Hacking An official announcement by Team R4

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Active Member
Dec 17, 2007
United States
Well, since you two seem to be so connected with them, here's a question for ya to give them and get a strait answer: Why?

I'll bet you two (neoice, and AnTin) can't even give me an answer to that.

How do I know? Because it's simple entrepreneurship. All business has one primary goal: to make money.

Releasing this "bad" firmware has the opposite effect of making money.

New users looking to buy will simply buy another brand because who knows who is selling real or who is selling fakes!

Old users will just simply NOT upgrade because well, how can anyone be 100% sure their's is 100% real? I know probably a few of you KNOW you have real ones but what about the hundreds of people who are just less then 99% sure? Would you want to risk updating if you can't be 100% sure and have no one to turn to if your DS dies?

oh and neoice, your statement "No where in the chinese announcement does it say that the firmware will cause the bricking of the R4," basically backs up what I was saying. If you read my post again, I said people were saying the announcement meant to say it will kill R4's, not DS'es but you AND me both agree that the announcement said it will kill DSes, not R4...

So in effect, killing DS machines will be bad business as well. Less machines will = less people buying flash carts overall, and people who will fix or get a new DS will just NOT risk buying another R4! Again, negative business.

So why are they doing it?

If anyone can CLEARLY answer that without "maybe" or "I think," you'll earn everyone's respect on here... All I want to hear is: "They said......" and it should explain how it will give them more business, not less.


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2006
United States
Well look at this from a Nintendo point of view. When firmware updates for the Wii began to pop out people everywhere with mod-chips were worried that their system will be bricked if they updated. Some feared Nintendo were wanting to purposely brick modified systems on purpose. But fact of the matter is - Nintendo wasn't obligated to provide any support for mod-chipped systems so if anything went wrong, it is not Nintendo's responsibility and simply a coincident.

So in this case, the R4 team is saying the new software MAY cause bricking of either the fake R4 or the DS system. Either way, the team is not obligated to provide ANY support for fake R4 users. Plain and simple. Has little to do with money.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2007
RyoSaeba said:
Well, since you two seem to be so connected with them, here's a question for ya to give them and get a strait answer: Why?

I'll bet you two (neoice, and AnTin) can't even give me an answer to that.

How do I know? Because it's simple entrepreneurship. All business has one primary goal: to make money.

Releasing this "bad" firmware has the opposite effect of making money.

New users looking to buy will simply buy another brand because who knows who is selling real or who is selling fakes!

Old users will just simply NOT upgrade because well, how can anyone be 100% sure their's is 100% real? I know probably a few of you KNOW you have real ones but what about the hundreds of people who are just less then 99% sure? Would you want to risk updating if you can't be 100% sure and have no one to turn to if your DS dies?

oh and neoice, your statement "No where in the chinese announcement does it say that the firmware will cause the bricking of the R4," basically backs up what I was saying. If you read my post again, I said people were saying the announcement meant to say it will kill R4's, not DS'es but you AND me both agree that the announcement said it will kill DSes, not R4...

So in effect, killing DS machines will be bad business as well. Less machines will = less people buying flash carts overall, and people who will fix or get a new DS will just NOT risk buying another R4! Again, negative business.

So why are they doing it?

If anyone can CLEARLY answer that without "maybe" or "I think," you'll earn everyone's respect on here... All I want to hear is: "They said......" and it should explain how it will give them more business, not less.

Why what? The new firmware just will not work on the fake R4s.
When people try out the new firmware, and their R4 doesn't work. They will know R4 they have is fake, so they will buy the real R4.
Yeah, people are worried about buying fake or real R4s, that's why you should only buy from reputable places.
They wouldn't make any money from the selling the fake r4s, so when firmware doesn't work. They will buy the real R4, which would earn them money.

Makes perfect business sense to me. And don't argue about business sense anymore because
A) The announcement being real or not has nothing to do with business sense. You just want to know if the announcement is real or not right?
B)If you are to argue about business perspective, I think it would boil down to arguing that what is "the right way" to do business. If everyone knew "the right way" to do business, we would all open our stores and be billionaires.

I never said that the announcement said anything will kill/brick DSes OR kill/brick R4s. I Said
1) Using fakes may damage your system
2) The R4 firmware on Sept 15th will stop the fake R4s from working.

These are two distinct points.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2006
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
1. R4 is shutting down already, noone know 915 kernel will release or not today.

2. Business primary goal never be "making money", and do you think Microsft is only selling Windows? and what is the different for Nintendo that people buy a GBA or NDS in the market? Why 54 Game house include Nintendo focus on R4 but not DSTT or CycloDS.



