[UPDATE] 'The Last of Us Part II' leaks hint to major spoilers

tlous ii.jpg

Naughty Dog's highly anticipated The Last of Us Part II has been delayed until further notice due to logistics issues resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. The good news is development is nearly done but the bad news is we don't know when the game will actually get released. However, this has not deterred leakers from spoiling the game before it is even made publicly available.

Over the weekend, several YouTube videos were uploaded claiming to contain major spoilers of the game. Despite the original videos being taken down, others are popping up and will likely continue doing so for the foreseeable future in some form or another (this video is working at the time of writing). The leaks appear to come from internal builds dating from February/March of this year. They reveal Ellie's and Joel's roles in the game, its overall plot with a level list and there's what appears to be a divisive ending that has some questioning whether they will buy the game.

Naughty Dog has not yet responded to those leaks, but they seem to be credible to some extent, given the high fidelity and recognizable voices within those leaks.

Did you check out the leaks? What do you think? If not, will you wait for a proper release before indulging into the game?


Naughty Dog just shared a statement on Twitter, confirming the authenticity of the leaks, sharing their disappointment and asking those who have seen the leaks to not spoil it for others.


In a statement to GamesIndustry.biz, Sony confirmed today, May 1st, that they identified those responsible for the leaks and that the matter is still under investigation. They further stated that the leakers "were not affiliated with Sony Interactive Entertainment or Naughty Dog", despite rumors claiming otherwise.


It seems that those responsible for the leaks were hackers who took advantage of a vulnerability in a security patch from Naughty Dog's previous games to access the company's servers. This was claimed by a Twitter user who was in contact with someone who is "a direct source of this compromise" but not the actual leaker, as it seems another party with knowledge of the exploit, possibly from the original hackers, proceeded with the leaks. This claim was corroborated separately by Kotaku and former Kotaku employee Jason Schreier. You can read the full sequence of events as claimed by the Twitter user from their thread.

Last edited by Prans, , Reason: Added new info about vulnerability found by hackers


I Won year sub Edge mag 1996 hot topic digitiser
Mar 10, 2019
United Kingdom
Yeah it's totally gonna get game of the year. It's not like there's already been a ton of backlash over what's been revealed in the leaks or anything.

The game's going to be a bland mediocre "female empowerment" revenge fantasy. Stuff like that is garbage that panders to the most brain-dead of snowflakes.

Too bad the people they're trying to pander to probably won't be interested in playing or buying the game. Maybe it's a good thing they don't develop Crash Bandicoot anymore and gave up on Jak and Daxter (hell, they made it bad enough by making Jak II a GTA clone).

I didn't even like the first The Last of Us, but even I think the sequel isn't doing a single thing right. I'm not commenting any spoilers because I don't want to get a temp ban, but let's say a certain outcome for a character is very poorly written and just serves as a catalyst for what's going to be a very mediocre power revenge fantasy by some delusional idiot who thinks that she knows what the fans want.

A certain lead character of TLOU2 shouldn't exist and their background is the kind of sad backstory an edgy middle school kid would give their self insert mary Sue OC, and it's just as poorly written (seriously you can't just take the most miniscule points from the previous story and make it the entire basis for the sequel, that's just poor writing).

I feel bad for the hardworking talent developers who had to waste their time developing something written by people with the prowess of a 12-year-old edgelord on Adderall.

And I'm like 90% certain you're a troll, because almost every post I've seen from you seems to be inflammatory, so I try not to take anything you say too seriously.
hardly anyone wil listen to you as for saying you didnt even like the first game - im looking forward to what the story is about and i couldnt giv a cows arse if its about female empowerment as you kno its about having variety and these things go on in real life-and what we do kno is the game wil sel shitloads and get 9s and 10s so congrats naughty dog
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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2014
hardly anyone wil listen to you as for saying you didnt even like the first game - im looking forward to what the story is about and i couldnt giv a cows arse if its about female empowerment as you kno its about having variety and these things go on in real life-and what we do kno is the game wil sel shitloads and get 9s and 10s so congrats naughty dog

I don't know about the sales numbers, I personally hope it'll bomb hard because I as TLoU fan am really disappointed by the direction the story and the characters were forced, but it most certainly is going to get >90 metascore, because the majority of gaming journalists will either shit their pants too much to give that game a bad score that it deserves, or are huge soya consumers.

