GBAtemp ponders E3 2013 -- Sony.

Deleted member 194275

Edson Arantes do Nascimento
Aug 19, 2009
I'm watching now, and a guy get a girl on a plane using his charming PS Vita, I advise you that is pure fictional, and will not happen in your own virgin life.
By the way, boring presantation so far. Good graphics, many information, but still boring, just like the Xbox One.

Anyway, both PS4 and Xbox One did not showed yet why someone with enouth money would buy them and not a PC.

Nathan Drake

Obligations fulfilled, now I depart.
Jan 2, 2011
The fact that they had to take about 15 mins - 30 mins to say "We're not the Xbox One guys!" is absolutely sad in terms of quality of the presentation.

Thoroughly disappointed. They start with the Vita, say they'll "support it" then just list some already announced games. Their biggest thing for the system was a The Walking Dead bundle. I love TWD but handheld is not a great fit for it. Otherwise they just listed some already announced games (not a lot of which looked good). Then they quickly swept it under the carpet and moved it. Top notch there folks.

I guess the biggest announcements are FFXV and Kingdom Hearts III. Both games I give zero shits about. Yay.

inFamous Second Son still looks good but it's not even a launch title.

The one thing I HATE about E3 conferences is there's always one game they ride mercilessly. This year it was Watch_Dogs. Three conferences had it. I like Watch_Dogs but I don't want THREE showings of it.

Destiny looked absolutely fantastic but it's of course multiplat so I can always get it elsewhere if needs be.

Hopefully they'll redeem themselves a bit more with some good announcements following E3 but so much worse of a conference compared to last year.
Honestly, isn't this almost all nitpicking or "it doesn't apply to me, so clearly it wasn't good"? Do you have any good reasons for hating the conference rather than the fact that it didn't cater to exactly what you were expecting? Did you really expect them to spend more than five or six minutes on the Vita with the PS4 there waiting to happen? Did you expect them to announce games out of series that you may be interested in rather than ones that would clearly get the masses excited because of years of hype building? Can you not differentiate between a good conference and a bad conference, or do you purposefully flip flop the usage of them?

This E3 conference was about their centerpiece, and I feel they did a great job putting it out there. They spent time on the Vita and the PS3, which, really, they could have not done at all and they still would have had a stellar conference just spending more time with the PS4 out there. They talked about the services of the PS4, gave us a price, emphasized why it was better than the competition which is very important in enticing members of what tends to be a very biased market, showed us games and gave many people a reason to be excited, and showed us that the PS4 was a console to look forward to. They didn't sit there and disappoint us, or focus on pointless aspects. They didn't give us a confusing name or an ugly design (sure, it isn't pretty, but you can only redesign a rectangle so many times). They didn't tell us PS Plus would be required for anything but multiplayer, and for any that see it as a negative, I could have scraped $5 a month together when I was 8. I'm sure we can all push a trip to the nearest fast food restaurant aside if need be for the sake of better overall services. $60 a year is the price of a new PS4 game, and if I'm not mistaken they announced PS Plus is still going to offer enough incentives that $5 a month is hardly anything to cry over.

Not watching the entirety of E3, maybe Watch_Dogs got annoying. I can't personally say. Calling the entire presentation bad because nothing catered to your personal tastes is just silly though. That viewpoint entirely neglects to consider what anybody else might think. Sure, you can say it was a disappointing conference for yourself because your Vita didn't get much attention and the PS4 didn't really show much of what you wanted, but you can't call this conference worse than last year's in general.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2013
Anyway, both PS4 and Xbox One did not showed yet why someone with enouth money would buy them and not a PC.

Consoles now aren't aimed at rich technologically minded individuals, they are aimed at the average consumer who doesn't have a couple grand to throw at a custom PC.

One of the major points behind a console is that it is reliable (arguable seeing the start of previous generation). Most people don't care about how things work, they just want it to work. Most people who have any depth of PC knowledge and cash will still buy a top of the line gaming computer before a console, but an average person just wants to play games whenever.

