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Why are most gamers liberal?

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May 19, 2019
United States
Not all, some I assume are good people. Your leader is very rapey though and the majority chose him, or at least that is the claim he makes. You'll let him do ANYTHING as long as he lets you keep your guns and blames immigrants, even though you are all immigrants.

You seem to want to be the good guy with the gun shooting the bad guy with the gun, the difference is you don't mind waiting for the chance to shoot someone. If nobody had guns then you wouldn't need them.

Guns are a very poor tool for decreasing possible harm. The crazies who want to be able to bear arms against the government, when the government can order a drone strike and take anyone out they want shows just how out of touch with reality the pro gun lobby are.

But sure, we can be friends, just don't make justifying your politics your main focus. I suspect that is why people are hostile to you.

What? Good grief you are all over the place and yet still manage to get nowhere near the truth (except that Trump is a man dog in heat like Clinton was, with his enabler wife Hillary). The majority didn't choose him, but he won fair and square as the constitution provided (electorial college).

Guns... you do know a lot of liberals want to keep their guns too. That is why the 2nd will never be removed as the constitution provides (change the bill of rights via Congress). BTW... Guns rights were not for "hunting"... that was a given, everyone hunted back then... Guns were to overthrow a runaway government, to protect oneself from a government that over steps it bounds... Just like the Battle of Athens in 1946 Tennessee....


If gun owner couldn't wait to shoot others then you probable wouldn't be here. There is about one gun per person living in the US... What a silly thing to say. Legal gun owners are some of the best people in America with lower crime rates than not only the general public, but police officers.

Then when one thinks you can't get any more irrelevant, you throw out that guns are useless and cite drones as an example... Well Afghanistan proved you could survive against drones and I imagine that most of those folks would be smart enough to not stay in one place to be bombed (have you priced those drones, there is not 150 million drones with all the tea in China to pay for them). The US is huge, there are states bigger than the whole UK. Yeah, there is no way drones (even if you could get the military which leans conservative to attach it's own people)... Most the military have conservative roots... heck most are from Texas and Alabama...


Crazy Cool Cyclops
Feb 16, 2017
United States
It's probably just as you theorize: right-wingers seem to have a need to be perceived as more masculine, so they seek hobbies which will perpetuate that image. Hunting, fishing, NASCAR, (American) football, auto repair, etc. It's largely illogical of course, I myself enjoy two of the five in that list, but most things colorful and creative tend to be viewed by the right as childish or feminine. Gaming included.

We all know "MAGA" isn't a neutral slogan denoting that you're a conservative, though. It's a slogan which denotes that you're part of a cult of personality centered around a singular, divisive political figure. So it isn't surprising that it gets a lot of negative reactions.

This is somewhat on point...for fundamentalist Christians only in my experience. Think the ones that support Tim Tebow because he had John 3:16 on his shades that American football players put on their cheeks (I forget what they're called, there's a term for it) or putting their support behind whatever is considered as part of their in-group. But it's not just any Christian, especially if it's a Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, or one of those country clubs known as community churches. It has to be a born again, Old King James Bible-believing, Jack Hyles-loving (this is the especially fucked up part as my father did go to this piece of shit's college that he described as being old-fashioned and shoddy. Hyles' son-in-law was actually the guy in the video I'll be linking at the end of this post who got caught taking a minor across statelines for sex), John R. Rice-loving, Duggar-loving, homeschooled, abortion-hating, gay marriage-hating (even if they aren't open or blunt about it, they'll make negative comments about it when the cameras are off and there's no chance of their comments being made public), traditional gender roles supporting individual, male preferred, but not necessary.

The only way I even know about all of this is that yours truly's Aspergian ass had the pleasure of growing up in the Old Independent Fundamental Baptist conglomeration of churches. Emphasis on the Old as I was spared the insanity of Steven Anderson as he wasn't around when I was growing up and, thankfully, my parents had enough common sense to know what is plainly clear as bullshit. They were very supportive of yours truly's Asperger's growing up and able to help me get to a point where, to be frank, it's honestly only a diagnosis to me at this point. Still, I had the honor of having to deal with a certain school teacher not being supportive, something that went so well that I was eventually kicked out of the private school and sent to the "den of immorality" that was public school where, in an ironic twist of events, I got the help and support needed and am now a functioning adult with a job who's working on moving out so he doesn't ever have to be associated with whatever OIFB has the potential of morphing into if one of my older brother's and his lack of vaccinating his kids is any indication of where the movement is headed along with the New IFB it spawned!


