Hacking Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory - Japanese version in English


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2020
Ok but that translation is the same as the existing US release then right? I thought the main contribution of your release was the "complete" version of the original game, including the updates from HM. Wouldn't it make sense for the retranslation to be a separate patch?

Edit: that's not to suggest I don't appreciate your translation effort, I think it's awesome we have dedicated people like yourself to bring us the best experience possible. Just seems odd to delay the release of the gameplay benefits for 3 years if it would already give an objectively better experience than the official English release.
Last edited by Howchie,


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2018
United States
No. The retranslation will not be a separate patch. There will be one patch release (unless there are bug fixes, etc). I want to do this and this is a big part of the reason I'm doing it at all and is a very large part of my contribution.
To be blunt, you don't have to play it. You can play the Switch/Steam version, which doesn't have the anime songs but does have the extra Digimon for CS1 and does still have the broken confusing translation.
It certainly seems to be the same translation in the version I'm fixing vs the official western releases, as I've played both western releases of these games to completion and remember a lot of the the issues I'm seeing in the English text in this version, but to be honest, it's not like I've compared this version and the official western version line by line to make sure and even if this version is an older version of the translation, it only means that I'll have to change it anyway.
This will be released when I'm done and when it has been properly tested.
You'll just have to wait, but it will be worth it. But, as I said, if you can't wait and/or don't want a better translation, you can play the Switch/Steam version.
That it, and I'm not changing my mind on that.
Last edited by ofthriceandmen,


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2018
United States
any news?
Well, I'm still working on it and making good steady progress. I've gotten a lot done.

This is what I have left:
Graphics: a few more to do, nothing major.
There are 2 folders of text: text and message:
Text Folder:
Only non-quiz parts of the 2 DigiLine files to do. 3/4 of both of those files are the quiz parts.
(2 files partially left, 59 files done, 3.10 MB of text files total)
Message Folder:
quest# files: 54 of varying sizes
3 event files: 2 very short, 1 larger
S and M files: there's 1160 of them combined, I've done about 40 of them so far. They're all pretty small (for example, 223 are 1KB files each, 199 of them of 2KB each, etc) , so really, this isn't nearly as huge a task as it seems.
(1177 left, 277 done, 7.16 MB of text total)

Then there's testing.
I can't give a date, but if I had to guess, maybe late 2021?
I am doing the translation and the rest of the graphics on my own, so it will take a while.
Consider I started doing this at the start of Jun 2019, I've been moving along pretty quickly and gotten a lot done.
Thanks for your patience.
Last edited by ofthriceandmen,


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2018
United States
Well, since the last update:

Message Folder:
I've gotten the event files done (the largest of them was quite large), 200 more of the s and m files done, 1 of the quest files, and I have finished the 2 quest_message files I had forgotten to put in the count on my last post (both of those were quite large).

Text Folder:
The same left as last time.: The DigiLine text. It's split into 4 parts: CS 1 plot-related, HM plot-related, CS 1 messages from Digimon on the DigiFarm, and HM messages from Digimon on the DigiFarm.
While the plot parts are pretty bad, especially in terms of the responses, I've recently discovered that the DigiFarm parts are actually pretty well translated and I probably won't need to do much than edit them for terms and grammar, which will cut down on translation time a fair bit, as there are double the DigiFarm ones versus the plot ones in each game.

I found some more image files that needed editing and have also gotten those done.

I also had to do some revising of terminology, names, and such in past files.

There is also a file that contains the text for all of Hacker's Memory's random "Find this Digimon's lost item" quests. This file is is the 3rd largest file in the entire game. It's formatted in a very confusing way and basically would be a huge time-consuming pain to do. As it is for those random quests that have no plot significance and the text is so bland that I suspect people will just skim through it like I did back when I first played HM (ex: "Help me find my lost item!" "You found it? Thanks! Here's your reward!"), I hope it's okay that I'll just skim through this file for spelling errors and the like and leave it as-is. The text the way it was officially translated isn't really too bad, anyway. This will speed the translation up a fair bit.

So, I'm still aiming for the end of 2021 for release, but I can't make any promises. Once I'm ready, I think I may just do a public beta rather than private testing and people can tell me if they find any issues. There won't really be any technical issues, and the only issues that could possibly come up would be some text formatting or the occasional grammar or spelling error.
This will also considerably speed things up.

