NDS Backup Tool Wifi

Due to the lack of documentation on this process, I am writing my own tutorial. I may modify with screenshots later, but I'm a stay at home dad with two kids and a lot to do. Can't promise everything, but the text version of this should work for you.

Step 1 - Preparation
Step 2 - Software Setup
Step 3 - DO IT!


The things you will need:

- NDS or NDS Lite system (I used a Lite)
- Your personal computer (I'm using a PC running Windows 7 64bit)
- NDS FlashCart or Slot1 Device (I'm using EZ-Flash Vi H[805] F[101] K[3.0 OB2])
- A game you want to back up your save from

- NDS Backup Tool Wifi (0.31f used)
- smallftpd (1.0.3 used)

Yup, that's it.

Make sure that your NDS is configured to connect over your local network (or router). Just play a game that uses Nintendo WFC, and edit the settings to use your access point IN THE FIRST NETWORK SETTINGS SLOT. If you already use Nintendo WFC, and your first set of settings are the one you use, your set.


1) Download and extract NDS Backup Tool to your desktop. (The NDS file, and the INI file.) This is temporary.
2) Download and extract smallftpd to the location of your choice. (I used the desktop.)
3) Open your control panel and go to your network settings. (Network and Sharing Center for Windows 7)
4) Open your network connection status (for Win7 you click the network name link), and then click, "Details."
5) See the line that says IPv4 Address? Make note of this number somewhere.
6) Open the NDS Backup Tool INI File in Notepad or similar text editor, and you will see this:

# NDS_Backup_Tool_Wifi.ini

ServerIPÂÂÂÂ10.0.0.##ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ! FTPd IP address
ServerPortÂÂÂÂ21ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ! FTPd Service Port
#FileDirÂÂÂÂ/NDS_BackupÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ! Home Directory

FTPUserÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂusernameÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ! FTPd Logon User name
FTPPasswordÂÂÂÂpasswordÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ! FTPd Logon password

SaveFileÂÂÂÂ0ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ! Saving size : 0:auto, nnn:Save File Size(KB)


Now, where that ServerIP is, replace that number with the IPv4 Address you wrote down earlier. Keep the port 21.
Replace "username" with a desired username, and "password" with a desired password.
Save the file so it stays an INI file (shouldn't be an issue with Notepad) and load your FlashCart's memory card into the computer.

7) Copy the NDS and INI file for NDS Backup Tool into the ROOT of your memory card. When done, put it back in your FlashCart (which can now go back into your NDS or Lite).
8) In your C: Drive (NO SUBFOLDERS FOR SAKE OF EASE), create a folder labeled, "NDS_Backup."
9) Open smallftpd, DON'T CLICK THE PLAY BUTTON YET, and do the following steps:
a) Under Settings, go to GENERAL and make sure the port is 21. If not, change it to 21.
b) Under Settings, go to ADVANCED and click the Use Local IP tick box.
c) Under Settings, go to USERS. Here's the "hardest" part. Click ADD, and specify the login and password you chose in the INI file.
c-1) In the directories section, click ADD. Leave the Virtual Path as a / and in the physical path type c:\NDS_Backup.
c-2) Under Permissions click ADD, and leave the Virtual path as is, and make sure the permissions say, "LRW."
c-3) You can now click OK to save your user settings, and OK on the userrs dialog to go back to smallftpd.
9) You may now click the Play Button to activate your FTP!


1) With your FlashCart loaded into your NDS, load NDS_Backup_Tool_Wifi.NDS
2) Once it connects to your network AND your FTP, it will ask you to swap your game card out for the one you wish to back up. DO NOT SHUT OFF THE POWER TO DO THIS! Press (A) to continue.
3) To immediately backup the SAVE of the current game, Press (B), then press (A) to confirm. It should start copying the SAVE over the FTP to the folder you created earlier. When complete it may say that the data transfer failed. Check your folder on your hard drive for the file. If its there, then you should be okay. (As long as it made it to 100%)
4) Rename the SAV file to match the name of your ROM, drop it into your FlashCart's SAVE folder, and load your game. It should work just fine.

Now, here's a breakdown of NDS Backup Tool. When you connect to the FTP, you can swap the cartridges out. Once you load the game to back up it will take you to the first "page" of options. If you already have SAV files on the FTP, you can update the one for your current game by pressing (A). You can press (B) to rip a new save, (X) will allow you to switch to a new game card, and (Y) will refresh the file list on the DS's end (in case you changed it on your PC's end). On this first page you can press  to get to the second page. On that page, the only difference is that (B) will ERASE THE SAVE FROM YOUR DS CARD! This is useful if you want to trade the game, but don't want the next owner to take advantage of your hard work.  again will take you to the third page, where you can rip that actual NDS ROM file. (This takes quite a bit of time, so if that's what you want to do, go get your charger just in case.) I think the third page would allow you to overwrite a SAV too, so if you download or modify a SAV, you can put it on the card like it was your own.

