I'm leaving homebrew development


I will no longer make public homebrew. None of my existing homebrew will receive any QoL feature updates either. I may publish some "necessary feature" updates, but it's very unlikely (explained in later paragraphs).

While I'll stop maintaning my existing homebrew and I'll stop making new ones, I'll still try to help other homebrew developers if their problem is my field.

I have most of my homebrew archived, and taken off from public. I have grouped them into categories to show which homebrew I can and can't maintain because of this change.

Completely removed (except some archives) and not supported (no builds, no full source):
- py3DShell27 and PyShell36
- 3DSControllerPlus ("PaintController")
- CTR_Companion and BlueCone
- RedThreeUp
- HxCMod (port)
- MM (including the one with Lua scripting support, and Grand Dad Mania 3DS too)
- netmus (fork)
- MCU_examples
- Unrestrict

These have builds which I will not remove, but I won't maintain them, nor bugfix them:
- OCDM (ObjC version)
- OCDM-old (the well-known version with the bad UI)

These may have expired downlodas, but I will still make bugfixes and make it work if something gets updated and it breaks (on request in thread or profile post):
- TerraInveditThreedee
- IRdA (Input Redirection Android)

Things I may tinker with if I get an idea or I have spare time:
- Citrix ("3DS Java")
- HzMod (TJPEG ASM version)

Anything else not mentioned has either never been released, or if it is, then there is a very little chance I'll maintain it.

I don't enjoy making homebrew anymore.

Even though I started programming by being interested, I kept it out of necessity all this time.
Even though this didn't bother me at the time, it started to take a toll on me when I started having less time and more being sick.

You could say, "why did you release homebrew then if you can't maintain it?", and it's a legit question. I thought that why let something go to waste if other people also want it, and it usually worked out in the past without too many hurdles.
Not only was I motivated because I *needed* to make homebrew to get the things I couldn't afford, and also from the positive replies when I release the initial version, or subsequent updates.

But now that I have less time than ever, and I have much less energy to maintain homebrew. This not only took an even bigger toll on my health, but the feel that you overpromise and underdeliver is soul-crusing, let alone when you witness with your own eye the interest decay into nothing. I can no longer push myself by overpromising and actually delivering it. It has devolved into a downwards spiral.

I'd rather not detail it, but the *current world event* situation has also pushed me into insanity due to the strong opposition against me and my beliefs. I get panic attack if I have to leave the house, and I have been traumatized very badly. I don't feel good where the same people who appreciate my work are the same people who would want me painfully dead.

I will try to no longer announce or hype up anything. If I do, I'm just being an attention whore, because I am. I need your attention, not your money!

I plan on quitting development completey, but it seems quite impossible due to my future plans relying on it if I end up doing all of it alone.

I want to get into infrastructure development (server hosting, internal networking, device interconnect technology (both local and remote)), services (email account, web hosting, game services (server hosting and alternate server software), chat software, and video hosting, to name a few).
I want to do this because I want to free myself from """"free"""" services offered by big coroprations, and I want to provide better alternatives to already existing solutions, where I focus on actually adding useful features and listening to consumer feedback instead of wasting months on how to make the worst possible eye-piercing colorscheme modification possible to make it worse for everyone to use.

I don't plan on making money from this, as I want to do this for myself and some people who have requested these to death. I also just want to build a community where I can maintain (and grow) that community without having to make a completely new big thing every-so-often. I obviously have to work on it for things to not feel stale and unmaintained, but it's much easier to do than making homebrew left-and-right.

Whatever the case, if I make homebrew, I will NOT release it. People may leak them, but I won't be responsible for that. Have fun if they do.

If the above is too hard to read or it's too emotionally strong, here is a shortened recap:
Making homebrew cripples me, so I stopped doing it due to being unable to maintain it due to my bad health and little time.

I will only update some homebrew with bugfixes where it's easy to do, but most homebrew got deleted, and only archives are left.

I am developing insanity, which has also pushed this choice.

I'll make alternatives for most things I use on a daily basis, and ditch the existing """"free"""" solutions due to them being privacy-invading and anti-consumer.

If I do end up making homebrew, I will not release it. If it gets leaked, I won't care, and won't try to take it down, unless it could cause me trouble (see: DiscordCTR).

Even though this was not a huge factor in me quitting, I still don't like how politics is involved in the homebrew scene.

For this reason, I'm GLAD I was banned a long time ago. Compared to when I started making homebrew, and now, politics is involved in the homebrew scene on toxic levels.
While there was always some toxicity to some degree, it was much less worse than toxicity with politics.

I won't go into details as to keep the possible offenses low, but I'm no fan of this. And let's not get started on "political code".

As someone mentioned on IRC:
"back then it didn't matter your age, sex, beliefs, religion, and race, all what mattered is what you put on the table" -- (can't find the original quote)


I hope you feel better soon, you've made some awesome stuff, and whatever you end up doing in the future, there will be people that will always support your work :yay:
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I feel quite sad to read this, in some way :/. But at the same time, it makes me happy that you're trying to follow your gut and stop torturing yourself over things that you can't really deal with anymore.

