TX and GBATemp


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2017
New York City
United States
While TX is constantly providing updates to the Switch hacking scene, the latest TX-related news usually incite numerous off-topic comments. What with every update being promoted to the front page to people having strong feelings about TX's behavior in the current scene, is there more harm or good being done? The following are a couple of concerns I have regarding the way GBATemp handles TX-related information.

  • Why does TX get a new thread every time there's an update? While keeping people up-to-date is important, other CFWs don't get new threads made every time there is a new feature/update. Also how many times do those features/updates of other CFWs make the front-page? Isn't GBATemp supposed to be unaffiliated with TX and all other hacking teams? Why play favoritism with SX OS updates only?
  • Why isn't there a main TX thread? All of the other free and open-source CFWs have one thread dedicated to them where all updates and downloads are provided. Why have multiple different threads containing discussions for each individual update? What if a user wanted to know what each update added?
  • While GBATemp does condone people providing opinions on TX and other CFW, such discussions usually derail the topic of most, if not all, threads detailing an update for SX OS. Why not make a thread for people to discuss their various opinions on SX OS as well as other CFW for the Switch? There is a thread for the GPL licenses that TX may have violated but that doesn't cover people's subjective opinions on the CFWs themselves. If there was a thread for people to discuss such issues, would it have an effect on the discussion that takes place in future SX OS threads?
TX shows no signs of stopping provide support for their product which is not a bad thing necessarily, however if the days of the Gateway and the 3DS scene are anything to go by, we risk repeating history if nothing changes. I and hopefully everyone else wants to reduce the amount of bickering that occurs seemingly in every major TX thread so I hope we can work towards a solution that everybody can agree on.
Last edited by Draxzelex,


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2017
United States
This is where you and I are going to disagree. TX needs to work harder in between versions. The 6.0 was never tested properly, was found immediately to have bugs. The next day, and the next version supposedly fixed those bugs, but once again, it was found out that they didn't. So they release a third version a day later with the issues fixed and an update tool? I'll give you updating tool would warrant a version change but not the crap in the middle that still got a post when it ought to have been a hot fix of the previous version. It's lazy work on TX's part and they ought to have been criticized for it rather than rewarded with more exposure.

They use it and Temp as a free advertising arm. Them getting cordoned to a section and master thread would absolutely hurt their bottom-line and I am sure they wouldn't want that.

But frankly, the shit they pulled for three releases that apparently merited "news" was embarrassing. You shouldn't be given a platform for launching bad code two times over over the course of a handful of days (with varying breaks in actual core functionality) because you failed to QA code you stole.


playing around in the end of life
Nov 30, 2014
Micronesia, Federated States of
They use it and Temp as a free advertising arm. Them getting cordoned to a section and master thread would absolutely hurt their bottom-line and I am sure they wouldn't want that.

But frankly, the shit they pulled for three releases that apparently merited "news" was embarrassing. You shouldn't be given a platform for launching bad code two times over over the course of a handful of days (with varying breaks in actual core functionality) because you failed to QA code you stole.
I don't like TX either, but there would be riots if gbatemp didn't cover them. The pirate user base demands it.
Hopefully, these per-day bugfix releases will cool down at least.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2016
United States
While I could envision a boy who cried wolf type scenario here, and maybe a simple edit would have been acceptable, but it is not yet there. As far as rewarded with exposure then I will go with pssh.

Think about their actions in terms of a different scenario. Let's pretend I have an application for Windows that I am selling, and I know a new version of Windows is coming, I would do my damnedest to make my app compatible for launch. News articles would initially read "Crusatyr's app now compatible with Windows 11." When it gets brought to my attention that it doesn't work I fix it, release a second one but this time I'm arrogant enough to claim it works for sure. When word gets out that no it doesn't, the news should report "Crusatyr's app claims compatibility with Windows 11, but guess what? it doesn't." Now I'm going to fix it for real, for real and release a minor update claiming it's a new version when all i've done if more bug fixing that should have been done the first release, or the second one. Throw in a few feature as damage control and I call it good.

