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What is to blame for/the cause of the recent spate of robberies and looting and ransacking of businesses in America?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2023
United States
Bro actually believes that fashion products are worth the price listed on their tags. Moreover you want us to empathize with corporations as though they're people. Sorry not sorry, but that's just braindead on both counts. You're not looking for solutions, only harsher penalties on populations that already deal with abusive and murderous police.
Couldn't give less of a shit about purses. The point is, if it were a penny or a pound, IT'S NOT YOURS.

You were raised not to steal, I presume? You were raised with morals, and taught not to be a thief, am I right?

Where is the disconnect for you, here?

The "population" you speak of doesn't have to break the law and steal and rob and loot. No one does. There is NEVER an excuse for that, yet you are arguing in defense of criminals.

"Abusive and murderous police". Who is being abused and murdered? Specifically name the people. Specifically.

Normally you, although handicapped by your teminal leftism, are one of the more reasonable liberals here (again, notwithstanding your crippling bias and bigotry). And you are here defending the criminals, because, mean Repubwicans.

You are justifying retail theft gangs ransacking stores for their own personal gain and profit. You even supported someone stealing an iPhone and selling it on the black market. Scroll back, YOU SAID IT.

And you wonder why people consider the Democrats to be soft on criminals. You aren't just soft on them. YOU SUPPORT THEM.

Where are your morals? Have you ever been robbed or stolen from? I don't care if you address anything else I said here, I would like to ask for the courtesy that you answer that one question. Have YOU ever been the victim of theft? Yes or no?


Literally the wurst.
Jul 1, 2018
While I agree that poverty as a whole tends to lead to more crime, I think trying to put all the blame on one single thing (or party) is rather simplistic.

As far as I'm aware you don't need to be a republican CEO to get outrageously rich while (because that's what matters) not allowing your base workers at your company to benefit from it.
They're all left (and rather far-left) in Hollywood yet for months they wouldn't bulge when workers asked for fair pay. And that's far from an isolated case.
They'll push forward diversity because that's free to them, it gets them good PR. And I'm not saying that it's bad, but if they really cared, they'd do something about incomes too. They'd make it so the highest income in a company cannot be x% more than the lowest. I wonder how many of these people would remain on the left if democrats actually tried to pass that.

As far as Republicans vs. Democrats go sure, Democrats win on that front but Americans tend to ignore that Democrats would still be considered on the right side of the political spectrum in Europe. They don't really seem in a hurry to push for universal healthcare, for better & more fair labor laws and minimum wages and PTO, for free education.
Heck, Even Starbuck has started asking for tips so they hopefully don't have to pay fair wage. Tipping. A scam hiding in plain sight, yet I don't think that comes from republicans either.
They're BETTER, sure, but sometimes tells me they're not unhappy with the status quo. It benefits both republicans and democrats to keep blaming each other for all the problems of the world so that people don't look at the real causes of poverty.

Now to try to answer the question, if there was one thing to blame, I would say it's the American mentality to be wildly against government intervention in general. Again that's compared to my experience living in both Europe and America.
It is because of that mentality that labor laws are so poor in the US.
It is because of that mentality that basic needs such as internet is outrageously expensive in the US.
It is because of that mentality that there are for profit prisons, and worse, that for profit healthcare is the norm.
It is because of that mentality that a lot of people (mostly on the right yes) do not understand that equality of chances (not outcome) is desirable in a society, and that yes it costs money to achieve that.
It is because of that mentality that the infrastructure is shit.
A weak government in a capitalist country means that capitalism goes unhinged, and it doesn't benefit most people.
Just for the record: while Hollywood actors and movie directors are largely left leaning the people at the top owning the studios and writing the checks are largely right leaning, they're just far fewer people total.

As for the crime wave, poverty is the main reason, and this tracks with all data we have across all populations. This also tracks not just at a nation wide scale but down to more local ones.

However a lot of those hyper up crime waves are overstated, over sensationalized, or just straight up fabricated. Sources like AP news, while rather unbiased, often just report what a company PR department has told them without actually checking whether what the company reports actually tracks with reality. One great example is Walgreens trying to garner public attention to swing a vote in a city by lying about their crime wave and how this forced them close multiple stores, when in reality those stores where sheduled to be closed years ahead because they had too many stores too close together (thus cannibalizing their own sales) and just worse performing locations than they would like.


Also, TikTok is often not a reliable source for news, the viral trends about stealing iphones are highly unlikely to be real thanks to apple's draconian antitheft protections, if the phone isn't activated via a proper sale it will refuse to boot. So if the phone actually works after stealing it wasn't stolen, they bought it and pretended to steal it for clout.
Teenagers can also still be sued for theft even if they don't go to jail, and those things haven't gone up in recent times either, so it certainly seems that reality doesn't quite match social media wants to make one believe.
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Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Where is the disconnect for you, here?
That's what I should be asking you. You take away poverty, you take away financial desperation, crime practically ceases to exist. Harsher penalties for theft are not a long-term solution, or even a solution at all for that matter. The thieves are a lot more worried about paying rent for the month or taking care of their kids than they are about getting caught.

