gay bashing /hate

i don't know why so many are against people that are gay, i'm gay and proud of it my whole family against it but i don't care it their own opinion not mine. even some christian are against it some not all but some.( GOD must be bi or gay cause he did make man first then woman ) (just joking) . love knows no bounds people who are homophobia's get over it

i follow my own path no cant tell me different, the only person that can is me


[quote name='RoMee' post='3271666' date='Nov 18 2010, 02:12 AM'][quote name='Pliskron' post='3271662' date='Nov 17 2010, 08:08 PM']If you want to see intolerance look in the mirror. Liberals and progressives are bigoted toward religion and at times quite hateful. They treat religion in a way that would make them kick and scream if they received the same treatment. Btw you can always find a picture with ten kooks holding signs. If I posted a picture of some depraved gays and there are plenty of those you's tell me not to paint every one with the same brush. You are guilty of being an intolerant bigot that stereotypes groups of people.[/quote]

I for one treat religion the way I treat rainbows and unicorns.
I call it how I see it and your post today on this thread is all the proof I need and is the perfect example
and your post is all the proof I need that many liberals such as your self are bigots, small minded and intellectually brittle. You treat groups the same way you complain about being treated. Now I'll not indite all liberals because I'm not like you.
My displeasure is that violence against homosexuals gets all the press, but violence against Christians gets disregarded. I shan't deny that homosexuals get hurt and abused, but the amount/type of Christianity-bashing (and general homophobe-bashing) is ridiculous. I mean, if I bought a grape from someone whom I did not know that was a homophobe (and by "homophobe" I mean "anyone who disapproves of homosexuality in any way"), the homofascists (the "pro-gay" versions of the Westboro Drongos) would be all over me, claiming that I wold just LO-O-O-OVE to see a gay write in pain and burn in Hell, just like the Westboro Drongo I am. Eugh. The "gay problem" is not the existence of homosexuals, but the way the homofascists are pushing and exaggerating the issue. (I do not want to bother in trying to please them; try arguing with a Westboro Drongo, and you know how dense is a homofascist.)

Also, whomever says that the Bible teaches Christians to hate homosexuals need to re-read not only the Gospel, but also Jonah's story, as well. (The reason why Jonah ran away from Niniveh was because he WANTED God to judge Niniveh for their sins, despite God's call for repentance.) Also, in Ezekiel, God sys that He has no glory in those who die, but rather repent.

As for whether homosexuality is natural, we need to look as the "homosexuals can not make babies" issue at another angle. To put this my way, homosexuality is not bad because such does not make babies, but the fact that homosexuality does not make babies bring suspicion towards the issue. Plus, are not man and woman designed to complement each other? Had homosexuality been normal, should not homosexuals have a specially designed anatomy for them?

Also, the way that homofascists (not necessarily homosexuals) behave is rather suspicious. They make such noise about their opinion but make loud attempts to silence the other side ("We're here! We're queer! Get used to it!"). They praise Matthew Shepard but denounce Mary Stachowicz. They call homofascism "that thing that Christians scream when we get angry at their throwing poop at us," yet they crush the opposition rather crudely (Remember the Ms. Universe Scandal? What about the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence?). They point at all the suffering that homosexuals have but insist that Christians are in the majority and affluent (even though those in other countries, like North Korea, India, the Middle East, and Indonesia are undergoing REAL suffering and persecution). They may be open to conversation, but, once you start winning the debate (even if such is basic stuff like "Homosexuals consistently get higher disease rates are shorter lifespans" or "Why homosexuality is good but incest is bad?"), they denounce you. They insist that ex-gay ministries are detrimental to a person's health, but they immediately go all over a person who is actually happy with a new non-homosexual life.

The issue is not that people care too little about homosexuals, but that they care for them the wrong way.

...and now I am going to be banned for saying all of this.
[quote name='Pliskron' post='3271662' date='Nov 17 2010, 08:08 PM']If you want to see intolerance look in the mirror. Liberals and progressives are bigoted toward religion and at times quite hateful. They treat religion in a way that would make them kick and scream if they received the same treatment. Btw you can always find a picture with ten kooks holding signs. If I posted a picture of some depraved gays and there are plenty of those you's tell me not to paint every one with the same brush. You are guilty of being an intolerant bigot that stereotypes groups of people.[/quote]
Lol Liberals treat religion as it should be treated. A few people act with extreme hate towards religious people, and because they do it, they stand out the most. its a very small percentage of liberals (5% maybe?) that act in such a manor. REAL Liberals treat religion as it should be treated, which is as something that isn't of importance. When your religion not only alters your life, but begins to alter the lives of others, that's WAY out of line. Who are YOU to say that someone else cant do something because its not favored by your opinion. :moogle: Stop the idiocy. Gay marriage is illegal because religious nuts found a line or two in their book that states that god doesn't like it. God did not say this himself.