What would be your opinion of by actions in that case?

stuff and things

While I agree with you the bug fixes ought not to have warranted updates, there is a separate place to discuss the merits of GPL violations and the like.[/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2017
United States
While I agree with you the bug fixes ought not to have warranted updates, there is a separate place to discuss the merits of GPL violations and the like.

My core point wasn't about the GPL violation, that was more of a side-smear. The core tenant of what I was noting was that they farted out three versions within days of one another because they did not do proper QA. That should not be supported as "news". In fact it should be ridiculed for ineptitude, not lavished with press-releases.

In effect, I was agreeing with you.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Think about their actions in terms of a different scenario. Let's pretend I have an application for Windows that I am selling, and I know a new version of Windows is coming, I would do my damnedest to make my app compatible for launch. News articles would initially read "Crusatyr's app now compatible with Windows 11." When it gets brought to my attention that it doesn't work I fix it, release a second one but this time I'm arrogant enough to claim it works for sure. When word gets out that no it doesn't, the news should report "Crusatyr's app claims compatibility with Windows 11, but guess what? it doesn't." Now I'm going to fix it for real, for real and release a minor update claiming it's a new version when all i've done if more bug fixing that should have been done the first release, or the second one. Throw in a few feature as damage control and I call it good.

What would be your opinion of by actions in that case?
Is your Windows program a cornerstone for a thing the place I am writing for covers? Similarly are there any mitigating factors? There are a bunch of versions of windows and odd use cases that trip up everything sooner or later. I don't know if it applies to TX here but I am very far from assuming some kind of malice for a handful of views.

Personally I might take a piss a bit but that it is a stylistic thing at this point.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2016
United States
My core point wasn't about the GPL violation, that was more of a side-smear.
I know you were agreeing with me, but if you look at the other threads involving SX OS, there's massive amounts of deleted posts discussing the topic. I didn't want your valid point removed because of the side smear.

Is your Windows program a cornerstone for a thing the place I am writing for covers? Similarly are there any mitigating factors? There are a bunch of versions of windows and odd use cases that trip up everything sooner or later. I don't know if it applies to TX here but I am very far from assuming some kind of malice for a handful of views.

You make it sound like that their actions are justified because they give you a job. That's the sort of bias towards SX OS that Draxzelex mentions in his OP. Regardless of mitigating factors, I feel like them releasing something early for the exposure would have been fine provided it worked. Hell, even if the initial one didn't work but the second one did it would still be alright. Everyone makes mistakes. But I'm saying it was laziness on their part not to test the second attempt thoroughly enough that they had to release the third right after and to give them a front page for what they messed up for a second time reflects badly.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
You make it sound like that their actions are justified because they give you a job. That's the sort of bias towards SX OS that Draxzelex mentions in his OP. Regardless of mitigating factors, I feel like them releasing something early for the exposure would have been fine provided it worked. Hell, even if the initial one didn't work but the second one did it would still be alright. Everyone makes mistakes. But I'm saying it was laziness on their part not to test the second attempt thoroughly enough that they had to release the third right after and to give them a front page for what they messed up for a second time reflects badly.

I would like to believe I have more integrity than that, and would extend that to the others doing portal stuff. Amusingly in all this I don't own a Switch, have no plans to get one, hold no real hope for its future in either games or homebrew, don't really care what TX do.

Still actually something I brought up in in the TX vs the GPL discussions a while back. When all else is said and done what does it represent for those playing along at home? Why then would I not report on it. Similarly I should also say while we make serious efforts to have a good portal it is understood throughout it all that most use something like http://gbatemp.net/new/ as their means of interaction with the site, as such this seems like much ado about not quite nothing but not far off.

Darth Meteos

Jan 6, 2015
The Wrong Place
United States
"I and hopefully everyone else wants to reduce the amount of bickering that occurs seemingly in every major TX thread so I hope we can work towards a solution that everybody can agree on."

A post is made, and your only contribution is to question the poster's intentions, not the post itself?

