Hacking Official 3DS Piracy Discussion Thread.


Jun 10, 2011
United States
The number of pirates on a system has no effect on the shovelware created on that system. The things that effect platform choice for a game the most are feature set and market penetration. If a system has the features needed to realize a game and large enough penetration the game will be made for that system. Piracy concerns are an afterthought in platform choice. In fact if piracy pushes sales of a system enough they may help the chances of a developer choosing that system for their game, if only because there are that many more consoles and thus potential sales. Piracy doesn't hurt sales as bad as many antipiracy groups would like you to believe but it does have a really bad side effect. Piracy causes antipiracy groups to overreact and write draconian laws to fight it. Yes the arguement about lost sales is invalid but if they believe it is true they will persue countermeasures to those lost sales. No amount of reason will convince them that those giants are really windmills and that they cant turn their play monopoly money into real cash. In the meantime legitimate rights are stripped and crap like the dmca get passed...


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2009
Gambia, The
DSi mode isn't even fully hacked yet and y'all are talking about 3DS hacking and piracy.. Funny.

I WILL buy the original 3DS games, even if we won't get some of them in the EU. It would be pointless to download roms anyway because of the regionlock... xD Well... so the time of playing US roms is over... Although I'll keep my DSTWO. (ofc I will)

Haven't even modded my Wii. The few good games out there or it could be bought easily, and they're not THAT expensive compared to PS3 games and stuff so meh...

Stop caring about when and how...
The only advantage a flashcart had for me was being able to play a whole bunch of games without having to carrry them around with me. This times have gone, too. Even if 3DS roms could be dumped, that would mean that sooner or later one would have to carry a few 16GB sdhc's around. First, they cost a bunch, and secound, one could cary around all the games instead, wouldn't make much difference...

As for homebrew... well except COLORS there hasn't been ANY that I would really miss up until now.

So honestly... I don't care about piracy. I wouldn't buy a 3DS flashcart, nor would I softmod my 3DS in any way, or fully exchange its firmware or whatever else.It'll stay the way it is, just like my Wii. I needed emulation for older systems, I got it, that's all I need to know.

Thanks to the great region lock we got translations wouldn't make sense too, so why piracy...? ^^"


Jun 7, 2011
I personally pirate games for every system I have. If the game game is worth playing a second time i will go buy it and maybe everything to go with it like the game guide and accessories. If the game is not worth playing like another piece of crap like everything else. I cannot go into the game store like EB say I didn't like this game I would like my money back. Even if I could rent the game say for $8.50 I only get it for a week and if I don't have time to play it I wasted my money. All I say is download games for each system if you really like the game go out and buy it like I do.


Jul 18, 2010
Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of
Piracy is finished. Look at the PS3 this happens, it becomes hard! You really believe that manufacturers will let them? Piracy could be done until now because the systems were not yet intelligents.Mais good return on 3ds. Having dumped games is good but the user is not 3ds accessible.Ensuite imagine bets hardware updates that will in the future, pirates will also be updated. I'm not too much information about the dsi and copied games but I think I heard they did not work properly with the camera ect .... so just imagine with 3d.Mais finally talk of piracy 3ds is a little anything, just wait and nobody knows if it will stand the hack or not, nobody.

Deleted User

I hope piracy does become feasible. But not to the point that every bloody DS I see has a MicroSD sticking out of the Slot-1 slot. That's just crazy. It's too easy.

At least make it a bit more difficult- i.e Wii Softmodding. Now that made me feel proud.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2011
solofrags said:
Piracy is finished. Look at the PS3 this happens, it becomes hard! You really believe that manufacturers will let them? Piracy could be done until now because the systems were not yet intelligents.Mais good return on 3ds. Having dumped games is good but the user is not 3ds accessible.Ensuite imagine bets hardware updates that will in the future, pirates will also be updated. I'm not too much information about the dsi and copied games but I think I heard they did not work properly with the camera ect .... so just imagine with 3d.Mais finally talk of piracy 3ds is a little anything, just wait and nobody knows if it will stand the hack or not, nobody.
When theres a console, theres piracy. Piracy will never end as such. Hackers ALWAYS find a way. No matte rhow much crap is put on a console I'd put money some little bypass will be made in the first week. Hell, look at 3DS! Nintendo said it would have advanced anti-flashcard measures. R4Team(Or whoever)HAcked it in less tham 24hours! Piracy will never truly be stopped.

