Gaming Nintendo likes money and the marketplace is dumb enough to give it to them

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for the point of porting wii u games is the point, when its nintendo its acceptible, but like i said the fanboys then use this as an excuse to say the other systems are cr@p because devs port its games over.

the angle i look at it is, everyone (the fanboys) defend nintendo blindy and do as they say, when the cube had the better hardware/graphics they were all about graphics. then the wii they jumpes off that wagon, then back on it when it came to the wii u when it got ps3/360 ports (which was rather retarded) then back off it, some fanboys are that bad to even insist the wii u was not a failure that it had the best games.

the switch is only off to a good start because of its gimmicks, nintendo (im sure you will remember) have always promised better third party support since the N64...... and do we ever see it happen?

the switch is only doing good because people think the gimmick controllers is something great, but this will soon die down and people wont care if its not got games.

so already after a few months of launch nintendo cant be bothered really to make something new, they just recycle old games..... how is this acceptible yet the fanboys slate third parties on the other systems with these "hd remasters".... sheep.

so, £280 for a new system to play the same games that the wii u had (with little differences).

i would happily love the console and company if it actually holds to its word and gets better third party support, but i doubt this will happen due to its hardware and can honestly see this being another wii again littered with shovelware based on the joycons.

why cant nintendo go back to pushing console hardware so its competing and also offer gimmick controllers..... wouldn't you agree that having the option to buy more titles is better than not having the option at all?
My response to your comment. Would you stop blatantly bashing on nintendo for everything. And again, THE GEMMICKS ARE NOT BE SHOVED DOWN OUR THROAT! AND AGAIN they are giving us the option for traditional controllers, for fuck sake man! Get it through your damn head!
So I'm going to ask is playstation vr a gemmick?! is playstation move a gemmick!? Because it is!

And second off, Nintendo has made their choice to not work on power. Look what the gamecube did. It did NOTHING and it was the most powerful system for its time. And again, WHY why from a business point of view create a new game when nobody has touched it! AND saying the switch is just going to be a wiiu port mechine is FALSE. Get it through your head!
mario odyssey
metriod prime 4
Rocket league which btw, is HUGE, because the game itself is very recourse demanding and is going to be portable, which also with Microsoft cross play.
xenoblade chronicles 2. Which the original blew everyone away.
fast racing rmx. (and there is more, apparently Nintendo didn't even tell every game coming out this year.)
Infact talking about fast racing, that game shows what can be done with the switch. If I didn't know that this was running on the switch I would actually mistake it running on a more powerful system. ITS CALLED ADAPTING! At this point, its not in Nintendo's ballpark, its up to the 3rd parties, they had the devkits for now 2 years, and they come up with nothing. Meanwhile the switch is doing everything it can. Plus Nintendo is in a tough situation, you say get more powerful hardware. So I must ask, can they even afford to make more powerful hardware? Also look at what is happening with Microsoft, they made the xbox one x, to be more powerful than PlayStation 4 pro, its price?! 500 dollars.

Also blatantly bashing the system at start, is stupid. Keep mind they had just gone through the worst generation since the virtual boy. So 3rd parties aren't going to just magically go to Nintendo, the system has to prove itself, and Nintendo is proving rather well. Look how open they are to shit, a dev in discord responded to a person asking about the switch and they said if it gets enough upvotes they will make the pitch to nintendo. they would be asking if Nintendo will allow discord running in the background which would be a much better solution than the god awful headset. Now I would normally say its going to be shutdown and not going to be accepted. But the deal between the creators of the rainway app and Nintendo prove other wise, as long as they are listening and not ignoring 3rd parties things will go well. Look at what Sony is doing! They are being absolutely lazy because they think they won. So now the consumers have to be butt hurt as cross platforming is allowed on all consoles for certain games all but except SONY. At least Nintendo doesn't make lazy ass excuses unlike Sony's defense for "child safety" to be the REASON they don't allow cross platforming. I can understand why Minecraft was stopped as they don't want microsoft shoving their services down their throats. HOWEVER rocket leauge?! They are denying that. So I can now make the EXACT same sentence
Sony likes money and the marketplace is dumb enough to give it to them. Because sony is restricting mods for 3rd party, Sony is invoking the fanboy wars when they could just put a END TO IT. And this whole situation of cross platforming is also anti consumer. And there is patnent floating around that sony made, that looks a WHOLE lot like a nintendo switch. So if they make it (sony) will you call it a gimmick?
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Saiyan Lusitano

fast racing rmx. (and there is more, apparently Nintendo didn't even tell every game coming out this year.)