I'm really surprised how a conservative company like Sony greenlit this kind of thing. It seems like they have lost control of their first party studio. Some heads will roll after TLoU2 won't meet it's financial goals, and I'd really love to see Druckmann disappear, even though that probably won't happen.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2015
Sony doesn't care about anybody's politics, not even their own. Their principles will evaporate in the face of money, and TLOU2 was a big payday.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2018
You can hear the soylent in Druckmann's voice as he explains why females in a game should not be sexy.
Insane that the game gets destroyed by one man. There wasn't anything wrong (or sexy) with the first game.. unless you find swollen deformed zombies that spray spore and bleed on every part of their body sexy..

You have a little girl running around with her adopted father, all bad ass killing zombies, and people and swearing, and is the cure to all mankind. You take that away and replace it with a transvestite seeking revenge as part of a religious group for an unknown character in the first game. How does that story even connect to the original..

I don't understand this trash. There's no flow from the first story to the second, and that's why it will fail.
Last edited by DinohScene,


Oct 5, 2019
I personally wouldn't call the game trash, but I also didn't find the first to be a particularly amazing game from a gameplay perspective, like so many others do. I think it's a great story, and makes for a great cinematic experience, but in terms of being a super fun game that I'm compelled to come back to play again, that feeling just doesn't really exist for me.
100% agreed and honestly I don't know why isn't this opinion more popular. I played it in 2018 so I wasn't blinded by all the hype surrounding the game on release. Atmosphere, world building, music and especially the story are wonderful, the ending is perfect for this story IMO but... The gameplay is unpolished, unbalanced and repetitive. I don't get how is this game so praised when the gameplay is so bad, the rest is excellent and well deserved though.


Professional Nintendo Hater
Aug 1, 2019
United States
9.1 metacritic hahahaha take tht
OOT was rated 99 on metacritic, and that has a pretty bad story (well not really that the story is bad, but the presantation is horrible). Your point?
IDK why Playstation fans get so excited over story driven 3rd person games. idk about you but those games wouldve worked so much better if they were just movies.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
United States
OOT was rated 99 on metacritic, and that has a pretty bad story (well not really that the story is bad, but the presantation is horrible). Your point?
IDK why Playstation fans get so excited over story driven 3rd person games. idk about you but those games wouldve worked so much better if they were just movies.

To be fair, most the ratings for the original OoT on metacritic were dug up from when the game was released. OOT was a game-changer back then, nothing like that had yet been done in a 3D space, so it was very impressive. Had the game come out around when TLoU did, it likely wouldn't have scored quite as high, though it would have still scored well though all the same as it is still a solid and fun game, even if it is a bit dated at this point. As it is, OoT 3D was really only an improvement to the original in nearly every way and it rated lower at 94 (which is obviously still really good, as at the end of the day, it is still a solid and well-rounded experience through and through).


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2015
hardly anyone wil listen to you as for saying you didnt even like the first game - im looking forward to what the story is about and i couldnt giv a cows arse if its about female empowerment as you kno its about having variety and these things go on in real life-and what we do kno is the game wil sel shitloads and get 9s and 10s so congrats naughty dog
Or I have independent thought and don't think the first game is masterpiece because I was told to.