Deleted User

TheDreamLord said:
solofrags said:
Piracy is finished. Look at the PS3 this happens, it becomes hard! You really believe that manufacturers will let them? Piracy could be done until now because the systems were not yet intelligents.Mais good return on 3ds. Having dumped games is good but the user is not 3ds accessible.Ensuite imagine bets hardware updates that will in the future, pirates will also be updated. I'm not too much information about the dsi and copied games but I think I heard they did not work properly with the camera ect .... so just imagine with 3d.Mais finally talk of piracy 3ds is a little anything, just wait and nobody knows if it will stand the hack or not, nobody.
When theres a console, theres piracy. Piracy will never end as such. Hackers ALWAYS find a way. No matte rhow much crap is put on a console I'd put money some little bypass will be made in the first week. Hell, look at 3DS! Nintendo said it would have advanced anti-flashcard measures. R4Team(Or whoever)HAcked it in less tham 24hours! Piracy will never truly be stopped.
DS Mode was easily hackable- same encryption key and everything.. R4 Team did not hack the 3DS, merely the DS Mode.


Jul 18, 2010
Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of
why can we take the free movies online? simply because the hacking sites are online and no law really excist apparement.Il effectiveness not just by little to stop piracy films.Mais exmple if the sites are no longer there, then you can not take the game Nor, it excist a linker 3ds or not;-)


Jul 18, 2010
Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of
solofrags said:
why can we take the free movies online? simply because the hacking sites are online and no law really excist apparement.Il effectiveness not just by little to stop piracy films.But exemple if the sites are no longer there, then you can not take the game Nor, it excist a linker 3ds or not;-)

Deleted User

solofrags said:
why can we take the free movies online? simply because the hacking sites are online and no law really excist apparement.Il effectiveness not just by little to stop piracy films.Mais exmple if the sites are no longer there, then you can not take the game Nor, it excist a linker 3ds or not;-)
I'm not quite sure what you mean, but yes. We can take DPG movies onto Moonshell on the DS. And moonshell can be run on 3DS. So movies are portable...for the 3DS.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2007
United States
solofrags said:
Piracy is finished. Look at the PS3 this happens, it becomes hard! You really believe that manufacturers will let them? Piracy could be done until now because the systems were not yet intelligents.Mais good return on 3ds. Having dumped games is good but the user is not 3ds accessible.Ensuite imagine bets hardware updates that will in the future, pirates will also be updated. I'm not too much information about the dsi and copied games but I think I heard they did not work properly with the camera ect .... so just imagine with 3d.Mais finally talk of piracy 3ds is a little anything, just wait and nobody knows if it will stand the hack or not, nobody.

piracy finsihed? lmfao okay i needed that anyways everything is hackable you cant stop piracy you can only contain it up to a certain point If it's made by man it can be broken by man there is no such thing as a unhackable product! I still think piracy killed the wii just like the psp, dreamcast and so many other systems If the wii was never hacked nintendo would still be making good games for it. Look at MS they said they wouldnt release there next console until 2014-2015 they just announced next years E3 they are reveling the next xbox. Why because piracy on 360 is so bad.


Sep 27, 2010
United States
that is laughable .look back at all systems every sigle on of then allowed piracy , an only slightly less than 1% of wii's have been hacked , do you really thinkk that ninty or any of its 3rd party developers are going to decideo to start making 4hity games or or not make games at all becaue that less than 1% of hacked consoles owners MIGHT pirate them? NO FFS people are so dumb ,and they buy into this BS media propaganda, stop making the scene out to be what it is not , it dont account for $hit,people dont have any idea what a scant minority peolple like us really are , we are nothing in the scheme of thinkgs, and nintendo has always followed the same pattern , in fact the wii had atleas 2 major mario titles , besides the nes ,name me one other console from nintendo that did ,none , and they are developing skyward sword still ,grant it its the 1st and only zelda title for the system but, besides 64 and nes no other system from nintendo had 2 zelda titles for it,and some people dont even consider majoras mask ,as the same as a major zelda title,think about it , all consoles ever have only had a few really good must have titlles and the rest of it is all $hit shovelware ,it is nothing new ,nor is piracy, the original famicom in japan had the disc system and anyone could take a disk and go into a store in japan where ninty had kiosks ,and download any game on to that disk from nintendos own kiosk
its like ninty gave people the games and the means to pirte them for free right from day 1 and i would hardly say that that killed the nes or nintendo or their descision to bring it here,nintendo only became the biggest game company of all time ,even though people were pirating their games from day 1,this is all nonsense ,dont you realize that when a company goes public it is no longer about them being a profitable busniess? it is about "beating the street"it means ti be listed on a public stock exchange you have o continually earn more more money quater after quater ,no excuses ,its not sustainable , and it is not based on anything ,it like the mafia, no matter what you have to keep earning ,or your finished
its all greed driven, if piracy went up 5000% tomrrow these companies would still be making a killing ,just not enough to be public,thats why they chase every last penny,
just remember that every console ever made has hd piracy, the wii is the most hacked console of all time and not even 1% of the userbase has a hacked console,piracy is so trivial to the industry it is not even worth mentioning,the only people that give a rats ass are greedy corporate scum who could earn all the money in the world and it still wouldnt be enough,there is no such thing as enough
go download full rom sets for all the consoles that have emulators on the pc, in each one you will find 100's or 1000's of games and out of those maybe like 10 of them ,if that will even be playable , the rest suck so bad its not even funny, it has nothing to do with piracy