This is somewhat on point...for fundamentalist Christians only in my experience. Think the ones that support Tim Tebow because he had John 3:16 on his shades that American football players put on their cheeks (I forget what they're called, there's a term for it) or putting their support behind whatever is considered as part of their in-group. But it's not just any Christian, especially if it's a Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, or one of those country clubs known as community churches. It has to be a born again, Old King James Bible-believing, Jack Hyles-loving (this is the especially fucked up part as my father did go to this piece of shit's college that he described as being old-fashioned and shoddy. Hyles' son-in-law was actually the guy in the video I'll be linking at the end of this post who got caught taking a minor across statelines for sex), John R. Rice-loving, Duggar-loving, homeschooled, abortion-hating, gay marriage-hating (even if they aren't open or blunt about it, they'll make negative comments about it when the cameras are off and there's no chance of their comments being made public), traditional gender roles supporting individual, male preferred, but not necessary.

The only way I even know about all of this is that yours truly's Aspergian ass had the pleasure of growing up in the Old Independent Fundamental Baptist conglomeration of churches. Emphasis on the Old as I was spared the insanity of Steven Anderson as he wasn't around when I was growing up and, thankfully, my parents had enough common sense to know what is plainly clear as bullshit. They were very supportive of yours truly's Asperger's growing up and able to help me get to a point where, to be frank, it's honestly only a diagnosis to me at this point. Still, I had the honor of having to deal with a certain school teacher not being supportive, something that went so well that I was eventually kicked out of the private school and sent to the "den of immorality" that was public school where, in an ironic twist of events, I got the help and support needed and am now a functioning adult with a job who's working on moving out so he doesn't ever have to be associated with whatever OIFB has the potential of morphing into if one of my older brother's and his lack of vaccinating his kids is any indication of where the movement is headed along with the New IFB it spawned!

What is OIFB and IFB. Dude this thread is about gamers being liberal, I have no idea what you are even talking about.


Crazy Cool Cyclops
Feb 16, 2017
United States
What is OIFB and IFB. Dude this thread is about gamers being liberal, I have no idea what you are even talking about.

I was responding to Xzi's point about conservatives preferring to do more sporty activities that are generally considered by society to be more masculine.

Here's an introduction to what kind of church the NIFB is, which is the more relevant of the two denominations online:

I think, if you watch my video, you'll get my point.

The NIFB, btw, is the church essentially run by Steven Anderson, the guy who prayed for Obama to get assassinated and who said the cure for AIDs was the death penalty.

If that still doesn't ring a bell, well... (here's to hoping I don't get in trouble for posting this)



I was responding to Xzi's point about conservatives preferring to do more sporty activities that are generally considered by society to be more masculine.

Here's an introduction to what kind of church the NIFB is, which is the more relevant of the two denominations online:

I think, if you watch my video, you'll get my point.

The NIFB, btw, is the church essentially run by Steven Anderson, the guy who prayed for Obama to get assassinated and who said the cure for AIDs was the death penalty.

If that still doesn't ring a bell, well... (here's to hoping I don't get in trouble for posting this)

So you linked NIFB, but what is OIFB and IFB? I will watch the videos in a bit.


Dec 23, 2009
It's probably just as you theorize: right-wingers seem to have a need to be perceived as more masculine, so they seek hobbies which will perpetuate that image. Hunting, fishing, NASCAR, (American) football, auto repair, etc. It's largely illogical of course, I myself enjoy two of the five in that list, but most things colorful and creative tend to be viewed by the right as childish or feminine. Gaming included.
Okay...but then what makes that games about hunting, fishing, football, nascar and so on?

In the past, I've labeled such games as "bro games". Games played by people who measure their self worth in their physical ability, even if said physical ability is at least partially virtual (I have no idea if they play these games to compliment their hobbies/lifestyle or to replace them).