The first game was shit. The game is incredibly predictable. Go to the Fireflies last known location. Oh they're not there? Go to the next one. Oh, they're not there either? How surprising. Be sure to spend the next 14 hours or so following them around only for them not to be there. What's sad is that side characters like Tommy were more interesting than Joel or Ellie. Joel's basically an irredeemable edgy asshole until near the very end of the game, and Ellie is no better initially, the difference is that Ellie is shown to gradually calm down and care about Joel whereas Joel's character development is a lot more sudden and poorly implemented. I've played through the first game twice, I wouldn't do it again. The second time was to see if I'd like it any better than the first time, but nope, it's the same predictable garbage. The beginning of the game should've been shown as a flashback later on too, instead of being the intro and then having it skip to where the actual story starts. The game makes the mistake of doing what films have to do and telling us things to establish instead of building up and showing us development. Films have to do this because they have to squeeze an unholy amount of story into 2 hours, whereas a book can actually show us stuff over time because it's not a short visual medium. A game is a very long visual medium, so they can absolutely do the character and story development you expect in books. The Last of Us is a game that really wants to be a generic zombie movie, so they tell and don't show, because they're taking their inspiration for story telling from movies and trying to make the game cinematic.

There's barely any reason for The Last of Us to exist in the first place. It was Naughty Dog's attempt to cash in on the zombie craze at the ass end of it, along with the incredibly basic "Human bad" message that a pseudo intellectual teenager could come up with (that's why villains in stories like this are always psychotic scumbags instead of realistic people that are just doing what they need for their group to get by, the average idiot won't be impressed by a story about morality not always being black and white, that's half my problem with stories like this, they try to be deep and push the "man is the real monster" narrative, despite the fact that it's about as deep as an empty kiddie pool). The Last of Us 2 has even less reason, as it adds nothing to the original story and is just a half ass attempt to cash in on the original game's name. The message behind this one is just as shallow and poorly written as the first game, this time it's "revenge bad", and that's really all I can say without spoiling it. It's like asking a kid why lying is bad. They'll say something like "It hurts people" but they don't know why, they only know they were told it's bad and hurts people. The writing in this series is as shallow as a child's understanding of morality.

The reason Resident Evil does so well and has been around for two decades is because the writers know how make a game with an enjoyable story that doesn't get preachy at the most basic topics. A simple enjoyable story is much better than a boring story that tries unsuccessfully be deep.

And this the exact type of comment I'm talking about being inflammatory, "hurr durr nobody will listen because you no like the first one" and essentially saying ham fisted virtue signaling is good because it's adds variety. And if the game gets 9/10 or 10/10 that just shows people are right about reviews of major titles giving high scores away because they can't go against the hype.

Honestly I'm surprised you haven't been banned yet, since at least 90% of what I've seen from you is just flaming. How about you leave the discussion about the writing of the game to adults who cam actually for their own opinions and go back to 4chan or whatever other cesspool you crawled out of.
Last edited by RedBlueGreen,

Deleted User

What I'm thinking about the leaks ? ....
The game seemed to be finished, and if that is true that it got delayed only due to covid then well done for the leaks. Stop thinking about money. I don't even care about the story or what happen with that girl or joey.
It's like movies (007?) delayed because of covid. Hope they lose the records and never find them again.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2006
I think this has Bs all over it. If I was a hacker I would share files not videos. Plus I would look for their next project, not an ending of a game


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2015
I think this has Bs all over it. If I was a hacker I would share files not videos. Plus I would look for their next project, not an ending of a game
It's a lot safer to leak a story summary and videos. Leaking files would likely get them into more trouble. This way, they'll just get in trouble for hacking, but uploading copyrighted files would likely get them into a serious copyright infringement suit, on top of getting in trouble for hacking.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2015
It doesn't really matter how the leaks came about. Whether you believe the leaker or the company, both have the capacity and motivation to lie and there's no way for outsiders like us to prove it in either case. The parts that matter, the content of the leaks and Naughty Dog's documented history of crunch culture are separate matters, both of which are confirmed.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2015
Or I have independent thought and don't think the first game is masterpiece because I was told to.