Jul 18, 2010
Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of
Piracy is now becoming an important topic for Nintendo and the other for piracy (movies, games, music) is no longer considered stealing but it is a new mode.De more and more people are equipped with a computer and pirate and will no longer buy products in shops, the piracy excist for a long time but back then it was not as important.You say this is not the man can be destroyed by man, c That is true. But piracy is a real problem these days, manufacturers will be interested to adventages and solutions to counter the pirates will only start venir.J can already imagine the teams scramble to hack the 3ds lol.L objective is also not to wait 4 years for the hacker and if it takes much time, so Nintendo will reach wins.When good games, teams will surely be more motivated.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2009
United States
I also find it funny how so many people on this board blame piracy for the reason behind the decline in Wii games development. Did anyone stop to consider that maybe developers are starting to hit a wall with what they can feasibly do with a console that essentially launched in 2001 and was refreshed a few years later with an imprecise motion control? Don't get me wrong. I think the Wii is kind of neat, but seriously. Developers seem to be averse to making games that use the classic controller (at least for AAA titles). Mature games usually bomb because of the 'kiddie' install base.

And I don't think piracy is to blame for most of the shovelware ills of this machine either. Every disc based console has had this problem. It was rampant in the 80s computer scene. The 8-bit computers would often package together games written by teenagers over a weekend and sell them for $5 to $10. Translations of arcade titles for the Amiga and ST would be completed in less than a week, usually copying code from one another to save time. Move forward to the consoles, and you'll find shovelware on the Sega CD (Marky Mark, anyone?), and even the PC-Engine (just how many Mah-jongg titles do you really need?)

Then you get to the PS1. It was popular. Pirating was sort of a pain in the @ss (modchip or swap method, and I didn't know that many people who did it regularly. Most who did bought the games they liked). And guess what, it may have been the first modern system to have a metric shit-ton of shovelware. Just saying...

Sorry for the long rant...