I think its the exact opposite imo, it seems alot of devs are liberal or at least seems that way because they are the most vocal ones, get covered by liberal "gaming" news sites like kotaku and polygon.
Gamers themselves however don't really share those views, at least the vast majority of them, they dont want politics shoved down their throats especially when they just want to play an enjoy games, they don't give af about the diversity of the game, how many characters are minorities, if the devs are people of color, ect.

A good example of this was when the dev of Firewatch attacked pewdiepie, sent copyright claims against all his videos which were there a year already, his game was promptly review bombed on steam. https://www.pcgamer.com/firewatch-is-getting-review-bombed-on-steam/

BF5 flop, the sjw devs just woudnt stop, they made a main character a female with one arm, a series which used to pride its self on historical accuracy decided to provide an alternative version of history, of course the far left gaming journalism sites all loved this and covered it to no end about diversity, but preorders and actual sales told a different story, it seems the people who would actually buy and play the game took the devs words to heart:
"Accept It or Don’t Buy the Game" -EA
They even decided to try and troll people with quotes at their launch event

Doom Enteral seemed to be going in the opposite direction and attacking sjw's https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2018/...-calling-it-gross-and-anti-immigration/66299/

Just keep politics out of games, it doesnt belong, your main audience doesnt want it, it's just grandstanding and virtue signaling.
This is an interesting viewpoint. I don't agree with it (IMHO, politics is a part of life. Just as you cannot have characters without ANY skin color, you cannot NOT have a politically motivated narrative if you want a game having a narrative), but there is certainly something to be said here.

What you describe doesn't appear to be anti-political, but rather a countermovement to the (admitted) pretty liberal political agenda of developers. If people truly wouldn't give a fuck about politics, there wouldn't be trolls or review bombs. And while these could still be made by a vocal minority, the latter example says it best: the sales figures suffer because of it.

Can't say much about doom eternal, but to me that link just points to a few people without humor ("calling a demon is mortally challenged is not funny". yeah...excuse me while I go laugh my ass off to prove my disagreement :P ).


Crazy Cool Cyclops
Feb 16, 2017
United States
So you linked NIFB, but what is OIFB and IFB? I will watch the videos in a bit.

The IFB is just a quick reference for both the Old and the New IFB. The main difference between the two conglomerations of churches is that the Old IFB relied upon colleges to train pastors to go start churches that were independent of any organizations like the Southern Baptist Convention from overseeing their activities. These colleges are stuff like Pensacola Christian College, Bob Jones University, Hyles-Anderson (the one my father went to back in the 70's), with all of the rules in regards to dating and everything in between. What both denominations share is their clinging to what they consider to be the fundamentals of Baptistic faith, and then some. You see, not only do they believe in the Bible and take it pretty much literally outside of the last book and some parts of other books (mainly stuff that are metaphors and/or symbols for prophecy they and Christians of other conglomerations and denominations consider to be true to some extent), but they consider the words of their preacher to be words from God himself. If a pastor hates Metallica and/or rock music in general, you hate Metallica and rock music lest you be considered a rebel in "God's" eyes. If he hates dancing, you are to hate dancing. If he says that women wearing skirts slightly above the knees and/or pants is going to send her to Hell, you aren't going to date a girl like that or consider her a "godly" woman.

Think of it this way: Trump says he's gonna make America Great Again. If you were to look at that statement by itself, it's a good statement from many perspectives. It's short, memorable, and a concise message that is befitting of Trump's background in business. But if you're like me and grew up in this culture of "anything past the 50's is when America started to degrade morally with rock music, drugs, alcohol, bad language, men having the hair of women and women having the hair of men, and of things not being as how God commanded them in the Old Testament to the Jews because we consider the OT to inform the NT even though there's a lot of weirdness that makes it hard to communicate to those who didn't grow up in this weird, conservative culture," you'd know that basically anything past Andy Griffith and Leave it To Beaver was when morality on reality TV dropped to the ground. Shows like Seinfeld, Friends, Married with Children, basically anything that didn't exude "the good 'ole days of clean, moral, decent, "family-friendly"" entertainment was considered to be a risk for young people. Not to mention, people associating it with America's golden age of economic expansion and jobs being plentiful.

