Jim Sterling Pro Reviewer and Youtube Personality DDOS'd Over 'Low' Score Zelda BotW Review

Breath of The Wild has enraptured fans and critics alike in the week since its launch. Touted as one of the greatest open world games in a decade, the most awesome Zelda since Ocarina of Time, and the most excellent video game to come out in recent memory.

Flawless and perfection are the adjectives that echo in everyone's words that talk about this newest iteration of Zelda. But not everyone has been echoing the same sentiment, and one man, in particular, is paying pretty dearly for his opinion.

Jim Sterling, known for his no-nonsense and polarizing views on the gaming industry, has taken fire for seemingly being responsible for Breath of The Wilds drop from 98 to 97 on Metacritic after publishing his review giving the game a 7/10. (Boy that sure looks familiar.)


Jim Sterlings Review notes said:
“At its absolute best, Breath of the Wild offers some of the most absorbing experiences a Zelda game ever has.

“Unfortunately, it makes you work harder for it than you should, buried as it is under a pile of small but constant irritations that collaborate to form a thick crust of frustration around a delectable center.

“Breath of the Wild is a delightful adventure, one that tries its utmost to be as big a pain in the arse as possible.”

In the hours since publishing his review, Sterlings website has gone down and is currently inaccessible at the time of this writing. He has also received numerous public death threats and even has shared straw polls demanding he be hanged for his opinion.

Jim Sterling on the reviews for Zelda said:
Truly, I wish I could say I understood what all the critics were raving about in their onslaught of 10/10 reviews, but I don’t. I see too many things getting in the way of the brilliance, too much repetitive busywork and full-on dick moves for me to say this is even close to my favorite Zelda game, much less in the top five.

Close, but no Triforce.

Silencing criticism with DDoS's and hate speech is an unfortunate and unnecessary consequence of modern internet media. No one should be silenced for their opinion as everyone has a right to their views.

What does our community make of this recent news? How do you all feel about what happened to Sterling?


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2015
cool, it's good that you enjoy it and think it's great. but it's not wrong at all for someone like Jim to dislike this at all. not at all. this is a very subjective thing and you can't just say "your opinion is wrong and mine is right/you just don't get it". you don't have to like a game mechanic!

sure it does, but it still makes climbing harder, which sometimes might be the only way to get somewhere. it also affects certain parts of the story I'm not going to spoil.

to me you're acting like you didn't read the review and that he has to like the game as much as other people. he's not trying to stand out by giving it a lower score, that's just what he thinks of the game. remember he still *liked* the game, but apparently 7 must be shit.

he doesn't like the weapon durability and neither do I. weapons break too quickly and it makes me scared of using better weapons because I don't want to lose them. stamina is too low by default which can make it harder to run away or climb - climbing especially since if it runs out in the middle, I can fall to my death.

please stop acting like any score that is not 10 or 9 is automatically clickbait, because that is not what clickbait means.

Ok man I'm tired and this is getting us nowhere.

Thanks for the input. Have a good one.



My title? It's gone,... like the last fuck I gave.
May 14, 2016
That's mindless rant. If weapons breaking were really a problem then how can a guy beat the game in less than 2 hours, forcing himself to beat the last boss at full hp and its 4 incarnations in a row and without "that" weapon?
Speed run is 1 hour 14 minutes (and I think he went for all 4 mystical beasts) , and he beat the shit outta Ganon with a stick... a stick... STICK.

In short, speed run is "Angry kid in underwear running and climbing mountain". Apparently there is a big skip on a mountain.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Scores by reviewers have changed what meant 10 years ago, is no longer in the same ballpark, these days you got just an average ok games scoring 7/8's what would have been 5/6, so now if a game doesn't get a 9 or 10, it isn't considered high quality. Reviewers have scewed this over by giving mediocre games higher scores than they deserve. 7 is considered low in this day and age if the game is meant to be a top notch quality which Zelda botw is, has few flaws which aren't enough to put it down.
Is there a standardised review score system out there then? Personal to the reviewer would pretty much have to be the only way to do it from where I sit. To be compelled to join some kind of irrational (though I suppose you argue it is a kind of a reverse exponential number scale) hive mind would not be cool.

