Schools are bullshit and the system should be modified

School nowadays consists of having forced to study stuff you'll never-ever need in your life, and humiliating you if you don't do so. If you're not good enough, you're forced to repeat the year, essentially shortening your life's meaningful part by an entire year. It also takes up way too much of your day, and thanks to homework and tests, even leaks into your free-time.

How the system should be improved:
1) Have less school per day
8 hours of school is way too much, and some make it even longer. School shouldn't take up more time than ~5 hours of your day, so you can leave at noon-early afternoon and spend the rest of the day hanging out with friends or at home.
2) Have less shit you have to study
Of course, if they make school time shorter, they can't teach you as much stuff. But that's alright, because they don't need to. Most of the stuff you learn in school is just to survive it. It's not like you'll remember most of it a day after the tests. They should cut the unnecessary stuff and only teach what you should really know.
3) Make tests easier, but not too easy
There's too much shit in one test, and there are people who can't study as easily and others, and have to spend way too much time to even have a chance. Tests should be less stressful and should contain less stuff as well; they should be easy enough so they don't take up too much of your time, but not too easy, so people who don't study anything will still fail.
4) Make studying fun/Employ better teachers
Have you ever seen videos from Kurzgesagt or Life Noggin? They are great at explaining stuff and easy to understand. Why can't (most) teachers be like that? A teacher like that is a real gem. I've sadly only had one or two like that in my life. Once, I've even had a teacher who forbid us from taking notes in class, so you had to study everything at home (unless you had really good memory).
5) Fuck homework and home studying
Written homework should not be a thing. School should not leak into your personal life/free time. Not only teachers love to assign written homework, there are usually a lot of it. And the more teachers, the more piled up homework. It's not like they talk about how much they assign on a given day. It just comes. Sometimes it's not that much, sometimes it's a fuckton. And for people who don't have much time at afternoon anyway (like people who do sports or live a long way from their school), this makes their life even worse.
Oh, and this ties in with 2), as there should not be as much shit you have to study. As I've said, for some people it's very difficult to study and this too takes up a lot of their free time. Leave kids alone, for crying out loud!​
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@smileyhead I socialize tons at school dude. That's what lunch can be used for, between classes, before school starts. High school has way more time to "be social" then middle ever did.
I don't know how old you are or what level of schooling you are in, but truthfully, I cannot agree with all of your points.

The desire to have a life in which social aspects are more important than knowledge is one that I have never had and probably will never have. I agree having friends is important, but let me say the following in relation to your other points.

  1. In my opinion, 8 hour school days should continue to exist because if they were five hours a day, you would be paying for elementary, middle, and high school. The 8 hour school day matches up with your 8 hour work day providing a more reliable pay for the instructors. Not only that, but if you have a 5 hour school day, the next thing you will complain about will be the 8 hour work day. School's intention is to prepare you for life, and an 8 hour day (in my experience) has done wonders for me.
  2. I do agree that most classes are "fluff" but personally, I believe that it gives the students an opportunity to find what they really like. Using an example from my personal life, I originally wanted to be a doctor (like most) that specialized in brain surgery. Had I focused only on biology and classes that would lead to that career, I would have never discovered the joys I receive from programming.
  3. When I was in middle school, my school had tests every week only on what we learned that week and maybe some of the prior units to keep our knowledge of the important things. When I went to High School and only had Midterms and Finals it was extremely painful, so I can agree with your point here.
  4. "Employing better teachers" made me laugh. You should realize by now everybody learns different ways. Some people learn via lectures, some learn via reading, and some learn via actions or images. If there was a teacher for every grade level for every subject, the schools would be shoveling out a lot of money just to pay them. However, some teachers are just better at teaching than others. I have been in classes where the teacher told us to read a selection and then answer questions on the selection but completely ignored the class the rest of the hour, and then others where they would walk us through exactly what we should do, why we should, and then how to do it. The problem with most teachers is that they have to take assignments home or work before and after school for tutoring or grading and they get fed up with only being paid for 8 hours.
  5. If there wasn't a lot of homework, the student wouldn't learn how to be accountable. They would go to school, mess around, and then come home and do nothing of any value. It would repeat. If you were forced to do assignments each night and bring them in for a grade, then students are held accountable for their actions. If the homework isn't graded, it is still good because if the student doesn't do assigned reading for example, and then they are tested on it, they are accountable for their actions because they will receive a bad grade.