Sep 27, 2010
United States
well your right about piracy not being the cause of the shovelware,but its not just disc based systems, there were planty of crappy n64 titles and im hello the ds is not disc based and it is the king of shovelware
also your wrong about the hardware holding the devs back from developing good titles ,aand the controller that you describe as inaccurate, well there is the wii motion plus you know ,and it is still muc much cheaper that a kincet or a ps3 move,so that is really no excuse , they do it cause they know they can
it worked for them once ,they made a huge profit with almost 0 effort and realized that they could repeat that success if they bought the right liscencing ie.. miley cyrus and justin beiber ,whatever little kids will see and nag the $hit out of their parents for because it has already been popularized by television aka free advertising for them,they are just greedy and lazy and know that shovelware works, they have no shame ,they have no reputation ,thats why you see these noname developers mostly making this crap ,not the capcoms not the konamis of the world,they wouldnt ruing their rep to make a few bucks
but these companies are just greedy amd only care about money ,and thy know it worked like a charm the 1st time so they go with what they know works for making mones,the most money with the least ammount of effort,thats the name of the game
plus there is just an overall lack of creativity in the world , just look at hollywood ,look at the crap movies that come out ,little red riding hood,need i say more?
they could make good creative titles if they had the will and the creativity and the drive to do it ,the hardware is not holding them back at all
i for onw would love to see a castlevania game on the wii that uses the wii motion plus and has all the old charecters,weapons and enemies as the original 3 nes titles
i cant belive they never made a game lik like this for wii ,a 3d classic style castlevania where you have simon belmot and you use the wii motion plus wiimote to use your whip ,it could be a sequel to the 1st game that takes place after the 1st game,the wiimaote could be used for the whip and the nunchuck could be used to throw your secondary weapon with the flick of your wrist,have all the same weapons and items from the original games ,and have it have some rpg elements,like an open world where you need to collect items to progress to new areas in the game and go back over areas you alredy went to but with the new items and weapons that allow you to get to new areas,have towns like 2nd cv on nes where you have healers and merchants,have spells ,kinda like a zelda action/rpg title almost like the 1st game the second gam and n64 games together but with more original items,like hearts instead of those ruby in the n64 one,and better graphics and motion control
people complained about those n64 games for being 3d but i though they were great,much better than the ps2 and ps3 games that were more of devil may cry than castlevania,they were way too much a departure from the series ,the developers just dont seem to know what people want
and just look at twilight princess, those are amazing graphics and it was designed on the cube
if they wanted to the could make graphics on the wii that far surpass what we see today, like skyward sword ,i think that those graphics are un impressive mediocre and not half as impressive as TP or WW,they could have had way better graphics for that game especially since it is the 1st and only zelda gams designed for the wii and we waited 6 years for it,its pathetic, the graphics should have looked like the zelda mock up they showed for the wii-u,better, even the1st WW graphic style that was shown and never used had better graphics and better style ,that the generic SS graphic style they went with
the hardware plenty powerfull enough for them to mak good games,they just dont, weather its because they are too cheap to spend the money or for whatever reason ,but its not piracy, there was hardly any piracy on the GC and we never saw a second mario game ,we never saw another zelda game,there was more piracy on the n64 and they had 2 zelda games on that system,we should have saw atleast 2 if not 3 zelda games on the cube ,2 WW style and 1 with the WW style graphics that they scrapped
and atleast a 2nd mario game, wii has piracy and gc didnt and we have 2 mario games for wii and 1 for gc ,but its the same with all systems ,there is only a handfull of really good titles and the rest is crap


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2007
United States
totalnoob617 said:
well your right about piracy not being the cause of the shovelware,but its not just disc based systems, there were planty of crappy n64 titles and im hello the ds is not disc based and it is the king of shovelware
also your wrong about the hardware holding the devs back from developing good titles ,aand the controller that you describe as inaccurate, well there is the wii motion plus you know ,and it is still muc much cheaper that a kincet or a ps3 move,so that is really no excuse , they do it cause they know they can
it worked for them once ,they made a huge profit with almost 0 effort and realized that they could repeat that success if they bought the right liscencing ie.. miley cyrus and justin beiber ,whatever little kids will see and nag the $hit out of their parents for because it has already been popularized by television aka free advertising for them,they are just greedy and lazy and know that shovelware works, they have no shame ,they have no reputation ,thats why you see these noname developers mostly making this crap ,not the capcoms not the konamis of the world,they wouldnt ruing their rep to make a few bucks
but these companies are just greedy amd only care about money ,and thy know it worked like a charm the 1st time so they go with what they know works for making mones,the most money with the least ammount of effort,thats the name of the game
plus there is just an overall lack of creativity in the world , just look at hollywood ,look at the crap movies that come out ,little red riding hood,need i say more?
they could make good creative titles if they had the will and the creativity and the drive to do it ,the hardware is not holding them back at all
i for onw would love to see a castlevania game on the wii that uses the wii motion plus and has all the old charecters,weapons and enemies as the original 3 nes titles
i cant belive they never made a game lik like this for wii ,a 3d classic style castlevania where you have simon belmot and you use the wii motion plus wiimote to use your whip ,it could be a sequel to the 1st game that takes place after the 1st game,the wiimaote could be used for the whip and the nunchuck could be used to throw your secondary weapon with the flick of your wrist,have all the same weapons and items from the original games ,and have it have some rpg elements,like an open world where you need to collect items to progress to new areas in the game and go back over areas you alredy went to but with the new items and weapons that allow you to get to new areas,have towns like 2nd cv on nes where you have healers and merchants,have spells ,kinda like a zelda action/rpg title almost like the 1st game the second gam and n64 games together but with more original items,like hearts instead of those ruby in the n64 one,and better graphics and motion control
people complained about those n64 games for being 3d but i though they were great,much better than the ps2 and ps3 games that were more of devil may cry than castlevania,they were way too much a departure from the series ,the developers just dont seem to know what people want
and just look at twilight princess, those are amazing graphics and it was designed on the cube
if they wanted to the could make graphics on the wii that far surpass what we see today, like skyward sword ,i think that those graphics are un impressive mediocre and not half as impressive as TP or WW,they could have had way better graphics for that game especially since it is the 1st and only zelda gams designed for the wii and we waited 6 years for it,its pathetic, the graphics should have looked like the zelda mock up they showed for the wii-u,better, even the1st WW graphic style that was shown and never used had better graphics and better style ,that the generic SS graphic style they went with
the hardware plenty powerfull enough for them to mak good games,they just dont, weather its because they are too cheap to spend the money or for whatever reason ,but its not piracy, there was hardly any piracy on the GC and we never saw a second mario game ,we never saw another zelda game,there was more piracy on the n64 and they had 2 zelda games on that system,we should have saw atleast 2 if not 3 zelda games on the cube ,2 WW style and 1 with the WW style graphics that they scrapped
and atleast a 2nd mario game, wii has piracy and gc didnt and we have 2 mario games for wii and 1 for gc ,but its the same with all systems ,there is only a handfull of really good titles and the rest is crap