That's mindless rant. If weapons breaking were really a problem then how can a guy beat the game in less than 2 hours, forcing himself to beat the last boss at full hp and its 4 incarnations in a row and without "that" weapon?

It never is a problem, there are many many weapons throughout the game, this mechanic is just incentive for you to try dozens of different weapons instead of sticking to one. Where other games would lock you out or just put an invisible wall to prevent you from fighting an enemy you're not supposed yet, BotW just makes it hard but it's technically possible even beating a guardian without using weapons proper and relying on Sheikah Slate powers instead. It was an excellent design choice on Nintendo's part and it's pros easily outweigh any cons imaginable.

There is a phrase that runs just because you can do something does not mean you have to, while not terribly relevant here the sentiment is. Just because you can do a game without something if a mechanic is in a game it stands to reason that it should enhance the gameplay in some way.
There are a variety of mario hacks out there that crank the timing and some measure difficulty along with that up to levels some might dub perverse, still very much able to be completed though. Would Mario have been as good a game if such things were there, it is still technically completable? You could debate it but it would not be a clear cut victory.
The guy stated what he likes in games in the review "I can’t say I find it particularly edifying.", so a sense of edification, possibly via combat and references a few systems he previously enjoyed. Not unreasonable in which you are cast as the hero of the land and are to beat the bad guy and his minions, and I am sure I could probably go find a dev of the game saying they want you to be that too. There are games that aim for other things, many horror games aim to beat you down, things like dwarf fortress are designed to have you fail, sim city is deliberately ambiguous...
Forcing you to move outside your comfort zone is fine too -- how many games feature a "hero is captured and has to fight their way out" level?

Or if you prefer there is an old creed, it informs a certain approach to weapons which many may expect. The Japanese take this up a notch as well if you ever consider their approach to swords.
"This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I master my life. My rifle, without me, is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless."

Again though most are not arguing against the idea of a durability system, though some certainly have, but the specific implementation of this one. Others have covered basic things that might have been done to improve it within the framework of the game (damage on failed hits, blocking, progressively less damage until you get it fixed...), in other games certain enemies might be more vulnerable to certain arms and techniques, or damage might mean you want a bit more range, a bit more speed....

"other games would lock you out or just put an invisible wall"
Don't act like it is a remotely new or under explored concept. There are countless examples of that going back to Diablo and probably the roguelikes that spawned it, as well as from a whole bunch of open world games going back to the 2d GTAs. Various enemies might be way harder than just mashing attack and chugging health potions will allow you to beat, however they are there and if you are good enough you might well beat them below the "suggested" level.
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My title? It's gone,... like the last fuck I gave.
May 14, 2016
The Switch's chipset is actually based on a modified Tegra X1 which is the chipset that's used in the Nvidia Shield TV.
Never said it was based on K1, I compare power. And the switch don't even compare to a Shield Tv since nintendo had the great idea to modify it, making the switch chipset less powerful.

Nintendo had a opportunity and they wasted it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2015
Just wanted to say that a game review should be objective and not on own opinions. You review it for people who will read it and base there expectations on it.
Ah and yes the review score system is broken. I miss the good old times, reason more to ignore reviews and just look a few gameplay videos.

7.6/10 - To much whining


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
and just look a few gameplay videos.
For a Nintendo game? Good luck with that.

I really hope my sarcasm detector did not give me a false positive for that first part too.

That said I find certain types of gameplay footage to be harder to use for that -- editing tends to have it trend towards pulse pounding action when I would look to the gameplay videos to see how it handles it downtime.

Edit. Forgot to include a suitable video for the thread
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Dec 23, 2009
(note: haven't read all 11 pages of comments)


Seriously? What kind of times are these? :wtf:

Donald Trump: I hate EVERYBODY!!! I hate my employees! I hate women! I hate Mexicans! I hate poor people! I hate international treaties! I hate the media! I hate politicians! I double-hate Obama! Russians are cool, though.
Audience: yeeeey! *votes the guy as president*

Jim Sterling: yeah, this video game is pretty good but it has some annoying flaws that prevent it from being great.
Audience: WHAT?!!!??? *launches a DDoS attack*

(yeah, I know I'm generalizing stuff, but come on...some people on this internet-thing really gotta learn to disagree in a civilized matter).
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Catgirl Expert
Oct 11, 2011
Michigan, USA
United States
Yeah, whatever answer doesn't make me go through previous reviews to find examples and makes you do it instead.