That's the method, the use, and some tips to do this. Hopefully now there won't be people stumbling from FTP tutorial to tutorial, trying a little bit of everything, and figuring out the simple answer through trial and error. (Yeah, that's what happened to me.)

I hope this helps somebody!


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2012
Northern Ireland
Hello, I'd like to put the save I created on my computer to my EZFLASH V card, for pokémon soulsilver, but when I put it in the SAVE folder on my card, the game just ignores it and tries to start a new game. The ROM and the save file both havethe same name. I also can't seem to find the save file the ROM Created on my card. Help, please?

You must make sure the two file names are exactly the same, in the same folder and it's the same region for example a USA soul silver will not work with a EU soul silver save.


New Member
Jul 8, 2012
United States
Ok, so I hate to also drag up a fairly old post but I can't seem to find info on my problem.

I have the Smallftpd working and NDS BackUp Tool Wifi reconizes it and everything. I go to save my .sav of Pokemon Diamond, and it goes and starts the process... It gets to 100% and says the file transfer didn't complete and to try again. Yet, there is now a 508.54 KB .sav file now in the specified folder I made for this. I tried this with a ROM of Diamond and DesMuMe and it ignores it and starts a new game.

I've turned off Windows Firewall (just in case this was the problem) and followed the instructions to the letter. What am I doing wrong, and how do I correct it? I really want to back up my Diamond's sav so I have my Pokemon backed up, just in case. Any help is appriciated!

**EDIT** Nevermind guys, I figured it out. I apparently neglected to change the port from 21 to 8080. Once I did that it backed up my .sav and I confirmed it's working in DesMuMe. Thanks anyway. :) I didn't figure this was gonna be the game winner considering I saw a tutorial on YouTube that stated to use port 21... weird...

Anyway, thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2005
Visit site
United States
Ok, so I hate to also drag up a fairly old post but I can't seem to find info on my problem.

I have the Smallftpd working and NDS BackUp Tool Wifi reconizes it and everything. I go to save my .sav of Pokemon Diamond, and it goes and starts the process... It gets to 100% and says the file transfer didn't complete and to try again. Yet, there is now a 508.54 KB .sav file now in the specified folder I made for this. I tried this with a ROM of Diamond and DesMuMe and it ignores it and starts a new game.

I've turned off Windows Firewall (just in case this was the problem) and followed the instructions to the letter. What am I doing wrong, and how do I correct it? I really want to back up my Diamond's sav so I have my Pokemon backed up, just in case. Any help is appriciated!

Don't use smallftpd - it doesn't communicate correctly with the WiFi dumper and I don't know who suggested it in the first place. I was having the exact same problem as you and I switched over to FileZilla server and haven't had a problem since.


New Member
Jul 17, 2012
United States
When I try it, it says the SAVE Type is Unknown, there is a blue box with red text that displays "== File not found ==", and A and B button options are shaded out on the bottom screen, which means pressing those buttons will do nothing. I'm using this with Poke'mon Black Version. If anyone can help fix this problem, it would make my day. :)

Oh, and, by the way, does this forum alert me for replies by email? Because I don't remember registering with this service using my email at all!

Well, if I haven't replied, it probably means that I wasn't aware of anyone answering my question on this forum. So if you could do me the super huge favour of texting me at my cellular telephone number, (787) 432-2709. I hope that texting me won't be too difficult, and that I'm even allowed to post my own phone number on this forum. I hope I don't get in trouble, because if it's wrong, I had no way of knowing because, through registration, there was no end user agreement that I had to read, as far as I can remember.


New Member
Jul 23, 2011
United States
I have and Acekard 2i akaio v 1.8.9z I've tried to use this and i keep getting a "can't connect to the ftp server. Confirm the settin of the ini file. (a) : Confirm'


Apr 17, 2012
United States
I have a DSi and DSTwo card and am trying to backup my games. It seems to have connected to the wifi and FTP just fine, but I keep getting a message saying "The card of Slot-1 cannot be recognized. Please pull out once, and set it again." So yeah :/

EDIT: Yeah, using my brother's Lite seems to work.

EDIT 2: Thanks for the tutorial. Forgot to say that. Wonderful and easy to follow!