The first game was shit. The game is incredibly predictable. Go to the Fireflies last known location. Oh they're not there? Go to the next one. Oh, they're not there either? How surprising. Be sure to spend the next 14 hours or so following them around only for them not to be there. What's sad is that side characters like Tommy were more interesting than Joel or Ellie. Joel's basically an irredeemable edgy asshole until near the very end of the game, and Ellie is no better initially, the difference is that Ellie is shown to gradually calm down and care about Joel whereas Joel's character development is a lot more sudden and poorly implemented. I've played through the first game twice, I wouldn't do it again. The second time was to see if I'd like it any better than the first time, but nope, it's the same predictable garbage. The beginning of the game should've been shown as a flashback later on too, instead of being the intro and then having it skip to where the actual story starts. The game makes the mistake of doing what films have to do and telling us things to establish instead of building up and showing us development. Films have to do this because they have to squeeze an unholy amount of story into 2 hours, whereas a book can actually show us stuff over time because it's not a short visual medium. A game is a very long visual medium, so they can absolutely do the character and story development you expect in books. The Last of Us is a game that really wants to be a generic zombie movie, so they tell and don't show, because they're taking their inspiration for story telling from movies and trying to make the game cinematic.

There's barely any reason for The Last of Us to exist in the first place. It was Naughty Dog's attempt to cash in on the zombie craze at the ass end of it, along with the incredibly basic "Human bad" message that a pseudo intellectual teenager could come up with (that's why villains in stories like this are always psychotic scumbags instead of realistic people that are just doing what they need for their group to get by, the average idiot won't be impressed by a story about morality not always being black and white, that's half my problem with stories like this, they try to be deep and push the "man is the real monster" narrative, despite the fact that it's about as deep as an empty kiddie pool). The Last of Us 2 has even less reason, as it adds nothing to the original story and is just a half ass attempt to cash in on the original game's name. The message behind this one is just as shallow and poorly written as the first game, this time it's "revenge bad", and that's really all I can say without spoiling it. It's like asking a kid why lying is bad. They'll say something like "It hurts people" but they don't know why, they only know they were told it's bad and hurts people. The writing in this series is as shallow as a child's understanding of morality.

The reason Resident Evil does so well and has been around for two decades is because the writers know how make a game with an enjoyable story that doesn't get preachy at the most basic topics. A simple enjoyable story is much better than a boring story that tries unsuccessfully be deep.

And this the exact type of comment I'm talking about being inflammatory, "hurr durr nobody will listen because you no like the first one" and essentially saying ham fisted virtue signaling is good because it's adds variety. And if the game gets 9/10 or 10/10 that just shows people are right about reviews of major titles giving high scores away because they can't go against the hype.

Honestly I'm surprised you haven't been banned yet, since at least 90% of what I've seen from you is just flaming. How about you leave the discussion about the writing of the game to adults who cam actually for their own opinions and go back to 4chan or whatever other cesspool you crawled out of.
Im curious on what game you consider the perfect adventure game.


Professional Nintendo Hater
Aug 1, 2019
United States
To be fair, most the ratings for the original OoT on metacritic were dug up from when the game was released. OOT was a game-changer back then, nothing like that had yet been done in a 3D space, so it was very impressive. Had the game come out around when TLoU did, it likely wouldn't have scored quite as high, though it would have still scored well though all the same as it is still a solid and fun game, even if it is a bit dated at this point. As it is, OoT 3D was really only an improvement to the original in nearly every way and it rated lower at 94 (which is obviously still really good, as at the end of the day, it is still a solid and well-rounded experience through and through).
You're helping my point tho- OOT was a game that changed and redefined the industry, and the Last of us is just a wannabe movie. The story is probably really good, no doubt- but if that's the case, why not just make it a sony-published movie?! The only praise i hear from the game is how the story and character development, world building, etc is all so good- and if youre going to be putting all the effort into the story why bother making it a video game??? OOT put emphasis and effort on everything- the music, atmosphere, gameplay (ESPECIALLY the gameplay), character designs, etc. That's a game justified to be... well, a video game. Last of us has no excuse to not be a novel or a movie, really. Even telltale games have more of an excuse, since they have the player make different choices throughout the game. Maybe i dont understand because i haven't played the game yet.
Last edited by 64bitmodels,


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2015
There's absolutely no reason not to have a polished world and story in your video game(s) if the genre allows for it. It's not even a question of "why have this?", it's a question of "do people want this?". Overwhelmingly the answer is yes.

