One Word Story


pessimism = Realism
Feb 18, 2016
United States
I've had this idea for a while.
I want to see if I can get a story going just by saying one word. For example,
Temper 1: Once
Temper 2: upon
Temper 1: a
Temper 3: time,
Temper x: ect.
  • Be sure to refresh your page before posting the next word just in case someone posts before you do.
  • In the event that you and another user post at the same time, one of you must replace your word with "---" to signify that you have taken out your word so that the story may continues as fluidly as possible. As fluid as this type of thing gets...
  • If you want to end a sentence, just put "<period> next-word" or ". next-word".
  • If you want to put a comma, just put ", next-word".
  • When continuing a story, please be wary of how long the sentence is and when it should end.
  • When continuing a story, please be mindful of the tenses used in the current sentence.
  • Please do not spam "and!" I know this is the EoF, but iv'e worked very hard on this thread. Please try your best to keep the story consistent. EXCESSIVE "ANDS" WILL BE IGNORED!!!!
  • Anything religion based will be ignored!
  • If you are making a comment that is not a part of the story, please put your comment in either small text or in parentheses.
  • If you have an idea for what a chapter should be titled around halfway through the chapter, PM me and I'll write down your suggestion and either choose the best one or let everyone decide.
  • Chapters will be around 7 to 8 pages long. If you are approaching that page (i.e. page 7, page 14, page 21) be sure to try to wind up the chapter.
  • iSHC3SQ.png
  • I don't swear, the words spoken in this post are spoken by much funnier individuals.
Punk-Rocking-Nerd :creep:

Special thanks to @Petraplexity for formatting help and other other various contributions! :hrth:

Special Notice!!!!

I never thought that this would become so big! Thank you to everyone that has contributed to this story. I think i'm getting a little ahead of myself because i have so many ideas that I want to do with this thread. Some ideas I would like to do now are,
  • Doing Story boards of some of the parts of the chapters
  • Create a cover for this "book" that we are all making together.
  • Type of an edited version of Chapters 3 and 4
Right now, I'm tied down with keeping this OP up to date with the story and trying to track everyone's words and document them. This is tedious enough to the point where i don't feel like starting on the other things i would like to do in this thread. So I want to ask for y'all's help. If anyone has any ideas for a cover for this story OR would like to create one themselves, please let me know. (Through DM) In addition, if someone is willing to help me write the edited versions of the chapters, also please let me know. (Also Through DM)
This notice will not stay here long so don't worry about it cluttering the OP
Thanks to everyone for their help and word contributions.

The Story So Far
This section is dedicated to compiling the raw One-Word Story into a comprehensible and coherent story to the best of our literary ability. We will do our best to retain the core aspects of the original story.

GBAtemp: A One-Word Story

Chapter 1: The Combustion of Seriel

A long time ago, although it feels as though it happened just yesterday, a dear friend of mine took my gun and shot my dog. I couldn’t believe this. I was absolutely dumbfounded that he was capable of such things! The first thing I thought I should do is call the local police, the PoliceDongs. However, I would never have known that this would have been one of the biggest mistakes of my life. They never came. Instead, they sent their cat. I don’t know why, but it was infuriating. This was no ordinary cat, though, it brought something with it. The PoliceDong’s cat forced me on the floor and began to butter me up real good with sodium hydroxide. As it was buttering me up, it looked deep into my eyes...
During this time, all of my problems just seemed to go away. I began asking myself, “To cunt or not to cunt? That is the queefstion.” I don’t know why. Could I be attracted to this anthropomorphic cat? I couldn’t possibly be. The more I thought about it, however, the more I realized that there were things I have done that might justify my feelings.
...I anal'd a cow once, although it was a long time ago. You have to understand, though, it was a very sexy and vicious animal with it’s sexy sauce coming all the way from Tokyo. There's yet another reason I can recall this day so succinctly. That was the day my sweet 5th waifu, Seriel, ran on a simple train and spontaneously combusted. I don’t understand why these memories have been pushed so far back. I’m remembering everything now… all thanks to this cat.
After the eye-opening moment I had with the cat, I decided to go get some Italian food. I went to a local restaurant here in town called Boneless. It was a quaint joint, yet quite good. After ordering and sucking on some delectable Swedish meatballs, I saw more girls kissing the asses of other customers while dingleberries were giving rimjobs to freakin' streak marks! Yes, that was a quaint joint indeed...
Still at Boneless, I began to overhear drunken chatter. "Douchebags aren't sane," a distant voice said, "but BORTZ Kamehameha'd Costello, Skiddo, and shit; which slid out quicker than all the rest because Olestra sat out freedom on chips." I had no fucking idea what they were talking about, but the names sounded oddly familiar. I could swear I know a guy named BORTZ from somewhere...
The drunken chatter continued. "Margen67 liked every post... except mine." Again, I've heard the name Margen67 before... and it gives me nothing but chills down my spine. A voice I vaguely recognized had spoken up. "Some Republicans ran Donald Duck into my Trump monument, because my Doritos™ tasted boneless." I had to get out of there before I could see who it was, but even then, I had a feeling I'd find out soon, whether I wanted to or not.

