Homebrew Official Citra - New 3DS Emulator

Miguel Gomez

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2016
Planet Earth
Damn. This is too much. Anyways,
@Satoshi121 Keep in mind that Citra Developers are not full-time workers. They're a bunch of college students and adults with hobbies. Cemu Wii U only have 2 people working full time and the money they got from Patreon goes to Exzap aka the "Big Boss" of the development. Sure you can say "How about Bunnei since he started the project?", but he doesn't want to earn money by starting this project. He just make the emulator as a hobby.

Anyways, I don't want to make a 100+ paragraph about this. So deal with it. Citra 3DS won't get a Patreon Account and beg for more. Besides, donation is just an option and not a requirement. Some people in Cemu Patreon just want to get the early build because they don't want to wait for another week for the Public build. I've been there alot last year and I stated that "Patreon Build will be less great than the Public build" even though many disagree. I did the comparisons of 1.7.3d Patreon and 1.7.3d Public and the Public is the best since the Patreon got a bug at the cache.


Mar 5, 2017
Damn. This is too much. Anyways,
@Satoshi121 Keep in mind that Citra Developers are not full-time workers. They're a bunch of college students and adults with hobbies. Cemu Wii U only have 2 people working full time and the money they got from Patreon goes to Exzap aka the "Big Boss" of the development. Sure you can say "How about Bunnei since he started the project?", but he doesn't want to earn money by starting this project. He just make the emulator as a hobby.

Anyways, I don't want to make a 100+ paragraph about this. So deal with it. Citra 3DS won't get a Patreon Account and beg for more. Besides, donation is just an option and not a requirement. Some people in Cemu Patreon just want to get the early build because they don't want to wait for another week for the Public build. I've been there alot last year and I stated that "Patreon Build will be less great than the Public build" even though many disagree. I did the comparisons of 1.7.3d Patreon and 1.7.3d Public and the Public is the best since the Patreon got a bug at the cache.
This! [emoji121]

Sent from my ASUS_Z00A using Tapatalk


Mar 20, 2017
United States
tell me about it guys, why Citra run so slow on some games ?

i can run other Emulator full speed just fine with my crappy laptop,such as PCSX2 with 2x resolution ,Dolphin also with 2x resolution,and even ppsspp with 5x resolution..

or i am using the wrong build ? i'm using the latest Bleeding edge build from official website btw.

i am a newb so don't go hard on me..


Mar 3, 2017
tell me about it guys, why Citra run so slow on some games ?

i can run other Emulator full speed just fine with my crappy laptop,such as PCSX2 with 2x resolution ,Dolphin also with 2x resolution,and even ppsspp with 5x resolution..

or i am using the wrong build ? i'm using the latest Bleeding edge build from official website btw.

i am a newb so don't go hard on me..
Citra is still in an early stage of development.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
woah very fast reply,thx man.

anyway,from what i seen on youtube, do you really need those super duper mega gaming computer just to play citra with decent FPS ?
Or you can, you know, wait for the emulator to be optimised and not waste money by not understanding what "in develpment" means.

what if citra's developer work together with the developer of ppsspp? cause the earlyer java based psp emulators was choppy n slow like Citra now
What if PSP and 3DS were completely different systems ? What if, you know, they don't have interest in working in this project ?
This is open source, anyone not working on Citra now is because: they can't or just don't want to.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2016
Gambia, The
i can run other Emulator full speed just fine with my crappy laptop,such as PCSX2 with 2x resolution ,Dolphin also with 2x resolution,and even ppsspp with 5x resolution..

You are comparing apples and oranges here. Not only are these systems very different to emulate, but consoles and respective emulators also have been around for different amount of times. Even from raw processing power you couldn't compare them.

Compared to most other emulation projects, Citra is progressing a lot faster than they did.
Dolphin wasn't nearly as usable when it was as old as Citra is now.

what if citra's developer work together with the developer of ppsspp? cause the earlyer java based psp emulators was choppy n slow like Citra now

Pay more attention in school. Don't make weird assumptions and learn how to use spreadsheets / research on your own: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZxOfBuXFrSd6wIgFj_QviqfeelOghSIKzEfPVE47JdI/edit?usp=sharing

[//Edit: The sheet is currently broken because of too many requests. Just trust me with the following analysis of what it does]

(GitHub limits the lists to 200 contributors, so chances are there are many more matches than shown there)

This shows that we *AT LEAST* have 9 people working on Citra AND PPSSPP (including the project founder); We also have *AT LEAST* 12 people working on Citra AND Dolphin. We could collect more data for other projects..
Some strange projects like cemu excluded, the emulation community is very close and we help each other, even if we don't care as much about the console the other party is trying to emulate.

It's a community effort. Hence it's so absolutely ridiculous if people claim that we should ask Dolphin / PPSSPP / w/e people for help.. A lot of us *are* literally Dolphin or PPSSPP people. This is especially true for the top contributors - they spend so much time with emulation that they just happen to work on other projects and try to share their knowledge.
Last edited by JayFoxRox,


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2016
Yorozuya odd jobs
Personal opinion incoming / does not necessarily reflect Citra.