That was also on the WiiU and if we're to compare to Redout then it pales in comparison. Nintendo needs to release F-ZERO for the Switch.

Edit: Not to mention FAST Racing NEO isn't a Nintendo game.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2008
^Let the haters hate dude, you're not going to change their opinion or stop him from saying it.

But yeah, nobody thinks the Switch is good just because of the controllers. They could release a handheld only version without separateable controllers and it probably wouldn't really make a difference. The portability is the "gimmick" I bought it for anyway.

Deleted User


That was also on the WiiU and if we're to compare to Redout then it pales in comparison. Nintendo needs to release F-ZERO for the Switch.

Edit: Not to mention FAST Racing NEO isn't a Nintendo game.
Its a exclusive to Nintendo consoles, so I would consider it. And I would agree that F-ZERO needs to comeback. But that series died. gx the last f-zero game sold 0.65m meanwile the gamecube itself sold 22m. to compare, paper Mario the thousand year door sold 2.25m and super smash bros sold a whopping 7.09 million, and metriod prime which is the 5th best selling game (smash being the best) metriod prime sold 2.82 million. They aren't bring it back. And that is why metriod is so scarce. Its because its not meeting sales either, its sequals did not have a good sales ratio, if people show no interest, there is no reason to continue making squeals. And metriod games are falling into the f-zero pattern.

Also fast racing rmx, is graphically and performance better than fast racing neo. There is a difference between the two, however comparing it to redout is probably unfair. I never played redout, so I can't exactly have a say if it is or isn't unfair, nor do I understand when it was made and what engine.
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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
My response to your comment. Would you stop blatantly bashing on nintendo for everything. And again, THE GEMMICKS ARE NOT BE SHOVED DOWN OUR THROAT! AND AGAIN they are giving us the option for traditional controllers, for fuck sake man! Get it through your damn head!
So I'm going to ask is playstation vr a gemmick?! is playstation move a gemmick!? Because it is!
again, agreed, yes these are also gimmick controllers that only lead to shovelware games, but difference is that sony or ms are not forcing it as a default controller, they are offering it as optional for those that want these sort of games.

nintendo dont, they force it as default thus making majority of its games to be using or based on this controller.

And second off, Nintendo has made their choice to not work on power. Look what the gamecube did. It did NOTHING and it was the most powerful system for its time.

and why was that...... lacking third party again.

why from a business point of view create a new game when nobody has touched it! AND saying the switch is just going to be a wiiu port mechine is FALSE. Get it through your head!
ok so theres not zelda
theres not mario kart
theres not pokken tornament tx

and im pretty sure these are not the only ones, in fact i bet theyll be more games that are the wii u recycled.

mario odyssey
yup new game, same old recycled story (shame on activision for releasing COD games that have a completely different story but make it a fps)

metriod prime 4
i have a gutt feeling that this is going to look the same as the cube but in hd
maybe a new pokemon to follow the wii u port

scrap the rest

its not the system mainly i am blasting, well in a sense yes.

i like it if it was just a portable handheld console, but for a home console its crap.

i am bashing the fact that it is nintendo, its promise of better third party..... been hearing them sing that song since the n64 and its never happened.

trust me, i am not saying this as a anti nintendo person, i am saying it because its what always happens.

it will be another system that will lack, now i would (which i have said before) happily love them again if they started getting the games.

you love them, fair enough, the fans will always love them regardless, but there is such a massive market that nintendo seem to refuse to cater for and those people class nintendo as a childs play thing.

so do you also say theyre wrong for not liking a system that offers next to nothing?

i dont see how nintendo can get away with charging £280 for a new console when its to release the same old games it always releases on every system and to that then recycle the same game.

Deleted User

You just mouthed words into my mouth. How nice.

scrap the rest
its not the system mainly i am blasting, well in a sense yes.

i like it if it was just a portable handheld console, but for a home console its crap.

i am bashing the fact that it is nintendo, its promise of better third party..... been hearing them sing that song since the n64 and its never happened.

trust me, i am not saying this as a anti nintendo person, i am saying it because its what always happens.

it will be another system that will lack, now i would (which i have said before) happily love them again if they started getting the games.

you love them, fair enough, the fans will always love them regardless, but there is such a massive market that nintendo seem to refuse to cater for and those people class nintendo as a childs play thing.

so do you also say theyre wrong for not liking a system that offers next to nothing?

i dont see how nintendo can get away with charging £280 for a new console when its to release the same old games it always releases on every system and to that then recycle the same game."

When did I say scrap the rest?

And this time THIRD PARTIES will, if capcom outright told Nintendo manufacture the switch with more ram, then that has to be a strong sign that Nintendo's ears are finally up.

