Review iPlayer Review


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<font color="red"> review of the...</font>

<b><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'><font color="#08608E">iPlayer</font></span></b> <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

aka: DSiPlayer, iPlayerDS
Manufactured by: <a href="" target="_blank">iPlayer Team</a>
Review samples supplied by: <a href="" target="_blank">Gamezway</a>
By <a href='<b>Toni Plutonij</b>' target=_blank title='View profile for member <b>Toni Plutonij</b>'}><b>Toni Plutonij</b></a> - 19th November 2009.

Many thanks to <a href="" target="_blank">Gamezway</a> for providing us with a sample unit.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>

<b>Review Contents & Index:</b><ul><li><a style="text-decoration: none;" href="#a">Introduction</a>
- <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="#a1">Feature List</a></li><li><a style="text-decoration: none;" href="#b">Packaging and Contents</a></li><li><a style="text-decoration: none;" href="#c">Cart Design</a></li><li><a style="text-decoration: none;" href="#d">Software</a>
- <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="#d1">Video</a>
- <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="#d2">Music</a>
- <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="#d3">Homebrew</a>
- <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="#d4">Files</a>
- <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="#d5">System</a></li><li><a style="text-decoration: none;" href="#e">Playback/Compatibility</a>
- <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="#e1">Video</a>
- <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="#e2">Music</a>
- <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="#e3">Homebrew</a></li><li><a style="text-decoration: none;" href="#f">Pros/Cons</a></li><li><a style="text-decoration: none;" href="#g">Conclusion</a></li></ul><div class="reviewbreak"><a name="a">Introduction</a></div>

iPlayer is a first "media and homebrew only" DSi flashcart. Even though it's not the first cart that came up with the concept and idea to run only "legal" files (remember the Datel 'Games and Music' cart or Max Media Dock?), it is the first one to try and do so on DSi.
Don't get me wrong, this cart will work on Phat and Lite DS handhelds as well, however I see it as a "improved generation" of a flashcart, with stronger hardware, so it feels like it's made for "improved generation" of a handheld.

I'll note right from the start, this cart DOES NOT play ROMs (as in copies of commercial games) nor it is intended to do so, it is made only for the multimedia playback and running homebrew.

What makes this cart special, is extra hardware that turns your DS into fully capable multimedia device. You will be able to watch videos and listen to the music, now you'll ask, but what is different, all of that you could have do before as well.
iPlayer has native support for codecs and formats we all use in everyday life. That's right, no more converting videos to .dpg or even worse .dsm format. No more de-sync problems most of us, who use DS as multimedia device, experienced often, and no more seeking problems, like we had with earlier versions of .dpg.

With iPlayer all you need is drag & drop desired movie to microSD, and flashcart will do decoding for the playback. Is everything perfect as it seems? Read on!

<div align="center"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div>

<a name="a1"><b>Feature List (taken from the back of the box):</b></a><ul><li>Support Video, Music, etc.</li><li>Hardware decode and play Video smoothly.</li><li>Play Video directly without any converting</li><li>Support microSD and microSDHC (High Capacity), FAT 16 or 32</li><li>Just Drag and Drop, Works on any OS</li><li>User friendly skinnable interface</li><li>Touch screen and button operation</li><li>Upgadeable system, more function will be released by OS upgrade</li></ul><div align="center"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div>

<div class="reviewbreak"><a name="b">Packaging and Contents</a></div>

The iPlayer surprised me with the nice and stylish package. It's very minimalistic and pretty plain, but it really works for the first impression.
Outer box is white with a bit of text in the front and sides, and Feature List/Supported Formats List is written on the back.

Once you open the box, you have inner plastic tray with it's own cover and designated spots for iPlayer cart (comes with small plastic case, very neat) and microSD reader that looks rather cheap-ish, but it's sturdy and worked without problems over couple of weeks I had this cart on testing.