Thanks for your patience, and I hope this plan sounds good.
Last edited by ofthriceandmen,


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2017
United States
Well, since the last update:

Message Folder:
I've gotten the event files done (the largest of them was quite large), 200 more of the s and m files done, 1 of the quest files, and I have finished the 2 quest_message files I had forgotten to put in the count on my last post (both of those were quite large).

Text Folder:
The same left as last time.: The DigiLine text. It's split into 4 parts: CS 1 plot-related, HM plot-related, CS 1 messages from Digimon on the DigiFarm, and HM messages from Digimon on the DigiFarm.
While the plot parts are pretty bad, especially in terms of the responses, I've recently discovered that the DigiFarm parts are actually pretty well translated and I probably won't need to do much than edit them for terms and grammar, which will cut down on translation time a fair bit, as there are double the DigiFarm ones versus the plot ones in each game.

I found some more image files that needed editing and have also gotten those done.

I also had to do some revising of terminology, names, and such in past files.

There is also a file that contains the text for all of Hacker's Memory's random "Find this Digimon's lost item" quests. This file is is the 3rd largest file in the entire game. It's formatted in a very confusing way and basically would be a huge time-consuming pain to do. As it is for those random quests that have no plot significance and the text is so bland that I suspect people will just skim through it like I did back when I first played HM (ex: "Help me find my lost item!" "You found it? Thanks! Here's your reward!"), I hope it's okay that I'll just skim through this file for spelling errors and the like and leave it as-is. The text the way it was officially translated isn't really too bad, anyway. This will speed the translation up a fair bit.

So, I'm still aiming for the end of 2021 for release, but I can't make any promises. Once I'm ready, I think I may just do a public beta rather than private testing and people can tell me if they find any issues. There won't really be any technical issues, and the only issues that could possibly come up would be some text formatting or the occasional grammar or spelling error.
This will also considerably speed things up.

Thanks for your patience, and I hope this plan sounds good.
Thats Wonderful news! 100% agree with your current plans for this project going forward

Sent from my Z971 using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2018
United States
Do you have any Beta available?
No, sorry. I won't be releasing one until I'm done translating.
I want people to play a version with a finished translation I'm happy with and not just download an unfinished beta and play that, and have that version spread through the Internet, which would still be full of Bandai's poor translations.
(There are so many scenes that were translated by them which show that the Official Translators had no idea which characters were speaking to who and how many people they were addressing. It's a mess. I've been following along with lets plays to figure out the context of the lines in the games' script files, which has worked great, and I very strongly doubt the Official Translators had any idea of any sort of context, based on how they've translated them. Conversations flow much better and are easier to understand in my version.)

I hope you understand. I want people to play a finished translation I'm proud of, not a partly finished version that still has many issues. Once I'm done translating, which will hopefully be this winter sometime, I'll release a public beta/v1.0 and people can report any bugs they encounter. Thanks for waiting.

(By the way, it turns out that when Cyber Sleuth 1 was originally made, the Japanese developers cut out quite a lot of dialogue that the player was supposed to say, including quite a number of those "pick 1 of 3 dialogue choices options."
[Ex: In CS 1 in the Shinjuku Underground dungeon when you 1st go there with Arata, he sees the ghost, then there's a cut line where the protagonist was supposed to tease him about being scared and asking if he wants to do a Buddhist chant.]
There is no way to restore these, and it's nothing of vital importance to the story, but the conversations would have flowed better with them in. I wonder why they removed some player dialogue and kept others in? It's strange and we'll never know, but I just thought people might be interested to know that the player character in CS1 was originally much chattier than in the final game, where they speak only sparing.)
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Apr 14, 2020
I look forward to the translation good luck on the project it's a huge job translating the game so just wait and enjoy when it comes out.


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2018
United States
is this still alive?
Yes, it's still alive.
I'm making good progress, but I am doing the translation stuff alone, so it's taking a while.

Right now, by the end of the year, I'll most likely have all the CS1 text done by the end of the year except the DigiLine messages from NPCs (the stuff related to the story, I've gotten the quizzes and messages from DigiFarm Digimon done). For HM, I'll have everything done except the main and side quest stuff and the DigiLine.