if something doesn't affect YOU directly, then where does the problem Lie? How is two men or women who get married ruining your life? Does it make you want to kill yourself or something? Because if it does, then maybe you need a therepist. However, By forbidding two people who are in love to get married because of your opinion, That's wrong, and it is hurting them. It is people like you who dream of a world where homosexual couples cant even kiss in public. Taking away rights is wrong. Grow a brain, or stop talking. :moogle:
[quote name='Eruonen' post='3271671' date='Nov 18 2010, 02:15 AM'][quote name='Pliskron' post='3271662' date='Nov 18 2010, 02:08 AM']If you want to see intolerance look in the mirror. Liberals and progressives are bigoted toward religion and at times quite hateful. They treat religion in a way that would make them kick and scream if they received the same treatment. Btw you can always find a picture with ten kooks holding signs. If I posted a picture of some depraved gays and there are plenty of those you's tell me not to paint every one with the same brush. You are guilty of being an intolerant bigot that stereotypes groups of people.[/quote]
Religion is the cause of so much violence and misery, you can't say the same about homosexuality.
Actually it's the Godless communists and secularists that have killed by far the most people in history. Between Mow, Stalin and Pol Pot you have by some estimates 100 million dead. That's a record religion can't even begin to touch.
[quote name='Pliskron' post='3271687' date='Nov 17 2010, 08:20 PM'][quote name='Eruonen' post='3271671' date='Nov 18 2010, 02:15 AM'][quote name='Pliskron' post='3271662' date='Nov 18 2010, 02:08 AM']If you want to see intolerance look in the mirror. Liberals and progressives are bigoted toward religion and at times quite hateful. They treat religion in a way that would make them kick and scream if they received the same treatment. Btw you can always find a picture with ten kooks holding signs. If I posted a picture of some depraved gays and there are plenty of those you's tell me not to paint every one with the same brush. You are guilty of being an intolerant bigot that stereotypes groups of people.[/quote]
Religion is the cause of so much violence and misery, you can't say the same about homosexuality.
Actually it's the Godless communists and secularists that have killed by far the most people in history. Between Mow, Stalin and Pol Pot you have by some estimates 100 million dead. That's a record religion can't even begin to touch.

seems like you know nothing about religions, do you know how many people was killed in the name of god during the crusades??
and as I remember it Hitler killed quite a few people while claiming to be a christians, and this is just 2 example
I have an interesting observation. Liberals by in large are actually as dogmatic and fanatical as the most religious zealot. Guilty in fact of what they themselves accuse others of. They should really look in the mirror
[quote name='Pliskron' post='3271687' date='Nov 18 2010, 02:20 AM'][quote name='Eruonen' post='3271671' date='Nov 18 2010, 02:15 AM'][quote name='Pliskron' post='3271662' date='Nov 18 2010, 02:08 AM']If you want to see intolerance look in the mirror. Liberals and progressives are bigoted toward religion and at times quite hateful. They treat religion in a way that would make them kick and scream if they received the same treatment. Btw you can always find a picture with ten kooks holding signs. If I posted a picture of some depraved gays and there are plenty of those you's tell me not to paint every one with the same brush. You are guilty of being an intolerant bigot that stereotypes groups of people.[/quote]
Religion is the cause of so much violence and misery, you can't say the same about homosexuality.
Actually it's the Godless communists and secularists that have killed by far the most people in history. Between Mow, Stalin and Pol Pot you have by some estimates 100 million dead. That's a record religion can't even begin to touch.
The number of people killed in the name of religion is far greater than the number of people killed in the name of atheism (practically none).
Those "Godless communists" and secularists you refer to may have killed an amazing number of people, but practically none of them in the name of atheism.

