Homebrew COMPLETED Duke Nukem 3D


Thanks for the fish
Former Staff
Aug 27, 2007
Notimp they also deleted my reply where i explained your assumption is false and that i did contact her and asked to her for info to donate any proceeds. In truth what i did was mirror the stream (not a reupload actually). I watched hours of her work and dicussed it with my viewers. She has very little presence on youtube. I basically helped spread the word about her work. I feel it is positive and yet if Temkin ever asked i would delete every single mirror in a flash. No issue. It was merely there to educate others and let them know someone like this exists.

Look man stay on topic this is why that mod stepped in anyway. When you post you had stability (and other users as well). Are you guys playing in docked or portable mode? It appears that portable mode did not crash (over 2 hours) so its not memory card corruption or the files. Something else is going on. Perhaps res issue? Different tv models? Different docks? No clue. If anything you should thank me because it does turn out atomic looks waaaay better. Let alone the apology i deserve since you were absolutely wrong by your own admission . And no apologizing for joining a bandwagon of 1 does not count...
I am not sure what happened there as the intention was to leave your post intact where you explained that you had gotten permission, but for whatever reason it would appear that it was permanently deleted (not at all intentional).

What I want to say though is this - let's not assume the worst of people. It is fine to get annoyed at someone sometimes and it's ok to call someone out on these things but going directly to assuming the worst and throwing around insults is never the way to go. This because doing so is instead just likely to cause an inflamed situation where even more insults occur. So let's not.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Assumptions were made (I made them), because those videos where hosted without any references to where they originated from - which is somewhat odd, In my perspective. If I see a youtube account that rehosts original content from another account without a reference to a different originator - to me that immediately constitutes plagiarism.

There is no single standard license in the open source world, that would allow a second party, to monetize a video, without naming or linking to the originator of said video, as well as without naming the agreement in the videos themselves - which apparently is what happened here.

If there has been a prior agreement between seanp2500 and ktemkin, my assertion is wrong and so am I.

I'll actually backpaddle two paces in that instance, because I was in the process of toning down the conflict, when the alleged (but seemingly wrongly so) potential of IP fraud drove me over the edge again.

Also - I havent read the post that was apparently wrongly deleted, and would have reacted differently if I had done so.

Sorry for having allowed this to escalate to a point, that apparently (prior agreement) was not warented.
Last edited by notimp,

Deleted User

Can someone please just answer my basic question bejeeZus...

So yesterday i played this for over two hours 1 hour on my breaks and then i let it sorta just run with me occassionally moving around. No crashes. So that throws mem card corruption out the window (its always possible but as i stated since all else working i had my doubts) and me having bad file set. This was in portable mode. Of those who report stability have you ever run in docked mode and at what resolutions??


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Its docked mode thats the culprit. It just crashed for me three times in short succession.

Same error profile as in your video.

One time I started the game (went ingame), docked the switch, and as soon as it docked, the game crashed.

(Also - cpasjustes controller management for this game, makes it unplayable if you have the two controllers detatched (and no pro controller) the game defaults to 1p and 2p tiny controller mode (hint, no dual joysticks), as soon as you remove the controllers - or start the game with controllers removed. This setting shouldn't be the defailt in general, and certainly shouldnt be the default for most ports. I've talked to cpasjuste before, that controller mode management should be implemented in a selective way - or left out. (There always is the option to do it via the controller submenu). Luckily - the game/port would crash two times simply by walking back and forth a little, while the switch was docked.)

I wouldn't mess with resolution settings, unless you got more stable results somehow... ;) Almost all homebrew currently runs in 720p, reagardless if docked or not. This is also the resolution this port defaults to.

(To prop up a little explanation, this was the first of cpasjustes releases I didn't test in docked mode prior to today. All other ports (seemingly) didn't have an issue with being docked, this one does. *small sigh*)
Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
I take that back - my test build of ScummVM also crashes, while being docked and loading a (hires) game. Will test lowres games asap.

So far, this seems like it might be a regression in libnx.

edit: Low res games in Scummvm dont crash while being docked, so the issue seems to be (at least indirectly) resolution related.

