Gaming Metroid Canon (With continuity explanations)

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2018
United States
First let me tell you the point of this:
The point is to tell my personal solid conclusion on this series' chronology. Fixing all plot holes and giving them proper explanations and canon.

Let's get some things out of the way.
Metroid canon:

Metroid(NES)/Zero Mission
(Hunters goes somewhere in between those Prime games I guess.. I do not believe it was explicitly stated.)
Return of Samus/Samus Returns
Other M

There's the canon. I don't want to hear squat. That's it in it's final form. End of story.
Another thing to get out of the way is what Sakamoto believes.
Sakamoto says he is not necessarily affiliated with the Prime series and, although he does not necessary say that are NON-CANON, he says he does not necessarily "Support" them... Take that whichever way you wish to take it. LOL. He doesn't necessarily like the Prime games. Whether he thinks they are canon or not is debatable... So that's that.

So here's MY conclusion for the REAL Metroid Time Line in all it's purity.
To fix up plot holes. To fix up continuity errors.

Metroid/Zero Mission. Samus beats the Mother Brain to a pulp. You know. That's that. Goes home and has a beer.

Prime happens. In Prime Space pirated call their "higher commander" well... Basically that. They do not mention Mother Brain and as far as I remember any mentioning is considered a rewrite in which it was removed. Going from the removed version, I would say "Higher up" is no different than Mother Brain. Or obviously one of her disciples but still all commanded under the Brain Boii. I would say she did not die on Zebes as Samus and company assumed. I will elaborate on this later. But for now I would say they obviously aren't going to be saying "Roger that, Mother-Brain-from-Zebes-on-Zebes-that-Samus-thought-she-killed-but-didn't-and-is-still-there! :D"... That would give it all away, now wouldn't it?
Also Ridley is shot, thrown off of a cliff by Samus in his boss fight, knocked unconscious. Wakes up, flies away or maybe even gets picked up by Space pirates before he wakes up, and is taken in to heal during the events of Metroid Prime 2.

Prime 2. You know. Self explanatory.

Prime 3. Omega Ridley does not die as we think. Ghor and friends died after being consumed by Phazon but Ridley escaped. right before his death, his "Phazon" was collected by the Metroid Prime (Dark Samus) and Ridley is now fully recovered from the previous Phazon he was enhanced with so it causes his need for cybernetics and Phazon to vanish. (Hence him having no Phazon abilities OR cybernetics in Super Metroid. Only good explanation. If he can avoid being ripped to shreds like in Zero Mission/Metroid despite it being shown on screen, then he also avoided it this time no differently.)
Another point to be said is Ridley no longer needed cybernetics to help him recover from the battle he has with Samus as Omega Ridley because he forfeit the match and all of his Phazon was taken away from him by Dark Samus, leaving Ridley completely healed (From the Phazon) so he has no need for Cybernetics but ALSO fairly healed from the battle itself from premature cancelling of continuing the fight. Perhaps Dark Samus saw Ridley was not winning so decided it was a waste of time? Or perhaps Dark Samus spared Ridley his life and told him to go home and Dark Samus perhaps had a better plan for Ridley in the future or just in general. That there was no more of a need to continue defending the Leviathan core in the Space Pirate Planet. Either way perhaps Dark Samus THOUGHT Ridley was dead (Which wouldn't be nonsensical to think) and stripped him of his Phazon in which Ridley was just unconscious and then eventually just woke up way later AFTER being stripped of Phazon and fled. Or Dark Samus stopped the battle before Ridley could die and took his Phazon and left Ridley on his own, in which Samus thought he was dead and continued her business and he woke up some other time and fled while no one was looking. Again, Ridley's "On screen death" means nothing at this point and all of that certainly could have happened. Make your pick.

Metroid 2: As stated about, Ridley no longer needed his Cybernetics as the Phazon greatly enhanced his regeneration properties. After the Phazon was purged from his body, he was left with a bunch of cybernetics that were not doing much so he got rid of EVEN MORE of them and became Proteus Ridley. No Phazon to be found and very little amount of cybernetics from after the Omega Ridley battle.