Given the things you've done, I'm sure we'll see you in big proyects. Hope the best for you, your health, and your future :D
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Thank you for everything you created and shared.
"back then it didn't matter your age, sex, beliefs, religion, and race, all what mattered is what you put on the table"
Don't even get me started on that topic. It is a huge mess which would require A LOT of text to unpack it (and nobody reads that). Saying anything about it in few words is almost guaranteed to provoke name-calling and pre-made quotes to silence the one who dared to say something.

About the world situation: In my opinion the damage is done and has come to stay; the one-and-only topic since about 1 1/2 years is not (really) the reason. I would say it was a catalyst accelerating the inevitable.

I clicked on "Like" for your blog entry. Don't understand this wrong. It is meant as agreement to your decision and your point of view -- not as in liking the described situation. It is sad to see you quit, Sono, but I understand you. Stay strong and stay as sane as possible in this insane world.
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Oh no.....Sono.......one of the most "in all Things interested" Developer and great Guy......:cry:
......but of course understandable,your Choice.

Thank you so much for all your Contributions,my Friend.:)

If you need something (in the "closer environment"),Austria is there for you.:)
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Please come no offense, but for some reason I expected to get shit on. I don't remember anymore why. I'm not surprised.

Thank you everyone for the best wishes!

@KleinesSinchen you bet I could word this in only a few sentences, although I would probably offend some people with no critical thinking :P

@alexander1970 YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I MISS WIEN! Although considering the protests, I guess it's better I'm not there right now.
Although I'd still love to get some 1€ Clever paprika chisps and 35c Clever energy drinks from BILLA and eat a Dönerbox at the local kebab place. Good times those were.
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"You could say, "why did you release homebrew then if you can't maintain it?", and it's a legit question."
I don't know that it is.
It is certainly nice when people do actively support things but having something mostly work is good stuff too.

Likewise I am curious about complete removal, up to and including any source, especially for things that will likely remain a static target (old antivirus might do more harm than good, console that will physically remain the same forever more is a rather different matter). Half the fun of open source was that someone could pick it up and run with it for a bit, or tweak it to their own ends if said own ends were, and this could be decades into the future.

Afraid I never went in for 3ds homebrew (console had no games, and homebrew became less... necessary than prior generations with the rise of more powerful and open computing options) to know what went for politics. Personally I have always gone with Mentor's last words as a general philosophy
If it has been forgotten or supplanted then that is a crying shame. Seems like there might be scope to go against the grain though and return to such a thing.

"are the same people who would want me painfully dead"
Is it really that fun out there for you? As far as not liking it when said same enjoy your work I can't say that bothers me in the slightest. In my case I put it out there so come what may, however others take solace or amusement in you either proving them wrong (you did something useful/good) or it being a little worm in their brain (if they are in some way made better it is because of you).

"If I do end up making homebrew, I will not release it."
Seems an odd way to roll. "Make cool shit, put it out on the internet". For me so much insight has been found into various things I am doing by people that had related or earlier takes on the matter. "If I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants" and all that. Similar idea with failed research -- if it tells me what not to do or what failed before then that is at least some idea more for a direction.
There is some stuff I have scrapped, and others I have folded into other things or that served to collect thoughts. Likewise video editing is a great hobby of mine but there is a reason you will likely never have seen anything from me. I don't know that I can get to code, guides and such like though.
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I know how it feels to waste away your health when what was once a hobby becomes an obligation.
I respect your decision. Try to get better again, focus on whats important in your life.

I appreciate the work you did and shared with the community but health should always come first.
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"why did you release homebrew then if you can't maintain it?", and it's a legit question
I don't feel like it is a legit question. It's not like people are paying you every month for access to what you made, you don't have any deadlines etc.

If you release something and never update it... don't worry about it. I've done a bunch of things I wish I could develop more, and still would like to!
I'm sure there are individuals in the world that wish I updated some of the junk I've made - but I only made it for fun.
Since it's opensource/on GitHub, if someone wants a new feature, anyone in the world can potentially develop it.
No need to give any explanation or make a big deal about it... but you did say you like the attention! :D
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@FAST6191 I don't remember so much why I switched from open-source to closed-source, but I definitely had a reason for it, and so I'll still stand behind it until someone can convince me otherwise.

That what you linked sounds about right. Even though I was bullied by students, teachers, and everyone else there, I still blame them for not being able to open their eyes. If I can't learn from their "teaching", then there is probably something wrong. As long as I'm open for something, I WILL end up learning it, unless some disabilities prevent it (like geography, history, and new languages, and math). Pretty sure the most I learned is some biology from the biology teachers's amazing PowerPoint presentation + commentary format, and vectors in math (but even then I needed external help to understand them).
But yeah, to this day I'm still getting comments as to why I'm always at the laptop. Well, because it can do almost everything I want! If I got some parts, built something, then it could probably even solder for me! It can replace a lot of things, and it's even more convenient than the things it replaces.

