Hacking Firmware Reverse Engineering (Info Dump)


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2012
The Everfree Forest
United States
Well this is going to be completely impromptu just like most other things I do, but...
I'd like it if this thread was kept clean, it's fine if it's only posted in every other day as long as all posts are adding new info
TODO: Loading IOSU and/or cafe2wii into IDA and more details about them cause I'm running out of steam

Tools Usually Used

  • OpenSSL is needed to decrypt the various binaries once you get them from NUS
  • A hex editor, I use HxD even tho there are probably better ones
  • Windows or Linux recommended
  • The Interactive Disassembler, or "IDA" Pro, I am currently using 6.8 and I've also used 6.1 and 6.6 in the past, 6.1 is too outdated to have support for Paired Singles, the unique instructions that the Gamecube, Wii, and Wii U all use
    • Once you've obtained a copy, you're gonna want to edit cfg/ppc.cfg with these Special Purpose Registers, should be all the ones the Wii U uses, put it right after the .default line and before the .pcc section so it's at the very start of the file, and change that default to .wiiu if you want
    • Code:
      ; All registers for Wii U Espresso Processor
      spr   xer     1         Integer Exception Register
      spr   lr      8         Link Register
      spr   ctr     9         Count Register
      spr   dsisr   18        Data Storage Interrupt Status Register
      spr   dar     19        Data Address Register
      spr   dec     22        Decrementer
      spr   sdr1    25        Storage Description Register 1
      spr   srr0    26        Machine Status Save/Restore Register 0
      spr   srr1    27        Machine Status Save/Restore Register 1
      spr   utbl    0x10C     User-Mode Time Base Register (lower)
      spr   utbu    0x10D     User-Mode Time Base Register (upper)
      spr   sprg0   0x110     General Special Purpose Register 0
      spr   sprg1   0x111     General Special Purpose Register 1
      spr   sprg2   0x112     General Special Purpose Register 2
      spr   sprg3   0x113     General Special Purpose Register 3
      spr   ear     0x11A     External Access Register
      spr   tbl     0x11C     Time Base Register (lower)
      spr   tbu     0x11D     Time Base Register (upper)
      spr   pvr     0x11F     Processor Version Register
      spr   ibat0u  0x210     Instruction BAT Register 0 (upper)
      spr   ibat0l  0x211     Instruction BAT Register 0 (lower)
      spr   ibat1u  0x212     Instruction BAT Register 1 (upper)
      spr   ibat1l  0x213     Instruction BAT Register 1 (lower)
      spr   ibat2u  0x214     Instruction BAT Register 2 (upper)
      spr   ibat2l  0x215     Instruction BAT Register 2 (lower)
      spr   ibat3u  0x216     Instruction BAT Register 3 (upper)
      spr   ibat3l  0x217     Instruction BAT Register 3 (lower)
      spr   dbat0u  0x218     Data BAT Register 0 (upper)
      spr   dbat0l  0x219     Data BAT Register 0 (lower)
      spr   dbat1u  0x21A     Data BAT Register 1 (upper)
      spr   dbat1l  0x21B     Data BAT Register 1 (lower)
      spr   dbat2u  0x21C     Data BAT Register 2 (upper)
      spr   dbat2l  0x21D     Data BAT Register 2 (lower)
      spr   dbat3u  0x21E     Data BAT Register 3 (upper)
      spr   dbat3l  0x21F     Data BAT Register 3 (lower)
      spr   ibat4u  0x230     Instruction BAT Register 4 (upper)
      spr   ibat4l  0x231     Instruction BAT Register 4 (lower)
      spr   ibat5u  0x232     Instruction BAT Register 5 (upper)
      spr   ibat5l  0x233     Instruction BAT Register 5 (lower)
      spr   ibat6u  0x234     Instruction BAT Register 6 (upper)
      spr   ibat6l  0x235     Instruction BAT Register 6 (lower)
      spr   ibat7u  0x236     Instruction BAT Register 7 (upper)
      spr   ibat7l  0x237     Instruction BAT Register 7 (lower)
      spr   dbat4u  0x238     Data BAT Register 4 (upper)
      spr   dbat4l  0x239     Data BAT Register 4 (lower)
      spr   dbat5u  0x23A     Data BAT Register 5 (upper)
      spr   dbat5l  0x23B     Data BAT Register 5 (lower)
      spr   dbat6u  0x23C     Data BAT Register 6 (upper)
