AceOfAces's Blog

It was, I think, a half-hour trip. There were two cars(there were 19 people coming, 4 of which I don't know). So at Raging Waters, we went to lots of rides. We also went to the Wave Pool, Amazon Adventure, and some playground there. We stayed there for 8 hours(amazing, amirite?) from 9AM to 5PM...
if I'm able to sell my iPod Touch 2G with 32GB for $230-280, he'll buy me an iPhone 3G[S]. But I want the iPhone 4. :( Should I try to convince my dad to buy me an iPhone 4 or should I just take the iPhone 3G[S]?
that I enjoy listening to video game music than any others. Don't laugh at my tastes, please. I googled up some sites and I found a site that gives out a shit-load of albums. I don't know if this site is legal or not, though. I also found out that if I want to download all songs at once(which I...
I just beat the five trials of FUCK YOU!- my own name for it. I collected Feather #2 after Gigan attempted to kill me. I'm going to get Feather #1 and guess who's back? GIGAN. FUCKING GIGAN. Here's a checklist of my collected items. [x] Rupee [x] Destruction Missle [x] Blue Potion [x] Lime...
After 2 weeks of masochism, I finally beat IWBTFG. Now I found out that there are secrets and being the man I am, I will go for ALL of them. Sometimes, I just hate myself. :hateit: So far, I've gotten 5 of them. I'm currently in the 5 Trials of FUCK YOU!- My own custom name. Wish me luck.
I found my PSP! It's unhacked and I don't remember what it's OFW is. I also found it's charger and luckily, it's MMCard was still inside. I found 2 games, Surf something and Indiana Jones. Has anything like this every happen to you guys?
I woke, had a sandwich, went to school, had a test, then came home. Felt depressed, got on the comp, and now I'm better. Can you guys explain your day in 2 sentences?
Hi guys, I haven't blogged in a while. Anyway, yeah, I was in Las Vegas. I stayed there for 3 days and 2 nights with my cousins at Monte Carlo. At Monte Carlo, I recognized some things and in the afternoon, I realized I've been there before. Anyway, the luckiest thing happened to us. Our...
Today at school, I had to turn in a book report. The book report was a letter to an author which had to be at least half a page. No biggie, I always do that. So, before I turned it in, I found out my teacher was going to check all of them. I got paranoid and thought I made a mistake and will get...
I'm gonna change this so people understand this better. Over-reactor: Victim Different: Suspect 1 Suspect 2: Suspect 2(He's not in the story) Me: Me Friend 1: Friend who I interact with later Friends: Group of friends who help chase down Different. So it's starts out fine on a normal 6th grade...
I've recently started and completed half some games. These games include Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, I Wanna Be The Fangame, and Sonic Adventure DX. I've completed Kingdom Hearts, Paper Mario, and Sonic Adventure DX. I'm working on I Wanna Be The Fangame...
I DO have a life btw. I'm going to try to beat this romhack, just like I beat Enigmatic Mario. I'm on the 7th level.
It's an AOC® L32W961 LCD HDTV!!! It's for me, myself, and I. I really need a new t.v. because my old, crappy Panasonic t.v. is old and crappy. It doesn't fit everything inside the screen, so something always get cut out. I had to move my Wii to the living room just to see every thing. I'm so...
My computer space. I took the picture with a crappy camera, so sorry. What do you think about my computer space?

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