I don't like TX either, but there would be riots if gbatemp didn't cover them. The pirate user base demands it.
Hopefully, these per-day bugfix releases will cool down at least.
The pirate user base has options, now. XCIs are irrelevant. The issue is that they get a new thread every time. Threads like this get a discussion page because they were pre-empted. Why can't major TX updates get front-paged with a link to a single discussion thread like every other CFW, while minor revisions are up to the user base?
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Darth Meteos

Jan 6, 2015
The Wrong Place
United States
@Darth Meteos implying that this call to hold hands or whatever the hell is going to do anything is crazy. You want to do something? Get the mods to warn people who keep filling up every topic with the same thing over and over and over again.
Livin' up to your title, I see.

Calling for holding hands is always the first step. You always, always have to try being gentle and reasonable. Saying otherwise is irresponsible. Why can't this be resolved easily? I thought this site was for the people? If you're unconvinced, alright, it's on you, but implying that other people who think better of the community are stupid or liars is a fucking waste of an opinion.

Incidentally, moderators warning people for wrongthink will just lead to NeoGaf, it's a slippery slope. I've seen it happen in real-time. You don't want an open community becoming closed like that. Peoples' complaints against SX amount to protest against shoddy business practice. TX should be dragged over coals for it. There's a time and a place, but removing that part of the discussion entirely is just censorship.


Oct 24, 2002
good points have already been made but since you are asking questions:

  • Why does TX get a new thread every time there's an update? because someone posts properly formatted news articles for us
  • While keeping people up-to-date is important, other CFWs don't get new threads made every time there is a new feature/update. We encourage anyone to post articles for those updates and you can be sure they will hit the front page.
  • Also how many times do those features/updates of other CFWs make the front-page? Not often enough, which is why we are working on improving our coverage of scene news. We have asked our current magazine staff to increase coverage of scene/homebrew news, but they are unfortunately not familiar enough with the scene to be able to post. We have identified someone who can help though, expect the first article in the coming days :)
  • Isn't GBATemp supposed to be unaffiliated with TX and all other hacking teams? We are not affiliated with them
  • Why play favoritism with SX OS updates only? We do not play favoritism with them, look at the other answers. You don't need to believe there is some kind of elaborate plot to... to what exactly? lol
  • Why isn't there a main TX thread? Because we believe new SX udpates often bring out cool new functionalities. We don't want to reduce the number of articles on our home page, rather we would like to increase it so people have more reading material. The fact that for now only SX updates are covered IS a problem, which we are trying to address (see my other answers).
  • All of the other free and open-source CFWs have one thread dedicated to them where all updates and downloads are provided. Why have multiple different threads containing discussions for each individual update? What if a user wanted to know what each update added? We would love it if the authors could post articles about updates, we would instantly move them to our home page. We have already said so before and there is a notice message indicating so when you create a new thread in the Switch areas. We know it can be bothersome to post articles so like I said we are working with someone to start reporting on those project updates.
  • While GBATemp does condone people providing opinions on TX and other CFW, This is incorrect.
  • such discussions usually derail the topic of most, if not all, threads detailing an update for SX OS. Why not make a thread for people to discuss their various opinions on SX OS as well as other CFW for the Switch? There is a thread for the GPL licenses that TX may have violated but that doesn't cover people's subjective opinions on the CFWs themselves. If there was a thread for people to discuss such issues, would it have an effect on the discussion that takes place in future SX OS threads? I don't know how to answer that question, is there even a question? If you want to make a thread, then make a thread. It is up to the community to decide whether they want to use your thread for discussion or not.
Last edited by Costello,


"Local Hardware Wizard"
Aug 17, 2009
The Nexus
United States
I wouldn't mind a dedicated "SX OS Updates (Latest Version: 1.9)" thread where new updates could be posted in the OP. Major SX OS updates would get a front page post and minor updates would be able to be seen in the update thread. (A simple report to get the thread title changed with the newest revision would work. I started a thread using a similar idea when details about SX OS were first coming out, instead of making a thread every time new details arose.)