<div align="center"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div>

Under the tray with cart and reader, there is enough space for instruction booklet/manual on how to set up and start using cart, printed on glossy paper, designed very nicely, and also for the mini CD with firmware. Unfortunately, mine came without the CD, but I don't mind as I usually grab the latest firmware available from the internet.

<div align="center"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div>

As I said, the whole package looks very professional, and it keeps the main item, cart, secured.
I received my iPlayer in ordinary bubble wrapped envelope, and despite the long trip, box was pretty much undamaged.

<b>Box includes:</b><ul><li>iPlayer flashcart</li><li>microSD (HC) reader</li><li>instruction booklet</li><li>miniCD with firmware (there is a chance that CD will be missing)</li></ul><div align="center"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div>

<div class="reviewbreak"><a name="c">Cart Design</a></div>

I own M3 Real (cart that has one of the weakest build design) and CycloDS (cart that has one of the strongest build designs), and iPlayer feels a lot like a CycloDS under the fingers.
I believe that it could take couple of drops (don't try it out), however design isn't perfect due to the chips protruding out under the label.
Label itself appears to be a thinner foil sticker with simple design, and it looks nice, nothing flashy or distracting.

<div align="center"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div>

Cart is made out of white plastic, and I believe this is the only version so far, I don't know if there is or will be black version in the future.

Contacts on the cart are divided by the pins but not completely, I'm not sure why they decided to put the pins the way they did, but I'm glad to see some pins, as it makes me feel more secure using said cart!
Funny thing is that my M3 Real doesn't have any pins, and CycloDS has full set of pins, so this is another detail, where iPlayer leans to CycloDS in terms of design.

<div align="center"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div>

iPlayer uses microSD rather then internal memory. Slot for microSD is located on the top of the cart, in the usual place, and has spring mechanism. I know it's usually love/hate thing when it comes to spring loading of microSD, and I must say that I'm a big "fan" of it, if it's of high quality of course. Thankfully, spring in iPlayer feels strong and of high quality, and it endured 200+ clicks in and out (I did it over period of couple of weeks, not in one shot). Once the microSD is placed in, it doesn't stick out at all.
Also, iPlayer is compatible with SDHC microSD cards, so it means that one can use cards up to 32GB, I find this very important when it comes to multimedia, seeing that average movie is 700+ MB in size.

<div align="center"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div>

<div align="center"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div>

Downside of the design is the front part, with chips protruding under the label. People who use carts with bigger chip are probably used to it by now, and won't see this as a minus, however, cart tends to get stuck on a way out, so sometimes, it takes a bit of help, with the nail or something like that, to get the cart out of the handheld. It is to be expected on a cart that has extra CPU and RAM under the hood!

<div class="reviewbreak"><a name="d">Software</a></div>

<div align="center"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div>

Installing firmware is done simply by copying (drag and drop) «_system» folder. You can find firmware on the mini CD that came with iPlayer, however, at this point, firmware that comes with iPlayer is outdated, and I recommend downloading latest update from thier official web-site or our own
You can create VIDEO and MUSIC folders in the root of the microSD, or iPlayer will create them automatically on the first boot. During my testing, I created folders named «Video» and «Music», but once I booted iPlayer, it created it's own folders with the same name but upper letters (Video->VIDEO), so it's important that created folders are named with CAPS LOCK ON.

Once you have iPlayer set up and ready, turn on your handheld and you'll be presented with the short loading screen, and after a second or two, the main menu will slide in your bottom screen. Yes it will actually slide, you can also see sliding effect while going trough menu and choosing from five possible options. I find these neat effects make using iPlayer a bit more pleasurable.

<div align="center"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div>

Menu is very pretty, of course iPlayer has support for custom skinning, and by looking at files of default skin, it gives a nice share of freedom on customizing and tweaking the look of menu. In the time of writing this review, I couldn't find any custom skins, so i was unable to check out the possibilities (who knows, if I'll have a time, maybe I go about making one). IPlayer can have up to four skins to choose from (folders skin0-skin3) at a time.

