The Ramblings Of A Po Server


I need something to do.
Aug 12, 2010
United States
SoulSnatcher joined channel Pallet Town.
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: it seems to be working
~~Server~~: eyup
Received pending connection on slot 3 from
Player 3 set name to Dter ic
Dter ic joined channel Pallet Town.
Received pending connection on slot 4 from
Player 4 set name to The Pi
The Pi joined channel Pallet Town.
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: Hello guys ; )
~~Server~~: The good thing about it is that the server client is so small it barley uses much of my memory
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: hello there
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: gotta play SS now
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: ;_:
Battle between The Pi and SoulSnatcher started
Received disconnection from player Ethan
Ethan left channel Pallet Town.
Removed player Ethan
The Pi won his battle against SoulSnatcher
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: dter vs. pi
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: go
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: tpi
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: angry
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: *sigh*
~~Server~~: If only emotes work here lol
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mellow.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":mellow:" border="0" alt="mellow.gif" />
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: no battle?
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: If I could be arsed I could mod the server but it's a waste of time for something so small
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: he's at the loo <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" />
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: can't say i disagree
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: and the tf2 server subscription has ran out
~~Server~~: eh, you guys can use it whenever you want to.
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: anto said he'll (maybe) be able to host a new one
~~Server~~: Have you consider downloading the server client and make the server from there?
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: who?
~~Server~~: You, just wondering is all
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: my computer is too shitty
~~Server~~: oh
Battle between Dter ic and The Pi started
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: when i get a new one (never), i'll do that
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: or rather i'll setup an FTP server
Received disconnection from player Dter ic
Dter ic forfeited his battle against The Pi
Dter ic left channel Pallet Town.
Removed player Dter ic
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: for all mah piracy archival needs
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smileipb2.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":creep:" border="0" alt="smileipb2.png" />
~~Server~~: Alright, just wondering : P
Received pending connection on slot 5 from
Player 5 set name to Dter ic
Dter ic joined channel Pallet Town.
Battle between Dter ic and The Pi started
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: so...
~~Server~~: ?
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: it's awfully quiet here
~~Server~~: Well, there's only 4 people here.
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: 3
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: owait
~~Server~~: lol
~~Server~~: If you want soul I can start up a garrys mod server in it's place until ant or you can get another server running
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: oh, that would be awesome
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: i haven't actually played garrys mod often
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: only for like 10 min.
~~Server~~: Yeah, hold on a sec, let me start it up.
~~Server~~: Alright, I started it. It's the same ip for this server.
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: i'll check it out
Dter ic won his battle against The Pi
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: ah damn
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: i forgot i don't have garrys mod installed
~~Server~~: lol
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: and according to steam
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: it's 15GB
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: you would have better luck posting it on gbatemp
~~Server~~: You want me to post it in the TF2 thread?
~~Server~~: or just make a whole other one?
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: nah, you can make a new thread
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: We're gonna need admis andstuff here if this is goingto be a proper server for us.
~~Server~~: k, I'll make one later, and 15gb sounds wrong, it sould be no less then a 1 gig
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: ...
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: i misread disk space required with disk space available
~~Server~~: : p
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: it only needs 140MN
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: *MB
~~Server~~: Oh well, just reinstall it whenever you have the time
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: i'm doing it now
~~Server~~: ah ok
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: Mooo.
~~Server~~: Mooooooooooo
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: Woooooo
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: Do you have a dedicated server Kirby?
~~Server~~: For Garry's mod? Yeah
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: what about PO?
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: For this too?
~~Server~~: Not for this, I just used the server cliient it gives you on the website
~~Server~~: I didn't even know there was dedicated PO servers
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: By dedicated server I mean another computer that only runs servers, if you know what I mean.
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: Jesus vs. Batman
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
~~Server~~: oh, well, in a way yeah, I don't use this computer that much really, so I just made some servers for other forums I'm on.
~~Server~~: They all run pretty well
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: Ah, right cool.
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: now we need mods angry
~~Server~~: mods?
