Pornography to be blocked by default in the UK


Hero of the Void
Aug 21, 2012
The Void
I find the americans here that say that government intrusion on the internet, your civil liberties and rights alongside big government very amusing...
whats it with religious people and sex? there are only three things more natural than sex: breathing, eating/drinking and bowel movements.


New Member
Jul 19, 2013
Welcome to the United Kingdom of America...

What worries me is it wont be long before sony, nintendo, m$ etc will lobby our government to block sites like gbatemp etc because you know.... its unsafe for our children. Sites like this will eventually be blocked under the guise of "promoting piracy".

Talktalk, an UK isp, already blocks torrentfreak. Torentfreak maybe questionable to the morons but it dont do anything illegal.

Hiding your children away from pr0n will have the opposite effect. Young children will become repressed young adults, and them young adults will search out for what they have been forbidden from with no guidance from anyone.

Then again I highly doubt this is to "protect the children". They claim they protect your children while they cut funding to child abuse organizations and the child poverty in this country reaches new heights. This is about control of the free media. The day before this "block pr0nography" excuse, the excuse was "we must block to protect your children from the pedophiles". Yeah cause the pedophiles search for questionable material on google?? I get a feeling the normal public will be blocked from sites that are deemed to be against the governments/big businesses wishes while the pedophiles will keep doing what they have always done, tor, vpn encryption etc to remain unnoticed.

But hey because I believe this is a pointless waste of money from a technical point, and also just down right dangerous, I have been called a pedophile for it. NICE......
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Ziggy Zigzagoon

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2010
'Most households in the UK will have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it'
Do you see how people circumvent the pornography filters in their homes? Do you see how widespread pornography is being advertised?
'New laws so videos streamed online in the UK will be subject to the same restrictions as those sold in shops'
In other words, they are applying consistency in their laws.
'Search engines having until October to introduce further measures to block illegal content'
In other words, they are supposed to make theri filters stricter, patching at least some of the flaws of current filtres.
'Experts from the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre being given more powers to examine secretive file-sharing networks'
...define 'powers'.
'A secure database of banned child pornography images gathered by police across the country will be used to trace illegal content and the paedophiles viewing it'
In other words, this is meant to 'put the brakes' (so to speak) on pornography of children and child prostitution.

...seriously, I am going to be part of the hated minority by cheering of David Cameron. (Then again, I wish that Europe has gone ahead of its pornography ban.) I mean, people think that pornography is a simple diversion without giving a thought from exactly where does their pornography comes. (Then again, people do not care about their electronic parts coming from Foxconn, or again, their meat coming from disgustingly crew farms.)
...I am just going to put my previous anti-pornography posts here.
This is not new, since Iceland is banning pornography.

To be honest, though, there are reasons behind this. A lot of wimmen were hurt due to the porn industry, being left with emotional voids, neglect, and sicknesses, leading to substance abuse and even suicide. Some wimmen even reported abuse and rape while on their jobs! ( ) Then again, since when did the pornography industry care about safety? ( ) Also, consider recent reports on how increasingly younguer children are engaging in crimes of an intimate nature ( ). Simply telling parents to up their protections or teach them harder is ignorance on our increasingly perverted society (foe example: Beyonce's bit in the latest Super Bowl) making harder for parents to prevent these things.

To be honest, pornography is not similar to say, eating, since eating is vital to our bodies. Pornography (not actually engaging in 'the friendship of the thighs' for real) is, to the average end user, a diversion and no more, not fulfilling any real need. In fact, pornography reprograms the minds, deviating from wonderful relationships.

Also, talk about 'freedom of speech' is an excuse to abuse a right. After all, any judgement coming against, say, sexist remarks would make a value judgement against the freedom of speech applying to sexist remarks.

Besides, if pornography was harmless, then why prevent children from viewing the stuff?
Any argument you have about preventing children from pornography denotes a value judgement against the harmlessness of the stuff.

Also, no; I should not expect this to fully ban such a lucrative project, but the thing will serve to at least shrink the problem. Besides, people tend to see to laws for moral guidance, whether the laws are truly moral or not.

'The friendship of the thighs' is a beautiful thing. Society just made things dirty.

[...]See also:


[R]ecall that Europe wanted to put a ban on pornography for wimmen's rights, since the pornography industry is far from kind to them, even being deep into prostitution. Or again, awakening the passions of a child early is just not right for their development. I can see these same forces behind this pornography ban.[...]

Either way, I foresee a type of fight between the Internet who wants 'freedom of speech' and 'protection of our industry' and the highers-up who want to protect wimmen and children. I think that, if the highers-up have their ways, they would end up implementing the porn ban they wanted to hold up in the first place, that is, either their original plans or through a technicality (that is, every European nation who would have been affected by the original ban upholding their own bans).