New Member
Nov 27, 2012
I'm getting the same error on my NDS-3DS

Connecting to Wi-Fi via WEP is good
FTP connection is good , I can ping the NDS from my pc and can see the FTP:21 connection established via Netstat -an
but I keep getting the error "The card in Slot-1 cannot be recognized".

The Firmware on NDS-3Ds = v 2.1.0-4e

I'm curious "Riperoo123", what F/W is your Console running ?


Apr 17, 2012
United States
Do you need an r4 to use the Wood dumper?

Also, can the backup tool wifi backup WarioWare DIY saves?


Also: Back a while ago I started backing up my games, and I got 2 of them to work, then I gave up. However after losing one of my games I decided to embark upon this quest again. Every time I try backing up a game, it says "Data transfer failed. Please do over." What could be causing this? It connected to the FTP just fine.


New Member
Jun 3, 2013
Do you need an r4 to use the Wood dumper?

Also, can the backup tool wifi backup WarioWare DIY saves?


Also: Back a while ago I started backing up my games, and I got 2 of them to work, then I gave up. However after losing one of my games I decided to embark upon this quest again. Every time I try backing up a game, it says "Data transfer failed. Please do over." What could be causing this? It connected to the FTP just fine.

I had the same "Data transfer failed. Please do over." error as well. It would connect to the FTP and etc. All settings were correct. After reading many discussions like this and not getting it work (but feeling more confident my settings were right) I decided to turn Windows Firewall off completely.

It worked!

Give that a try.

Note: I was using the NDS Backup Tool Wifi (but I also tried Wood Dumper and Save Game Manager).


Apr 9, 2014
United States
I know this is an old thread but I could not find anywhere else to put this.
Fist off I have an NDS Lite and r4igold3DS card witht he latest updates (wood 1.64 i think), I have used NDS Backup Tool Wifi to backup (havent tried restore) and it worked, I also have had great luck with Save Game Manager v2.0.4 I beleive (backup and restored pokemon b/w2 save files successfully). But I notice that many people (includign myself) do not like having to turn off our network security (let alone our firewalls! for me though, honestly, its more about hassle than security) in order to back up or restore a save game.
so, for my "wifi" method is perfect for people who have the following:
-a DS Lite
-a flashcart that will run one of those backup programs
-a wi-fi capable android device (you do not need internet access), I used a JXD7800B tablet running 4.2.2

ok, all you have to do is download "Ftp server" (thats the name of the free app i like, i tried that and "wi-fi ftp" which didnt work) for free from the android market.

Now go to android settings, under the "wireless and networks" heading there should be a "more..." button, touching it takes you to a list of options, touch "Portable Hotspot", "Set Up portable Wi-fi Hotspot", now choose open security (security off) and name it whatever you want (I name mine "NDS").

Now turn on the portable hotspot (there is a checkbox in the "Potable Wi-fi hotspot" row), it will probably warn you that wi-fi will be turned off, thats ok.

Time to open that Ftp server app and hit "settings" in the top right, here you can set your port number, username and password, home directory (for me its /sd_card/NDS/) and read write access (rw is default), and any other settings you waant to adjust.

Go back and press the "start ftp server" button and your server should be ready to go.

Just make sure your NDS ftp .ini or .cfg file matches the I.P. and port that are now shown on the android Ftp server (this can be done on your android or on your ds itself in moonshel or whatever text program you prefer.

make sure you have a wi-fi connection set up to your portable hot-spot and your good to go! next time all you have to do is hit start on your portable network, hit start on "Ftp server" and you're all set up, just start your backup program and everything connects again. Your wi-fi is still secure,I guess you could worry about someone coming within range of your hotspot and stealin gyour saves or something (not an issue for me, no one could pick up my signal from off my property)

This is also useful if you play NDS emulators, its nice to tranfer saves directly back and forth to whatever folder needed so you're up to date matter what device your playing on (also, this is probably nothing, but ive learned with save game manager that i can rename my backups as i please (to say "pokeB2 4_9_14", or "Pokemon Black 2" which is what it has to be called on my nds cause thats what the ROM is titled) in order to keep them organized (i like to keep a couple in case i screw something up on one) and when you restore it to the commercial cartrigde it doesnt care about the name, to that's convenient.
sorry its so longwinded but i coulnt find anything like this in the posts anywhere and needed to share (it was my brakthrough of the week, after fussing for days with my computer to no avail).


New Member
Jul 3, 2019
United States
I recently bought a R4i flashcart with the aim of backing up save data and possibly messing around with it on Desmume. This guide looks nice, but it doesn't really hold up 9 years later. I'm using a 3DS too, so I have no idea what to do even with the info from the post above me. If someone could PM me or post/link an updated guide I'd appreciate it.

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