Resident Evil 1.5 demo leaked? restoration project?


This is bat country!
Nov 23, 2008
middleofnowhere, AL
United States
To start this is my first news post so if i get something wrong i do apologize, I don't think i have seen this anywhere so here it goes...

Apparently this is a restoration project of some sort for RE1.5, the image is out in the wild so to speak and very playable with minor glitches of course.

The source for the info was 4chan but overall this is very interesting to see this.


This is a copy of what is in the text file i found inside the disc image which is playable on both emulators and real hardware with a modchip.

This here is an ISO of our work in progress build of the Resident Evil 1.5 restoration project. It is not representative of the current state of development of the non-profit restoration fan-project. For updates on that, please see the bottom of the file for suggested locations to monitor things or visit the YouTube channel

As stated in our open letter on the 17th of February 2013, posted on the fansite The Horror Is Alive via our only true, public spokesperson, we regretfully learned that a Joel Welsh, aka. Colvin, tried to profit from his acquisition of this very build by shopping it around to several members of the Resident Evil community. This we learned from several alarming chatlogs and sales offers forwarded to us by worried and concerned parties and friends of the team who'd either been directly contacted by Colvin, or knew people who had been. As with the situation where leaked media from our project appeared online in the summer of 2012, followed by a small wave of people attempting to scam people into giving them money in exchange for what they believed was 1.5 or more information on the project, we quickly investigated this situation and found our signature watermarks all over both the media Colvin had presented in public, the media he was shopping around to people, and the terminology he used to describe certain things pertaining the build he'd obtained.

People attempting to profit on our non-profit efforts, and both our personal and monitary investments is something we cannot stand for and is something we feel greatly taints the Resident Evil community, the prototype community, the archival and preservation of video game history, the integrity and face value of people, and our goal and intentions for this here restoration project. While we cannot speak on behalf of Capcom, we do believe that charging money for illegal and unsanctioned duplication of their data is something that should be frowned upon and avoided at all costs. So our plead to you is; if you paid for this here build of Resident Evil 1.5, you've been cheated and should demand your money back and/or file a fraud report via the service you used to complete you monetary transaction.

It was a tough decision to make, due to the uncertainty of what lies ahead in terms of releasing this build, but we ultimately decided to make a proper compile of the build Colvin has been shopping around, wrap it up so it can run in normal emulators and on real hardware, and release it to the public - to avoid further misuse and misrepresentation of its content.

The build you now have downloaded is a bit of an unstable mess. The instability mainly comes from a tiny experiment we were running on this very build and the build itself had the joke name "Magic Zombie Door". It's an old build and in no way representative of the current state of missing room implementation, restoration of broken elements, or addition of new content.

Many of the features you see in the build, as explained in our making of videos, comes from injecting pieces of C code that adds features and functionality that was broken, missing, or otherwise needed. There's a terrible bug we internally called "Air Jesus" present in this build, a legacy issue from the vanilla build, where inspecting objects will often cause ... undesirable results. This bug has since been fixed, but is currently present in this build. While, technically, the load feature works, the save feature's brokenness makes it pretty useless. These are also features that're fixed and will be working in the final release. There are also many stability issues that causes the game to crash or otherwise misbehave, most of these have since been fixed too. So unless there's a very Konami Code-esque approach to how you trigger a randomized and reproducable bug, please don't lose your breath attempting to report bugs to us.

For more information on the project, general updates on the news and progress, or general discussion, we recommend either following the drama in the megathread on The Horror Is Alive, the news compilation thread on Bioflames, or the news and video stream on

Should you wish to contact us, for purposes such as helping us with additional content that may benefit this restoration project, show your support, or other matters that may be of interest or value to us; you may reach us through Mr. Robert Zork's e-mail at bob.zork [at] Keep in mind that we have our own lives and other priorities to attend to, but we will always do our best to answer serious and worthwhile inquires and we appreciate all the love and support this project has received, although we never asked for this and originally intended to catch the world by surprise when we revealed end result.

Resident Evil and the Biohazard are property of Capcom. The project is an unofficial fan-effort, entirely non-profit, comparative to such other fan efforts as Street Fighter x Megaman, Megaman X Corrupted, Dark Biohazard, various modifications to other Resident Evil titles, and so forth. All with purpose and intents of a non-profit nature, and rooted entirely within what most would consider fair use and the healthier side of fandom - aimed exclusively at providing fellow fans with a glimpse into a world that once could've been and to enable them to revisit the world of Survival Horror once more in the way only the 90s could, whilst at the same time showing our own love and support to a franchise, platform, and decade we hold dear.

Personally I hope this continues in development only time will tell.
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This is bat country!
Nov 23, 2008
middleofnowhere, AL
United States
Is this a lost resident evil game? I never heard of it before.
It was meant to be Resident Evil 2 and was near completion but Capcom decided at the time to scrap it and made what we all know as Resident Evil 2 now, so most people refer to it as Resident Evil 1.5 it even has some different characters the main females name is Elza Walker (no she was not renamed Clair she is a completely different person) so a lot of differences from the RE2 that we know.
Until now all we had to prove the existence of it was some images and I think some videos but a version of it got into the hands of someone who had the mind to start a restoration project for it, thus why so may years later a playable version of that beta build has surfaced and will hopefully to lead to a full fledged completely playable .Iso.

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