Reggie Fils-Aime claims that Nintendo will have a "big" E3 this year


In a video interview with Fox News, Nintendo of America's CEO, Reggie Fils-Aime spoke about how Nintendo is innovating the game market, with the Switch, and recently released Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. "I think anyone who says they know where this industry is going is really not knowledgeable about the industry, given that at its heart, it's all about innovation and creativity," said Fils-Aime. At the end of the video, Reggie claims that Nintendo will "have a big E3 this year." and that they will be "showcasing a variety of games, as well as having surprises planned" for the event. Lastly, he says that E3 will be a major opportunity to show what Nintendo has in store for not only the Switch, but for the 3DS as well.

:arrow: Source


May 22, 2010
United Kingdom
the question (cant be arsed with the rest) is why buy a console....... to play games.

MS has its own exclusives and so do sony, tho they do have that option to buy xxx title on either console, this giving you as a gamer to have that choice to buy for which ever system, like ive said if you have plenty of games (lets say) for the PS4 and nothing new for the XBX1 and a new game comes out, i would go for the XBX1 version so i have something new to play on the XBX1.

You dont get that option when it comes to nintendo, or if you do its limited or old ports.

And sorry but Nintendo exclusives bore the shit out of my and that is my opinion which i am entitled to, its simply recycling the same story with updated graphics.

Now consider this, as you can tell mario bores me (so i wont buy it), Zelda BOTW actually found the game similar (and was very repetitive), splatoon.... i am sorry but that does not appeal to me at all, i dont see the fun in paintballing bright colors everywhere (my son who is 3 would), Mario Kart..... well i could just save money and just play it on my cube because its again the same thing.... Pokemon well that bored me when i was about 11 (after Nintendo kept recycling it after red/blue/yellow), Mario Bros.... again ill stick with the Snes version because its still the same since apart from upgraded graphics, Donkey Kong well that ended up basically the same as Mario Bros but with better graphics (after playing DK64, it seems more of a downgrade rather than push the franchise to a new level).

Now when you remove nintendo titles, what else is there, hmmmm not a great deal, shit loads aimed for kids and if we go back to the NES/SNES it also had the option to buy xxx title (some were actually different to the sega version), then came the N64 which was the start of third parties moving forward with its games and sony got the better support..... but the N64 did still get some great titles too.

The CUBE had a decline even more, but games i own:
Resident Evil remake
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil 4 (ohhh yes nintendo fans were on the graphic wagon with this one, which ironically theyre not now because nintendo say so)
Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes
Eternal Darkness
Starfox Adventures

and there are a few others i own just for the sake of buying them such as:
wind waker (which is rather boring but has a nice art design, but got it mainly for Ocarina disc)
twilight princess (which again found boring and never completed)
Resident Evil 2 (own on PS1 also)
Resident Evil 3 (own on PS1 also)
Resident Evil CV (own on DC & PS2 also)
Enter the Matrix
Splinter Cell

And that is about it for the Cube, yet my PS2 collection is that big it would be impossible to list them off the top of my head.

Then came the Wii, that thing bored me instantly, it was just a beefed up cube littered with the usual nintendo games, littered with shovelware party/sport/mini games and at this point the PS3/360 were pushing gaming to a new level, where as nintendo being limited by hardware didnt.

dont get me wrong, how nintendo marketed the wii was great, it appealed to people that arent gamers and personally that is why it was littered with short mini games, for those that arent gamers to have a quick 10-20 min blast, devs were rather limited to what games it could release due to forcing the remote as the default controller.

then times changed, smart phones and tablets became mainstream and nintendo thought, how can we release another cheap system and repeat the hype we had with the wii..... ! lets make a console copying the concept of a tablet, but it failed for one reason, it was just a beefed up PS3 and with SONY/MS moving forward with new hardware, so did the devs, the wii u then had no support and was DOA.

Ironic we never heard off nintendo trying to brag how excellent the wii u is, they left it to die just like sony did with the vita, but now we see them doing the same thing again, releasing a cheap system again copying off other tablets to give it hype and now are bragging about how successful its sales are (comparing to a failed console) is nothing to brag about.

like the wii u, it has a very shit line up of games, yes launch consoles usually do, but at least we knew more of whats to come, yet other that the same old nintendo titles, theres nothing impressive and we already know capcom have no interest in supporting it with its AAA titles like RE7.

so sorry, take it or leave it you have your opinion i have mine, but all my opinions are based on facts that nintendo simply do not get the support and it is down to hardware, if it had the hardware it would have the support and i would love them equally as a gamer as i do MS/SONY.

