No Man’s Sky release date announced

No Man's Sky will be released 22nd June 2016 at retail with a $60 price tag:

An LE was also revealed:


:arrow:No Man's Sky Release Date Announce


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
There is healthy cynicism and then there is not buying into a new developer making a procedurally generated universe on a ridiculous scale, putting it online, oh and said game is a full 3d space game (much to my dismay something of a dead genre) and first person something.
There is ambitious and then there is this -- how many bigger (and smaller) companies did we see try to dethrone World of Warcraft and this has too many of the same hallmarks of such a project.

I would love it to be the thing that sees me become a shutin but I can not see it happening here.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2015
There's already people complaining about that. I've seen a lot of positive stuff about it, so who knows.
Been looking at the game more since I previously didn't know/care if it was coming to PC as I just recently got one. Apparently it's pretty much entirely a solo experience and it'll be next to impossible to play with your friends (unless they release an update). Probably won't get it unless they add that feature in.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2015
I can't wait till this turns out to be a massive letdown and nowhere near what they were boasting.
You can't have a letdown when pretty much the only thing that has been put out there about a game is just fragmented teasers.

Nobody knows what the game is yet, nobody has sat down and played it and been allowed to talk about it. Nobody knows how it plays, if at all? What is the progression? What is the challenge? What makes it a game?

You fly around in your x-wing (last I checked it was actually tied to the Starwars Universe) and explore planets scanning things, for what end?. You fly and participate in battles... again, for what end? You get attacked by droids because you scanned things... okay... but that doesn't say anything about how frequent these are, if it is intended as a mechanic to make players constantly move around, if it is intended as a mechanic to just disrupt their exploration of the .0001% of a planet they will actually see, ect.

And they want people to buy into it. Feels less like an attempt to sell an awesome game, and more an attempt to try and cash in on hype because the game is nearing the end of a planned development cycle and has to now answer to investors before the game has any substance to it. And there is something very concerning about a company who continues to hold their cards to their chest, asking you to buy what they're holding on the promise that it will be great (when even companies who have done great things in the past are failing left and right).

Oh, I'm sure it has content... Much like Elite:Dangerous has content to it... But content alone doesn't make for a compelling and enjoying game.


GBAtemp's Official frill-necked lizard.
Oct 12, 2012
Sandy Eggo
United States
You can't have a letdown when pretty much the only thing that has been put out there about a game is just fragmented teasers.

Nobody knows what the game is yet, nobody has sat down and played it and been allowed to talk about it. Nobody knows how it plays, if at all? What is the progression? What is the challenge? What makes it a game?

You fly around in your x-wing (last I checked it was actually tied to the Starwars Universe) and explore planets scanning things, for what end?. You fly and participate in battles... again, for what end? You get attacked by droids because you scanned things... okay... but that doesn't say anything about how frequent these are, if it is intended as a mechanic to make players constantly move around, if it is intended as a mechanic to just disrupt their exploration of the .0001% of a planet they will actually see, ect.

And they want people to buy into it. Feels less like an attempt to sell an awesome game, and more an attempt to try and cash in on hype because the game is nearing the end of a planned development cycle and has to now answer to investors before the game has any substance to it. And there is something very concerning about a company who continues to hold their cards to their chest, asking you to buy what they're holding on the promise that it will be great (when even companies who have done great things in the past are failing left and right).

Oh, I'm sure it has content... Much like Elite:Dangerous has content to it... But content alone doesn't make for a compelling and enjoying game.
The game is still over 3 months away from being released... if you don't like the fact that you know little about it, don't pre-order it. It's as simple as that. I'm sure more info about the game will be coming out over the next few months, and there'll be plenty of info available for you to make an informed decision upon its release. And even if by some incredibly small chance they have a review embargo that lasts until the second the game's released, I'll refer you to the first sentence of my post: if you don't like the fact that you know little about it on day one, don't buy it. The developers don't owe you anything, especially if you say things like "Nobody knows how it plays, if at all."


Mar 6, 2016
United States
People are right to be skeptical, this is a small developer promising to deliver an awful lot.

