Hacking Can i still make a Backup of my A9LH ?


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2015
Gambia, The
Hey there, ago few Months i installed Successfully A9LH on my O3Ds XL trough this Guide: https://github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki/Part-1-(Decrypt9)

I done already every Step, and everything works Fine. Yesterday my Hard Drive of my PC crashed and now its Defect, so i lost the Backups that i maked while i was following the Guide ago few Months.

So: I got a new Hard Drive, my A9LH Works fine but anyway i want a Backup to be 100% Safe. So can i still make a Backup ?

If yes: How the Backup works again ? i forgot the Steps...and i dont know i need emu or sysnand but i already done the Guide Full, so i am actually on Sysnand ^^.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
If yes: How the Backup works again ? i forgot the Steps...and i dont know i need emu or sysnand but i already done the Guide Full, so i am actually on Sysnand ^^.

You're doomed.

Just open Hourglass9 by pressing START and Power button, then select Sysnand Backup. Make sure you have enough space on your SD.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2015
Gambia, The
Really ? so Rip my 3Ds?

Daaaaaaamnit. My PC is fault, i had over 3 Years Problems with my "Gamer" PC and now THIS....


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2015
Gambia, The
Oooh sorry, @Autz youre Funny i like you man :DD <3. Thanks Thanks Thanks. I thought This Step only Works while my 3Ds has no A9LH Installed, because a clean / Original Backup haha.

Ps. I am sorry that i not saw the Spoiler, like i sayd my Hard Drive is Broken, and i am using now another Hard Drive where i installed Win10 new and i have still no Drivers, even no GPU Driver, so my Screen is Actually very small on my 100 Zoll TV :D.
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GBAtemp's official atheist
Sep 12, 2016
United States
I do not know a lot about being able of pulling the backup you need off of your 3DS. I followed the guide a while back and now have my 3DS playing backups successfully. However, I repair electronics for a living. The meat of my clients used to be mostly pc repair. Now days I do not work on them as often. Repairing smart TV's and stereo recievers make up the bulk of my jobs. However, I have a friend who lives by me who is really talented in pc repair, and has a very successful small business that he runs out of his house. There are many times that he runs into dead, or dying hard drives and pays me to either fix them or try and pull the data off of them. As long as the hard drive was not bumped really hard while running (like dropping a laptop while running) there is a really good chance of recovering all of the data off of them. I wish I could tell you that there is one magic trick to fixing them, but there are many things you can try. One of the most common ways I am able to fix them by far is to take the pcb board off of the hard drive very carefully. You will find that there are some metal contacts on the pcb and the body of the hard drive. Take an eraser and clean them with it. Don't go over board. Just clean them. If that doesn't fix it, then Google is your friend here. Another thing that works a lot is to put it in a zip lock bag . Then put it in your freezer for at least four to five hours. Yes I know that sounds crazy. Take it out and before it has time to warm up hook it up and try pulling data off of it. If it works for a while then stops, freeze it again and repeat until you have recovered every thing you need. Also ask your friends if they know of someone who could look at it. You would be surprised how many people are out there that are good at this kind of stuff. A lot of them love the challenge even if you don't have the money. I know all this isn't what you asked for, but I thought maybe some of this info might be helpful.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2015
Gambia, The
I do not know a lot about being able of pulling the backup you need off of your 3DS. I followed the guide a while back and now have my 3DS playing backups successfully. However, I repair electronics for a living. The meat of my clients used to be mostly pc repair. Now days I do not work on them as often. Repairing smart TV's and stereo recievers make up the bulk of my jobs. However, I have a friend who lives by me who is really talented in pc repair, and has a very successful small business that he runs out of his house. There are many times that he runs into dead, or dying hard drives and pays me to either fix them or try and pull the data off of them. As long as the hard drive was not bumped really hard while running (like dropping a laptop while running) there is a really good chance of recovering all of the data off of them. I wish I could tell you that there is one magic trick to fixing them, but there are many things you can try. One of the most common ways I am able to fix them by far is to take the pcb board off of the hard drive very carefully. You will find that there are some metal contacts on the pcb and the body of the hard drive. Take an eraser and clean them with it. Don't go over board. Just clean them. If that doesn't fix it, then Google is your friend here. Another thing that works a lot is to put it in a zip lock bag . Then put it in your freezer for at least four to five hours. Yes I know that sounds crazy. Take it out and before it has time to warm up hook it up and try pulling data off of it. If it works for a while then stops, freeze it again and repeat until you have recovered every thing you need. Also ask your friends if they know of someone who could look at it. You would be surprised how many people are out there that are good at this kind of stuff. A lot of them love the challenge even if you don't have the money. I know all this isn't what you asked for, but I thought maybe some of this info might be helpful.

