PS4 CYBER save editor to be released on March 17.

A Japanese company known as "Cyber Gadget" has shown off on their website a release for a tool called the CYBER save edit. This is a PC program that allows you to edit save files for the PS4. They claim this tool works on the PS4 Phat/Slim and the PS4 Pro. They did not however state if there was a firmware limit. As for buying this tool a single user license is 7,800 yen (68 USD), I am not sure why, but if you want to buy a three user license it will cost a whopping 14,800 yen (130 USD).

For those wondering what game cheats we can do we did not get any pictures of in-game cheats however we did get some pictures for the tool. We were also told (not told, but it was shown in pictures) some games we can cheat on and what cheats we can have. Here is a list of some games we will see cheats on as well as a photo of the application...
  • Dark Souls lll
  • Persona 5
  • Final Fantasy XV
  • Battlefield 1
  • Bloodborne
  • Fallout 4
  • AC Unity
  • Diablo lll: Reaper Of Souls - Ultimate Edition
  • Dragon Quest Heroes ll
When it comes to cheating this can be used for stuff like unlimited gold etc in some games as it seems. Also stat hacking. If many did not know Nintendo is now banning people for cheating saves on 3DS I can see Sony doing the same. For those now wondering about cheats themselves here are some available game cheats as well as a photo of the application in it's seemed cheat managing mode.
Final Fantasy XV
  • 99,999,999 GIL
  • 99,999 AP
  • MAX Stock EXP
Persona 5
  • Protagonist: 9,999,999 Total EXP
  • Protagonist: MAX Total EXP for Acquired Personas
  • Protagonist: MAX Social Stats
  • All Other Characters: MAX Total EXP
Dragon Quest Heroes II
  • 9,999,999 Gold
  • 999 Small Medals
  • Lazarel: 99,999,999 EXP for All Vocations
  • Lazarel: 9,999 Skill Points for All Vocations
  • Teresa: 99,999,999 EXP for All Vocations
  • Teresa: 9,999 Skill Points for All Vocations
  • All Other Characters: Max EXP
  • All Other Characters: 9,999 Skill Points

For those wanting to visit the CYBER save editor product page go here.
:arrow: SOURCE
Last edited by Zero72463,


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2015
United States
This reminds me of the old game genie software they had where the hard work was done server side on PS3. The only use for these things imo is switching save data ownership when you have two or more systems and want to continue a game on another one on another account instead of cheating. Cheating in a game is the difference between playing a frustrating game that has enough value to grip you for 20 hours and running through it like a cheap roller coaster ride for a good 5 hours and then getting tired of it.


The key of the blade
Oct 28, 2015
United States
I wish I could use this to take my KH3D save from 3DS and put it in my PS4. I know it isn't that easy, but maybe with other programs, in a future, we will be able.


Sep 13, 2009
United States
weird to make a commercial app out of it, this should be free...
I imagine future updates of the PS4 firmware will prevent this


That said, why should it be free? These people went out of their way to make a save editor. What entitles you to get their hard work for free? Now i'm not sayin $130 is a fair price but I wouldn't expect it for free.

Mistah Spoon

Active Member
Sep 10, 2016
United States
Cute mascot. My sister has a ps4, but I don't think she'll be using a save editor. She only has 2 games on the ps4, and they aren't even on the list!

[EDIT] Apparently the mascot is named Jump or something like that.
Last edited by Mistah Spoon,


With your drill, thrust to the sky!
Former Staff
Oct 23, 2007
PowerLevel: 9001
This will totally be blocked in a fw update or two - it's clearly a "grab the money and run" scheme. I feel sad for the saps that will fall for it.


New Member
Feb 8, 2017
United States
Do you guys think this will get blocked? From what I have seen, Sony never could do anything about save editing on the PS3. Is there something that so am overlooking?