While reading this, I read this as if it were written by a person who hates the concept of school existing and doesn't do well, wishing their problems away.
This may be you, and it may not be.
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I'm surprised you didn't go into the physical education system, its stupid here. Like why do yo need to know how to play every sport? Also why do you need to run literal miles everyday? Its just stupid
@Dionicio3 yeah that's one point I was looking for. Health is important, but knowing how to play hockey with baseball bats is not something anybody ever needs to know.
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@blujay you hit the nail right on the head. Amazing post.
@Dionicio3 PE (In HS it's health) is stuff like dodgeball, and I find running fun. I always used to play in PE on the track with my friends. Good times. Usually teachers have students think of PE as "the exercise class"
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@blujay yup, at my school the focus was always on basketball. And if you weren't on the team and couldn't care less? Too bad! You still got to do all the other basketball stuff kids were doing. Luckily basketball ended at the end of January usually though so we got to do some halfway decent fun stuff afterwards like kickball, badminton and dodgeball
And actually, middle/junior high school has way more social time then high school. Classes are super long in high school and you only have 4 classes a day, so less time in the hallway with your friends, and one luch period. My middle school has 9 periods a day, 7 are classes, one is lunch, and one is Study Hall (but you don't really study :) and teachers don't care ). You spend more time in the hallway with your friends as well.
Good teachers are rare because they're paid and treated like crap. Anyone even reasonably smart will make better wages under better working conditions somewhere other than teaching. On the other hand, teachers actually have a wide window open to game the system and work as little as possible without any negative consequences for them, just because of how shoddily the system is set up. Basically, the only people who become public school teachers are the ones who are lazy, unethical people, or the ones who have a genuine passion for the profession. Passion is great and all, but the students can sometimes suffer just as much under a passionate idiot. A good teacher is someone who is both reasonably devoted to their work as well as intelligent enough to carry it out competently, and as the system is set up now, they are intolerably rare.
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Another point I just thought of, from what I've heard teachers are not actually graded on their performance on how well they actually teach the material, but instead off of stupid sat testing. So there could be a good teacher who cares and tries hard for their students to learn, but end up getting fired because the teacher's students dont give a crap about school and bombed the SAT because they didn't care, while a teacher that reads the newspaper during class instead of teaching could keep their job because their students did well on the test.
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Sounds like whiny teenager problems to me. If you can't handle school today, hoo boy. You might as well pull the trigger on any gun you can get your hands on, because University is at least 3x harder.
School is piss easy compared to a Uni. Wait a few years and you'll see, it's all downhill from here.
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You're gonna hate having a real job.

8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Most jobs mean you have to be on call and work weekends. At least that's what I'm doing... at 19... Welcome to life. Remember the actual shit you need.
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Modern pre-post secondary schools are a joke but not for the reasons you're thinking. Not everyone learns at the same pace, the smart get held back, the developmentally challenged struggle to barely pass. It's simply not made to get the best out of everyone but achieve mediocre results. While I will agree there are varying idiotic classes, a lot of what you're learning does still help later in life, just not directly always.
The most important thing though that elementary and secondary school can give you is learning how to learn. I know it might sound like a bad joke but really more than anything, it's preparing you how to best learn later in life when you're having to deal with actually complicated or technical stuff when you don't have weeks or months to learn. That in itself is a gift that keeps giving.
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Oh look another shitpost about school
I don't want to say this but... valid points.
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As someone who is almost out of high school, I agree. Though, I've heard college is a little more like what you described...
A lot of things you learn... aren't used.

For example: I want to be an Windows IT, so why do I need to know about genetics or trisomy (yeah the Down syndrome, the 21st chromosome, meiotic problems etc... Yes, I am in the scientific branch xD)
Oh, seem like someone doesn't like school. Not everyone does and is not for everyone. When I was in school, we had 6 hours a day for 5 days. (Obviously not saturday or sunday) Even then we had saturday school, and yes, homework and stuff. Look, school may have some unorthodox things, but it exist for some possibly subjective reasons.
  • More jobs for people
  • People more qualified to educate people (again subjective)
  • A place to drop your kids off when parents have their own work to do (This is obviously a joke to some)
  • Environment away from home with new experiences (socializing, relationship development skills, etc.)
Does everyone agree, no. It exist and so does other methods, like online schools, or even software training sessions, even TV SHOWS! We can't honestly just expect a change, nor will posting here will encourage it. But I know you didn't post this here for a change. Just sharing your opinions and suggestions. :P

Still while I didn't like school somethings can't be avoided, got to do what you got to do, even if it means you don't want to or enjoy it. The good news is once you finish with it you won't need to do it again (Maybe unless you have kids or something similar) :)
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