Hacking Gateway 3DS - First 3DS Flashcart

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Jul 31, 2003
He is selling them on this forum. That's why he carries that signature.

EDIT: to clarify, that's the URL snailface was talking about.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2013
United States
I too have used modchipcentral in the past and know they are reputable. I have placed my pre-order with them because I want to be in line to be sure to get one from the first shipment. I know if this thing punks out and never materializes that they will refund me or I can just take store credit and order something else I can use.

I actually emailed the gateway team at their sales@ email yesterday and they did respond. I asked them to 'leak' how they plan on handling game saves as this is my biggest remaining qeustion. Surprsingly they answered me directly (which I wasn't expecting) and said 'We are working on many features and they will be announced as we complete them or are near completion. thanks for the feedback'. My question was are you going to somehow handle the saves by mirroring the eprom to sd or will you be including something like the R4 save dongle?

So I guess we just wait. I am wanting to add an R4 save donlgle to my order if they don't include one because I have a lot of games I would already like to pull the save off of, but if they are going to include such a device I don't want to pay for another one......so I guess we wait. Surely they will have to define how this will be handled before they start shipping the devices as this is a major question mark for many potential customers.

I appreciate their honesty and response (in that I would rather they not discuss features until they are tested and confirmed as working), but generally I find when companies are cryptic (like M$ with the online only and used games) it is because they know the consumer will not like the anwser or truth and don't want to squash the hype before the product starts selling.

Biggest ripoff ever IMO was the X3max for the PS3. This was a late to the scene JB dongle that was supposed to offer 3.5-3.55 JB. It was actually a really nicely made dongle in that it had a metal case and looked well constructed. The problem was it cost close to $50 and was never even supported by the company directly. You could find some playloads for it and use it as a 3.41 JB device just like any other dongle, but they never even had directions or anything and you had to basically use a user made, or make your own payload. They hyped the crap out of it. Meanwhile the E3 reader was a great dongle and cost only $15. They made a dual payload where you could insert or remove the SD card to choose standard or hermes payload and also did firmware spoofing. Soon after the X3 scam 3.55 CFW came out and a dongle was no longer required. E3 was so cool that they then released some code for their dongle called gold finger that essentially turned it into an action replay device that would let you do game cheats.........so I still have the X3 sitting in front of me and I guess I could use it as a glorified usb to sd card reader, but I mostly just shoot hateful glances at it and wish I hadn't purchased one before the features were confirmed as working.....In the end it was only $50 which I can survive the loss of, it is mostly just that the company got away with hoodwinking plenty of people and I am sure there are many who don't consider the loss of $50 as trivial as I do.


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Nov 15, 2006
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If it makes you and everyone else feel any better i will go ahead and disactivate the preloaded cards I mean really? Good customer service and support is not based on what we sell or what we dont sell. We process every order the next day and ship everything the same day orders are processed. Not ever had we have any problems with any customer you will get your product fast and you can always email/call/text for any question.

If i knew how to go about having hackyourconsole.com being a trusted site on gbatemp i would but unfortunately i have no idea who to talk to and i try avoiding forums because theres always rude people on them.

I joined is forum to hopefully earn some reputation... Good one... And for people to see im a real person too. So far i think im doing an okay job on the forum but anyways....

Whoever sent me the email about not having my address on my web site etc etc... Thanks. I really appreciate it.
Truth is im not hiding. This is the internet if someone wants to find someone they will find you no matter what. Theres no way of keeping anything private.
You can get in a whole lot of legal trouble selling bootleg movies and games like you are doing. It would probably make some people more leery of ordering from you because you would be a bigger target for the authorities than someone just selling carts. Not saying Nintendo will go after cart sellers like it did with Diveneo years ago, but you would be more of target if you are selling games also. It's good that you are going to remove them from your site.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2012
United States
He is selling them on this forum. That's why he carries that signature.

EDIT: to clarify, that's the URL snailface was talking about.

& no im not selling anything on this forum are you serious?

i just think is a bit hypocritical to say all that when you prob yourself own who knows how many back ups and flashcarts as well

I'm going to pretend i didnt read anything disrespectful and act my own age and just ignore, i dont want trouble here so....


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2012
United States
You can get in a whole lot of legal trouble selling bootleg movies and games like you are doing. It would probably make some people more leery of ordering from you because you would be a bigger target for the authorities than someone just selling carts. Not saying Nintendo will go after cart sellers like it did with Diveneo years ago, but you would be more of target if you are selling games also. It's good that you are going to remove them from your site.

I see. is Diveneo still around? would like to talk to him for some advice and yeah i will remove that off my site because now i understand where its coming from. It pushes buyers away to avoid getting involved. got it!