amazing out of this entire essay you just wrote not 1 period!


Still a Touhou Fanatic
Jul 21, 2009
United States
totalnoob617 said:
well your right about piracy not being the cause of the shovelware,but its not just disc based systems, there were planty of crappy n64 titles and im hello the ds is not disc based and it is the king of shovelware
also your wrong about the hardware holding the devs back from developing good titles ,aand the controller that you describe as inaccurate, well there is the wii motion plus you know ,and it is still muc much cheaper that a kincet or a ps3 move,so that is really no excuse , they do it cause they know they can
it worked for them once ,they made a huge profit with almost 0 effort and realized that they could repeat that success if they bought the right liscencing ie.. miley cyrus and justin beiber ,whatever little kids will see and nag the $hit out of their parents for because it has already been popularized by television aka free advertising for them,they are just greedy and lazy and know that shovelware works, they have no shame ,they have no reputation ,thats why you see these noname developers mostly making this crap ,not the capcoms not the konamis of the world,they wouldnt ruing their rep to make a few bucks
but these companies are just greedy amd only care about money ,and thy know it worked like a charm the 1st time so they go with what they know works for making mones,the most money with the least ammount of effort,thats the name of the game
plus there is just an overall lack of creativity in the world , just look at hollywood ,look at the crap movies that come out ,little red riding hood,need i say more?
they could make good creative titles if they had the will and the creativity and the drive to do it ,the hardware is not holding them back at all
i for onw would love to see a castlevania game on the wii that uses the wii motion plus and has all the old charecters,weapons and enemies as the original 3 nes titles
i cant belive they never made a game lik like this for wii ,a 3d classic style castlevania where you have simon belmot and you use the wii motion plus wiimote to use your whip ,it could be a sequel to the 1st game that takes place after the 1st game,the wiimaote could be used for the whip and the nunchuck could be used to throw your secondary weapon with the flick of your wrist,have all the same weapons and items from the original games ,and have it have some rpg elements,like an open world where you need to collect items to progress to new areas in the game and go back over areas you alredy went to but with the new items and weapons that allow you to get to new areas,have towns like 2nd cv on nes where you have healers and merchants,have spells ,kinda like a zelda action/rpg title almost like the 1st game the second gam and n64 games together but with more original items,like hearts instead of those ruby in the n64 one,and better graphics and motion control
people complained about those n64 games for being 3d but i though they were great,much better than the ps2 and ps3 games that were more of devil may cry than castlevania,they were way too much a departure from the series ,the developers just dont seem to know what people want
and just look at twilight princess, those are amazing graphics and it was designed on the cube
if they wanted to the could make graphics on the wii that far surpass what we see today, like skyward sword ,i think that those graphics are un impressive mediocre and not half as impressive as TP or WW,they could have had way better graphics for that game especially since it is the 1st and only zelda gams designed for the wii and we waited 6 years for it,its pathetic, the graphics should have looked like the zelda mock up they showed for the wii-u,better, even the1st WW graphic style that was shown and never used had better graphics and better style ,that the generic SS graphic style they went with
the hardware plenty powerfull enough for them to mak good games,they just dont, weather its because they are too cheap to spend the money or for whatever reason ,but its not piracy, there was hardly any piracy on the GC and we never saw a second mario game ,we never saw another zelda game,there was more piracy on the n64 and they had 2 zelda games on that system,we should have saw atleast 2 if not 3 zelda games on the cube ,2 WW style and 1 with the WW style graphics that they scrapped
and atleast a 2nd mario game, wii has piracy and gc didnt and we have 2 mario games for wii and 1 for gc ,but its the same with all systems ,there is only a handfull of really good titles and the rest is crap

Correct this with grammar and punctuation please! Owwie!


