
Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2010
Gateway fast boot formally known as A9LH.

I can't fucking stand them. Stealing the communities' open source work for their closed source project and trying to make our work sound outdated.
it is not stealing they stole it first from Gateway.
Why else is there only support for 9.2.
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Gaming keeps me sane
Jul 14, 2009
The Magic School Bus
United States
All this bitching and whinging about Gateway this and Gateway that, but literally nobody can bother to make this A9 thing any easier to actually use. Or a CFW that doesn't crap all over itself, for that matter.

And don't bother just linking to plailect's guide like it's some Holy Bible or something. Its very first steps are literally to slash and burn everything you'd already have on your #DS, including the ability to go back to the Gateway method if you realize it doesn't work for you. If not completely brick it with the mandatory downgrade and upgrade that are part of the process. That guide is confusing as hell, and literally its first steps are to break what I already have successfully and reliably going, with the Gateway cart. But seems nobody here wants to even comprehend that this easy to use nature, and the reliability of this method, are valuable to at least some people.

Last thing I want to be doing is worrying that suddenly the CFW I'm using doesn't want to boot up anymore or load anything. And no CFW group or dev is even attempting to access the GW red card for .3ds/z/sx files. Just like how they had this patronizing hatred when the Cobra devs made their payload open source on the PS3, you had some CFW devs parroting on on how they hated it so much and weren't going to bother to implement it in their CFW. Just two months later and updated versions of the payload were in every single self-respecting CFW if they wanted to be relevant, because even they had to recognize it added functionality that couldn't be had easily otherwise.


Gaming keeps me sane
Jul 14, 2009
The Magic School Bus
United States
A lot of these newcomers don't know that the 3ds scene would be nowhere without gateway much of the homebrew and even 9.2 support is from gateway. Oh and when there native 10.x support hits guess what people will be saying then....
I'm desperately trying to find a better word for it, but the stupidity expressed by so many on forums exactly like this makes me want to delve into the darker parts of 4chan and call these people every form of the autism spectrum. I'm trying to figure out a more appropriate term for people that are both too stupid to listen/read/comprehend but then are huge jerks about it, claiming their destructive methods are superior, without considering that their method might be intimidating or still have risks that are unaddressed.


Dead and alive
Nov 23, 2014
Canberra, Australia
All this bitching and whinging about Gateway this and Gateway that, but literally nobody can bother to make this A9 thing any easier to actually use. Or a CFW that doesn't crap all over itself, for that matter.

And don't bother just linking to plailect's guide like it's some Holy Bible or something. Its very first steps are literally to slash and burn everything you'd already have on your #DS, including the ability to go back to the Gateway method if you realize it doesn't work for you. If not completely brick it with the mandatory downgrade and upgrade that are part of the process. That guide is confusing as hell, and literally its first steps are to break what I already have successfully and reliably going, with the Gateway cart. But seems nobody here wants to even comprehend that this easy to use nature, and the reliability of this method, are valuable to at least some people.

Last thing I want to be doing is worrying that suddenly the CFW I'm using doesn't want to boot up anymore or load anything. And no CFW group or dev is even attempting to access the GW red card for .3ds/z/sx files. Just like how they had this patronizing hatred when the Cobra devs made their payload open source on the PS3, you had some CFW devs parroting on on how they hated it so much and weren't going to bother to implement it in their CFW. Just two months later and updated versions of the payload were in every single self-respecting CFW if they wanted to be relevant, because even they had to recognize it added functionality that couldn't be had easily otherwise.
You can continue using Gateway by using their arm9loaderhax.bin and using v1 of a9lh. The guide isn't confusing, it is extremely detailed so that people brand new to the scene can follow it and don't have to work out anything (it is very step by step). There's no "slash and burn" - if you are used to using the DS profile exploit to get into Gateway and can't do that anymore once upgraded to 9.2, you could just as easily use the browser exploit (just don't delete launcher.dat). Plus, there are hundreds of people in this forum ready to help anyone that gets stuck. I don't know how you could ask for any more.
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Dead and alive
Nov 23, 2014
Canberra, Australia
This is what I was trying to say. I suck at ranting though.
It's probably actually better for the scene if people steal from each other - it is like science then instead of stupid patents and such (climbing on the shoulders of giants etc). They might not do it the nicest way or use the best wording in their feature descriptions but the more people putting out more stuff the better for the community. If it can't be reverse engineered to extract the original parts for people to add to their own stuff there's no harm, then the community is just as well off had it never been released.
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Gaming keeps me sane
Jul 14, 2009
The Magic School Bus
United States
You can continue using Gateway by using their arm9loaderhax.bin and using v1 of a9lh. The guide isn't confusing, it is extremely detailed so that people brand new to the scene can follow it and don't have to work out anything (it is very step by step). There's no "slash and burn" - if you are used to using the DS profile exploit to get into Gateway and can't do that anymore once upgraded to 9.2, you could just as easily use the browser exploit (just don't delete launcher.dat). Plus, there are hundreds of people in this forum ready to help anyone that gets stuck. I don't know how you could ask for any more.
I tried asking for help with my first OG GBA in trying to get the front-light working, but literally nobody responded for weeks.

