Time travel anger.

I just got done watching a show about time travel. And I am pissed about time traveling in the past. It's NOT possible. No way no how and here is my proof.

Every moment in time, things are occurring. In order to go back to the past, you MUST have an exact snapshot of everything that is occurring at that EXACT moment. That would include every piece of information in existence. If you do not create or store this information somewhere, you did not go back into your past, you simply went into a different dimension, or parallel world.

Future time travel works fine. Although, it is not real time travel. You simply slow down time for you and watch everything else move ahead more quickly. According to the people you observe, they aged more quickly than you, but that is simply because time is relative. Massive object = time ticks slow.

Time and space being one is such a great concept, but its hard to visualize. I love stuff like this and would like to go to college for it, but there is no real marketable skill once you have learned the information. I also love quantum physics. Oh superposition you crazy bastard. And don't forget quantum entanglement. Total insanity.

Argue if you may, but my theory about past time travel is correct. If something is not 100% exactly the same in the "past" you travel to, then it is not the past, just another time line. The grandfather paradox helps as well, but I hate that. It's so obvious. If you go into the past with the intent to kill your grandfather, and succeed, then it will have already happened and you would not have traveled into the past to begin with and you would not have killed your grandfather. So, you cannot go back and kill your grandfather. Its physically impossible.


Glad someone is interested in the concept of time :D

Your theory is correct but since its time traveling that were talking about it's possible
that if some kind of crack scientist made a machine that rewinds the progressing time for everyone except the user, doesn't that make it possible to be in the past?
It's like some kind of flashback and then some more...but that would just throw the universe out of wack.
But hey...at least that snapshot theory is half-solved! :D

I don't really know, I'm just letting my imagination run wild.
Not again... oh well

everytime time travel is brought up I think of what Bill and Ted's Adventures had. The part where
"well if I lost to you I would get in my time machine and put a weapon able to let me achieve victory under this chair, long before we fought, and even if I won I would go back and put the weapon back at the same spot."
So all he did was reach under the chair and there it was!

With time travel controlled we could just "wish" something that is somewhat-kinda-less-than.000001% possible and it will happen. Like "I vow to take a future ore of mass power back in time to my 25th birthday, and bury it under the tree, for my own profit and the progress of science being sky-rocketed". Then "BAM" on my 25th birthday I look under the tree and there it is! but the 12 year old kid across the street has a crappy birthday because everyone is freaking out over you, and he notices your idea and promises to do the same thing except one year before. Then before you ever had any fame your stolen plan happens, but the kid got greedy and threw his only friend away for fame. so his friend......

right that is my point. It becomes impossible. Going back in time is not attainable. Because you would have already done so and we would already have the knowledge that someone went back in time. First thing I would do is go back and let myself know it can be done. So I would know already.

But I do think you can go back to a different point in a time line, but you will need the so-called "snapshot" like I talked about in my first post, again making it nearly inconceivable. Having that much information, I do not believe is fathomable in terms of human thinking. It may be beyond infinite.

No it was not fringe that I watched. I got tired of that show. It was Sci-Trek on the Discovery Science channel. In HD. That makes a difference. SDTV vs HDTV is different to me now...I just got my HDTV a week ago! But that is for a different blog....

So I think I just created a level of infinite beyond infinity. It does not begin nor end. Wrap your mind around that.
[quote name='yikkyon' post='2770199' date='Apr 19 2010, 11:16 PM']Glad someone is interested in the concept of time :D

Your theory is correct but since its time traveling that were talking about it's possible
that if some kind of crack scientist made a machine that rewinds the progressing time for everyone except the user, doesn't that make it possible to be in the past?
It's like some kind of flashback and then some more...but that would just throw the universe out of wack.
But hey...at least that snapshot theory is half-solved! :D

I don't really know, I'm just letting my imagination run wild.

That's what I was aiming for. Just something fun to discuss and pretend we are all educated. I don't think you can rewind time though.

