The Pokemon Company is looking to hire those with NFT, metaverse, and blockchain experience


The Pokemon Company has drawn the ire and attention of many, with a new job posting that is actively seeking employees with experience in uncharted territory for the Pokemon franchise. The hiring page shows that The Pokemon Company International wants to hire staff that has "deep knowledge and understanding of Web 3, [...] blockchain technologies, NFT, and/or metaverse. They also appear to be looking for someone who can "connect the relevance of potential partners or technologies with Pokemon's existing assets", which has fans dramatically split between unease and excitement for what this might mean for the future.

The Pokemon Company isn't the first, and definitely won't be the last, in terms of businesses trying to incorporate elements of the blockchain into the video game industry. Despite harsh criticism in the past, Square Enix is still committed to pushing the idea of NFT games. Regardless, outside of the hiring page, nothing involving NFTs has been announced from The Pokemon Company, for now.



Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
So moving on from being wilfully ignorant of blockchains, databases and the like you are now dismissing hashing? A little thing that underpins security on the internet, in all manner of transmission methods, has decades of solid maths behind it, is widely accepted by courts anywhere people actually want to live as top quality evidence and so on and so on. Your rants on the evils of blockchain technologies, smart contracts and the like are vaguely amusing (most luddite rants are) but misleading people on vital technologies is a very bad look.

Barring introduction of quantum computers (which would be world changing in general, and just mean you do it on those instead) it is a fairly settled area of maths.

Hashes/checksums generally run the gamut of

Detection against random corruption (say in transmission or storage), can also be combined with data rebuilding methods (see parity files) based on oversampling.
Detection of tampering.
With a tiny bit of asymmetric cryptography you can also make it so the message originator has the private keys of a setup. This is called signing, though in reality you tend to generate a list of hashes and sign that instead (only the original file should produce the hash, a far smaller amount of data to send through the checking methods. See HMAC, hashed message authentication system). Anything suitable for this being dubbed cryptographic grade.

As computing power rises and occasional leaps in mathematics* happen then some hashes fall further down the list in their suggested uses. The now ancient MD5 method having fallen down the list (we did cover it around here somewhere as it was a PS3 cluster that managed it to generate a SSL signing certificate, in conjunction with a less than stellar authority that had other failings in randomness generation. ) such that it is only suggested for corruption detection and light duty tampering for which someone breaking it is no big deal (single player save game maybe) but it is fast compared to greater methods so people still keep it around.
If some NFT or the underlying blockchain out there uses a weak one then that is an implementation issue, though I am not aware of any that have been found to use them (much less anything anybody would care about).

*if those interested in maths but unfamiliar with all this step in then it is a fantastic introduction to the idea of computing complexity. Baseline is brute force in which you compare say the output of the sun turned into computing power (see Dyson sphere, or perhaps matrioshka brain) to change one bit at a time to get a collision. Most things in common use today taking that and probably needing it to run longer than the universe has been around to break it. Anything that reduces that time is considered an attack vector, but it is still likely to have a time measured in comparison to how long the universe has been around/will be around. If you manage to reduce this to something that could be run with a lot of computing power (or near future amount thereof, timeline also depending upon how bad it would be if it was broken -- secret records that are sealed for 50 years being different to yesterday's login to a website for which all secret data is now expired).
Skip to 6:20 or so if you want but the whole thing is not bad

There is much that could be covered (haven't even mentioned trapdoor and one way functions yet, or 30 what numbers did I multiply to make it? While that is not very useful if you do things with large prime numbers and ellipses you the two major classes of asymmetric cryptography. Asymmetric being you have one key to encode and another to decode rather than one key for both aspects. Haven't mentioned avalanche effect either, aka why a small change in the underlying file should massively and unpredictably change the hash, also used in most blockchains as an underpinning concept to make each round random as it were) but I will leave it there for the time being.
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This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
It would be fun to see what happens with a blockchain protected by MD5 hashing, lol.

We aren't talking about bitconnect.

Even though you brought up MD5, your depreciation of it is disdainful. As old and outclassed as MD5 is in "security", it still has practical application for "safe enough" forms of verification in scenarios where there is no reason for there to be malicious activity, or where there exists secondary forms of verification. I'm glad that this depth of your misunderstanding is coming to light, as an appreciation of encryption is fundamental to appreciating blockchain. If you don't appreciate encryption, that's fine. I should let you know that if encryption/hashing was truly as "jack shit fuck or squat" (lol) as you say, we'd have complete transparency in government and media, and your dollar would be broken.

You do realize that you are on a website about jailbreaking your consoles, right? People, here, are aware that encryption is key.

