GBAtemp hiring new moderators: we need you!


GBAtemp needs you!
The GBAtemp community has just lost one of its most valuable supervisors Minox who decided to step down after years of incredible service at GBAtemp. His presence and dedication are already heavily missed, if you're reading this Minox - I really mean it and I'm sorry you decided to go.

It's time to inject some fresh blood into our mod team! If you think you have what it takes, send me a PM. You don't have to post in this thread to apply. For your information, hiring decisions are made by staff consensus, I won't be the one to decide.

So you must be wondering: why would anyone want to join the mod team on these crazy forums? Well there are quite a few incentives:
- first you get a shiny badge, and access to our secret staff forums
- become part of the GBAtemp mod family and join our secret group chat
- get free games and hardware for review (you're free to choose the games/stuff you want to review)
- weigh in on important decisions concerning the organization of events and the future of the site
- early access to new features/skins and beta testing
- climb up the ladder to become a supervisor with full power over the entire site

What we're looking for before anything is level-headed persons with good common sense, if you've submitted valid reports before you literally get bonus points. Also, if you're familiar with the 3DS and Switch hacking scene, we're looking for moderators for these areas in particular.

Interested? Shoot me a private message! Your application will be reposted on our staff forum where the staff will render their verdict. We will inform you when decisions have been made.
Last edited by Costello,


fuckin dork
May 4, 2014
United States
I dunno if VinsCool wants to moderate? It's his choice, and I agree he'd probably be a great moderator, but that's up to him.

I sure hope you guys are up for the Walmart brand alternative though, because I threw my hat in the ring.


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
Madridi, I agree with you. We always went with "we choose, if you ask you lose your chance".
Though, I think sometime we might miss candidates by doing that. Electing users, whom I forgot (because we have a lot!) at the election time is too bad :( (edit: I have name's memory issues!)
We might also not think about someone, while he/she could be perfect for the job.

I suppose it's a critical situation, losing a very active supervisor makes the forum in a temporary free fight zone (please, don't pill up more job on purpose ;__; )

Ultimately, the decision will be the same, the staff will decide the same way than we always did. We will just have an idea of who's interested and feel strong enough.

Like you said, moderator needs to be cold headed (NOT cold hearted!), be nice to everyone and capable of discernment over kids fighting for futile reasons, trolls, etc. and you need to take proper decisions. it's not a funny position just to mess with the forum's content !
if you think you can help, do it because you like the place and want to make it better, not for the fun.
You'll have decision to make, decision which might get users angry, you'll need to be able to explain yourself (yeah, lot of users will come in PM to argue with you). You could ignore it, and be seen as "bad moderator", personally I always answer people and try to appease the situation. But I ended feeling bad being the "bad one" and people coming to criticize and argue the decision, crying people is tiresome. I have enough crying people at my real job, not on my free time too. I ended warning less, and doing my mod job less, until almost not at all. If you want to be moderator, you need to be mentally strong!

Personally, and I publicly said it many times, I don't have enough time to work as an active moderator and can barely read few threads a day. I can't follow what's happening in 3DS or Switch forum, I barely read Wii section for myself. I feel like I let the forum down.
being moderator requires a lot of free time. I wish I had more time and be more helpful to everyone.

Moderator: power over one specific section of the forum only. You can warn/rename/move/edit/delete posts in that section only. For example, you could be moderator for the Switch section, but won't be able to do anything in 3DS section.
Global moderator : power on posts and threads on all the forum. same job, but bigger! Usually you get global right away because it's too bad when you are the only online staff and can't take fast action against a bad post in another section. you also has access to private forum to talk about and take decisions (member's behavior, events votes like tempmas, etc.). Oh, and bonuses not said in Costello's first post : you also get mod power on filetrip and wikitemp ! You probably won't have time to moderate that part and might have forgot about them, but someone has to do it...
Reporters / other position : other staff members often get some of the moderator power too (rename/move/close threads)
Supervisor : have access to user's data (edit user name, birth date, etc.), and has access to forum's data (section name, layout, settings, new content developer). you can also ban people and have greater decision, moderator will come to you for advises on conflicts they can't decide what to do.
Admin: source code, servers manager, threats (virus, security, etc.), backup job and global ideas. (who would want that? really) Costello, you're awesome! thanks for what you are doing.

