New iPhone 3g

So I got an iPhone 3g 8 gig. Wait let me back up....
Before owning an iPhone I was one that could justify NOT getting one. I mean I use a phone to call people and answer calls - not much more. I would say iPhone is overkill and just for Apple lovers.
Well, where I work, we are a preferred partner of Apple (and Dell, and HP, and Sun, and Toshiba get the point). We got special pricing on the phone and coincidentally my contract on my current cell phone had expired and was getting a ton of calls from them to renew. The time seemed right for a change.

So I got an iPhone 3g 8 gig. I have to admit I am very impressed.
#1 The speaker phone is amazing - I mean it is loud and clear and I can set my phone down on the coffee table and sit back in my couch and talk. Not that that is a big deal but more of a bonus

Now the interface and webbrowsing is nice with touchscreen and all and the tilting of the screen - but everyone know about that so not new news there

#2 Jailbreaking the phone to use 3rd party apps is unbelievably simple. Literally takes about 1 minute to do. And to my surprise, jailbreaking is reversable but I wont go into that.

Now with jailbreaking and the iphone Apps store, I am totally set with gadgets and games on it

#3 Google app on iPhone. When you run this, you can say "where is Wolverine playing in threatre?" and it will give you a listing of places its playing around you. Most links have a MAP button which will give you a map from where you are currently to that threatre. I mean talking here, not typing

#4 Cheap gas app. For those of us with cars, this is a cool app. It will show you a list of gas stations around which you can sort by price or by difference. It shows prices for all grades of gas and also will give you a map to that gas station from where you are

#5 Jaadu VNC. If you dont know what VNC is, google it. For those that do, this is awesome. You can vnc to your computer - which the screen is shrunk down so you can see the desktop, but when you need to, you can do that "pinch/unpinch" to zoom in and out. I also setup my router/firewall to allow access in from the outside

*Oh, yeah. It seems the iPhone will tap off of Wireless G hotspots or someone broadcasting, then revert to 3g network. In my house, I got that speed test app that shows downloading speed on the iphone, i get 6100k down and 480 up. Outside of my house (3g) I get about 700k down and 200k up.

#6 Midomi app. Here is something really cool. Ever have a song stuck in your head and cant think of the words? You can hum it into this application and it will give you guesses as to what it is. If you can sing a piece of a song for at least 10 seconds, it will give you artist and song. Or if you turn on radio and you hear a song but dont know who it is - hold this up to it and it will tell you.

#7 Cool radio apps (if you like them) - AOL radio, Y! Music is cool. They give you 1000's of differnt types of streams. I also download POLICE SCANNER - this listens to Polcie, Fire and EMD radio chat. When I hear something on there like a fire or accident, I can go to the TRAFFIC app and usually see the congestion in that area

#8 Typical apps but cool none-the-less. Such as ebay app to monitor your buying/selling. Craigslist search app, Talking GPS with streat names spoken, Weatherbug with doppler radar, picture camera, video camera, TV Guide app (called Whats on), app that lets you see xbox live friends if they are online or not and send them a message if you want.

#9 And of course games. Now here I am 80% thrilled with and here is why. Some games that require joystick (Galaga, NES emulatorm, etc) give you an area on the screen to - so your control is not that accurate or responsive. Like Mario Bros. It took me like 3 guys to jump over that first mushroom head thing. Games that use a mouse, this is better, like Wolfenstien 3d. And customer games that take advantage of the tilt is good. Labyrinth 3d - try to get ball through maze and avoid holes in the way or even shake the iphone to jump over an obsticle.

Anyways I am pretty happy with it
*Oh yeah, it does movies and mp3's too. *WTF is DRM????? hehehe

and the really bad part of the iphone is you need to keep cleanig the screen. It gets smudgy really fast.


Yeeah, I got an iPod Touch recently, and it does everything the iPhone does bar the phoning and texting. It's absolutely fantastic for apps and web-browsing, and you can even use a media streamer like TVersity to listen to your music and watch your movies on the go while connected to 3G (it'll even convert any unsupported formats to a supported format if you haven't converted them alreasdy - though it takes a long while to do so) :D.
I'd recommend you check out Osu! as well, you can find it on Cydia (which you get when you jailbreak it) - it's just an Elite Beat Agents style game where people make custom songs for it, great fun :).