You are justifying retail theft gangs ransacking stores for their own personal gain and profit.
I'm not in support of it, but until meaningful reforms are made, I'm not really bothered by it either. Sweatshop owners do not have the moral high ground over thieves, much as you'd like to pretend otherwise.

Our economy needs to start valuing real labor over pencil-pushers and nepo babies again. That's the only way this situation doesn't continue to get worse until capitalism eventually collapses in on itself.
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Literally the wurst.
Jul 1, 2018
Couldn't give less of a shit about purses. The point is, if it were a penny or a pound, IT'S NOT YOURS.

You were raised not to steal, I presume? You were raised with morals, and taught not to be a thief, am I right?

Where is the disconnect for you, here?

The "population" you speak of doesn't have to break the law and steal and rob and loot. No one does. There is NEVER an excuse for that, yet you are arguing in defense of criminals.

"Abusive and murderous police". Who is being abused and murdered? Specifically name the people. Specifically.

Normally you, although handicapped by your teminal leftism, are one of the more reasonable liberals here (again, notwithstanding your crippling bias and bigotry). And you are here defending the criminals, because, mean Repubwicans.

You are justifying retail theft gangs ransacking stores for their own personal gain and profit. You even supported someone stealing an iPhone and selling it on the black market. Scroll back, YOU SAID IT.

And you wonder why people consider the Democrats to be soft on criminals. You aren't just soft on them. YOU SUPPORT THEM.

Where are your morals? Have you ever been robbed or stolen from? I don't care if you address anything else I said here, I would like to ask for the courtesy that you answer that one question. Have YOU ever been the victim of theft? Yes or no?
Corporations steal a multitude more in wages from their workers than all retail theft combined. The theft also accounts for less of their revenue than if someone were to steal a case of beer from my fridge.
Guess what? I'd gladly share that case with total strangers if they need it.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2023
United States
That's what I should be asking you. You take away poverty, you take away financial desperation, crime practically ceases to exist. Harsher penalties for theft are not a long-term solution, or even a solution at all for that matter. The thieves are a lot more worried about paying rent for the month or taking care of their kids than they are about getting caught.

I'm not in support of it, but until meaningful reforms are made, I'm not really bothered by it either. Sweatshop owners do not have the moral high ground over thieves, much as you'd like to pretend otherwise.

Our economy needs to start valuing real labor over pencil-pushers and nepo babies again. That's the only way this situation doesn't continue to get worse until capitalism eventually collapses in on itself.
How about education? Which policy from the Republicans is forcing kids not to be able to perform mathematics at their actual grade level? SPECIFICALLY worse in blue states. What about the literacy rate? Again, mostly blue states are absolutely failing at even being at a third-grade reading level by seventh grade. An alarming percentage.

What about single-parent homes? What about the unwed birth rate? Generational wealth is impossible for a single mother to generate. Government dependence has never produced positive results. The more power and control and influence the government has, the weaker and worse off the American people are.

Where in any of this does personal accountability factor?

I believe that education and upbringing are the biggest contributing factors to poverty, which, as we agree, leads to criminality. Damned near half of kids of America are growing up in single-parent homes, with little to no parental interaction, teachers whom are overworked and don't care, and are not provided the resources they need. Add all of that to a culture that is becoming more and more hostile, entitled and disrespectful.

Could you possibly accept the idea that culture and personal choices are contributing to this poverty, and it MIGHT JUST NOT BE the government's fault if you raised a shitty kid who didn't care if he stole something, because no one was ever going to punish him?

Corporations steal a multitude more in wages from their workers than all retail theft combined. The theft also accounts for less of their revenue than if someone were to steal a case of beer from my fridge.
Guess what? I'd gladly share that case with total strangers if they need it.
Comparative evil negates neither evil. In for a penny, in for a pound. Theft is theft. Period.


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
How about education? Which policy from the Republicans is forcing kids not to be able to perform mathematics at their actual grade level?
Are you serious? Republicans have been sabotaging the public education system since before I was born, in an attempt to force everybody to pay for private schools. More recently I'd say COVID-19 and the failed response to it had a notable negative impact on children's education.

What about single-parent homes? What about the unwed birth rate? Generational wealth is impossible for a single mother to generate.
All the more reason people shouldn't have to worry so much about having the money to purchase basic necessities, nor should they have to worry about a single surprise medical bill wiping out their life savings.

Where in any of this does personal accountability factor?
"It's only wrong if you get caught" is the lesson that's been slowly disseminated throughout our society ever since Watergate. It's not one I agree with, but as I said before, a tonal shift in that regard would require drastic changes from the top down.
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The man who cried "Ni".
Former Staff
Apr 4, 2006
How about education? Which policy from the Republicans is forcing kids not to be able to perform mathematics at their actual grade level? SPECIFICALLY worse in blue states. What about the literacy rate? Again, mostly blue states are absolutely failing at even being at a third-grade reading level by seventh grade. An alarming percentage.
[citation needed]


What about single-parent homes? What about the unwed birth rate?
What about them?