I just hate the fact that you dont get this support anymore because nintendo are more bothered about marketing cheap shit as something innovative, but ask yourself how are you innovative if you are copying what others have already done and your hardware remains behind with what competitors are releasing.

so i know ive said countless times before that i will never buy another nintendo console (the switch i didnt buy it, it was a gift) and i have my reasons to why, if it had what i wanted then my view would change completely - but im not holding my breath on that.
I can echo your multiple console purchases, many times I will buy a game based on which console hasn't seen much love recently, however my XBOX these past couple of years has only seen exclusives if any.
Enter the Matrix i didnt mind, it had nice graphics but some parts of the gameplay was fucked up, sonic adventures was a game i used to own but got rid of it, think when nintendo used to force stupid straight lines in the controller analogue hole it made gameplay rather jaggy, when your wanting a smooth 360 control so i stuck with the DC version.
That bit with the floating abstract disjointed platforming lol urgh, think that was enter the Matrix.

As for your previous comments, and I can only speak for myself ofc, but why I still get Nintendo consoles is that Nintendo offer a couch multiplayer experience that my family, kids from 3-35 ;) , can all enjoy. Games that we can all play together in one room and that's not something the other consoles can match.

If I was looking at my Nintendo consoles from a personal gaming perspective, as a single/online cutting edge main platform experience then yes, they would suck.

However my Nintendo's sit alongside my PS4 in the living room, are used daily by multiple people in my home, my PS4 is used daily by me. My XBOX is upstairs in the bedroom and is used, unfortunately, for Netflix, it's not seen a game in months and months.

For me Nintendo continue to make great family couch consoles, with the bonus of a few exclusives I'm glad I've not missed, Xenoblade, monster Hunter, bayoneta. They make a perfect second console. Having both a PS4 and XBOX has been largely pointless, they are almost identical with almost the same games and I'd rather buy a ps4 game over XBOX because at least I can remote play on my vita if I really just gotta play but the tv is not 'dad time'.

Jury's out so far with switch but already we have been couch co-oping with every game except Zelda. And enjoying it too. I'm glad Nintendo keep doing what they are, I don't need multi-plats that's what my Sony is for, I don't need choice that's what my Sony vs XBOX is for. I do need something my whole family enjoy, something a bit different, something that justifies it's place and that, for me, is only achieved by Nintendo.
Last edited by Risingdawn,


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
@Risingdawn yes nintendo do aim more for kids/family type gaming, but then problem i find is that is mainly all it does, these type of games have a fun factor that lasts approx 30 mins.

but still its is a games console and as a gamer you should have that option to buy games for it, not be forced what nintendo allow you to play.

it kind of reminds me how the government is like in china, forced to access what they say you can access online.

then i see lately all nintendo do is hype cheap shit and hope for high sales to rake in profits, i am not the only one that has gone from loving them to thinking you know what i have no interest in you anymore.

as each generation passes it gets worse and i guess will only be ran by those that love nintendo and shit like mario, i do believe Nintendo will end up eventually going the way of sega.

Which will be the best thing ever, nintendo can stop claiming to be innovative, release its BS controllers as optional third party controllers and release its recycled titles across other platforms like PS/XBX/SMART DEVICES and then these consoles will continue the great third party support this giving you everything in one box.

not that id buy mario or nintendo games if they came to other platforms.


May 22, 2010
United Kingdom
@Risingdawn yes nintendo do aim more for kids/family type gaming, but then problem i find is that is mainly all it does, these type of games have a fun factor that lasts approx 30 mins.

but still its is a games console and as a gamer you should have that option to buy games for it, not be forced what nintendo allow you to play.

it kind of reminds me how the government is like in china, forced to access what they say you can access online.

then i see lately all nintendo do is hype cheap shit and hope for high sales to rake in profits, i am not the only one that has gone from loving them to thinking you know what i have no interest in you anymore.

as each generation passes it gets worse and i guess will only be ran by those that love nintendo and shit like mario, i do believe Nintendo will end up eventually going the way of sega.

Which will be the best thing ever, nintendo can stop claiming to be innovative, release its BS controllers as optional third party controllers and release its recycled titles across other platforms like PS/XBX/SMART DEVICES and then these consoles will continue the great third party support this giving you everything in one box.

not that id buy mario or nintendo games if they came to other platforms.
It would be 30mins of fun for me too, if it was just me sat there, but my kids God they can play Mario 3D world or Mario Party for hours and hours and still moan when I tell them to get off. There's nothing on PS4 or XBOX that would hold their attention for that long and tbh how many 4 player couch games are there even on those consoles, certainly nothing we all could play together.