Feb 13, 2017
United States
is it japan-locked only (as in it works for ps4's sold in japan only)?
pretty good tool though, they did pretty well with the 3ds ver


Jan 30, 2008
United States
I imagine future updates of the PS4 firmware will prevent this

Since it's a PC tool, I don't think there's much they can do to block it other than changing/adding stronger encryption to the save files. Or be total asshats and disable the ability to copy saves to USB.


Rosalina in Plush Form
May 9, 2010
United States
Really? But i immagine this is only for a CFW PS3 right?
Yep, a PS3 with CFW is required DEX or CEX. I recommend Rebug CFW. Also enable QA mode just in case and Rebug makes that easy. You can find out a little more about NetCheat if you want.

Yes i know is not a classic game genie by galoob, and i really didn't like those as much as the action replay. Inserting random letters from a code book to get cheats instead of more common memory addresses with easier to read and modify ram hex values was good. Maybe i should ask the same people who buy the hyperkin retron 5 to play games on when they can just use a emulator, is still JUST A EMULATOR.

Maybe it does the same thing as that.... other thing you mentioned. But i had it since and it helps me a lot. I dunno much about the other thing and what it does, but i know this can edit save data, either by online data base or manually with common save data comparison to find specific values to mod which i did a lot. It was easy for me, it also allow me to use any save data i want as well. I don't use a CFW system but i do get updates for new stuf and i have no problems with it. Just like i said above, "ask the same people who buy stuff that do the same thing but one is not free while the other is."

I had this at a time where looking for mod tools for ps3 systems was not easy to find and most likely lead to surveys or viruses or even false promises so i didn't know such a thing existed, i wanted something safer and trust worthy which is hard from random programs on the internet with no reputation or marketing or publicity. I'm not saying that the thing isn't good, just i wasn't aware of it. It could be better than what i use so is fair either way. :)
The classic game genie works by patching ROM on the fly without actually modifying the ROM chip itself. If you were to apply the actual GG code into the ROM using a hex editor, that would achieve the same effect, but on a permanent bases.
While I would have preferred something like the goldfinger AR type device myself, however were limited to the GG back in the days. As the internet wasn't exactly readily available back then on dial-up speed. You can actually modify some of the GG code effect and inside the book even had instruction on how to do it. However as you said, it easier to modify RAM hex value. There is or was a tool for a pc that converts GG codes to HEX and back, but I have forgotten the name of it.
Now I understand the reasons you bought the Game Genie for PS3, and I thank you for your detailed answer, just better hopes that them servers stays up and running for the PS3 GG or you might end up with a paper weight. To be honest, I was tempted at the time to purchase it as well, as Aldo's BruteforceSaveData didn't exist at the time and had no way of knowing it would have materialize. Again I understand completely, heck I bought a Gateway 3DS before cfw became a thing, and still don't regret the purchase because I like it's Cheat feature over NTR, as I can find cheats as well using it.
Last edited by RandomUser,
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Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States
Yep, a PS3 with CFW is required DEX or CEX. I recommend Rebug CFW. Also enable QA mode just in case and Rebug makes that easy. You can find out a little more about NetCheat if you want.

The classic game genie works by patching ROM on the fly without actually modifying the ROM chip itself. If you were to apply the actual GG code into the ROM using a hex editor, that would achieve the same effect, but on a permanent bases.
While I would have preferred something like the goldfinger AR type device myself, however were limited to the GG back in the days. As the internet wasn't exactly readily available back then on dial-up speed. You can actually modify some of the GG code effect and inside the book even had instruction on how to do it. However as you said, it easier to modify RAM hex value. There is or was a tool for a pc that converts GG codes to HEX and back, but I have forgotten the name of it.
Now I understand the reasons you bought the Game Genie for PS3, and I thank you for your detailed answer, just better hopes that them servers stays up and running for the PS3 GG or you might end up with a paper weight. To be honest, I was tempted at the time to purchase it as well, as Aldo's BruteforceSaveData didn't exist at the time and had no way of knowing it would have materialize. Again I understand completely, heck I bought a Gateway 3DS before cfw became a thing, and still don't regret the purchase because I like it's Cheat feature over NTR, as I can find cheats as well using it.
Well yeah, having something like DStwo was godlike for is inclusion of things other ones didn't including the free cheat creation tool and save states on the fly and slow down. Instead of having to actually know cheats and find them online, and convert them so much work instead of just making one using tools for the game, yeah i know is over $40 for a flash cart in this time period but at the time i had no CFW 3DS nor could i trust other flash carts that didn't update to work with newer firm ware.

