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Personal Blogs
Well the main news is in the title. When I had some free time in May (these days it feels like a rarity) I got the chance to do a week of streams and I qualified for the Affiliate program. Email never came though, at least not until three days ago (after a couple of support tickets), so now I'm...
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Personal Blogs
Almost five years since the last entry here. In relative time, anyway. And I just so happen to be writing it when the local clocks shift forwards an hour. I just wanted to advertise the fact that I'm going to try out streaming on Twitch at and potentially on YouTube Gaming...
So, I've got a big laser now. And a slightly smaller one too. Also, this is the third anniversary of my TARDIS exploding. And Amy and Rory's third anniversary. I still miss them sometimes. Oh well.
It's still based on the same model, so it isn't a radical upgrade yet. I've also taken to using my Chameleon Arch as an actual watch, when it isn't storing my consciousness. And y u no read my last blog?
Well, the EU release date of Gravity Rush was officially today according to Sony's website, although the places nearby are only selling after the 15th for some infantile reason, so I had to jump forward and buy it on the 16th (could've done the 15th but I like Saturdays). To be fair, you'd think...
Alright, I've decided I'd let you know again that I'm back, but from the proper position in time so it lines up with your way of doing things. Well, I'm back, anyway. :creep: Edit from future me: includes more information, including the fact I...
Starting from tomorrow I've been away for a while. It was good, actually. I don't always look forward to the occasion until it happens (or backward, after/before it happens, whatever) and I do enjoy it while I'm there. It's illogical not to enjoy something if you have little option anyway. Not...
Hit two blue pips already. :mellow: Seems quick. (ProtoKun7 levels up from GBAtemp Psycho! to GBAtemp Guru) I got to 4,000 before Rydian did, and he kind of...overtook me. :unsure: In the other Valentine's Day thread I said that I don't actually observe Valentine's Day, but I thought I should...
It arrived today; the package was on the table as I got back. :D From 0ShippingZone, by the way. Incidentally, this also marks 2 years and 2 days of being registered here. ;) Also, probably going to the cinema later. Either watching TRON: Legacy or Megamind. Maybe both.
So, um, it's 2011 now. Here, anyway. That is all. :mthr:
I was genuinely surprised that I got there before Rydian did. :unsure: Veho, raulpica, I'm catching up. :angry:
Well, uh, yeah. That's all I wanted to do. Have fun, y'all. 10th October 2010, 10:10.10. I'm so interesting. 42.
But not of me just yet. :creep: But yeah, I said I'd upload pictures of my sonic screwdriver at some point, and I'm just getting around to it now. Also, I think these are the first photos I've taken and uploaded here...
My computer has returned, exactly one month after it ceased functioning; I can now return to full power here and everywhere else! :hrth: Unfortunately, I've missed the first part of the noobflood (exactly the opposite thought to what some are probably thinking that have been here). So what else...
Title. Well, we still have a wired modem anyway, but I finally got round to buying a wireless router for it. Yay. Before last week I used a USB wireless adapter connected to my dad's computer, but he since bought a new laptop (pretty much the same model as mine, with a few differences...
I actually have 3,002 as of now, but I'm writing this anyway. No real reason otherwise.
Yes, the scourge of the 'temp has returned. I got home a few hours ago, and it's good to be back. Catching up on some of what I've missed. -Filler-
I'll be going to Cornwall for a couple of weeks (12 days actually), so I'll be away from here for a bit. To be honest, I'm not entirely looking forward to it, but my logic is that if I'm going anyway I might as well try and enjoy it. If it's at all possible amongst the celebration, I was going...
For one thing, earlier my hay fever really started acting up. It used to be that my eyes would be very itchy and I'd sneeze occasionally, but now I sneeze much more and I can't stop my nose running half the time. It only lasted for a little while though, maybe a couple of hours. I ordered a car...

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  • Meeting M (fiction/story 5)
    I love your "completely fictional" Story...yes,really,i do because it is really,really fictional.No doubt about it.😉
  • Meeting M (fiction/story 5)
    What do you mean with this? Anis' story is about to end. One or two parts left. Can't believe it took me multiple years to write this little...
  • Meeting M (fiction/story 5)
    *stands there wordlessly and stares into space...*
  • Wedding Dress?!
    I would've done the same. The thing is most people that value these things are superficial and shallow, so they tend to go for expensive things to...
  • Dreamcast Game Mods
    Hello, I was wondering what happened to this project? I was excited to see that you planned on updating the VMU features for re 3 and recvx. I...

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    BigOnYa @ BigOnYa: I played the intro to far cry 5, that is like some crazy Jim Jones cult shit. Still its petty...