100 Truths

001. Real name → Andrea (last name omitted)
002. Nickname(s) → Angi, LilDyke, tykedyke, astrangeone
003. Zodiac sign → Virgo
004. Male or female → Female
005. Elementary School → C. G. F. (figure that out!)
006. More Primary School → nope.
007. High School → L. L.
008. Hair color → brunnette with natural highlights
009. Long or short → medium length
010. Loud or Quiet → quiet
011. Sweats or Jeans → jeans
012. Phone or Camera → camera
013. Health freak → no
014. Drink or Smoke? → drink
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → yeah
016. Eat or Drink → both
017. Piercings → no...not yet!
018. Tattoos → one!

019. Been in an airplane→ yeah, many times
020. Been in a relationship→ yes
021. Been in a car accident → yes
022. Been in a fist fight → yes

023. First piercing → n/a
024. First best friend → Diane
025. First award → painting/watercolor scenes award
026. First crush → Xena/Lucy Lawless
028. First big vacation → Florida's Disney World

029. Last person you talked to → my mother
030. Last person you texted → my girlfriend
031. Last person you watched a DVD with → myself?
032. Last food you ate→ fresh peaches
033. Last movie you watched alone → Legally Blonde
034. Last song you listened to → I Like Big Butts!
035. Last thing you bought → wool yarn - 2 skeins of it, and a book on knitting...
036. Last person you hugged → myself?

037. Food → Mickey D's angus burger with bacon and cheese
038. Drinks → tea
039. Clothing → tee shirts
040. Flower → orchids
042. Colors → purple, and black, and silver
043. Movies → Speed, Rent, Kill Bill
044. Subjects → creative writing...


In 2009, I....

045. [x] kissed someone
046. [x] celebrated Halloween
047. [ ] had your heart broken
048. [x] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone (texting is cheaper, although not by much)
049. [x] someone questioned your sexual orientation (my mother! gah!)
050. [ ] came out of the closet
051. [ ] gotten pregnant
052. [ ] had an abortion
053. [X] done something you've regretted
054. [ ] broke a promise
055. [X] hid a secret
056. [ ] pretended to be happy
057. [x] met someone who changed your life
058. [ ] pretended to be sick
059. [ ] left the country
060. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
061. [X] cried over the silliest thing
062. [ ] ran a mile
063. [ ] went to the beach with your best friend(s)
064. [x] got into an argument with your friends (reminder to self = don't drink and talk)
065. [ ] hated someone
066. [ ] stayed single the whole year

067. Eating → nothing
068. Drinking → filtered water
069. I'm about to → take a dump
070. Listening to → the sounds of a plane flying over my house
071. Plans for today → repacking my stuff for university and then sleeping
072. Waiting for → mail to come
073. Want kids? → no
074. Want to get married? → yes..
075. Careers in mind → recreation therapist, laugh therapist, MADTV behind the scenes thing

076. Lips or eyes → lips
077. Shorter or taller?→ taller, any shorter than me is a problem!
078. Romantic or spontaneous → both?
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → nice arms
080. Sensitive or loud → both? (do I have high standards or what?)
081. Hook-up or relationship → relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → both?

083. Lost glasses/contacts → don't wear them...
084. Snuck out of your house → no
085. Held a gun/knife for self defense → nope
086. Killed somebody → no
087. Broken someone's heart → I think so...mostly boys...
088. Been arrested → nope
089. Cried when someone died → yeah

090. Yourself → yes
091. Miracles → nope
092. Love at first sight → yes
093. Heaven → yes
094. Santa Claus → nope.
095. Sex on the first date → yes.
096. Kiss on the first date → yes.

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → YES!
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → NO.
099. Do you believe in God → no

100. Post as 100 truths and tag 12 people

If you are reading - consider yourself tagged and reply with your replies in this thread! :D


001. Real name → God
002. Nickname(s) → Monkat
003. Zodiac sign → Tauros
004. Male or female → Male
005. Elementary School → Taylor Prairie Elementary / Cottage Grove Elementary
006. More Primary School → ...primary? Red, Blue, Yellow, bitches.
007. High School → Monona Grove High / Osbourn High
008. Hair color → Dark brownish
009. Long or short → Long
010. Loud or Quiet → Depends
011. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans
012. Phone or Camera → My phone has a camera
013. Health freak → hahaha. no. My job is to be one, though.
014. Drink or Smoke? → drink
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → haha, not exactly
016. Eat or Drink → Solids provide better nutrition through better digestion, so eat.
017. Piercings → nope!
018. Tattoos → one! More eventually.

019. Been in an airplane→ yeah, many times
020. Been in a relationship→ yes
021. Been in a car accident → no
022. Been in a fist fight → yes

023. First piercing → n/a
024. First best friend → ...friends? Me? hahaha, yeah right.
025. First award → ...awards? Me? hahaha, yeah right.
026. First crush → I have no idea. Probably someone in elementary school?
028. First big vacation → Vacation? Like summer break?

029. Last person you talked to → My girlfriend
030. Last person you texted → my girlfriend
031. Last person you watched a DVD with → other than me? My girlfriend...again
032. Last food you ate→ My girlfriend, again. (lol no - mixed nuts....it comprises most of my diet D:)
033. Last movie you watched alone → Zack and Miri Make A Porno
034. Last song you listened to → VODKA! - Korpiklaani (see rate the song above you thread)
035. Last thing you bought → ...tuition T_T so expensive...
036. Last person you hugged → my girlfriend, of course.

037. Food → A Deli's veggie sammich. It's like an orgasm in my mouth. With less semen.
038. Drinks → Orangina
039. Clothing → Nude.
040. Flower → lolwut?
042. Colors → boo! ... blue...
043. Movies → I have no idea - I never watch 'em.
044. Subjects → Foreign Languages and Computer Science


In 2009, I....

045. [x] kissed someone
046. [x] celebrated Halloween
047. [ ] had your heart broken
048. [] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone
049. [x] someone questioned your sexual orientation (my mother! gah!) - I'm leaving your note because my mom thinks I'm gay. Despite a 2 year relationship.
050. [ ] came out of the closet
051. [ ] gotten pregnant
052. [ ] had an abortion
053. [ ] done something you've regretted - No regrets, motherfucker.
054. [ ] broke a promise
055. [ ] hid a secret - What could I possibly have to hide?
056. [X] pretended to be happy - That's half my job. And life :(
057. [ ] met someone who changed your life
058. [ ] pretended to be sick
059. [X] left the country
060. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
061. [ ] cried over the silliest thing
062. [X] ran a mile
063. [ ] went to the beach with your best friend(s)
064. [ ] got into an argument with your friends (reminder to self = don't drink and talk)
065. [ ] hated someone
066. [ ] stayed single the whole year

067. Eating → lolwut?
068. Drinking → tap water in a bag.
069. I'm about to → go to bed. (WTF! "take a dump." girls don't poop, damn it!)
070. Listening to → Vodka
071. Plans for today → Uhm...sleeping. There's only 1/2 an hour left.
072. Waiting for → ....yeah
073. Want kids? → Sure as hell can't afford now, but in a couple...bunch...of years, when I can afford 'em, yeah.
074. Want to get married? → Same as last one.
075. Careers in mind → translator/interpretor

076. Lips or eyes → lips
077. Shorter or taller?→ shorter
078. Romantic or spontaneous → spontaneous - romantic means serious, and serious gets boring fast.
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → Both. I don't want bat wings or food-pockets
080. Sensitive or loud → sensitive (quiet?)....loud would get annoying fast
081. Hook-up or relationship → relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → hesitant - I wanna be the trouble maker :(

083. Lost glasses/contacts → Yep
084. Snuck out of your house → yep
085. Held a gun/knife for self defense → nope
086. Killed somebody → no...as far as you need to know...
087. Broken someone's heart → lolno
088. Been arrested → nope!
089. Cried when someone died → Men. Don't. Cry.

090. Yourself → Depends
091. Miracles → nope
092. Love at first sight → nope
093. Heaven → nope
094. Santa Claus → nope.
095. Sex on the first date → yes.
096. Kiss on the first date → yes.

