dont you just love windows 10?

View attachment 112505
i waited 5 FUCKING HOURS for windows to copy the contents of my sdcard to my new one
normally i would use my laptop + solus which would take about 30mins
but i dont have access to it atm
and just now my hate for this OS has grown even more
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idk why it broke though
but i dont want to do it incase it does break again and i want to do it cuz megumin
the weeb problems i have are too great for my simple mind
just testing to make sure i didnt break it with the new perma name ignore this
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Except it’s not Windows 10’s fault. You either have a shitty SD card or something isn’t right with your computer’s SD card reader.
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Windows 10 isn't 100% perfect, but it is better than Linux. Everybody seems to be jumping on the bandwagon of Linux, saying how much better it is. I like Linux, but it isn't for everyone. it is for a very small selection of people who are willing to do everything themselves. You pay for the additional hand-holding/versatility of Windows.

Windows 10 is probably one of the better OSes that MS has released.

And in response to the OP, I would highly doubt the OS is at fault. If anything it is either the SD card, what you have done to the OS, or the hardware. You even said that it was a different computer than what you usually run on. That means that there is a plethora of different things that could have happened.

My laptop is not user-friendly when regarding Linux. It came with Win 10 and I tried using Solus, Linux Mint, Ubuntu, and plenty of others but no dice. I stuck with Windows 10 and am happy because I don't have to worry about all of the DIY and can do actual work instead of trying to figure out why this super cool notepad isn't compiling for me. In my experience, those advocating for Linux are one of a few kinds of people (ranked from most frequent to least frequent):
  1. Want to seem cool because they can set up an operating system with a few instructions.
  2. Want to seem cool because they get all of these awed looks when they say they have to compile all of the source code themselves.
  3. Are paranoid that their top secret info is gonna get sent to Big M (seriously, if you aren't doing something you shouldn't be, this shouldn't even be a problem, not to mention that you can just, ya know, limit it)
  4. Are using Linux for a legitimate purpose (such as development work) where Windows would actually be hindering their development.
TL;DR: It most likely isn't the OS itself, but something such as hardware, or even what you have done to the hardware. And stop shoving a DIY project in the face of others because the free, DIY version usually has more problems than the paid version.
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Use Teracopy if you are afraid of getting corrupt files. Or start using ECC memory, your call. No issues for me with W10 on my gaming rig. Also use a proper SD Card and SD Card Reader/Writer.
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Yeah, Windows 10 is the best OS! You know what’s even better in Win10? Updates! Only one new update every millisecond! And the last one I did only took 5 hours instead of the normal 7!
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>Windows 10 is probably one of the better OSes that MS has released.
i loved xp and 98

>If anything it is either the SD card, what you have done to the OS, or the hardware.
i have done nothing to it
i used the same usb>microsd converters i use with everything else
this is my stepdads pc and it only has this issue in win10
i used the same converters with my phone and a usbotg cable + usb splitter and it worked fine

>In my experience, those advocating for Linux are one of a few kinds of people (ranked from most frequent to least frequent):
i am 5. because i actually like linux
it does NOT overheat my laptop every 10mins
it lets me manage partitions without me having to google stuff then install more stuff (not just creation&deletion)
my hardware works properly with it
its more customisable
i can actually work on stuff with it
it doesnt assume a device is corrupt if it has a invalid partition size

>And stop shoving a DIY project in the face of others because the free, DIY version usually has more problems than the paid version.
whut? you honestly think im going to pay $70 for something i will ONLY USE ONCE FOR 10MINS THEN NEVER HAVE A USE FOR AGAIN?

edit: also the issue only happens if its external > external
ineternal > external and external > internal works fine most of the time but screws up sometimes
naa, I have ubuntu also on this drive, though it seems like most linux apps don't 32 bit support so I don't have much of a chance to use it anyway, at least windows isn't a massive pos like the os on apple pc's
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mac is even worse with stuff
but ubuntu is pretty decent
i still have a dedicated drive sitting on my desk (even though when im not using solus im usually using xubuntu)
>I loved xp and 98
That's all fine and good but Windows 10 is objectively better from a technology standpoint because it supports newer hardware that XP and 98 cannot support. Plus, Windows 10 provides updates (yes they do become a bit much at times) that provide new features/bug fixes for the end user.