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
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United States
I see. is Diveneo still around? would like to talk to him for some advice and yeah i will remove that off my site because now i understand where its coming from. It pushes buyers away to avoid getting involved. got it!

Its a big Chinese based company. Looks like they actually won the case (later overturned to them losing), but they no longer sell Nintendo flashcarts. They were not selling pre-loaded cards. Nintendo probably just went after them as they were a really big business.


here is a link to a thread on gbatemp about it:


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
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United States
I don't think Nintendo is going after flashcard sellers anymore..seeing that it is all 3DS now, except the Gateway maybe.
They haven't in a while, but who knows now that the 3ds has a flash card. Just saying that it is safer to be selling just the cards instead of the cards with games and movies preloaded. Since stephysanrio has gotten into the business of selling these cards, its probably a good idea for them to know the history of the business.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
If it makes you and everyone else feel any better i will go ahead and disactivate the preloaded cards I mean really? Good customer service and support is not based on what we sell or what we dont sell. We process every order the next day and ship everything the same day orders are processed. Not ever had we have any problems with any customer you will get your product fast and you can always email/call/text for any question.

If i knew how to go about having hackyourconsole.com being a trusted site on gbatemp i would but unfortunately i have no idea who to talk to and i try avoiding forums because theres always rude people on them.

I joined is forum to hopefully earn some reputation... Good one... And for people to see im a real person too. So far i think im doing an okay job on the forum but anyways....

Whoever sent me the email about not having my address on my web site etc etc... Thanks. I really appreciate it.
Truth is im not hiding. This is the internet if someone wants to find someone they will find you no matter what. Theres no way of keeping anything private.

I can't find them on your site, so I assume you've removed them. Good move. If what was said about you selling preloaded cards with a mark up is true, that's profiting from piracy. Whilst it's obvious what people mostly buy these carts and cards for, the customer is not profiting from games that they don't own the copyright for - you were. And that's a really, really scummy thing to do. If that's not what you were doing then I apologise.


Samus Aran
Nov 2, 2012
Unknown region of space
I just read Q&A on hackyourconsole.com about Gateway 3DS.

It said:
Q: Can Nintendo block Gateway with an update?
A: Anything is possible we would rather not speculate (As always, any system updates should be avoided)

OK, i know that they rather not speculate (which i agree) but does that mean if, let's say, i want to play some newer 3DS game with higher update, the game could not start if i don't update 3DS, right? Which means GATEWAY is useless for newer games, right?

It's not like on DSTWO where if Nintendo makes new update, you just update DSTWO kernel and you're good to go with new games. Or in Wii where you turn OFF all updating, which means you NEED a hack to access 3DS's things.

I mean, how is that going to work? and 80$ :O


Active Member
May 10, 2007
I just read Q&A on hackyourconsole.com about Gateway 3DS.

It said:
Q: Can Nintendo block Gateway with an update?
A: Anything is possible we would rather not speculate (As always, any system updates should be avoided)

OK, i know that they rather not speculate (which i agree) but does that mean if, let's say, i want to play some newer 3DS game with higher update, the game could not start if i don't update 3DS, right? Which means GATEWAY is useless for newer games, right?

It's not like on DSTWO where if Nintendo makes new update, you just update DSTWO kernel and you're good to go with new games. Or in Wii where you turn OFF all updating, which means you NEED a hack to access 3DS's things.

I mean, how is that going to work? and 80$ :O

You must be really new to flashcards if you think that everything was as simple as the DSTWO to use. It was exactly the same with the NDS. There was lot of compatibility issues. All games couldn't be started straight, and we had to wait for patches to come out.

Then with the first wave of Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection game, we also had to wait for a new Flashme, because the firmware upgrade that would take place upon starting MKDS (or Tetris) would simply brick your DS by writing data over a v1~v3 Flashme FW.

Now regarding the price tag, what's $80? Nothing. The price of two games. So even if you are only able to play all games released to date, there are a solid good 8-10 games on the 3DS right now. So lot of people don't care and would rather pay $80 to play all the game they missed rather than purchase everything. Also $80 is a launch price, it will eventually quickly get cloned and price will plummet in a month's time. Especially if Nintendo patch it in the meantime, price can ONLY go down.

GBA rocks

Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2013
Not sure if this has been brought up already, but this flash cart won't play Ace Attorney 5.

Or Mario Vs DK 5 Minis on the move.

The more eShop exclusives come out, the less useful (or, completionist-friendly, i.e. friendly to people who just wanna be able to load EVERY game for the sake of it) is a solution that only simulates retail carts. And keep in mind that after many years DSiware still hasn't been cracked.

Also, this solution is super-inconvient compared to digital downloaded retail games. Ironically, this is the exact opposite (for the time being of course) than in the DS generation: pirates now have the inconvenience of swapping microSD cards, whereas legit users can potentially have all the games on a 32GB SDHC (up to 128GB SDXC) at any time.