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: Dter wants to be a PO admin again XD
~~Server~~: oh
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: i vote Pi to be Mod.
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: (three classes of staff: owner, admin and mod)
~~Server~~: well, if he can tell me how to make him one I'd gladly do it, I'm still figuring out this server.
~~Server~~: oh wait I figured out how
~~Server~~: There, I changed your authoirty dter, you're now a admin :3
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: time to kick somebody <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/evil.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":evil:" border="0" alt="evil.gif" />
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: /k The Pi
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: I can't kick back anymore <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohnoes.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="D:" border="0" alt="ohnoes.png" />
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: shame on you
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohnoes.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="D:" border="0" alt="ohnoes.png" /> i faikled <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohnoes.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="D:" border="0" alt="ohnoes.png" /> <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/frown.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="frown.gif" />
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: i failed at speling too.D;
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: kirbh make Pi admin too, please
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: >_> i need to slow down... *kirby
~~Server~~: done <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" />
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: what is the garry's mod server pass?
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: /k Dter ic
~~Server~~: hold on a sec, I need to check it again to see what the pass was
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: tbh, there shouldn't be a pass
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: Something's up o_0
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: seems like /k doesn't work :L
~~Server~~: the pass is amptor since he gave me the idea for making one, and I'll look up the commands for it dter and pi
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
~~Server~~: oh that <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" />
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: k
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: mind taking away the pass?
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: Use the sample Script sample
~~Server~~: yeah, let me close the server, change it and restart it souil
~~Server~~: *soul
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: actually, maybe later <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" />_
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: Use the sample Script*
Script Check: OK
ScriptBot: Scripts were updated!
~~Server~~: According to the server the scripts were updated.
~~Server~~: so try it now
Command -- The Pi: /k Dter ic
Bot: Dter ic was mysteriously kicked by The Pi!
Received disconnection from player Dter ic
Dter ic left channel Pallet Town.
Removed player Dter ic
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: ...
~~Server~~: LOL
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: yay
Received pending connection on slot 6 from
Player 6 set name to Dter ic
Dter ic joined channel Pallet Town.
Command -- Dter ic: /k The Pi
Bot: The Pi was mysteriously kicked by Dter ic!
Received disconnection from player The Pi
The Pi left channel Pallet Town.
Removed player The Pi
~~Server~~: Kicking time <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" />
Received pending connection on slot 7 from
Player 7 set name to The Pi
The Pi joined channel Pallet Town.
Command -- The Pi: /k Dter ic
Bot: Dter ic was mysteriously kicked by The Pi!
Received disconnection from player Dter ic
Dter ic left channel Pallet Town.
Removed player Dter ic
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: oh god
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: lul
Received pending connection on slot 8 from
Player 8 set name to Dter ic
Dter ic joined channel Pallet Town.
Command -- The Pi: /k Dter ic
Bot: Dter ic was mysteriously kicked by The Pi!
Received disconnection from player Dter ic
Dter ic left channel Pallet Town.
Removed player Dter ic
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tpi.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":tpi:" border="0" alt="tpi.gif" />
Received pending connection on slot 9 from
Player 9 set name to Dter ic
Dter ic joined channel Pallet Town.
~~Server~~: ty Pi for the server scrpity
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: ;/
~~Server~~: Pi loves kicking you Dter : P
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: No probs
Command -- Dter ic: /k Dter ic
Bot: Dter ic was mysteriously kicked by Dter ic!
Received disconnection from player Dter ic
Dter ic left channel Pallet Town.
Removed player Dter ic
~~Server~~: ...
Received disconnection from player The Pi
The Pi left channel Pallet Town.
Removed player The Pi
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: O:
~~Server~~: He kiciked himself :A:
Received pending connection on slot 10 from
Player 10 set name to Dter ic
Dter ic joined channel Pallet Town.
Received pending connection on slot 11 from
Player 11 set name to The Pi
The Pi joined channel Pallet Town.
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: Okay enough <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohnoes.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="D:" border="0" alt="ohnoes.png" />
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: I'll see about a custom script some time. When I can be arsed : P
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: what? i only kicked myelf..