>I have done nothing to it (and rest of remark)
How old is the computer? Can it handle that much reading/writing? How full is the HDD?
Windows has a lot of background processes going on in the background (granted Windows 10 seems to have these in excess) and that does play a part.
I highly doubt that the usage of the computer does not play a role in how well it performs.
If I open a brand new laptop it will, with 100% surety, copy files from a USB drive faster than a computer I have been using for years. Even if they were both manufactured at the same exact time with the same exact hardware.

>I am 5. Because I actually like linux
I believe you missed my last point which summed up the remainder (people who use linux for a legitimate purpose). However, by broadly defining Linux I am already sure that you are blindly defending yourself. You don't like Linux. You like Linux distros. All of these issues I am claiming can be addressed by Linux distros, but then you will have a Windows-esque performance.

>It does NOT overheat my laptop every 10 minutes
That is definitely a problem with your hardware and how much ventilation you are giving it. If it sits on your lap 100% of the time, it doesn't and will never have enough airflow to continually stay cool. Linux overheated my laptop every 5 minutes, and left the fans running full speed all the time.

>It lets me manage partitions ...
Nice. Playing with fire there I see. Just one screw up and it looks like your last point (>you honestly think im going to pay $70 for something I will ONLY USE ONCE FOR 10 MINS THEN NEVER HAVE A USE FOR AGAIN?) is moot because you will need something with a little more security to prevent you from screwing up again.

>its more customisable
Every operating system is customisable to a reasonable degree. You can install themes to Windows by using external tools. Sure, they aren't as easily accessible on Windows, but the options are greater.

>it doesn't assume a device is corrupt if it has an invalid partition size
hmm. Do I have a counter for this one? Oh, yeah. Everytime I put an SD card into my laptop while running Solus, it would attach a separate drive for every partition. Regardless of whether it was hidden or not. Trying to eject those partitions also resulted in error, leaving them in my file browser for eternity.

And to finish off, nobody is saying you have to use Linux, but blaming your issue on a well designed OS is kind of petty. My laptop runs Win 10 and can copy files from the SD card at ~100MB/s. This is on an HDD, not a SSD. Your problem is client side, not server side.

You also seem like on of those edgy people that use Linux for literally no reason besides liking the feel of it. You will grow out of it when you get a real job where you have to do development, and Linux is no longer suitable for everyday needs.
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usb>microsd <-- that's your problem right there. If you don't have a good connection or something that interfere the connection between the usb and microsd connector. You're SoL. All depends on how well made it is obviously, but a USB to MicroSD is never recommended. Especially if it's not just a single usb-dongle type. Those bastards can corrupt sd-cards like it's candy.
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you obviously are not understanding what i was trying to say
and i would actually love to sit here and talk about this but im in kinda a tight spot irl so if you wanna argue about this with me it will have to wait about 2 or so hours when i have more time to not care about whats going on around me (it may sound like a stupid excuse but i actually am serious and i dont really have "free" time atm but i can still continue talking about this with slower responses for about 2 hours)

>provide new features
did we need a siri clone on our desktop?

>You don't like Linux. You like Linux distros
i like linux
its open source and allows a user to fix an issue themselves instead of hoping someone else will fix it for them
and yes i do like distros too
i particularly like the solus distro because i have had no issues with it so i have no need to mess with linux anymore than i already do

>Windows-esque performance.
a windows-esque performance thats nothing like a windows-esque preformance? seriously please explain how less errors, 3x better preformance, and no nags about stupid shit that nobody cares about is windows-esque
oh? you want to turn on your computer and open a web browser? let me just auto start everything for you even though you never set any of the programs to autostart

>Nice. Playing with fire there I see. Just one screw up and it looks like your last point
1 screw up only formated my vitas memcard and it was pretty easy to recover from
and if i seriously mess something up because i somehow lost all memory of how shit works i have a live usb here
i can easily fix the issue with that
where windows you have to go buy a special disk that only reinstalls the os and doesnt allow you to attempt to fix the problem or use your device without a hdd

>Every operating system is customisable to a reasonable degree. You can install themes to Windows by using external tools. Sure, they aren't as easily accessible on Windows, but the options are greater.
>by using external tools
>aren't as easily accessible
just no
if its not the stock os itself being able to fully customise without the need for extenal crap its not real customisation