Don't get me wrong I get it, I get that Nintendo has moved away from what a majority of gamers want, I get that they are a far different breed from those hazy snes day's but so am I. I'm not that single playing 10hour game marathon guy anymore. I'm a dad and a husband and Nintendo has grown with me to remain relevant, it has evolved with my life to remain on my main t.v, it has drawn my kids into my hobby given us experience together and still provides massive fun.

If I was a single guy right now I'd be holding your placard high, I don't even disagree with you most of your points are totally valid.

But what I do think is there are other angles and other types of gaming out there, not that everybody cares about those but Nintendo is still catering to a certain type of gaming and for that I am very happy. I don't want them to be another Sony or Microsoft, I can totally understand why many do, but I'm happy, not because I'm a blind fanboy but because they genuinely provide a type of gaming that nobody else currently does.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
@Risingdawn i think nintendo only cater to themselves, how it can tell the world mario is now more fun using this new gimmick, it has little care about third parties.

i am also a father, not married but with a Mrs and not that its my choice personally but when buying games/consoles it has to be an investment worthy, the Mrs kind of kicks off because I buy all the consoles and i can even quote her for saying why do you buy nintendo consoles when you never play them.....

i just dont see the sense anymore in nintendo releasing consoles, they dont bring anything new, theyre stuck in the past, i think they would be better suited being third party.... but then i guess their greed prevents them because i guess they make more money releasing cheap shit and hype it up than they would selling its games third party, i think it probably would kill them off.

I dont get as much time to play these days, so even more so, when i do get the time i want it to be something a truly enjoy, or ill end up playing mario do a level or two get bored of the same thing, swap game, get bored, swap game then get annoyed, but if i had a game that grabs me and wants me to keep playing then its a win win.
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May 22, 2010
United Kingdom
@Risingdawn i think nintendo only cater to themselves, how it can tell the world mario is now more fun using this new gimmick, it has little care about third parties.

i am also a father, not married but with a Mrs and not that its my choice personally but when buying games/consoles it has to be an investment worthy, the Mrs kind of kicks off because I buy all the consoles and i can even quote her for saying why do you buy nintendo consoles when you never play them.....

i just dont see the sense anymore in nintendo releasing consoles, they dont bring anything new, theyre stuck in the past, i think they would be better suited being third party.... but then i guess their greed prevents them because i guess they make more money releasing cheap shit and hype it up than they would selling its games third party, i think it probably would kill them off.

I dont get as much time to play these days, so even more so, when i do get the time i want it to be something a truly enjoy, or ill end up playing mario do a level or two get bored of the same thing, swap game, get bored, swap game then get annoyed, but if i had a game that grabs me and wants me to keep playing then its a win win.
Honestly, I'm still not sure yet when it comes to Switch. I will say as it stands I'm glad it was a gift and that I didn't buy it myself, not that I don't like it but it's early days. I really think it could go either way, I love that I finally have a handheld that is powerfull enough to play decent games and has a nice sized screen, and that also has a decent way to also play on screen (much better than the psp's, or none at all 3ds, or half arses pstv). And I love the way I can whip off the controller to become 2 for some couch play.

But it has no games, and barely any announcements, this next 18months will be very telling. Like I said I don't disagree with your opinion, I'm certainly not going to try to dismiss it simply for differing from mine like the fanboys will, but I will say I'm still undecided whether I will share it yet. There's plenty of potential here for Nintendo in either direction, tell you what I'll let you know a year from now whether I'm still pro Nintendo or if I'm with you completely lol ;)


May 22, 2010
United Kingdom
While I enjoy winding up such people and would agree on the futility thing, give or take the enjoyment from said wind ups, I am not seeing it here, and whatever comes close I am far more prepared to read as hyperbole.

No, I really don't. My ideal future is the DVD model where I have hundreds of choices for players and they will all do it all, just maybe one has a surround sound option I ignore. Further down the line I want games to be made as easy as learning to write a novel or take pictures and film is today.

Also what magical world did you come from where specs comparisons and kids throwing around terms they scarcely understood were not commonplace during the 8-16 bit era?
Or if you prefer have you ever asked yourself why Sega made the 16 bit?

I'd totally agree with everything said here and, like Retroboy and Fast 6191 said a truly amazing future would be simply a universal platform where Sony Nintendo Microsoft Sega Squaresoft etc simply release games and they work regardless of manufacturer of device.