To get back to menu, once booted you're presented with five options, VIDEO, MUSIC, HOMEBR, FILES and System (why is everything upper lettering and System isn't I don't know) and sixth smaller button in the upper right part of the screen that opens the HELP screen. You can use buttons to choose your option, you can click the button with stylus or you can slide trough options with the bottom scroll feature (again, it's nothing important but adds to the «coolness» factor).

<a name="d1"><b>Video</b></a> button will lead you to the content placed in VIDEO folder on your microSD. Top screen shows list of files while bottom screen shows buttons for playback, and some info on opened video file.
One of my major complaints with iPlayer, is the way it displays files, you have no options to have files displayed alphabetically or by the last video played, it displays files in order they are copied to microSD, and also cuts longer names, so you can't see the full title of the file as it doesn't have a scroll feature.
There is absolutely no way to organize your files, as it doesn't support subfolders either. If you have a 16GB microSD and plan to watch cartoons or short videos, you can get lots of files up there, and it would be really hard going trough files to find the right one, I hope they will fix this in the future updates.
Bottom screen gets to full use once you play the video file, you can see main info of the playback (time, name of the video), volume button (if you change it by touchscreen it goes up to 100%, but using X and Y buttons, volume can go up to 200%), stop and play, fast forward/backward and skip to next/previous file.
There is also a button that enters the video setting, here you can set the «Display», options are Original Size, Default Mode and Full Screen. I haven't noticed much difference between Original Size and Default Mode, but Full Screen obviously stretches the video to full screen (movies recorded in wide format will get deformed), other option in setting is «Subtitle». iPlayer has support for external subtitles in .SRT format (I'm not sure if support for .SUB files will be added in the future). You can set the color of the subtitles, offset (if you need to sync subs with the movie) and background transparency (subtitles have background frame that is gray in color, intensity can be changed, or it can be set to complete transparency).

<div align="center"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div>

Videos are always displayed on upper screen, bottom screen turns off automatically during the playback.

<div align="center"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div>

<a name="d2"><b>Music</b></a> button lists the content from MUSIC folder on your microSD. Visually it is identical to the VIDEO option, it has the same flaws. List of songs is displayed on the upper screen, there is no support for the subfolders, no way to organize the list and it’s kinda hard to navigate trough the mass of songs. Bottom screen looks the same as well, but when you go to settings, you’re presented with a different set of options. “PLAY MODE” gives you option to choose between alwaysRepeat, Order, random, RepeatOnce, Once. “L/R KEY” gives you only one option with the checkbox, “Switching over songs!. If you wish to use Left shoulder key to switch to previous song, and Right shoulder key to switch to next, then this option should be checked.
During the music playback, if you don’t touch buttons or screen, lights will go off, but music will still play, you can also close your handheld, and music won’t stopl playing.

<div align="center"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div>

<a name="d3"><b>Homebrew</b></a> button will lead you to different view then previous two. You get the file browser that will display all folders in the root of your microSD (but interestingly, won’t display VIDEO and MUSIC folders) and from here you can boot homebrew.

<div align="center"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div>

<a name="d4"><b>Files</b></a> button will open file browser, very same as HOMEBR button, but this time all files and folders from your microSD will be listed (including VIDEO and MUSIC). It’s very easy to navigate and I prefer this way of browsing trough files to the system that is used on VIDEOS and MUSiC buttons. The whole structure is preserved, and all files will be found in the folders and subfolders you placed them on your microSD card.
You can play videos or music from this option as well.
Thing that confused me a little, was the fact that some video files I tested weren’t listed on VIDEOS list, but once I played them trough FILES they worked.