Wow that is very Friendly from you :o.

I didnt thought someone will on this Forum help me with my Hard Drive Problem.

Well, let me explain what happened: I bought a Acer G5910 Predator PC, and the seller did not sayd it is Defect...after i got the PC, it crashed after 2minutes Playing Games. It happened only in Games.

I figured out it was the Power Cable, so i brought my PC to a PC Shop and a Guy maked some Tests etc. with Tools and he sayd to me: "First, yeah youre Right, your Power is Broken. Second, your Second 1000GB Hard Drive is not Stable, so i changed your Hard Drive too with a new Original One".

The Price was very very Cheap and i had 1 Year Guarantee on the Power and Hard Drive.Everything worked Great after the Repair.

Ago 1 Month my Guarantee was over.

Now the Problem started here: Ago 4 Days (My Pc is normally 24/7 on...) while my PC was on and my TV (I had no Games,Softwares etc. Open on the PC at the time), i was playing on my Nintendo 3Ds in my Room. After 30 Minutes i saw that my Screen gets Blue and shows a error (The Error Message was something with Exepction Storage...). I ignored that and restarted the PC but my PC Sayd there is no Hard Drive with a Installed Windows...

I checked in Bios for my 2 Hard Drives. (I have 3 Hard Drives: The first Hard Drive is the Original one of the PC, i have it Since 3 Years, since i bought the PC. It has no Problems.
The Second One is not Stable, so it got changed with a new one and same Model. The Third one is that Hard Drive that got changed with the Second one, and the Third had Guarantee but its over since 1 Month like i sayd).

So: My Bios Showed my First Hard Drive (i used the First Hard Drive for Backups, and i maked a Partiton of the First Hard Drive), but not my Third Hard Drive (My Third Hard Drive had Partitions too, so i puttet my 3Ds Backups wrongly on the wrong Hard Drive).

After the restart my Third Hard Drive maked a Strange Noise (not a Scratchy one. It sounds like: Something was inside and was hanging...) so after checking in Bios and not Finding the Third Hard Drive, i turned off my PC.

After Googling i figured out that THIS Noise/Sound says that the Write thing inside of the Hard Drive, is hanging. So i opened my Hard Drive (I READ exactly what to do) and dragged the long Stick (i mean this Write/Read thing on the Disc inside the Hard Drive) to the right Position while i had something inside one of the Screw holes at the Top of the Disc (this Round thing where many Holes are that Rotates the Disc).But i was here right, i saw directly that the Read thing was on the wrong Position and it was hanging...

After i was Done i checked for Scratches etc. and the Disc was 100% Clear (I never touched the Disc). Well, after Closing the Hard Drive and putting it in my PC, my Windows started Booting.

After 2 Minutes, my PC Crashed again and THIS TIME i heared Scratch Noises...i opened the Hard Drive again and i saw that there are 90 Degrees Scratches :OOO.

So i guess there is nothing to Safe anymore ? or ?

ps. I am a PC Freak, but not a Big PC Expert. I can build PCs, but i dont know specific Differents like HDD and SSD Drives. Or Socket CPUs etc.

So while i was googling and finding a Fix, i didnt Cared the Guide is for HDD or SSD Hard Drives... I hope its okay ? i still dont know this is important or not, and what the Differents are.

pps. Where i opened the Third Hard Drive, i saw a Big Cloud of Dust UNDER the Read thing, that was probably the Reason why the Read thing hanged there. I raised the Read thing a little bit, and blow very quiet to the Cloud of Dusts, and it flied away. I saw that under the Cloud of Dust a Scretch was...Probably because the Read thing hanged there while my PC was On and the Hard Drive tried many Times to read...).