~~Server~~: Np pi.
~~Server~~: oh you kick pi I think to, he disconnected after you left: P
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: (so I can block Dter kicking me <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tpi.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":tpi:" border="0" alt="tpi.gif" />)
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: Wait, you could probably do emotes in the script. Mmm.
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: >.>
~~Server~~: If you can make it possible I added it : P
~~Server~~: *I'll
~~Server~~: hmmmm
~~Server~~: There is one authoirty I can astow upon people
~~Server~~: Moderators.
~~Server~~: Soul is now mod : P
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: so i can kick?
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /k the pi
Bot: the pi was mysteriously kicked by SoulSnatcher!
Received disconnection from player The Pi
The Pi left channel Pallet Town.
Removed player The Pi
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: i remember rocky wanting to mod.
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: : D
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /k dter ic
Bot: dter ic was mysteriously kicked by SoulSnatcher!
Received disconnection from player Dter ic
Dter ic left channel Pallet Town.
Removed player Dter ic
Received pending connection on slot 12 from
Player 12 set name to The Pi
The Pi joined channel Pallet Town.
~~Server~~: Yeah, you can kick
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: >:(
~~Server~~: just like you did now : P
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: I am right in saying that the server stops you from making people "Owners"
Received pending connection on slot 13 from
Player 13 set name to Dter ic
Dter ic joined channel Pallet Town.
~~Server~~: Yeah you're right
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: Am I*
Command -- Dter ic: /k The Pi
Bot: The Pi was mysteriously kicked by Dter ic!
Received disconnection from player The Pi
The Pi left channel Pallet Town.
Removed player The Pi
Command -- Dter ic: /k SoulSnatcher
Bot: SoulSnatcher was mysteriously kicked by Dter ic!
Received disconnection from player SoulSnatcher
SoulSnatcher left channel Pallet Town.
Removed player SoulSnatcher
Received pending connection on slot 14 from
Player 14 set name to The Pi
The Pi joined channel Pallet Town.
~~Server~~: lol
Received pending connection on slot 15 from
Player 15 set name to SoulSnatcher
SoulSnatcher joined channel Pallet Town.
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: I kicked no one. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohnoes.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="D:" border="0" alt="ohnoes.png" />
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: O:
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /k the pi
Bot: the pi was mysteriously kicked by SoulSnatcher!
Received disconnection from player The Pi
The Pi left channel Pallet Town.
Removed player The Pi
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: but i did
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: ahaha
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohnoes.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="D:" border="0" alt="ohnoes.png" />
Received pending connection on slot 16 from
Player 16 set name to The Pi
The Pi joined channel Pallet Town.
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: :3
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: Enough
Command -- Dter ic: /k The Pi
Bot: The Pi was mysteriously kicked by Dter ic!
Received disconnection from player The Pi
The Pi left channel Pallet Town.
Removed player The Pi
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /k the pi
Received pending connection on slot 17 from
Player 17 set name to The Pi
The Pi joined channel Pallet Town.
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /k dter ic
Bot: dter ic was mysteriously kicked by SoulSnatcher!
Received disconnection from player Dter ic
Dter ic left channel Pallet Town.
Removed player Dter ic
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /k the pi
Bot: the pi was mysteriously kicked by SoulSnatcher!
Received disconnection from player The Pi
The Pi left channel Pallet Town.
Removed player The Pi
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /k soulsnatcher
Bot: soulsnatcher was mysteriously kicked by SoulSnatcher!
Received disconnection from player SoulSnatcher
SoulSnatcher left channel Pallet Town.
Removed player SoulSnatcher
Received pending connection on slot 18 from
Player 18 set name to Dter ic
Dter ic joined channel Pallet Town.
Received pending connection on slot 19 from
Player 19 set name to The Pi
The Pi joined channel Pallet Town.
Received pending connection on slot 20 from
Player 20 set name to SoulSnatcher
SoulSnatcher joined channel Pallet Town.
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: ENOUGH!!!
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: okay,
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: >:(
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: okay.