I don't feel like derailing this topic, I think this donation / commercialization thing could fill another topic all on its own - it's a complicated matter which a lot of people without developed sense for ethics don't really understand (no shade intended).

First of all: Only because a button reads "Donate" and not "Pay" does not make it a donation based model. If this was the case I'd just add a 0 to my 10 EUR bills to turn it into a 100 EUR. Labels don't mean anything (but people these days also consider Fox "News" a "News" source comparable to journalism.. splendid).

If cemu is not a commercial project, then you'd also consider hookers a donation based business model, because you get laid earlier and if you wait until they are old enough prices will drop. Shit does not compute this way. - The sudden rise in cemu "donations" ever since botw was released is a VERY strong indicator of who is actually "donating": those who want to play that particular game. If cemu did not play that game they would not be donating. Otherwise decaf would be swimming on money now (hint: it doesn't even want to) and it would have a ton of developers / contributors (hint: would be nice, didn't happen).
The sheer amount of Pokemon related requests by people without a 3DS; or warez sites bundling Citra with Pokemon roms is also evidence of this. These do not reflect end users I want to work for.

Also, let's just assume for a split second that Citra *would* adopt the Patreon business model by cemu. You want this model, you sort this shit out (in detail please):
- Now *you* tell me where the money will first go to
- Now *you* tell me who and when they will receive how much of it
- Now *you* tell me how open-source would work with the cemu release cycle


Furthermore I don't really think it's up to you to decide if I'm "high and mighty" or "too anal" about things I'm passionate about. From what I can tell my contributions in the past years have a done a lot of good, misunderstandings are quite rare and people usually only get hurt by what I say if they bring a knife to a gunfight - and I'll be dual wielding those gattling guns. I don't argue with idiots who don't understand why I work on emulation projects.

If you took your time and would actually read what I write, you'd also see that I'm willing to put my own opinions and views aside for the sake of the community.
I was a main driving force why this forum has a dedicated thread for unofficial builds. More recently I also asked about more clarity and support for unofficial builds on /r/Citra. - I don't give a crap about unofficial builds personally, but if people like them, they should be able to get them in non-shady environments.
I also can't take credit for Bleeding-Edge (which is the official unofficial build), but I still did a lot of work on it to push it forward despite not using or caring about it personally.
Despite all of this I still got (and still get) a ton of crap from random people about "hating on unofficial builds".
Also I had to cope with shit like this (and again, did a massive writeup so people understand my / our reasoning): https://gist.github.com/JayFoxRox/8d49c4dedfb045f7c16cee7261ae23b8

Given the above, personally I feel I'm very selfless, supportive and helpful.
I take my free time and invest it into these projects because I believe in them.
(Also I quite literally said to donate to charity in my previous post, rather than asking for money for myself - heads up: I'll do that below)
So saying that I'm "high and mighty" and "too anal" about certain things?

Quite frankly: fuck you.
What did you do for society?


Also, in case people don't realize: Citra *does* take *donations*. We've had contact details about this for a long time.
However, most contributors I have talked to don't really like it and we also have money sitting in a bank account without any good way to spend it.
We even have some hardware donations which are currently not being used because most people don't join such projects for materialistic reasons.
(Citra also gets ad revenue and I also dislike that tbh - again, not alone on this matter -, but I'm in no position to decide that and I can also see some good reasons for doing it)

[So if you ask me, I'd say: Don't donate to Citra. Your money does no good. If you have hardware to donate, donate it to devs or make sure that the Citra Project can find good use for it. If you really want to support the project, do so by being helpful / supportive or even invest your freetime to contribute code, knowledge, research work, documentation, ...]

However, if Citra started a Patreon or more aggressively sold the emulator it would be the end of the projects activity.
At least *I* certainly wouldn't want to work on it anymore (and I'd assume this is true for many others too).
It's not because I don't want money (if you want to: please send money my way! appreciated!), but simply because it's an uninviting environment to work in. It would totally clash which a selfless open-source approach which is necessary for good preservation.
(Just check how Dolphin took off in 2008 and how ector succesfully established ppsspp - and even found a good way to monetize it)

Aside from that, the mentality amongst emu coders is very special. You'll see this all across the community. I've met the most ethical and noble people I've ever seen in this community. Heck, there's literally a guy called "nocash" with a manifest on his website: http://problemkaputt.de/about.htm | http://problemkaputt.de/donate.htm (which, I'm sure, many people have not read because they opted to pirate his software)

I believe the root cause of these discussions is that you don't understand who writes emulators, why they do it, how open-source works and why it's great for emulation in particular. But I've already mentioned this in my last post.
If you want to discuss this further I recommend to schedule a meeting with me at any event I attend (be it cebit, C3, some demoparty or even just the closest McDonalds while traveling). I feel like you need someone to explain this to your face because there are just too many misconceptions.