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2013
David Cameron is just that....a CaMORON. Does he seriously think to tell people what to do online. Granted I don't really watch porn so it's not going to affect me but this should be against the law. Next think you'll know it'll be "CONservatives put funds into research into inventing machine to tell people what to think".


Oh My....
Jul 5, 2006
Visit site
United States
I really don't see the major issue here and would like to see this brought to the United States. They aren't banning porn but rather they are just not making it easy for kids to get their hands on it. I have kids now and on their Xbox 360 we went from watching movie trailers for sci-fi moves about 6 clicks full on pornography on the youtube channel. Maybe it would be better to have a switch so people like me could just opt-out rather than force everyone else to opt-in for porn? Then again I am sure a large portion of people bitching are under age anyway and I know one thing... when your used to a vice and it gets taken away...damn does it ruffle my feathers.

And by the way if this was in America then the big bad government would just push their views and not give any sort of options to the citizens and just say they are doing it for our best intrest.

Again it sounds like they are giving you an option (if your of legal age) while protecting the kids... not a bad thing
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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2006
United States
I really don't see the major issue here and would like to see this brought to the United States. They aren't banning porn but rather they are just not making it easy for kids to get their hands on it.

And why would kids want to get their hands on it? Oh, right, you're not thinking about "kids". You're thinking about 16+ year olds. Honestly, I'd be a lot more worried about what your 16+ year old "kid" is *doing* than what their watching, but then, you know, I don't many babies born from a person watching pornography.

I have kids now and on their Xbox 360 we went from watching movie trailers for sci-fi moves about 6 clicks full on pornography on the youtube channel.

Wow! If you look for pornography, you can find it? Amazing! Btw, AFAIK, youtube blocks pornography by default. You have to sign in and only then can you potentially view anything "adult". But, yea, it wouldn't surprise me if (a) some stuff has yet to be flagged as "adult" yet (which, oops, is the whole reason blacklists won't work as a panacea) and (b) there's other ways to browse for porn on an Xbox 360 (or a PS3 or a Wii) if you go out of your way. Really, except for the general rickrolling, you don't just stumble on porn. And if you do, you can almost invariably close it right away*.

Maybe it would be better to have a switch so people like me could just opt-out rather than force everyone else to opt-in for porn?

Well, what do you know. That'd be great. Because that's what we have now. You can opt-in for an ISP that filters. You can opt-in for a home router that filters. You can opt-in for software that runs on your own computer that filters. Everything about getting the government involved is precisely to avoid opt-in. Btw, I just love how you turn "opt-out [for filtering]" into "opt-in for porn". There's more to filtering than porn. Swear words. Violence. Religious sects you'd like to ban. Etc. But, then, that's the beauty of opt-in. It can cover whatever you're willing to pay for.

Then again I am sure a large portion of people bitching are under age anyway and I know one thing... when your used to a vice and it gets taken away...damn does it ruffle my feathers.

Yep, nothing like attacking the other side directly. They're just a bunch of under age kids, getting off on their vices! Don't listen to them! While we're at it, let's ban all the other vices (sugary foods, alcohol, cigarettes, cell phones, etc) from the general store space, and you can opt-out by getting a card from the store allowing you to enter, providing an id card on each visit, and then you can enter the darkened/curtained-off space where all the vices are. 'Cause we all know vices aren't for kids! They're for adults!

And by the way if this was in America then the big bad government would just push their views and not give any sort of options to the citizens and just say they are doing it for our best intrest.

Yeah! It's okay because the US would do it worse!

Again it sounds like they are giving you an option (if your of legal age) while protecting the kids... not a bad thing

Want to protect your kids? Keep an eye on them. Don't leave it up to the government, an ISP, or a security program written in a computer or a game console. There's a lot more to worry about your kids than them viewing pornography. And, honestly, pushing some sort of governmental decree for the sake of making a parent's responsibility just a smidge smaller isn't remotely in the ballpark of a reasonable step.

*The one area this may not be true, of course, is malware embedded in websites or spam. But that's an incredibly uncommon occurrence, which doesn't begin to warrant the sort of overreaction to the mere possibility that pornography may be seen. Put another way, if you're that worried about it, don't let your kids *ever* go online because inherently there's always the risk of seeing a fleeting glimpse of a woman's nipple through just about any possible visual medium--ascii porn, if nothing else.
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Jul 23, 2013
Das Interwebs
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Pfch, UK too? I had Pr0n blocked from the entire country here (Bahrain) since 2004/2005 and we cant "choose" to have it.
its stupid, useless and doesn't really fix anything


Resident Furvert™
Feb 4, 2010
Cave Entrance, Watching Cyan Write Letters
United States
in about 6 clicks full on pornography on the youtube channel.
1a - Youtube doesn't allow porn, if there was porn then it was seen between uploading and removal, since somebody uploaded it when they weren't supposed to.