And thanks for mentioning the Midomi app, I'd seen that being used before but haven't been able to find it because i don't know the name.

But yeah, I had the same opinion as you before I bought it, but it's fantastic tbh.
Sorry but .... are you REALLY HAPPY with it!? ...

Quick send me an MMS ... oh wait you need an APP for that doh! (altho they made a poor attempt to fix this recently in 3.0)

Just forward that SMS joke to my mate oh wait ..they cannot forward texts wtf!?

quick take a good photo with it oh wait its 2megapixel and no flash cant take one in the dark doh! crappy k800i 3.2megapixel cybershot takes a better photo :ha:

Sucky battery duration is a big pita too!

The SYNC with itunes is a PITA at best of times sometimes removing APPS sometimes not :(

Bluetooth is pretty much limited to hands free devices

Speakerphone sucks too quiet in a mildly noisy environment ..not to add a MONO speaker on it for external listening!

Cant Voice dial which kinda defeats the idea of HANDS FREE when your in a car and need to make a call via your bluetooth headset!

Wifi is pants if your not in a strong signal area (compared to an N95 Iphone couldnt find a signal? yet N95 had full signal and Iphone took ages to even find it!)

anyhow these are my opinions of why I would not touch one with a barge pole until they fix its MANY flaws!

but if your happy with its little faults then that's great but the crappy camera and having to get an app to send an MMS then it pretty much kills it for me! :)

ATM its a glorified IPOD with a phone as a bonus!
The iPhone is 3 year old technology rapped up in a new shiney expensive package.

It can do less than my HTC phone which is 3 years old.

I admit it looks nice, sounds nice, plays nice but:

No proper MMS, no removable battery, no memory card slot, no proper video.

You need a crappy program to put MP3's on it. You cant use several computers for syncing.

Cant use proper sat-nav software.

Crap camera, no flash. Many new phones have 5 & 8mp camera's with auto focus and proper flash.

If you want a phone to pose with ot try an impress people with then yes get an iphone. If you want a more practical phone get anything else.

For what it's worth it should be way way cheaper.
Quick send me an MMS ... oh wait you need an APP for that doh! (altho they made a poor attempt to fix this recently in 3.0)
----mm ok your right eveything is an app

Just forward that SMS joke to my mate oh wait ..they cannot forward texts wtf!?
----ok, but I try to think of all the forwarding of text msg's I have done in the last you are correct I cant forward

quick take a good photo with it oh wait its 2megapixel and no flash cant take one in the dark doh! crappy k800i 3.2megapixel cybershot takes a better photo nyanya.gif
----I will have to see how dark it will be to take a bad picture but I got a digital camera to do that . Camera as part of phones are pretty common these days thou, right?

Sucky battery duration is a big pita too!
---I guess on a normal days with little more than average use messing around with it, I got the battery down to 65%. I'll give it time and see how the battery is. I dont know what a good battery life is? 1 week of constant talking?

The SYNC with itunes is a PITA at best of times sometimes removing APPS sometimes not frown.gif
---I havent had that happen (yet) but I will pay attention to see if that happens

Bluetooth is pretty much limited to hands free devices
---what else is it supposed to connect to? Joysticks? It connects to my GPS in my truck to let me talk while driving (part of the gps itself - not an Iphone trick)

Speakerphone sucks too quiet in a mildly noisy environment ..not to add a MONO speaker on it for external listening!
---I dont get this. Speakephone works great for me. Loud and clear

Cant Voice dial which kinda defeats the idea of HANDS FREE when your in a car and need to make a call via your bluetooth headset!
---my gps does that in my car, but yeah, no saying "call Sally" and it dials on the iphone itself