It's Mao, by the way.
[quote name='RoMee' post='3271693' date='Nov 18 2010, 02:24 AM'][quote name='Pliskron' post='3271687' date='Nov 17 2010, 08:20 PM'][quote name='Eruonen' post='3271671' date='Nov 18 2010, 02:15 AM'][quote name='Pliskron' post='3271662' date='Nov 18 2010, 02:08 AM']If you want to see intolerance look in the mirror. Liberals and progressives are bigoted toward religion and at times quite hateful. They treat religion in a way that would make them kick and scream if they received the same treatment. Btw you can always find a picture with ten kooks holding signs. If I posted a picture of some depraved gays and there are plenty of those you's tell me not to paint every one with the same brush. You are guilty of being an intolerant bigot that stereotypes groups of people.[/quote]
Religion is the cause of so much violence and misery, you can't say the same about homosexuality.
Actually it's the Godless communists and secularists that have killed by far the most people in history. Between Mow, Stalin and Pol Pot you have by some estimates 100 million dead. That's a record religion can't even begin to touch.

seems like you know nothing about religions, do you know how many people was killed in the name of god during the crusades??
and as I remember it Hitler killed quite a few people while claiming to be a christians, and this is just 2 example
You should read your history. The crusades killed thousands with swords the communists killed on an industrial scale with modern weapons and concentration camps 10's of millions lost their lives in recent times not 1000 years ago. Not for a religion but for an idea.
[quote name='RoMee' post='3271693' date='Nov 17 2010, 08:24 PM']seems like you know nothing about religions, do you know how many people was killed in the name of god during the crusades??
and as I remember it Hitler killed quite a few people while claiming to be a christians, and this is just 2 example[/quote]
I have no idea how many died in the Crusades, do you? If you can give an accurate, exact number, I'll accept that as a valid argument.

For the record, I'd consider myself agnostic, but religious and nonreligious people telling each other why their view is right and the other's is wrong really angers me. It doesn't matter to you what someone else believes, so just leave it at that.
[quote name='RoMee' post='3271693' date='Nov 18 2010, 03:24 AM'][quote name='Pliskron' post='3271687' date='Nov 17 2010, 08:20 PM'][quote name='Eruonen' post='3271671' date='Nov 18 2010, 02:15 AM'][quote name='Pliskron' post='3271662' date='Nov 18 2010, 02:08 AM']If you want to see intolerance look in the mirror. Liberals and progressives are bigoted toward religion and at times quite hateful. They treat religion in a way that would make them kick and scream if they received the same treatment. Btw you can always find a picture with ten kooks holding signs. If I posted a picture of some depraved gays and there are plenty of those you's tell me not to paint every one with the same brush. You are guilty of being an intolerant bigot that stereotypes groups of people.[/quote]
Religion is the cause of so much violence and misery, you can't say the same about homosexuality.
Actually it's the Godless communists and secularists that have killed by far the most people in history. Between Mow, Stalin and Pol Pot you have by some estimates 100 million dead. That's a record religion can't even begin to touch.

seems like you know nothing about religions, do you know how many people was killed in the name of god during the crusades??
and as I remember it Hitler killed quite a few people while claiming to be a christians, and this is just 2 example

you do know what nazi stood for dont you - National Socialism;
which is next to the same as communism like mow and stalin
[quote name='RoMee' post='3271693' date='Nov 17 2010, 09:24 PM'][quote name='Pliskron' post='3271687' date='Nov 17 2010, 08:20 PM'][quote name='Eruonen' post='3271671' date='Nov 18 2010, 02:15 AM'][quote name='Pliskron' post='3271662' date='Nov 18 2010, 02:08 AM']If you want to see intolerance look in the mirror. Liberals and progressives are bigoted toward religion and at times quite hateful. They treat religion in a way that would make them kick and scream if they received the same treatment. Btw you can always find a picture with ten kooks holding signs. If I posted a picture of some depraved gays and there are plenty of those you's tell me not to paint every one with the same brush. You are guilty of being an intolerant bigot that stereotypes groups of people.[/quote]
Religion is the cause of so much violence and misery, you can't say the same about homosexuality.
Actually it's the Godless communists and secularists that have killed by far the most people in history. Between Mow, Stalin and Pol Pot you have by some estimates 100 million dead. That's a record religion can't even begin to touch.

seems like you know nothing about religions, do you know how many people was killed in the name of god during the crusades??
and as I remember it Hitler killed quite a few people while claiming to be a christians, and this is just 2 example

hitler was not a christian

pretty sure this was common knowledge.
[quote name='Pliskron' post='3271695' date='Nov 17 2010, 09:25 PM']I have an interesting observation. Liberals by in large are actually as dogmatic and fanatical as the most religious zealot. Guilty in fact of what they themselves accuse others of. They should really look in the mirror[/quote]

Dude, I'm more leaning towards the liberal side and I find your comments to be offensive. Just chill, bashing a political viewpoint isn't going to help your argument. I'm an atheist, but I don't have a problem with religion.
[quote name='PeregrinFig' post='3271702' date='Nov 18 2010, 02:28 AM']For the record, I'd consider myself agnostic, but religious and nonreligious people telling each other why their view is right and the other's is wrong really angers me. It doesn't matter to you what someone else believes, so just leave it at that.[/quote]
I consider myself an agnostic atheist. I do not believe in a god or gods, but I am not sure there isn't one.