(Broken Sword 2 (hires)(thats 2 not 1, so the one that usually runs rock stable) crashes within seconds of being run in the ScummVM test build, while being docked, Monkey Island 2 (lowres) does not. Thats me running it on the test build, not the currently released one.)

edit2: Same issue in pfba (1.54 test build and 1.52 (will check checksums)). Street Fighter Alpha 3 runs without issues, Street Fighter 3 3rd Strike (hires) crashes, when docked. I'm fairly certain, that this was not the case in the first pfba builds available. (Didn't doublecheck.)

edit3: Lowest version of your builds I could verify the issue on is pfba 1.52 release build (md5: f27a29ae1749d4997d99f38d3daabf5a ) - although I didn't try even earlier ones, so the issue is present in your builds for quite a while... Games used to reproduce it are Street Fighter Alpha 3 (doesnt crash while docked), and Street Fighter 3 3rd Strike (does crash while docked). Both work flawlessly while in portable mode. And again SF 3 3rd Strike is a "hires" game, the other one is not.

edit4: As far as I could tell, Duke Nukem 3D, docked, wouldnt crash in menu - but only ingame (resolution change?).
Last edited by notimp,

Deleted User

Thank you. No apology but alas if wishes were fishes. We have finally gotten to the true culptrit thanks to thorough testing by notimp and myself. Wololo has also been vindicated (prob still hates me though).

“Im looking at the man in the mirror...im asking him to change his ways..”


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Wololo has also been vindicated (prob still hates me though).
Partly - the misquoting and missing attribution parts still hold true on their part, also - this is still your primary concern - isn't it.. (to get on the good side of the "amplifiers") ;) *heckling mode off*

In all seriousness, this one is a ducy. When doing most testing in docked and portable modes most games wouldn't crash - even for prolonged periods of time, and none of the games would crash in portable mode - almost at all (ScummVM issues excluded). When folks with a portable first approach would play with builds, their experiences were entirely different than those of the youtuber that prefers it the other way around - to capture a direct game feed. We even could test entire games and genres for hours on end in docked or portable mode, without crashing - and when docked mode crashed it would seem like a random, freak occurance.

So this is actually an important catch.

But in all fairness, it also explains our vastly different experiences with builds in general. Its always especially hard to believe the stuff you didn't experience, and that eludes you even when you try your best to reproduce it. :)

The proper allegory would be "men are from mars, women from venus" I believe.. ;)
Last edited by notimp,

Deleted User

Alas you are insulting to the last. No apology. Just ego. I threw away my ego years ago. It is only a hindrance to true wisdom and knowledge.

Wololo and I were ABSOLUTELY correct. The entire design of the switch centers around the device being used both on the go and at home. It's the entire point of the device. I would not want to see the scene devolve into a situation where oh this only works in portable mode or this works in docked etc. I can't think of anyone who would leave their homebrew software with such issues. I am not some sort of crybaby or dictator who wines and wants etc. I am merely a proper and thorough tester of such things. I dutifully report my findings to assist devs. I have done this many years. I patiently await updates to such software. NOONE could ever say I nagged them or complained when it comes to such things. I just say hey this doesn't work. Hope this helps people. Nothing Wololo said is incorrect. Even if for some strange reason Cpas gave up on the software someone else could always tinker with it. I would imagine the goal would be working saves, music, and docked mode at this point. Could it happen soon? Sure. Could it take years? Sure. They misquoted absolutely nothing. The software causes errors if used in a certain way. Nothing in the readme explained this. If it did you have a point. But I guess the reason cpas did not know is he is unable to test docked mode or something?


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Technically no apology - thats correct. After the apology already given above.

From my perspective, you are still the guy, that put out a video stating those things are unstable you know - *shrug, fake laughter*, recorded a video about the experience - and spread it as a comment on "the state of homebrew on the switch" - without consolidating your experience with others prior to it going public, without much preparation - without any troubleshooting, then only tried to query other experiences after the fact. In an unsuitable way "lol - this happening to everyone > videolink" (you didn't even talk about the issue, you made people watch your video), then expressed your position, that you are not new to this, because you have done it 15 times before - people should just look at all your videos -

then, stumbled into a minor scandal for lifting ktemkins videos and rehosting them on your channel without attribution - although aparently with the knowledge of the creator (which still doesnt make sense from her part of the deal, as she gets split attention, less repeat views, maybe - a little wider reach, although both your channel and hers are available on youtube - but hey, I can't decide which agreements people enter into) -

- then figured out, that it was docking, that caused your issue (still after you've produced the video) - thats the pure sparkle of enlightenment moment you can lay claim to - and subsequently directly expressed sorrow, that the plattform that granted you 8x of your normal views on the video (wololo), could still be mad at you as one of your primary concerns.

Here is the breakdown in the end. That your representation ("apps crash on the switch, because its still early") turned out to be "true" in the end came down to pure luck. From your perspective, you didn't know - what our perspective looked like, and we didn't know what was causing yours.