      spr   dbat6l  0x23D     Data BAT Register 6 (lower)
      spr   dbat7u  0x23E     Data BAT Register 7 (upper)
      spr   dbat7l  0x23F     Data BAT Register 7 (lower)
      spr   ugqr0   0x380     User-Mode Graphics Quantization Register 0
      spr   ugqr1   0x381     User-Mode Graphics Quantization Register 1
      spr   ugqr2   0x382     User-Mode Graphics Quantization Register 2
      spr   ugqr3   0x383     User-Mode Graphics Quantization Register 3
      spr   ugqr4   0x384     User-Mode Graphics Quantization Register 4
      spr   ugqr5   0x385     User-Mode Graphics Quantization Register 5
      spr   ugqr6   0x386     User-Mode Graphics Quantization Register 6
      spr   ugqr7   0x387     User-Mode Graphics Quantization Register 7
      spr   uhid2   0x388     User-Mode Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 2
      spr   uwpar   0x389     User-Mode Write Pipe Address Register
      spr   udmau   0x38A     User-Mode Direct Memory Access Register (upper)
      spr   udmal   0x38B     User-Mode Direct Memory Access Register (lower)
      spr   gqr0    0x390     Graphics Quantization Register 0
      spr   gqr1    0x391     Graphics Quantization Register 1
      spr   gqr2    0x392     Graphics Quantization Register 2
      spr   gqr3    0x393     Graphics Quantization Register 3
      spr   gqr4    0x394     Graphics Quantization Register 4
      spr   gqr5    0x395     Graphics Quantization Register 5
      spr   gqr6    0x396     Graphics Quantization Register 6
      spr   gqr7    0x397     Graphics Quantization Register 7
      spr   hid2    0x398     Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 2
      spr   wpar    0x399     Write Pipe Address Register
      spr   dma_u   0x39A     Direct Memory Access Register (upper)
      spr   dma_l   0x39B     Direct Memory Access Register (lower)
      spr   ummcr0  0x3A8     User-Mode Monitor Mode Control Register 0
      spr   upmc1   0x3A9     User-Mode Performance-Monitor Counter Register 1
      spr   upmc2   0x3AA     User-Mode Performance-Monitor Counter Register 2
      spr   usia    0x3AB     User-Mode Sampled Instruction Address Register
      spr   ummcr1  0x3AC     User-Mode Monitor Mode Control Register 1
      spr   upmc3   0x3AD     User-Mode Performance-Monitor Counter Register 3
      spr   upmc4   0x3AE     User-Mode Performance-Monitor Counter Register 4
      spr   hid5    0x3B0     Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 5
      spr   pcsr    0x3B2
      spr   scr     0x3B3
      spr   car     0x3B4     Cache Address Register
      spr   bcr     0x3B5
      spr   wpsar   0x3B6
      spr   mmcr0   0x3B8     Monitor Mode Control Register 0
      spr   pmc1    0x3B9     Performance-Monitor Counter Register 1
      spr   pmc2    0x3BA     Performance-Monitor Counter Register 2
      spr   sia     0x3BB     Sampled Instruction Address Register
      spr   mmcr1   0x3BC     Monitor Mode Control Register 1
      spr   pmc3    0x3BD     Performance-Monitor Counter Register 3
      spr   pmc4    0x3BE     Performance-Monitor Counter Register 4
      spr   dcate   0x3D0
      spr   dcatr   0x3D1
      spr   dmatl0  0x3D8
      spr   dmatu0  0x3D9
      spr   dmatr0  0x3DA
      spr   dmatl1  0x3DB
      spr   dmatu1  0x3DC
      spr   dmatr1  0x3DD
      spr   pir     0x3EF     Processor ID Register
      spr   hid0    0x3F0     Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 0
      spr   hid1    0x3F1     Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1
      spr   iabr    0x3F2     Instruction Address Breakpoint Register
      spr   hid4    0x3F3     Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 4
      spr   tdcl    0x3F4     Thermal Diode Calibration Register (Low?)
      spr   dabr    0x3F5     Data Address Breakpoint Register
      spr   l2cr    0x3F9     L2 Cache Control Register
      spr   tdch    0x3FA     Thermal Diode Calibration Register (High?)
      spr   ictc    0x3FB     Instruction Cache Throttling Control Register
      spr   thrm1   0x3FC     Thermal Management Register 1
      spr   thrm2   0x3FD     Thermal Management Register 2
      spr   thrm3   0x3FE     Thermal Management Register 3