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
Honestly, isn't this almost all nitpicking or "it doesn't apply to me, so clearly it wasn't good"? Do you have any good reasons for hating the conference rather than the fact that it didn't cater to exactly what you were expecting? Did you really expect them to spend more than five or six minutes on the Vita with the PS4 there waiting to happen? Did you expect them to announce games out of series that you may be interested in rather than ones that would clearly get the masses excited because of years of hype building? Can you not differentiate between a good conference and a bad conference, or do you purposefully flip flop the usage of them?

This E3 conference was about their centerpiece, and I feel they did a great job putting it out there. They spent time on the Vita and the PS3, which, really, they could have not done at all and they still would have had a stellar conference just spending more time with the PS4 out there. They talked about the services of the PS4, gave us a price, emphasized why it was better than the competition which is very important in enticing members of what tends to be a very biased market, showed us games and gave many people a reason to be excited, and showed us that the PS4 was a console to look forward to. They didn't sit there and disappoint us, or focus on pointless aspects. They didn't give us a confusing name or an ugly design (sure, it isn't pretty, but you can only redesign a rectangle so many times). They didn't tell us PS Plus would be required for anything but multiplayer, and for any that see it as a negative, I could have scraped $5 a month together when I was 8. I'm sure we can all push a trip to the nearest fast food restaurant aside if need be for the sake of better overall services. $60 a year is the price of a new PS4 game, and if I'm not mistaken they announced PS Plus is still going to offer enough incentives that $5 a month is hardly anything to cry over.

Not watching the entirety of E3, maybe Watch_Dogs got annoying. I can't personally say. Calling the entire presentation bad because nothing catered to your personal tastes is just silly though. That viewpoint entirely neglects to consider what anybody else might think. Sure, you can say it was a disappointing conference for yourself because your Vita didn't get much attention and the PS4 didn't really show much of what you wanted, but you can't call this conference worse than last year's in general.

Well my major complaint is that it was just so... uninteresting. Almost everything seemed to just be old games we already knew about but with some new trailers. Also the pitiful lack of Vita support.

They went on and on with the services, it's not like it was anything new either, it was just PS3 supported apps that are, surprise surprise, also supported on the PS4. Like oh man, we're getting Netflix!? I never would've guessed! Then there was Music and Video Unlimited (which I didn't think anyone used), Crackle (again not well used), and then there was I guess Redbox or something but who the fuck cares.

Then they spent that solid butt end of the conference just going "HAHA LET'S JAB AT MICROSOFT BECAUSE WE LACK OUR OWN POSITIVE POINTS," nevermind the fact that they just kinda sped over the whole "Oh yeah we're taking a page from Microsoft and requiring a subscription for online multiplayer." But remember guys, Microsoft is terrible and we're not Microsoft! So buy our shit! Like seriously it felt like the equivalent of a long, drawn out "Sega does what Nintendon't" for 15-30 mins.

It's not that nothing catered to me, I liked the games (really liking inFamous, Knack looks pretty cool, Watch_Dogs, Destiny), I like the console, I like the price. It's just that they didn't bring forth a lot of new, just trailers. I like E3 for big announcements, big new games. Instead it was just more updated trailers, I think the only big reveal to come to mind was GT6 but it's not exactly my cup of tea. Combine that with a rather boring expanse of non-gaming related stuff (not even interesting PS4 features just old apps and Microsoft jabs) and a completely embarrassing lack of Vita support and it turns out to be a very lukewarm conference. Like is it really a valid point to say I shouldn't complain about the Sony conference because they didn't bring forth almost any games on a system that just came out last year? Like c'mon, I love my Vita and I want it to do well but Sony seems to be working completely against it. Expecting new games for a 1 year old system is certainly not ridiculous. The biggest announcements we got were... God of War 1 and 2 for Vita (not like I totally bought the God of War Saga with all 5 games for $40 guys) and more expansive cloud streaming support (which is GREAT but it's not original Vita games).