>but the options are greater.
that may be true in some aspects but it also lack the ability to truely customise (cuz is closed source) and linux also has room for stuff windows cant do by default

>hmm. Do I have a counter for this one? Oh, yeah. Everytime I put an SD card into my laptop while running Solus, it would attach a separate drive for every partition. Regardless of whether it was hidden or not. Trying to eject those partitions also resulted in error, leaving them in my file browser for eternity.
ive only had that issue in xubuntu
unless your mounting image files that are on external storage you shouldnt have that problem on solus

>Your problem is client side, not server side.
wait what?
there is no server involved in copying files offline (yes i know its a metaphor, its just a really bad use of it)

>You also seem like on of those edgy people that use Linux for literally no reason besides liking the feel of it. You will grow out of it when you get a real job where you have to do development, and Linux is no longer suitable for everyday needs.
i may be "edgy" to alot of people but i use linux because its better for me than windows
i do not like windows for work
last time i tried doing any kind of work on windows (like actual work not just checking up on things) i got extremely stressed out because of how stupid some of the stuff is
with linux its smoother and i dont get stressed out working on it because its better for me

>when you get a real job
hold on a second
so this is not a real job?
hes making ~$40000 a month just doing average weeb stuff
your saying if i started doing this it wouldnt be a real job?
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Hardware is the responsible. I had a usb to sd adapter that shat on me and corrupted my SD card.
That has nothing to do with the operating system.
everyone's saying to never move files to an sd card and rather just copy and paste but moving files to an sd card just copies them anyway
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@Eix I'll wait until we can have this discussion fully.
As to your last post, no, that is not a real job. That is somebody making money off of other's entertainment. The issue with his real job is if he keep doesn't doing stupid weeb stuff, then he will lose views, losing his job, so he has to keep getting worse and worse as a human.

Besides, I am sure he uses windows to edit the videos anyways since all of the major companies know that their biggest consumer base is in windows.
@Orangy57 Moving the files will delete the files afterwards, copying them will still keep the original files.
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"Windows 10 isn't 100% perfect, but it is better than Linux. Everybody seems to be jumping on the bandwagon of Linux, saying how much better it is. I like Linux, but it isn't for everyone. it is for a very small selection of people who are willing to do everything themselves. You pay for the additional hand-holding/versatility of Windows."

If Windows actually did additional hand-holding or was more versatile, perhaps what followed would make sense. Instead, Windows has a bad habit of presuming you want something and giving you zero direct option to do it some other way. For example, I have my Linux and Windows machine ethernet networked together, but both connect to the internet through Wifi. Except, Windows actually will try to use any/all connections for internet. So, it uses my Linux machine generally for internet because, of course, ethernet is better than wifi, right?

I ended up having to disable the IP support and then put in a custom routing rule so Windows wouldn't just randomly decide to use the network for that purpose. Oh, and because Windows will automatically decide if a network connect is public or private, that network connect is public. Which means enabling File sharing to it doesn't work unless i enable File sharing for all public networks.

Of course I could set a static IP for the Windows machine and add a rule to the Linux machine to not do NAT forwarding, but that's ridiculous. Or, I guess, the MS way, perhaps?

"Windows 10 is probably one of the better OSes that MS has released."

I don't really disagree with that. That's just not a complement. It's also a testament to how broken it is when it's so hard to change the desktop wallpaper to your image of choice. Or how MS changing the interface a third or forth time has resulted in settings being scattered all over the place. Meanwhile, Windows Update seems pretty broken on my end--although that might be a partial byproduct of Spybot Anti-Beacon.

"Are using Linux for a legitimate purpose (such as development work) where Windows would actually be hindering their development."

Yea, that's at least part of the reason I went to Linux. I stayed because at least until Powershell Windows had somewhere between a tolerable to a horrible scripting system. And the tolerable ones kept being deprecated and were only tolerable if it included something within its narrow scope of purpose. Now Powershell itself is tolerable in scope, but its syntax is pretty horrible. It's like OO Bash which is a terrible idea.

PS - If I'm wrong about the above, I'd love to know some simple workarounds. And also, I'd love to know why it's non-obvious to me since the hand-holding and versatility really seem absent.
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I have had very little issues with SD Card corruption on Windows that was related to the OS doing something stupid and not the SD card itself or the SD card reader.
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