(I'm also available on the official discord, but I sexually identify as an attack helicopter on there, so don't expect too much. Also I feel like this is not something that's easy to discuss unless you are skilled at textchats - gomlb)
This! [emoji121]

Sent from my ASUS_Z00A using Tapatalk

You are taking this way out of proportion.
It seems to me, even though you typed all that, it's just "muh pride" "muh beliefs"

Anyways i'll answer to these 3 :

- Now *you* tell me where the money will first go to
* The money goes into the bank account of the project leader, which i think is Bunnei
- Now *you* tell me who and when they will receive how much of it
* Every contributor who wishes to be compensated, signs up in a form managed by you or bunnei, and their compensation sum is determined by how much progress they made for the emulator which is determined by the top 3 devs, so you, bunnei and someone else.
- Now *you* tell me how open-source would work with the cemu release cycle
Simple, You're not Cemu, backers don't get special treatment, they are just supporting a project they believe in and want progress on it, You can do an changelog every couple of weeks to explain simply the changes that the commits do, and with big commits, you can do a monthly video showing difference in builds and advancements.

This is all very optional, i'm merely suggesting so don't be stubborn, unless you have a concrete argument other than typing a lot to say nothing, i'm listening, because it sounds like a good idea to me and many others i've talked to, sometimes it's just a pain to keep reading commit by commit and learning what's changed, much less if you're not tech savvy and don't even know how to compile a build.

also some smalls notes on what you talked about ( it's a lot of bs )

I said take donations, you say if we go aggressive and sell the emulator, i wouldn't want to work on it

with all due respect, what the fuck are you talking about ?
stop making shit up and giving conclusions.

it's just donations by people who love the 3DS and want it emulated, it's their appreciation, they can't code, so they support with money, even if you don't need it, some other people that can code from india or pakistan or any other country that is not very rich might want it and would invest time in Citra, since the didn't have any incentive before.
Not all people are driven by the same reasons you are, so please be more open minded and less anal.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Has there been any progress on making Xenoblade work on citra at a decent rate? like 25-30fps
Can't you just test the game yourself ? It takes like, 3 minutes for you to download the latest build and test the game to get this information. You have posted this question more than one hour ago, in this time you could have tested the game at least 20 times :ph34r:


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2014
Can't you just test the game yourself ? It takes like, 3 minutes for you to download the latest build and test the game to get this information. You have posted this question more than one hour ago, in this time you could have tested the game at least 20 times :ph34r:

tbh i cant and personally i find it easier to do it this way. Not that it should affect you in any way shape or form

Miguel Gomez

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2016
Planet Earth
Has there been any progress on making Xenoblade work on citra at a decent rate? like 25-30fps
Xenoblade needs New 3DS input. Citra right now is o3DS emulator. Soon m8. They will fix the n3DS input.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

@Satoshi121 yet again. No Patreon for Citra.

If you want to support bunnei's work, go back to the 1st page and donate it via Paypal. Paypal is simple while Patreon is like a Vending Machine.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2014
Xenoblade needs New 3DS input. Citra right now is o3DS emulator. Soon m8. They will fix the n3DS input.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

@Satoshi121 yet again. No Patreon for Citra.

If you want to support bunnei's work, go back to the 1st page and donate it via Paypal. Paypal is simple while Patreon is like a Vending Machine.

Thanks. Ill keep an eye out!


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2016
Gambia, The
Here comes another long one, sorry! - As responses get exponentially longer, I'd recommend moving this to a fast paced medium / IM to clear up anything if you feel this matter still isn't resolved.
(However, I feel we are starting to agree on most things now)

You are taking this way out of proportion.
It seems to me, even though you typed all that, it's just "muh pride" "muh beliefs"

Fair enough. I feel like a elaborate response about complicated topics is reasonable to disprove a personal attack.

You are taking this way out of proportion.
Anyways i'll answer to these 3 :

- Now *you* tell me where the money will first go to
* The money goes into the bank account of the project leader, which i think is Bunnei

Okay, this is also what currently happens.
I dislike it because it's a system where money (potentially lots of it) could get lost or be stolen (hostile developer or just an attack without insurance).

You are taking this way out of proportion.

I don't. I'm interested why people think that the cemu business model is good.
Which, from my understanding, you were proposing.

I still appreciate you responding :)

- Now *you* tell me who and when they will receive how much of it
* Every contributor who wishes to be compensated, signs up in a form managed by you or bunnei, and their compensation sum is determined by how much progress they made for the emulator which is determined by the top 3 devs, so you, bunnei and someone else.

While this sounds good in theory, this probably doesn't work.

First of all: I'm barely making the Top-10 in the list of top-contributors.
But let's assume I was in charge: with ~20 active coders and a lot of PRs, a blog to write and whatnot, it is already hard enough to maintain the emulator.
Also organizing this would mean exchanging bank details, checking validity of money requests, keeping receipts, evaluating each incoming request etc.
For example: I only have an overview of the GPU emulation. I *hear* about most of the stuff wwylele, jroweboy, Subv and co. are working on, but I could not label it with a monetary value.
Even less so I could evaluate how much time they spend on it.