Active Member
Dec 17, 2007
United States
So basically, both of you avoided the question and can't give me a strait answer. Let's see...

QUOTE said:
Why what? The new firmware just will not work on the fake R4s.
When people try out the new firmware, and their R4 doesn't work. They will know R4 they have is fake, so they will buy the real R4.
Yeah, people are worried about buying fake or real R4s, that's why you should only buy from reputable places.
They wouldn't make any money from the selling the fake r4s, so when firmware doesn't work. They will buy the real R4, which would earn them money.

Err... sorry, if you are a sane person, I'm sure they would not risk by buying another R4 again. There are lots of brands to choose from. There is no need at all to buy another R4. Reputable or not, everyone selling will say their R4 is real. So again, business lost for R4 Team.

QUOTE said:
Makes perfect business sense to me. And don't argue about business sense anymore because
A) The announcement being real or not has nothing to do with business sense. You just want to know if the announcement is real or not right?
B)If you are to argue about business perspective, I think it would boil down to arguing that what is "the right way" to do business. If everyone knew "the right way" to do business, we would all open our stores and be billionaires.

It has everything to do with business!! Everything a business does is because they want to make their business better, not worse! So are you saying the R4 Team doesn't know the right way to do business?

QUOTE said:
So in this case, the R4 team is saying the new software MAY cause bricking of either the fake R4 or the DS system. Either way, the team is not obligated to provide ANY support for fake R4 users. Plain and simple. Has little to do with money.

Nintendo is in America. People can sue or whatnot. The R4 Team will never be obligated to do anything for any reason because they are in China!!

QUOTE1. R4 is shutting down already, noone know 915 kernel will release or not today.
Yeah so now you're saying they are not going to release it? Way to bite your own tail buddy.

2. Business primary goal never be "making money", and do you think Microsft is only selling Windows? and what is the different for Nintendo that people buy a GBA or NDS in the market? Why 54 Game house include Nintendo focus on R4 but not DSTT or CycloDS.

What? Never to make money? Where did you get that? Have you been drinking again? Microsoft does not sell only Windows because they want to make MORE money by selling other stuff! Are you really that naive? Did you even read my post correctly? Maybe you should put those games down and pick up a book. Perhaps you did not read any post correctly and that's why you thought the announcement was real before even doing any research. If you think your source is so reliable, go ahead and ask them: WHY?

Nintendo is focusing on R4 because it is currently the most popular. If the DSTT or CycloDS sold as many units as the R4, I'm sure Nintendo will go after them as well.

If you two know ANYTHING about business, the R4 Team would try to shut down the factories that are making fakes. Or by shutting down companies who are SELLING fakes. Not punish customers who most likely did not even know they bought fakes.

So I ask again, please go and ask them: Why would doing this make business better?

I have no need for you two to answer because you two obviously can't answer it. Only answer I want is from them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2006
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
if you want to know what is a business goal, you can go ask the student in the unviersity that is study businese, XBOX can not earn money in the market but microsoft still putting money to XBOX360.

as I said, you decide to buy a GBA or NDS is a same thing for Nintendo, thats is the answer.

if you know how to stop the factory making fake or shutting down the shop who sell a fake R4, please let me know, I will sell the idea to Nintendo for shutting down all flashcart market, maybe you have a idea for shutting down all website and IRC that sharing rom, too. lol

and I dont think I have to think about this is true or not before posting, because this is from R4 Team but not a FWD post. I think the guy who dont read before post is you but not me, I have explain why I no need to backup what I said.

In someone world, Coca-Cola is selling Coke only. lol


New Member
Aug 8, 2008
United States
Here's the thing:

Every time some company has decided to release some bit of malware designed "to protect the real thing from fakes" by destroying the fakes- LEGITIMATE users are ALWAYS among the screwed due to bugs, unforseen software incompatibilites, etc. And, what is worse is that, invariably the supposedly "uncrackable protection" is cracked- quite often in a matter of days. This is a baaaaaaadddddddd move on the part of the R4 team, because we all know it's going to happen just like SecuROM, StarForce, XCP, etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum...

The worst part is that we expect our computers to get trashed once in a while so, methods of backup and recovery exist that can frequently bring back systems that are destroyed by these viscious "use our products the way we want you to or we'll trash your stuff" tactics- the same cannot be said for a DS console. Thanks to the R4 staff and their introduction of the first DSVirus, innocent and honest customers who ARE running real R4's are going to get their DS's trashed because of this and while I may not know how many of them there will be (I've seen some estimates on the SecuRom destruction rate as being at around 20%), I'm NOT going to risk being one of them. I refuse to pay money to play russian roulette with my things simply because some jagg off sitting at a computer is angry at someone else and/or wants to try and tell me what I can and cannot have/do with something I paid my hard earned money to own.