Chapter 2: Boneless Erections

I opened my eyes. The cat was gone, but it had left something behind, a photo of me and my 6th waifu from yesterday. What's strange though, is that I never took any photos yesterday nor did I have anything framed. It was of me, my waifu, and her latest creation she had whipped up in the 7-Eleven toilet here in Tokyo. She had created North Korean tentacle monsters.
I stood up. I turned my head looking for this mysterious cat that had disappeared from me. I investigated my kitchen, my bedroom and even my garage. I stepped back into the living room only for something very strange to happen. The TV flickered on. I looked to see what was showing; it was Luck & Pluck roasting Donald “Dank” Trump about losing his presidency. He has been the United States Supreme overlord for about 69 years now. It’s understandable why he finally lost this time. That, or because of his impeachment from office for M'ing AGA on time. For some strange reason, this reminded me of my old “buddy in law,” XxX_Dionicio3_XxX. He said, cool, ok, and wewlad quite often. It did not bother me too much but I can’t say the same about others. Who am I to judge a person though. It’s not right to do so. Although it is quite hard when his mother goes by “Bubs” and visits Ethiopia yearly and f****s goats with boneless erections. But once again, who am I to judge. It’s certainly not the worst thing I now about a person’s family. Take my friend @DrCrygor07 for instance. His GRAND DAD FLEENSTONES likes to flamboyantly move what he calls “Papa Anus” into Gbatemp’s fat, slimy, ginger c***, which as far as I know, has already been inside midgets who shortly die after; prolapsing noisily to the floor due to rectal disturbances.
Listening in on the news, it seems that sadly, Trump’s 2017 Covfefe has ruined Zimbabwe's Bank of Memes and Hillary Swank Pr0n. This was news I’d never thought I would hear. As the MSFoxnn & Knuckles news caster, who’s name I believe is Furby Fedorawittz, was relaying these details it’s audience, he became more hostile and hateful, and began to vigorously twerk on screen. The story piece came to a close as new stories came in. This new story I found quite baffling… and then mortifying. Two men named Chuck and Buck tucked trucks between a porcelain statue of Knuckles and the punched boneless pizza he was holding. But that was not all. I clenched my fists with tears running down my eyes as I saw that those two men were doing this using the intestines of my dead Waifu, Seriel. I did not know these men and I didn’t know if I could find them and seek my revenge. If I did not hurry, her intestines could decompose by tomorrow if placed under an unbreakable glass Seriel butt and vajayjay. I sat down to think of how could I find these two men. Then I remembered something. DrCrygor07 installed software on my Arduino board that could help me locate these individuals. I ran over to it and booted up the software. After about 69 minutes, I was prompted to enter in a password. I… I couldn’t remember it. He never wrote it down for me. Tomorrow, I must get DrCrygor07's password. If I don’t, it will be as if I’d ended my chapter in this story we call life.

Chapter 3: Seriel's Return

I left in a hurry! My blood was flowing, my heart was racing and my brow sweating. I did not have time to waste. But just like Murphy's law states, anything that can go wrong will go wrong. I stopped running. I clenched my real with my hand and fell to the ground. I had to go. I looked to my left and saw a 7-11. I ran inside to the restroom and proceeded to drop the Cosbys off at the pool. My hairy a** was just ready to poop the last remains of my dead, waifu Seriel's doodoo. Don't ask how it got there please. I'm already on record for another instance of this with @DrCrygor07's sister. As i was about to flush the toilet, all but the floor of the building lifted from the ground and was thrown across the street. Above me was a flying saucer! A group of 3 aliens beamed down to earth from the ship. I pulled up my pants quickly and slowly backed away from the alien squad. The came closer to me, walking slowly and triumphantly. The aliens were similar to the ones you would see in the movies: Big oval head, creepy big eyes, long fingers. They were all wearing 21-Pilots shirts for some reason. As they got closer and closer to me, i began to fear for my life. Then suddenly, they stopped. They looked down at the poop filled bowl. The three of them got on their knees(?) and began to eat the doodoo. I was appalled by what i just witnessed but at the same time my mouth began to water. With my bowls now empty from the burden that was my dead waifu, i began to hunger. While the aliens where occupied, I sneaked up behind one of them and grabbed it's weapon. Using the fire arms training i received in the great meme war of 2015-2016, I blasted all three of the alien scum. The three of them fell on the ground dead, with their greenish blood flowing out from their wounds. I kneeled down and began to eat their corpses since i am a cannibal as of 2 minutes ago.
[Story Edit Divider]
since I was aware of needing an intestine, so Seriel started screaming loud in then silenced me stomach and melted.
Since Seriel came from Hell to seek and destroy her husband that canalized boats.
She was looking at Seriel's anus when skiddo suddenly f****d a horse while the cameraman ate Saddam's penis which came to hentai watch Yui.
Some dank memes may harm your innocent brain eater. If nobody told (you,) that this is hell then i'd never come home.