A bit of diversity would help as well. ReiNX did get a news post but past that I haven't seen any front page articles on it. (Note: I don't really keep up with the happenings of the scene so I'm not sure if there was some awesome breakthrough with the different CFWs that are out now. If there haven't been then I could understand why there's a lack of front page articles compared to SX OS which has been pumping out updates.)

With that being said, I don't mind making a dedicated "SX OS Updates" thread.
Last edited by Devin,


"Local Hardware Wizard"
Aug 17, 2009
The Nexus
United States
Actually. I'm a bit too lazy to keep a thread like that up to date. If anyone wants they can use the format I started on. Just has all of the SX OS update changelogs separated into separate spoilers.


Latest SX OS v1.9 said:
  • Improved support for Switch Update v6.0
  • Improved FTP server
    Increased speed and stability of file transfers.
  • Added ability to update SX OS from within SX OS itself

  • Improved support for Switch Update v6.0
  • Add support for Switch Update v6.0
  • Add support for 32GB XCI files (Dragon Quest Heroes 1 and 2)
    It came to our attention that 32GB XCI files were not working with SX OS. Since game compatibility is high up there on the priority list of Team Xecuter, we investigated this issue and are happy to report this has been resolved. You can now enjoy these content-packed bigger games like Dragon Quest Heroes!
  • Introducing Stealth Mode
    Stealth Mode is our solution to prevent console bans. In SX OS v1.6 and onwards this feature will be enabled by default.
    • You can still disable Stealth Mode from the TX menu if you really wish to do so, however we do not recommend this (unless your Switch is already banned).
    • With Stealth Mode enabled your Switch system is not able to send any Switch personal information to Nintendo's servers while still allowing basic Internet functionality (for eg homebrew). Things like local WiFi play is also still possible!
    • Keep in mind Stealth Mode is only active when you are running SX OS! If you occasionally boot back into original Switch firmware you may expose yourself to a ban risk if you have modified your Switch system by installing NSP titles for example, so we do not recommend this!
    • Playing XCI titles in SX OS with Stealth Mode enabled should NOT get you banned when booting/using your original Switch firmware online. This is why we personally prefer our Game Cartridge emulation solution, and so should you!
  • Added mass NSP install (and optional delete) functionality
    Users who want to install a lot of NSP titles at once can now easily do so by pressing [Y] in the installer tab. Upon finish the NSP installer will also ask you if you want to delete the NSP source files from your microSD card, freeing up space and keeping every neat and tidy!
  • FTP server support
    You can now enable a FTP server from the options tab in our menu that will keep running even once the menu is closed. This FTP server gives direct access to your microSD card, so you no longer have to eject the card to store/retrieve files.
  • More content directories
    Some people complained that they didn't like all the XCI/NSP/NRO files in the root of their SD card. We have to agree that becomes a bit messy, so the menu will now scan the following directories as well looking for game content:
    • /sxos/games
    • /sxos/xci
    • /sxos/nsp
    • /sxos
    • /switch/games
    • /switch/xci
    • /switch/nsp
    • /switch
  • Integrated NSP installer
    With our last update we introduced the possibility of installing eShop NSP titles. However, this relied on using external tools and wasn't very user friendly. In this release we bring our own integrated NSP installer as part of our menu system. This is the neatest and easiest way of installing NSP titles, enjoy!
  • Integrated homebrew launcher
    Launching homebrew used to be done by launching NX HBMenu by holding R when entering the album. While we kept this possibility (mostly for developers), you can now also launch your favorite homebrew directly from our own menu!
  • IR / motion plus issue fixed
    A few games (like 1-2-Switch and Resident Evil) were suffering from freezes when enabling the joycon IR camera or motion controls.
  • Allow unsigned NCA