I don't know about anyone else but, I'm not getting another R4 and I'm not going anywhere near their website again.

"If you use a nuclear device to kill a mouse you can be assured of three things:
1) While you were busy with your elaborate plans, the mouse got away.
2) Innocent neighbors are going to get caught in the explosion.
3) You are NOT going to like the fallout."



GBATemp's Lone Wolf
Feb 7, 2008
The World of Illusion
Well, your analogy about using nuclear device to kill one mouse is not fair.

The analogy should be this:
"If America uses a nuclear device to kill terrorists in Iraq (which is, enemies to Americans, not a threat for Africans)"

There're a few possible results:
1) Iraq is erased from the future maps, off- and on-line versions, and UN will be pissed, and most countries will say "screw US" and strike back in response, killing US respectively

2) People think it's the right thing to do, but the lost of innocent lifes cause them to say things different from what they think, and the trouble cycle won't end

3)People think it's the best way, no more Iraqis to avenge their families's death, no more terrorist to strike back, and once again, Captain America has saved the world at the cost of one country

That said, the reality should be this:

If R4 uses a bomb-loader that can kill fakes and have no known side effects yet to originals, then..."

1) Fake R4s screwed up, no originals sacrificed in the process, original owners safe, fake users ask for refund, everyone happy except fake R4 dealers

2)Fake R4s screwed up, dragging some originals along with them, most people will be happy, some will go for another cart

3)Most people are too paranoid and scared to try the new loader, and thus, no improvements achieved

That should be the possible results...... or I think they are


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
girltroll said:
Here's the thing:

Every time some company has decided to release some bit of malware designed "to protect the real thing from fakes" by destroying the fakes- LEGITIMATE users are ALWAYS among the screwed due to bugs, unforseen software incompatibilites, etc. And, what is worse is that, invariably the supposedly "uncrackable protection" is cracked- quite often in a matter of days. This is a baaaaaaadddddddd move on the part of the R4 team, because we all know it's going to happen just like SecuROM, StarForce, XCP, etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum...

That first bolded point is incorrect, it's not designed to do that! Team R4 are saying that this new firmware may not work on fakes and so lead to brickage, it's not designed as some sabatoging virusy thing.

The second one i see where you're going with, which is why i'm going to wait a week or so after its loaded to see if it's ok or not.

thirdly, whats this uncrackble protection lark gotta do with anything here?


Active Member
Dec 17, 2007
United States
ahtin said:
if you want to know what is a business goal, you can go ask the student in the unviersity that is study businese, XBOX can not earn money in the market but microsoft still putting money to XBOX360.

Seriously dude, you really need to pick up a book. Nintendo, Microsoft, even Sony NEVER make money from selling consoles! They make money by selling the games!!! They get money for every game they sell! Geesuz crist! It has been like this since ummm, forever!!! Don't you know anything about this business? You seem so proud to have all those game systems and flashcarts listed in your signature. Your IQ certainly proves how much you understand how the real world works.

QUOTE said:
as I said, you decide to buy a GBA or NDS is a same thing for Nintendo, thats is the answer.

OMG, are you for real? Do you know that everyone on here is probably laughing their ass off at you? GBA is close to dead, not selling many games. NDS is still alive and selling games. More games sold equal more profit for Nintendo. Look above for why.

QUOTE said:
if you know how to stop the factory making fake or shutting down the shop who sell a fake R4, please let me know, I will sell the idea to Nintendo for shutting down all flashcart market, maybe you have a idea for shutting down all website and IRC that sharing rom, too. lol

You're a retard. So what you're saying is the R4 Team is HELPING Nintendo by killing off flash carts? There is no point in killing fakes because people just won't by R4 next time. Get that into your head!

and I dont think I have to think about this is true or not before posting, because this is from R4 Team but not a FWD post. I think the guy who dont read before post is you but not me, I have explain why I no need to backup what I said.

So again, you failed to answer what I'm sure everyone on here wants to know. Putting your tail between your legs and running away... Oh yeah, you sure showed me...

Look dude, you had people's respect on here because you posted a lot of news about new game systems or flash carts or whatever, but you sure don't know anything outside of that. Don't rune that reputation by trying to understand how the real world works because, well, you suck at it!