While my upbringing wasn't as extreme as others in these churches, it still had the hallmarks of a lot of religious kid problems growing up: no Harry Potter because witchcraft even though Star Wars was A-OK, Mortal Kombat had to be blocked out on screen when the fatalities came up even though yours truly was crafty enough to sneak in a Supreme Demonstration followed by 1-button Fatalities for Mortal Kombat Trilogy, and you always had to be wary of "the world," a catch all term referring to things basically not approved of by your church authorities and/or your parents backed by their understandings of the Bible.

Steven Anderson and others under his NIFB umbrella like Roger Jimenez characterize what I'd consider to be the Old IFB at its worst. Belief in conspiracy theories in regards to vaccines causing autism and other diseases, Holocaust denial in Anderson's case, having a lot of kids in a very Quiverfull-esque (essentially the Duggars' lifestyle, and though he doesn't have as many kids as they do right now, he sure seems to be on his way to trying to top them) method. Roger Jimenez was famous for saying that he wished more were killed in the Pulse Nightclub shooting because of the IFB's (yes, both conglomerations of churches believe this) belief that homosexuals are pedophiles. Their logic with this is that they think that if an individual will sleep with someone of the same sex, they will sleep with anything.

In regards to the churches being "independent" - these churches survive by forming friendships with other pastors/churches/organizations that share similar, if not identical, views on raising children, how to do X thing here, attitudes towards Reformers Unanimous, etc.. But they don't have anyone overlooking their activities other than the churches themselves, which extends to the schools they run to help provide children with a learning environment that "puts Christ at the center of everything." While I never went through the whole thing either in the regular school or thankfully any of the aforementioned colleges of which there are more of, but those are essentially the big three other than Liberty University. From what I've read about online and seen of study materials that my older brothers left laying around the house I live in, though, it paints a very..."sheltered" picture is how I'd describe it. One-sided teachings about evolution, anything that's anti-Republican Party or just whatever they consider true conservatism is painted in a negative light, women are taught that they are meant for the home and not meant for a career even though, in this day and age, it's becoming more difficult to even do that (case-in-point being my mom who's one of the hardest working women I know who helped provide for the family in all of this. Like I said earlier, my parents weren't as extreme as others in these churches), it's their fault for dressing immodestly if a man assaults them in several cases I've read online in regards to incidents that happened on IFB-friendly campuses, with the punishments for the party considered guilty being nothing short of cultish to make them conform to the image that the church considers a proper man/woman, etc..

I could go on and on, but this has become a blog post about something that, once I move out of my parents' house, I never want to think about or look back at ever again. It bugs me a lot that I don't feel comfortable going to my parents about this stuff because I fear how they might react. I've read horror stories on Reddit about kids kicked out of their house for coming out as atheist or simply as someone who just doesn't give a rat's ass like I do about any of this. At the end of the day, all I want to do is kick back and relax at my PC right here, play a game, listen to music, watch movies or videos, and that's about it. It's about all I have time to do on my free time when I'm not working my ass off to pay some bills that I'm regretting now that I have a clear vision of where I want to be in the next 5 years!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
United States
Art (and reality in general) has a "liberal" bias....

And yes video games are an art form.

Also, you do realize that most conservatives dont like that maga crap too, right?
Last edited by burial,


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Most gamers are liberal because most gamers are young. Young people generally start out liberal and become more conservative as they age. Young people generally have this unrealistic rosey view of how the world *should* be, only to get slowly dosed with reality as they age.
That line of thought has never quite sat right with me. Some might pull back a bit as they start seeing more of it fly out of the door in taxes if it is a thing where you are at (the tax = theft lark is something of a US only trait -- you will get people doing things under the table and otherwise not declaring it everywhere, to say nothing of Greece's approach to the world, but still mostly a US sentiment) but more would probably be a shift in the Overton window as time goes on.

I think its the exact opposite imo, it seems alot of devs are liberal or at least seems that way because they are the most vocal ones, get covered by liberal "gaming" news sites like kotaku and polygon.
Gamers themselves however don't really share those views, at least the vast majority of them, they dont want politics shoved down their throats especially when they just want to play an enjoy games, they don't give af about the diversity of the game, how many characters are minorities, if the devs are people of color, ect.

Just keep politics out of games, it doesnt belong, your main audience doesnt want it, it's just grandstanding and virtue signaling.

Are those liberal traits or traits of a subset of liberals*, just ones with a megaphone of late?