    People asked us if we could get rid of the NCA integrity checks, so we did! Custom NCA files, modified NCA files and repackaged NCA files should all work fine now.
  • Display SX OS version in menu
    To better distinguish the different versions of SX OS we introduced a small version number display in our menu.
  • LayeredFS fixes for 4.1.0
    There were certain issues with 'LayeredFS' for people on firmware 4.1.0. If you use 'LayeredFS' on that specific firmware there's good news for you: these issues have been identified and fixed!
  • Add LayeredFS support
    Are you excited about any upcoming Game Mods for switch games? Well, we are! To accommodate this we have added what is commonly referred to as "LayeredFS" support. In short what this allows you to do is override specific files from a game with modified copies that are loaded from your microSD's (ex)FAT partition.
    Place your custom game files under the following locations on the microSD root:
    – /sxos/titles/<titleid>/exefs/
    – /sxos/titles/<titleid>/romfs/
    We can't wait to see what cool mods the community will come up with!
  • Add eShop NSP support
    This adds support for installing and launching installed eShop NSP files. This is still rough around the edges and for advanced users only. To install NSP files you need a legitimate copy of the DevMenu, which can be launched currently via LayeredFS. We are still working on adding a custom and easy to use NSP installer to our own menu system. Stay tuned!
    WARNING: We do not recommend playing online with installed eShop NSP games without a valid ticket, as this WILL lead to a console ban without a doubt.
  • Add low battery reconfiguration on bootup
    Some users were having battery issues after playing around with Switch Linux custom payload. This fixes the "battery desync" issue every time you boot your switch. If you weren't use Switch Linux there's nothing to worry, otherwise; enjoy your penguins AND enjoy your horizon OS!
  • Hide OSX Temp files in game selection menu
    If you were pestered by bogus entries in the game selection menu chances are high this is because you are using OSX (and Finder). We simply hide those files from the menu now. All cleaned up!
  • Removed eMMC password lock
    It seems a perfectly safe and easily reversible hacker challenge we put in place for aspiring hackers has been blown out of proportion. We are sad to see so many false claims on the internet and to avoid any further false accusations and 'fake news' we decided to get rid of it. Namaste.
  • Added Card2 support
    A small dozen (currently released) games were not compatible with SX OS, we tracked down these incompatibilities with these so-called "CARD2" games and fixed them. You can now fully enjoy `Sushi Striker' and other games!
  • Added downgraded fuse support
    In v1.1 we added a protection against programming fuses. What was not added was a bypass for the "fuse checks", this has now been addressed. Advanced users who want to enjoy "downgraded" firmwares can now do so!
  • Improved homebrew compatibility
    Without going into complicated details, homebrew compatibility has been improved once again. Give your problem homebrew titles another spin, and let us know if any problems remain. We're sure this should be a big improvement.
  • Improved homebrew compatibility
    We've had reports of some homebrew not running at full speed or not working at all, these issues have been resolved. As you're probably aware, you can enjoy homebrew with SX OS for FREE! (without a license)
  • Added fuse burn protection
    Some people are worried about burning their consoles' fuses, preventing downgrades and possibly hindering upcoming emuNAND support. To put these minds at ease we now prevent these fuses from burning.
  • Support user cert in XCI
    To play online your game (XCI) files need to have a unique certificate embedded. We now properly emulate these certificates, so dumps that have them embedded will be able to play online! Beware though, it is *not* advised to share a certificate with multiple people. Your best option is to make a backup of your own cartridges for the games that you want to play online. A way to do this currently is using WAIN v0.0.3, which can be found here.
Initial release.
Last edited by Devin,