I'd just like to point out that just because there is a purpose behind a game mechanic, even if it is a valid one, has no impact on weather or not people find said mechanic fun.

Fun is subjective. And if there are mechanics in the game that get in the way of you having fun, then that's entirely a valid reason to dock a score on a review.

It's not as though the guy didn't play the game, or didn't actually post a 4 page essay about everything he liked and didn't like about it.
If he didn't find something fun, who are you to tell him why he's wrong for not having fun?

That's the mindset of a child.
People are different, have wildly differing tastes, and that's how life is. Get used to it.

And let me tell ya, there's a reason Jim is a popular critic and you aren't.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2015
I'd just like to point out that just because there is a purpose behind a game mechanic, even if it is a valid one, has no impact on weather or not people find said mechanic fun.

Fun is subjective. And if there are mechanics in the game that get in the way of you having fun, then that's entirely a valid reason to dock a score on a review.

It's not as though the guy didn't play the game, or didn't actually post a 4 page essay about everything he liked and didn't like about it.
If he didn't find something fun, who are you to tell him why he's wrong for not having fun?

That's the mindset of a child.
People are different, have wildly differing tastes, and that's how life is. Get used to it.

And let me tell ya, there's a reason Jim is a popular critic and you aren't.

Reviews are not meant to be subjective. Just because you don't like something, doesn't necessarily mean that it's bad. Gotta show clear reasons as to why something is good or not.

The reviewer is wrong and to me it's clear by now that this subjectiveness crap is a cover up for lack of solid arguments against BotW. Not wasting more time on this, already said what I had to, will not repeat myself over and over. Have a good one.


Hero of Derrr
Nov 6, 2002
Never said it was based on K1, I compare power. And the switch don't even compare to a Shield Tv since nintendo had the great idea to modify it, making the switch chipset less powerful.

Nintendo had a opportunity and they wasted it.

What? Do you have a Nvidia Shield TV?

I have one and let me tell you... the Shield TV can only do 30 FPS (and has several FPS drops) on Metal Gear Solid: Revengeance.
And the graphics are BAD compared to any other version...

Using a modified X1 chip, they can pull MORE power, they have improved it. Please check your facts before posting...

They could have used a better chip, obviously, but that would also increase the price and it wouldnt simply be 10 bucks...

Ah, Bonus point... Nvidia was the one doing the modification...

Now regarding the topic in question.... Jim Sterling and others youtubers should be in the user reviews.

Specially Jim Sterling, who told that its "okay to pirate nintendo games", even if he was being sarcastic...

Plus he has given better reviews to much worse games, BOTW doesn't deserve 10/10, but still... his reviews shouldnt be accounted to the same level as profissional websites / magazines.
Last edited by Hero-Link,


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2015
United States
Reviews are not meant to be subjective. Just because you don't like something, doesn't necessarily mean that it's bad. Gotta show clear reasons as to why something is good or not.

The reviewer is wrong and to me it's clear by now that this subjectiveness crap is a cover up for lack of solid arguments against BotW. Not wasting more time on this, already said what I had to, will not repeat myself over and over. Have a good one.
reviews are inherently subjective and will always be biased based on the reviewer's opinions. there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. if you want a 100% objective review I suggest you read https://www.destructoid.com/100-objective-review-final-fantasy-xiii-179178.phtml

I still think Jim explained his points just fine....


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2015
reviews are inherently subjective and will always be biased based on the reviewer's opinions. there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. if you want a 100% objective review I suggest you read https://www.destructoid.com/100-objective-review-final-fantasy-xiii-179178.phtml

I still think Jim explained his points just fine....

You keep telling yourself that readers/watchers question in their minds is "does this guy like the game?" rather than "is this game good/worthy of purchase?".


Catgirl Expert
Oct 11, 2011
Michigan, USA
United States
Reviews are not meant to be subjective. Just because you don't like something, doesn't necessarily mean that it's bad. Gotta show clear reasons as to why something is good or not.

The reviewer is wrong and to me it's clear by now that this subjectiveness crap is a cover up for lack of solid arguments against BotW. Not wasting more time on this, already said what I had to, will not repeat myself over and over. Have a good one.