*I find it hard to reconcile some things people in those circles claim with their purported goals -- some would claim if I have two applicants of otherwise equal standing but one is a black guy then I am supposed to hire the black guy... I was watching that US hearing on Facebook a while back and some guy there was taking all his time asking questions to getting the facebook dude to commit to hiring so many black people to the board. Or in the case of actual law in California ( https://www.npr.org/2018/10/01/6533...ire-women-on-corporate-boards?t=1563961409942 ) if I have a board then a given percentage must, by law, be women apparently -- is hiring, or indeed not hiring, because of their sex not inherently/textbook sexism?

As for politics in games I would say if games are really to be an artistic medium then there is plenty of scope to outwardly** explore philosophies, strains of politics, political systems (if you thought RPG players were fond of min maxing you have clearly not see people responsible for voting lines and strategy) and other such things.

**some have made the claim that politics are inherent in mechanics (something like Civilisation deeming bigger cities, industrialisation and so forth as worth more) which might well be true but replicating apparent physics or history is probably going to get a free pass, and there are endless fuzzy edges too.
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Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Okay...but then what makes that games about hunting, fishing, football, nascar and so on?

In the past, I've labeled such games as "bro games". Games played by people who measure their self worth in their physical ability, even if said physical ability is at least partially virtual (I have no idea if they play these games to compliment their hobbies/lifestyle or to replace them).
Yeah, mostly they're just an attempt to bridge that gap between gaming and "manly" hobbies. They provide an outlet for those with a competitive mindset, but they tend to be pretty poor quality from a purely gaming perspective, so I'd wager their biggest audience is college-age men. AKA frat bros, like you said. Guys with relatively limited gaming knowledge, who want to play games while still maintaining a certain image.
Last edited by Xzi,


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2009
I just don't understand how in most gaming circles they are unanimously liberal, what is it about videogames that conservatives find an aversion to? I now wonder if it has always been like this and I just never realized it until I was older, but there is something about gaming that liberals find solace in and conservatives dislike. I am just trying to find out what that something is exactly.

conservatives have spend decades trying to cut, censor and sometimes outright outlaw video games.
if you're a 'professional' conservative, you likely aren't an outspoken gamer.

also, games mostly young people, so they're kinda more sane and leaning towards the type of idiologies that don't want to crap on outsiders all day, as they often view themselves as outsiders of some sort too. (even though almost everyone games these days)


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Okay...but then what makes that games about hunting, fishing, football, nascar and so on?

In the past, I've labeled such games as "bro games". Games played by people who measure their self worth in their physical ability, even if said physical ability is at least partially virtual (I have no idea if they play these games to compliment their hobbies/lifestyle or to replace them).
Yeah, mostly they're just an attempt to bridge that gap between gaming and "manly" hobbies. They provide an outlet for those with a competitive mindset, but they tend to be pretty poor quality from a purely gaming perspective, so I'd wager their biggest audience is college-age men. AKA frat bros, like you said.

I would probably go with a slightly different approach. Games have now become so broad and easy to do that they have become a medium in and of themselves and no longer have to cater to the involved. Prior to the printing press, and even then until comparatively recently, having a book made was a pretty big deal. I can also use the printer that was so worthless it was given to me for nothing to print every picture in more detail than the unaided human eye will ever be able to resolve in the Louvre and wallpaper my house with said pictures if I were so inclined. At a meg a minute then 40 years = 2103840 minutes = 2103840 megs = 2054 gigs or about 2TB gets me more audio than I can listen to back to back for 40 years, and could just about do it portably. I could carry on here.
If nothing else it is probably about the best indicator we have that gaming has arrived and is here to stay.


Crazy Cool Cyclops
Feb 16, 2017
United States
Okay...but then what makes that games about hunting, fishing, football, nascar and so on?

In the past, I've labeled such games as "bro games". Games played by people who measure their self worth in their physical ability, even if said physical ability is at least partially virtual (I have no idea if they play these games to compliment their hobbies/lifestyle or to replace them).

This is an interesting viewpoint. I don't agree with it (IMHO, politics is a part of life. Just as you cannot have characters without ANY skin color, you cannot NOT have a politically motivated narrative if you want a game having a narrative), but there is certainly something to be said here.