I am curious about how much of each planet can be explored. Will you literally be able to circumnavigate the globe and explore everything you see, or are does it limit you to small pre-generated maps on these said planets?

I think I'm gonna wait on the hype train to stop at the reality station before buying this.
Last edited by chaosblade02,


GBAtemp's Official frill-necked lizard.
Oct 12, 2012
Sandy Eggo
United States
I am curious about how much of each planet can be explored. Will you literally be able to circumnavigate the globe and explore everything you see, or are does it limit you to small pre-generated maps on these said planets?
That's actually a good question. I looked up a gameplay video on youtube to see if they answered that, and they did (you can explore everything). If it doesn't automatically, skip to the 10:00 mark.


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
People are right to be skeptical, this is a small developer promising to deliver an awful lot.

I am curious about how much of each planet can be explored. Will you literally be able to circumnavigate the globe and explore everything you see, or are does it limit you to small pre-generated maps on these said planets?

I think I'm gonna wait on the hype train to stop at the reality station before buying this.
That would be the miracle of procedural generation. You haven't seen open-world until you've seen this. You'll run into some stuff you've seen before, but there will pretty much always be something you have yet to see, unless you've played for thousands of hours.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2015
The game is still over 3 months away from being released... if you don't like the fact that you know little about it, don't pre-order it. It's as simple as that. I'm sure more info about the game will be coming out over the next few months, and there'll be plenty of info available for you to make an informed decision upon its release. And even if by some incredibly small chance they have a review embargo that lasts until the second the game's released, I'll refer you to the first sentence of my post: if you don't like the fact that you know little about it on day one, don't buy it. The developers don't owe you anything, especially if you say things like "Nobody knows how it plays, if at all."
I'm sorry, but I disagree.

If they are asking people to spend money on something... which is what pre-orders are... then they have a responsibility as a company to let people know what the hell they are buying. Anything short of that is a scam, just like asking someone to buy a paper bag with something inside, and not telling them what is inside is a scam. Yes, there could be something good in that bag, there could also be a pile of dog shit. There is a reason why most countries have laws against selling people things without fully disclosing what is being purchased. This is nothing about review embargos... There is a difference between saying what a product is and if that product is any good. It is a difference between reporting content and what the quality of that content is. You can say what a game is about without making any sort of critique as to how enjoyable. It is ethically questionable for a company to do this sort of thing regardless of their intentions, and I'm going to call them out on it, just as anyone else with any sense should.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
I do not know if that is the way I would head.

I am all for being cynical and you are not going to catch me preordering things either, and I will join people in discouraging the practice unless you want to be a rich idiot or you absolutely know it is the only way you are likely to get a given product (rare for a software product in the modern world). Trying to sell people on the promise of something, presumably unfinished at this point, being good is an acceptable thing to do though.
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GBAtemp's Official frill-necked lizard.
Oct 12, 2012
Sandy Eggo
United States
I'm sorry, but I disagree.

If they are asking people to spend money on something... which is what pre-orders are... then they have a responsibility as a company to let people know what the hell they are buying. Anything short of that is a scam, just like asking someone to buy a paper bag with something inside, and not telling them what is inside is a scam. Yes, there could be something good in that bag, there could also be a pile of dog shit. There is a reason why most countries have laws against selling people things without fully disclosing what is being purchased. This is nothing about review embargos... There is a difference between saying what a product is and if that product is any good. It is a difference between reporting content and what the quality of that content is. You can say what a game is about without making any sort of critique as to how enjoyable. It is ethically questionable for a company to do this sort of thing regardless of their intentions, and I'm going to call them out on it, just as anyone else with any sense should.
I'm not really following your logic. First of all, a lot (if not most) places either charge you once the game is released or have options for you to cancel your pre-order before the game is released or within a certain set of time (like Steam's recent 2 hour refund policy). Secondly, how many game developers "fully disclose" their game months before it releases? What exactly is "fully disclosed" in your opinion anyway? Are we gonna know who the final boss is, where every secret/hidden item is? What does Hello Games need to disclose about No Man's Sky before you say "Okay, so maybe they're not ethically questionable scam artists"?