That being said, I dislike religion for all the suffering it causes.
[quote name='RoMee' post='3271710' date='Nov 18 2010, 02:32 AM']so all those time when he said he was a christians, was a lie??[/quote]
Who gives a shit whether Hitler was an atheist or not? It is entirely besides the point.

Hitler, Stalin and Mao NEVER killed in the name of atheism.
[quote name='RoMee' post='3271693' date='Nov 17 2010, 08:24 PM'][quote name='Pliskron' post='3271687' date='Nov 17 2010, 08:20 PM'][quote name='Eruonen' post='3271671' date='Nov 18 2010, 02:15 AM'][quote name='Pliskron' post='3271662' date='Nov 18 2010, 02:08 AM']If you want to see intolerance look in the mirror. Liberals and progressives are bigoted toward religion and at times quite hateful. They treat religion in a way that would make them kick and scream if they received the same treatment. Btw you can always find a picture with ten kooks holding signs. If I posted a picture of some depraved gays and there are plenty of those you's tell me not to paint every one with the same brush. You are guilty of being an intolerant bigot that stereotypes groups of people.[/quote]
Religion is the cause of so much violence and misery, you can't say the same about homosexuality.
Actually it's the Godless communists and secularists that have killed by far the most people in history. Between Mow, Stalin and Pol Pot you have by some estimates 100 million dead. That's a record religion can't even begin to touch.

seems like you know nothing about religions, do you know how many people was killed in the name of god during the crusades??
and as I remember it Hitler killed quite a few people while claiming to be a christians, and this is just 2 example
You still can not blame religion on that. I have personally seen what lack of religion has done to people. I am not too religious myself, and my mother is the same. She said that there is a theory that religion was created to control people with a much stronger force than law, because people break law all the time as long as no one is watching, but with a religion, he will do "right" even when no one is watching. I lived in China for some time, and greed is a far more evil force than religion. Without religion, people live for themselves, and these people are racist, cruel and do things that are inhumane to other human because these people are in the way of profit. People usually bash Chinese government as a whole, but most of these people think very similarly with the government.
[quote name='RoMee' post='3271445' date='Nov 18 2010, 12:18 AM'][quote name='Magmorph' post='3271441' date='Nov 17 2010, 06:16 PM'][quote name='RoMee' post='3271431' date='Nov 17 2010, 05:06 PM']back to my original point..god worshipers use the bible to justify their hate
Unless I misunderstood all those people who wants to ban gay rights, because "being gay is a sin".[/quote]
They should also want to ban the wearing of 2 different types of fabric, and want to have slavery made legal again.

well with the republicans in the white house..slavery might become legal again...

As much as I dislike the republican party in general that was one of the most ignorant statements I have ever witnessed.
[quote name='deathking' post='3271703' date='Nov 18 2010, 02:29 AM']you do know what nazi stood for dont you - National Socialism;
which is next to the same as communism like mow and stalin[/quote]
It's Mao and Hitler was not left winged at all. Don't be an idiot.
[quote name='RoMee' post='3271710' date='Nov 17 2010, 09:32 PM']so all those time when he said he was a christians, was a lie??[/quote]
Hitler never once mentioned his religious preference whatsoever. However, in mein kampf, he did refer to a general "creator of the universe". Either way,
his religious preference is irrelevant; just because you practice a belief, doesn't imply that you're automatically evil.

Politics wise, Mao was considered Far Left wing (communism), Hitler's "National Socialism" was more fascist, thus making it Far Right Wing. They were opposites, in other words.
[quote name='DeliciousRice' post='3271721' date='Nov 18 2010, 02:42 AM']Either way,
his religious preference is irrelevant; just because you practice a belief, doesn't imply that you're automatically evil.[/quote]
His religious preferences were made relevant by the person who said that atheists are responsible for more pain and suffering than theists.
Of course, I still agree with you that it's irrelevant because the atheists they refer to did not kill people in the name of atheism.

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