I don't however see that becoming a reality, at least not for a very long time and I don't think Nintendo is some terrible company destroying their legacy, I believe they have been evolving into something that might not necessarily cater for a majority of expectations but still very much needs to be maintained and developed further for those family minded couch players that Sony and Microsoft don't see the financial viability of.

I just don't know if Switch is the system to do that.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
my view on the switch is solely based on the company who made it..... nintendo so i am not holing my breath and expecting anything different, its been the same since the N64 and getting worse as each generation comes, and nintendo keep making false promises but keep releasing cheap shit that is the cause to why it fails to make its promises.

the launch in my eyes is like the wii u, it has nothing at launch and no news of anything great coming up either, now i know more will be said at E3 but i think nintendo pre launch boasting the dev logo's on board means nothing to me, they were on board with the wii u but shortly after launch they jumped ship.... personally i can see the same happening again.

but in a sense having merged both home and portable markets into one, maybe nintendo are hoping the devs that release shovelware apps to the 3ds will come to the switch so here im confident if it did, it would be littered more with games for little kids.

i cant see devs releasing anything demanding especially when BOTW has problems running and also drains battery life.

I will honestly say (as i have with the wii u), let the dust settle, let everyone get over this WOW factor and watch it fade away, we wont see any big titles advertised on tv other than nintendo promoting zelda/mario and then when MS/SONY release their next consoles it will be canned off quickly and nintendo will be first again to release another system just to stay in the market.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2014
the question (cant be arsed with the rest) is why buy a console....... to play games.

MS has its own exclusives and so do sony, tho they do have that option to buy xxx title on either console, this giving you as a gamer to have that choice to buy for which ever system, like ive said if you have plenty of games (lets say) for the PS4 and nothing new for the XBX1 and a new game comes out, i would go for the XBX1 version so i have something new to play on the XBX1.

You dont get that option when it comes to nintendo, or if you do its limited or old ports.

And sorry but Nintendo exclusives bore the shit out of my and that is my opinion which i am entitled to, its simply recycling the same story with updated graphics.

Now consider this, as you can tell mario bores me (so i wont buy it), Zelda BOTW actually found the game similar (and was very repetitive), splatoon.... i am sorry but that does not appeal to me at all, i dont see the fun in paintballing bright colors everywhere (my son who is 3 would), Mario Kart..... well i could just save money and just play it on my cube because its again the same thing.... Pokemon well that bored me when i was about 11 (after Nintendo kept recycling it after red/blue/yellow), Mario Bros.... again ill stick with the Snes version because its still the same since apart from upgraded graphics, Donkey Kong well that ended up basically the same as Mario Bros but with better graphics (after playing DK64, it seems more of a downgrade rather than push the franchise to a new level).

Now when you remove nintendo titles, what else is there, hmmmm not a great deal, shit loads aimed for kids and if we go back to the NES/SNES it also had the option to buy xxx title (some were actually different to the sega version), then came the N64 which was the start of third parties moving forward with its games and sony got the better support..... but the N64 did still get some great titles too.

The CUBE had a decline even more, but games i own:
Resident Evil remake
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil 4 (ohhh yes nintendo fans were on the graphic wagon with this one, which ironically theyre not now because nintendo say so)
Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes
Eternal Darkness
Starfox Adventures

and there are a few others i own just for the sake of buying them such as:
wind waker (which is rather boring but has a nice art design, but got it mainly for Ocarina disc)
twilight princess (which again found boring and never completed)
Resident Evil 2 (own on PS1 also)
Resident Evil 3 (own on PS1 also)
Resident Evil CV (own on DC & PS2 also)
Enter the Matrix
Splinter Cell

And that is about it for the Cube, yet my PS2 collection is that big it would be impossible to list them off the top of my head.

Then came the Wii, that thing bored me instantly, it was just a beefed up cube littered with the usual nintendo games, littered with shovelware party/sport/mini games and at this point the PS3/360 were pushing gaming to a new level, where as nintendo being limited by hardware didnt.

dont get me wrong, how nintendo marketed the wii was great, it appealed to people that arent gamers and personally that is why it was littered with short mini games, for those that arent gamers to have a quick 10-20 min blast, devs were rather limited to what games it could release due to forcing the remote as the default controller.

then times changed, smart phones and tablets became mainstream and nintendo thought, how can we release another cheap system and repeat the hype we had with the wii..... ! lets make a console copying the concept of a tablet, but it failed for one reason, it was just a beefed up PS3 and with SONY/MS moving forward with new hardware, so did the devs, the wii u then had no support and was DOA.