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2017
New York City
United States
While I agree there is nothing wrong with providing certain updates for SX OS via new threads, I would just like to add one more example of where another CFW had a thread locked despite providing an update:
There's no practical reason why this CFW would need two threads or a separate thread with every new announcement, please continue the discussion in the on-going thread here.
While this thread detailed a progress update for the yet-to-release ReiNX, I think Foxi4 makes a good point in general about the nature of making new threads for every announcement.

Regardless, I still favor Devin's idea for making an SX OS mega thread that details all of its updates and where future discussions should take place so a new discussion does not have to take place in the thread detailing a new update. If the staff is alright with making a thread such as that, I would not only gladly post it myself but keep it as up-to-date as possible.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
@Darth Meteos implying that this call to hold hands or whatever the hell is going to do anything is crazy. You want to do something? Get the mods to warn people who keep filling up every topic with the same thing over and over and over again.
That's a very good way to get actual developers off the site, or perhaps off the scene, though temp shilling TX is already causing a bit of that.

good points have already been made but since you are asking questions:

  • Why does TX get a new thread every time there's an update? because someone posts properly formatted news articles for us
  • While keeping people up-to-date is important, other CFWs don't get new threads made every time there is a new feature/update. We encourage anyone to post articles for those updates and you can be sure they will hit the front page.
  • Also how many times do those features/updates of other CFWs make the front-page? Not often enough, which is why we are working on improving our coverage of scene news. We have repeatedly asked our current magazine staff to focus on scene news rather than gaming news but they are unfortunately not familiar enough with the homebrew/hacking scene to be able to post. We have identified someone who can help though, expect the first article in the coming days :)
  • Isn't GBATemp supposed to be unaffiliated with TX and all other hacking teams? We are not affiliated with them
  • Why play favoritism with SX OS updates only? We do not play favoritism with them, look at the other answers. You don't need to believe there is some kind of elaborate plot to... to what exactly? lol
  • Why isn't there a main TX thread? Because we believe new SX udpates often bring out cool new functionalities. We don't want to reduce the number of articles on our home page, rather we would like to increase it so people have more reading material. The fact that for now only SX updates are covered IS a problem, which we are trying to address (see my other answers).
  • All of the other free and open-source CFWs have one thread dedicated to them where all updates and downloads are provided. Why have multiple different threads containing discussions for each individual update? What if a user wanted to know what each update added? We would love it if the authors could post articles about updates, we would instantly move them to our home page. We have already said so before and there is a notice message indicating so when you create a new thread in the Switch areas. We know it can be bothersome to post articles so like I said we are working with someone to start reporting on those project updates.
  • While GBATemp does condone people providing opinions on TX and other CFW, This is incorrect.
  • such discussions usually derail the topic of most, if not all, threads detailing an update for SX OS. Why not make a thread for people to discuss their various opinions on SX OS as well as other CFW for the Switch? There is a thread for the GPL licenses that TX may have violated but that doesn't cover people's subjective opinions on the CFWs themselves. If there was a thread for people to discuss such issues, would it have an effect on the discussion that takes place in future SX OS threads? I don't know how to answer that question, is there even a question? If you want to make a thread, then make a thread. It is up to the community to decide whether they want to use your thread for discussion or not.

> Why does TX get a new thread every time there's an update? because someone posts properly formatted news articles for us

temp got into google news and is too lazy to do their own research and write their own articles? wow.

> Because we believe new SX udpates often bring out cool new functionalities. We don't want to reduce the number of articles on our home page, rather we would like to increase it so people have more reading material. The fact that for now only SX updates are covered IS a problem, which we are trying to address (see my other answers).

v1.7, v1.8 and v1.9 were bugfixes released in 3 days, none of them were really relevant to people except maybe v1.9 (which was finally free of major bugs), but v1.7 and v1.8 were instantly frontpaged anyways (without temp checking their claims), just like anything else garyopa (they're tx btw) posts.

You're allowing advertisement of stolen work being sold for money (with the victims being your very own users), you're defending it, you're not checking the claims and you're not writing your own articles.

In the end I've concluded that GBATemp news is less credible than The Onion (as onion at least tells you what they're doing), and judging by messages left here by staff (incl. you), there's no plans to fix that.
Last edited by AveSatanas,
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Persona Secretiva Felineus
Global Moderator
Jan 7, 2014
Another World
It's not really a surprise that warez enabling stuff gets promoted to the front page, considering that a vast majority of users looking at GBAtemp are looking for ways to play pirated games.

Just like how flashcards and modchips get a lot of attention. I do agree that homebrew release news are lacking, but other than that, the forum itself is there for this very reason.

One may point out shady stuff regarding what is being sold, but honestly it's expected for devices letting you run games for "free".
I don't think the "shilling" (or whatever the term used) will end anytime soon, because this is what I expect from GBAtemp. News posts, especially those related to hacking, or to be specific, easy piracy enabling stuff. Remember when scene releases had their own news every day? Or when GBAtemp was used to host ROMs? Things have changed, and it's obvious that they do their best to stay in the legality of things now.