Also I can argue that call of duty uses the exact same plot! You ready.

there is a war

thats the plot of EVERY call of duty! Meanwhile you don't even try to look at the details you look at every game as whole, and generally yes, The princess does get captured, However, who the hell is cappy, why is everyone set up for this wedding that seems to exist, why is there so many references to donkey kong. Also change is what killed sonic the hedgehog, they tried to spice up the plot and gameplay, and what happens? Sega died left the console making. Also what happens if Nintendo releases a different version of said games. We ARE ONLY AT LAUNCH, so can you tell me everything in their future, can you tell every single game they are going to make and EVERY single game that 3rd parties are going to make. Because you sure act like you know everything. And again, hardware, from a bushiness point of view, merging console and handheld was wise. The handheld market is dying. That is fact. And cool, you hate that it can be played on your tv. And nintendo is trying to cater to that market! If you haven't noticed they are clearly focused on competitive games, infact, with a recent poll, its not kids who are owning this console its targeted to the adults. Why don't we wait to see the outcome. BECAUSE again, the system just launched. Playstation 4 at launch had few games, xbox one had few games AT LAUNCH! Keep in mind we are about 2 months after the system just launched.

And again claiming the system has nothing is rediclous! we have splatoon 2, again oddyssey, a kirby game, a new pokemon game, metriod, a cross over game, arms, and again zelda. You can say "well it came out on the wiiu" well which one is better? Being able to be taken on the go with no loss compared to the other version, or being weighted down by a bloated dead console. Lets name the reasons the wiiu failed
1:didn't convey what it was.

The wiiu failed due to terrible marketing and even Nintendo themselves didn't know what the system was, also branding it "wiiu" was a terrible mistake as that was of course assumed as a addon
2:Lack of games.
The wiiu had practically no exclusives what so ever at release, and that console got dry, VERY long periods of time that no game was released.

3:The gamepad
It speaks for itself.
4:the hardware

The wiiu had only 1! 1 gigbyte of ram available and the os was unreasonably slow.
The gamepad, lets be honest. It looks like a fisher price toy. And is absurdly large, and you got to constantly recharge it, with a very amazing 3 hours of battery life. (please note my sarcasm)

Now lets look at the switch, and how it is fixing it.
the marketing is cut clean and clear, it is a console that you can take on the go.

the console is raining with exclusives every single month

3:the design

The switch is genius for a reason. Its sleek, its not a fisher price toy, and the system is not intrusive or takes much space. Meanwhile switching from console to handheld is fast and fluent.

4: the hardware

now this where many forget about the difference between wiiu and switch.
all processing on the wiiu is done on the console, and NOT the gamepad.
The switch, is smaller than the gamepad has all processing and performs better than the wiiu, and the os is extremely fast and snappy, with little to no wait times! The switch has four gigabytes, which many would see that as problem. But is it? Because I see many forget what software can do! And talking about software, the switch already has engines many companies use! unlike the wiiu, which didn't support any engines, and nor did it predecessors. The gamecube didn't support it, the n64 probably didn't either and the wii obviously didn't. But because the switch is more dev friendly, this should invite devs. Because Nintendo's software was so off with previous gens to devs that it was rediclous trying to get any game to run on it. That is a key point. Its easier for devs to develop! And the os doesn't use much memory on the switch either. Allowing devs to take nearly as much advantage as possible. Meanwhile wiiu had 2 gigbytes of ram, 1 entirely! just for the os. So it made it a pain! Now keep in mind, the switch itself is also way smaller than they wiiu system itself! You can complain about the whole (should of been a handheld) but with that battery? Hell no. Which is why it was made into a console, or at least what I think. I don't know what goes on in Nintendo's development team for consoles and design so that is my assumption.

Now let me bring something up.

"Nintendo never changes!" Meanwhile breath of the wild is released. "Nintendo never changes!" MEANWHILE they add the ability to glide and go underwater in mario kart 7. "Nintendo never changes!" MEANWHILE galaxy story! Galaxy had a much deeper story than any other mario game, detailing the backstory of Rosina, also with a ending with pretty much star shape creatures sacrificing themselves to stop a black hole!.You guys complain and complain that they aren't changing. But they are, but so many are so ignorant to the changes, and continue to bash on anyways. You say Mario needs to change plot. And so I must ask. How do you change call of duty, from its plot being mostly about war, to something else? See, you can't. It's a plot device. And because Mario has always been beating bowser, its not going to change, because their is no easily or seamless way to dramatically shift the plot of the game, without loosing people. If call of duty's plot is that its a war simulator. guess what, it still has war. so How do you have guns without a war? But still try to make sense why so many are still shooting others. It doesn't fit.