A single contribution / feature is also often made by up to 100 people. There'll be people who crack the 3DS, others who document their findings how the now accessible aspects of a 3DS works.
Then someone else goes and implements a prototype for Citra. Another person comes in and works on it some more etc.
There'll be a lot of people reviewing the code and one person later takes responsibility for including the final feature in the emulator (which is not the one who wrote it, for security etc. reasons).

Also the Top-3 developers can be inactive for a long time (Even all at once as new generations of developers take over).
bunnei for example is very busy with life. He barely works on features himself anymore.
Most of his Citra-time is spent reviewing other peoples code (which does not necessarily mean he'll understand who wrote it or what exactly it does - consider it like spellchecking = he might not be able to decide who deserves money).
It's also possible that he'll be gone for weeks due to personal life.
This is also true for me - most of my contributions were in early 2016, since then I've mostly moved to organizing the community.
So what if people worked on the project, expecting monetary rewards, but then nobody has any clue what they actually did or is responsible for sending them money?
I certainly wouldn't be able to help them or cash them out - it would only lead to anger (rightfully).

Even if this approach would work then you are still leaving out people like @LG_ or @Miguel Gomez or hundreds of other people I've talked to on Discord or the forums who continue to push the community forward.
They might not contribute code, but they are helping users and take a lot of time to learn and communicate what emulation should be and how it works.
If you ever visited our forums or discord, you'll realize that those things are as important.
I'd personally feel uneasy not giving them money from a pool of money if we are cashing out. - I think such work should also not be left unrecognized.
However: Other people might have different views about this.

You are taking this way out of proportion.
- Now *you* tell me how open-source would work with the cemu release cycle
Simple, You're not Cemu, backers don't get special treatment, they are just supporting a project they believe in and want progress on it,

If you don't want any special backer treatment you can feel free to donate through the existing channel: https://citra-emu.org/donate/
If you want to do a monthly donation I'm sure bunnei will work something out with you.
Again: I *personally* would not recommend donating money to Citra - rather give it to EFF / medical research which probably also benefits us (as human beings / or attack helicopters).

You can do an changelog every couple of weeks to explain simply the changes that the commits do, and with big commits, you can do a monthly video showing difference in builds and advancements.

Citra already does have an official blog.

I have a private Patreon and know that the Patreon blog system is very lacking in features.
So at best you'd get a link back to our official blog - I consider the Patreon blogs to be impractical.

However: Even with a good blog software in place, it's very hard to find enough people willing to actively maintain a blog - if you have an article you can just submit it through GitHub: https://github.com/citra-emu/citra-web/tree/master/site/content/entry
You should realize that writing a good article takes a lot of time: I've been working on one myself and it's already more than a week in the making.
Our past progress reports took so long to write, that by the time they were finished the features were replaced or months old already.
So we even have some remaining drafts we never released.

Dolphin even has dedicated technical minded people as blog writers.
They've also written for Citra in the past, however, it's nearly impossible to write 2 blog posts (one for Citra, one for Dolphin) per month, even for a dedicated and experienced writing staff.
(This would be easier if Citra wasn't as rapidly changing / open-source)

I'll *hopefully* publish my own articles which don't fit on the project blogs on my own blog (currently Patreon but in the future my website).
In fact, nobody stops anyone from making even a paid blog about Citra. I'd personally like to see this way of monetizing emulation more often (that's a business model / not a donation model though, and it's beneficial for one person only).
However: as of now, nobody volunteered for this either, despite possible monetary rewards.
(It's also what I had planned for xqemu: work on the emu for free, but sell articles about ongoing development)

One way which *is* often monetized and is very similar are YouTube channels.
Citra does *also* maintain a YouTube channel. However, producing (good) videos takes even longer.
However, the community is fortunately present to fix this issue on unofficial channels. I personally recommend John 'pcmaker' Godgames: Having worked with him for a long time I feel he is not exploiting Citra to make money, but rather found a good way of monetizing it.
He is actively supporting development through testing / bug reports and documenting different versions of Citra.
He also understands that he depends on our work and supports emulation projects and developers (me) via Patreon.

You are taking this way out of proportion.
This is all very optional, i'm merely suggesting so don't be stubborn, unless you have a concrete argument other than typing a lot to say nothing, i'm listening, because it sounds like a good idea to me and many others i've talked to, sometimes it's just a pain to keep reading commit by commit and learning what's changed, much less if you're not tech savvy and don't even know how to compile a build.

I agree, I love progress reports (Shoutouts to JMC and the crew).
So if you are asking for a more active blog: I get that, I also want that.
However, having Patreon doesn't make this magically happen.

We have our own infrastructure for everything which Patreon provides (except rewards): We do accept donations and we do have a blog.
What's lacking is workforce and organization, not money.