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → YES!
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → NO.
099. Do you believe in God → no

100. Post as 100 truths and tag 12 people

Sorry for hijacking half your answers - we have a lot in common with yes or no questions
001. Real name → Cristóbal (last name omitted)
002. Nickname(s) → Male
003. Zodiac sign → Aquarius
004. Male or female → Male
005. Elementary School → Not telling :ninja:
006. More Primary School → nope.
007. High School → Not telling :ninja:
008. Hair color → brunnette with natural highlights :P
009. Long or short → medium length
010. Loud or Quiet → quiet
011. Sweats or Jeans → jeans
012. Phone or Camera → camera
013. Health freak → no
014. Drink or Smoke? → NONE!
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → Err... I'm not sure?
016. Eat or Drink → Eat
017. Piercings → None
018. Tattoos → None

019. Been in an airplane→ Yes
020. Been in a relationship→ No
021. Been in a car accident → No
022. Been in a fist fight → No

023. First piercing → n/a
024. First best friend → ...I don't remember, but this was like in kindergarten.
025. First award → ...I don't remember either.
026. First crush → It's a secret.
028. First big vacation → Florida's Disney World

029. Last person you talked to → my mother
030. Last person you texted → Nobody because texting sucks.
031. Last person you watched a DVD with → myself
032. Last food you ate→ Pureed apples
033. Last movie you watched alone → Mission Impossible 4 :ninja:
034. Last song you listened to → 575!
035. Last thing you bought → A snicker.
036. Last person you hugged → Myself? :wtf:

037. Food → Pizza
038. Drinks → tea
039. Clothing → Trench coats :ninja:
040. Flower → Roses
042. Colors → Green
043. Movies → Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Ponyo
044. Subjects → Art!


In 2009, I....

045. [ ] kissed someone
046. [X] celebrated Halloween
047. [ ] had your heart broken
048. [X] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone (texting is cheaper, although not by much)
049. [ ] someone questioned your sexual orientation (my mother! gah!)
050. [ ] came out of the closet
051. [ ] gotten pregnant
052. [ ] had an abortion
053. [X] done something you've regretted
054. [ ] broke a promise
055. [X] hid a secret
056. [X] pretended to be happy
057. [ ] met someone who changed your life
058. [X] pretended to be sick
059. [ ] left the country
060. [ ] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
061. [X] cried over the silliest thing
062. [X] ran a mile
063. [ ] went to the beach with your best friend(s)
064. [X] got into an argument with your friends
065. [X] hated someone
066. [X] stayed single the whole year

067. Eating → Nothing
068. Drinking → Apple juice
069. I'm about to → Pee
070. Listening to → The TV and perfume's 575
071. Plans for today → The day is almost ending here so just using the comp :P
072. Waiting for → Tomorrow
073. Want kids? → Not ATM
074. Want to get married? → Not ATM
075. Careers in mind → Too many, I hate being so indecise...

076. Lips or eyes → lips
077. Shorter or taller?→ taller/shorter
078. Romantic or spontaneous → both?
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → nice stomach?
080. Sensitive or loud → what?
081. Hook-up or relationship → relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → ???

083. Lost glasses/contacts → don't wear them...
084. Snuck out of your house → no
085. Held a gun/knife for self defense → nope
086. Killed somebody → no
087. Broken someone's heart → I think so...
088. Been arrested → nope
089. Cried when someone died → yeah

090. Yourself → yes
091. Miracles → yes
092. Love at first sight → yes
093. Heaven → yes
094. Santa Claus → nope.
095. Sex on the first date → no.
096. Kiss on the first date → no.

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → yes
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → kind of, I know it's a process really...
099. Do you believe in God → yes

100. Post as 100 truths and tag 12 people

I left some answers unchanged since they also apply to me.
monkat: Yes we do poop...in an airlocked pressure cooker!

Lol. I broke the rules of being a girl!

I love these things...

001. Real name → Matt *Last name I'm not putting*
002. Nickname(s) → Caugs, Biggin, Matt-o (My little sister calls me that)
003. Zodiac sign → Cancer
004. Male or female → Male
005. Elementary School → SFES
006. More Primary School → SFMS
007. High School → SFHS and this year and next year PALO cyber school
008. Hair color → Natural dark brown
009. Long or short → Short/Medium
010. Loud or Quiet → Quiet, but sometimes loud
011. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans
012. Phone or Camera → Phone
013. Health freak → Not really, since I'm in good health
014. Drink or Smoke? → Neither
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yes
016. Eat or Drink → Both of course
017. Piercings → No, never
018. Tattoos → No, maybe in the distant future

019. Been in an airplane → No...I'm actually afraid of heights, but I still haven't been on one regardless.
020. Been in a relationship → No
021. Been in a car accident → Just a little one with my dad...We were fine though, but the car...Ouch.
022. Been in a fist fight → Yes

023. First piercing → None
024. First best friend → Josh
025. First award → Biggest fish caught at a Cub Scouts camp trip.
026. First crush → Some girl in my school who I still know pretty well today.
028. First big vacation → Busch Gardens, then Ocean City, MD for my 7th birthday.

029. Last person you talked to → My best friend.
030. Last person you texted → No one, don't have a phone.
031. Last person you watched a DVD with → I don't watch DVDs...I watched a streaming Netflix movie by myself.
032. Last food you ate → Fried Chicken
033. Last movie you watched alone → Where the Red Fern Grows (Such a good movie, and the book is great too).
034. Last song you listened to → Styx - The Grand Illusion
035. Last thing you bought → Gatorade at a Sunoco.
036. Last person you hugged → My mom on her birthday yesterday.

037. Food → Pizza from this local pizza shop.
038. Drinks → Arizona Iced Tea, Mountain Dew (Regular and Voltage), Pepsi
039. Clothing → Single-colored T-shirts, shorts (Summer), blue or black jeans (Fall and winter), skate shoes.
040. Flower → Not really sure.
042. Colors → Teal, Off-White (I'm serious), Yellow-Green (Like Light Green, but more yellow than green).
043. Movies → The Brave Little Toaster, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Knowing, Zombieland, Inception
044. Subjects → Most scientific subjects, but I really like Chemistry...Computer Programming.


In 2009, I....

045. [ ] kissed someone
046. [x] celebrated Halloween
047. [ ] had your heart broken
048. [ ] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone
049. [ ] someone questioned your sexual orientation
050. [ ] came out of the closet
051. [ ] gotten pregnant
052. [ ] had an abortion
053. [ ] done something you've regretted
054. [ ] broke a promise
055. [ ] hid a secret
056. [x] pretended to be happy
057. [ ] met someone who changed your life
058. [x] pretended to be sick
059. [x] left the country
060. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
061. [X] cried over the silliest thing
062. [ ] ran a mile
063. [ ] went to the beach with your best friend(s)
064. [x] got into an argument with your friends
065. [x] hated someone
066. [x] stayed single the whole year

067. Eating → Nothing
068. Drinking → Mountain Dew Voltage
069. I'm about to → Re-download all the music I didn't back up before re-formatting my hard drive and installing Windows 7.
070. Listening to → Nothing right now.
071. Plans for today → I guess it's tomorrow for me...Nothing, maybe hanging out with my friends.
072. Waiting for → September 3rd...The Devil Wears Prada (My favorite band) concert, and it's my first time seeing them live.
073. Want kids? → Not sure yet
074. Want to get married? → Yes
075. Careers in mind → Video Game Programming, Military (Marines to be specific) Computer Engineering, Meteorologist.