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2015
I'm not really following your logic. First of all, a lot (if not most) places either charge you once the game is released or have options for you to cancel your pre-order before the game is released or within a certain set of time (like Steam's recent 2 hour refund policy). Secondly, how many game developers "fully disclose" their game months before it releases? What exactly is "fully disclosed" in your opinion anyway? Are we gonna know who the final boss is, where every secret/hidden item is? What does Hello Games need to disclose about No Man's Sky before you say "Okay, so maybe they're not ethically questionable scam artists"?
Not full disclosure... Don't be silly.

But certainly having clear indication about what the game even is. There have been reviewers who have had access to the game at this point (for 30 minutes each), and they have been able to talk about it... But every one of them had a very different experience, a very different idea of what the game is about. This ambiguity is the problem. People have said that the game is everything from a sandbox builder, to a space sim, to an exploration game, to a roguelite, to something like Startrek, to a combat game, to a strategy game. But none of this has been reported as being concrete and definable. None of it is mentioned within official descriptions of the game, shown in the trailers, ect. How can anyone decide if they are even going to like whatever sort of game this is, and make an informed decision about the purchase price, when it is basically being defined as a game with everything. Basic information. Descriptions of core gameplay. You know, the sort of things most people use to decide if a game is for them or not.

Preorders are a problem because not everyone is buying over Steam, so subsequently there will be people out there who don't have the same options of canceling their preorder, on the same terms. This is also a PS4 release, this is also being sold through other vendors who don't always allow an order to be cancelled days after the order was made, or after the game is released and reviews available. Then there's the issue where every over-hyped release has been met with overloading servers and setting things up for disaster as those 2 hours that Steam does allow will be mostly spent looking at a login screen.

Even bad cases of preorders atleast disclose what it is exactly you are preordering. Even those early access games tell you what the game is in most cases. They may not tell you what the game will end up being, if it even completes, but atleast you know what the hell it is you are buying. Can you say with any certainty what the gameplay is by looking at the trailers? What about reading the scattered and brief reviews which seemingly conflict with eachother?


GBAtemp's Official frill-necked lizard.
Oct 12, 2012
Sandy Eggo
United States
People have said that the game is everything from a sandbox builder, to a space sim, to an exploration game, to a roguelite, to something like Startrek, to a combat game, to a strategy game. But none of this has been reported as being concrete and definable. None of it is mentioned within official descriptions of the game, shown in the trailers, ect.
Okay, clearly you either have no idea what you're talking about or are just downright lying.
  • Sandbox builder: There's a clear and distinct difference between a "sandbox" game and a Minecraft-esque "building" game. I've yet to see anything mentioning any type of building. There's terraforming, but that's literally the opposite of building, it's destroying. Please give me a link to where someone calls No Man's Sky a "sandbox builder."
  • Space Sim: Of course it's a Space Sim. You're... in Space. It may not be as "pure" of a Space Sim as others, but it's on Wikipedia's list of upcoming space flight simulator games, and Wikipedia's never wrong.
  • Exploration: Seriously? A game where you can explore a nearly infinite amount of planets isn't an exploration game?
  • Roguelite: I'm not familiar with any official definition of "Roguelite," but the only thing I can think No Man's Sky shares with Roguelikes is its proceedurally generated "levels." I wouldn't consider it a Roguelike, and I'd like to read this review where someone states otherwise.
  • "Something like Startrek": I have no idea what this means. Do we get to have sex with green alien babes?
  • Combat: There are four main things you can upgrade in No Man's Sky, and one of them is a gun. There's also pirates that you can fight, or you could join pirates and fight against space stations. It's not gonna have hack'n'slash levels of combat, if that's what you mean.
  • Strategy: I find it hard to believe someone called No Man's Sky a Strategy game, and Google seems to agree. I found one site that says "Though No Man’s Sky does include elements of strategy..." but that was from an article about an article about an interview where there was no mentioning of Strategy game elements. If you got your info from some other site, I'd love a link so I could read more.
Go watch some gameplay videos. Then you can realize that your "disclose" arguments aren't valid.

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