I have OCD

For about 2 and a half years now, I've been suffering from extreme cases of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). If you don't know what that is, Wikipedia it.
Anyway, my case is that I have this well (OK this is so embarrassing :/ ) fear of "school germs" (or whatever you wanna call them). Anyway, whenever I come back from school, I don't touch anyone, I don't touch the couch, I don't touch the desk, the bed, the walls, nothing. That's cause I've got these "school germs" (OR WHATEVER YOU WANNA CALL THEM) on me. I sit on the floor with my backpack next to me, and stay on the ground for HOURS till I get my homework done. Now these "school germs" are obtained by simply going to school. I've always been wanting to be my ordinary self again like the ordinary kids in the school. I wanna go home, take a shower, then go to my desk and do the homework. But I can't, cause after showering I'll have to touch my books, which will give me school germs, meaning I can't touch anything without showering my school germs off.
Say my friend calls me and goes like "Hey, can you check your Agenda and tell me which pages we have to solve on the Math Homework?" No I can't do that. Touching my Agenda will give me school germs. -.-
Guys I know, that when someone has OCD, they have to contact a doctor immediately, but this is the thing: I'm still a middle school kid, so my mom is the one who does appointments with the doctor, and she doesn't BELIEVE me when I tell her I have OCD. She thinks I just want to seek attention or some crap like that idk how people think sometimes.
What I hate most, is like when my maid puts my school backpack on my bed, and now the WHOLE BED has school germs on it, and I have to wash the entire blanket.
Oh and I shower EVERYDAY since I'm pretty much getting school germs everyday.
One also very annoying thing is I can't take my iPhone or DS to school cause they'll get school germs all over them and I need to disinfect them with Dettol or something like that.
Anyway, I've lately been coming up with multiple ways to cure myself from OCD (it's about time) WITHOUT a doctor. My method is the following:

- I make a JOURNAL. And with this journal, I keep track of everything that happens in my life. Here's the catch though, this Journal is gonna be with me in school AND when I'm not in school, meaning I'm gonna carry the school germs with me everywhere meaning hopefully soon enough, I'll get over my OCD.

Now here's the problem:

- I'm too scared to get school germs on my Journal :/ . I didn't take it to school yet.

Does anyone know some methods and procedures I can use all by myself to get over this retarded case of OCD?

Guyss I know this is SOOOO ridiculous. I know there are no such things as school germs. I know this is all in my head. Everyone with OCD knows they have OCD. But well this is the effect of OCD and I don't know what to do.


[quote name='XLarge' post='3216770' date='Oct 21 2010, 12:22 PM']whatever dude, i am a paranoid schizofrenic you don't see me writing a blog about it[/quote]

*Stalks XLarge out of the thread*

I'm out to get you.

The only known cure for fear is to face the fear.
Immerse yourself in it until it becomes bearable.
It's far from an ideal solution, but it can work.

Fighting your own mind is one of the tougher battles you might face.
I wish you luck.
As far as I know, fear of germs isn't OCD at all...
It's similar in a way, but it's not OCD.

Sounds more like mysophobia what you've got going on
[quote name='XLarge' post='3216770' date='Oct 21 2010, 08:22 PM']whatever dude, i am a paranoid schizofrenic you don't see me writing a blog about it[/quote]

Just cause you're not much of a blogger doesn't mean I shouldn't blog man..

[quote name='Vulpes Abnocto' post='3216780' date='Oct 21 2010, 08:27 PM'][quote name='XLarge' post='3216770' date='Oct 21 2010, 12:22 PM']whatever dude, i am a paranoid schizofrenic you don't see me writing a blog about it[/quote]

*Stalks XLarge out of the thread*

I'm out to get you.

The only known cure for fear is to face the fear.
Immerse yourself in it until it becomes bearable.
It's far from an ideal solution, but it can work.

Fighting your own mind is one of the tougher battles you might face.
I wish you luck.

Oh dear...
God help me.

[quote name='DBlaze' post='3216781' date='Oct 21 2010, 08:27 PM']As far as I know, fear of germs isn't OCD at all...
It's similar in a way, but it's not OCD.

Sounds more like mysophobia what you've got going on[/quote]

The weird thing is that school germs are only gotten when I go to school.
If I go to the mall or something and I come back home, I just need to change my clothes and I'm perfectly fine.
Still think it's mysophobia?
I have OCD and I have yet to cure it. I constantly wash my hands or use lotion. It got so bad (this was before the lotion) that my hands were dry, cracked, and bleeding in the winter. Finally I started with the lotion, but was eventually diagnosed with OCD and medicated. I'm not medicated anymore (I can't afford it or doctors appointments) so there's nothing I can do about it. I also have ADHD, and we couldn't really medicate that because of my OCD (they tried medicating my sister and she started pulling her hair out, I have no idea what they're talking about though, she doesn't have OCD, or maybe she had it so mild that it wasn't worth medicating or something, I don't know).