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: once more.
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /k the pi
Bot: the pi was mysteriously kicked by SoulSnatcher!
Received disconnection from player The Pi
The Pi left channel Pallet Town.
Removed player The Pi
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /k dter ic
Bot: dter ic was mysteriously kicked by SoulSnatcher!
Received disconnection from player Dter ic
Dter ic left channel Pallet Town.
Removed player Dter ic
~~Server~~: hahaha
Received pending connection on slot 21 from
Player 21 set name to Dter ic
Dter ic joined channel Pallet Town.
Received pending connection on slot 22 from
Player 22 set name to The Pi
The Pi joined channel Pallet Town.
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: okay, i'm done. <3
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: -W- i think you angered Pi, SS :L
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: *sigh*
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: :3
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> ^_ ^
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: I can ban mods you knwow <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" />
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: wha.
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: O:
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: wut realy?
~~Server~~: I can ban admins you know <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" />
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohnoes.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="D:" border="0" alt="ohnoes.png" />
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohnoes.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="D:" border="0" alt="ohnoes.png" />
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: :lOL;
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":lol:" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: kirby you can delete the server too D;
~~Server~~: eyup
~~Server~~: I'm pretty much god around here <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" />
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: but god uses his powers for good <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohnoes.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="D:" border="0" alt="ohnoes.png" />
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: or so they say
Command -- The Pi: /auth
Command -- The Pi: /auth
Command -- The Pi: /commands
Received disconnection from player SoulSnatcher
SoulSnatcher left channel Pallet Town.
Removed player SoulSnatcher
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: I'm just saying, you don't have to belive what i say...
~~Server~~: I know
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: SS left D;
~~Server~~: He probably got bored
Command -- The Pi: /changeAuth 3 The Pi
Script Warning in changeAuth: Safe scripts option is on. Unable to change auth to/from 3 and above.
Bot: The Pi changed auth of The Pi to 3
~~Server~~: My guess is that he may go on the garry's mod server once I post it
Command -- The Pi: /auth
~~Server~~: and Pi, naughty boy : P
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: I can't ban Dter <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":O" border="0" alt="ohmy.gif" />
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohnoes.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="D:" border="0" alt="ohnoes.png" /> what did The Pi do?
~~Server~~: Naught things.
Command -- The Pi: /changeauth 4 The Pi
Script Warning in changeAuth: Safe scripts option is on. Unable to change auth to/from 3 and above.
Bot: The Pi changed auth of The Pi to 4
~~Server~~: Dter is a admin, you can ban admins, only I can :3
~~Server~~: *can't
~~Server~~: now if he was a mod...that would be a different story <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" />
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: Owners can : P
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: are you saying... NOOOOO
~~Server~~: lol no
~~Server~~: You're still admin
Command -- The Pi: /Changeauth 9001 The Pi
Script Warning in changeAuth: Safe scripts option is on. Unable to change auth to/from 3 and above.
Bot: The Pi changed auth of The Pi to 9001
Command -- Dter ic: !commands
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: lul
~~Server~~: it's /commands
Command -- Dter ic: /commands
Command -- The Pi: /changeauth 0 Dter ic
Bot: The Pi changed auth of Dter ic to 0
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: Win.
~~Server~~: The Pi changed auth of Dter ic to 0
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: D;
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: KIRBY <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohnoes.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="D:" border="0" alt="ohnoes.png" />
Command -- The Pi: /changeauth 2 Dter ic
Bot: The Pi changed auth of Dter ic to 2
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: HALP
~~Server~~: Duskye changed the auth of The Pi to Moderator
~~Server~~: :3
~~Server~~: Changed Dter Ic to Owner
~~Server~~: :3
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: Shite
Command -- The Pi: /changeauth Owner The Pi
~~Server~~: DENINED
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: Mods can't use changeauth
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/frown.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="frown.gif" />
~~Server~~: admins can :3
~~Server~~: *Change*
~~Server~~: try agani
Command -- The Pi: /changeauth
Script Error line 280: TypeError: Result of expression 'commandData' [undefined] is not an object.