If only nintendo implemented a solid account system, and if retail games on eShop went down in price in the years like their physical counterparts, I'd be inclined to tell people to at least think a bit about just spending those 80$ on eShop games. Just a bit.

Really the difference in terms of convenience is dramatic. For the time being, this solutions SCREAMS "I'm a pirate and I'm ready to jump through hoops to pirate". There are no homebrews, no convenience of having all eggs in a basket, no nothing. Just an inferior experience for 80$ upfront. Of course it saves you hundreds of $ if you were willing to buy 10 top tier games all at once. But, were you? (generic "you", "you" who is currently torrenting every 3DS rom available). Is it even a thing to be a completionist this early in the console life? Maybe wait for an "ultimate" flash cart (possibly with GUI and multi-rom loader) at the end of the console life cycle to accomplish this kind of obsessive compulsive feat and meanwhile just play a 1-3 legit games at a time? I'm just throwing thoughts around, I'm not being judgmental or saying this cart is useless/not worth it. On the other hand, I do realize that if everybody did that (i.e. skipping early carts), the scene wouldn't move on and the "ultimate" cart (let's call it 3DSTWO) would never happen.

Now, for laughters, follow this little thought experiment of mine: imagine a 2014 digital only slot1-less 3DS Lite (to be sold ALONGSIDE regular 3DSs, of course I understand Nintendo can't deprecate 3DS retail carts in the current generation), with DOUBLE the battery life of the current XL, super sleek design and other perks. And imagine digital eShop title are uncrackable for life, like DSiWare before them. What would you do/think?

Unrelated: for people wanting to use this (or other) carts, maybe it's a good time to buy everything on your eShop-only Wishlist, before losing access to eShop itself because of a firmware update that of course you don't wanna do.
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Mar 17, 2007
United States
Maybe an exploit and possible softmod will end up being further revealed and even released by the time these start rolling out. Either way, I'm probably gonna wait out the summer for something a bit better.


Snake Charmer
Jul 30, 2009
Gambia, The
Now, for laughters, follow this little thought experiment of mine: imagine a 2014 digital only slot1-less 3DS Lite (to be sold ALONGSIDE regular 3DSs, of course I understand Nintendo can't deprecate 3DS retail carts in the current generation), with DOUBLE the battery life of the current XL, super sleek design and other perks. And imagine digital eShop title are uncrackable for life, like DSiWare before them. What would you do/think?
Then Nintendo fucked you over anyway.
You either can't get the longer running time, have to have two consoles or lose access to your games.
You don't need flashcart for this to happen.


New Member
May 5, 2013
United States
I'm pretty new to this site incase u cant tell, but i have been roaming here and there.
This is one step closer to getting the 3ds hacked its worth it for one reason that it can play 3ds roms obviously even the price people complain about but if you think about it if you do get it, it practicly pays itself for the amount of roms u might get your not gonna just get it then just get 1 rom and never get any rom, then you would just buy the actual game instead. The supercard dstwo did everything right and currently is still the best out now but i would wait until there are clones of this because there are going to be now we have proof it can be done then there will be clones. the perfect clone would be one that is the most similar to the supercard dstwo except it can play 3ds roms with all the dstwo features maybe even more or just as the rumors go on just wait for the supercard ds3 which we still don't know if it exists or if it will play 3ds roms. We want a all in one flash cart 3ds roms nds roms gba all types of emulators with added features that made the dstwo great. people might not buy it for the reason that it might get patched, no matter what if it plays the 3ds roms people are going to get it. there was a flashcart that people knew was going to get patched but they got it anyway


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2013
United States
I'm pretty new to this site incase u cant tell, but i have been roaming here and there.
This is one step closer to getting the 3ds hacked its worth it for one reason that it can play 3ds roms obviously even the price people complain about but if you think about it if you do get it, it practicly pays itself for the amount of roms u might get your not gonna just get it then just get 1 rom and never get any rom, then you would just buy the actual game instead. The supercard dstwo did everything right and currently is still the best out now but i would wait until there are clones of this because there are going to be now we have proof it can be done then there will be clones. the perfect clone would be one that is the most similar to the supercard dstwo except it can play 3ds roms with all the dstwo features maybe even more or just as the rumors go on just wait for the supercard ds3 which we still don't know if it exists or if it will play 3ds roms. We want a all in one flash cart 3ds roms nds roms gba all types of emulators with added features that made the dstwo great. people might not buy it for the reason that it might get patched, no matter what if it plays the 3ds roms people are going to get it. there was a flashcart that people knew was going to get patched but they got it anyway

This has absolutely nothing to do with homebrew or hacking of any kind. Its just tricking the 3DS into thinking its reading a retail ROM off an SD card.
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