I pretty much was forced to more or less dump that unit and buy another one. Granted, I did catch a break from a fellow user to score an AGS 101 screen for the replacement

Secondly, I don't have another *DS to migrate to if this unit is ever bricked. I certainly don't have a way to easily recover the Ambassador rewards from my original 3DS, in no small part because Nintendo is still living in a 1995 mentality and inextricably linking purchased content to the system, and not the account. Even if I were able to afford to replace my exising O3DS XL for another, or even luck out and pick up an N3DS XL, I'd never get those Ambassador items back.
Last edited by codezer0,
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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
United States
All this bitching and whinging about Gateway this and Gateway that, but literally nobody can bother to make this A9 thing any easier to actually use. Or a CFW that doesn't crap all over itself, for that matter.

And don't bother just linking to plailect's guide like it's some Holy Bible or something. Its very first steps are literally to slash and burn everything you'd already have on your #DS, including the ability to go back to the Gateway method if you realize it doesn't work for you. If not completely brick it with the mandatory downgrade and upgrade that are part of the process. That guide is confusing as hell, and literally its first steps are to break what I already have successfully and reliably going, with the Gateway cart. But seems nobody here wants to even comprehend that this easy to use nature, and the reliability of this method, are valuable to at least some people.

Last thing I want to be doing is worrying that suddenly the CFW I'm using doesn't want to boot up anymore or load anything. And no CFW group or dev is even attempting to access the GW red card for .3ds/z/sx files. Just like how they had this patronizing hatred when the Cobra devs made their payload open source on the PS3, you had some CFW devs parroting on on how they hated it so much and weren't going to bother to implement it in their CFW. Just two months later and updated versions of the payload were in every single self-respecting CFW if they wanted to be relevant, because even they had to recognize it added functionality that couldn't be had easily otherwise.

Very true lol at least they haven't abandoned the ship.


Dead and alive
Nov 23, 2014
Canberra, Australia
I tried asking for help with my first OG GBA in trying to get the front-light working, but literally nobody responded for weeks.

I pretty much was forced to more or less dump that unit and buy another one. Granted, I did catch a break from a fellow user to score an AGS 101 screen for the replacement

Secondly, I don't have another *DS to migrate to if this unit is ever bricked. I certainly don't have a way to easily recover the Ambassador rewards from my original 3DS, in no small part because Nintendo is still living in a 1995 mentality and inextricably linking purchased content to the system, and not the account. Even if I were able to afford to replace my exising O3DS XL for another, or even luck out and pick up an N3DS XL, I'd never get those Ambassador items back.
Firstly, not sure what GBAs have to do with a9lh, but sorry to hear about your experience.

Secondly, if you follow the guide you won't lose your stuff. In fact you could make a NAND backup before you do anything else (can be done from Gateway menu so you can do it before you even begin the guide), and if you're ever not satisfied in how things are going, you can restore it (with your SD card backup [copy files] and emuNAND backup [use emuNANDtool on your PC]) and be back exactly where you started.

You won't brick if you follow the guide as written and don't start skipping steps or changing them because you think you know better, and are humble enough to ask questions when unsure.

And, if you forgot to make backups AND failed to follow instructions AND were unlucky enough for that failure to cause a brick (most of the time failure to follow instructions just makes it take a lot longer because of the need to troubleshoot), you can call Nintendo and ask them to associate your NNID with a new console you buy, and then redownload all your Ambassador stuff.

If you have never associated an NNID with your console AND you forget to make backups AND you fail to follow instructions AND that failure causes a brick ... well that would be an extremely unlucky combination of circumstances, but all of it is within your control.
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I'm like you, I have no name.
Mar 14, 2009
United States
The "issue" with Plailect's guide is that it's simply not aimed at GW users.

For instance i'm on sys 9.2 / emu 11.0.
I launch emunand using good old MSET; get 90% success and don't mind the extra procedure as it allows to keep my sysnand clean.

If I wanted to install A9LH for convenience, I have no clue where to start. Most of Plailect's guide don't apply to my GW setup, a lot of steps are redundant etc..