The highlight is probably Destiny, which looks great, but again it was announced a while ago and it's also multiplat. It's not securing my PS4 purchase, it's just securing my Destiny purchase.

Oh lord will I be branded as a "Sony hater" eventually? I just don't think that Sony is wearing the "best console of E3" crown but more so the "less shit console of E3" crown. They didn't prove that the PS4 is the best console ever, just that it's not as shitty as the competition.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2009
The launch price and unrestricted used games for the PS4 is too good to ignore, I think if Nintendo announces a price drop for the Wii U a PS4 + Wii U will give Microsoft a run for it's money in next generation gaming consoles.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2012
ur dad
The launch price and unrestricted used games for the PS4 is too good to ignore, I think if Nintendo announces a price drop for the Wii U a PS4 + Wii U will give Microsoft a run for it's money in next generation gaming consoles.

You do realize we have had the unrestricted used games thing since the beginning of the gaming era, right? I mean, I'm happy that Microsoft will lose a shitload of money if they keep their shit like this, but you guys are cheering and saying that Sony is like some kind of based god just because they are giving what everybody gave for the last 20 years.
I know, it's cool that they kept it that way, but it wasn't because of the people, but because they knew that the limitation to used games and stuff is just plain stupid.

tl;dr I can't believe people is loving Sony because they are just doing what everybody did for 20 years, it's seriously mindblowing.


Jul 14, 2008
tl;dr I can't believe people is loving Sony because they are just doing what everybody did for 20 years, it's seriously mindblowing.

I agree with you but equally from an industry point of view Sony could well have jumped on board the Microsoft trajectory and the two companies could have forced people to adapt (realistically people aren't ALL going to abandon them and go to Nintendo). It's ridiculous we're praising Sony for maintaining the status quo but for a second there it felt like there was a real danger they wouldn't. Being happy about it sends a message to Sony that they're doing the right thing and effectively helps us shape gaming the way we want it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2012
ur dad
I agree with you but equally from an industry point of view Sony could well have jumped on board the Microsoft trajectory and the two companies could have forced people to adapt (realistically people aren't ALL going to abandon them and go to Nintendo). It's ridiculous we're praising Sony for maintaining the status quo but for a second there it felt like there was a real danger they wouldn't. Being happy about it sends a message to Sony that they're doing the right thing and effectively helps us shape gaming the way we want it.

Yeah, that's pretty much the problem. People will cry for a day or two and on the third day they'll get the console anyway.


Jul 14, 2008
Yeah, that's pretty much the problem. People will cry for a day or two and on the third day they'll get the console anyway.

Realistically what do you want to happen? If someone doesn't find the alternative particularly attractive (which in this imaginary situation is Nintendo) then if they still want to game then they'll suck it up and buy the thing they do want whilst dealing with the negatives. You can't make people like things that they don't really find appealing. The way they consume the media for that product they have bought is likely to be very different though.


Captain Chaz 86
Mar 3, 2010
United States
I can't believe so many people on game tailors bashing the ps4 for allowing used games? And calling those who don't want the xbone cheap bastard who don't support devs? WTH. I'm all for supporting devs but the xbone is not right for this era of gaming. Needing a stable and reliable connection at least once every 24 hours, is not something everyone every where has. Maybe in another 10-15 years. I believe Sony learned their lesson with the psp go. Now it's time for microsoft to be taught a lesson and learn it hard.


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2012
United States
Edit: And remember, if they had any of that before, they likely yanked it just because of the incredibly negative response Microsoft received because of those exact problems.

A quick question, where is everyone getting these conspiracy theories that Sony had DRM and after they saw the backlash to MS, they ditched it at the last minute to steal the thunder and lord it over MS?

There is no way possible Sony could have done that beforehand because of licensing and behind the scenes deals and when companies like EA would have been 100% behind resale restrictions, and then Sony would essentially 180 on a deal that agreed to and reneged on that. There is no way possible that would have happened at all, otherwise that would have leaked out ages ago and those companies would not have supported Sony...AT...ALL.