The difference still being that we've invested more than 15 seconds before we made our assessment (although thats no real guideline as to whos work was more valuable) - and you haven't.

Congratulations on your stroke of luck. You were onto something important. May it grant you many youtube views in the future. Still you could have handled this better. As could I have. Imho.
Last edited by notimp,

Deleted User

text loses meaning sometimes...i am happy go lucky smiling laughing all the time type...if wololo hates me doesn't bother me...nor do i need to win him over...im basically joking/laughing over the irony of you saying he is like hooking me up/my stroke of luck etc cause it just aint true

i handled it fine you didn't...you apologized for "joining a bandwagon" that's not an apology...you say "Sorry for having allowed this to escalate to a point, that apparently (prior agreement) was not warented." that is also not an apology.

i was right about atomic

i was right about errors

you were wrong n insulting

grow up
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
I don't know why wololo should hate you though. Everything they did, they did out of their own volition. They have responsibility as well. If they need images or videos for their articles, and they decide to take those from people that produce for youtube - they shouldnt put blame on their sources for what happens as a result (in this case it might not even have been justified, and thats as close to an apology as you'll catch me ;) ).

If they produce news based on unknown (from their perspective) sources, and are not verifying stuff on their own - thats not the sources fault - so, I don't think that they should be "mad at you".

You did nothing wrong as far as puting out your opinion goes. Which also happened to be true in the end. (Not a nag this time.. ;) )
Last edited by notimp,

Deleted User

it is jealousy to my knowledge that particular beef stems from and in an odd turn of events he then decided to capitalize off me. Which i mean it's a circle of life i in turn feed. But it's not like we talk or msg if you catch my drift. Heck i can't even comment on the post with my video...for the most part my comments there get moderated and rejected...


Sep 26, 2016
Hey @notimp and @seanp2500 ,

I would like to state that I, Aurora, was the author of the article and not the administrator of Wololo so please check the author before criticizing something.

I would like to say the following:
  • I reported about the Nintendo Switch without owning one so that was a stupid thing to do on my part. I fully accept responsibility for that and wish to say that the reason why I used Sean Torres' video was due to that and not due to lack of interest.
  • Neither I nor Wololo hate Sean Torres for his video so please, don't create baseless accusations that the website hates a particular individual.
  • If there are any problems with my articles, please send me a Direct Message on Twitter so that we could talk about it and I could update the article.
My reason for reporting about the Nintendo Switch without owning one is because I like to keep people informed about what's going on even in scenes that I don't directly have access to. That way, Wololo could still be a universal source of information on console hacking.

About updating articles, I would like to say that I listen to anybody who has concerns about the articles and try to update them as soon as possible, even if I'm on my iPad.

Rest assured, I was not trying to exploit free feedback but trying to explain to our readers what was happening in the Nintendo Switch scene.

I would also like to say that my other articles usually contain screenshots/pictures that are from my personal consoles so writing about a console I don't have access to isn't a common thing I do!

On a concluding note, I would like to apologise to @notimp , @seanp2500 and @cpasjuste for failing to properly report about this particular piece of homebrew. If I decide to write something about a console that I don't own, I will make sure to conduct more research about it :)

Thanks and sorry to all those involved,
Aurora of Wololo - @KawaiiAuroraA <-- Twitter (looks like I have another GBATemp account but that one is connected to my Twitter account...)
Last edited by KawaiiAurora,
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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2015
United States
Not rushing anything or asking etas, but rather, any news on this thread, or just the never-ending fight?

Just hope this isn't left to dead due to a squabble. Thanks again, OP!


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
How come, everything in todays world revolves about public image control, and trying to seem like sonething that you are not?

@KawaiiAurora, welcome to the forum . From my perspective, I'm not sure that an official response was needed (others might see this differently). I'm also not sure how to say this in the most discrete way possible - but if I read a paragraph of text, and all I can think about, when I do so is "public image control measure" - thats hardly a good sign.

For the record, owning a Switch - or not isn't the issue here, its more about journalistic integrity (check multiple sources, if you quote them - quote them correctly, and don't make the reader attribute information to you as a primary source, if you arent). Owning a Switch for doing reports on homebrew projects, might be valuable from other perspectives such as "independant verification of information" or creating your own image or video material, for your articles.

Kind of the stuff you need more than 2 minutes of internet research for. ;) I've used wololo as a news source in the past, expecially because of their rather in depth reporting, but I also accept the fact, that bloggers at least sometimes dont need to follow journalistic standards, and that journalistic standards might even be decreasing in general as a result of economic pressures (f.e. "be first" becoming more important).