If you could the amount of energy would be incomprehensible.
What about Haruhi theory?

You can go back, but you can't change the future.

It's like changing a single frame in an animation, the rest of the animation doesn't change.
Yeah, I've thought about this too and have concluded that backwards time travel is indeed impossible.
However, I read somewhere that the only exception is if you open a wormhole and travel into the future, then you could travel back to the past, but not any time before you opened the wormhole. So essentially, it's just traveling back to the present from the future.
There's a lot of research and theory done on future time travel though, my favorite is the Twin Paradox. Although I must admit, I would not want to time travel to the future without a way to come back.

What about Haruhi theory?

You can go back, but you can't change the future.
This is sort of like what happens in The Time Machine by H. G. Wells. MC travels back in time to save his wife, but she just keeps getting killed a different way.
[quote name='DeMoN' post='2770401' date='Apr 20 2010, 02:39 PM']This is sort of like what happens in The Time Machine by H. G. Wells. MC travels back in time to save his wife, but she just keeps getting killed a different way.[/quote]

I love that movie!

"So I think I just created a level of infinite beyond infinity"
Such things have been done for years: http://www.quadibloc.com/math/infint.htm

Just to be picky does "That would include every piece of information in existence" include/account for unattainable information by way of the expanding universe (see entropy death of the universe theory).

"just another time line"- a great deal of research has gone into the idea of the "observer" (you yourself mention it in passing). If indeed it is an alternative timeline* what would it matter?

*I suppose this is where your snapshop concept applies but this assumes the resulting variations in entropy across the universe have either not happened.

You argue for causality but would it apply in a parallel universe- you may not be generated in said universe but would you be removed?

You are also considering the more traditional time travel methods (faster than light/spinning black hole and what have you) but what about dimensional time travel?

Also if you want a film then http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0390384/ was pretty good.

Re marketable skill: I agree if you take it to extremes then it becomes research/academia or nothing but high level physics usually makes for some interesting skill sets as it pertains to chemistry, computing and engineering. Nothing stopping you do it on the side either as a postgrad course.
ok..., so why do you think it is impossible to travel back, but not forward? i think it's perfectly possible, for example say i wasn't happy with the way my life was at a certain point i went to change it i came back and everything in the future has changed because i changed that 1 thing in the past, haven't you watched the butterfly effect? i love that film.

also the quantum leap series, the man travels randomly back into time by leaping into different time periods according to Albert einstein's theory of time travel, do you think albert einstein is wrong too? it's obvious that you can travel back in time with a quantum leap, but the only thing you can't control with a quantum leap is where you are going in time, it's completely random.

i know where you are going with the alt reality business, there is another theory that explains this, but it does not say that you can't travel back, you still can but it won't be our future or past, so if you change anything there it won't effect our past or future.
[quote name='VashTS' post='2770169' date='Apr 20 2010, 04:58 AM']Every moment in time, things are occurring. In order to go back to the past, you MUST have an exact snapshot of everything that is occurring at that EXACT moment. That would include every piece of information in existence. If you do not create or store this information somewhere, you did not go back into your past, you simply went into a different dimension, or parallel world.[/quote]
:blink: But that could also be said for movement in space. How can you be sure a place you're going to is the same place you went to before and not another version of it from a parallel universe?
[quote name='VashTS' post='2770169' date='Apr 20 2010, 02:58 AM']Every moment in time, things are occurring. In order to go back to the past, you MUST have an exact snapshot of everything that is occurring at that EXACT moment. That would include every piece of information in existence. If you do not create or store this information somewhere, you did not go back into your past, you simply went into a different dimension, or parallel world.[/quote]
I love how you're arguing this so fervently despite the fact that neither way is possible! Also, it is possible to travel back in time if you travel faster than light, time being relative to speed, as you approach the speed of light time slows down so in theory once you reach the speed of light time stops and once you go past that then time must theoretically go backwards. Of course there is no possible way to go faster than light but its a hell of a lot more possible than your fix of creating an ENTIRE OTHER UNIVERSE!!