It's a crazy theory concocted by those who think anything is possible in the games industry and don't think of the business side of things, a deal like that would have been near impossible to have been agreed to by Sony and publishers only for it to fall apart because Sony wanted to look the white knight to the press and the gaming community. I call Shenanigans.

I can't believe so many people on game tailors bashing the ps4 for allowing used games? And calling those who don't want the xbone cheap bastard who don't support devs? WTH. I'm all for supporting devs but the xbone is not right for this era of gaming. Needing a stable and reliable connection at least once every 24 hours, is not something everyone every where has. Maybe in another 10-15 years. I believe Sony learned their lesson with the psp go. Now it's time for microsoft to be taught a lesson and learn it hard.

Yes, because what do most devs do for you the gamer, oh launch day DLC, microtransactions, disc locked DLC, release buggy beta quality software and patch it only if they feel like it, complain gamers complain too much (oxymoron no?) and are too needy, even though we are their customers who pay for their livelihood, ect. ect. ect....

Yeah I'm sure 100% of those people complaining buy every game they own at $60 a piece, NEVER have gone to a gamestop to trade a game in for credit on a new upcoming title, or have ever, ever rented a game from Gamefly or Redbox. They're nothing more than a bunch of whiny, spoiled fan boys who can't and won't accept the truth, and feel the need to think that the PS4 is crappier (when in fact it is more powerful) since it's cheaper, doesn't have as good of selection of games (debatable), and that you owe it to MS and their group of developers/publishers your hard earned money and loyalty because, they care about you as a gamer and will reward you for your can't believe I typed that, since it's a load of bullocks, but many people believe it to be true, as you saw over there.

P.S. The PSP Go was ahead of its time, you ask anyone who owns one and they'll sing it's praises, it's a nice little device with many cool options on it, if it had a UMD reader, it would have been much more successful, but even still it just came out too soon for people to accept it for what it was.
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Jul 14, 2008
P.S. The PSP Go was ahead of its time, you ask anyone who owns one and they'll sing it's praises, it's a nice little device with many cool options on it, if it had a UMD reader, it would have been much more successful, but even still it just came out too soon for people to accept it for what it was.

I've got one and it's inferior to my 1000 and 2000. Awful controls and control layout, flimsy and vulnerable design, poor battery life in comparison to my 2000 (coupled with next to no info regarding charge remaining) and proprietary USB input.

Praise the PSP by all means....just not the Go.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Yes, because what do most devs do for you the gamer, oh launch day DLC, microtransactions, disc locked DLC, release buggy beta quality software and patch it only if they feel like it

or have ever, ever rented a game from Gamefly or Redbox.

Launch day DLC if done right would not be that bad, granted the trick it to do it right and it is one that few have mastered. Microtransactions again have the potential to be done right, I am not entirely sold on why I should think disc locked DLC is a bad thing, buggy software I will happily not stand for though it does come with several large asterisks* and patching wise -- how you seen how much MS and Sony charge to release them?

*the main one being the release of the game suddenly sees several million man hours of testing happen at once.

I do also have to note rentals are part of the copyright laws and those companies doing such things do actually kick a cut, pay for a license or otherwise provide recompense to the IP owner.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2010
I agree with McCommie, I'm not impressed. Just because MS is failing this launch hard, doesn't make Sony awesome.

MS, in effort to please the publishers, have made some DRM decisions that are extremely unpopular with consumers. They also did a piss poor marketing job. They allowed terrible rumours to spread half a year before officially confirming them (basically) and looked stupid as they tried to spin it as something awesome.

Sony has been hugely rewarded for the MS launch fail. Yet Sony will still allow publishers to stick it to consumers any way they can, otherwise the big publishers may not release PS4 games in the same quantity or quality as XBone games.
Sony's track record on DRM is horrendous, I don't think for a second they are morally "above" restrictive DRM.


Jul 14, 2008

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