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2010
Solar Federation
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United States
totalnoob617 said:
that is laughable .look back at all systems every sigle on of then allowed piracy , an only slightly less than 1% of wii's have been hacked , do you really thinkk that ninty or any of its 3rd party developers are going to decideo to start making 4hity games or or not make games at all becaue that less than 1% of hacked consoles owners MIGHT pirate them? NO FFS people are so dumb ,and they buy into this BS media propaganda, stop making the scene out to be what it is not , it dont account for $hit,people dont have any idea what a scant minority peolple like us really are , we are nothing in the scheme of thinkgs, and nintendo has always followed the same pattern , in fact the wii had atleas 2 major mario titles , besides the nes ,name me one other console from nintendo that did ,none , and they are developing skyward sword still ,grant it its the 1st and only zelda title for the system but, besides 64 and nes no other system from nintendo had 2 zelda titles for it,and some people dont even consider majoras mask ,as the same as a major zelda title,think about it , all consoles ever have only had a few really good must have titlles and the rest of it is all $hit shovelware ,it is nothing new ,nor is piracy, the original famicom in japan had the disc system and anyone could take a disk and go into a store in japan where ninty had kiosks ,and download any game on to that disk from nintendos own kiosk
its like ninty gave people the games and the means to pirte them for free right from day 1 and i would hardly say that that killed the nes or nintendo or their descision to bring it here,nintendo only became the biggest game company of all time ,even though people were pirating their games from day 1,this is all nonsense ,dont you realize that when a company goes public it is no longer about them being a profitable busniess? it is about "beating the street"it means ti be listed on a public stock exchange you have o continually earn more more money quater after quater ,no excuses ,its not sustainable , and it is not based on anything ,it like the mafia, no matter what you have to keep earning ,or your finished
its all greed driven, if piracy went up 5000% tomrrow these companies would still be making a killing ,just not enough to be public,thats why they chase every last penny,
just remember that every console ever made has hd piracy, the wii is the most hacked console of all time and not even 1% of the userbase has a hacked console,piracy is so trivial to the industry it is not even worth mentioning,the only people that give a rats ass are greedy corporate scum who could earn all the money in the world and it still wouldnt be enough,there is no such thing as enough
go download full rom sets for all the consoles that have emulators on the pc, in each one you will find 100's or 1000's of games and out of those maybe like 10 of them ,if that will even be playable , the rest suck so bad its not even funny, it has nothing to do with piracy

would it kill ya to punctuate?

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  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    and also ahve the option to play as a human
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    or set it up that when you get injured past a certain point they have to replace your human parts with cybernetics
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    i have a placeholder enemy sprite i made
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    or have it that you don't know you are a cyborg, robot, and you find out and have a existential crisis
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    or have it start in the virtual world and you are an ai that gained sentience
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    btw gonna wash my face in a bit, my eyes feel tired
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    and you convince your owner to help you break out of the virtual world to real world
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Eyes - "yawn"
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    you bleack in to goverment computer systems to get cyborg schematics so you can get a robot body constructed
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    btw @BigOnYa the health bar doesnt decrease when i take damage (and yes i put the "at the beggining of the scene change value of greenflatbar: set to Protagonistcopmode.Health::Health())
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    i the protagonist
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    human, robot, cyborg
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    human with cyborg enhancements
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    or like terminatior
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    with living tissue
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @Xdqwerty there is health behaviour you can add to your character, then to use a health bar is lil more complicated, google n watch a few tutorial video on it, be too hard to explain here.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, the character has the health behavior
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I know you have to create a health and health max variable. Then there is a calculation you use in code to subtract width size of the health bar. Google few vids.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, the "greenflatbar" is one of the preset health bars btw
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea you can use any bar/sprite. It will just change the width. Ok good luck and have fun. I'm off to go shoot some pool at the bar. Talk to you later.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, why does the health behavior exist if you can just use a variable?
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    and nope the number still doesnt change
    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: and nope the number still doesnt change