Bloomberg interview reveals Microsoft tried to buy Nintendo once, and got laughed out of the meeting


These days, Microsoft is buying up smaller gaming studios at a rapid pace, adding names like Obsidian, Bethesda, Mojang, Double Fine, and many more to the Xbox brand. As the original Xbox system turns 20 years old this year, Bloomberg published an article featuring interviews and information about the early days of the system. revealing that Microsoft attempted to buy four major game studios back in the early 2000s, all of which ended in failure. The first company they went after was Electronic Arts, who quickly dismissed them. They also attempted to acquire Midway Games and Square Enix, but according to Bob Mcbreen, who worked at Xbox in business development at the time, they didn't offer enough money.

The biggest acquisition they tried to make, though, was Nintendo. Kevin Bachus, the former director of third-party relations, mentions he went to Nintendo in order to talk about a buyout. Microsoft's position was that they could create more powerful hardware than Nintendo could which would make them more competitive with Sony's PlayStation 2, while Nintendo knew how to make games incredibly well. However, Nintendo did not agree, so much to the point that Bachus says he was laughed at by the entirety of the company, ending any further discussions.

BACHUS Steve made us go meet with Nintendo to see if they would consider being acquired. They just laughed their asses off. Like, imagine an hour of somebody just laughing at you. That was kind of how that meeting went.

MCBREEN We actually had Nintendo in our building in January 2000 to work through the details of a joint venture where we gave them all the technical specs of the Xbox. The pitch was their hardware stunk, and compared to Sony PlayStation, it did. So the idea was, “Listen, you’re much better at the game portions of it with Mario and all that stuff. Why don’t you let us take care of the hardware?” But it didn’t work out.

:arrow: Source


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2019
United States
I'm not too sure if Nintendo will go back to a dedicated home console. Then again the switch is doing REALLY well. The problem isn't really the device/power the problem is the lack of content on the device which is Nintendo's fault. They rather sell you 3D World at $60 versus selling it for $30 bundled with 3D Land and make a NEW GAME. Again the end user DOESN'T COMPLAIN. They are fine with getting recycled games. IDK why a 2013 game is being the highlight for 2021.

I rather Microsoft buy Nintendo because Microsoft is willing to test the waters versus just being content. Nintendo's biggest problem is not letting go of Mario , Zelda , and Pokemon. They rather keep milking and milking it. Look at Sony they made Infamous, Killzone, Uncharted , GOW, Horizion Series and many more... Microsoft made Gears , Halo, Forza, and other exclusives. Microsoft and Sony can let go of exclusives and make new ones. Nintendo is still using the same ones for 20 years. They are not WILLING to make a new face for the company. They not willing to step out their comfort zone.
Last edited by Goku1992A,
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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2014
I'm not too sure if Nintendo will go back to a dedicated home console. Then again the switch is doing REALLY well. The problem isn't really the device/power the problem is the lack of content on the device which is Nintendo's fault. They rather sell you 3D World at $60 versus selling it for $30 bundled with 3D Land and make a NEW GAME. Again the end user DOESN'T COMPLAIN. They are fine with getting recycled games. IDK why a 2013 game is being the highlight for 2021.

I rather Microsoft buy Nintendo because Microsoft is willing to test the waters versus just being content. Nintendo's biggest problem is not letting go of Mario , Zelda , and Pokemon. They rather keep milking and milking it. Look at Sony they made Infamous, Killzone, Uncharted , GOW, Horizion Series and many more... Microsoft made Gears , Halo, Forza, and other exclusives. Microsoft and Sony can let go of exclusives and make new ones. Nintendo is still using the same ones for 20 years. They are not WILLING to make a new face for the company. They not willing to step out their comfort zone.
such bs lol

im guessing nintendont didnt made in the last few years new ips?
xenoblade chronicles

Also you forget one thing while Nintendo uses the same ips they actually have very few games for the time they exist lets see

Mario 3d platformers you got 6 games from 1996-2021 (25 years)
uncharted 6 games from 2007-2017 (10 years)
gears of war 7 games 2006-2019(13 years)
halo 11 games 2001-2021 (20 years)

Nintendo releases at best 1 games per generation of console, while other company's release like 2 or 3, which happens they burn out their IPs so they need to move to another one because people are getting tyred of a sequel every year or 2 years.

while on Nintendo you get 1 new game for every 5 or 6 years, 2 at best per ip (some ips even skip entire generations).That is the reason Nintendo is still around, you cant get sick of a game ip when the next entry is made every 5 years or so...