Note that I'm personally responsible that there is a list of merged experimental PRs in the Bleeding Edge README.
So adjusting these READMEs seemed logical: at least you don't have to click through GitHub anymore.
I honestly care about the community knowing the current state of development and I'm all for putting stuff in laymans terms.

As we usually don't have time to flesh things out for a blog article, I'll usually end up explaining various technical topics on Discord (also on request).
Some people are now starting to write these things down and I hope some of those might become blog writers in the future.
For now: If you want to know something, join us on the official IRC (recommended if you want to help development) or Discord (recommended if you want things in laymans terms).

You are taking this way out of proportion.
also some smalls notes on what you talked about ( it's a lot of bs )

Fair enough, I'm bad at being short and precise.

You are taking this way out of proportion.
I said take donations, you say if we go aggressive and sell the emulator, i wouldn't want to work on it

with all due respect, what the fuck are you talking about ?
stop making shit up and giving conclusions.

My understanding was that you proposed the cemu business model / Patreon to earn money (Donations / Payment, whatever you want to call it).
I'll repeat: If you want a Patreon without rewards, we already have all of that (just not called Patreon).
My intention is not to "make shit up" - I'm starting to think this is mostly a misunderstanding about what you have been proposing.

You are taking this way out of proportion.
it's just donations by people who love the 3DS and want it emulated, it's their appreciation, they can't code, so they support with money, even if you don't need it, some other people that can code from india or pakistan or any other country that is not very rich might want it and would invest time in Citra, since the didn't have any incentive before.

Money is not necessarily appreciation. It can be, but it doesn't have to.

Take one of the other devs for example: I'v been coding for hours with him the last couple of days. He currently needs money.
I'm offering 10 bucks to him so he can replace his broken laptop battery / charger. It's a show of appreciation.
Regardless of wether I'll give this money to him or not, he'd still continue to work on Citra.

That dev also recently aquired hardware for Citra which was not paid for by the project.
Now you might ask: why wasn't it paid for?

I think this comes down to a handfull of reasons:

- He'd buy it regardless of the projects financial backing, because it's a passion for him.

- Why would you ask for money if you can afford it yourself?
If you wanted it to get some kind of appreciation you'd suddenly be asking for that money / appreciation.
It defeats the point of being a symbol of appreciation.

- If money was offered to him, where does it stop?
Will we buy a new gaming PC for each contributor who asks?
Would the people who donated for us be fine with this?
Would the other developers be fine with it?
It would also need oversight so people don't request money for something they don't end up getting.

- Who tells us they'll continue to contribute after receiving money or hardware the first time?
This would be bad for the project as we have to show new developers around the codebase, so introducing a new developer takes time and effort from at least one other developer.
However, ongoing financial support is not easily possible. We'd probably also need an entire HR department to manage the cashflow.
In February alone, we had 12 different people working on Citra.
In January it was 15 different people. (And currently development is rather slow)
Even if we earned 20k a month (like cemu) with donations, we'd barely be able to pay $1000 per person (that is, without a HR department, forum and website admins taking a cut).
At that point we'd have to worry about taxes and other legal mumbo jumbo.
Aside from these legal hurdles, it still wouldn't be enough for anyone to stop their day jobs to pay for rent, food, ...
They'd probably still devote the same time to Citra as they do now.

- Why would you ask to be paid for something, which is a hobby?
If you get paid for it, it stops being a hobby - it becomes work.
Especially if you are being paid for hardware, you feel obligated to work with it.
I've talked to a handful of developers who could not handle this. It adds stress to an already stressful hobby.
We are literally taking 10 hours of our day to work on this project - it's fun, but it's also tiring.
Why add another stress factor to it?
(pewdiepie actually made a couple of excellent videos about this)

You are taking this way out of proportion.
Not all people are driven by the same reasons you are, so please be more open minded and less anal.

I get this. Still no reason to claim that I'm anal about this.
I'm certainly anal about certain things, but I think here you are just misinterpreting my intentions:
In *my* posts I state *my* motivation and *my* perception of the situation.
I'm by no means setting standards anyone else has to adhere to.


Concluding all of the above, hopefully you can understand why I say: donate to people, not to projects.
Please use *your* time to follow the project a bit and offload the organizational work of distributing money from us.
You can decide who works on features *you* care about. You know *who* does work you are interested in.
You can also decide if you want to pay for acutal work happening, or if you are looking for social donations for people in financial needs (those you mentioned).
Even if the money arrives at the wrong person or they don't want any, they'll likely know who to give the money to.
They also know whose work they depend on, so they can themselves decide to split the money fairly.
You'll also be able to have a more direction connection to show emotional support:
There's a difference between getting a monthly paycheck from a project OR receiving a handful of them, possibly with personal messages attached.

- This is a working approach which should be common sense. Unfortunately it isn't (yet).

The only risk with it, is that some people are more public (like me) or even deceiving and hence will receive more money.
Hence it also needs a strong community to call out on bullshit (which is what I'm doing with cemu by the way).
So please also try to look behind the facade and figure out who deserves money and who doesn't (I can certainly think of names here, even within Citra).