Yeah, it's not so fun. Most people get over it without any apparent issues, but for me it's not been easy. For some reason when I even think about going out, some protection mechanism triggers, including panic, and it completely cripples me until I'm allowed to keep locked up at home. This did not happen to this extent before this *current world event*, as I would just wait for a very precise time where I observed the least amount of traffic, and I was able to go to the shop without issues. But now I can't even do that anymore.

That's a fair point, and I have been partially guilty at that. Even though I have contributed to 3dbrew from the hardware and the OS side, I have not documented any file formats or procedures to allow tampering of such files (Mario Maker 3DS, Terraria, etc.), and any information about these only exists in poorly-written undocumented code (written my be of course).
While anyone could do these researches much faster than I did (I began with Terraria on Android in early 2015, which was my first RE work, and it took me months to break the Blowfish crypto; and Mario Maker 3DS anti-anti-lockout took almost exactly a year to find and defeat), there are some things which only a handful of people in existance know. A great example of this is my research on Jazelle, including every little detail that's even more detailed than any publically available information about it. Even though barely anyone wants to know about how it works and how to use it, it would be a shame if my extremely detailed understanding of the hardware would go to waste.
Recently I've been asked more frequently to make archives and documentation on my work, but I don't even know where to start. It's too overwhelming to catch up to more than 6yrs of late work.

@cearp So far I haven't had luck with open-source, so I'll keep it closed until someone can convince me otherwise.
Although now that you mention it, while I do WANT attention, I don't like being in a center of controvery I didn't intentionally cause. Although I still wouldn't want to be in the center in any controvery even if I intentionally caused it, but in that case I couldn't blame anyone but myself.
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School is basically prison. You are mandated to be locked in a room with sociopaths and the dregs of society ("those that can't, teach" and all that).
In my case I am big enough, violent enough and cynical enough that it did not leave too much of a dent but those are perks not everybody has. Still try to put it behind you though -- I do tend to find if school is the best period of someone's life then they are without fail an exceptionally boring person.

On open source vs closed.
I don't know that I am anywhere near the level of evangelism that some have for the notion (though amusingly enough I am actually more about freedom -- I don't care if someone compiles it and sells it, and I don't care if it gets integrated in whatever you are making regardless of the terms. This sort of thing being one of the more interesting divisions in the open source world -- see stuff like MIT vs GPL).
90% of the time if I have notes on the problems faced they will be more useful to me but source is nice for solving problems, dodging tedium (if I can adapt something existing that is usually quicker and saves most of the effort leaving me just the meat of the problem and how I want it tweaked, and possibly others knowing how to use it).
Closed source pretty much gains you the ability to more easily monetise things, and control over others doing stuff with your code (hard to fork it if you have to play with a disassembler and possibly then face issues distributing it) as well as making looking at it and laughing at it (meh really to that -- he says he has no spaghetti in his past is a liar, and problems getting solved is better than stylish code savouring) . Probably quite useful for running a business, less useful for stuff you make for fun and release for free on the internet.

As far as attention and controversies. I think I would be the opposite there -- generally I don't care for having people pay attention (there is a reason my name, face, voice and much more is generally not shared), and the same thing that leaves me enjoying the fire when I could have solved the problems if they had thought to ask me also sees me rather indifferent on controversies I find myself tangentially related to. There is always going to be hurt feelings and someone throwing a hissy fit -- they are on the internet and can't hurt you.
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@FAST6191 I actually want control over my source code. Not at all for monetary reasons. I'm just not comfortable with sharing the things I own or things I create, and that applies to (almost?) everything.
The only exception is knowledge, as I think that everyone deserves free science knowledge, and I'm more than happy to share documentation and insight to how the code works.
Everyone can feel free to reimplement my code from the documentation, but I don't want it to be used in its existing form. I only shared my code for educational purposes, but since github enforces some level of control, I decided to take everything down when I had an another panic attack.
In the debate of patents as it applies to computer code then the standard counter is "you can't patent maths and code is maths", and what is maths if not knowledge?
Granted copyright is the usual contemplation for code and while I can't get to needing control (though as previously discussed I don't really care if the most deplorable on earth use my code/witterings/ideas, indeed wanting such control* wanders into the realm of solipsistic thinking and that is not a great look from where I sit) I can at least see it being a perk for some. The distinction between documentation and code that feeds from it is a new one though, education tending to be the obvious exception and that is purely for practical purposes (ctrl c, ctrl v from stack exchange not really going to teach anybody to think like a coder after all).

*seeing various tech companies try to dictate users of not their service (though I have plenty of issues there too, especially banks and credit card companies with an activist streak, and the blurring of lines between platform and publisher as convenience dictates also runs up there) but their product generally bought and sold.
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