What you describe doesn't appear to be anti-political, but rather a countermovement to the (admitted) pretty liberal political agenda of developers. If people truly wouldn't give a fuck about politics, there wouldn't be trolls or review bombs. And while these could still be made by a vocal minority, the latter example says it best: the sales figures suffer because of it.

Can't say much about doom eternal, but to me that link just points to a few people without humor ("calling a demon is mortally challenged is not funny". yeah...excuse me while I go laugh my ass off to prove my disagreement :P ).

I would say about the only enjoyment I get from sports games is creating an OP team in some NFL game that lets you create custom players and teams and laughing my ass off to my brothers' frustrations in trying to defeat yours truly using the team! XD

When it comes to the liberal agenda of producers, it's more about how they're trying to clearly paint a biased picture (see: Black Panther 1 with the hero being MLK and the villain being Malcolm X, but yet it features black people calling white people colonizers even though they're in a secret nation that had the fortune to avoid being conquered by the European slave dealers who sought the manpower of these individuals by holding them up at gunpoint and rounding them up and look where we are in the New Ten's...for some reason.) at the expense of other paying customers who not only aren't racist, but when you keep telling people that they're animals and they start acting like animals, well what do you expect? It's kind of like how some people are reacting to the genderfluid thing that's been a popular liberal talking point now for the past few years, at least. You can't refer to someone as he/she/sir/ma'am without the risk of something like the following occurring:

Take the situation with Extra Credits and that Nazi video that got them skinned alive and you have a similar situation.

Personally, I don't get it. So a girl who's tomboyish, for example, feels like a man, and now, she wants to identify as a man because...she's not comfortable with being a woman because she's doing things that are what "society" tells her are "masculine" even though, if she's truly passionate about the hobby/job she's doing, she shouldn't give a shit?

Look at characters like Misato and Asuka in Neon Genesis Evangelion (for those watching the show on Netflix for the first time, for one thing, this anime has been out for 20+ years and you're now watching it? On a more important note, spoilers may abound in the next paragraph), they can act more "masculine" than Shinji at times, but they never feel any less of a woman than they did before they start getting loud and boisterous in Asuka's case, or Misato being all action girl in her having a leadership role and for a few brief moments in the show's climax. Does Shinji ever feel like he was meant to be a woman? Outside of some fan theories regarding a certain major spoiler, it always seemed like Shinji had a thing for women, as obvious in the show's...ahem...*clears throat* climax (wonder if that will be in the Netflix adaptation? Is EOE even a part of that? Like, is it on the list of episodes after the endings so incomplete that it makes Mass Effect 3's original endings look complete by comparison).

To me, it always seemed like people were making out the feelings in their mind to mean way more than they really did in these cases. I'm not very talkative myself in real life. I don't play a lot of sports, but that doesn't mean I don't mind doing some lifting here and there at my job or at home, or taking a leadership role here or there. You could interpret the lifting as masculine, but the thing is, I never looked at traits like that and attached all of these identities to them. Everyone has some form of leadership, lifting, and desire for some sort of action in them. Whether that action is something that will get you gainful and hopefully consistent employment in the workforce is an entirely different matter, but at the end of the day, being someone your that's low management-maintenance, friendly, easy to work with, hard working, going above and beyond all others, and so many other traits are just that-traits, that yes, certain parts of society may attach all of these identities, -isms, and other nonsense that unfortunately can play a part in how things work in the world, but at the end of the day, no one is saying that humility, diligence, carefulness, selflessness, etc. is bad. What is bad is expecting others to conform to an idea that they may not agree with, otherwise known as the thoughtcrime. It'd be like if I was sitting next to a girl while I'm playing my Nintendo Switch on a train and suddenly, for no reason, with no provocation of mine on any part, she's accusing yours truly of sexual harassment because I chose to sit next to a girl because of the crime of yours truly being a man and her paranoid belief that all men are Harvey Weinsteins. Like, why are we making these issues a big deal all of a sudden? It's almost like people are using labels to...discriminate against others. Huh. And now we're back to businesses being paranoid about men and women working together in the workplace because of a movement that may have had good intentions for some involved in it, but for others it's becoming a tornado of ugly things that don't need to be made public (imagine all of the outcry Harrison Ford's many marriages would cause in today's day and age had the divorces occurred now and not in the 70's/early 2000's?) becoming knowledge that everyone is talking about? Like, I predicted that there was more to the whole ProJared affair when his wife said one thing, Jared's girlfriend said another, Jared said this thing after those two had their catfight on Twitter, etc..