I'll add some closing words about cemu: I'd totally be fine with him earning > $20k a month if he just opened up the source code.
I'd even be fine with it if we had a guarantee that the source code will be public: exzap could give the source code to a trusted third party to release it if he disappears for whatever reasons.
- I still wouldn't like the project or it's business model, but I could at least tolerate it.
Last edited by JayFoxRox,


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2016
Yorozuya odd jobs
Here comes another long one, sorry! - As responses get exponentially longer, I'd recommend moving this to a fast paced medium / IM to clear up anything if you feel this matter still isn't resolved.
(However, I feel we are starting to agree on most things now)

Fair enough. I feel like a elaborate response about complicated topics is reasonable to disprove a personal attack.

Okay, this is also what currently happens.
I dislike it because it's a system where money (potentially lots of it) could get lost or be stolen (hostile developer or just an attack without insurance).

I don't. I'm interested why people think that the cemu business model is good.
Which, from my understanding, you were proposing.

I still appreciate you responding :)

While this sounds good in theory, this probably doesn't work.

First of all: I'm barely making the Top-10 in the list of top-contributors.
But let's assume I was in charge: with ~20 active coders and a lot of PRs, a blog to write and whatnot, it is already hard enough to maintain the emulator.
Also organizing this would mean exchanging bank details, checking validity of money requests, keeping receipts, evaluating each incoming request etc.
For example: I only have an overview of the GPU emulation. I *hear* about most of the stuff wwylele, jroweboy, Subv and co. are working on, but I could not label it with a monetary value.
Even less so I could evaluate how much time they spend on it.

A single contribution / feature is also often made by up to 100 people. There'll be people who crack the 3DS, others who document their findings how the now accessible aspects of a 3DS works.
Then someone else goes and implements a prototype for Citra. Another person comes in and works on it some more etc.
There'll be a lot of people reviewing the code and one person later takes responsibility for including the final feature in the emulator (which is not the one who wrote it, for security etc. reasons).

Also the Top-3 developers can be inactive for a long time (Even all at once as new generations of developers take over).
bunnei for example is very busy with life. He barely works on features himself anymore.
Most of his Citra-time is spent reviewing other peoples code (which does not necessarily mean he'll understand who wrote it or what exactly it does - consider it like spellchecking = he might not be able to decide who deserves money).
It's also possible that he'll be gone for weeks due to personal life.
This is also true for me - most of my contributions were in early 2016, since then I've mostly moved to organizing the community.
So what if people worked on the project, expecting monetary rewards, but then nobody has any clue what they actually did or is responsible for sending them money?
I certainly wouldn't be able to help them or cash them out - it would only lead to anger (rightfully).

Even if this approach would work then you are still leaving out people like @LG_ or @Miguel Gomez or hundreds of other people I've talked to on Discord or the forums who continue to push the community forward.
They might not contribute code, but they are helping users and take a lot of time to learn and communicate what emulation should be and how it works.
If you ever visited our forums or discord, you'll realize that those things are as important.
I'd personally feel uneasy not giving them money from a pool of money if we are cashing out. - I think such work should also not be left unrecognized.
However: Other people might have different views about this.

If you don't want any special backer treatment you can feel free to donate through the existing channel: https://citra-emu.org/donate/
If you want to do a monthly donation I'm sure bunnei will work something out with you.
Again: I *personally* would not recommend donating money to Citra - rather give it to EFF / medical research which probably also benefits us (as human beings / or attack helicopters).

Citra already does have an official blog.

I have a private Patreon and know that the Patreon blog system is very lacking in features.
So at best you'd get a link back to our official blog - I consider the Patreon blogs to be impractical.

However: Even with a good blog software in place, it's very hard to find enough people willing to actively maintain a blog - if you have an article you can just submit it through GitHub: https://github.com/citra-emu/citra-web/tree/master/site/content/entry
You should realize that writing a good article takes a lot of time: I've been working on one myself and it's already more than a week in the making.
Our past progress reports took so long to write, that by the time they were finished the features were replaced or months old already.
So we even have some remaining drafts we never released.

Dolphin even has dedicated technical minded people as blog writers.
They've also written for Citra in the past, however, it's nearly impossible to write 2 blog posts (one for Citra, one for Dolphin) per month, even for a dedicated and experienced writing staff.
(This would be easier if Citra wasn't as rapidly changing / open-source)

I'll *hopefully* publish my own articles which don't fit on the project blogs on my own blog (currently Patreon but in the future my website).
In fact, nobody stops anyone from making even a paid blog about Citra. I'd personally like to see this way of monetizing emulation more often (that's a business model / not a donation model though, and it's beneficial for one person only).
However: as of now, nobody volunteered for this either, despite possible monetary rewards.
(It's also what I had planned for xqemu: work on the emu for free, but sell articles about ongoing development)

One way which *is* often monetized and is very similar are YouTube channels.
Citra does *also* maintain a YouTube channel. However, producing (good) videos takes even longer.
However, the community is fortunately present to fix this issue on unofficial channels. I personally recommend John 'pcmaker' Godgames: Having worked with him for a long time I feel he is not exploiting Citra to make money, but rather found a good way of monetizing it.
He is actively supporting development through testing / bug reports and documenting different versions of Citra.
He also understands that he depends on our work and supports emulation projects and developers (me) via Patreon.