Remember too : the spirit is and always has been that GBATemp is a free speech place. you can't ban/warn/delete someone's comment just because you feel differently or don't like that user. you don't hide users you don't like! The job is not your point of view, but being a legal and sane place for everyone to enjoy.

ps: I used "you" but I was talking to anyone wanting to join, not just Madridi :P
Last edited by Cyan,


The Engineer
Feb 28, 2018
I am only really active on here from 10pm to 4am most days, Pacific Standard Time. (USA west coast)
I dont see why you wont qualify as a moderator. 6 hours a day is not a short time for a moderator. That is a lot of moderation and content posting for hours. Even so you could just check the forum for a couple of minutes every hour or two if there are any moderating actions neded to be done.
As long as you dont have impaired or biased judgement with the members, not emotional and just rational, you will fit. Unless GBAtemp has activity requirements for their new hires.
I was a Super Moderator (the heirarchy was : adminstrator > Super Mods > Moderators > researchers, gfx, elites and contributors.) once in a local forum in our country, but the community i worked for was toxic and the administrator was.... irrational? (demanding and doesn't want us affiliated in any other site especially his enemy sites). After that, i left and swore not to that again. LoL.


Card Collector
May 9, 2008
please, don't quote big messages!
Personally, and I publicly said it many times, I don't have enough time to work as an active moderator and can barely read few threads a day. I can't follow what's happening in 3DS or Switch forum, I barely read Wii section for myself. I feel like I let the forum down.
being moderator requires a lot of free time. I wish I had more time and be more helpful to everyone.

Last :
Moderator: power over one specific section of the forum only. You can warn/rename/move/edit/delete posts in that section only. For example, you could be moderator for the Switch section, but won't be able to do anything in 3DS section.
Global moderator : power on posts and threads on all the forum. same job, but bigger! Usually you get global right away because it's too bad when you are the only online staff and can't take fast action against a bad post in another section. you also has access to private forum to talk about and take decisions (member's behavior, events votes like tempmas, etc.)
Reporters / other position : other staff members often get some of the moderator power too (rename/close threads)
Supervisor : have access to user's data (edit user name, birth date, etc.), and has access to forum's data (section name, layout, settings). you can also ban people and have greater decision, moderator will come to you for advises on conflicts they can't decide what to do.

Remember too : the spirit is and always has been that GBATemp is a free speech place. you can't ban/warn/delete someone's comment just because you don't like it or feel the other way. The job is not your point of view, but being a place for everyone to enjoy.
All fair points Cyan. Thanks for taking the time to write that.

For the point you mentioned about you might miss good people if you continue with the same way, fair point, but:

- If that person is good enough, it’s kinda impossible to miss them. If you do miss someone, they are likely not significant enough.

- Instead of people nominating themselves, and have the risk of them asking for that position purely to have their egos fed, a better way might be to have people nomimage someone (in addition to whoever staff already have in mind), then staff reviews that candidate, and if they agree on that person, they contact them asking if they are interested.

I guess I would like to summarize the issues by the following:
- Establish specific criteria rather than ones that can be ambiguous.
- Reduce the possibly of the selection process being less qualitative than it usually was by having stricter criteria of the way they are chosen.

Finally, I totally forgot that sectional mods exist (blue mods). I think given the influx and popularity of some sections over the other, it should be a no brainer (to me at least) that whoever is appointed should be sectional mods for now. That alone will cover a large part of whatever the staff feel they are lagging behind at the moment
Last edited by Madridi,


Some random dude
Nov 6, 2016
I would apply, but I have my reasons not to.
Lemme just quickly tell you my reasons
1) I don't as first that I get approved, since i don't think having a teen as a Moderator is a good idea.
2) Like I said, I am still a teen.
3) Time isn't the issue here, but more like with that free stuff to review. (My parents got even angry when i ordered myself a game with my money on amazon over my account, that they made)
4) I think there are better people you can have as a Moderator

If something like that happens again when I am eighteen I will probably apply.


Penguin accelerator
Feb 13, 2015
I think I'll pass, if just to be coherent with my advice of "stay out of most topics in the 3DS Homebrew """Development""" and Emulators section" :)

- Instead of people nominating themselves, and have the risk of them asking for that position purely to have their egos fed, a better way might be to have people nominate someone [...]
Like with that video contest? :P


Supreme Punmaster
Sep 16, 2016
This is a great opportunity for most of us... but yeah, i think i'll pass too.
Free games and hardware are cool, but i can't commit to moderation work currently, especially since i'm not that intelligent when it comes to the hacking scenes.


Oct 24, 2002

I can’t help to wonder, but why change the way you ran things? I mean, the mentality has always been “if you are a person who asks to be a mod, you’re probably never get it.” .. right? I personally was In favor of that method of picking staff. Over the 10+ years that I spent here, I can honestly say that (with the exception of one or two staffers that I particularly didn’t agree with), I feel that gbatemp has done a good job picking people out. They are mostly cool people, who are level headed, regardless of their performance as staffers. I am not sure why you would want to change that..

I do have concerns about people applying to be a mod, and having significant power over the site. It would be better if staff nominate people after agreeing upon themselves that the specific and then have staff approach that person directly on whether they are interested or not.