<div align="center"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div>

<a name="d5"><b>System</b></a> button will open a Setting screen for iPlayer. Here you can set:<ul><li>Brightness</li><li>Your Language of choice (English, S.Chinese, T.Chinese, Francais, Italiano, Deutsch, Espanol or Korean)</li><li>Skin (you can have up to four skins)</li><li>Backlight time (10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds or always ON)</li><li>Homebrew function (has two options, both checkbox. Open DLDI port, it's needed for successful booting of homebrew, and Soft Reset for resetting from some homebrew to iPlayer menu again, key combination is L+R+A+B+X+Y)</li><li>Default Setting (resets all options on iPlayer)</li></ul><div align="center"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div>

<b>HELP</b> button opens help information that explains the function of the buttons, and version of the OS:
-D-pad - up/down/page up/page down
-A - OK/File open
-B - Cancel/File close
-X - Volume increase
-Y - Volume decrease
-L - Previous music (sleep mode)
-R - Brightness/Next music (sleep mode)
- SELECT - close the down screen

<div align="center"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div>

<div class="reviewbreak"><a name="e">Playback/Compatibility</a></div>
<b>Videos in <font color="#008000">green</font> worked, videos in <font color="#FF0000">red</font> didn't.</b>

<a name="e1"><b>Video:</b></a>
<u>AVI</u>: a popular multimedia video format introduced by Microsoft in 1992.
<b>Video: <font color="#008000">Funny Games U.S.</font></b>

Width: 612 pixels
Height: 332 pixels

Frame rate: 23 fps
Data rate: 106 kbps
Video sample size: 12 bit

<u>RMVB</u>: an extension of the RM format developed by RealNetworks.
<b>Video: <font color="#008000">South Park, several episodes</font></b>

Width: 320 pixels
Height: 240 pixels

Frame rate: 15 fps
Data rate: 100 kbps
Video sample size: 12 bit

<u>MOV</u>: a multimedia framework developed by Apple Inc.
<b>Video: <font color="#008000">Social Distortion – Live at Rock Am Ring</font></b>

Width: 640 pixels
Height: 480 pixels

Frame rate: 25 fps
Data rate: 247 kbps
Video sample size: 24 bit

<b>Video: <font color="#008000">Event Horizon</font></b>

Width: 720 pixels
Height: 304 pixels

Frame rate: 23 fps
Data rate: 303 kbps
Video sample size: 12 bit

<u>MPEG</u>: formed to set standards for audio and video compression.
<b>Video: <font color="#FF0000">Terminator Salvation</font></b>

Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 544 pixels

Frame rate: 24 fps
Data rate: ? kbps
Video sample size: ? bit

<b>Video: <font color="#008000">Hell Night</font></b>

Width: 608 pixels
Height: 330 pixels

Frame rate: 23 fps
Data rate: 146 kbps
Video sample size: 24 bit

<u>FLV</u>: a multimedia format used to deliver videos over the internet.
<b>Video: <font color="#008000">Psychobilly Sickness</font></b>

Width: 208 pixels
Height: 160 pixels

Frame rate: 20 fps
Data rate: ? kbps
Video sample size: ? bit

<u>3GP</u>: a multimedia container format defined by the Third Generation Partnership Project.
<b>Video: <font color="#008000">Test video taken by my Nokia mobile phone</font></b>

Width: 352 pixels
Height: 288 pixels

Frame rate: 14 fps
Data rate: ? kbps
Video sample size: ? bit

<u>ASF</u>: Microsoft’s proprietary audio/digital video container format.
<b>Video: <font color="#008000">Test video made by Magix Movie Maker</font></b>

Width: 320 pixels
Height: 240 pixels

Frame rate: 26 fps
Data rate: 1091 kbps
Video sample size: 24 bit

<u>WMV</u>: a compressed video file format for several proprietary codecs developed by Microsoft.
<b>Video: <font color="#008000">Braindead</font></b>

Width: 800 pixels
Height: 432 pixels

Frame rate: 23 fps
Data rate: 890 kbps
Video sample size: 24 bit

I have also tried to play <u><font color="#FF0000">VOB</font></u> (a container format in DVD-Video media.) file, even tho it's not advertized that iPlayer can actually play it, but with no luck as iPlayer gets stuck on loading screen.