There's a plenty of objective points as to why weapon degradation systems are objectively a poor game mechanic.
They cover up for the fact that you have too many weapons that are actually too good. And thus your weapons are directly encouraging a distinct lack of variety.

People will find something that works and abuse it if they can- the degrading weapons system was clearly implemented to encourage variety- when instead they could've done several other things to encourage the use of other weapons, such as:

  • Make different weapons more effective against specific enemies
  • Make different weapons better at parrying against enemies holding a specific kind of weapon.
  • Literally keep the same degradation system, just give every weapon a little more health so that you don't lose 3 swords against a horde of like 5 bokoblin.
  • Make weapons only lose health when hitting enemy shields or when enemies parry your attacks.
I'm not even a critic, but even I can see and think of better approaches to encouraging variety than having a bunch of weapons made of glass.

And if there are ways something can be made better, it's not perfect, now is it?

Mr. Objectivity, are you saying anything less than perfect deserves a perfect score?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
Guy probably just likes bad games, suck at botw then bash the game for clickbait views or maybe Sony cashed him a bit.

People don't understand this is more serious than they think it is. It's not "just a game" but the history of the video game industry. Zelda being a benchmark does dictate the way the industry trends from now on and is bigger than the needs a YouTuber or a site has for views and is sure bigger than a potential Sony's "tip", if there was any.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Wanna know why people consider 7/10 a bad score? Look at some of games who get 7/10 or even 8/10. They're mostly garbage. That's why.

That would be true, but before BOTW. BOTW borrows pretty much 95% of its mechanics from games out there for years, some of them decade old by now. It is really not just a game, this is true, which is why people waiting this game for a long time are either very happy or not entirely happy. You can see it as a new age of Zelda or a mashup of 5-10 open world games blended together. Zelda used to be a benchmark, but BOTW will not revolutionise like the previous ones did. It will not be a benchmark across the industry, but it will certainly be for nintendo platforms and the Switch though.

And this is precisely the problem and why many of us giving it less than 10/10, other than personal grievances. That it is not much more than a (good) culmination of otherwise done-a-lot open world mechanics. To the un-initiated to open world games it might look like the garden of eden, but to somebody that played them all (or most) it feels like a well known paradigm for sure.

I would expect Nintendo to innovate, as we expect them to do. What is left from Nintendo, if all they do is copy mechanics done before and for many years? As i see no real innovation here in the general scope, (but i do understand that within the zelda universe this looks like innovation), it is only natural for me to consider this less than a Zelda offering. After all Nintendo is supposed to be the leader, not the follower.

Any Switch critic (me included) was flamed hard in this very forum for being a graphics whore, mainly because Nintendo is the leader and the visionary and the innovator. Let's see where the innovation lies now that the game is out. I simple expected more from the world's best game studio. When the world's best game studio falls back to copy mechanics right left and centre, why is it a surprise many people are left to want more?


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2015
The problem with scores is not what a 7 or 9 means, because people can't really tell scores apart. It's the list of games this guy is trying to say BotW is worse than.

if you're going to say this is on the same level as The Last Guardian for instance at least come up with decent arguments.

There's a plenty of objective points as to why weapon degradation systems are objectively a poor game mechanic.
They cover up for the fact that you have too many weapons that are actually too good. And thus your weapons are directly encouraging a distinct lack of variety.

People will find something that works and abuse it if they can- the degrading weapons system was clearly implemented to encourage variety- when instead they could've done several other things to encourage the use of other weapons, such as:

  • Make different weapons more effective against specific enemies
  • Make different weapons better at parrying against enemies holding a specific kind of weapon.
  • Literally keep the same degradation system, just give every weapon a little more health so that you don't lose 3 swords against a horde of like 5 bokoblin.
  • Make weapons only lose health when hitting enemy shields or when enemies parry your attacks.
I'm not even a critic, but even I can see and think of better approaches to encouraging variety than having a bunch of weapons made of glass.

And if there are ways something can be made better, it's not perfect, now is it?

Different weapons ARE better against different enemies. Depending on the enemy a specific weapon can 1 shot them. Guardian shields can reflect back deadly guardian lasers. You probably didn't even play Breath of the Wild. I'm not wasting more time on this, have a nice day.

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