Wifi is pants if your not in a strong signal area (compared to an N95 Iphone couldnt find a signal? yet N95 had full signal and Iphone took ages to even find it!)
---I guess that territorial...Iphone will tap off my wifi, or use the 3g/edge network. 3g is very slower compare to tapping off someone wireless

anyhow these are my opinions of why I would not touch one with a barge pole until they fix its MANY flaws!
---cool. I appreciate the comments

but if your happy with its little faults then that's great but the crappy camera and having to get an app to send an MMS then it pretty much kills it for me! smile.gif
--- this phone is new to me so I need to find my faults with the phone. camera and mms is not high on my list. Like I said up top, I use phones primarily talking. Apps and gadgets re just a bonus

ATM its a glorified IPOD with a phone as a bonus!
---I dont think anyone could disagree with this comment

No proper MMS, no removable battery, no memory card slot, no proper video.
--memory card is pointless (for me) as I got 6.65 gig out of 8 gig free. I got a 3 episodes of King Of the Hill on there and 10 music videos, and a bunch of mp3's (not everything I own, just enough to see that it works) but I think if I were to put on 6 gigs of mp3's, that would be a shitload for me. I just get burned out on music to justify keeping it on there

You need a crappy program to put MP3's on it. You cant use several computers for syncing.
---true that

Cant use proper sat-nav software.
---like what, you mean speaking while you drive? xGPS does that

Crap camera, no flash. Many new phones have 5 & 8mp camera's with auto focus and proper flash.
---yup...but when I needed a camera, I went out and bought a camera that did what I needed. I didnt run out and buy a phone that has a camera in it for what I wanted.

If you want a phone to pose with ot try an impress people with then yes get an iphone. If you want a more practical phone get anything else.
---or if you get a phone SUPER-DUPER cheap when your current phone contract is over, this is another option

For what it's worth it should be way way cheaper.
---yup thats why I got it too
[quote name='Captin' post='1999947' date='May 24 2009, 07:03 PM']You need a crappy program to put MP3's on it. You cant use several computers for syncing.[/quote]

Well you can use Sharepod. It is an awesome freeware.
Also there is a tool aviable in Cydia called SwapTunes.
It allows you to sync with multiple Itunes liberys.

Anyway good points.
But i love my Ipod Touch 2g.
But it always runs out of memory...
Just a thought does the iphone/ipod actually play MP3's without having to convert them to another format first.

I tried to put some songs onto an older ipod and it took absolutely ages.

The understand that you have lots of memory with 6gb free, but with memory cards you have virtually unlimited memory. Grnted you have to carry them around, but you can get 16Gb & 32Gb cards for phones these days.

What I meant with sat-nav is like Tomtom turn by turn direction without having to buy/download maps.

I need to sync my notes/calender/task with several places, does the iphone do this without losing anything.

Yes you can have a seperate camera, but who need to carry lots of devices around all the time. With a good phone you could have a perfectly good 8mp camera and phone all in one package.

As far as signals go you cant make calls with wi-fi as far as I know (unless you use VOIP), just use the internet, to make calls you need to be connected to the 3g network or other phone network, so signal is important.

Does the Iphone not have built in GPS? Most phones dont need to connect to any other devices to use sat-nav with GPS.

The app store has few apps, nice, but how many web sites have apps for windows mobile or symbian, thousands and all for FREE.

When I get into my car I jut put my HTC phone into it's cradle, it then activates hands free with real voice dialing and sat-nav (using tomtom software) without having to have any other gadgets for it to connect to.

Blutooth can be used for sending files to other phone (apart from the iphone) also it can be used instead of a cable for syncing with a pc. I use this method to sync mine, I just walk into the room with my pc and my phone syncs straight away while it's in pocket, any contacts or tasks/appointments/emails are automatically updated without my need to do anything. this happens at home and several work places.

All said, the iphone is a nice looking piece of kit, and if it was priced a lot lower would be ok. But it's too expensive an option for something that is easily beaten by 90% of the other phones on the market which are cheaper.