076. Lips or eyes → Eyes
077. Shorter or taller? → Shorter
078. Romantic or spontaneous → Both depending on the situation
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → Honestly, neither really matter...
080. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive
081. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → Hesitant (I try to avoid trouble, so I'd rather have my significant other do the same)

083. Lost glasses/contacts → No, don't wear either
084. Snuck out of your house → No
085. Held a gun/knife for self defense → A knife once.
086. Killed somebody → No
087. Broken someone's heart → No. I've never gotten close enough to a real relationship (Or any in that case) for it to even have to come to that.
088. Been arrested → No
089. Cried when someone died → Yes

090. Yourself → Most of the time, yes, but sometimes no when I'm feeling down about something.
091. Miracles → Yes
092. Love at first sight → Yes
093. Heaven → Yes
094. Santa Claus → No
095. Sex on the first date → No...Maybe :creep:
096. Kiss on the first date → Yes

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yes. Too bad no girls like me because I'm fat (I've heard many people tell me that that's why).
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → A little bit, but there's A LOT I wish I could change.
099. Do you believe in God → Yes

100. Post as 100 truths and tag 12 people → I guess whoever reads this is tagged.
I had a friend on my other site who blogged these things like every damn day >_>;;


001. Real name → >_> Nah it sucks. Last name Knight.
002. Nickname(s) → Hells or Malice. Usually Hells. (never both)
003. Zodiac sign → Aquarius
004. Male or female → Male
005. Elementary School &#8594; Alexis Park Elementary School (A.P.E.S) <-lol
006. More Primary School &#8594; non
007. High School &#8594; W.L Seaton Secondary
008. Hair color &#8594; Blond
009. Long or short &#8594; Long for years, now medium length
010. Loud or Quiet &#8594; Depends. Usually quiet, loud playing vidyagames
011. Sweats or Jeans &#8594; Neither. Sweats if I had to choose one.
012. Phone or Camera &#8594; Neither. I despise both.
013. Health freak &#8594; Not a chance
014. Drink or Smoke? &#8594; Not a chance.
015. Do you have a crush on someone? &#8594; A bit, but not really.
016. Eat or Drink &#8594; Both.
017. Piercings &#8594; None
018. Tattoos &#8594; None

019. Been in an airplane&#8594; Nevar, hopefully soon though.
020. Been in a relationship&#8594; Of course.
021. Been in a car accident &#8594; Nope. I've witnessed one when a car tried to pass us though.
022. Been in a fist fight &#8594; Plenty. What guy hasn't?

023. First piercing &#8594; non
024. First best friend &#8594; Kayla (kindergarten)
025. First award &#8594; Second place in a Counterstrike:source tourney
026. First crush &#8594; Kayla
028. First big vacation &#8594; Never been on a "big" vacation.

029. Last person you talked to &#8594; My Mom
030. Last person you texted &#8594; Don't have a cellphone
031. Last person you watched a DVD with &#8594; Myself.
032. Last food you ate&#8594; buffalo chicken pizza
033. Last movie you watched alone &#8594; Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike
034. Last song you listened to &#8594; the Tales of Vesperia (game) credits song
035. Last thing you bought &#8594; Worms Reloaded (released soon SQUEEEEE)
036. Last person you hugged &#8594; Been a while, unfortunately.

037. Food &#8594; Italian BMT with a lot of stuff on top I don't wanna list, lol.
038. Drinks &#8594; Dunno. SunnyD and doctor pepper mixed I believe.
039. Clothing &#8594; humorous T-shirts + shorts when warm, track pants when cold
040. Flower &#8594; Don't have one.
042. Colors &#8594; Dark blue, Or Dark green+black together.
043. Movies &#8594; ToV: TFS, Halo Legends, Major Payne...lots.
044. Subjects &#8594; Creative writing - specifically stories.


In 2009, I....

045. [ ] kissed someone
046. [ ] celebrated Halloween
047. [x] had your heart broken
048. [ ] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone
049. [x] someone questioned your sexual orientation (every guy technically questions every other guys sexual orientation >_>;;)
050. [ ] came out of the closet
051. [x] gotten pregnant (lolwut, kidding)
052. [ ] had an abortion
053. [X] done something you've regretted
054. [x] broke a promise
055. [x] hid a secret
056. [x] pretended to be happy
057. [ ] met someone who changed your life
058. [x] pretended to be sick
059. [ ] left the country
060. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
061. [X] cried over the silliest thing
062. [ ] ran a mile
063. [ ] went to the beach with your best friend(s)
064. [x] got into an argument with your friends
065. [x] hated someone
066. [ ] stayed single the whole year

067. Eating &#8594; Nothin'
068. Drinking &#8594; Nothin'
069. I'm about to &#8594; didn't need to know that! Uh, about to post moar in forums
070. Listening to &#8594; "The Story Ends, The Travel Begins ~ From 'Ring a Bell' "
071. Plans for today &#8594; Today is over mostly.
072. Waiting for &#8594; boredom to leave.
073. Want kids? &#8594; Not till the future.
074. Want to get married? &#8594; Not till the future.
075. Careers in mind &#8594; Psychologist or Accountant

WHICH IS BETTER WITH A <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">GUY/</span>GIRL?
076. Lips or eyes &#8594; eyes
077. Shorter or taller?&#8594; shorter or same height
078. Romantic or spontaneous &#8594; Dunno.
079. Nice stomach or nice arms &#8594; This is completely geared towards guys.
080. Sensitive or loud &#8594; A middleground between the two.
081. Hook-up or relationship &#8594; Relationship of course.
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant &#8594; Hesitant. It's cute.

083. Lost glasses/contacts &#8594; Don't have.
084. Snuck out of your house &#8594; Lots for walks.
085. Held a gun/knife for self defense &#8594; Knife.
086. Killed somebody &#8594; No
087. Broken someone's heart &#8594; Nope.
088. Been arrested &#8594; Never.
089. Cried when someone died &#8594; yes.

090. Yourself &#8594; Always
091. Miracles &#8594; Sometimes
092. Love at first sight &#8594; Yep
093. Heaven &#8594; Sketchy
094. Santa Claus &#8594; Nope
095. Sex on the first date &#8594; the hell
096. Kiss on the first date &#8594; Sure.

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? &#8594; Yep.
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? &#8594; Not currently.
099. Do you believe in God &#8594; No.
001. Real name &#8594; Dave (last name omitted)
002. Nickname(s) &#8594; TrolleyDave, DTR, Dave the Rave
003. Zodiac sign &#8594; Cancer
004. Male or female &#8594; Male
005. Elementary School &#8594; Several
006. More Primary School &#8594; ?
007. High School &#8594; 2 different ones in 2 different countries.
008. Hair colour &#8594; Was blonde as a kid, now I've got brown hair.
009. Long or short &#8594; I usually keep it at practically skinhead length, although sometimes I let grow to about a quarter of an inch.
010. Loud or Quiet &#8594; Both.
011. Sweats or Jeans &#8594; Both.
012. Phone or Camera &#8594; Camera.
013. Health freak &#8594; Not really, but try to keep healthy.
014. Drink or Smoke? &#8594; Both.
015. Do you have a crush on someone? Usually.
016. Eat or Drink &#8594; Both.
017. Piercings &#8594; None
018. Tattoos &#8594; None

019. Been in an airplane&#8594; Once going to Canada and once when we finally left.
020. Been in a relationship&#8594; A few.
021. Been in a car accident &#8594; Yep.
022. Been in a fist fight &#8594; Alot.

023. First piercing &#8594; n/a
024. First best friend &#8594; A kid called Billy who lived in the same housing project.
025. First award &#8594; Never had an individual reward.
026. First crush &#8594; Can't remember.
028. First big vacation &#8594; Never really been on that kind of holiday.

029. Last person you talked to &#8594; My mate Dyl.
030. Last person you texted &#8594; Don't usually text people.
031. Last person you watched a DVD with &#8594; Me.
032. Last food you ate&#8594; A couple of slices of toast.
033. Last movie you watched alone &#8594; The Infidel
034. Last song you listened to &#8594; Grey Day by Madness.
035. Last thing you bought &#8594; A bus ticket to town.
036. Last person you hugged &#8594; Not really into the whole hugging thing.

037. Food &#8594; Don't have a fave, just love food!
038. Drinks &#8594; Tea.
039. Clothing &#8594; Jeans and a t-shirt with an open shirt over it.
040. Flower &#8594; ?
042. Colours &#8594; Blue
043. Movies &#8594; Waaaaaay too many to list.
044. Subjects &#8594; Don't go to school.


In 2009, I....

045. [x] kissed someone
046. [ ] celebrated Halloween
047. [ ] had your heart broken
048. [ ] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone (texting is cheaper, although not by much)
049. [ ] someone questioned your sexual orientation (my mother! gah!)
050. [ ] came out of the closet
051. [ ] gotten pregnant
052. [ ] had an abortion
053. [ ] done something you've regretted
054. [ ] broke a promise
055. [ ] hid a secret
056. [ ] pretended to be happy
057. [ ] met someone who changed your life
058. [ ] pretended to be sick
059. [ ] left the country
060. [ ] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
061. [ ] cried over the silliest thing
062. [ ] ran a mile
063. [ ] went to the beach with your best friend(s)
064. [ ] got into an argument with your friends
065. [ ] hated someone
066. [X] stayed single the whole year

067. Eating &#8594; Nothing
068. Drinking &#8594; A brew
069. I'm about to &#8594; Watch Eureka
070. Listening to &#8594; Nothing at the mo.
071. Plans for today &#8594; To relax.
072. Waiting for &#8594; Eureka to finish downloading.
073. Want kids? &#8594; Not ATM
074. Want to get married? &#8594; Not particularly
075. Careers in mind &#8594; Politician.