I agree, I love progress reports (Shoutouts to JMC and the crew).
So if you are asking for a more active blog: I get that, I also want that.
However, having Patreon doesn't make this magically happen.

We have our own infrastructure for everything which Patreon provides (except rewards): We do accept donations and we do have a blog.
What's lacking is workforce and organization, not money.

Note that I'm personally responsible that there is a list of merged experimental PRs in the Bleeding Edge README.
So adjusting these READMEs seemed logical: at least you don't have to click through GitHub anymore.
I honestly care about the community knowing the current state of development and I'm all for putting stuff in laymans terms.

As we usually don't have time to flesh things out for a blog article, I'll usually end up explaining various technical topics on Discord (also on request).
Some people are now starting to write these things down and I hope some of those might become blog writers in the future.
For now: If you want to know something, join us on the official IRC (recommended if you want to help development) or Discord (recommended if you want things in laymans terms).

Fair enough, I'm bad at being short and precise.

My understanding was that you proposed the cemu business model / Patreon to earn money (Donations / Payment, whatever you want to call it).
I'll repeat: If you want a Patreon without rewards, we already have all of that (just not called Patreon).
My intention is not to "make shit up" - I'm starting to think this is mostly a misunderstanding about what you have been proposing.

Money is not necessarily appreciation. It can be, but it doesn't have to.

Take one of the other devs for example: I'v been coding for hours with him the last couple of days. He currently needs money.
I'm offering 10 bucks to him so he can replace his broken laptop battery / charger. It's a show of appreciation.
Regardless of wether I'll give this money to him or not, he'd still continue to work on Citra.

That dev also recently aquired hardware for Citra which was not paid for by the project.
Now you might ask: why wasn't it paid for?

I think this comes down to a handfull of reasons:

- He'd buy it regardless of the projects financial backing, because it's a passion for him.

- Why would you ask for money if you can afford it yourself?
If you wanted it to get some kind of appreciation you'd suddenly be asking for that money / appreciation.
It defeats the point of being a symbol of appreciation.

- If money was offered to him, where does it stop?
Will we buy a new gaming PC for each contributor who asks?
Would the people who donated for us be fine with this?
Would the other developers be fine with it?
It would also need oversight so people don't request money for something they don't end up getting.

- Who tells us they'll continue to contribute after receiving money or hardware the first time?
This would be bad for the project as we have to show new developers around the codebase, so introducing a new developer takes time and effort from at least one other developer.
However, ongoing financial support is not easily possible. We'd probably also need an entire HR department to manage the cashflow.
In February alone, we had 12 different people working on Citra.
In January it was 15 different people. (And currently development is rather slow)
Even if we earned 20k a month (like cemu) with donations, we'd barely be able to pay $1000 per person (that is, without a HR department, forum and website admins taking a cut).
At that point we'd have to worry about taxes and other legal mumbo jumbo.
Aside from these legal hurdles, it still wouldn't be enough for anyone to stop their day jobs to pay for rent, food, ...
They'd probably still devote the same time to Citra as they do now.

- Why would you ask to be paid for something, which is a hobby?
If you get paid for it, it stops being a hobby - it becomes work.
Especially if you are being paid for hardware, you feel obligated to work with it.
I've talked to a handful of developers who could not handle this. It adds stress to an already stressful hobby.
We are literally taking 10 hours of our day to work on this project - it's fun, but it's also tiring.
Why add another stress factor to it?
(pewdiepie actually made a couple of excellent videos about this)

I get this. Still no reason to claim that I'm anal about this.
I'm certainly anal about certain things, but I think here you are just misinterpreting my intentions:
In *my* posts I state *my* motivation and *my* perception of the situation.
I'm by no means setting standards anyone else has to adhere to.


Concluding all of the above, hopefully you can understand why I say: donate to people, not to projects.
Please use *your* time to follow the project a bit and offload the organizational work of distributing money from us.
You can decide who works on features *you* care about. You know *who* does work you are interested in.
You can also decide if you want to pay for acutal work happening, or if you are looking for social donations for people in financial needs (those you mentioned).
Even if the money arrives at the wrong person or they don't want any, they'll likely know who to give the money to.
They also know whose work they depend on, so they can themselves decide to split the money fairly.
You'll also be able to have a more direction connection to show emotional support:
There's a difference between getting a monthly paycheck from a project OR receiving a handful of them, possibly with personal messages attached.

- This is a working approach which should be common sense. Unfortunately it isn't (yet).