Anyway I do know people like your parents. One of my uncle's and his ex-wife (their mother) have two kids. One kid is epileptic and has seizures. Well the parents thought she was faking the seizure to get attention, until she had to go to the hospital one day. The other kid I can tell for sure has ADHD. She never shuts up and literally bounces off the walls. It's much worse than my ADHD, but slightly less worse than my other cousin who is like a Mexican Jumping Bean. Yet the father and mother refuse to have anything done about it. I guess they don't want to accept the fact that these problems run in the family (the epilepsy is on the mother's side, ADHD is on her father's side) and they want to think that they are the only one with kids without mental problems. I've had friend's who I knew had something wrong with them and their parents still refuse to do nothing, but it's not my problem anymore, not my friend anymore either. He was nicer when he thought he was gay/
wash your hands now
then just fucking grit your teeth, pour your school items on your bed and just roll around in them and maybe lick one or two

Trust me i am a doctor
[quote name='Aeladya' post='3216832' date='Oct 21 2010, 09:01 PM']I have OCD and I have yet to cure it. I constantly wash my hands or use lotion. It got so bad (this was before the lotion) that my hands were dry, cracked, and bleeding in the winter. Finally I started with the lotion, but was eventually diagnosed with OCD and medicated. I'm not medicated anymore (I can't afford it or doctors appointments) so there's nothing I can do about it. I also have ADHD, and we couldn't really medicate that because of my OCD (they tried medicating my sister and she started pulling her hair out, I have no idea what they're talking about though, she doesn't have OCD, or maybe she had it so mild that it wasn't worth medicating or something, I don't know).

Anyway I do know people like your parents. One of my uncle's and his ex-wife (their mother) have two kids. One kid is epileptic and has seizures. Well the parents thought she was faking the seizure to get attention, until she had to go to the hospital one day. The other kid I can tell for sure has ADHD. She never shuts up and literally bounces off the walls. It's much worse than my ADHD, but slightly less worse than my other cousin who is like a Mexican Jumping Bean. Yet the father and mother refuse to have anything done about it. I guess they don't want to accept the fact that these problems run in the family (the epilepsy is on the mother's side, ADHD is on her father's side) and they want to think that they are the only one with kids without mental problems. I've had friend's who I knew had something wrong with them and their parents still refuse to do nothing, but it's not my problem anymore, not my friend anymore either. He was nicer when he thought he was gay/[/quote]

I thought I was the only kid on earth with dehydrated hands. I wash them like 30 or more times a day and don't always feel like drying them.
And... Whoa you have ADHD?
Yeah, I don't like it when parents don't get it.
Like how I'm claustrophobic as well. My mom doesn't believe that either. :/

[quote name='DeadLocked' post='3216862' date='Oct 21 2010, 09:16 PM']wash your hands now
then just fucking grit your teeth, pour your school items on your bed and just roll around in them and maybe lick one or two

Trust me i am a doctor[/quote]

I'd rather kill than do that.
Surely a real doctor would have a real solution :P Just saying if I'm ever gonna recover, I'll need to do it gradually.
I'm telling you, my case is no ordinary case.
If I wanna study after a shower, I put my books in the scanner. Shower then come out and make photocopies.
Yes I ACTUALLY make clean photocopies to prevent myself from touching the books.
Oh man now I just feel bad for earth. All these papers used. (I print on both sides :D )
Do you know Andrew Reynolds? He is a professional skateboarder with the same disease. I believe skateboarding helped him control the disease. I don't know exactly how it helped him, but I believe it was like: the dangerous side of skateboarding helped him to overcome and control his fears.

Edit: just like him you will probably find a way to control it, but you do need to look for it.
Do you read library books?
Think of the germs on those.
I'm pretty sure being aware that these "school" germs don't exist is half the battle. When you have these school germs on you, what is it about them that makes you scared to touch things? I'm quite curious as to how this feels, I can't really comprehend and I would like to understand. What if you just touched anything anyways and spread these school germs? What if you just changed out of your clothes and washed your hands? What if you slowly eased into things like sitting on the couch or on a chair?

I've always been quite curious about things sorry for all the questions :P
There are germs everywhere. You can't change that, unless you live in a bubble the rest of your life. Honestly, DeadLocked is right, no matter how stupid his solution sounds. You have to confront it and embrace it almost.

I have a slight OCD problem, but nothing extreme/able to be diagnosed...I wash my hands a lot. Not extreme or so thorough that I'm sitting at my sink for 20 minutes, but I like to keep my hands/the things they touch (Video games/system, laptop/keyboard/mouse, etc.) clean. I sometimes feel sick thinking about the germs (I can actually feel my stomach churning right now), but it goes away if I drink/eat something. Kind of strange, but it helps for some reason.