076. Lips or eyes &#8594; Eyes.
077. Shorter or taller?&#8594; Shorter.
078. Romantic or spontaneous &#8594; Both
079. Nice stomach or nice arms &#8594; Nice stomach
080. Sensitive or loud &#8594; Both.
081. Hook-up or relationship &#8594; Hook up.
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant &#8594; A bit of both.

083. Lost glasses/contacts &#8594; don't wear them...
084. Snuck out of your house &#8594; No
085. Held a gun/knife for self defense &#8594; No
086. Killed somebody &#8594; No
087. Broken someone's heart &#8594; A few
088. Been arrested &#8594; Yep
089. Cried when someone died &#8594; No

090. Yourself &#8594; Yes
091. Miracles &#8594; Occasionally
092. Love at first sight &#8594; Yep
093. Heaven &#8594; No
094. Santa Claus &#8594; No
095. Sex on the first date &#8594; If poosible. :P
096. Kiss on the first date &#8594; Yep.

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? &#8594; Yep.
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? &#8594; It could be better, but it could be a hell of alot worse.
099. Do you believe in God &#8594; Not the Judaic one.
Wow, I never knew "Male" was a common nickname! Lol...Goli and TrolleyDave, you might want to fix that.
001. Real name &#8594; David (last name omitted)
002. Nickname(s) &#8594; Dave, DJ (initials)
003. Zodiac sign &#8594; Leo
004. Male or female &#8594; Male
005. Elementary School &#8594; P.E.S. (figure that out!)
006. More Primary School &#8594;D.C.H.S
007. High School &#8594; D.C.H.S
008. Hair color &#8594; Dark Brown
009. Long or short &#8594; Short
010. Loud or Quiet &#8594; Loud
011. Sweats or Jeans &#8594; Jeans
012. Phone or Camera &#8594; Phone
013. Health freak &#8594; Maybe
014. Drink or Smoke? &#8594; None
015. Do you have a crush on someone? &#8594; No
016. Eat or Drink &#8594; Both
017. Piercings &#8594; No I would never
018. Tattoos &#8594; ^ same

019. Been in an airplane&#8594; Yeah, 4 times
020. Been in a relationship&#8594; Yes
021. Been in a car accident &#8594; Nope
022. Been in a fist fight &#8594; Never

023. First piercing &#8594; Never
024. First best friend &#8594; Leo
025. First award &#8594; Student of the Month :D
026. First crush &#8594; Maritza
028. First big vacation &#8594; Florida's Disney World

029. Last person you talked to &#8594; My mom
030. Last person you texted &#8594; My brother
031. Last person you watched a DVD with &#8594; My family
032. Last food you ate&#8594; Burrito :rofl2:
033. Last movie you watched alone &#8594; 9
034. Last song you listened to &#8594; California Gurls (parody)
035. Last thing you bought &#8594; Binder
036. Last person you hugged &#8594; My friend Karry
037. Food &#8594; Mickey D's angus burger with bacon and cheese (OMG the same for me)
038. Drinks &#8594; Dr. Pepper
039. Clothing &#8594; Tee shirts
040. Flower &#8594; Lily's
042. Colors &#8594; Orange and green
043. Movies &#8594; 9 and Child's Play
044. Subjects &#8594; Music

In 2009, I....

045. [ ] kissed someone
046. [x] celebrated Halloween
047. [ ] had your heart broken
048. [x] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone (texting is cheaper, although not by much)
049. [ ] someone questioned your sexual orientation (my mother! gah!)
050. [ ] came out of the closet
051. [ ] gotten pregnant
052. [ ] had an abortion
053. [ ] done something you've regretted
054. [x] broke a promise
055. [X] hid a secret
056. [ ] pretended to be happy
057. [ ] met someone who changed your life
058. [x] pretended to be sick
059. [ ] left the country
060. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
061. [ ] cried over the silliest thing
062. [x] ran a mile
063. [x] went to the beach with your best friend(s)
064. [x] got into an argument with your friends
065. [x] hated someone (what year don't I hate someone?)
066. [ ] stayed single the whole year

067. Eating &#8594; nothing
068. Drinking &#8594; Coca-Cola
069. I'm about to &#8594; Go to check on my topic
070. Listening to &#8594; nothing but my cat meowing
071. Plans for today &#8594; The day ended but I went to the movies
072. Waiting for &#8594; Parents to return
073. Want kids? &#8594; When I'm old enough
074. Want to get married? &#8594; Hell yeah
075. Careers in mind &#8594; Lawyer (not just because of Phoenix) and Musician

076. Lips or eyes &#8594; What?
077. Shorter or taller?&#8594; What?
078. Romantic or spontaneous &#8594; What?
079. Nice stomach or nice arms &#8594; What?
080. Sensitive or loud &#8594; What?
081. Hook-up or relationship &#8594; What?
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant &#8594; What?
i didn't get your phrasing here.

083. Lost glasses/contacts &#8594; Lost my contact (fell of my eye in school)
084. Snuck out of your house &#8594; no
085. Held a gun/knife for self defense &#8594; nope
086. Killed somebody &#8594; no
087. Broken someone's heart &#8594; Never (not that I know of)
088. Been arrested &#8594; nope
089. Cried when someone died &#8594; (no that I cared about died, yet)

090. Yourself &#8594; yes
091. Miracles &#8594; Yes
092. Love at first sight &#8594; Maybe
093. Heaven &#8594; yes
094. Santa Claus &#8594; nope.
095. Sex on the first date &#8594; No
096. Kiss on the first date &#8594; Yes

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? &#8594; With someone already
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? &#8594; Right now yeah
099. Do you believe in God &#8594; Unsure

100. Post as 100 truths and tag 12 people

EDIT : In the check one if you put an x that means you did it right, if not then I got it flipped.

Fixed do to court trial.
[quote name='TDWP FTW' post='3059718' date='Aug 21 2010, 05:02 AM']Wow, I never knew "Male" was a common nickname! Lol...Goli and TrolleyDave, you might want to fix that.[/quote]

You saw nuffink right! lol
001. Real name &#8594; Nicole (last name omitted)
002. Nickname(s) &#8594; I.Z.
003. Zodiac sign &#8594; Gemini
004. Male or female &#8594; Female
005. Elementary School &#8594; TPFCLA, IGLC
006. More Primary School &#8594; nope.
007. High School &#8594; SOWLC
008. Hair color &#8594; Pure black with extra dandruff
009. Long or short &#8594; short as Dora's
010. Loud or Quiet &#8594; quiet
011. Sweats or Jeans &#8594; jeans
012. Phone or Camera &#8594; camera
013. Health freak &#8594; yes
014. Drink or Smoke? &#8594; NOTA
015. Do you have a crush on someone? &#8594; yeah, who doesn't?
016. Eat or Drink &#8594; both
017. Piercings &#8594; the heck
018. Tattoos &#8594; the heck

019. Been in an airplane&#8594; no ;_;
020. Been in a relationship&#8594; no
021. Been in a car accident &#8594; no
022. Been in a fist fight &#8594; np

023. First piercing &#8594; n/a
024. First best friend &#8594; Jaya
025. First award &#8594; Academic excellence award?
026. First crush &#8594; John Michael :ph34r:
028. First big vacation &#8594; I don't remember

029. Last person you talked to &#8594; our house maid
030. Last person you texted &#8594; my mom
031. Last person you watched a DVD with &#8594; myself?
032. Last food you ate&#8594; canned tuna
033. Last movie you watched alone &#8594; Sex and the City
034. Last song you listened to &#8594; Thunder
035. Last thing you bought &#8594; Pancit canton! :P
036. Last person you hugged &#8594; My sister

037. Food &#8594; Anything that is fast food hahaha I like a lot of food
038. Drinks &#8594; nestea, chocolate milk
039. Clothing &#8594; tee shirts
040. Flower &#8594; none. i hate flowers
042. Colors &#8594; yellow
043. Movies &#8594; HTTYD, Inception, more blah blah
044. Subjects &#8594; Social Studies, CW


In 2009, I....