1b - On that note, that's like somebody flashing your kid on the street. Oh fucking well, somebody broke the rules. You can implement all the laws you want, but they're just a social thing (and many of them are ignored by the general public), if your kid is trying to get at boobs he'll get at them because blocking porn won't make it suddenly stop existing. I'll refer you to this nice historical lesson that people seem to keep forgetting...

2 - ... unless you're exaggerating and it was some legit-but-risque stuff, in which case the age/maturity filter should have been in effect, assuming the age/settings on that youtube account were set properly.

3 - As I pointed out earlier, this is not feasible because there is no ratings board or review process for anything that goes onto the internet. Unlike TV stuff (which requires a rating and review or at least signed ceritification before being broadcast), anybody on the planet with internet access can upload anything at any time. I could (right now) pull my pants down and take a picture of my soft, wiggly dick and put it on without having to consult anybody, ask anybody's permission, submit an application for review, or it passing by human eyes at all before it becomes available on my website. Meaning it would not be blocked. And there's hundreds of millions of people that could do the same thing.

This idea is not founded in reality. It's a dream by people who don't understand the forces and technology they're trying to control.
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The White Phoenix's purifying flame.
Nov 19, 2008
Coventry, UK
I'm curious. While everyone's trying to protect the kids from porn, who's trying to protect them from politicians? Porn's just movies, pictures and stories. Politicians are warmongering nanny state inducing lying backstabbing thieving arse wanks. You tell me which is more a danger to society; a bit of harmless girl on girl action, or invading Iraq looking for WMD's (AKA oil) and having good men and women in the British and American armies die for basically no justifiable reason?
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Amber Lamps

Feb 24, 2010
Oakland, CA
United States
Ignorant of it? Poor choice of words. More like it was quite absent or such. We knew it was out there, mainly magazines were easiest to get. I remember when video tapes were scarce. People normally would have to borrow these from their parents or maybe steal from a convenient store.

Basically at that time since it wasn't that easy to acquire, that means people were more responsible. In fact, parents were more responsible and better at their duties than the ones I see today. When my peers started having kids years ago.. oh god.. they let their kids do anything they want, shreik, scream, cry loudly in public just be a total nuisance. And you know when those kids grow up without proper discipline they do some really bad stuff. I knew a lady that was an escort in Vegas and her kid grew up so POORLY because she was a nitwit about raising her kid, once she left the vegas strip club scene and whatnot she literally had to pay to send her child to bording school because he was getting involved in gangs.

Yeah... so you see some point there. people are irresponsible these days, primarily how the internet is done. If the net was strong armed by the government I would have come across far fewer people online that I shouldn't have even been bothering with and I would have actually been forced to find something else to do with my time / my life. But ya they are still there.... and their lives have gone nowhere.

and I remember a time when usenet wasn't such a rampant piracy place. I think it had a lot of porn but I used to look for gameboy roms, this was before gbc came out mind you, and they were very scarce. would have maybe one or two roms per few months. now look at it... whole set... every day. what happened here?

I'm not anti piracy though because piracy has some benefits far beyond just stealing games and saving cash I have found in recent years. Although some originals are worth purchasing depending what you want to collect.

anyway any flames to troll this post, i'll say cherry lemonaide.

"Impossible" - Because, before the internet, kids had absolutely no access to pornography whatsoever. Television, magazines, literature, lewd photography, taint paints, noodle doodles, none of these avenues ever existed at all. Good thing there's no such thing as proxies or anything, either.

Too bad parents can't just parent their children. Lord knows that'd be asking far too much.

Porn has never been scarce. Historically, it's always been one of the most throbbing thriving industries out there. Just because you were ignorant of it doesn't mean it wasn't there in an abundance of some sort or another.

Plus, of all the things to worry about corrupting our youth, depictions of people having sex take top priority? Really? How about we focus on issues that actually do damage - like the appallingly high rates of crime and poverty among the youth? I don't know about you, but those seem a wee bit more pressing to me.

Censoring and filtering the internet to "protect the children" from the "horrors" of pornography is like nuking a city to take care of the litter.


Shaking the ring ropes up in the sky
Nov 27, 2006
United States
Unlike TV stuff (which requires a rating and review or at least signed ceritification before being broadcast),

TV doesn't work that way (and couldn't or there'd be no live broadcasts). The network just picks whatever rating they feel is appropriate. It's probably the least intrusive ratings system out there, save on old reruns when the stupid ratings bugs block something you should be able to see.


Former Staff
Oct 13, 2008
United Kingdom
Ridiculous, and probably won't come through.
I wouldn't be too sure about that. UK ISP's already block certain torrent sites such as TPB. However, the blocking is so inept that I know no less than three ways to visit the blocked sites and I'm far from being some kind of hacker.

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