Maybe you should find another demographic?
Last edited by tabzer,


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2023
United States
A lot of words that mean jack shit fuck and squat backed up by some loser crackheads on a vlog.
I'm supposed to give a shit what you ancraps say, why?


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
So back to throwing around insults of no real bearing and offering no counters, or even explanations of what was written being irrelevant to the greater discussion. Can't speak for the others (though would be willing to bet on it also being the case) but I am not an anarcho capitalist; anarchy is a terrible means of running a society if human psychology is going to remain what it is, and people always get upset when I want to override it through breeding, conditioning and genetic engineering so I guess it will be. Try and at least go for something that might be descriptive if you are going to fling insults around (you had the same problem earlier when trying to insinuate I was an advocate for the bored ape stuff).

Barring some attempt at a coherent debate or need for a cleanup in the case of some forum sliding I suppose time to stop feeding the troll.

Condensed version of my general position.

Blockchain technologies, be they simplistic means of monetary exchange (including speculation) or smart contracts (of which NFTs are a subset) represent some very interesting technology with the power to upset the current state of business as it were, as much like email obviating the need for postal services in a lot of ways this allows quick and easy transfer of funds and creation of contracts (readily traced for legal purposes, as opposed to present problems with discovery/disclosure) that normally get reserved for higher end business concerns despite being quite useful to the man on the street in everyday concerns if the price is driven down to basically nothing. We have seen a lot of useless implementations, scams and trying it on types but we similarly don't dismiss email because someone got a spam one time or the concept of money because someone minted a fake note.

NFTs are primarily concerned with the ownership of an instance of a work (think owning a DVD of a film rather than rights to the film itself), but the technology could also be used for greater concerns (nothing stopping us from writing a contract to handle regional distribution efforts for X years, indeed might serve to stop things from entering rights limbo with bankruptcies, sales and deaths) and moving targets (nothing stopping you from including changes to a set of data as you send it onwards, or having said data changes incorporated in general). Certainly you can still pirate something but that was always the case. People dismissing such things as links are incorrect in the general case, if some specific NFT family was reduced to a link then that is a failure of implementation for that specific thing rather than the greater concept. Reducing virtual goods to a limited run or unique item might be in some way questionable but it seems to be a thing people both accept and at some level enjoy (exclusivity feeding some kind of primal urge) so might as well play to it, if you can rise above such concerns for yourself then welcome to the club.

As pertains to pokemon the obvious thing for NFTs are to make individual pokemon such. This would stop some issues with clones, allow you to buy and sell famous pokemon (one that won a tournament, first to do something, some unique attribute) and all without having to deal with Nintendo's beady eye (though you could have that as well) or just breed and buy/sell/exchange. Anything built to handle the data formats (which could change as time goes on, also this being pokemon which is generally reduced to data that you can just about transfer from gen 1 to current day with all steps in between rather than a 3d model that some pondering the failures of cross game items/skins rightly noted) could also then bring the data in and thus you could have things feature in other games that might not be mainline battle games.
You could do a lot of that with a more conventional server but that relies on Nintendo keeping things running where this would be self sustaining.
Metaverse, as in the general concept of a virtual reality/alternate reality game aka ARG/mixed reality effort rather than Facebook's specific take on 90s graphics. If you can not see the obvious implementation of this I would wonder if you are not dead in your chair -- pokemon remains a popular franchise despite barely changing in decades (though some note the games are merely an interest generator and the real money is in merchandise) and when pokemon go (phone game in which real world locations were tied to ability to catch things and not a lot else) somehow failed to do it well but still made all the money -- take even a basic system like the first pokemon game, allow people to catch things, allow people to battle each other and the money you could make would be obscene. Do nice battle mechanics, some kind of the hill/area control (individual and clan), incorporate alternative play styles (ARG pokemon Snap for instance, turn some willing building into a mystery dungeon style setup with a few markers to keep things on track/locations known, have some races if you want that, few themed puzzles for those that want that, more conventional ARG mystery type deals) and the money you generate would probably make you a world power even without a gambling aspect involved. Wind in some cross promotions (subtle and overt), some kind of fitness training (they already have steps = experience, would not be hard to do something more individualised) and they will willingly make you the world power your money from the previous thing got you or take you out for getting too big. Nintendo would be unlikely to relinquish control to this degree but if they did want to do some kind of roblox style user generated game modes then it would probably change the date system the world uses to before pokemon meta and after pokemon meta.