    • Note that this is only for the Espresso but since the Starbuck is ARM and this is ppc.cfg we don't need to worry about stuff being messed up
  • Something to keep track of all your data EG Dropbox or MEGA so it doesn't get lost as easily

Obtaining decrypted binaries

What you're looking for is the version for OSv10 for the firmware you're targetting, be it 5.3.2, 5.5.X, or something lower.
Then it depends on what you want to go after.
  • root.rpx, not sure its actual importance, it's RAMPID 1 after the kernel and most of the first .rodata section is just a giant zlib compressed file, on the original firmware it was a tga but it seems they changed up the format some time since then. Probably sets up userspace after the kernel initializes
  • kernel.img is the Espresso's Kernel Ancast Image, which is what lets us gain more privileges on it to allow for custom memory mappings and starting our code before a program runs.
    • As such, it needs the Espresso Ancast Key and IV (which I'm not sure the IV matters after a quick usage, only affects first 0x10 bytes, probably some sort of key check thing).
    • Hopefully you have openssl installed for command line use, just cd folder and run "openssl enc -d -aes-128-cbc -nopad -K key -iv iv -in kernel.img -out kernel.d.img"
      • run OpenSSL, specify decryption
      • we want to use the AES algorithm with a 128 bit key using Cipher Block Chaining
      • -nopad is needed for Windows, not sure about other OSes
      • we specify the key, in this case the Espresso Ancast Key
      • then the IV which you can either try to find or set to 0, zecoxao so kindly put it on his page on the PS3 Dev Wiki
      • Then you specify the in and out files, I like using .d.img cause it keeps it short
    • If it worked correctly, you should be able to open it in a hex editor (I use HxD), scroll down, and see plaintext and also lots of null bytes (00).
    • Then you want to copy and drag to select the first 0x100 bytes and delete them, then save as some other filename, I'd suggest something like kernel.anc (ancast), kernel.bin, or kernel.ppc, it'll automatically detect as a binary file in IDA so it doesn't matter as long as you can find it
  • fw.img or firmware.img is "IOSU" or the IOSU Ancast Image (even tho the entire file isn't IOS_KERNEL) that runs on the Starbuck after chainloaded from boot0 and boot1
    • This will need the Starbuck Ancast Key and IV (not the common key)
    • Again need to run "openssl enc -d -aes-128-cbc -nopad -K key -iv iv -in fw.img -out fw.d.img
      • see kernel.img for what the command does
    • This time you want to select everything up to the .ELF magic (including the 00 00 01 00 before it), should be at like 0x804.
  • c2w.img or cafe2wii is in a different title so you'll need to go back to your NUS program and download OSv0 or OSv1, I'd stick with OSv0 though.
    • It's also a Starbuck Ancast Image so use the same key and IV you used with fw.img, and it also contains an ELF

Loading into IDA

PPC Kernel
Binary Method
  • If you haven't edited the ppc.cfg file, do that now with the code in "Tools Usually Used" above
  • Open the binary file to bring up the GUI
  • Scroll Processor type to PowerPC Big-endian [PPC] and click set
  • Kernel Options 1
    • Turn off "delete instructions with no xrefs"
    • Also turn off "Use flirt signatures" since we don't have any anyways
    • Turn on "create function" right after
    • Turn off "Create stack variables" and "trace stack pointer"
    • The rest should all be on
  • Kernel Options 2
    • Highly suggest turning off BOTH "Coagulate data segments" and "Coagulate code segments" further down, otherwise you'll have to do more cleanup
    • Turn off "Automatically hide library functions" since there aren't any anyways
    • Turn off "Check for unicode string", "comment anonymous library functions", "Multiple copy library function recognition", and especially "Create function tails", saves you a lot of headache when cleaning up
    • Turn on "full stack pointer analysis"
    • Turn off "truncate functions"
  • Processor options
    • If you want to compare binaries between versions, you'll want to keep "create subi functions" off for when you load the database into bindiff from zynamics
    • Change instruction set support to "PS" for Paired Singles, if you don't have this you should probably obtain a newer version of IDA
    • Turn off Server if you wish
  • Hit OK, Disassembly memory organization
    • ROM start address and loading address, if you deleted the first 0x100 bytes, should be 0xFFE00100, else 0xFFE00000, then hit OK again
  • Might ask you about devices, just click wiiu and hit OK, turn off Memory layout, then hit OK again
  • Then you can begin cleaning and exploring.
ELF Method
Let me estimate you got a decrypted binary file with readable text and call it decryptedbin.out.
And you want to create an elf file (decryptedbin.elf). Then use DevkitPPC executable ...
powerpc-eabi-objcopy -I binary -O elf32-powerpc -B powerpc --change-addresses=0xffe00000 --set-section-flags .data=code decryptedbin.out decryptedbin.elf