Also Microsoft is not testing the waters they are trying to turn xbox into a subscription service rather than a console that plays games, and imo they re gonna fail big time if they continue this path, there is a reason why they had virtually no good exclusives last gen and now turning into a service with xcloud and gamepass people have even less of a reason to own one.


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2016
I'm not too sure if Nintendo will go back to a dedicated home console. Then again the switch is doing REALLY well. The problem isn't really the device/power the problem is the lack of content on the device which is Nintendo's fault. They rather sell you 3D World at $60 versus selling it for $30 bundled with 3D Land and make a NEW GAME. Again the end user DOESN'T COMPLAIN. They are fine with getting recycled games. IDK why a 2013 game is being the highlight for 2021.

I rather Microsoft buy Nintendo because Microsoft is willing to test the waters versus just being content. Nintendo's biggest problem is not letting go of Mario , Zelda , and Pokemon. They rather keep milking and milking it. Look at Sony they made Infamous, Killzone, Uncharted , GOW, Horizion Series and many more... Microsoft made Gears , Halo, Forza, and other exclusives. Microsoft and Sony can let go of exclusives and make new ones. Nintendo is still using the same ones for 20 years. They are not WILLING to make a new face for the company. They not willing to step out their comfort zone.

"Nintendo's biggest problem is not letting go of Mario , Zelda , and Pokemon" It's not a problem if people in all ages still enjoy their games


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2019
United States
The problem with Nintendo is they don't compensate gamers who has been with them for over 10 years. If you are fresh to Nintendo then the switch is going to be a newer experience but for older players it's kinda of a "been there and done that" Nothing wrong with ports but the majority of the switch releases has been ports so imagine how the older players are feeling. If Nintendo wasn't a family company they probably would have went bankrupt by now but just like Disney the kids will always keep them in business.

The problem is when a series goes on for so long you will get the division within the gaming community. Take Pokémon SW/SH for example newer gamers will say that was a good game but older gamers would say that was a very bad game. Nintendo will cater to the newer gamers more because most of the revenue is coming in from newer gamers versus older ones. Take a look at GTA V if they wasn't getting revenue from GTA Online we would have been had 3 new GTA games versus them keeping on milking GTA V. For Nintendo $$$ is more important than innovation so nothing is wrong with people enjoying the big 3 it is just the big 3 constantly is being remade and remastered just to get $$$ from the newer gamers leaving the older gamers wondering when will there be a BOTW 2 and etc...etc..

You are right I have no idea what is instore. My personal opinion about the switch it is a good device the price is a decent price but the lack of creativity is hurting the device. Nintendo is like a parent it is living out the Wii U dreams into the switch. Ports is not a problem but charging full price for ports and barely providing newer content is the problem. Again aslong as the revenue comes in they will continue to do the same thing.

I rather Nintendo made a dock that supported Wii U disks versus forcing me to buy them again or at least transfer over Wii U digital games to the switch. They should have just made the Switch BC with the Wii U but then again it is more profitable to sell you the game again versus making it BC.
Last edited by Goku1992A,