Point is, people need to learn who they are, find out what they want in life, and be happy with it. Cut out the things that aren't important, and move on. No one said you had to go to college right out of high school other than maybe to get your general ed's out of the way because fuck general ed's. Seriously. If you're a woman wanting to be a man for real and not because you want to own the cons or some other BS, have at it. Be yourself at the end of the day. You do you. Because at the end of the day, who the fuck am I to tell you how to live your life? It's a giant world out there, and we're just a pale blue dot in a huge galaxy which is itself just one galaxy out of many. It is truly up to you to decide what you want to do. Do you want to build up a better world for everyone else and yourself, or tear it all down to the worsening of others' living conditions? I know this all sounds like it's big and it's gonna take a lot of work, but Rome wasn't built in a day. Fix yourself first as best as you can, and keep doing that while you keep working and trying to become a benefit to society, no matter how small that benefit may seem to you. Sure, that item you're stocking on that shelf may end up in someone else's hands and the shelf may be bared of all of the item stocked by the end of the night or in the next day, but you helped others' day by making that item available for purchase which will help the store get more of that item and invest into other things that could improve the store itself in more ways than one. But it's up to you to make that first step to figure out what needs to be done.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Gee I wish the OP would answer the first question asked of him in this thread


Deleted User

That really only applies to England and Wales though as the Conservative party are hated by everyone here in Scotland and only the SNP and Labour get votes.
Check the 2017 general election, the Tories made gains in Scotland, competing with the SNP
EDIT: I am mostly referring to General Westminster Elections, if you're talking about Scottish Parliament elections then I'm none the wiser sorry. I'm from England.
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Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan
Aug 19, 2015
United Kingdom
Check the 2017 general election, the Tories made gains in Scotland, competing with the SNP
EDIT: I am mostly referring to General Westminster Elections, if you're talking about Scottish Parliament elections then I'm none the wiser sorry. I'm from England.
And like I said previously it was a tactical vote by a number of SNP supporters to

1. Stop Labour getting into power
2. To protest against the SNPs continued attempts at leaving the UK.

BoJo has been hated here for years due to various remarks he has made about Scotland not helped by the fact he said two weeks ago if he became PM he was gonna screw Scotland over in numerous ways.
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Not all, some I assume are good people. Your leader is very rapey though and the majority chose him, or at least that is the claim he makes. You'll let him do ANYTHING as long as he lets you keep your guns and blames immigrants, even though you are all immigrants.

You seem to want to be the good guy with the gun shooting the bad guy with the gun, the difference is you don't mind waiting for the chance to shoot someone. If nobody had guns then you wouldn't need them.

Guns are a very poor tool for decreasing possible harm. The crazies who want to be able to bear arms against the government, when the government can order a drone strike and take anyone out they want shows just how out of touch with reality the pro gun lobby are.

But sure, we can be friends, just don't make justifying your politics your main focus. I suspect that is why people are hostile to you.
Waiting for the chance to shoot someone?? No, not at all. I want to be able to defend myself should the need arise. No way is anyone ever not gonna have a gun. Dude I understand, I wish we didn't have to have guns but the world is falling apart and people are evil now.
I'm not talking about becoming a vigilante, that's what the cops are for. But cops take time to show up, as mass shooting victims can tell.
You do have a point there about the drone strikes.

Dude, I'm not in love with Trump, he's not my god or anything. I agree, I don't like his past life at all. He's actually said some terrible things I don't agree with. But I respect the things he does in the White House. I don't think he's all that terribly smart, either. But he loves the country. And if he was really racist, I would expect him to cancel this.

Now, is he Islamophobic? I don't know. I'm not, because again it comes to hatred and I cannot deal with that. Just read the Koran.

I know you've heard everybody say this already, but we only care about illegal immigration. I know our immigration system is broken, but what if Russians were coming across the border? How would we even know, without an immigration system?
They could just come in and vote ole' Don back in again.
Here's Obama talking about a border fence.

I can justify my beliefs, which aren't guided by politics but by my own personal convictions, and you can do the same too.

I appreciate it buddy, thanks for being polite.
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