PPC Kernel Specifics

Basic Notes
  • We only really need to worry about syscall_system at FFEAAA60 in 5.5.X because as long as we're running code thru the browser, that's all the ones it can access. Could use syscall_games at FFE85070 if someone ever made a game-based exploit
  • As such, once we have a kernel exploit, we should install kern_read and kern_write in both of those so games can access those as well with TCPGecko
  • Syscall tables are 0x100 words long, 00 thru FF
  • IRQs and IPC are all documented on WiiUBrew, thanks MN1. The Processor Interface is also another good page to look at
  • interrupt_data_tbl is at FFE84438 (table for next 3 tables)
  • ints_masks is at FFE84624 (8 entries, 3 words each)
  • dsp_irqs is at FFE84684 (8 entries, 3 words each)
  • ipc_irqs is at FFE846E4 (10 entries, 3 words each)
  • CodegenCopyAreas (???) is at FFE8475C
  • unknown syscall table at FFE84850, most loader w/ two empty
  • syscall_empty is at FFE84870
  • syscall_RAMPID1 is at FFE84C70
  • syscall_games is at FFE85070 (Might wanna use loadiine installer/launcher.h header as ref)
  • syscall_loader is at FFE85470
  • syscall_table is at FFEAAA40 (based on RAMPID, 0 is Kernel, 4 is Browser, 7 is Games)
  • syscall_system is at FFEAAA60
  • syscall_unknown at FFEAAE60 isn't linked to, previously KERN_SYSCALL_TBL for writing custom syscalls
  • memmap_tbl is at FFEAB7A0 (0x24 before means 0x24 entries of 4 words, Virtual Address, Size, Physical Address, Flags)
I'm only using a 5.5.1 binary, offsets are going to be (slightly?) different in past binaries
Starting from 0xFFF00000, every 0x100 bytes is a new piece of code with null bytes in between, including numerous infinite loops, you'll have to convert these manually.
When an sc instruction is run, r0 is passed in for the syscall number. If a number is not divisible by 0x100, it goes to one of the fastcalls. 0xFFF00C00 handles fastcalls, and it'll go to 0xFFF021A0 + (num * 0x20). Because all normal syscalls are divisible by 0x100, it'll go to "fastcall 0", 0xFFF021A0 is a jump to 0xFFF01EC0, which is the table dispatcher for all "normal" syscalls.
Aaaand that's about all the farther I've gotten, next step would be to rename all the syscalls and translate them into C to look for possible bugs.
Last edited by NWPlayer123,


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2012
The Everfree Forest
United States
Yeaaaaa most people use less than legal methods unless it's like already provided to them thru whatever work they're doing, I would write something better but the only promising one, Capstone, doesn't support Paired Singles, I'd have to add a patch or make my own code entirely, replicating the Disassembly functions in coreinit and probably something other than python so it isn't eternally slow


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2012
The Everfree Forest
United States
Update: Cleaned up kernel info so it's actually semi-readable, syscall tables there are 00 to FF, so all the functions available to the loader are under Access: L here. There's also a 0x83 and 0x84 syscall at FFE8567C that isn't in the list??
At least now I can start bulk renaming things


aka Big-PeePee Swinger
Jan 5, 2016
Kansas City, Missouri
United States
I cannot get NUSGrabber to download OSv10 for the life of me. NEW-NUSGrabber tells me it's not implemented to download, JNUSTOOL flat out doesn't want to work, and NUSGrabber-GUI just gives a blank command prompt and then closes.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2012
The Everfree Forest
United States
I cannot get NUSGrabber to download OSv10 for the life of me. NEW-NUSGrabber tells me it's not implemented to download, JNUSTOOL flat out doesn't want to work, and NUSGrabber-GUI just gives a blank command prompt and then closes.
In that case, go look up my Pastebin and download NUS Downloader which'll let you put the Title ID in without a dash and work with basically anything you give it, then you gotta get cdecrypt to do its thing, I'd just use my fancy py file also included


aka Big-PeePee Swinger
Jan 5, 2016
Kansas City, Missouri
United States
In that case, go look up my Pastebin and download NUS Downloader which'll let you put the Title ID in without a dash and work with basically anything you give it, then you gotta get cdecrypt to do its thing, I'd just use my fancy py file also included
Will do, thanks for the help!


Active Member
Jan 19, 2016
United States
I had a hell of a time getting them to download, ended up going with uwizard, which worked fine. (Just delete the hyphen and add a 0 to the end of title ID, I believe)

Decrypted fw.img, now I'm just staring at it, way in over my head.


Active Member
Jan 19, 2016
United States
LOL, the irony.
The same devs lecturing about piracy, pirating their software.

I've never seen NWPlayer go off about piracy. Some other ones though... Your post is both off topic, and trash.

Side note: Nice to see devs looking for a more crowd sourced approach in the general public, hopefully smarter people than I can help get this documented out faster. I'll continue to poke around, and as discussion grows, I'll probably get a better idea of where to poke around.
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