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2017
New York City
United States
I rather Nintendo made a dock that supported Wii U disks versus forcing me to buy them again or at least transfer over Wii U digital games to the switch. They should have just made the Switch BC with the Wii U but then again it is more profitable to sell you the game again versus making it BC.
I see you making the same argument over and over again. All of it stems from what "you" want but "you" aren't taking into consideration that gaming has a massive audience. When Nintendo ports a game from the Wii U to the Switch, why would you buy it? That doesn't make sense from any perspective. The whole point of them porting it is so other people can buy it. And if you are going to insist that the Switch is nothing but ports, then I guess Breath of the Wild, Sword/Shield, Smash, Animal should get my point by now. All you're doing is focusing on the negatives and the games you personally don't want or have an issue with rather than looking at the big picture. The Switch is successful not because it caters to one group or another; its successful because it caters to multiple groups.
Last edited by Draxzelex,
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Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2019
United States
The switch has so much potential Nintendo is maybe using 40% of it's potential and the modding scene is using roughly 80% The point I'm trying to make is Nintendo can offer more on the switch but due the game sales and success they will settle for minimum. It would make sense to at least emulate the legacy handheld games on the switch officially versus unifacially doing it via retroarch and other emulators.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2017
New York City
United States
The switch has so much potential Nintendo is maybe using 40% of it's potential and the modding scene is using roughly 80% The point I'm trying to make is Nintendo can offer more on the switch but due the game sales and success they will settle for minimum. It would make sense to at least emulate the legacy handheld games on the switch officially versus unifacially doing it via retroarch and other emulators.
  1. Now you're just pulling numbers out of your ass
  2. Modding scene is a niche and a fraction of the larger Switch audience
  3. Your point is still speculation but at the same time, you fail to realize that Nintendo is a business so the point is to make as much as money as possible with as little investment


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
You are right I have no idea what is instore. My personal opinion about the switch it is a good device the price is a decent price but the lack of creativity is hurting the device.

I'm sorry, but you lost this argument when you used Microsoft and the same franchises they managed to make feel tired and uninteresting in a measly 2 generations.

Your whole point is that Nintendo lacks creativity and the only argument you're using is the Wii U ports... So? The same Nintendo that is starting 2021 with a Wii U port is the same Nintendo that has overwhelmed me, a late purchaser, with original games to play, being some of them literal Gen defining games.

So don't give me that shit, the moment you come to me with Micro-HaloForzaGears-soft as an example of creativity agaisnt fucking Nintendo is the moment start sounding like a troll.

A Generic User

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2015
United States
I rather Nintendo made a dock that supported Wii U disks versus forcing me to buy them again or at least transfer over Wii U digital games to the switch. They should have just made the Switch BC with the Wii U but then again it is more profitable to sell you the game again versus making it BC.
Uh... what? Nobody's forcing you to double dip. It's your money: you can do whatever the fuck you want with it.
But like Draxzelex said, you can't take your own personal situation and attempt to apply it to an entire group. Nintendo is a business and they have to do what makes business sense. And in the case of the Wii U, the sales gained from new owners greatly eclipsed the sales lost by old owners, so it just made sense to market them as new for a new audience. I personally wasn't interested in paying for all the Wii U ports because I already owned those games on Wii U. But I also realize that these ports were never marketed to people like me in the first place, so my complaint ends at me voting with my wallet. I do agree that Nintendo should have done a better job to compensate Wii U owners, but let's not pretend prioritizing them should have been tantamount.
The switch has so much potential Nintendo is maybe using 40% of it's potential and the modding scene is using roughly 80% The point I'm trying to make is Nintendo can offer more on the switch but due the game sales and success they will settle for minimum. It would make sense to at least emulate the legacy handheld games on the switch officially versus unifacially doing it via retroarch and other emulators.
Baseless guesstimates aside, "they could do more but they aren't" is not an argument.
I also take umbrage with the whole "BUT LOOK AT WHAT MODDERS CAN DO" shit. Yeah, look at what modders can do with an existing product. CTGP existing over Mario Kart Wii and Project M existing over SSBB don't prove that modders are better at unlocking the potential of their products, only that art can be continually revised even when it seems perfect.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Thank God that didn't happen. Look what they did to Rare.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

They already did.

