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  1. Taleweaver

    Does Nikki Haley has a shot at the nomination?

    Let's get one thing out of the way: no, I don't support republicans. Heck, even mainstream democrats are too rightwing for my taste, but by lack of alternative they've got my (reluctant) back. Yet...the US presidency has its influence in the world, especially if one of the candidates tries to...
  2. Taleweaver

    Taleweaver's top 40 video games of 2023

    Intro: It's that time of the year again. I've played a lot of video games (check here for my top board games if you care), and I'm using this blog to blabber about them. It is NOT a blog about games released in 2023; solely those that are new to me or on a sort of new platform. Speaking of...
  3. Taleweaver

    Taleweaver's top 20 board games of 2023

    Intro: My gaming habits have evolved beyond video games into modern board games. Not sure if anyone cares around here, but I'm going to post my list of my best board games of 2023 (video games'll come later). Note that this list is exclusively board games new to me from this year. It is NOT my...
  4. Taleweaver

    Peril (book review of Bob Woodward & Robert Acosta)

    So I've read 'peril' during my holiday. Written by Bob Woodward and Robert Acosta. It's about the last days of Trump's presidency and the first hundred of Biden's. Though it is a long read and is heavily documented, it both documents and (imho) misses details that might've been revealed later...
  5. Taleweaver

    Taleweaver's top 64 video games of 2022

    Intro: So...I've skipped this last year as our little one took so much time that I barely had anything worth playing (let alone rambling about). But with her being a bit older (aww...she can somewhat waddle Kirby around in Epic yarn :) ) and the steam deck releasing, I've gotten quite a line-up...
  6. Taleweaver

    Taleweaver's top 75 board games of the 2021-2022

    Introduction: Somewhat in the autumn of last year I started going to a board game club. We play a new board game nearly every time, and since I often try to squeeze in some board game in my local circle (girlfriend, family, friends), that amount tends to grow a bit. I've compiled a list of...
  7. Taleweaver

    Steam deck review part 4: after a month (conclusion)

    I've yapped about the steam deck earlier in blog posts (link to the earlier entries: here). This'll be my last entry, as I feel I would start to repeat myself otherwise. Because TL;DR: it's AWESOME!!! Intro: Babel's tower Since I was little, I wanted to have all video games. We traded game boy...
  8. Taleweaver

    Comment by 'Taleweaver' in 'Burned out...:-('

    Hmm... In their defense, their move was about half a year after I've moved away myself. So the new office in Antwerp (roughly 2 streets from the previous) became almost to the minute the same travel distance as to Zaventem. Hence my proposition for half/half, even though i disliked the mentality...
  9. Taleweaver

    Burned out...:-(

    ... I'e been at home since june 20th. So my tenth (9.9 to be precise) day away from work. I'm not fine. Not at all. I'm having anxiety attacks and moments of anger. I'm scared, inecured and have moments I just want it all to be over (as in: everything. As in: my life). I've been trying to stay...
  10. Taleweaver

    Valve steam deck part 3: under the hood

    (previous entries: 1: 2: Intro: The more I play, the more I realize why the switch is a success: the ability to quickly start...
  11. Taleweaver

    Valve steam deck review, part 2: first impressions

    (note: part 1 here) Intro: So there I was...commuting without the steam deck for the last time. Then cycling the last part home. And yes! The package was right there on the table: ISLEBOUND!!! :D Oh...wait. I meant that OTHER package that arrived on the same day (seriously, though: Ryan...
  12. Taleweaver

    Valve steam deck "review", part one: prior to arrival

    Intro: It's been a long time since I was hyped by something new in tech. I never preordered a game, always went with at best an average computer and lost my excitement of ever-increasing clock speed somewhere early 00'ties (windows millenium is partially to blame). I looked forward to the...
  13. Taleweaver

    Covid positive...

    Yup... Just after two years (and three vaccinations), I'm testing positive for covid - 19. :( Girlfriend works in the hospital. Despite that they still use masks, it's fairly certain she brought it home last Friday. She wasn't well in the weekend, but only went to the doctor on Monday. I was...
  14. Taleweaver

    Is this linux's breakthrough on the pc gaming market?

    INTRO This rant is triggered by - of course - someone being wrong on the internet. Namely that windows is the standard whereas linux is at best a nerdy underdog alternative. It's really not. I guess I don't have to point out that linux started out as a hobby project that just grew by the merit...
  15. Taleweaver

    Belgium covid madness

    Prenote: I accidentally created this as a new blog instead of an entry. So...I guess it was already visible since last october, but it was somewhere completely different. Take note: it's no longer applicable (I think). -- (note: rant coming up. Feel free to skip) Belgium, we've had...
  16. Taleweaver

    Home renovation: end of "phase 2"

    INTRO I've blogged a few times on how girlfriend and me bought a house on the very end of 2018, moved in in april 2019 and then started some pretty extensive house renovations. That is: 2 chimneys and a wall went down, digged 40 cm into the ground in the downstairs corridor, extended kitchen...
  17. Taleweaver

    First vaccination today! Whooo! :D

    Yup: as the title says: this afternoon I got my first vaccination shot. Fucking FINALLY!!! :D On a rational scale, I can't complain. Just over 52-55% of Belgian adults are now vaccinated, so my wait isn't unusual. still: it wasn't fun seeing the treshold of 50% pass and not thinking that I'm...
  18. Taleweaver

    My take on the Arizona vote counting...situation

    I remember when some gbatempers acted as if Trump had all the rights of God on earth because he won the election in 2016. "Criminal behavior?'re just jealous because you lost the election". Everyone on the political left of them (meaning: most of the rest of the planet) were just...
  19. Taleweaver

    Comment by 'Taleweaver' in 'Not the happiest of birthdays...''s the evening here. Work on the exhaust pipes are 95-99% finished (just lay some tiles on the outside floor...but we decided to wait until it has rained a bit so the sand can "lay itself" around the pipes better than we can shove it manually). I knew better than to underestimate work, so...
  20. Taleweaver

    Not the happiest of birthdays...

    March 8 has been my birthday for as long as I can remember. Probably since I was born, in fact. Today's my 40th. And unfortunately, it's not like the day is having a great start. About two weeks ago It was just a normal evening. Girlfriend hit the shower, doggy was sleeping on the couch and...
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