An issue that's cropped up is how the game organizes the text for the main and side quests. For both games, the main quest files are organized by file name, so it's pretty easy to figure out. The side quests are a different matter. CS1's side quests each have all their text in a single file. Simple and easy, and there aren't too many of them. For HM though, the side quest text is split up like the main quest files are.

In addition to this, Bandai seems to have, on the whole, done a better job translating the HM text than the CS 1 text. CS1's text is awful. HM's is better (not perfect by any means, but better), and the lines seem better written and doesn't seem to have what the main issue that CS1's text does: whoever translated CS1 for Bandai had no context for the dialogue they were translating.

For example, in the CS1 side quest where you, Nokia, and Arata eat at different Nakano restaurants, the official translators didn't know what lines were Arata's and which were Nokia's. They very obviously guessed which were which based on the text files alone. And in some cases, they guessed wrong, and wrote the English lines according to their assumption. I have been following along with YouTube videos of each quest in the official English release for context, so I know what lines are said by who. This has helped immensely and the text is more accurate as a result, as I know who is saying what line and how the conversations flow.
For HM, I did the same for a couple side quests before switching focus to CS1's side quests due to the much simpler organization of the text, and what I found was that, while not perfect, don't seem to have problems to the same degree that the CS1 quest files do. My guess is that CS1 had a much lower budget and tighter schedule for the translation and when it was a successful release, they increased the budget and schedule for HM.

So what does this mean for people reading this? Well, I've decided that, I'll keep up what I've been doing for CS 1 (retranslating everything) until I'm done with all its text (the DigiLine will be really difficult to sort out, so it won't be perfect, but hopefully I can make it at least somewhat better.)
For HM though, I've decided that I'll revise what's already there. HM's main issues are inconsistently translated names and terms, punctuation, removed and altered cultural references, and the interchangable use of American and British slang. I'm doing this alone and by the time I'm done with all of CS1, I don't think I'll have the energy to retranslate all of HM's quest text, especially after it seems acceptable enough to me and nothing sticks out too badly except the aforementioned issues, along with anything else that pops up while I'm revising. (I'll still do HM's DigiLine to the best of my ability and as much as is possible, and I've already retranslated all of HM's non-quest text.)

HM will still be much improved, it's just that I don't think I'll have the energy to retranslate all of its quest text. And anyway, I would guess that people that want to play the patch will most likely be more interested in CS1 with the extra features? That's part of the reason I wanted to focus on CS 1's quest text instead (the other reason being I like CS 1 a lot better.)

I had said before about hoping to release by the end of the year, but at this point, I don't think that's doable. End of winter sounds more reasonable to me. Sorry for any disappointments, but again, I'm doing the translations alone and have been working on them since June 2019.

Anyone who has any questions about anything, feel free to ask them.
Last edited by ofthriceandmen,
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2017
I got two questions about the special anime version:
1. How do you access the songs ingame?
2. Are they actually full length or just limited to a few seconds?

I'm asking because the songs are, in shortened versions, included in the Steam release of the game without a clear "intended" way of accessing them.

Another question I guess would be if you're aware of the progress in modding the game, in terms of research and tools, that have been developed since you started with your project? Because if not there might be a thing or two that could prove useful to you. :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2018
United States
I got two questions about the special anime version:
1. How do you access the songs ingame?
2. Are they actually full length or just limited to a few seconds?

I'm asking because the songs are, in shortened versions, included in the Steam release of the game without a clear "intended" way of accessing them.

Another question I guess would be if you're aware of the progress in modding the game, in terms of research and tools, that have been developed since you started with your project? Because if not there might be a thing or two that could prove useful to you. :)
There's an option in the Option menu in-game called "Custom Sound" that lets you pick which songs you want to assign to: the Detective Office, Hudie Cafe, the Hospital room base from later on in HM, Evolving, Devolving, DigiFarm, DigiLab, Conversion, the battle music for each game, boss battles, and Domination battles. The songs available are 12 anime themes and they are all full-length songs.

I haven't kept up on the modding of the PC version. I'm using tools froid_san made for this version for the Vita. I'm focused on this version and working on it.
A large part of why I'm doing this is for a completed version of these games on Vita with better translations.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2017
Thanks, that's good to know. I'll have to look whether we can find remains of that in the Steam release, maybe we can re-enable it.

Not sure what froid_san's tools are capable of (they don't seem to be public). Is there any type of game file you can't open yet or you'd want to know more about?

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