As far as game genie /action replay, it changes specific values inside the ram of the system when the game is processing to fixed value set by you manually entered at the cheat device. The problem is game genie uses a uncommon format that was hard to modify so you were stuck with a code book, unlike action replay that uses actual memory addresses to target and hex values to change values, which i find very useful for free expert mods instead of random letters that look like giberish. When stuff like that happens, yeah i know is what kind of limits we had but it just was almost as if it was actual magic a genie can provide. "How can random letters create cheats?" well is not a genie for nothing. :P

The problem with some things like i mentioned about the bruteforce editor.
  1. At the time, i did not know about it.
  2. Finding hax or mods for ps3 at the time lead to scams, surveys or viruses and false promises
  3. It had no reputation or following because of not having any advertizing.
Game genie is made by hyperkin, people who made retron systems, and have already a good reputation in the market. Yeah it isn't free, but well is a server that does some of the work, i assume is pays for that. But is also trusted source. Again, i'm not saying the other is bad or useless or no good, just it didn't have the same kind of reputation that game genie has.

Most of the reason why i use cheats isn't for beating games or accomplishments, is just fun to have different effects, and also explores more areas of the game that not many people could have without that kind of tool. My favorite kinds are the debug tools that are still in the game, like Sonic on genesis, or Super mario world, Earthbound or even Mega man X, it makes for unique experiences and learning of games that can show things still hidden away for 20 years, would people have known about Sonic 2 Hidden palace zone if we didn't find out about it, still lost in the sonic 2? Maybe, but couldn't have seen this without cheats like game genie. :)


Ever wanted to use The special effects of the e-reader cards inside Super mario advance 4, but don't have e-reader or the cards? You can. :D

    • Blue-Green Switch (code: 83002D52 0001)
    • Orange Switch (code: 83002D52 0040)
    • Cyan Switch (code: 83002D52 0002) - cuts the P-Meter in half, allowing you to fill it much faster.
    • Green Switch (code: 83002D52 0010) - slows down the music and timer on each level for 50 seconds, after which the coin sound plays and the music and timer go back to normal.
    • Yellow Switch (code: 83002D52 0100) - gives Luigi his flutter jump ability in the main game.
    • Blue Switch (code: 83002D52 0400) - turns all 1-Up Mushrooms into 3-Up Moons.
    • Red Switch (code: 83002D52 0A00) - replaces all the enemies with harder ones, and awards double the normal points for beating them. Note that this is actually two switch effects in one switch — 0200 has just the point multiplier, while 0800 gives you only the harder enemies.
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Breath of Fire IV has a bunch of unused equipment, they can set your attack power to max, and speed to zero but you can also attack 4 times in single turn. Some have effects when used as items and is still part of the game. Playing games in different ways not possible normally is what i find fun about "Cheats" Even though is classified as cheating cause is not intended by developers and use unofficial means to activate, is still just experience of having different ways of playing games, or learning how the ideas were being programmed or processed during the creation state. What was intended? What was removed? Why is it hidden but not accessable? Lots of things people wish to know and more. That and glicthes. ^_^
Last edited by Sonic Angel Knight,


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
I wonder if this then means they have found ways of decyrpting saves, maybe someone may find ways (i wish) to decyrpt the firmware and be able to sign some sort of cfw then edit the game files itself as we do ps3.

Would be interesting if this could be reverse engineered and released for free, if the singing of the save data is good, maybe editing save data inconspicously might prevent your account getting banned.

I mean setting things to 999999 is a major HELLO!!!, but say you have xxxx amount, simply increasing it slightly or keep setting it back to xxxx value might keep you under the radar.