045. [] kissed someone
046. [] celebrated Halloween
047. [ ] had your heart broken
048. [x] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone (texting is cheaper, although not by much)
049. [] someone questioned your sexual orientation (my mother! gah!)
050. [ ] came out of the closet
051. [ ] gotten pregnant
052. [ ] had an abortion
053. [X] done something you've regretted
054. [x] broke a promise
055. [X] hid a secret
056. [x] pretended to be happy
057. [x] met someone who changed your life
058. [x] pretended to be sick
059. [ ] left the country
060. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
061. [X] cried over the silliest thing
062. [ ] ran a mile
063. [ ] went to the beach with your best friend(s)
064. [x] got into an argument with your friends
065. [x] hated someone
066. [ ] stayed single the whole year

067. Eating &#8594; nothing
068. Drinking &#8594; nothing
069. I'm about to &#8594; eat lunch and go to a birthday party
070. Listening to &#8594; the electric fan
071. Plans for today &#8594; impatiently waiting for borderlands to finish downloading
072. Waiting for &#8594; Borderlands :( and money hah
073. Want kids? &#8594; yes
074. Want to get married? &#8594; yes..
075. Careers in mind &#8594; medical doctor

076. Lips or eyes &#8594; eyes
077. Shorter or taller?&#8594; taller
078. Romantic or spontaneous &#8594; i dont know
079. Nice stomach or nice arms &#8594; stomach
080. Sensitive or loud &#8594; sensitive
081. Hook-up or relationship &#8594; relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant &#8594; hesitant

083. Lost glasses/contacts &#8594; don't wear them...
084. Snuck out of your house &#8594; yes, :rofl2:
085. Held a gun/knife for self defense &#8594; :wtf: no never yet
086. Killed somebody &#8594; no, but insects yes
087. Broken someone's heart &#8594; none. i'm too ugly :P
088. Been arrested &#8594; no??
089. Cried when someone died &#8594; yes, my uncle

090. Yourself &#8594; yes, like confidence
091. Miracles &#8594; yes, it happened a lot in my life
092. Love at first sight &#8594; yes, :wub:
093. Heaven &#8594; yes, definitely
094. Santa Claus &#8594; Ew?
095. Sex on the first date &#8594; Ew? That happens?
096. Kiss on the first date &#8594; The fuck?

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? &#8594; YES!
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? &#8594; NO.
099. Do you believe in God &#8594; YES

100. Post as 100 truths and tag 12 people
001. Real name &#8594; Charles
002. Nickname(s) &#8594; Chaz
003. Zodiac sign &#8594; Scorpio
004. Male or female &#8594; Male
005. Elementary School &#8594; John Hancock Elementary (make a joke, I haven't heard enough :glare:)
006. More Primary School &#8594; If you mean 6th-9th, than yeah. We call it "Middle School" in the states.
007. High School &#8594; Harry S Truman High School
008. Hair color &#8594; Dark Blond
009. Long or short &#8594; Medium. not cool-short, not cool-long
010. Loud or Quiet &#8594; Quiet
011. Sweats or Jeans &#8594; Jeans
012. Phone or Camera &#8594; Phone
013. Health freak &#8594; Not even close
014. Drink or Smoke? &#8594; Neither
015. Do you have a crush on someone? &#8594; Not currently
016. Eat or Drink &#8594; Yes...
017. Piercings &#8594; No
018. Tattoos &#8594; No

019. Been in an airplane&#8594; No
020. Been in a relationship&#8594; No
021. Been in a car accident &#8594; No
022. Been in a fist fight &#8594; No

023. First piercing &#8594; None
024. First best friend &#8594; Anthony Snyder
025. First award &#8594; Academic Achievement: Kindergarten
026. First crush &#8594; Alyssa... something. Kindergarten
028. First big vacation &#8594; Family in Maine. It was awesome!

029. Last person you talked to &#8594; Cousin
030. Last person you texted &#8594; Never texted
031. Last person you watched a DVD with &#8594; Me.
032. Last food you ate&#8594; Pasta
033. Last movie you watched alone &#8594; Beverly Hills Cop
034. Last song you listened to &#8594; Metroid Theme NES
035. Last thing you bought &#8594; Lunch
036. Last person you hugged &#8594; Me

037. Food &#8594; Grilled Salmon
038. Drinks &#8594; Snapple Raspberry Iced Tea
039. Clothing &#8594; Underpants
040. Flower &#8594; Hibiscus
042. Colors &#8594; Orange
043. Movies &#8594; Disney's Robin Hood
044. Subjects &#8594; Physics


In 2009, I....

045. [ ] kissed someone
046. [x] celebrated Halloween
047. [x] had your heart broken
048. [ ] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone
049. [x] someone questioned your sexual orientation (Best Friend's mother)
050. [ ] came out of the closet
051. [ ] gotten pregnant
052. [ ] had an abortion
053. [X] done something you've regretted
054. [x] broke a promise
055. [X] hid a secret
056. [x] pretended to be happy
057. [ ] met someone who changed your life
058. [x] pretended to be sick
059. [ ] left the country
060. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
061. [ ] cried over the silliest thing
062. [x] ran a mile (well... jogged really. Had to do 2 miles for a phys. ed final)
063. [ ] went to the beach with your best friend(s)
064. [x] got into an argument with your friends (reminder to self = don't drink and talk)
065. [x] hated someone
066. [x] stayed single the whole year

067. Eating &#8594; Nothing
068. Drinking &#8594; Tap water
069. I'm about to &#8594; [classified] :creep:
070. Listening to &#8594; Stand up comedy
071. Plans for today &#8594; Wake up, play some Metroid and relax
072. Waiting for &#8594; The morning. No one else is awake.
073. Want kids? &#8594; Someday, I think I'd be a good father.
074. Want to get married? &#8594; Yes, but I refuse to settle.
075. Careers in mind &#8594; PC Technician (anyone but Geek Squad... lying corporate fucks).

076. Lips or eyes &#8594; Eyes
077. Shorter or taller?&#8594; I'd like to look her in the eyes.
078. Romantic or spontaneous &#8594; Spontaneous romance.
079. Nice stomach or nice arms &#8594; Arms.
080. Sensitive or loud &#8594; Sensitive, like me.
081. Hook-up or relationship &#8594; Relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant &#8594; Depends on the situation.

083. Lost glasses/contacts &#8594; lol, yeah.
084. Snuck out of your house &#8594; Yeah.
085. Held a gun/knife for self defense &#8594; Once.
086. Killed somebody &#8594; Not yet...
087. Broken someone's heart &#8594; Probably. I haven't seen much of her since.
088. Been arrested &#8594; No.
089. Cried when someone died &#8594; Of course.

090. Yourself &#8594; Mostly
091. Miracles &#8594; I'd like to.
092. Love at first sight &#8594; Not really.
093. Heaven &#8594; Not so much anymore.
094. Santa Claus &#8594; No.
095. Sex on the first date &#8594; Oh God no.
096. Kiss on the first date &#8594; On the cheek?

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? &#8594; Not just one.
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? &#8594; I can't complain
099. Do you believe in God &#8594; No.

100. Post as 100 truths and tag 12 people

Technically, this was only 99 truths. The last was a demand, not a question.
Yeah, okay, sure.

001. Real name &#8594; Brent (last name omitted)
002. Nickname(s) &#8594; Burnt, Hachi, Hachibei, Asian Ladies Man ( :mellow: )
003. Zodiac sign &#8594; Leo (European zodiac), Horse (Asian Zodiac)
004. Male or female &#8594; Male
005. Elementary School &#8594; AHJMS
006. More Primary School &#8594; ?
007. High School &#8594; MCI
008. Hair color &#8594; Black
009. Long or short &#8594; Medium length, I guess
010. Loud or Quiet &#8594; Mostly quiet
011. Sweats or Jeans &#8594; Jeans
012. Phone or Camera &#8594; Phone
013. Health freak &#8594; Yes, I'm unnaturally unhealthy
014. Drink or Smoke? &#8594; Drink, never smoked and never will
015. Do you have a crush on someone? &#8594; Yarp
016. Eat or Drink &#8594; Need both to survive
017. Piercings &#8594; Never
018. Tattoos &#8594; Nope, might get one in the future

019. Been in an airplane&#8594; Yarp
020. Been in a relationship&#8594; Narp... D:
021. Been in a car accident &#8594; Yarp
022. Been in a fist fight &#8594; Narp

023. First piercing &#8594; n/a
024. First best friend &#8594; Raphael
025. First award &#8594; Honor roll student, grade 8
026. First crush &#8594; Amanda, grade 6
028. First big vacation &#8594; New York?