~~Server~~: *again
Command -- The Pi: /changeauth Owner The Pi
Bot: The Pi changed auth of The Pi to Owner
~~Server~~: :3
Command -- Dter ic: /changeAuth user The Pi
Script Warning in changeAuth: Safe scripts option is on. Unable to change auth to/from 3 and above.
Bot: Dter ic changed auth of The Pi to user
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: Oi <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/frown.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="frown.gif" />
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: xD
Command -- The Pi: /commands
Command -- Dter ic: /changeAuth admin The Pi
Script Warning in changeAuth: Safe scripts option is on. Unable to change auth to/from 3 and above.
Bot: Dter ic changed auth of The Pi to admin
Command -- The Pi: /imp Dter ic
Dter ic: I smell like poop
Dter ic: har har har
Command -- The Pi: /impoff
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: hehe
Command -- Dter ic: /imp The Pi is gay
Command -- Dter ic: /imp The Pi
The Pi: hai
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: Me no like this script
Command -- The Pi: /auth
Command -- Dter ic: /imp Dter ic
Dter ic: me.
~~Server~~: Then change scrpit :3
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: It's missing a lot of the old commands and stuff
Command -- Dter ic: /sendAll Hai
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: And admins being able to change auth is stupid
Command -- Dter ic: /impOff
~~Server~~: Well, then just add the commands you want and stuff and send it to me
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: I will, at some point
~~Server~~: k then
Command -- The Pi: /changeauth Owner The Pi
Script Warning in changeAuth: Safe scripts option is on. Unable to change auth to/from 3 and above.
Bot: The Pi changed auth of The Pi to Owner
Command -- The Pi: /commands
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: And no extra commands for owner o_0
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: At least we can kick <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":lol:" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: lol
~~Server~~: I can ban <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink2.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":wink:" border="0" alt="wink2.gif" />
Received pending connection on slot 23 from
Player 23 set name to SoulSnatcher
SoulSnatcher joined channel Pallet Town.
Command -- Dter ic: /command
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: .
Command -- SoulSnatcher: !commands
~~Server~~: /commands lol
Command -- The Pi: /changeauth Owner SoulSnatcher
Bot: The Pi changed auth of SoulSnatcher to Owner
Command -- Dter ic: /imp SoulSnatcher
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: yay!
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" />
SoulSnatcher: hi.
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: wait...
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: did i just type hi?
Command -- Dter ic: /impOff
~~Server~~: hiya :3
Command -- The Pi: /changeauth mod soulsnatcher
Script Warning in changeAuth: Safe scripts option is on. Unable to change auth to/from 3 and above.
Bot: The Pi changed auth of SoulSnatcher to mod
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: i don't remember doing that
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: goddamn it pi!
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: Back you go <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" />
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: i didn't even kick you. ;_:
~~Server~~: Changes to back to owner :3
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: @SS check the commands...
Command -- The Pi: /commands
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: k
Command -- SoulSnatcher: !commands
~~Server~~: ...
~~Server~~: /commands
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: admin i am.
~~Server~~: is the command
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: yoda speak
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: look at the first thing under Mod Commands
Command -- The Pi: /sendall YOU SUCK
Command -- SoulSnatcher: !commands
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":O" border="0" alt="ohmy.gif" /> who said that?
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohnoes.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="D:" border="0" alt="ohnoes.png" />
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohnoes.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="D:" border="0" alt="ohnoes.png" />
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohnoes.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="D:" border="0" alt="ohnoes.png" />
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: impersonate?
[#Pallet Town] Dter ic: @SS look at /imp
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohnoes.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="D:" border="0" alt="ohnoes.png" />
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohnoes.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="D:" border="0" alt="ohnoes.png" />
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohnoes.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="D:" border="0" alt="ohnoes.png" />
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohnoes.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="D:" border="0" alt="ohnoes.png" />
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohnoes.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="D:" border="0" alt="ohnoes.png" />
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp dter ic
dter ic: SS you suck
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /impOff
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: shut up Dter
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp Dter
Command -- Dter ic: /imp SoulSnatcher
Command -- The Pi: /imp ~~Server~~
Dter: imp Dter ic
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp Dter ic
Dter ic: no u
~~Server~~: You all suck
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /impOff
[#Pallet Town] SoulSnatcher: ;_;
~~Server~~: damn kids!