I'm done trying to argue about this, because clearly your extremely ignorant to changes that are clearly happening, or your just blissfully unaware. Yes I do see that the whole switching is a gimmick. But then again. You don't have to use the dock. Nor do you need to ever take off those joy cons, the gimmick, is optional. you do not need to use it. Unlike its predecessors that forces it down your throat in one way, or another.
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no woof tipsic
May 7, 2014
Not Here
United States
how is this acceptible yet the fanboys slate third parties on the other systems with these "hd remasters".... sheep.
...huh? I've seen far more hate on Nintendo for ports than I ever did for ps4/xb1 remasters.
why cant nintendo go back to pushing console hardware so its competing and also offer gimmick controllers.....
Why would they? They stand out from the competition with the Switch--I cannot imagine them being any more successful than they are now if they released a third ps4/xb1 type console. Nintendo has always prided itself, for better or worse, on doing things differently than the competition.


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
United States
wow there is quite a war going on here. You know, if nintendo released a powerful home console then the devs would port games over specially if its x86. Nintendo could destroy the other 2. imagine if nintendo got all the other AAA titles that the xbpx/ps4/pc got and they would have their 1st party stuff. why would you buy an xbox/ps5 if you can get all the other stuff on a nintendo system and nintendos stuff? Nintendo could destroy the other 2. Nintendo's console would have everything. Unfortunatly the 3rd party devs are little babies and will only work with power...


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
Try to play your Wii U in a car, common transportation and the like, now who is the poor idiot ?


talk about sheep.

lets pay £280 for a new console to play the exact same games i already own.

no sorry, this is what amazes me with nintendo fans, they slate other systems for something, then its ok when its nintendo.

mario kart has always been portable, that is no excuse to the fact that nintendo couldnt be arsed to give you a new game.

so because the wii u was a failure for being another old last gen revamp (with no third party support) its ok to port its games over, erm ok if nintendo cant be arsed to make new games then why are third parties going to.

ohh wait erm are we then going to see the same thing again, which is why many people now have a dislike for nintendo...... third partys then port its old games that we already own on the other systems, now that nintendo has the hardware its only took how many years...

sorry i couldnt give a crap is it was portable, it could suck my dick i still woulndt give a crap.

why pay full whack for an old game that you already own and completed years ago.

nintendo clearly lost grasp of the gaming industry, how its moved on and only care about making a fad cheap system and print money.

i guess the way you need to look at it is this.

when other systems not only improve hardware, they also get new titles that push further, do new things.

nintendo take years to then come close to getting these games ported.

i can see maybe why the fanboys get all moist because they can finaly get to play these third party titles, but to those that own every console on the market, you look at nintendo and think why the fuck would i want to buy that when i completed it years ago and own it already.

because its portable.....

naa, but he ho, im sure theyll be its fans to the rescue on this quoting me.

Deleted User


talk about sheep.

lets pay £280 for a new console to play the exact same games i already own.

no sorry, this is what amazes me with nintendo fans, they slate other systems for something, then its ok when its nintendo.

mario kart has always been portable, that is no excuse to the fact that nintendo couldnt be arsed to give you a new game.

so because the wii u was a failure for being another old last gen revamp (with no third party support) its ok to port its games over, erm ok if nintendo cant be arsed to make new games then why are third parties going to.

ohh wait erm are we then going to see the same thing again, which is why many people now have a dislike for nintendo...... third partys then port its old games that we already own on the other systems, now that nintendo has the hardware its only took how many years...

sorry i couldnt give a crap is it was portable, it could suck my dick i still woulndt give a crap.

why pay full whack for an old game that you already own and completed years ago.

nintendo clearly lost grasp of the gaming industry, how its moved on and only care about making a fad cheap system and print money.

i guess the way you need to look at it is this.

when other systems not only improve hardware, they also get new titles that push further, do new things.

nintendo take years to then come close to getting these games ported.

i can see maybe why the fanboys get all moist because they can finaly get to play these third party titles, but to those that own every console on the market, you look at nintendo and think why the fuck would i want to buy that when i completed it years ago and own it already.

because its portable.....