029. Last person you talked to &#8594; Little sister
030. Last person you texted &#8594; My friend
031. Last person you watched a DVD with &#8594; Last time I watched a DVD was with a group of friends..
032. Last food you ate&#8594; Sammich
033. Last movie you watched alone &#8594; Anger Management
034. Last song you listened to &#8594; Wrath Upon Ourselves - As I Lay Dying
035. Last thing you bought &#8594; A double 1/4 meal @ McD's
036. Last person you hugged &#8594; Can't remember

037. Food &#8594; New York strip steak, medium rare
038. Drinks &#8594; Cola w/grenadine ("cherry" Coke), Monster Energy
039. Clothing &#8594; Polos, dress shirts, jeans
040. Flower &#8594; Not a fan of flowers
042. Colors &#8594; Blue, orange, white
043. Movies &#8594; Inception, Expendables, Die Hard
044. Subjects &#8594; I dislike all subjects equally


In 2009, I....

045. [] kissed someone
046. [] celebrated Halloween
047. [x] had your heart broken
048. [x] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone (texting is cheaper, although not by much)
049. [] someone questioned your sexual orientation (my mother! gah!)
050. [] came out of the closet
051. [] gotten pregnant
052. [] had an abortion
053. [] done something you've regretted
054. [] broke a promise
055. [] hid a secret
056. [x] pretended to be happy
057. [] met someone who changed your life
058. [] pretended to be sick
059. [] left the country
060. [] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
061. [] cried over the silliest thing
062. [] ran a mile
063. [] went to the beach with your best friend(s)
064. [] got into an argument with your friends (reminder to self = don't drink and talk)
065. [x] hated someone
066. [x] stayed single the whole year

067. Eating &#8594; nothing
068. Drinking &#8594; nothing ATM, will probably get some water later
069. I'm about to &#8594; finish this long ass thing
070. Listening to &#8594; the sounds of silence
071. Plans for today &#8594; hardcore slacking
072. Waiting for &#8594; Hanging out with my friends on a Saturday night, a Dreamcast to arrive in the mail
073. Want kids? &#8594; Probably not
074. Want to get married? &#8594; yes
075. Careers in mind &#8594; Network admin, librarian (yeah, I'm that boring), computer technician, etc.

076. Lips or eyes &#8594; Eyes
077. Shorter or taller?&#8594; Don't really care, preferably shorter
078. Romantic or spontaneous &#8594; Romantic
079. Nice stomach or nice arms &#8594; Stomach (...)
080. Sensitive or loud &#8594; Sensitive
081. Hook-up or relationship &#8594; relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant &#8594; Hesitant

Clearly, I prefer my women to be docile. :mellow:

083. Lost glasses/contacts &#8594; I wear glasses, and I've never lost a pair
084. Snuck out of your house &#8594; Nope
085. Held a gun/knife for self defense &#8594; Carried a knife around for a while
086. Killed somebody &#8594; No
087. Broken someone's heart &#8594; Hopefully not, although I don't think I'm capable of doing so anyways
088. Been arrested &#8594; Nope
089. Cried when someone died &#8594; Yep

090. Yourself &#8594; Somewhat
091. Miracles &#8594; No
092. Love at first sight &#8594; No
093. Heaven &#8594; Yes
094. Santa Claus &#8594; No
095. Sex on the first date &#8594; No
096. Kiss on the first date &#8594; Maybe, I probably wouldn't unless we were both way into each other.

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? &#8594; Yes
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? &#8594; It could be worse
099. Do you believe in God &#8594; Yes

100. Post as 100 truths and tag 12 people
01. Real name &#8594; Logan
002. Nickname(s) &#8594; Derbin, Derbs, Logy Pogy ( D: ), Loogee ( D: D: ), Geo-flickle, Geoflcl
003. Zodiac sign &#8594; Aquarius
004. Male or female &#8594; Male
005. Elementary School &#8594; RCE
006. More Primary School &#8594; Nahh
007. High School &#8594; JAHS
008. Hair color &#8594; Brownish-blondish-whateverish
009. Long or short &#8594; mediumness
010. Loud or Quiet &#8594; Depends on my mood. :D
011. Sweats or Jeans &#8594; Jeans. But not by much!
012. Phone or Camera &#8594; One usually comes with the other these days, amirite?
013. Health freak &#8594; Not a freak, but I keep myself in check.
014. Drink or Smoke? &#8594; I'm as clean as a whistle. :)
015. Do you have a crush on someone? &#8594; Surprisingly, no. :O
016. Eat or Drink &#8594; ...Is this a serious question?
017. Piercings &#8594; Not for me.
018. Tattoos &#8594; I've designed a few, but I've never been inked myself.

019. Been in an airplane&#8594; Nahh.
020. Been in a relationship&#8594; Yep.
021. Been in a car accident &#8594; Yupper.
022. Been in a fist fight &#8594; Haha, in the loosest of the definition. :D

023. First piercing &#8594; NEVAARR
024. First best friend &#8594; Joe
025. First award &#8594; Excellence in Smart Assery (Given to me by my loving father, haha)
026. First crush &#8594; It was in Kindergarten. I never even learned her name! :D
028. First big vacation &#8594; ...None D:

029. Last person you talked to &#8594; Mi amigo
030. Last person you texted &#8594; Mi amigo otra
031. Last person you watched a DVD with &#8594; Mi hermano
032. Last food you ate&#8594; Grapefruit. Them's is tastey.
033. Last movie you watched alone &#8594; Scott Pilgrim vs. The World ( :yay: )
034. Last song you listened to &#8594; Any Colour You Like - Pink Floyd
035. Last thing you bought &#8594; Hot Tamales candy
036. Last person you hugged &#8594; Mi amiga

037. Food &#8594; Andy Capp's Hot Fries
038. Drinks &#8594; Tea. You can't help but commend their variety. They make tea out of substances I've never even heard of!
039. Clothing &#8594; A satisfyingly nerdy Cartoon or Video Game tee.
040. Flower &#8594; Hmm. Chicory, I think. You can use it as coffee!
042. Colors &#8594; Bluuee!
043. Movies &#8594; The Spongebob Squarepants Movie, Pixar Films, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, etc...
044. Subjects &#8594; English, Art, Recess (Fond memories on the blacktop... Ahh.)


In 2009, I....

045. [X] kissed someone
046. [X] celebrated Halloween
047. [ ] had your heart broken
048. [X] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone
049. [X] someone questioned your sexual orientation (I'll admit, I needed a haircut, but...)
050. [ ] came out of the closet
051. [<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">X</span>] gotten pregnant
052. [ ] had an abortion
053. [X] done something you've regretted
054. [X] broke a promise ( :( )
055. [X] hid a secret
056. [X] pretended to be happy
057. [X] met someone who changed your life
058. [X] pretended to be sick
059. [ ] left the country
060. [X] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
061. [] cried over the silliest thing
062. [ ] ran a mile (try three hundred of them! :D)
063. [X] went to the beach with your best friend(s)
064. [X] got into an argument with your friends (It was about movie taste. Transformers SUCKED)
065. [ ] hated someone
066. [X] stayed single the whole year (It's quite comfortable. :D)

067. Eating &#8594; Andy Capp's Hot Fries
068. Drinking &#8594; Nothin' at all
069. I'm about to &#8594; Make a keyframe in Flash
070. Listening to &#8594; Getting Better - The Beatles
071. Plans for today &#8594; Tomorrow: Try not to rip my hair out at one of my buddy's stupid cornhole tournaments.
072. Waiting for &#8594; The van to come :creep:
073. Want kids? &#8594; Only if I get hitched, really.
074. Want to get married? &#8594; Sure, why not?
075. Careers in mind &#8594; Animator, storyboard artist, story editor, writer, or a combination (because I just so happened to pick the cruddiest-paying careers ever)