SoulSnatcher: xD
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp ~~Server~~
Command -- The Pi: /imp God
~~Server~~: hello there
Command -- Dter ic: /impOff
God: Obay me!
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp God
God: no, obey me!
Command -- The Pi: /imp Osama
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp Lord SoulSnatcher
Lord SoulSnatcher: I am the lord
Osama: I'm not Dead!
Command -- The Pi: /imp Elvis
Elvis: Nor am I!
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp Obama
Obama: I had enough of that.
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp George Bush
Command -- Dter ic: /imp Billy Mays
George Bush: Hey there!
Billy Mays: HEY
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp Hitler
Hitler: Nein
Billy Mays: wait thers more.
Command -- The Pi: /imp Newton
~~Server~~: Weird, I think my internet is trolling me
Received disconnection from player Dter ic
Dter ic left channel Pallet Town.
Removed player Dter ic
Newton: I am better than all of you!
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp Einstein
Einstein: Nope
~~Server~~: I'm god here remember?
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking: Try again.
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp God
God: I am God.
~~Server~~: IMPOSTER
~~Server~~: /kick The Pi
Command -- The Pi: /imp Costello
God: lay down thy rath
God: *wrath
Costello: Well fuck you!
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp shaunj66
shaunj66: Screw you all.
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp KiVan
KiVan: from the dead
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp TrolleyDave
TrolleyDave: Ai!
Command -- The Pi: /imp raulpica
TrolleyDave: A chav, I am.
raulpica: Ohaithar
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp phoenixgoddess27
phoenixgoddess27: :3
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp Goli
raulpica: lul
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp prowler_
prowler_: Mentaiko fan, I am.
~~Server~~: I should save this blog and make a eof post about it :3
~~Server~~: *log
raulpica: imp Dter ic
prowler_: you should
raulpica: Nooooo!
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp SoulSnatcher
SoulSnatcher: BULLSHIT I SAY
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp ifish
~~Server~~: Saved it, I'll make a post after my disc buring is done :3
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp God
God: Not if I have anything to do with it
God: Lay down thy wrath.
God: <#
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp Mario
~~Server~~: And you know my name is the lord when I lay my vengence upo tht
Mario: It's a me, -OHFUCKIT
~~Server~~: *upon
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp Clou
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp cloud
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp Cloud
raulpica: Cya
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp Costello
Costello: See ya!
raulpica: I'm pi <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" />
Costello: no you aren't
Costello: i'm pi
~~Server~~: My sever tells me all
Costello: your soulsnatcher
Costello: *you're
Command -- The Pi: /impoff
[#Pallet Town] The Pi: O RLY?
~~Server~~: Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp Costello
Costello: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohnoes.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="D:" border="0" alt="ohnoes.png" />
~~Server~~: FACT
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp Duskye
Duskye: Hey guysQ!
Duskye: *guys
~~Server~~: Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp Costello
Duskye: who's server is this?
~~Server~~: Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp Duskye
~~Server~~: :3
Duskye: :#
~~Server~~: I'm about to make the eof post, I'm calling it "The ramblings of a PO server"
Command -- SoulSnatcher: /imp Costello
Costello: Not if I have anything to do with that.
Costello: Time to ban Duskye.
Costello: <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" />
~~Server~~: Commands -- SoulSnatcher: /imp Costello
~~Server~~: :3
Costello: O:

The Pi

Mar 18, 2010
Massive log

Load of crap really


Ah, the whole /imp (impersonate) thing was pretty amusing.

Like The Pi said, this is quite a long log!


I need something to do.
Aug 12, 2010
United States
Eyup, you guys talked a lot while in the server. I even had to edit this log even more because you used too many emotes.

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