Deleted User

Let's get this thread back on topic, please.

If you don't like the game, fantastic, please leave the people that do alone and stop derailing the thread with asinine remarks. Any further irrelevant comments will result in a warning and anyone posting spoilers will receive an IP ban.

Let me be real with you dawg. This is a VERY well known publicly accessible forum, expect people to discuss their enjoyment or distain for the topic at hand. This isn't the Reee-seteta forums. I agree with squashing unmarked spoilers though, people shouldn't need to be told to hide spoilers.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
United States
not everyone wants to spend 200-300 dollars on a gaming system, and then spend and other 60 just to have an experience that's equivalent to one they could have at a cinema.

Sure, but all the same, video games are now the most profitable form of media in the world, over movies, television, music, and books. If a story can be told in video game form, it likely will be in the best interest from a profit standpoint to try and release it on that format (so long as it can work as a video game anyway).
Last edited by MikaDubbz,


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
all those dumb enough to think it should be in bargain bin then why play the game at all - yr not worthy of playing it so save yr pennies for something else

You can play games for different reasons. You can enjoy a perfectly crafted world for the detail and exploration even if there is a non-story or the story is minimal (BOTW i am looking at you), you can play a game simply because of fun gameplay not caring about the story (a good percentage of games have stories that serve the gameplay) and you can 'endure' a mediocre game or just play an ok or good enough game simply because of the story and the characters.

Last of us was one of those games that many people fell in love with the story, the characters and the dynamic between them. It is not dumb at all, to wait for the game to end up in the bargain bin (where it will no doubt end if all the leaks are true) before buying it, as people know they might enjoy the gameplay, but are afraid with what they see so far and/or prefer to punish the company by not giving them their money. Many people choose to see some movies at home or on rental rather than the cinema. How is that wrong? It is 'their' money, not yours. You feel ok spending £60 on this - fine, go ahead. Nobody is going to police you.

Personally, i am way more strong headed than most people and if i decide to not play a game for some reason, i simply don't. I hardly get any FOMO. But my main problem with not wanting to play LOU2 other than the dreadful story (if leaks are true) is that i do not want the company to pocket any money out of forced SJW (or another) agenda and for abusing their staff. The turnover is 70% and many key people quit and even THEY do not want the game to be financially successful. I am a developer myself and i hate the crunch, i will not reward a company forcing 24H shifts with my cash.

If i could experience the game for free or as a rental or for £5, or even better, as a used copy, i would, so i can have a spherical and complete opinion of it, without the company making a single $. However, with the leaks being what they are (and if true) i would not even spend £1 on it.

Stop being so salty about people having other priorities than being Sony or Naughty Dog fanboys. I did love the first one and i did love the rest of their games BUT you have to understand, that PEOPLE make the companies. Their creatives. Not the mastermind alone. When the actual creative juices go, games go down the drain. Happened to many companies, Rare included. Naughty dog needs to understand they are not faultless and they are not gods. If they go wrong (as it seems so far), they 'should' see it in the sales, just like they saw in the sales how good the first game was.

You cannot be happy for good sales of the first, then be salty about people moaning about not buying the second. People vote with their wallets. Companies seem to forget that every now and then. Hopefully, (again, if leaks are true) ND will get a nice reminder.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

hardly anyone wil listen to you as for saying you didnt even like the first game - im looking forward to what the story is about and i couldnt giv a cows arse if its about female empowerment as you kno its about having variety and these things go on in real life-and what we do kno is the game wil sel shitloads and get 9s and 10s so congrats naughty dog

They are already covering up for them after the leaks and the mismanagement of staff and the crunch, i mean if you do not mind the story being what it is, i do not see why it shouldn't get a 9 for gameplay, but it is still a story driven game and that should be factored in. However i do work in media and i can agree with you already that metacritic scores will be a GOTY score and it will probably get a GOTY and lots of awards for whatever crap they come up with, like diversity awards or whatever but in the heart of most people... that is the real score. When you see big differences between media and people scores, you know something is adrift.
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