Also, this is no disrespect for anyone, but a lot of people on this site (including myself) have seen some issues with gbatemp over the years. While this isn’t the fright place to discuss this, the one issue I would like to raise that pertains to this, is the forums seems to be filled with kids, who either get triggered quite easily (rather than just walk away), like to troll and offer almost no contribution, or simply engage in unhealthy behavior of picking one team, and berating Any other team that they don’t agree with. Numerous examples exist for this such as:
Cfw vs flashcart
Cfw A vs Cfw B
Hacking method A vs Hacking method B
Modchip vs free solution

Because of the above, I believe any mod nominated should not have the tendency to do such a thing, and look at any issue objectively rather than what they feel on the issue.

Finally, forgive me if I somehow missed this, but I don’t see any concrete requirements mentioned for applying (level headedness and common sense is somewhat vague requirement without an accurate measurement). Some easy requirements can be:

- How long a Member has been in the site in relation their post counts. This site has been around since 2002 or so. I think people who have held accounts for less than 3 years should be on waiting lists of a sort for further mod appointments later, but priority should be given to those have been here for a lot of years. I am also not a fan of having post count as a criteria, as “shitposting”does exist, but I think looking at both criterias at the same time rather than one or the other can give you some sort of measurement.

- Warn level: I think people who were warned more than once should automatically be disqualified. This does gives you the kind of indication on the character of that specific member. Giving them the opportunity to mod would more likely only feed their power hungered ego than them doing any actual good to the community.

Obviously, staff can waive any requirement if they feel the good outweighs the bad.

Either way, good luck with this process, and best wishes to Minox.

Edit: Oh boy, this wasn’t supposed to be as long lol. Maybe a PM would’ve been better. Sorry for the wall of text.
What you said about the recruitment does make sense, but bear in mind that the current staff isn't omniscient, we sometimes miss great people who wouldn't manifest themselves if we didn't provide an opportunity.

This is also why I'm accepting PMs this time and not public posts. If you PM me, nobody will know that you applied other than the staff, therefore you won't be seen as power hungry by the community. If you simply think you'd be a good fit then please do apply. If you're too proud to do that, then maybe your pride will make you miss great opportunities... or maybe you're really so good that we will contact you directly instead, but this rarely happens.

Our community is growing intensely and it makes it hard to follow. We get hundreds of reports every day and it becomes hard to deal with, it feels like we are seriously understaffed. Our current staff is doing amazing and I can't thank them enough, but it's simply a matter of volume. General activity and the number of visits on GBAtemp has increased by 40% over the past few months so if we don't act, more and more threads will derail into unmoderated madness.

Finally, when it comes to the requirements, this is all very loose. The staff will judge, so it feels wrong to eliminate subsets of people based on technical criteria such as join dates or post counts. You don't need to have joined 10 years ago to be an outstanding member of the community for example.
Last edited by Costello,


Makes Games
Dec 25, 2007
Bolton, England
United Kingdom
if I had the time to do it, (you know, when I’m not busy creating brand new games at an alarming rate) I’d be known as the "Homebrew Moderator."

I wouldn’t "banhammer" anyone, but I would frequently edit people's posts, replacing the word "Homebrew" with the phrase "commercial game that I’m stealing",because people who misuse that word are making what I do an absolute bloomin' nightmare.

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  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    @BakerMan Make me a space cake plz
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I make rum cake for 4th July every year, I make it a week prior and then soak it in rum in the fridge all week. I flip the cake each day, and add little more rum, it soaks it up everyday, so good.
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    sorry, idk what you mean by a space cake, and even if i did, i'm not really taking requests right now, because otherwise people will get mad at me for taking a request but not making a birthday cake for @Xdqwerty (i'm sorry for that btw bro)
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    @BakerMan lies, you just want to smoke it

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  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    @ZeroT21 ohhh a pot cake?
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    Gimme some of dat
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    oh yeah i don't use weed,in my baking or in general
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    besides isn't it usually gummies or brownies?
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
    So, make a "New Trend"
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    i just said i don't use weed
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    You can add it in anything really, you can even make a butter/oil with it, then use that oil in anything
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    besides i'm literally a minor and neurodivergent, so telling me to make a cake with cannabis is traumatizing me, ur cancelled buddy /s/srs
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    (nah jk i'm just parodying those "i'm literally a minor and neurodivergent" mfs on twitter)
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Michigan has legal rec, so you only have few more years, is it 18 or 21 up there? 21 here in Ohio.
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    prob 21, idk tho
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    Guess I'll go with plan B and make a Rum Vanilla flavored ice cream
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    That sounds damn good.
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
    Nah. Tequila maybe
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    That, or Old No. 7
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    I'm ashamed to ask, but what is old no 7?
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