibly - only way this can work unless they did something else, i dont know but i got reported for false claims, what is it? allegedly da claims i own a alternate account that was breaking the sites rules. and guess what kiddies? i don't logically, but i found out that da has been taking down accounts with this same reason.. 1/?
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    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    going based off their own report logic - we all have, - ridiculous amount of people, altogether had different accounts that broke the rules at the same time.. yeah cause that makes sense 🙄. 7/?
    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    anyway, i have tried to re contact them through email by replying to nick and i get no response i than made a new email to re contact them again asking them the same question i sent to nick: where is the proof? but they have yet to reply.. 8/?
    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    at this point i am at lost and concerned because i made a new account, fine but i think they will just attack at randomly and i may again lose my account with all the favorites i wanted to preserve.. jeez this sucks.. 9/9
    gbatemp people your my only hope - cue starry eyes- lol but um i need y'all opinion on Bromite the browser, is it safe or not?
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    mama look im on my dusty neglected windows error 10 laptop Q u Q...be proud of me i am using this darn thing >_>.....sigh, does anybody know a way to properly revert a windows 10 to a 7? also i may have lost my 1tb hard drive for good :') i am gonna die inside if i actually lose it...it has too much important stuff in it...
    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    wait wha? @SylverReZ what do you mean by that? o. o
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    If you're on, say Win 10 or 11 for example, navigate to "Settings" > "Update and Security" > "Recovery". Then select "Go back to Windows 7" or "Go back to Windows 8.1", varying on what version you had previously prior to updating.
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    I haven't been on Windows for such a long while, I'm much of a Linux nerd on here. 🤓
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    i can now understand that this generation to others as well can be easily be entertained by spilled bucked of paint on the floor with a dang bow bro lol.. this is sad to know tho....
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    hmm will i play it tho? yes, but i hope someone mods the game to give me magical girl slay busting peach >:c!! i dont want boring real life peach i want fantasy peach screw real life costume's there boring. lol. 3/3
    If you're breaking up profile posts into several parts, I would recommend putting subsequent parts into comments of the first one, so that they are easier to view and aren't broken up into separate threads.
    the first outfit they showed off for peach is ugly, that is a dang mans 17th centry outfit i have seen that outfit before in movies to games for made for men not girls, so that was a disappointment, i would have assumed i was gonna get stinking magical girl bsttle armor peach but leave it to new nintendo to give me a fashion crisis bland outfit for my girl 😭... ugh but the rest were cute? i adore the bakery one. 2/?
    man the peach game is 98% cute, i have adored peach since i first saw her as a child, all through my life peach has always been my favoirte character princess :3 right next to zelda ❤️! - i skipped the mario cgi movie because all i saw was a feminist peach, it was gross - it was like she was having a missing identity moment. the easter eggs were cute, the cgi was nice but no. 1/3
    lets be silent for those who got screwed over, done dirty basically from this direct not displaying actual other nintendo related ips: f-zero new game or remaster, still no stinking metroid 4, uhh fire emblem remaster, no mew mario kart, donkey kong game... well mini march lmao that was a dirty move, and i forgot the rest but lets mourn.
    Finally getting a girly fashion game on the nintendo switch and it had to be trash...man i miss old fashion dress up games that were on the 3ds to ds..they were fun, had story, gameplay mechanics that were interesting and nice to interact and play with.....what the heck happen to syn sophia..who the heck thought or allowed a woke ceo to enter the darn super small companies building was a grand idea?
    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    The old fart gonna make syn sophia go under if he contines to shove politics into their games..yeesh. i just wanted style savvy..if this is what a new ip gets me then i want nothing of it. Seriously what type of "game" doesn't let you own your items?
    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    All you do is like it and its "yours to keep" - last time a big wig stated that it creeped people out, but if its a ooh color pretty fictional game - its okay? Like get the heck out of here with that crap. That is not a new gameplay mechanic its just trash, than no modeling, or helping customers out or quests that make you feel entertained, accomplished in the game feel - it justs gone..all of the fun..
    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    I just wanna know what was the point of fashion dreamer existing? What do y'all think it existed for? Cause for me its just to push an awful idea into the gaming space by starting tiny ..and i am conflicted on whether to even touch the darn thing..fashion/dress up games are my weak point and this coming out like this kills it for me.
    Sonic 3d game: ×/♡ idk...sega had to virtual signal on twitter when discussing the story and amy that it made me say ew.
    Fashion Dreamer: ♡♡ yes, i hope it release the same time the JAP does.
    Fairyfarm: ♡♡ i forgot the name but you can guess what it is.
    Mk8 DLC Wave: ××× no on the characters, it was rushed - stages good.
    Pikmin: Okay, cute, but sadly im not into it. I knew of it when it 1st launched
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    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    Persona - Just Persona In Whole: ×××× never, i bailed once i read the entire shtick for the franchise itself while i was looking into the game a while back which i was into it until yeah..