076. Lips or eyes &#8594; I dunno. Lips, I guess, although eyes can be an equally striking feature
077. Shorter or taller?&#8594; Preferably shorter. (thinks about the prospect of a tall girlfriend) ...Yes, definitely shorter. :D
078. Romantic or spontaneous &#8594; These are totally girly questions! :P
079. Nice stomach or nice arms &#8594; Both are of importance, I guess. I dunno. :/
080. Sensitive or loud &#8594; I've no idea. I've had the best (read: worst) of both worlds, so...
081. Hook-up or relationship &#8594; I dunno. (As you can probably infer, I haven't the most potent of love lives)
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant &#8594; Do people actually think of these things? Is there, like, a checklist? :D

083. Lost glasses/contacts &#8594; Ugh. Every year at football season.
084. Snuck out of your house &#8594; Yep. Just to see if I could, though. I had the Metal Gear Solid theme in my head the whole time, bwahaha
085. Held a gun/knife for self defense &#8594; That sounds like a good idea, considering my current location...
086. Killed somebody &#8594; Nahh.
087. Broken someone's heart &#8594; I certainly hope not! :(
088. Been arrested &#8594; Nahh. I'm a goody two-shoes for sure. :P
089. Cried when someone died &#8594; Yes. :(

090. Yourself &#8594; For some things, yes.
091. Miracles &#8594; Definitely. (You hear that, miracles? You can start rolling in any time now!)
092. Love at first sight &#8594; Meh, I dunno about this one. I'm on the rocks about Love in general, haha :D
093. Heaven &#8594; Of course! Why else would I be such a drag when it comes to unethical antics?
094. Santa Claus &#8594; He's there. In spirit :creep:
095. Sex on the first date &#8594; I'm not all for it. But like it or not, it certainly happens. D:
096. Kiss on the first date &#8594; I'm a sole witness! :3

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? &#8594; They're out there somewhere, I s'pose. Haha
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? &#8594; If you are, you're a smug prick, bwahaha
099. Do you believe in God &#8594; Well, someone's up there laughing at me. :D
001. Real name &#8594; Ben
002. Nickname(s) &#8594; Bammer, benwi(t)ch, bnwchbammer, Benjermin
003. Zodiac sign &#8594; Taurus
004. Male or female &#8594; Male
005. Elementary School &#8594; A catholic school
006. More Primary School &#8594; Moved to a public middle school
007. High School &#8594; N. N.
008. Hair color &#8594; Light brown
009. Long or short &#8594; Long for a guy
010. Loud or Quiet &#8594; I'm quite quiet
011. Sweats or Jeans &#8594; Jeans
012. Phone or Camera &#8594; Phone
013. Health freak &#8594; Not really, though I try to drink water instead of soda and have a salad every now and then.
014. Drink or Smoke? &#8594; Drink
015. Do you have a crush on someone? &#8594; It's hard to say
016. Eat or Drink &#8594; I do like drinking (anything, I enjoy the feeling of having my thirst quenched) Though my bladder doesn't agree with me often.
017. Piercings &#8594; Left ear.
018. Tattoos &#8594; Nope. But it would be the Aperture logo

019. Been in an airplane&#8594; A few times
020. Been in a relationship&#8594; I have
021. Been in a car accident &#8594; Nope
022. Been in a fist fight &#8594; ...not a serious one that I recall

023. First piercing &#8594; When I turned 16
024. First best friend &#8594; Gabe, Tom, and Paul
025. First award &#8594; Piano (Got 1st place in a competition once!)
026. First crush &#8594; A girl named Brittney in 2nd grade
028. First big vacation &#8594; Iunno... was it the California trip?

029. Last person you talked to &#8594; Adam (co-worker)
030. Last person you texted &#8594; Matt (friend I will be hanging with later tonight)
031. Last person you watched a DVD with &#8594; Must have been Jon, Ariel and Ashley... and maybe Tim... Not sure.
032. Last food you ate&#8594; Peanut Butter filled pretzels with Vanilla Coke (Fucking awesome)
033. Last movie you watched alone &#8594; Uhh... I think it must have been The Place Promised in Our Early Days
034. Last song you listened to &#8594; Some trance stream
035. Last thing you bought &#8594; A gallon of fat free milk, a 12 pack of Vanilla Coke, and a 4 pack of Monster in case of emergency
036. Last person you hugged &#8594; My parents when they sent me off

037. Food &#8594; Get me a good burger or some ribs
038. Drinks &#8594; Mr. Pibb (I know it's Pibb X-tra now)
039. Clothing &#8594; I enjoy just regular shirts as well as hoodies.
040. Flower &#8594; Uhh... maybe roses. They do look pretty pimp at times.
042. Colors &#8594; Green
043. Movies &#8594; Youth in Revolt, Superbad, 5cm per Second, Star Wars
044. Subjects &#8594; Math!


In 2009 (can I change it to the past year starting now?), I....

045. [x] kissed someone
046. [x] celebrated Halloween
047. [ ] had your heart broken
048. [ ] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone
049. [ ]someone questioned your sexual orientation
050. [ ] came out of the closet
051. [ ] gotten pregnant
052. [ ] had an abortion
053. [ ] done something you've regretted (Well, not really)
054. [X] broke a promise
055. [X] hid a secret
056. [ ] pretended to be happy
057. [ ] met someone who changed your life
058. [ ] pretended to be sick
059. [ ] left the country
060. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
061. [ ] cried over the silliest thing
062. [X] ran a mile (Stupid gym class)
063. [X] went to the beach with your best friend(s)
064. [ ] got into an argument with your friends
065. [ ] hated someone
066. [X] stayed single the whole year

067. Eating &#8594; Was just eating peanut butter filled pretzels
068. Drinking &#8594; Was just drinking Vanilla Coke
069. I'm about to &#8594; Go to the bathroom then watch some anime till like 10
070. Listening to &#8594; The fucking A/C in my dorm make a constant clicking noise
071. Plans for today &#8594; Anime, then eat breakfast at about 12 with the crew
072. Waiting for &#8594; 10 or whenever we're gonna hang
073. Want kids? &#8594; Yeah. I mean, not now, but at some point in time
074. Want to get married? &#8594; Again, not now.
075. Careers in mind &#8594; Math teacher. Hell, that's why I'm in college right now

076. Lips or eyes &#8594; Eyes. All I'm saying is beauty is all in the eyes.
077. Shorter or taller?&#8594; Taller might be weird cuz I'm 6'2" But who knows?
078. Romantic or spontaneous &#8594; I guess I prefer the spontaneous girls
079. Nice stomach or nice arms &#8594; Uhh... I mean, I guess either?
080. Sensitive or loud &#8594; You can have both at different times.
081. Hook-up or relationship &#8594; Guess it depends. Though the majority of the time I'd have to say relationship.
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant &#8594; Ehh, guess you've gotta take risks sometimes, right?

083. Lost glasses/contacts &#8594; Don't wear them.
084. Snuck out of your house &#8594; About that...
085. Held a gun/knife for self defense &#8594; No?
086. Killed somebody &#8594; Not yet.
087. Broken someone's heart &#8594; Definitely
088. Been arrested &#8594; Nah
089. Cried when someone died &#8594; I mean, of course.

090. Yourself &#8594; Hell yeah.
091. Miracles &#8594; Nope
092. Love at first sight &#8594; I guess?
093. Heaven &#8594; Maybe
094. Santa Claus &#8594; People don't believe in him?
095. Sex on the first date &#8594; Maaaaaaybe. Actually... no. You need to get to know me before it gets awkward as hell in the bedroom.
096. Kiss on the first date &#8594; Ehh, yeah.

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? &#8594; Maybe
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? &#8594; I can't complain.
099. Do you believe in God &#8594; It's hard to say.
001. Real name &#8594; Alexandra
002. Nickname(s) &#8594; Alex, Ada, Remy, Aeladya
003. Zodiac sign &#8594; Aquarius
004. Male or female &#8594; Female
005. Elementary School &#8594; I don't remember, I went to a a few of them.
006. More Primary School &#8594; I don't remember them :P.
007. High School &#8594; O.C.S, I.F.H.S, S.V.H.S
008. Hair color &#8594; Brown
009. Long or short &#8594; Medium
010. Loud or Quiet &#8594; Both
011. Sweats or Jeans &#8594; Jeans
012. Phone or Camera &#8594; Phone
013. Health freak &#8594; Hahaha! Oh wait you're serious...let me laugh louder!
014. Drink or Smoke? &#8594; Drink
015. Do you have a crush on someone? &#8594; Uhhh sorta...
016. Eat or Drink &#8594; Both
017. Piercings &#8594; Ears, partially closed. My ears are extremely sensitive.
018. Tattoos &#8594; Nope!