I am sadly all too familiar with Windows Phone.
However if they had Nintendo back in the day when Windows CE was still relevant instead of the GBA and DS then mobile phones might actually be something I care to have rather than locked down junk that costs me, or tries to ram adverts down my face, to do anything with.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2014
The problem with Nintendo is they don't compensate gamers who has been with them for over 10 years. If you are fresh to Nintendo then the switch is going to be a newer experience but for older players it's kinda of a "been there and done that" Nothing wrong with ports but the majority of the switch releases has been ports so imagine how the older players are feeling. If Nintendo wasn't a family company they probably would have went bankrupt by now but just like Disney the kids will always keep them in business.
my first console was an n64 and a gbc and i had all nintendo consoles since them and i fell pretty amazed by the switch, its all i ever wanted, merging both handheld and home console into one so we dont have to get 2 diferent consoles to follow nintendo games releases, i dont mind the ports at all, i got a wiiu, if i have a that game i just dont buy it again its simple, its an option, just because they release them it doesnt mean you need to buy it you know?

i have over 130 physical switch games and i love every one of it, from the ports you talk about i only bough mk8,hyrule warriors to get dlc on cartridge, and mario 3d allstars because its great having mario 64 on cartridge again with better resolution alongside sunshine in widescreen and all of that portable.

so yeah i only hope for a switch pro to get less frame drops on certain games and in my book a long time nintendo follower, the switch is amazing.
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Deleted User

I am sadly all too familiar with Windows Phone.
However if they had Nintendo back in the day when Windows CE was still relevant instead of the GBA and DS then mobile phones might actually be something I care to have rather than locked down junk that costs me, or tries to ram adverts down my face, to do anything with.
Between an iPhone or a Windows Phone, I'd go for a WP.

They're really good although discontinued and for security reasons they shouldn't be used while connected to the internet, but why bother. WP apps were kind of shit, even its browser.

I had a WP Lumia so I too know how good they were. The one I had (still do) disconnects from the sim network so can't rely on that.


--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

great having mario 64 on cartridge again w
Especially since you live in a country where they used PAL. The Switch version isn't cursed by it, but it's an inferior port compared to fan-ports on 3DS and Android, for example.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2019
United States
At the end of the day if you guys are happy with the way Nintendo is doing things then you guys are entitled to your opinion. I mostly come from a Sony background and Sony operate alot differently and so does Microsoft

I still think Microsoft is better than Nintendo and Sony but that's my humble opinion. (I been with Sony for 15+ years saying this)


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2010
United States
such bs lol

im guessing nintendont didnt made in the last few years new ips?
xenoblade chronicles

Also you forget one thing while Nintendo uses the same ips they actually have very few games for the time they exist lets see

Mario 3d platformers you got 6 games from 1996-2021 (25 years)
uncharted 6 games from 2007-2017 (10 years)
gears of war 7 games 2006-2019(13 years)
halo 11 games 2001-2021 (20 years)

Nintendo releases at best 1 games per generation of console, while other company's release like 2 or 3, which happens they burn out their IPs so they need to move to another one because people are getting tyred of a sequel every year or 2 years.

while on Nintendo you get 1 new game for every 5 or 6 years, 2 at best per ip (some ips even skip entire generations).That is the reason Nintendo is still around, you cant get sick of a game ip when the next entry is made every 5 years or so...

Also Microsoft is not testing the waters they are trying to turn xbox into a subscription service rather than a console that plays games, and imo they re gonna fail big time if they continue this path, there is a reason why they had virtually no good exclusives last gen and now turning into a service with xcloud and gamepass people have even less of a reason to own one.

I agree with some of your points, but I disagree with the last part. Microsoft are pushing subscriptions, like all companies have been this last decade. They want your cash and they Don't want to give you anything in return.

Ultimately they want all the control and huge profits to boot, I'm against subscriptions, but unfortunately I'm not the majority.

The same reason the likes of Apple, Facebook etc can commit illegal acts, piss in the face of their customers, then the customers lap it up and beg for more.

Microsoft should create brilliant games, I wish they would, but their new strategy doesn't require it really. The want to be the portal others go through.

Think "Netflix of gaming", as everyone keeps throw around, but mostly think of Valve. This is what Microsoft want, complete control of the sector (like they once had with Windows/ PC).

Cloud is "the next big thing", gaming is still in it's infancy, despite how much money is in the sector, Microsoft offer a service nobody else comes close to currently, I wonder what will happen in time though. I suspect prices to creep up dramatically.
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