This is also saying nothing of modern recent takes on AI also being used in this which would probably only accelerate things further still.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2019
Czech Republic
Because you’d have to contact them each time there’s a change of ownership, for starters. It’s also objectively less secure. There’s nothing “complicated” about this - you’re the one making it complicated for yourself, for some undisclosed reason. You can’t duplicate a non-fungible token - it’s not fungible. You can make a new pool, sure, but everybody and their dog will immediately know it’s illegitimate. There’s also the advantage of being able to trace the chain of custody - that’s a big thing as far as certificates of ownership are concerned.
The quiet 90%? Oh please, people actively shit on NFT’s online 24/7 without knowing anything about the technology, how it works and what it’s intended for. To the average person the term “NFT” is indistinguishable from a JPEG of a monkey - that’s what people think when they hear it, hence the “hurr durr screenshot” jokes. If anything, I’m speaking on behalf of the silent 10% who do see the benefit of a standardised, digital ledger of ownership of just about anything that would require/could benefit from holding such records. There’s a stigma associated with this technology, for the reasons you’ve listed and then some, and that overshadows legitimate use and actual, real-life benefits in online discussions. Full disclosure - I don’t own *any* NFT’s, however I am fully aware that digital ownership certificates are absolutely something we’ll see in the future, not just as an oddity but as the de facto proof of ownership. Out of all the technologies out there the blockchain has proven to be the most effective way of achieving that goal - there’s not one “fake Bitcoin”, and there never will be. Sadly, we’re still in the “Wild West” stage of Web3, but that won’t last forever. I remember when the Internet as a whole was the (mostly unregulated) wild west - now you can’t fully operate in society without it. The Internet *was* widely used for illicit substance distribution, and far worse things - remember Silk Road? It’s like eBay, but for organs! Times changer. It’s coming, and silly pictures of monkeys are a mere test drive (one that I’m not particularly interested in, mind - so many better uses than that).
First of all, you don’t have to care and that’s fine. Nobody’s forcing you to participate. Second, I already answered this question. If there’s only one official pool then nobody besides Nintendo could add anything to it, as is the case with any other NFT. What you’re talking about is copyright infringement - someone taking an asset that they don’t own and minting it. That’s both a known quantity and it’s completely irrelevant to the discussion since the theoretical official Pokémon could only exist in the official pool. I can “mint” some Pokémon right now, that doesn’t make them official in any way, it’s just some NFT’s I made. They’re easily distinguishable from an actual, official release.
Holy shit, the sheer mental gymnastics you do to defend Pokémon NFTs would make you instantly win the olympics.

While NFTs technically mean that your copy of Bulbasaur is "unique", GameFreak can just name yours "Bulbasaur #938427" and the other one "Bulbasaur #18292690". The only thing actually unique? The number.

dexno INT,
pkmn_name TEXT,
pkmn_nickname VARCHAR(10)

Tell me how is "MUH BLOCKCHAIN" better than the table created by the SQL query above.


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
Why is Blockchain better than SQL?

Because your Bulbasaur#42069 is a fake clone, and mine is legit.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
While NFTs technically mean that your copy of Bulbasaur is "unique", GameFreak can just name yours "Bulbasaur #938427" and the other one "Bulbasaur #18292690". The only thing actually unique? The number.
They could, and if balance in games is anything to go by they probably will have to at least provide alternative paths to earning perks some get for being first or whatever.
History however is replete with examples of people wanting something involved in a given action/event (winning some big contest say), that once stood within farting distance of someone notable (better yet was touched/owned/actively used by), was the first of some type... The NFT/blockchain approach then provides a publicly verifiable (as opposed to Nintendo being all trust me bro my black box server, though said black box server could readily restore ownership if we are contemplating downsides).
I can't say I have ever felt the urge for such things myself but that does not mean it is not a massively time tested and recognised phenomenon across any number of collecting fields.


Sep 28, 2017
United States
Pokémon already died, video game wise, when they invented the eighth generation. Now they want to insert this dogshit to make the wound even larger and deeper?

We have certainly lost our senses, we need to change NOW, otherwise we are going to keep royally losing stuff. I don't care about the whole "good side" to this NFT bullshit, they don't need to be in video games or products out there. If you have such an issue with things not being so damn unique down to the byte or the stupid link on a product or something, then go make your own products. We don't need systems like this shoehorned into stuff. The blockchain, metaverse, etc. is just bullshit, that garbage just needs to burn to death.
Last edited by DeadSkullzJr,
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Sir Tortoise

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2016
The Pokemon Company's foray into NFTs, metaverse, and blockchain is indeed intriguing and has captured the attention of fans and industry observers alike. This job posting signals a potential shift in how the beloved franchise could embrace these technologies. It's a move that has fans split between anticipation and uncertainty about what it means for the future of Pokemon.
So funny that this thread of all things gets bumped by an AI-written response.

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