Super Metroid. Ridley finally grew out of his cybernetics completely. The Mother Brain is back with more body this time. We can say Samus just didn't kill Kraid in Metroid that's that. My take on this is Mother Brain was defeated by Samus. We see that. But she doesn't destroy Tourian or any of that. Just walks away. I see only a few logical possibilities for this:
1: Mother Brain did not die at all but was mortally wounded, hence why she stayed on Planet Zebes. If someone found out your big hiding spot, why would you stay there, let alone IN THE EXACT SAME SPOT? I think Mother Brain is still there only because she DIDN'T die. If she did they would just move operations elsewhere and the Space Pirates of the Prime games probably wouldn't be so "Organized" and "Knowledgeful", but she DIDN'T die. So she wasn't allowed to move away from Tourian so it can repair her since I'm sure the Tourian "Ecosystem" is built basically for her as a computer to regenerate broken sectors of her data, any corruption or physical damages to her so because she wasn't allowed to leave to ensure the Space Pirates can heal her fully, they left her there and did their best to not cause any attention to the planet for the time being. I think her not being able to leave is the best explanation because why NOT just move her somewhere else? Maybe the Space Pirates didn't understand the Chozo technology to repair her themselves so they just used Tourians auto-repair services for her. (It is very obvious they are not all-knowing as many many times they have failed to duplicate Samus' Morph Ball functionality.)
2: She DID die. She's a computer so they just... Backed her up and restored her basically and "Bred" another I guess. This is the less likely but why again on Zebes? Maybe they replanted her on Zebes because they really felt it was SUCH a stupid idea, that the Federation would think they wouldn't be so stupid so they would never expect them to go BACK to Zebes... So they wouldn't even check there to see if they remounted their base there in which they did...
Either way, for either conclusions, I would say the higher up in the Prime games, excluding Dark Samus of course, was the Mother Brain but no one was spitting it out because her revival was probably top secret and very classified. Space Pirates have shown to revive or help the handicap into being back and up to health again as shown many times by Ridley and others.
My final explanation for this is simply Ridley, Kraid and company were just brought to the emergency room after being defeated after Zero Mission.

Other M. Now here's where the fun happens. This requires a LOT of "Disregarding" of this putrid game.
I'll just flat out make a list of things to completely disregard for my chronology:
- Phantoon never appeared on the BOTTLE SHIP.
- Samus obviously wasn't a bish.
- We can try to say Adam's sacrifice meant more and say maybe he "Got killed in action" by the Metroids? (Because his death literally made no sense even for the game's horrible story plot(s).) So Samus never got shot by Adam or any of that.
- Any references to Metroid that cannot be frozen (Which is never actually proven in the game) is completely ignored.
- Queen Metroid never appeared. (Since it has no place in the game anyway like many other things on this list.)
- Any references to Mother and Daughter is removed. This includes the opening with Samus fighting Mother Brain because they changed what actually happened in that intro to serve the Mother stuff. Just pretend mother plot wasn't a thing.
- The life stage of Ridley is NOT 1 day and a half (Or however long the game is.) until it is from baby furry egg thing to giant pterodactyl dinosaur dragon. We'll just say it is because it ate a lot of people it grew up so quickly.
- Adam and Samus' relationship was... It happened differently to say THE LEAST.
- Everything with the Delete is removed. It is not necessarily clear who even sent this dude to "delete" traces of witnesses... We can pretend an entire squad came to remove "Witnesses" and just died by Samus, team and monsters/Ridley alone or the guys who WOULD send "Deleters" just bit their nails and said "Well... Let's hope they die by the security defenses and monsters on that ship..."
- Everything with Madeline/Melissa is completely removed. I have a better conclusion that is MUCH simpler, more senseful and explained after this list.
- Mother Brain CAN NOT Telepathically control Metroids. If she could *MOST* of the issues the Space Pirates had in the entire Metroid series AS A WHOLE would be completely void. So drop that entire idea along with the Zebesian/Space Pirate bio-weapons.
- Adam had nothing to do with signing some contract or whatever was shown in Other M.
- Ridley is more badass than pathetically dying by getting drained... >_>
- Samus never returns to the ship after the end of the game.
Now that all of that is out of the way, now for the REAL Other M canon.
Samus is taken by the Galactic Federation, they take DNA off of her suit and start cloning animals.
Times goes by and they have decided they can use the Mother Brain DNA to create a similar Mother Brain in the form of perhaps a special Aurora Unit for most likely gaining tactical advantage in way. They also start cloning Metroids (Again, all of the "Unfreezable Metroid" nonsense is GONE.) because they have the DNA to do so and now illegally. Time goes by where their research has gone by long enough and the Mother Brain Aurora Unit, seeing this as a good opportunity releases all of the animals out and the entire BOTTLE SHIP Facility in which goes haywire shortly after. Ridley starts eating human carcasses and other animals that other animals and defense systems killed to grow in strength and size. Samus and other company arrive to answer a distress call. They get there to get to the bottom of everything and then another mercenary group appears (Or doesn't appear. Whatever floats your boat.) to take out the witnesses but eventually they all die by either Adam's Crew, Samus, Animals or defense systems, killing a few of Adam's team in the process. (Or they didn't appear and everyone just died naturally.) Samus eventually finds out from one of the survivors who happen to be the head of research, I guess Madeline, and tells her the only way to shut down the defense systems such as Nightmare (Yes. I am not removing him from this canon since he can just be rebuilt for Fusion. Just a manufacturing product.) is to disable their Aurora Unity who is controlling everything, who happens to be made with the DNA of the Mother Brain and considered "Operable". Turns out the Aurora Unit, just like the real mother brain, was cunning and pretended to "Function properly" and "Serve" it's masters even after it was installed with Mother Brain's data. Then at the second it got the chance, it decided to turn against it's masters (Much like the real one to the Chozo) and killed them so it can aspire bigger goals in the galaxy. Because of how exceptional the new Mother Brain Aurora performed, it gave the Aurora the highest rank of the ship and full control, in which it used to defect. Samus learns this from the director Madeline and goes to confront the Aurora while dodging the rampant monsters it released and all of its defense systems for a final battle with this "New Mother Brain". Samus eventually comes across Ridley again but this time, the first she sees it as a full adult. She slays it like usual and it is killed. Samus learns from her mistakes and makes sure to actually kill Ridley this time. Eventually she fights her way to the Aurora Mother Brain and has a final battle with it. Obviously she wins. The Galactic Federation comes. They come in, take Madeline into custody for questionable research, (The Metroid cloning and experimenting with the Aurora without consent.) they sweep the place up and Samus goes home/to hunt more bounties while Anthony goes back to the Federation like usual. Those two being the only survivors aside from Madeline.