Once the scene grows even bigger, I'm pretty certain more news will get posted. Complete, or very advanced projects usually hit the front page.
Say for example Atmosphere becomes 1.0, first release to public, it definitely will be newsworthy.
Same for huge milestone, for example an N64 emulator. Heck even the WiiU had it when PPSSPP was ported to it, and took many people by surprise.

Anyway, that's my own opinion on it, and I understand the reasons behind OP's post and many replies in here. It's not easy to please everyone, I'm adraid.
Last edited by VinsCool,


"Local Hardware Wizard"
Aug 17, 2009
The Nexus
United States
> Why does TX get a new thread every time there's an update? because someone posts properly formatted news articles for us

temp got into google news and is too lazy to do their own research and write their own articles? wow.

> Because we believe new SX udpates often bring out cool new functionalities. We don't want to reduce the number of articles on our home page, rather we would like to increase it so people have more reading material. The fact that for now only SX updates are covered IS a problem, which we are trying to address (see my other answers).

v1.7, v1.8 and v1.9 were bugfixes released in 3 days, none of them were really relevant to people except maybe v1.9 (which was finally free of major bugs), but v1.7 and v1.8 were instantly frontpaged anyways (without temp checking their claims), just like anything else garyopa (they're tx btw) posts.

You're allowing advertisement of stolen work being sold for money (with the victims being your very own users), you're defending it, you're not checking the claims and you're not writing your own articles.

In the end I've concluded that GBATemp news is less credible than The Onion (as onion at least tells you what they're doing), and judging by messages left here by staff (incl. you), there's no plans to fix that.

"temp got into google news and is too lazy to do their own research and write their own articles? wow."

It's like you cherry picked points to go on without referencing or acknowledging the other ones Costello made. Reporters do an excellent job of posting current gaming news so to say that they're too lazy to do research and write their own articles is just a terrible slap to the face. Unless something has changed from when I was Magazine staff, they're volunteers who post articles in their spare time.

We have repeatedly asked our current magazine staff to focus on scene news rather than gaming news but they are unfortunately not familiar enough with the homebrew/hacking scene to be able to post. We have identified someone who can help though, expect the first article in the coming days.

"v1.7, v1.8 and v1.9 were bugfixes released in 3 days, none of them were really relevant to people except maybe v1.9 (which was finally free of major bugs), but v1.7 and v1.8 were instantly frontpaged anyways (without temp checking their claims), just like anything else garyopa (they're tx btw) posts."

Version 1.7 introduced 6.0 firmware support. Which I would say is a relevant/big update for most users as I'm sure the 6.0 firmware will be dropping soon.
Version 1.8 was just a bug fix for the 6.0 firmware support. SX OS not working on exfat formatted cards. Which from seeing your posts in the other thread still wasn't complete. (Some issue with the web applets crashing the system? IIRC.)
Version 1.9 finally fixed the issue with 6.0 firmware. Added the ability to update SX OS solely from the OS itself and increased FTP speeds/stability.

I'm in total agreement that version 1.8's changelog didn't justify a front page post due (Fixing a bug that shouldn't have been there if proper testing was done on the 1.7 update? Eh.) but at the same time I do believe that updates 1.7 as well as 1.9 brought enough content to the table to justify a front page post.

GBATemp is what I've read is at least trying to improve the diversity of front page articles regarding updates for other Switch CFWs instead of just shrugging you all off. Time will tell if it's just talk or if there actually be a change. (Again from my post earlier, I personally don't keep track of the progress of every CFW available for the Switch. From what I've gathered from reading your posts in other threads you seem pretty into the scene, have there been a significant improvements in other release CFWs? ReiNX looks like it was doing pretty awesome things with creating a toolkit but that has yet to be released IIRC.) I know there's a lot of hate for Team Xecuter but at the same time there are users that genuinely like "their" product and will want to see news about updates when they visit the site. That doesn't justify what they have/have not done but articles/threads being posted about SX OS updates aren't going to stop.

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