EDIT, ive just come across this for ENGLISH users, xploder are set to release one also, £39.99:

Xploder is the ONLY PS4 cheat software in the world - With our exclusive "re-signing" technology you can instantly use any other ps4 save as your own.

  • Works with the all the latest games, even games that profile lock their saves!
  • Works with the latest PS4 firmwares without "jailbraking" or "modding"
  • Assigns any save to your chosen PS4 profile.

    Read more:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2015
Yep, a PS3 with CFW is required DEX or CEX. I recommend Rebug CFW. Also enable QA mode just in case and Rebug makes that easy. You can find out a little more about NetCheat if you want.

The classic game genie works by patching ROM on the fly without actually modifying the ROM chip itself. If you were to apply the actual GG code into the ROM using a hex editor, that would achieve the same effect, but on a permanent bases.
While I would have preferred something like the goldfinger AR type device myself, however were limited to the GG back in the days. As the internet wasn't exactly readily available back then on dial-up speed. You can actually modify some of the GG code effect and inside the book even had instruction on how to do it. However as you said, it easier to modify RAM hex value. There is or was a tool for a pc that converts GG codes to HEX and back, but I have forgotten the name of it.
Now I understand the reasons you bought the Game Genie for PS3, and I thank you for your detailed answer, just better hopes that them servers stays up and running for the PS3 GG or you might end up with a paper weight. To be honest, I was tempted at the time to purchase it as well, as Aldo's BruteforceSaveData didn't exist at the time and had no way of knowing it would have materialize. Again I understand completely, heck I bought a Gateway 3DS before cfw became a thing, and still don't regret the purchase because I like it's Cheat feature over NTR, as I can find cheats as well using it.

Unfortunaly my PS3 FW have pass the hack check, so unfortunaly i cannot use cheat code x°D

Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States
I want a way to inject ps2 saves to ps4 ps2 games, so i can use my Rogue galaxy save on my memory card from over 10 years ago. :P

Maybe even inject ps3 save game into ps4 games with the same game title, or even vita. No, that a bit magical, that ain't happening so soon. :D

Also i dunno why so many people are worried about getting their account banned for cheating. I been using game genie on PS3 and it never happened. I don't see why this would be any different. Unless you are using it to cheat in online games which is impossible for a save editor, then you aren't getting any bans. :mellow:
Last edited by Sonic Angel Knight,


going hire Ronald McDonald To Gun Down Nintendo.
Apr 16, 2008
United States
any hope for other games to work? if it does come to the USA i'm sold only if other games work i need inf money on this one game.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2015
I do rather cheat and dominate everyone else in game than playing legitly and have a 100% achievment unlocked. I know you all rather do if given a choice.


New Member
Dec 5, 2016
This will totally be blocked in a fw update or two - it's clearly a "grab the money and run" scheme. I feel sad for the saps that will fall for it.
It won't be blocked. Cyber Gadget is a well reputable developer here in Japan. They form a certain undisclosed agreement with the console developers before making these, so Sony and Nintendo will turn a blind eye. You won't be banned either, however the general etiquette is not to use it for online play. But it is the choice of the game developers to ban players for using cheats, so it's a use at your own risk deal. Single player games won't be touched at all.

The save editor tool is a trusted brand, considering it's the top selling item on Amazon in the PS4 category. People will get their moneys worth out of this.

Also, this is technically a cheat tool, but it cannot give you things like godmode. The codes are limited to things like maxing out money and adding hard to gain items. It also cannot edit character stats. So you cannot go and max out every stat in FFXV for example. It's a very tame version of a cheat.
There is also a very high learning curve to use this. The save editor does come with some basic presets, but that only usually includes the likes of max money and skill points etc. If you want to add more cheats, you would need to use advance mode, but it's closer to a expert mode. As it is basically a bunch of letters and numbers and no clear cut names for the codes. You basically need to learn or have knowledge in coding to use it efficiently.

I use the 3DS and PS3 save editor, so I have some ground on this subject.
Last edited by xxrainexx,

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