Fusion. Fusion happens all like usual. But this time, the dead Ridley is not from the husk the Metroid in Other M left. It is the dead Ridley Clone body Samus left in Other M. It was picked up and sent to the B.S.L. Station for unknown reasons making Neo-Ridley. Basically the same thing but Other M didn't happen the exact same way.

So that's it. My COMPLETE time line which adds Other M to the chronology nicely. (Because that game has serious continuity errors and logical point breakers for no reasons. So now everyone is happy because we still have an explanation for Ridley in Metroid Fusion and we don't have to completely throw away Other M just because it sucked when it had SOME (But very little) valid reason for existing.)
Last edited by Grmmish,


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
Metroid/Zero Mission. Samus beats the Mother Brain
They do not mention Mother Brain and as far as I remember any mentioning is considered a rewrite in which it was removed.
They do not mention it, because it doesn't exist yet!
Mother brain creation is part of the Prime series. it's one of the super computers which is corrupted. but, you might be right because I don't remember what happened of all the 3 computers. maybe there are other super computers, not only these 3.

At least, that's how I see my own chronology.

Also, there's something even before the game series : a comics book. the "official story" when she was a child.
I guess I can't share it here as it's copyrighted, but it should be easy to find on a database ... website. search for the "official" one.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2018
United States
They do not mention it, because it doesn't exist yet!

Where in the world do you come up with this wild theory? The Prime games does not decanonize Metroid/Zero Mission. O_O The "Super Computers" Aurora are just Galactic Federation tools used similarly as Mother Brain. They were built most likely without the Mother Brain in mind. In fact, The Galactic Federation probably didn't even know Mother Brain Existed. I am POSITIVE that nowhere in the entire games of Metroid Prime 1-3 does it state that the Aurora Unit became a Mother Brain. AND to top it all off, The Mother Brain was created by the Chozo. FAR before Samus was even born so how could it not exist at that time?