Active Member
Dec 17, 2007
United States
ninja_07 said:
That first bolded point is incorrect, it's not designed to do that! Team R4 are saying that this new firmware may not work on fakes and so lead to brickage, it's not designed as some sabatoging virusy thing.

thirdly, whats this uncrackble protection lark gotta do with anything here?

First of all, even if the firmware was real, which I know it's not, you don't know what it will do because they never said it! No one ever say how it will work. STOP SPECULATING!

and by "uncrackable protection," he means if the new firmware have bad codes to kill whatever, it will be removed by hackers in a few days. This means that it's pointless to release a new "fake R4 killing firmware" because it will be cracked anyway.

Apple spent millions on the iphone so it can't be unlock. Did it work? No. Do you think the R4 Team will spend that much to protect it's firmware? It will be easier to crack then snapping a toothpick!

Gman 101

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2007
Karkand & Mashtuur City
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RyoSaeba, why are you flaming Ahtin? Just for fun? He's just basically passing on some news. I can tell you don't know how to read Chinese, so obviously you don't realise that the firmware isn't definitely going to destroy all R4s, nor 100% certainly destroy all fake R4s.

Why argue about business strategy with Ahtin? It's not like it's going to stop the R4 Team from doing what they're doing. But since Nintendo's chasing R4, Ahtin's got a point about how the new firmware mightn't come out. What you're doing here is trying to deny the existence of such firmwares just to have peace of mind. Well guess what, who cares? If you have a fake R4, well tough luck, get a new flash cart. If you have a real R4, well good for you, you'll have some benefits.

I would trust Ahtin's news over your speculation. A person from Hong Kong will have a million more contacts from mainland China than you have.


Active Member
Dec 17, 2007
United States
Gman 101 said:
RyoSaeba, why are you flaming Ahtin? Just for fun? He's just basically passing on some news. I can tell you don't know how to read Chinese, so obviously you don't realise that the firmware isn't definitely going to destroy all R4s, nor 100% certainly destroy all fake R4s.

Why argue about business strategy with Ahtin? It's not like it's going to stop the R4 Team from doing what they're doing. But since Nintendo's chasing R4, Ahtin's got a point about how the new firmware mightn't come out. What you're doing here is trying to deny the existence of such firmwares just to have peace of mind. Well guess what, who cares? If you have a fake R4, well tough luck, get a new flash cart. If you have a real R4, well good for you, you'll have some benefits.

I would trust Ahtin's news over your speculation. A person from Hong Kong will have a million more contacts from mainland China than you have.

You can lick has a$$ all you want but it isn't gonna change the fact that there's no such firmware. It's not going to come out. It doesn't make any sense to have such a firmware, and it will not make R4 more money. Unless you have 0 common sense, you will realize this fact.

And for your information, I am originally from Hong Kong and can read Chinese just fine (Traditional and Simplified). The announcement was a half ass post that was put together by someone unprofessional using pictures found all over the internet. And Deveno.com have already debunk those pictures to be a fraud (using their own pictures).

Ya know, there are just people who aren't be man enough to admit when they've made a mistake. It's ok, I understand all his free time is spent playing video games. Besides, we will always need people to dry my car at the car wash, flip my burgers at Macdonald's, and change my oil at Jiffy Lube.


rip ninjacat that zarcon made me
Aug 14, 2007
I really have to congratulate Ahtin for this thread. He's pretty much successfully trolled everybody who's made a stupid post.

Also: Protip: R4 Team doesn't care about their customers, therefore they would probably have no qualms about releasing a fake R4 destroying firmware, but it's never going to happen anyway so stop feeding the damn trolls.

Frederica Bernkastel

Well-Known Member
GBAtemp Patron
Jan 31, 2008
I'm just gonna use my M3 Real, better features and better compatabiliy/ even updates.
So, really I'm just gonna put YSmenu on my R4 and leave it like that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2006
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
making money is a must, but this is not a primary goal, go study more and we can talk in same level.

maybe I have to explain much more for gba and nds for some ppl,

if gba success and nds fail or nds success and gba fail, what is the different.

if there is clone gba in the world that nintendo cant stop it, and nintendo said all new game will kill clone gba, what will you do?
I think I will buy a new nds or psp,it is much more easy define a real gba or clone gba if I only want to play game, finially I will choose nds because of nds is better than psp, result, nintendo still is a winner.

have to say good bye and good luck to the guy who selling fake is this thread.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
United States
soo... wuts happening?
r4 team is releasing a fw that if u copy and put on fake r4it will brick?
r4 team built all their fw with a bomb designed to detonate on sep 15 so if u dont update ur r4 dies and only real ones can update.
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