<a name="e2"><b>Music:</b></a>
<u><font color="#008000">MP3

I've tested various settings of these files, and they all play perfect, my personal suggestion would be, normalize your music with MP3 Gain. That way, you can increase volume of the songs and set it all to same level, it will make the experience of music listening on handheld much enjoyable.

<a name="e3"><b>Homebrew:</b></a>
<font color="#008000">NDS-GBA iPlayer GBA emulator 1.0
Beup live
Lemmings DS
MoonShell 2</font>

I'm not a big user of homebrew, I rarely use anything more then Moonshell so I've tested some most common, well known homebrews.

<div align="center"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div>

<div class="reviewbreak"><a name="f">Pros/Cons</a></div>

<font color="green"><b>Pros:</b></font>
- Works on Phat, Lite and Dsi
- Great support for wide range of audio and video formats
- Supports microSD HC up to 32GB in size
- Great build quality
- Nice interface
- Multi language support
- Extra hardware
- Quality of video and audio playback

<font color="red"><b>Cons:</b></font>
- No support for subfolders while browsing trough video and music menu
- No options on file sorting
- No support for playlists
- Music options are somewhat poor
- Lack of native support for viewing pictures and reading eBooks

<div class="reviewbreak"><a name="g">Conclusion</a></div>

<div align="center"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div>

<div align="center"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div>

After many long hours of testing my opinion is still as it was the moment I tried it for the first time. I'm honestly impressed by this cart. It was hard to believe that such a small cart can hold enough power to decode the full size videos, without a need to recode, shrink or modify it in some way.
Combine this cart with microSD of higher capacity (it supports up to 32 GB microSD cards) and you will get very nice multimedia player.
That being said, there is number of things that could have been done better, and I hope that updates will fix some of it. There is no support for picture viewing or eBooks, I know that one can simply boot the Moonshell and watch pictures and read books, but in my opinion, I see no reason why iPlayer couldn't natively support these files.
Other thing that really bugs me is the way that iPlayer sorts files and isn't user friendly while browsing trough Videos and Music, I think that subfolders and playlist support should be added.

<div align="center"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div>

IPlayer is still fairly new cart on market, and I'm sure that some changes will be made trough updates.
I have always used Moonshell to watch movies on my NDS, but getting movies to dpg format was a real hassle. Using iPlayer is a real pleasure, especially because of the external subtitle support.
I would recommend this cart to everyone who thinks about getting it and enjoys using their DS as a multimedia player.

<div class="reviewbreak"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div>

This review was written by <a href=' Plutonij' target=_blank title='View profile for member Toni Plutonij'}>Toni Plutonij</a> for ONLY. The article and all included photos are property of
If you see this review on any other site please let us know via e-mail - costello [@at@] GBAtemp [.dot.] net


Jun 26, 2011
United States
bloodmyst7 said:
Will shop temp have this on their site any time soon?

nice review btw =)
Did you find an actual place to buy it from, i could not find it on shop temp. If you did could you please reply.
Thanks anyway

Another World

Emulate the Planet!
Former Staff
Jan 3, 2008
From Where???
the iplayer is no longer manufactured or supported by supercard. actually, supercard never came out and said it was their product, which is rather sad. some members of the development community pushed for an iplayer sdk but the team (for reasons no one has made public) distanced themselves from the iplayer and never admitted it was their hardware.

you probably will have a rather hard time finding a site that still has old stock of the iplayer and you might not actually want it after you read up on the ismart mm and supercard ds2.

the ismart mm is the exact same hardware as the iplayer. i mean chip for chip, design and all, it is the same hardware. ismartds purchased the rights to redistribute it from supercard. as part of that deal supercard is supporting the ismart mm by releasing firmware updates for it. the ismart mm has had 1 fun project released for it, the dingux port that does actually run some of the dingux emulators. there has been little to no optimization so don't expect miracles.