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2015
Gambia, The
Uhm, what does OTP means ?

I hoped that there is a way to get the Files on the Defect Hard Drive to another Hard Drive.

Btw, i forgot to say something:

I have right now 3 Hard Drives, right ?

The First one is the Original one that works Fine, that i have since buying the PC. The same counts for the Second Hard Drive, but the Second Hard Drive is just not Stable. The Third one is Broken now, that was the newer one.

So: What would happen if i Change the DISCS from the Second Hard Drive to the Third Hard Drive ? i guess that the Datas/Files are Saved inside the Disc ? So if i change them, i will have on my Third Hard Drive that i am trying to Fix, the Files from the Second one ? on the Second Hard Drive is nothing Important, so i dont need the Files from the Second Hard Drive. If i am right, so i dont need to change the Discs, i dont care the Files of the Second Hard Drive, i really need the Files from the Third Hard Drive ;(. On the Third Hard Drives are all my Passwords,Emails, Accounts of Websites/Games etc. Saved, i dont know any Single Email from my Memories..... dont ask why i have alot of Emails ^^ (I use one Email for Games, one for Private, one for Forums, one for Websites etc....its stupid i know).

Temptress Cerise

Miss Magic~ <3
May 1, 2016
United States
Uhm, what does OTP means ?

I hoped that there is a way to get the Files on the Defect Hard Drive to another Hard Drive.

Btw, i forgot to say something:

I have right now 3 Hard Drives, right ?

The First one is the Original one that works Fine, that i have since buying the PC. The same counts for the Second Hard Drive, but the Second Hard Drive is just not Stable. The Third one is Broken now, that was the newer one.

So: What would happen if i Change the DISCS from the Second Hard Drive to the Third Hard Drive ? i guess that the Datas/Files are Saved inside the Disc ? So if i change them, i will have on my Third Hard Drive that i am trying to Fix, the Files from the Second one ? on the Second Hard Drive is nothing Important, so i dont need the Files from the Second Hard Drive. If i am right, so i dont need to change the Discs, i dont care the Files of the Second Hard Drive, i really need the Files from the Third Hard Drive ;(. On the Third Hard Drives are all my Passwords,Emails, Accounts of Websites/Games etc. Saved, i dont know any Single Email from my Memories..... dont ask why i have alot of Emails ^^ (I use one Email for Games, one for Private, one for Forums, one for Websites etc....its stupid i know).
You would need to have specialized equipment and be done in a clean room/lab to move the disks over, or have a data recovery lab look at it. By exposing those disks to open air, and possibly touching them yourself, you will end up damaging them more, than whatever condition they are now.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2016
World of ruin
United States
Hey there, ago few Months i installed Successfully A9LH on my O3Ds XL trough this Guide: https://github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki/Part-1-(Decrypt9)

I done already every Step, and everything works Fine. Yesterday my Hard Drive of my PC crashed and now its Defect, so i lost the Backups that i maked while i was following the Guide ago few Months.

So: I got a new Hard Drive, my A9LH Works fine but anyway i want a Backup to be 100% Safe. So can i still make a Backup ?

If yes: How the Backup works again ? i forgot the Steps...and i dont know i need emu or sysnand but i already done the Guide Full, so i am actually on Sysnand ^^.
Hold the start button BEFORE you press the power button to boot hourglass9. Choose "sysNAND Options" or something like that, then choose to backup your sysNAND. Simple.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2015
Gambia, The
Hold the start button BEFORE you press the power button to boot hourglass9. Choose "sysNAND Options" or something like that, then choose to backup your sysNAND. Simple.

Yeah yeah its already done ^^. The next Question was a little bit Off Topic, because my Hard Drive.