Ironic we never heard off nintendo trying to brag how excellent the wii u is, they left it to die just like sony did with the vita, but now we see them doing the same thing again, releasing a cheap system again copying off other tablets to give it hype and now are bragging about how successful its sales are (comparing to a failed console) is nothing to brag about.

like the wii u, it has a very shit line up of games, yes launch consoles usually do, but at least we knew more of whats to come, yet other that the same old nintendo titles, theres nothing impressive and we already know capcom have no interest in supporting it with its AAA titles like RE7.

so sorry, take it or leave it you have your opinion i have mine, but all my opinions are based on facts that nintendo simply do not get the support and it is down to hardware, if it had the hardware it would have the support and i would love them equally as a gamer as i do MS/SONY.

I just hate the fact that you dont get this support anymore because nintendo are more bothered about marketing cheap shit as something innovative, but ask yourself how are you innovative if you are copying what others have already done and your hardware remains behind with what competitors are releasing.

so i know ive said countless times before that i will never buy another nintendo console (the switch i didnt buy it, it was a gift) and i have my reasons to why, if it had what i wanted then my view would change completely - but im not holding my breath on that.
if nintendo games bore the shit out of you than dont buy a nintendo console lol, it makes no sence buying a console that you hate its games except multiplats that might be on it or not that will appear for certain on any other console you already own or pc.

also splinter cell and enter the matrix were better off on either ps2 or xbox the gc issue was the textures looked bad due to the size restrition of the mini dvds and devs just shrink them like hell to not due 2 disc games.
twin snakes is like a love hate relation with mgs fans, some love it some hate it.

i wonder why you dont have some great gc exclusives like start wars rogue squadron games they were great.

and yeah the gc had much more gems than the wiiu and wii combined but most of those gems were ported to current systems looking even better like most resident evil games on ps4 now so its loosing the gems it had, and nintendo did something about eternal darkness and changed some thing so maybe we will get it on switch hd or soome sort of VC stuff.


Apr 2, 2017
United States
i feel like i could have a gaming pc over xbone + ps4 and have a switch. nintendo will usually have more exclusives that i will play over the other two. though there are a couple of exclusives that i did get on ps4, but xbox to me feels like i should of just stuck with a gaming pc. i don't have any exclusives on my xbox one (there are like maybe 1 or 2 exclusives i might get on it after i finish some games). there's no arguing that it would be nice for the switch to get more third party support, but imo xbone + ps4 could also use more first party support (especially xbone).
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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
United States
Nintendo can make some terrible business decisions but there is a reason they are still here. I can see why some grow tired of the same games and characters that Nintendo releases every year but it's not much different with Xbox and PlayStation. Even 3rd party finds something that sells and releases a new game with the exact same game play every year (cod battlefield assassins creed etc.).

Nintendo still is capable of taking those old characters and do something great with them. To be honest I seen the e3 announcement of the Wii and instantly was disappointed in power and the controllers but it was at a price where buying it didn't break the bank. Besides working with the modding community I never really played it much outside of vc games. Then, the Wii u was released and within the first 6 months I had more playtime than the Wii but it bombed terribly and i ran out of games to buy. The switch has been totally different for me then the previous 2 systems and I haven't been able to put it down.

My point is that you never know how good a console will be and yes it may not be capable of what the Ps4 and Xbox can do graphically but Nintendo has never needed powerhouse hardware to be successful financially which we have seen many times over with the gba/ds/3ds/Wii.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
if nintendo games bore the shit out of you than dont buy a nintendo console lol, it makes no sence buying a console that you hate its games except multiplats that might be on it or not that will appear for certain on any other console you already own or pc.

also splinter cell and enter the matrix were better off on either ps2 or xbox the gc issue was the textures looked bad due to the size restrition of the mini dvds and devs just shrink them like hell to not due 2 disc games.
twin snakes is like a love hate relation with mgs fans, some love it some hate it.

i wonder why you dont have some great gc exclusives like start wars rogue squadron games they were great.

and yeah the gc had much more gems than the wiiu and wii combined but most of those gems were ported to current systems looking even better like most resident evil games on ps4 now so its loosing the gems it had, and nintendo did something about eternal darkness and changed some thing so maybe we will get it on switch hd or soome sort of VC stuff.

because as a gamer you want to own all consoles to play games and nintendo keep promising to bring better third party support but never do.

when you go back to your youth and look how great nintendo were, how it always had that option to buy a game or get it on your sega.

these days you dont have that option or if you do its when they finaly catch up.... take skyrim as an example.

so tell me one thing, rather than try defend with what ever view you like, why is it such a bad thing to nintendo lovers that having the option to buy on nintendo consoles?