Chapter 4: Drugged STDs
Once there was a boy that f****d hid mother so hard she was sucking out of his anus for hours upon Chlamydia oozing her esophagus with HPV and herpes and other AIDS and RSV and my friend and Andy and Andrew and Andres did an absolutely dangerous, terrible, and unbodacious. He became a Megazord who was Zordon but actually not a d**k but killing it his liver did and gtfoorelse you will die in your Sunday Best. Stupid Morton was banned and ComeTurismO made a (Sh*tested) story and banned and procrastinated to the only drug. Drugged and taken with no regrets. Without your stupid thicc a** which would probably miss the whole condom. Stop being gay like Kingy and ur brother's huge apple penis penis that would break my whole fata** over breakfast and what's down in dungeon history as you like Seinfeld? It's the end, regrets, not tragedies, but reruns of Fraiser. John left to interrupting cow insemination but scientists boogie oogie oogie till the people die all alone. Gbatemp is flying down hill where pugs die but come alive again and rainbows and ban waves will destroy the world that created man (men).

Chapter 5: ____
Someday will there be hope? I hope gravity will keep going uphill because if it dies, we will make the pay the bricked 3DS and debt and and f*** and loland who disembodied the world's end. I started considering the other day, that thing you f*****d by amputating somebody's dingleberries. Moreover the truth about bricked houses and s**ts and d**ks and Blowjobs. (really guys?) One guy ended @Noctosphere and f***ed the dog, @jimmyj . Soon doggy style gave me a boner aids that made life wonderful. My anus stinks because d**ks prolapsed it into something like a vagina. He would sing jazz while he turned into a monster, scaring away weeaboos and ridding the world
  • July 13, 2017: 10:57 PM - Contributor: Noctosphere Updated: Original Story
  • July 13, 2017: 11:01 PM - Added: Change-log
  • July 13, 2017: 11:49 PM - Finished: Chapter 2 Edited Story
  • July 16, 2017: 8:53 PM - Contributors: Hobbledhoy899, GhostLatte Finished: Chapter 3 Started: Chapter 4
  • July 20, 2017: 8:00 AM - Updated: Chapter 4 (formatted) Fixed: Some formatting issues
  • July 24, 2017: 10:11 PM - Added and Updated: Chapter 4 Original Edition Contributor: DeoNaught, Brickmii82, Dsionr4
  • July 24, 2017: 10:14 PM - Added: Notice about "and" in Rules/Tips.
  • July 27, 2017: 7:04 PM - Updated: Chapter 4 Original Edition, Chapter 4 (formatted) Contributor: Sks316, iAqua, jDSX, CatmanFan, B_E_P_S_I_M_A_N
  • July 30, 2017: 10:43 AM - Added: Special Notice!!!! Updated and Finished: Chapter 4 Original Edition, Chapter 4 (formatted) Started: Chapter 5 Contributor: Jimmyj, Skompc
  • July 30, 2017: 11:38 AM - Started: Chapter 3 Edited Story
  • August 1, 2017: 11:27 PM - Started: Chapter 5 Original Edition, Chapter 5 (formatted) Changed: Chapter 4 title to Drugged STDs (By Skompc's request) Contributor: Voxel
  • August 3, 2017 6:28 PM - Updated: Chapter 5 (formatted) Added: New Rules
  • August 5, 2017: 5:47 PM - Updated: Chapter 5 Original Edition, Chapter 5


Last edited by Stephano,

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  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @AncientBoi, where is your gun at?
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I thought he already showed you his gun
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    "This is my rifle, this is my gun. This is for fighting, this is for fun." - Full Metal Jacket
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
    We actually said that in Boot Camp, waaay before the movie :mellow:
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I gotta raid0 these m.2s yay
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Do a raid10
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    That's tomorrow
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Damn Wal-Mart has 42" 4k TVs for only $150
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, i bet it will not fit inside your bedroom
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea here in North Korea, we are only allowed 1 19" tv per household. And the only channel we get is, MLT (Missile Launch Today)
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    @BigOnYa, doesn't fit in his bedroom he's American
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I hate ordering stuff online if I can go buy it somewhere close to me, and everywhere anymore will give you a discount only if you order it online, bs. Should be a discount if I go pick it up, not order online.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I love it for most things most stores you just shows the receipt online and they scan it
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Makes it easy for incompetent restaurant staff that don't know how to hear an order
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Mostly for big purchases, I want it in my hands before I pay. Like a tv, I trust picking it up myself, before I'd trust it being sent thru mail/delivery. (Broken screen, etc) But yea if I can order online, then pickup at store is ok, but not all places offer that.
  • cearp @ cearp:
    > Like a tv, I trust picking it up myself, before I'd trust it being sent thru mail/delivery. (Broken screen, etc)

    Thing is, if you break it driving back to your house, it's your fault. But if the delivery driver damages it, it's not your fault.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Most people that haul big tvs have empty trucks or know enough not to set it face down
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Then I gotta send it back and wait another week or two. I have a pickup truck, with a extended cab, so no prob for me.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Most manufacturers pack it well enough where they aren't that dumb to let it happen
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    They building a new Microcenter store near by me, is kinda scary. That's my favorite place, I'm like a kid in a candy store there.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, what's a microcenter?
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Cool I'll make you ship me stuff
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Microcenter sells high quality microwaves
    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: Microcenter sells high quality microwaves