019. Been in an airplane&#8594; Once. I dislike the sinus issues it gives me.
020. Been in a relationship&#8594; No...I'm going on my first date sometime this week though.
021. Been in a car accident &#8594; Not that I remember...
022. Been in a fist fight &#8594; With siblings and cousins...

023. First piercing &#8594; Ears
024. First best friend &#8594; Nikki
025. First award &#8594; None...
026. First crush &#8594; I don't remember...
028. First big vacation &#8594; Disneyland :D

029. Last person you talked to &#8594; Either my sister or my dad...
030. Last person you texted &#8594; Chris (my aunt/sister)
031. Last person you watched a DVD with &#8594; This girl I watch (I'm a nanny)
032. Last food you ate&#8594; Hamburger and Fries
033. Last movie you watched alone &#8594; Probably Ponyo...
034. Last song you listened to &#8594; Still Alive
035. Last thing you bought &#8594; Perler Beads and Pegboards
036. Last person you hugged &#8594; My step-sister hugged me last night...

037. Food &#8594; Pepperoni and Bacon Pizza...or the Crock Country Homestyle Mashed Potatoes...
038. Drinks &#8594; Lemonade
039. Clothing &#8594; T-Shirts...
040. Flower &#8594; Lilies
042. Colors &#8594; Purple and Silver
043. Movies &#8594; Ponyo, Howl's Moving Castle, Star Wars Series, Back to the Future Series
044. Subjects &#8594; Creative Writing, Photography, Band


In 2009, I....

045. [ ] kissed someone
046. [x] celebrated Halloween
047. [ ] had your heart broken
048. [ ] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone (texting is cheaper, although not by much)
049. [ ] someone questioned your sexual orientation (my mother! gah!)
050. [ ] came out of the closet
051. [ ] gotten pregnant
052. [ ] had an abortion
053. [ ] done something you've regretted
054. [ ] broke a promise
055. [ ] hid a secret
056. [ ] pretended to be happy
057. [ ] met someone who changed your life
058. [ ] pretended to be sick
059. [ ] left the country
060. [ ] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
061. [x] cried over the silliest thing
062. [ ] ran a mile
063. [ ] went to the beach with your best friend(s)
064. [ ] got into an argument with your friends (reminder to self = don't drink and talk)
065. [ ] hated someone
066. [x] stayed single the whole year

067. Eating &#8594; Nothing
068. Drinking &#8594; Nothing
069. I'm about to &#8594; Get one of my homemade Reese's bars
070. Listening to &#8594; The Cleveland Show
071. Plans for today &#8594; Take a shower...
072. Waiting for &#8594; Nothing really...
073. Want kids? &#8594; Yes
074. Want to get married? &#8594; Yes
075. Careers in mind &#8594; Photographer

076. Lips or eyes &#8594; Eyes
077. Shorter or taller?&#8594; Taller I guess...
078. Romantic or spontaneous &#8594; Romantic...I hate surprises...
079. Nice stomach or nice arms &#8594; nice arms
080. Sensitive or loud &#8594; Sensitive I guess...
081. Hook-up or relationship &#8594; Relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant &#8594; Hesitant...why would I want a troublemaker...

083. Lost glasses/contacts &#8594; Nope...
084. Snuck out of your house &#8594; No
085. Held a gun/knife for self defense &#8594; No, but my dad is teaching me to shoot...I hate it though...
086. Killed somebody &#8594; No
087. Broken someone's heart &#8594; Not that I know of
088. Been arrested &#8594; No
089. Cried when someone died &#8594; I cried before my grandma died...the last time I cried over a death was due to my hamster Sora last week.

090. Yourself &#8594; Sure
091. Miracles &#8594; Not really
092. Love at first sight &#8594; Eh not really...love takes work...
093. Heaven &#8594; No
094. Santa Claus &#8594; Depends...do I get presents?
095. Sex on the first date &#8594; No
096. Kiss on the first date &#8594; Yes

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? &#8594; Not really...
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? &#8594; Not really...
099. Do you believe in God &#8594; No

100. Post as 100 truths and tag 12 people

Sounded like fun! I wanted to try!
001. Real name &#8594; Eric
002. Nickname(s) &#8594; none
003. Zodiac sign &#8594; Taurus
004. Male or female &#8594; male
005. Elementary School &#8594; Kaiser Elementary
006. More Primary School &#8594; Roseville Junior High School
007. High School &#8594; Roseville High School
008. Hair color &#8594; Natural=red dyed=black
009. Long or short &#8594; long
010. Loud or Quiet &#8594; quiet
011. Sweats or Jeans &#8594; jeans
012. Phone or Camera &#8594; camera
013. Health freak &#8594; no
014. Drink or Smoke? &#8594; no
015. Do you have a crush on someone? &#8594; yeah
016. Eat or Drink &#8594; both
017. Piercings &#8594; used to have 1 ear and 1 eyebrow
018. Tattoos &#8594; none

019. Been in an airplane&#8594; no
020. Been in a relationship&#8594; 1
021. Been in a car accident &#8594; no
022. Been in a fist fight &#8594; no

023. First piercing &#8594;ear at 10 yrs.
024. First best friend &#8594; zach
025. First award &#8594; none really
026. First crush &#8594; chick named chelsea in 4th grade
028. First big vacation &#8594; six flags in 2004

029. Last person you talked to &#8594; cassie!
030. Last person you texted &#8594; mother
031. Last person you watched a DVD with &#8594; myself
032. Last food you ate&#8594; taco bell
033. Last movie you watched alone &#8594; nightmare on elm street
034. Last song you listened to &#8594; make me bad-korn
035. Last thing you bought &#8594; taco bell
036. Last person you hugged &#8594; me

037. Food &#8594; doritos
038. Drinks &#8594; redpop
039. Clothing &#8594; t shirts
040. Flower &#8594;none
042. Colors &#8594; black
043. Movies &#8594; star wars!
044. Subjects &#8594; math


In 2009, I....

045. [] kissed someone
046. [] celebrated Halloween
047. [x ] had your heart broken
048. [] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone
049. [x] someone questioned your sexual orientation
050. [ ] came out of the closet
051. [ ] gotten pregnant
052. [ ] had an abortion
053. [X] done something you've regretted
054. [ ] broke a promise
055. [] hid a secret
056. [x ] pretended to be happy
057. [] met someone who changed your life
058. [ ] pretended to be sick
059. [ ] left the country
060. [] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
061. [X] cried over the silliest thing
062. [ ] ran a mile
063. [ ] went to the beach with your best friend(s)
064. [x] got into an argument with your friends
065. [ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] hated someone
066. [ x] stayed single the whole year

067. Eating &#8594; nothing
068. Drinking &#8594; nothing
069. I'm about to &#8594; play more playstation 2
070. Listening to &#8594; classic game room on youtube
071. Plans for today &#8594; Green Day Concert!!!!
072. Waiting for &#8594; the right girl to come
073. Want kids? &#8594; no
074. Want to get married? &#8594; maybe
075. Careers in mind &#8594;digital media design

076. Lips or eyes &#8594; lips
077. Shorter or taller?&#8594; shorter than me
078. Romantic or spontaneous &#8594; spontaneous
079. Nice stomach or nice arms &#8594; nice stomach
080. Sensitive or loud &#8594; either
081. Hook-up or relationship &#8594; relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant &#8594; either

083. Lost glasses/contacts &#8594; always lose sunglasses
084. Snuck out of your house &#8594; no
085. Held a gun/knife for self defense &#8594; nope
086. Killed somebody &#8594; no
087. Broken someone's heart &#8594; probably not
088. Been arrested &#8594; nope
089. Cried when someone died &#8594; yeah

090. Yourself &#8594; hardly
091. Miracles &#8594; nope
092. Love at first sight &#8594; i don't even really believe in love anymore
093. Heaven &#8594; yes
094. Santa Claus &#8594; nope.
095. Sex on the first date &#8594; yes.
096. Kiss on the first date &#8594; yes.

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? &#8594; yessir!
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? &#8594; NO.
099. Do you believe in God &#8594; yes i do.

100. Post as 100 truths and tag 12 people

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