Would I accept one if it was offered as an upgrade?
Yes of course, then sell it to someone and use the money to buy better equipped phone and still have enough to dine out with.
You go out and buy an iPhone NOW? I really hate to tell you this but the 3rd generation iPhone is just around the corner, probably will be unveiled at WWDC early next month and then a release a month later.
BTW to all the haters, this is a great phone, and most of those software-related complaints will be fixed in iPhone OS 3.0. Hopefully the hardware problems such as the low-capacity battery will be fixed in the next version, but we won't know for sure until WWDC.
RE: Bluetooth what say you or someone takes a photo of you and your friend with your Iphone and your friend says hey send me that cool photo we got taken of us ... via Bluetooth to my phone please .. then that's where it lacks in Bluetooth connectivity :(

My biggest other gripe/complaint with Iphone is pretty much the charges of the provideer to use the damn thing most places (UK is terrible and limited to just 1 provider for this) they charge and absolute fortune to have it on a decent contract package ...where its even worth using on a regular basis to warrant they 18 or more month contract charge/costs! :(
I am still new with it so I dont really have any gripes (yet) or anything I can point out that bugs me.

As far as importing MP3's, you have to use itunes to put it on there but putting 20 songs on took less than a minute.

As far as memory cards and me, I had a Helio Ocean phone prior to the iPhone and I bough a 2 gig card for it. I never filled that up. I can see that some people might need extra space but me, personally, I cannot fathom carrying 32 gigs of music and/or pictures and movies. I guess some people could, just not me.

Camera was not a selling point to me. Nor has it been in any phone I had in the past. Carrying multiple devices can be a problem, but its not that big of a deal. I mean in the same sense, doesnt this logic go along with "I can watch movies on my phone so I dont need a television"?

Yes signal is important but I have a very deent signal strength where I am and where I have travelled so far. Again, I am new with this phone so I dont have any reports of it not working someplace. I am sure that time will arrive at some point
*yes my other phones have lost signal so it's not like this is my first phone

My GPS is a Mio c720. The bluetooth between the phone and gps is set so it automatically connects too. My GPS doesnt have hands free but it does have favorites so it's a 2 tap thing to call someone. Again, NOT HANDS FREE so my hands and eyes are off the road for a moment

Iphone has GPS built in, yes. It comes with MAPS (google) and lets you view then in regular or hybrid (trees and buildings) mode. xGPS application is basically the same with talking. "In 450 yards, turn left on Fairway Lane"

I am sure that there are thousands of App for Windows Mobile phone and free too. Like I pointed out up top, I jailbroke the phone, so mine are all free too.

That syncing with BLuetooth is pretty cool. I am not sure if iphone has that. I did see an application that makes the iphone show up on your wireless network and you can use it as a hard drive.
*I didnt down load it so I dont know specifics or know it's pluses or minuses

It sounds like you have a vendetta against the iphone. Well if you hate it and consider all other phones awesome, thats cool. I only tossed in this iphone blog in the area as it is the only place on this site. I wasnt pushing sales for it by any means.

Thats probably why I got this for SUPER-DUPER cheap from work as they might be depleting the stock for new iphone 3rd gen. I dont know.

ok - I see your bluetooth example. Sending a picture to someone. Yes I could see that use. It would be faster then sending a picture in an email for sure.
to echo my first posts comments

...anyhow these are my opinions of why I would not touch one with a barge pole until they fix its MANY flaws!

If you got it cheap I supposed that's better than paying full whack for it or getting it on a crazy over the top contract scheme!

Enjoy your new toy anyhow :)

I wasn't having a go just voicing my thoughts and views on the Iphone and its niggles and flaws sure its a cool piece of kit but ... they need to fix it and sort out all these annoyances and it will be a winner!

I thought with the rehash and release with the 3G they would of pulled their finger out and fixed most of them along with the addition of 3G hardware but unfortunately all they did was be lazy ass and just chuck in there .. the 3G capability and not a lot else! even the recent 3.0 update It still has its flaws! :(
RE: Bluetooth what say you or someone takes a photo of you and your friend with your Iphone and your friend says hey send me that cool photo we got taken of us ... via Bluetooth to my phone please .. then that's where it lacks in Bluetooth connectivity
Apple have been a bastard here, both the iPod Touch and iPhone have internal bluetooth but they haven't been activated or used by software yet. It should be activated around the time of the 3G iPhone though.

Admittedly you have some good points phone-wise, and that's partly why i got an iPod Touch instead. I have my phone for my phoning needs already :).

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