[quote name='VashTS' post='2770169' date='Apr 20 2010, 02:58 AM']Argue if you may, but my theory about past time travel is correct. If something is not 100% exactly the same in the "past" you travel to, then it is not the past, just another time line. The grandfather paradox helps as well, but I hate that. It's so obvious. If you go into the past with the intent to kill your grandfather, and succeed, then it will have already happened and you would not have traveled into the past to begin with and you would not have killed your grandfather. So, you cannot go back and kill your grandfather. Its physically impossible.[/quote]
Ahh the trousers of time. How I adore you. If you go back and kill your Grandfather you have presumably erased any possibly of you coming to be, creating a split timeline at that point. In order to make things consistent we could say that you fade out and return to your own timeline and continue your life with there being another universe without you in it.
I came across a nice theory in a Terry Pratchett book which basically said that everything that could possibly happen does. At every decision we make in our life there is a split depending on how mnay different options we have. There are an infinite number of these options and therefore an infinite number of minutely different universes. Its a lovely theory in my opinion.

Oh, and remember. Time is not a river, nor a pair of trousers, its more like a great big ball of wibbly wobbly timey-wimey bits. (Brits will get the reference)
[quote name='Jamstruth' post='2771163' date='Apr 20 2010, 04:36 PM']Ahh the trousers of time. How I adore you. If you go back and kill your Grandfather you have presumably erased any possibly of you coming to be, creating a split timeline at that point. In order to make things consistent we could say that you fade out and return to your own timeline and continue your life with there being another universe without you in it.
I came across a nice theory in a Terry Pratchett book which basically said that everything that could possibly happen does. At every decision we make in our life there is a split depending on how mnay different options we have. There are an infinite number of these options and therefore an infinite number of minutely different universes. Its a lovely theory in my opinion.[/quote]

I believe you are talking about The Night Watch there, absolutely classic novel, my absolute favorate pratchett novel, I believe if im remembering right that The Sweeper ( Lu-Tze ) is trying to explain why he's here, why he's looking like Keel and Quantum. Yet I digress. Yet as much fun as paradoxes with time travel are, time travel its self, with our current understanding of time, space and the universe in general is pretty much impossible. Although speaking as a novelist my self, it is a lot of fun playing around time travel and Multiverses, Some of my characters would be downright boring without time travel. Although one rule i have set my self is that a character an never go back and meet an older version of him self ( atleast not meet in a physical sence )
I think it was Jingo actually. Commander Vimes picks up the disorganiser from an alternate universe Vimes who made a few different decisions and it all gets confusing.
Lu-Tze's thing is that there is always someone witnessing everything. "If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound" is stupid because there is always someone to witness it happening otherwise, how do we know it happened?
Mate, a Physics degree is one of the best around. Top notch maths skills and ability to solve practical and theoretical problems.
[quote name='Jamstruth' post='2774119' date='Apr 21 2010, 05:21 PM']I think it was Jingo actually. Commander Vimes picks up the disorganiser from an alternate universe Vimes who made a few different decisions and it all gets confusing.
Lu-Tze's thing is that there is always someone witnessing everything. "If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound" is stupid because there is always someone to witness it happening otherwise, how do we know it happened?[/quote]

i believe the passage your thinking about is :