But yeah, try going to school and just touching/feeling stuff. People might think you just got back from smoking weed or something if they see you, but it's for your own good, not their personal comedy session.
Meditate. Face the fear in your mind because OCD isn't physical its mental. I promise you it won't be the end of the world. You said yourself that shower will get rid of these school germs so it doesn't matter if the school germs touch you because you can go take a shower later. However if you have to touch them again afterward then just relax and tell yourself that tomorrow you can take another shower (save the water for the fish so no "showers--every-10-minutes" or shower you school books lol).

This a process normal people go through and they're not OCD. When a person feels dirty, they'll take a shower. If they get a little dirty later, its okay because the cycle will begin again the next day and they'll take another shower.
All I can suggest is to face your fear.

I know I have OCD habits, that I don't really tell anyone about xD I just have to do certain things, and go crazy if I don't.
It doesn't really sound like OCD to me, but none the less, you need to face your fear. Good luck!
Like everyone else says, face your fears. I used to have the same problem, but I realized that there were germs all around me. Nowadays, I just keep away from certain people (there's always got to be that one weird kid at school that does...strange things.), although, I'm afraid to flush in public bathrooms, so I usually kick it instead, and I feel sick when people walk out of their bathrooms without washing their hands ;-;
[quote name='imshortandrad' post='3217612' date='Oct 21 2010, 07:05 PM']All I can suggest is to face your fear.

I know I have OCD habits, that I don't really tell anyone about xD I just have to do certain things, and go crazy if I don't.
It doesn't really sound like OCD to me, but none the less, you need to face your fear. Good luck![/quote]

You just told the entire forum.... ._.
[quote name='phoenixgoddess27' post='3217628' date='Oct 22 2010, 01:15 AM'][quote name='imshortandrad' post='3217612' date='Oct 21 2010, 07:05 PM']All I can suggest is to face your fear.

I know I have OCD habits, that I don't really tell anyone about xD I just have to do certain things, and go crazy if I don't.
It doesn't really sound like OCD to me, but none the less, you need to face your fear. Good luck![/quote]

You just told the entire forum.... ._.
I meant what my habits are.
I used to be kinda OCD, but then I stopped watching Monk. My advice for you is to slowly immerse yourself into these "school germs". Touch something you are afraid of, the don't wash your hands. Just kinda let them sit there.

It seems as though you've been escalating the problem by not confronting it. Your mind can take this as far as it wants. Maybe the germs spread all over your room, and then into the bathroom. Could the neighborhood be effect? Possibly even the entire country? Now it's all over the world and there's no escape. The Milky Way now has them. And it's now passed on the the billions of other stars. From there, it goes on into infinity. The problem is only as big as you think it to be.

Oh and taking a shower once a day isn't OCD - it's hygienic. >_>
Maybe you should have two notebooks. One for school and one at home. Good luck with your OCD thingy.

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  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    how are you\
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @salazarcosplay, we just talked like 2 hours ago
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I had the Goodyear blimp fly real low right over my house this morning, was weird out of nowhere looking up and seeing it that close up. Memorial golf tourney going on by me in Dublin Ohio and its there.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, i tried the gdevelop mobile app and theres a event limit and you have to pay to add more events
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I never used the mobile or online versions, just the pc version.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, i only use the online version
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I was at the bar for 1 hour and lost $40 playing pool, and said well that's enough for my unlucky day, better quit. Some sharks up there today.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, did you get drunk?
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    No I don't drink much when i goto bar, cause I driving, or if/when I do, ill take a uber/cab home. But I'm working on it now tho I'm home, beer n whiskey shots today.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    He's afraid he might wake up next to ancientboi the next day
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    What a "Scared Straight" moment that would be.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    A friend give me a $35 cigar, and pssf, just as good as a $5 one. But of course gonna have to tell him it was awesome.
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    What makes a good Cuban rum soaked cigar is a nice cosmopolitan to go with it.
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Used to do that every time I went to Miami on business
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    There was this little bar I would stop in have that combo and watch the beach
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I've never met a girl named cosmopolitan, but cool. And where do you insert the cigar? Mr clinton
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Slightly more than 35 dollars lol but I was making thousands on a job.
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Cosmopolitan is just vodka and cranberry juice lol
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    I'm a martini glass
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    My dental assistant is Cuban I'm gonna have to him for cigars and sandwiches now
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea wish I could get Cubans cheap, they are ridiculous priced up here. But they are hard workers.
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    I think I was paying like 75 back in the early 90s
    Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo: I think I was paying like 75 back in the early 90s