As for the "More Super Computers" yeah. I don't doubt it. Why would the Galactic Federation ONLY MAKE 3? They have all of the ability to make more and they probably did and assigned them other jobs elsewhere who's existence did not intertwine with any of the Prime events. Yes the Space Pirates corrupted them with Phazon to disable their tactics an gain the upper hand. Heck. They even ended up STEALING one from the Valhalla. But stealing one and creating Mother Brain? Wayyy out of the question. Chozo made Mother Brain before Samus was born, Prime takes place after Metroid/Zero Mission and Zero Mission/Metroid is canon.

As for the comics they (Debatably) have their own canon in some ways. In THAT canon, even still, the Chozo made Mother Brain to be their, basically, Aurora Unit and Mother Brain's endless wisdom made it come to the conclusion that the Chozo needed to die. So then she started making deals with Space Piates.
Last edited by Grmmish,


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
maybe my chronology is very bad because I played games long ago, and in wrong order.
I thought the computer corruption led to mother brain.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2018
United States
I thought the computer corruption led to mother brain.

Oooh. LOL noooo. Corruption (Metroid Prime 3) happens waayy after Metroid. In which Prime 1 and 2 happens in between. Mother Brain is in Metroid.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2018
United States
I'm not sure what you mean by that, are you saying that it doesn't really do anything much for the timeline?

It does things for the series much obviously but it doesn't do anything impactual that does not RESOLVE itself in its own game.
Example: If Ridley dies in Metroid and comes back in Super Metroid, obviously something happened in between.
If the Metroid Queen was in Other M, then obviously something happened where a Metroid Queen was transported off of SR-388 before it was destroyed... (These were examples.)

Everything in Metroid Prime 2 is resolved within Metroid Prime 2. It doesn't really leave us with questions of the game or the games around it.

People say Metroid Prime Trilogy is "A closed pocket" and it ALMOST is. However, just like Metroid Other M, the Prime series does affect the rest in a very slight way.
Metroid Other M affects the rest of the series by giving us an explanation on how Ridley's carcass got in the B.S.L. Station.
Metroid Prime affects the rest by showing us "Meta Ridley", which explains how Ridley survived annihilation on Metroid Zero Mission. Everything that has to do with Phazon and much of everythign else of the Metroid Prime series does not directly affect the games outside of the Prime Trilogy.

Now to my point: Metroid Prime 2 ALONE is "A closed pocket" when it comes even to Metroid Prime 1 and 3.
It would not be criminal to play Metroid Prime, skip Metroid Prime 2 and go straight the Metroid Prime 3. Although I highly do not recommend that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2018
United States
I'm not sure what you mean by that, are you saying that it doesn't really do anything much for the timeline?

I just reread the second part.
The first time I said "Prime 2 happens" before Prime 3 was meant.
But the SECOND time I sad it AFTER Prime 3, I meant METROID 2 HAPPENSm Not Prime 2. silly me. I will go fix this now and add some extra stuff about Proteus Ridley.
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May 31, 2016
United States
It does things for the series much obviously but it doesn't do anything impactual that does not RESOLVE itself in its own game.
Example: If Ridley dies in Metroid and comes back in Super Metroid, obviously something happened in between.
If the Metroid Queen was in Other M, then obviously something happened where a Metroid Queen was transported off of SR-388 before it was destroyed... (These were examples.)

Everything in Metroid Prime 2 is resolved within Metroid Prime 2. It doesn't really leave us with questions of the game or the games around it.

People say Metroid Prime Trilogy is "A closed pocket" and it ALMOST is. However, just like Metroid Other M, the Prime series does affect the rest in a very slight way.
Metroid Other M affects the rest of the series by giving us an explanation on how Ridley's carcass got in the B.S.L. Station.
Metroid Prime affects the rest by showing us "Meta Ridley", which explains how Ridley survived annihilation on Metroid Zero Mission. Everything that has to do with Phazon and much of everythign else of the Metroid Prime series does not directly affect the games outside of the Prime Trilogy.

Now to my point: Metroid Prime 2 ALONE is "A closed pocket" when it comes even to Metroid Prime 1 and 3.
It would not be criminal to play Metroid Prime, skip Metroid Prime 2 and go straight the Metroid Prime 3. Although I highly do not recommend that.
Ah, I see.
I just reread the second part.
The first time I said "Prime 2 happens" before Prime 3 was meant.
But the SECOND time I sad it AFTER Prime 3, I meant METROID 2 HAPPENSm Not Prime 2. silly me.
I was wondering why Prime 2 happened twice.
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