end of the day these so called excellent first party titles are only claimed this by fans of mario/zelda/pokemon but come on, mario games are basically the same as the last console, pokemon well same again, zelda until now has basically been the same and sorry to say BOTW is not (in my eyes) 10/10.

end of the day nintendo only care about releasing cheap hardware that it can release its same old games, they dont actually care about innovating and allowing devs to have hardware to push and innovate its games (sorry but hardware is not just about graphics), maybe nintendo do this so it reduces competition for its games.

if you take alot of the third party games that sell far better than anything nintendo release, nintendo wont have that on their system, a third party releasing a new AAA title that will sell far more than mario.

end of the day you need to ask yourself the real reason why the wii u failed and why nintendo are only comparing switch sales to the wii u and not wii u + 3ds combined.
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Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
when you go back to your youth and look how great nintendo were, how it always had that option to buy a game or get it on your sega.
Sure the handhelds stuck around until the DS at least but look to your youth can be a tricky phrase around here.

If pedro is indeed 26 that would mean the N64 as probably the bigger part of that for home consoles (March 97 it hit Europe), which, despite the opinions of some around here, was hardly a roaring success. I can't rule out hand me downs and the like (my broke self was certainly enjoying "old" games during the 32 bit era as places tried to get rid of stocks of 8-16 bit games, and prior to that the same for C64 stuff when the 16 bit era was going) but if the implication is for something current at the time...


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
Sure the handhelds stuck around until the DS at least but look to your youth can be a tricky phrase around here.

If pedro is indeed 26 that would mean the N64 as probably the bigger part of that for home consoles (March 97 it hit Europe), which, despite the opinions of some around here, was hardly a roaring success. I can't rule out hand me downs and the like (my broke self was certainly enjoying "old" games during the 32 bit era as places tried to get rid of stocks of 8-16 bit games, and prior to that the same for C64 stuff when the 16 bit era was going) but if the implication is for something current at the time...

The N64 in my eyes is when the decline in support started, tho the N64 did still have some great games to play like Turok 2 was good, Goldeneye was a gem, perfect dark and Ocarina of time then came Majoras Mask which in my eyes was the best zelda ever and lets not forget CBFD which was a gem and then the option of RE2 which brought features from the PC that the PS1 didnt have and many more.

The cube had some great titles but not as many, then the wii became littered with party like games and nothing else really and the PS3/360 started pushing games into a new direction and the wii couldnt because of its hardware.

Then came the wii u which was basically DOA.

Now whats the chances the switch will be the same, it lacks hardware to get anything new that devs are releasing these days, it will get old ports of games we already own on other systems (if it can run it).

So why is it such a bad thing if nintendo stopped been cheap, released the hardware and actually released and marketed a console to cover all aspects of the gaming market, rather than making it more like a childs console.

I would love them to go back to when they were on top form, but now its all about releasing cheap hardware with a BS gimmick - sorry but no matter what you think, gimmicks do not make a game more fun, if a game is shit then its shit (same applies to graphics).

Why cant they look at it like this (as a gamer), as this is their 2nd console during the same generation.

If nintendo released the switch with hardware that was actually better than current systems (remider scorpio is coming soon) it could have the hardware giving devs the option to release titles such as RE7 etc and it could still have these BS gimmick controllers.

Giving a gamer that option to play said game rather than be forced to not having it, is a better.

Then you ask, when Scorpio comes out which is just a revised XBX1 model, what chances is there of third parties pushing its next AAA title to the switch?

Or say, when MS/SONY release their next gen consoles - where do you think devs will focus their next AAA titles?

hmmm well if we care to look back we have the answers.

so nintendo will again be first to release another system in order to remain in the market, all because they released a cheap system that focused more on BS gimmicks than it did hardware to make the console life last.

and if i remember correctly nintendo was on MSs case when MS was planning a new console to follow the 360, nintendo was not happy and stating a console should be on the market for a set period of time (console life span) before releasing a new one.

hmmm ok nintendo.
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Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
While the N64 had something to show, unlike most* of what followed, and was a definite contender for second/additional console I don't think I am inclined to be that charitable about it. Now that it is over I think the 3ds after the storming DS was the handheld version of that playing out for me - third parties were either gone or making token efforts.

*you could have just about convincingly got away with the GC as your only console (we certainly played Tony Hawk, Need for Speed, Resident Evil, James Bond, Soul Calibur, Prince of Persia, and could have played a sports games if I was boring, also TimeSplitters on ours), it would not have been good but it could be done and those first party titles were a nice perk.