So i see there is nothing to do actually for my Hard Drive, i keep it anyway and maybe sometime i pay alot to get it repaired.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
I entered on the thread expecting an issue I can help with, but instead I found an already clarified doubt and a derailed thread of defunct/broken hard drives. This forum keeps finding ways to amaze me.
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GBAtemp's official atheist
Sep 12, 2016
United States
I entered on the thread expecting an issue I can help with, but instead I found an already clarified doubt and a derailed thread of defunct/broken hard drives. This forum keeps finding ways to amaze me.
You're absolutely correct. This website does find new ways to amaze me. Although I really didn't have the time, I thought maybe I could post some information that could possibly be of value in helping the OP. Yes, he asked about recovering data from his 3ds. I really didn't think it would hurt to talk to him about possibly recovering that data from his HDD. You obviously have been a regular on this site for a long time. Instead of trying to help, you take the time to put me down for derailing this thread. That sounds like something I would have said when I was much younger. You can go on and try to explain to me how instead of helping i muddied up the thread. Maybe you would be right. Even if you were completely correct, you could have expressed it in a way that didn't sound like you were trying to put me down while at the same time trying to make it look like you were better than me. My intentions were only to help. It's stuff like this that makes me not want to participate in what otherwise is a fantastic website. I don't want to start some argument here with you. That would only continue to derail this already sad thread.


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2016
Get a simple hdd/ssd dockstation and check if you can access it that way. If you can't see it check it in the partition manager and see if it shows something. Could be that the hdd is just locked out of my corruption and it isn't broken. If it's so you could still "fix" it temporarily and just get the files off of it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2015
Gambia, The
Get a simple hdd/ssd dockstation and check if you can access it that way. If you can't see it check it in the partition manager and see if it shows something. Could be that the hdd is just locked out of my corruption and it isn't broken. If it's so you could still "fix" it temporarily and just get the files off of it.

Already tried that, same Problem still haha. The Bios even dont show the Hard Drive anymore since the first "Repair/Fixing" and the crash after the Fix again^^.

Btw: Yeah i am amazed too haha, this Forum is really Friendly, i love this Forum.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
You're absolutely correct. This website does find new ways to amaze me. Although I really didn't have the time, I thought maybe I could post some information that could possibly be of value in helping the OP. Yes, he asked about recovering data from his 3ds. I really didn't think it would hurt to talk to him about possibly recovering that data from his HDD. You obviously have been a regular on this site for a long time. Instead of trying to help, you take the time to put me down for derailing this thread. That sounds like something I would have said when I was much younger. You can go on and try to explain to me how instead of helping i muddied up the thread. Maybe you would be right. Even if you were completely correct, you could have expressed it in a way that didn't sound like you were trying to put me down while at the same time trying to make it look like you were better than me. My intentions were only to help. It's stuff like this that makes me not want to participate in what otherwise is a fantastic website. I don't want to start some argument here with you. That would only continue to derail this already sad thread.

Oops it looks like you took it as it was a bad thing. My apologies, text comunication just sometimes generates this kind of awkward situations. Don't get me wrong, I applaud to your iniciative in helping the OP and I just was stating the surprise of finding a totally different thread from what I was expecting :D. I was (and am) amazed in a good sense: not baffled or astonished but gladly surprised. And please, no one is better than anyone else in here.

As long as we can assist in some form to the user, the thread can stay open. And mods probably feel the same way since they could have locked the thread long ago otherwise.

I hope everything is clear now.
Last edited by Urbanshadow,


GBAtemp's official atheist
Sep 12, 2016
United States
Oops it looks like you took it as it was a bad thing. My apologies, text comunication just sometimes generates this kind of awkward situations. Don't get me wrong, I applaud to your iniciative in helping the OP and I just was stating the surprise of finding a totally different thread from what I was expecting :D. I was (and am) amazed in a good sense: not baffled or astonished but gladly surprised. And please, no one is better than anyone else in here.

As long as we can assist in some form to the user, the thread can stay open. And mods probably feel the same way since they could have locked the thread long ago otherwise.

I hope everything is clear now.
Sorry. I understand about miscommunication during text. Thank you for not becoming mad by my response. It's all good. I'm really glad. I was starting to wonder if I really wanted to continue coming here.
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