naa, but he ho, im sure theyll be its fans to the rescue on this quoting me.
Yes, because super mario odyssey is obviously making it to wiiu. Yes because a new Kirby game is making it to wiiu. And again let me tell the specs. Wiiu 2 GB of ram, 1 being available. Switch 4 gigabytes of ram, which nearly all are available as a result of the os being extremely low usage, and well built. Your being ignorant. THE SWITCH COST THAT MUCH BECAUSE ITS PORTABLE! There is a huge difference! Thats why we don't see most console games go on mobile, because simply put, trying to get that processing power in a smaller device, is more costly than getting a bigger device with the exact same specs. You can certainly complain about the ports. Thats fine, its not like you have to buy them. If you dipise the ports so much, just play them on your wiiu, and if you have a switch buy the new games and not the ports. Problem solved.
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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
i will have to admit, at first mario oddesy did look cool, the idea of mario going like sonic adventures..... but then it sank in, it wont be, it will be like every other mario game that i will fail to finish till the end.

i love the idea of the switch been a portable console, but only if it was this, for portable it would kick ass, but its a home console too, so when you look at what other consoles are doing you know for a fact again nintendo will not keep to its promise of better third party support.

and majority of nintendo games are so repetitive i guess its only something the fans love.

i mean wow switch has a new game..... arms...... sorry but that has no appeal at all, this is a game that will have gameplay value as 1 2 switch, its fun for a while then it gets boring quick and youll never play it again (or if you do a very long time).

i just wish nintendo would stop being cheap, provide the hardware and start proving that it is to cater for all types of gamers, they do come across as ingorant when they only focus for kids and its fans of mario/zelda, they have no interest in anyone else.

they focus more on being cheap and have to rely on forced gimmicks, but lets say this, if your a fan of Resident Evil, wouldnt 7 be cool being portable?
if your a fan of assassins creed, the new one being portable
if your a fan of all the third party games that are multi platform

having that option to play them would be a bonus for the console, yet fans refuse this and defend nintendo saying its not needed, yet ok defend the reasoning to port a failed console game to maximise profit.

i dont see the logic, its ok to port something old than have the option of something new and current.

i can see this console declining in sales and becoming a dead system with nothing AAA and the same old nintendo titles.

i can bet you come the next nintendo console they will again promise to improve third party support.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2006
Guys, seriously, don't even bother 'discussing' anything regarding Nintendo with Retroboy. I used to wind him up on maxconsole forums way back with the DSlite was a new console (around 2007!) and he said the exact same things back then as he is right now. The DS was a gimmick, the Wii was a gimmick, Nintendo hardware is cheap...blah blah.
He doesn't listen to valid points, he counters valid points with information he's made up, often just straight out lies, you really are wasting your time.
I lost interest, it really seemed like (honestly, without trying to insult Retroboy) He may have genuine learning difficulties.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
Guys, seriously, don't even bother 'discussing' anything regarding Nintendo with Retroboy. I used to wind him up on maxconsole forums way back with the DSlite was a new console (around 2007!) and he said the exact same things back then as he is right now. The DS was a gimmick, the Wii was a gimmick, Nintendo hardware is cheap...blah blah.
He doesn't listen to valid points, he counters valid points with information he's made up, often just straight out lies, you really are wasting your time.
I lost interest, it really seemed like (honestly, without trying to insult Retroboy) He may have genuine learning difficulties.
yea ok its things ive made up.... tell me that nintendo consoles get the option to play the great third party titles the other systems get.

ohh wait hmmmm, they dont.

then name something AAA quality..... ohh wait it lacks.

it again proves that fans of nintendo refuse to accept when gamers have a negative view, and if you had bothered to see other posts, my views on nintendo declined more and more over the years since the n64 for lacking the option of games.

you cant sit and claim its wrong when its fact, if it wasnt then nintendo wouldnt be here promising everytime to do more to get better third party support.

care to google this fact, they said it yet again for the switch.

but noooooo i am wrong, nintendo admit to it, but i am wrong.

that there is exactly the problem with the fans.


Best Girl ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
Jul 11, 2016
The People's Republic of Revachol
United States
yea ok its things ive made up.... tell me that nintendo consoles get the option to play the great third party titles the other systems get.

ohh wait hmmmm, they dont.

then name something AAA quality..... ohh wait it lacks.

it again proves that fans of nintendo refuse to accept when gamers have a negative view, and if you had bothered to see other posts, my views on nintendo declined more and more over the years since the n64 for lacking the option of games.

you cant sit and claim its wrong when its fact, if it wasnt then nintendo wouldnt be here promising everytime to do more to get better third party support.

care to google this fact, they said it yet again for the switch.

but noooooo i am wrong, nintendo admit to it, but i am wrong.

that there is exactly the problem with the fans.
Actually Nintendo has had some great AAA titles, for instance, Call of Duty: Black Ops for the DS is easily the best version of the game and also one of the most best-selling Nintendo games of all time.
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