The only risk with it, is that some people are more public (like me) or even deceiving and hence will receive more money.
Hence it also needs a strong community to call out on bullshit (which is what I'm doing with cemu by the way).
So please also try to look behind the facade and figure out who deserves money and who doesn't (I can certainly think of names here, even within Citra).

I'll add some closing words about cemu: I'd totally be fine with him earning > $20k a month if he just opened up the source code.
I'd even be fine with it if we had a guarantee that the source code will be public: exzap could give the source code to a trusted third party to release it if he disappears for whatever reasons.
- I still wouldn't like the project or it's business model, but I could at least tolerate it.
I get where you're coming from and you get where i'm coming from, so if you're responsible from the community, will Citra keep going as it is ?


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2016
Gambia, The
I get where you're coming from and you get where i'm coming from, so if you're responsible from the community, will Citra keep going as it is ?

I'm not "responsible" for the community per-se (nobody really is) - You are literally as much responsible for the community as me :)
I don't even have a title / badge on the official forums and on discord I only have a special "Role" for technical reasons (which we kind of hide: If you didn't know I was a contributor, you couldn't tell). I felt this is important as to not create the perception of a closed "Team" or "Group". Other developers followed that example and had their Role hidden.

I only started organizing more and more as I began to care more about the project. Over time I also got a better overview about things which could be improved, who is responsible for different things etc. Most of my work now involves encouraging and supporting people with what they do by giving criticism or forwarding their ideas / bug reports / complaints etc. to the appropriate places.
(For example: I've just received a PM by @LG_ about a new compatibility list, I'll make sure to direct this to our server admin who has been working on making an official one. I'm also fact-checking forums and YouTube channels and try to help them to improve their videos - I do these things all day long if I'm not busy with private life or coding. Eventually I have good relations to those people and they help with blog articles etc.)

I'm not sure what you mean by "is going as it is" - but probably: yes.
Donation wise we'll probably still accept monetary and hardware donations. No Patreon though - but that's not for me to decide either.
There'll be lots of development, we'll still make sure we aren't involved in anything illegal, we'll still try to grow our community and we'll make it a nice place to be.
(And as we grow and mature we might find even better ways to shape the community. Hopefully we'll find more people who want to help with the blog and other things)


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2016
United States
hot dang this thread got derailed. but all of the sudden i wanna offer my useless opinion on the patreon discussion. :)

Patreon has been discussed. And its been discussed **a lot**. It comes up very often and most of the contributors shy away from discussing money, which makes it really hard to come to a consensus. Last time this came up, bunnei felt like it would be a great idea if there was a way to insert money into citra development, but none of the suggestions so far have been acceptable to bunnei, so it still hasn't happened. We've discussed patreon, bug bounties, and feature bounties to name a few, but each has their own downsides. The TL;DR of these discussions were "until there is some method to add money to the project without making people upset, then its probably not going to happen. Losing valuable contributors is not worth a meager amount of money."

There are great benefits to patreon, and I'm glad to see people excited for emulators like this. There is a chance that someday, people will come to an agreement on how citra will run a patreon, but currently that hasn't happened. Too many strong opinions from too many directions imo ;)

For one last tangent, I suspect in the future there will be someone that makes an android port and uses that as full time income. This is more of a hunch/guess and I have no reason to believe this will happen, but citra on android personally sounds like an untapped gold mine if you ask me. If i recall right, hrydgard makes a significant amount of money off the PPSSPP android port.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2016
Gulag, Siberia
You guys should have gone to Patreon from the very start. Doing it now makes no sense. Same goes for RPCS3. My opinion - open source code and monetisation are not compatible.
Dolphin even has dedicated technical minded people as blog writers.
I'd say all of them are very dedicated and they didn't lost enthusiasm even until today. They even implemented Wii Shop support recently which hasn't any practical meaning -_- Moreover Nintendo despise emulators with all their might. I've read some prank letter that was sent to N support which went like "i cant launch botw on cemu pls help" Do you know what they answered? In addition to we cannot help you bla bla bla they wrote "it is dangerous to let CEMU remain on your PC". With that in mind I doubt users want to buy something from them while they looked upon like trash.


Jun 12, 2016
You guys should have gone to Patreon from the very start. Doing it now makes no sense. Same goes for RPCS3. My opinion - open source code and monetisation are not compatible.

Why? RPCS3 has reached $1,000 a month, allowing the developer to work on it full time.
I'm pretty sure by having a developer working full time on it more progress will be made and shown which will result in more money through pateron and more developers will contribute to it full time.

open source code and monetisation are not compatible.

I'm web developer and work with open source tools, all which are sponsored by big companies

React/Relay/GraphQL are open source made and paid for by Facebook, MySQL is sponsored by oracle, Angular by google..etc

heck Firefox and Mozilla foundation are not run by passion only, the same thing for ubuntu, the core developers are working on it full time and they are being paid through sponsorship by big enterprises

Now the idea that IBM has interest in sponsoring an emulator is zero to null so the next big thing is crowd funding.
Last edited by Supermedo,
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