the supercard ds2 is basically the iplayer with a faster cpu (maybe more ram?) and a messy public sdk. there is much more exclusive homebrew for the supercard ds2 but it will cost a bit more (a few bucks).

if you were going to choose between all 3 you would probably want the SCDS2. they all play video, they all have gba emulation support, but the SCDS2 adds atari, mame4all, and snes support. it also has a few nice custom plugin menu projects which are currently in ongoing public development.

you should think of the iplayer as the test cart to see of the community was ready for a cpu-enhanced flash kit. it allowed supercard to learn as they went and to see how it performed by using the sales and community responses as a sort of public beta test. if the card had been a bit more powerful from the start and better supported it would still be in development, as far as i'm concerned. support and the lack of ds rom launching really killed this cart. its basically a multimedia player add-on that received a homebrew gba emulator.

-another world


News Police
Sep 19, 2009
Yes I really regret buying an iPlayer. Low build quality, some homebrew games do not load, many video files and codecs don't work properly, non existend support of the team. Heck I sent the team an email regarding a 3DS compatibility update some weeks ago and still no reply.

R. not .I.P iPlayer


All that you could be.
Oct 11, 2010
Away from you.
Visit site
So, ah, the general conclusion is that the iPlayer isn't that good?

Though the technology was incredibly advanced for the time, I agree that its features kinda... suck.


Jun 26, 2011
United States
thanks for that, its just im really new to this flashcart business although im getting the hang of it now, i found out about the ds two a little late and bought an amazekard which is alctually quite good. I wanted the iplayer because i already had something for games but wanted a good gba emu and movie player. This new iSMART, is it worth buying and what is the avarage cost because im choosing between that or ds two depending on price


The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
imanoob said:
thanks for that, its just im really new to this flashcart business although im getting the hang of it now, i found out about the ds two a little late and bought an amazekard which is alctually quite good. I wanted the iplayer because i already had something for games but wanted a good gba emu and movie player. This new iSMART, is it worth buying and what is the avarage cost because im choosing between that or ds two depending on price

The iSmart isn't worth buying. Honestly just stick with the Supercard DSTwo. It has all the best features and is worth the price tag on it.


Jun 26, 2011
United States
A Gay Little Catboy said:
imanoob said:
thanks for that, its just im really new to this flashcart business although im getting the hang of it now, i found out about the ds two a little late and bought an amazekard which is alctually quite good. I wanted the iplayer because i already had something for games but wanted a good gba emu and movie player. This new iSMART, is it worth buying and what is the avarage cost because im choosing between that or ds two depending on price

The iSmart isn't worth buying. Honestly just stick with the Supercard DSTwo. It has all the best features and is worth the price tag on it.
ok, would you happen to know a good place to buy from betwen 30-40 dollas? because i already have a flashcart and only need the gba and movie player and the ismart is 15


Homebrew addicted
Nov 7, 2006
Visit site
imanoob said:
A Gay Little Catboy said:
imanoob said:
thanks for that, its just im really new to this flashcart business although im getting the hang of it now, i found out about the ds two a little late and bought an amazekard which is alctually quite good. I wanted the iplayer because i already had something for games but wanted a good gba emu and movie player. This new iSMART, is it worth buying and what is the avarage cost because im choosing between that or ds two depending on price

The iSmart isn't worth buying. Honestly just stick with the Supercard DSTwo. It has all the best features and is worth the price tag on it.
ok, would you happen to know a good place to buy from betwen 30-40 dollas? because i already have a flashcart and only need the gba and movie player and the ismart is 15
iSmartMM :
DStwo :

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  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    people are so dramatic that I can't even tell if they are being serious
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Why so serious!
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    @BakerMan, yeah that's about the only reason I would vote for Trump over Biden.
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    In my opinion on all other factors they are pretty much the same.
    Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo: In my opinion on all other factors they are pretty much the same. +1