So in this case I would be tempted to use GW's Time Machine method because at least it's meant for my setup.
(not doing it ofc because thanks to the good advice from certain Temp members, I understand that I would be forced to rely on GW red card forever after, which of course I don't want to.)

So the 2 possibilities right now are:
- use GW's method and basically fuck myself into always having to rely on GW red card
- try to experiment using Plailect's guide and most likely end up with a brick or losing all my stuff

It's a clusterfuck indeed.

What I wish to know at this point is if using GW4.1 beta has the same flaws as GW4.0 beta: being forced to rely on GW red card forever after.
Last edited by TheShadowRunner,


Active Member
Dec 2, 2013
United States
I must be kind of a crazy person. I have been using Gateway since I bought my O3DS on 4.4. Back when you needed a micro SD card per game! I am glad it has come so far since then.
I honesty am entirely satisfied with my setup now, no ALH9. Just gateway (9.2 sysand) and Reinand both sharing an Emunand. Gateway for 3ds backups and .3ds retroarch emulator. Reinand for native ABGfirm GBAgames and DSi ware things. Then the Gateway blue card for all my DS stuff

I have looked at the benefits of ALH9 and I dont really have any reason to change anything. Id say my boot success rate is 9 out of 10 and if the system has been turned off a while, it always boots into GW mode successfully. Unless there was a method with 100 percent pure success rates that allowed me to keep all my 3ds saves, GBA injections, DSi things, and custom themes I have no reason to change anything.

Ive never understood the gateway hate but I suppose its more of an expression of the good desire for open source everything, difficult with a piece of hardware for sale.
Last edited by wintermute808,


Sep 15, 2009
United States
The "issue" with Plailect's guide is that it's simply not aimed at GW users.

For instance i'm on sys 9.2 / emu 11.0.

Here is my simplified checklist, I recently did my n3ds 9.2 / gw emu 11 while waiting for a working boot method for my gw emunand. I used a spare SD for the downgrade process so I wouldn't mess with my gw emunand while doing the a9lh setup.


Sepatown, my damie.
May 3, 2010
United States
I've never regretted purchasing my Gateway. Even if nothing more than just being able to have played games that most people never had access to for years before a true CFW was released. I got my money's worth.

Plus, it was a lot of fun learning how to mod a new system. I bet I am not the only person who enjoys just being able to make something do something it shouldn't, almost as much as playing the actual games. Modding is its own hobby, even if you barely play any games. Gateway helped the scene to develop. Can't be mad at that.
Last edited by CraddaPoosta,


Dead and alive
Nov 23, 2014
Canberra, Australia
The "issue" with Plailect's guide is that it's simply not aimed at GW users.

For instance i'm on sys 9.2 / emu 11.0.
I launch emunand using good old MSET; get 90% success and don't mind the extra procedure as it allows to keep my sysnand clean.

If I wanted to install A9LH for convenience, I have no clue where to start. Most of Plailect's guide don't apply to my GW setup, a lot of steps are redundant etc..

So in this case I would be tempted to use GW's Time Machine method because at least it's meant for my setup.
(not doing it ofc because thanks to the good advice from certain Temp members, I understand that I would be forced to rely on GW red card forever after, which of course I don't want to.)

So the 2 possibilities right now are:
- use GW's method and basically fuck myself into always having to rely on GW red card
- try to experiment using Plailect's guide and most likely end up with a brick or losing all my stuff

It's a clusterfuck indeed.

What I wish to know at this point is if using GW4.1 beta has the same flaws as GW4.0 beta: being forced to rely on GW red card forever after.
You will not lose all your stuff - once updated to 9.2 you can launch Gateway using the browser exploit (navigating to go.gateway-3ds.com in the browser) for temporary access until a9lh installation is complete. It even says in the guide: "if you follow this guide correctly, you will end up on updated sysNAND with all the stuff you started with" or something along those lines.

I'm glad you know the downside of using Gateway's TimeMachine method - being forever married to the red card, as well as the huge amount of danger it poses (it skips all the safety steps). Not to mention not having access to the main benefit of a9lh: Decrypt9 for brick recovery. If you are unsure on any step you can just ask. Don't take the terrible method because you think it's easier or something. If you follow Plailect's guide you can later have Gateway autoboot for you, same as if you had used the TimeMachine method except with all the benefits (access to Decrypt9 and emuNAND9, option to use Luma if you misplace your Gateway cartridge or it breaks).

I was using Gateway from the DS profile exploit before updating to a9lh in February when the guide was 100 times as hard as it is now, and it went swimmingly. I did not lose a thing.
Last edited by Quantumcat,
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