Generational wealth is impossible for a single mother to generate.
People shouldn't need to have generational wealth in order to get out of poverty though.

Damned near half of kids of America are growing up in single-parent homes,
[citation needed]

Anyway, we're way off topic here.
There is no significant increase in robberies recently, only a significant increase in hysteria, so there is no need to "justify" or "condemn" theft or go into socioeconomic theory.

Get back on topic.


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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2015
United States
Just interested to hear your thoughts on this.

Even better if you have a solution to offer.
Let's see, releasing Criminals instead of Punishing them for Crimes, telling Businesses to not stop Criminals from stealing/Looting, then also Defunding the Police, but yet also trying to strip The People's Rights to be able to Protect and Defend themselves, their Family, or their Homes.


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2012
United States
Are you serious? Republicans have been sabotaging the public education system since before I was born, in an attempt to force everybody to pay for private schools. More recently I'd say COVID-19 and the failed response to it had a notable negative impact on children's education.

All the more reason people shouldn't have to worry so much about having the money to purchase basic necessities, nor should they have to worry about a single surprise medical bill wiping out their life savings.

"It's only wrong if you get caught" is the lesson that's been slowly disseminated throughout our society ever since Watergate. It's not one I agree with, but as I said before, a tonal shift in that regard would require drastic changes from the top down.
So first democrats scream and blame republicans for not wanting to shut the country down then scream and point fingers saying it is their fault. You cant have it both fucking ways. Keep blaming republicans when democrats are not any better it is the whole damn system and they play people like you by convincing you that there is nothing they can do and its the other parties fault. Mean while both parties sit their getting rich off of you and their policys.
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Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
So first democrats scream and blame republicans for not wanting to shut the country down then scream and point fingers saying it is their fault.
What? There's not a single Democrat in favor of shutting the government down, and there's not a single good reason for doing so either. Trump ordered it, and the spineless Republican ratfuckers will comply, end of story. Not that this has anything to do with the topic at hand, but it does demonstrate how even members of the military are expendable to a lot of rich folk.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2009
United States
[citation needed]

View attachment 396286

What about them?

View attachment 396287


People shouldn't need to have generational wealth in order to get out of poverty though.

[citation needed]

Anyway, we're way off topic here.
There is no significant increase in robberies recently, only a significant increase in hysteria, so there is no need to "justify" or "condemn" theft or go into socioeconomic theory.

Get back on topic.
Dude just got rekt hard.

Red states are such a fucking mess


(Can't shut up)
Mar 10, 2009
There are many things that have combined to make this happen. I'm guessing this is mostly targeted at places like San Francisco.

- Education system failing a large portion of the population (Which leads to people having no hope for their own future)
- A general lack of pride in the community
- Huge disparity of wealth in some areas create the feeling of unfairness
- Salaries not increasing and the shrinking of the middle class
- Rising costs of housing and living due to price gouging
- Non-violent offenders getting slaps on the wrist when caught
- Police not being able to react quickly enough to these fast crimes
- The internet made it easier to organize people anonymously to do these things
- Streaming can glorify it for some people

The main thing that will help reduce these things is to increase education as much as possible. Giving people hope for the future makes people more reluctant to ruin it for themselves.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
Real reasons for rising crime

1. Defunding the police.
2. DA's not prosecuting crime.
3. If a crime is prosecuted, the charges are always downgraded and there's no jail time.

Bullshit reasons for rising crime.

1. People need to feed themselves. (Especially stealing iphone and ipads)
2. Republicans are big meanies. (even though the spike in crime is in Democrat run cities)

The resident leftists here have to contort themselves into pretzels to excuse this behavior and blame it on Republicans even though crime is rising in blue cities with Democrat mayors, Democrat city councils, Democrat DA's and Democrat sheriffs, in blue states with Democrat governors, mostly Democrat state legislatures and the president and Senate are ran by Democrats.

I am literally laughing my ass off at the excuses they are making on this thread. Not a single person has pointed to inflation making poor people poorer and increasing the cost of everything. They will never come up with workable solutions because they don't understand the problem and their only solutions revolve around their jealousy that there are more successful people than them and their lack of understanding of basic economic principles they should have learned in high school.

Every problem in America has been created by the far left with the support from the GOPe/ConInc, otherwise known as the uniparty. They do this while we sit here and argue amongst ourselves instead of fighting against them in a united front. They mock and laugh at us at their cocktail parties, making millions from foreign bribes and insider trading while we all suffer. Those in power hate all of us. The sooner people understand this, the sooner we can do something about it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
United States
I actually know a bunch of people who participated in the looting a few times. I asked them about it, and they told me it's because "it's fun", "the cops can't catch them all", "if you're caught, you get a slap on the wrist anyway", "it's easy to sell a lot of the stuff they loot online", "because who gives a shit about big corporations?" "it's FREE!". I've often considered joining in, but, I'm too much of a pussy to do it, plus it feels "dirty".

I'm still sad about the 7/11 that closed down 5 minutes away from me, because of looters. Now it's a stupid bed store.
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