As far as voicing public criticism goes, I might still resort to doing that on venues I choose, which might not be "letters to the editor". As long as it is fact based, and doest fall under anything that could be seen as slander, I believe its perfectly ok to do so.

My motives might f.e. include - priming people to employ more of a critical mindset when "reading news", or also looking at primary sources if they are available. For those a "letter" to the editor, might not be appropriate.

I appreciate, that you do follow up on the reactions on your reports in the place you get most of your Nintendo related news from, it shows that you do care about what you put out - but please don't try to couple that with an intention to modify peoples behavior, to minimize the fallback for problematic reporting wololo might have done in the past. As a "news outlet" its fine to not always be directly available for a back and forth with anyone who might have something to say about your work - its actually kind of part of the "staying impartial" concept. But if you see criticism, that you think you can grow from, by all means, get better out of your own volition.

I'd be more impressed if your reports showed higher standards (sounds incredibly snobbish, but its not meant that way), than with any (personal) mea culpa you'd had to put out. :)

I guess I'll post wololo.net links again, if thats worth mentioning - but I'm but a small figurehead - its not that I'd expect this to interest many people one way or another... I'm unimportant. ;)
Last edited by notimp,


Sep 26, 2016
How come, everything in todays world revolves about public image control, and trying to seem like sonething that you are not?

@KawaiiAurora, welcome to the forum . From my perspective, I'm not sure that an official response was needed (others might see this differently). I'm also not sure how to say this in the most discrete way possible - but if I read a paragraph of text, and all I can think about, when I do so is "public image control measure" - thats hardly a good sign.

For the record, owning a Switch - or not isn't the issue here, its more about journalistic integrity (check multiple sources, if you quote them - quote them correctly, and don't make the reader attribute information to you as a primary source, if you arent). Owning a Switch for doing reports on homebrew projects, might be valuable from other perspectives such as "independant verification of information" or creating your own image or video material, for your articles.

Kind of the stuff you need more than 2 minutes of internet research for. ;) I've used wololo as a news source in the past, expecially because of their rather in depth reporting, but I also accept the fact, that bloggers at least sometimes dont need to follow journalistic standards, and that journalistic standards might even be decreasing in general as a result of economic pressures (f.e. "be first" becoming more important).

As far as voicing public criticism goes, I might still resort to doing that on venues I choose, which might not be "letters to the editor". As long as it is fact based, and doest fall under anything that could be seen as slander, I believe its perfectly ok to do so.

My motives might f.e. include - priming people to employ more of a critical mindset when "reading news", or also looking at primary sources if they are available. For those a "letter" to the editor, might not be appropriate.

I appreciate, that you do follow up on the reactions on your reports in the place you get most of your Nintendo related news from, it shows that you do care about what you put out - but please don't try to couple that with an intention to modify peoples behavior, to minimize the fallback for problematic reporting wololo might have done in the past. As a "news outlet" its fine to not always be directly available for a back and forth with anyone who might have something to say about your work - its actually kind of part of the "staying impartial" concept. But if you see criticism, that you think can grow from, by all means, get better out of your own volition.

I'd be more impressed if your reports showed higher standards (sounds incredibly snobbish, but its not meant that way), than with any (personal) mea culpa you'd had to put out. :)

I guess I'll post wololo.net links again, if thats worth mentioning - but I'm but a small figurehead - its not that I'd expect this to interest many people one way or another... I'm unimportant. ;)

I'm going to keep this short to avoid going off-topic as much as possible.

I personally think that my articles are up to standard, with maybe a few exceptions. I think that I do adequate research, consisting more than the 2 minutes you mentioned, on the matter and usually try the thing out myself if it's possible to do so.

About official responses or whatnot, I don't distance myself from the reader so responding to their criticism is something I normally do.

On a concluding note, I can say that I respect your opinion and that there isn't much I can do about what you're saying at this point. My only tip to you is to avoid articles written by myself if you think they're sub-standard.

Deleted User

KawaiiAurora yo man riddle me this been trying to post this only works reliably in portable mode and the comment never gets approved...i mean people make really negative and pointless comments there so whatsup with that?

Also if you think this is a new occurence its not. I left a heartfelt comment that wololo’s site is still checked daily and helped me get through some rough times that one comment was approved...but gosh its like a 10% approval rate at this point. Wololo has become a site where i can only be informed and i cannot discourse. My only conclusion i could draw was hate/jealousy if i am wrong well my apologies but as i say what is the dilly yo?

I have tested with joycons attached and a pro controller both work fine. May i suggest the atomic version as it looks splendid. It did appear to be 60fps both docked and in portable

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