As far as the wii is concerned I have previously said that shovelware does not register for me (the GBA and DS had loads, loved them anyway and the PC is hardly the forever worst gaming device in history), though at the same time if you took that out the wii library is not left with much so there is that.

On going back to top form then from what I see they only managed it by having an iron fist, something Sega played off and Sony used to put a boot to their throat. If they could do it without that then sure. The NES and the SNES did represent some decent hardware for the time too, however if you can get a high level language and enough power to compensate for the overhead then no game is really going to go beyond human limits (64 thousand sprites on screen/being managed might be pushing it but at the same time could you make a convincing case for the need sort of thing). To that end the only viable creativity in hardware would be for controls, and I will join you in saying you need to go with the baseline that everybody else agrees on at some level, and almost anything in that world** could easily be stuffed over whatever bus/communications protocol you care to use.

**maybe not high throughput video for some methods, however while a screen, possibly even a touchscreen, is useful a high res/bandwidth affair is a harder argument to make. Most uses I can see could probably get away with a Dreamcast VMU, and everything else the DS touchscreen.

On all needs I can see another way. If they made a flagship android device, maybe even gated off like a Kindle of something, and said we are doing for this, maybe made a third party bluetooth controller and really went at it then I reckon they could make a packet and nobody would really care about not being able to play the latest GTA.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2014
because as a gamer you want to own all consoles to play games and nintendo keep promising to bring better third party support but never do.

when you go back to your youth and look how great nintendo were, how it always had that option to buy a game or get it on your sega.

these days you dont have that option or if you do its when they finaly catch up.... take skyrim as an example.

so tell me one thing, rather than try defend with what ever view you like, why is it such a bad thing to nintendo lovers that having the option to buy on nintendo consoles?

end of the day these so called excellent first party titles are only claimed this by fans of mario/zelda/pokemon but come on, mario games are basically the same as the last console, pokemon well same again, zelda until now has basically been the same and sorry to say BOTW is not (in my eyes) 10/10.

end of the day nintendo only care about releasing cheap hardware that it can release its same old games, they dont actually care about innovating and allowing devs to have hardware to push and innovate its games (sorry but hardware is not just about graphics), maybe nintendo do this so it reduces competition for its games.

if you take alot of the third party games that sell far better than anything nintendo release, nintendo wont have that on their system, a third party releasing a new AAA title that will sell far more than mario.

end of the day you need to ask yourself the real reason why the wii u failed and why nintendo are only comparing switch sales to the wii u and not wii u + 3ds combined.
Sure the handhelds stuck around until the DS at least but look to your youth can be a tricky phrase around here.

If pedro is indeed 26 that would mean the N64 as probably the bigger part of that for home consoles (March 97 it hit Europe), which, despite the opinions of some around here, was hardly a roaring success. I can't rule out hand me downs and the like (my broke self was certainly enjoying "old" games during the 32 bit era as places tried to get rid of stocks of 8-16 bit games, and prior to that the same for C64 stuff when the 16 bit era was going) but if the implication is for something current at the time...
you are correct my first console was the n64 when i was around 6 or 7 and i never got all the thrid party stuff people got on the PS1 so yeah im used.

Also retroboy you talk like its nintendo's fault that 3rd partys dont publish on the console... Nintendo cant force them too, look at the gc it was more powerfull than ps2 but abit weaker than xbox and preety much all multiplats went for microsoft and ps2 besides nintendo not being weak nor using gimiky controllers, the gc controller was and is one of the best so yeah even if the switch had the power of the ps4 theres zero garantees that 3rd partys would even publish on it at all.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
Also retroboy you talk like its nintendo's fault that 3rd partys dont publish on the console... Nintendo cant force them too, look at the gc it was more powerfull than ps2 but abit weaker than xbox and preety much all multiplats went for microsoft and ps2 besides nintendo not being weak nor using gimiky controllers, the gc controller was and is one of the best so yeah even if the switch had the power of the ps4 theres zero garantees that 3rd partys would even publish on it at all.

of course its the console manufacturers fault, nintendo are the ones releasing the console, take the PS1/N64 nintendo refused to be with the times and released a console using cart based format which was more expensive and why the PS1 had the better support.

this support then continued over to the PS2, tho it was inferior it still had good hardware allowing devs to do things that even the cube could do, but the PS2 had miles better sales and devs knew their investment would bring in a good return.

and before you say, yes the wii had far better sales than the PS3, but the console was restricted with it being basically another cube with a BS controller, its that where devs are pushing its games on the new hardware (ps3/360) and then not been able to for the wii..... i dont get how thats so hard to understand, plus its default controller limited how gameplay would be, i mean come on its a point/click remote what else can you do.