    Thats it :3..
    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    Forgot to mention three other games oop.

    Batman Collection: ♡♡♡♡♡ Yes, will get to finally play it, i already seen gameplay of it, from my sibling- full on when it first released the games and i adored it. I really want another game for batman but like this one..not the new modern take- its gross.
    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    Metal Gear Solid Vol.1: ♡♡♡ i can't play it..i sadly suck at stealth, and i just don't do well with games like those but i do love the franchise :D.

    Luigi Mansion Dark Moon: ♡..i have it on my 3ds..so i am good lol.
    Everybody shut yo face cheeks, i just saw the direct..;i haven't been happy for a direct since the release of the sewitch lmao but just PRINCESS PEACHUUU GAME 😭😭 i **need it** i have played the ds one years back, so this was beautiful news and mario rpg remaster is worth my time. The rest good but ima make list
    Update on the situation, so remember how i mentioned that i felt like they perma banned me without a care? Well i found out the real reason towards my perma banned was because they put a hit on me. They didn't like my profile or my beliefs, got offended because i have different opinions on my profile which again has nothing to do with me breaking one rule, that they could have warn me about 1/?
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    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    Do you know how messed up that is? You litereally go, prolong the truth as to why you perma ban a person, make up lies to deflect from the truth and when you admit it - you force your hateful feelings towards them by making them feel like their the problem when thats not the case here, 3/?
    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    - oh and no, i never brought my beliefs into that subreddit all i did was discuss about VR which is what the new fashion game was about. the case here is that these cutlist did not like that i didn't have the same views as them so they kicked me out of a subreddit for that - dude just what the hell man, i mean it doesn't surprise me that there are people like this in reddit but this threw me off..4/?
    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    So at the end of it i just called them out, on their grotesque behavoir they displayed as a finale message, and did tell them what i was going to state; that i am glad i dodged a bullet here, and they need to reevaluate their mindset and seriously seek after jesus - cause your mindset isn't healthy mate it's just not. 5/5
    ..........it was about the freaking post...i am done, this is a clown..apparently if you mention the word "politics" it will get you a perma ban because that's how rules work and to further add on - its a new rule they made onto the subreddit because i've been in there since wow it had low members and it never had that rule and the other one i just now noticed too. - instead of warning people you just keep quite
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    That's like getting banned off Twitch for saying "simp". Pathetic if you ask me.
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    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    they never even bothered to answer the question of why they were in my profile to begin with, which had nothing to do with why i was reported down for..
    Ooh i got "feedback" from a "moderator" of the subreddit...and it wasn't answering my question at all rather just based off a couple or tiny tiny bit of offended children that didn't like my opinion on a topic about fashion?? this is their excuse to justify the act they did without no proof fyi; "Hi! There were various reports made against you regarding some of the rants and political content you posted" 1/?
    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    @SylverReZ just give them a nudge at least instead of being petty and banning them right off the bat - lastly they never answered my question, on how my profile had some problems?? which my profile has nothing to do with what i am being accused of, why bring something off topic?
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    That sucks. I guess never go to Reddit next time.
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    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    @SylverReZ it does :/...i was really hoping to participate on the themed events they have with the other members who have sense but i can't..
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    Question; How the heck does perma ban work on reddit when there was no logical reason for a person to be perma banned to begin with? I seriously wanna know but at the same time i may end up getting a headache..- retardation is what i had to deal with, and no there was no rule break by the way - it was never mentioned at all, that's the petty part of the entire thing.
    You know I have to admit one personal thing that I despise to the core, it's where I am living at.., .I don't know if it's the same for you all, but there are pet limits in each state in the country I am at...within the bunch my sibling wants to move to the one that has it very tightly just pure retarded limited to two; 1/?
    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    p.s if you are wondering how am I able to keep them where I currently live at it's because my old landlord before he passed allowed it, he didn't have a problem because again it's the resident own responsibility.. -common sense. and no I sadly cannot move to a different state that allows me to keep them cause it costs..and I am on a tight budget..ha...
    Sorry to hear that :/
    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
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    random thought here, if you had one day to live what would you do? No, I don't want the stereotypical "I will get drunk etc etc" I want to read something different, - seen this question brought up years back till now, however the replies are just not right..like these people don't take it serious and even think about it, they just reply for laugh or quick.. - think about it
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    Why do companies believe it's okay to raise the prices of stinking cute long to short skirts??? Who told them that was a good idea yet keep tops or like sweaters low price..what logic is this??
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HinaNaru Cutie

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