He drummed his fingers on the desk. In times like this, it was vital to make the right decision. That was what he was paid for. Responsibility...
He ought to stay here, and do the best he could.
But... history was full of the bones of good men who'd followed bad orders in the hope that they could soften the blow. Oh, yes, there were worse things they could do, but most of them began right where they started following bad orders.
His eyes went from Carrot to the Dis–organizer and then to the tottering mounds of paperwork on his desk.
Blow that! He was a thief–taker! He'd always be a thieftaker! Why lie?
'Damned if I'll let Ahmed get back to Klatch!' he said, standing up. 'Fast boat, was it?'
'Yes, but it looked pretty heavy in the water.'
'Then maybe we can catch it up before it goes very far––'
As he hurried forward he had, just for a second, the strange sensation that he was two people. And this was because, for the merest fraction of a second, he was two people. They were both called Samuel Vimes.
To history, choices are merely directions. The Trousers of Time opened up and Vimes began to hurtle down one leg of them.
And, somewhere else, the Vimes who made a different choice began to drop into a different future.
They both darted back to grab their Dis–organizers. By the most outrageous of freak chances, quite uniquely, in this split second of decision, they each got the wrong one.
And sometimes the avalanche depends on one snowflake. Sometimes a pebble is allowed to find out what might have happened – if only it had bounced the other way.

and the part i was thinking of was :
'Give the man a small cigar!' said Sweeper jubilantly. That's
the big problem, Mister Vimes. And the answer, our Abbot tells
us, is that it is in lots of places at once. Ah, here's the tea. And in
order for it to be in lots of places at once, the multiverse is made
up of a vast number of alternative universes. An oodleplex of
oodleplexes. That's like the biggest number anyone can think of,
ever. Just so's it can accommodate all the quantum. Am I going
too fast for you?'
'Oh, that,' said Vimes. 'I know about that. Like, you make a
decision in this universe and you made a different decision in
another one. I heard the wizards talking about that at a posh
reception once. They were... arguing about the Glorious
Twentyfifth of May.'
'And what were they saying?'
'Oh, all the old stuff... that it would have turned out different
if the rebels had properly guarded the gates and the bridges, that
you can't break a siege by a frontal attack. But they were saying
that, in a way, everything happens somewhere
'And you believed them?'
'It sounds like complete thungas. But sometimes you can't
help wondering: what would have happened if I'd done
something different-'
'Like when you killed your wife?'
Sweeper was impressed at Vimes's lack of reaction.
'This is a test, right?'
'You're a quick study, Mister Vimes.'
'But in some other universe, believe me, I hauled off and
punched you one.'
forward "time travel" is possible by slowing down your time, but it is relative to what time you are using. for example, if you go near a massive object, your time will tick more slowly than someone on the earth, thereby you can leave, sit around the massive object for a while, come back and be younger that someone on earth. you technically skipped the amount time, or" traveled" through slower than the person on earth.
We were actually talking about light in Bio yesterday, and I've always have loved the topic.

I thought of a way to make kind of a time machine, but not really.

Pretty much everyone knows how light from the sun takes ~8 minutes to reach the earth, so if the sun exploded (Or anything happened to it), we wouldn't see it for 8 minutes.

With some farther stars, it takes light 4 years to go from there to the earth. So if something happened to one of those stars, we wouldn't know for 4 years.

Basically, if we look at those stars, we are looking into the past. From our perspective, the star could be in talc, but it could be gone.

So I was thinking, if we set up something with mirrors, and made something that went out of the atmosphere, then back, it takes a while for the light to go through this thing and back. Then if it is aimed to a certain spot, when you look it in, it would just as we were looking at the sun. We would be seeing a few minutes into the past (Depending on how tall this thing is).

I understand this would be a complete waste of money, and time because we could just have a camera record whatever we want, but I found it kind of interesting.

Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong in anyway.
i've always loved the concept of time travel.

say you could possibly go back in time to an exact point, your time would be altered. you wouldn't be able to go back to "your" present, at least it'd be a miniscule chance. by simply being there you alter that "times" path. say you leave that "time" to try and go to another time, but you kick over a rock, and some person trips on it. breaks a leg, develops a hate for rock and pursues finding a way to not live on earth. something like that.

i believe in the theory of a megaverse/multiverse, where every possibilty creates a new "path". its rather cool thinking how your world would be different now if you didn't decide to go to the toilet at 10:37am yesterday.
Oh my God, they found me. I don't know how, but they found me. Run for it Marty!!!

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