then came the wii u and again beefed up last gen system which devs were again focusing towards new hardware and why the wii u had nothing as such.

now tell me how the switch is different, its again a cheap system with BS gimmicks, the console itself has far too many issues, its also being cheap by merging two markets into one in the hope to bring both home console and portable console sales into one, to make it sound better when compared to the wii u.

but name something new that devs can do compared to current last gen systems, reminder again its using cart based media which if a dev plans to release a big game it will be more costly...... now we seem to be back with the N64 again.

and now ask, what chance has it got with current consoles and then when sony/ms release their next consoles.

now this is where all my facts are based on, having owned (and still own) all nintendo consoles, and i have seen how nintendo fans change or should i say contradict just because theyre fanboys.

when nintendo were the better system, yes they were all on the graphic wagon even the likes of RE4 they would compare screens and be like the cube version is superior the PS2 sucks.

then came the wii, nope were off that wagon now because nintendo said games are only fun with a wiimote..... and then back on the graphic wagon with the wii u but comparing old games that were on the last gen systems.... erm no shit batman and deus ex should look better having the wii u being a new console compared to the old ps3/360 consoles...... but then off the graphic wagon because it failed to even compete with the PS4/XBX1 and some how fans are like yea well its had the best games and first party.... sorry it lacked games and yup we still have the same ole mario/zelda games which were ports off the cube..... nice to buy a new console to only have the same old titles recycled.

now theres the switch, again already inferior hardware and expensive media and can see again your getting a last gen port and nothing else really.

so who do you blame.

now i will definately eat my words if the switch was to provide great games i like, and not littered with shovelware like the wii was based on the joycons and mainly nintendo titles.

i loved mario on the snes that game was addictive but mario 64 was great being the first 3d mario, but it was so darn repetitive and its been the same since, then we see the snes version recycled with better graphics.

Mario galaxy brought a new style but still its core was the same and for the life of me i have never completed a mario game since the snes..... and you can take every other nintendo title and see how they just recycle it and update it the graphics.... but because the fans love the icons its considered best first party.

take an example how fans will love anything, find the worse tv show or movie you think is utter shite, i bet you 100% it will have fans who refuse to accept your view.

I just wish nintendo would start focusing on consoles again and getting the best games again.
Last edited by ,


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
"you talk like its nintendo's fault that 3rd partys dont publish on the console... Nintendo cant force them too"

If you build bad hardware, weak hardware, hard to program for hardware, have crap online in a world where online is deemed vital, have crap services that others take for granted on other consoles (no OS level voice and messaging? How much crack do you have to be smoking to think that a good idea?), have crap controls or at least controls that can not match the standards of the day*, don't encourage library/engine makers, don't encourage game developers, possibly restrict game developers then yeah it is your fault. If you do it all right and still don't come then something is wrong with the world -- an easy to program for console with no games and an install base of an amount worth speaking of is a business venture all too juicy to pass up, indeed plenty of devs make a tidy living publishing middle of the road games for somewhat failed devices knowing people will try to extract some value (a good case study being the stuff that happened on the Nook ebook reader/tablet thing). Likewise Nintendo can force them to in as much as they could take their cash pile (there are any number of cash strapped devs out there in the world) or take a contract to EA or someone saying "Kirby, how about it?" and make something happen that way, not to mention when the likes of Microsoft release a new version of DirectX they do not just say now we are all doing mip mapping and vertex shading, they get everybody together to figure out what they want, tie a few people down and say we will do this and help advertise if you make a demo/game/version of your existing game in development do it.

*while the PS3 controller is likely to render my once beautiful hands as claws with any kind of prolonged use it is still two sticks, bunch of buttons, dpad and shoulder buttons like the 360 one, like the xbox one, like the PS2 one, like the (eventual) PS1 one and so and and so on. Hard to translate a lot of anything built for that to more limited waggle controls.

Also the GC got plenty of third party games, absolutely could have done with more but it got loads of them at the same time as other consoles form the big publishers.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
i do strongly believe that a default controller should be the basic type.

firstly you are not limiting your games to be only based around that, plus no matter what gimmick nintendo claim, when you play the game its nothing different to what can be done with the simple press of a button.

i think nintendo have failed big time with using the joycons to replace a default controller, the controller losses sync and i have no idea why nintendo didnt think of using better hardware, i mean take any other console controller and see how far you can go until your controller looses connection..... because for me with the joycons i cant even sit back in my couch (which is only feet away from the console) without loosing connection and link goes running off a cliff to his death.

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