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The followers of Trump and Jesus have something in common


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
If Trump is an anti-Christ, why don't more lefties support him?

Jesus was a lefty. Right wing extreme Christianity like you get in the states, is something they invented. It's not real Christianity that you get from Jesus teachings.

He wouldn't have looked like their pictures either.

Christianism was a cult at one point too.

It would depend on how you define a cult. It's mostly used as a pejorative term now.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom

I've read your interpretation and I'm not convinced.



And you are talking about an english translation of hebrew text that was written long after jesus died.

And by national socialist do you mean nazi? Because at that point your argument is really broken.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2020
Jesus would've never agreed with all the violence that Trumps supporters are going after. Every side of humanity as its good side and bad side. Im certainly not a fan of Trump, but the media didnt do nothing than attacking for 4 years straight Trump. I think that Trump didnt want to be a puppet for the ones higher ups controlling the strings and they wanted to get rid of him as fast as possible. Trump is the only president in recent history that didnt go to another country to cause a war conflict, instead he withdrawed the soldiers overseas. But sadly he made a lot of wrong choices that divided America, now there are Trump and Anti Trump people. I dont think that Joe will do much of a difference either, lets hope that he unite America more and brings people more closer.
Last edited by DoubleDate,


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Maniacs like you are what is problematic about democracy. If only soldiers could vote for the president, the US army would not be as trigger-happy.
I'm a maniac because I believe we should keep our commitments to protecting our allies abroad? Seems like it's really stretching the definition of the word, but okay.

You're also incorrect about what would result from only soldiers voting. GWB still would've made it into office twice. The military is not infallible, there are a ton of warmongers in the armed forces from the General rank all the way down.

US troops in Ukraine is like Russian troops in Canada.
No...US troops in Ukraine would be like US troops in Canada. They're both our allies. Russian troops in Canada would signal that an invasion is happening, just as Russian troops in Ukraine did.

Baseless investigation? Biden admitted to it! It is on video (he was even bragging about it).
There's no point in going over all this again. Suffice it to say the video you're referencing doesn't prove what you think it does, and Trump wouldn't have needed to put pressure on Ukrainian officials to start an investigation if there had already been a solid basis for one.

Being at odds with Russia is not a natural law. The US is constantly provoking Russia. There are US planes and ships going up and done e.g. the Baltic sea and if the Russians respond, you call them aggressive. If Russia did the same, we would have already had World War 3.
A US presence in that general region of the world is not the same as "provocation," what a joke. Putin is ex-KGB. He's forever bitter over the USSR failing and collapsing, so at least two of his long-term goals remain obvious. One, invade and annex all the countries surrounding Russia in order to re-establish the USSR, no matter how long that process takes. Two, use espionage, Manchurian candidates, hacking, whatever resources he can to meddle with US democracy in an attempt to cause its ultimate collapse/destruction. He aims to show the world that only a dictatorship (such as his) can create long-term "stability."
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Again, I just don't have the same obsession over which religion will "rule the future" that you apparently do. The Abrahamic religions all seem dead set on exterminating each other, so that doesn't exactly inspire confidence in their long-term prospects.
I don't give a shit what Muslims and Jews do as long as it doesn't effect me, but us religious Abrahamics are all absolutely replacing you. We aren't worried about each other at all.

I didn't deny that it was a form of Communism, just not a form that I'd endorse in whole or even in part.

Again, Socialism is a set of economic principles, not really an "ideology" per se. There are too many reasons to list as to why I believe it's superior to capitalism, but the short version is that nobody should be starving to death in the richest nation on Earth, as they are now. Hell, cannibalize one billionaire's wealth (take Bezos as an example), and you could feed the entire world population for decades, if not centuries.
Motte and Bailey logical fallacy.

If you want to know why all my motives aren't self-serving, that's easy: I simply wasn't raised that way.
Social signaling.

No need to use code, there was a fair-sized Socialist presence in Germany at the time. They were one of the first groups Hitler had to execute in order to complete his rise to power. You seem well-versed in WW2 history, so this is probably something you already knew and decided to leave out because it doesn't fit so well with the rest of your argument. Tsk tsk.
1. The Nazi (National Socialist Party of Germany) wasn't socialist?
2. IIRC it was the USSR* who executed the anarchists and democratic socialists in Spain, several years before Hitler came to power. George Orwell only evaded execution because he couldn't talk and identify himself and his loyalties due to a battle wound.
3. The SA - the street-fighting, socialist/left-leaning wing of the Nazi party, which incidentally had a large minority of gay men - were technically the first to be purged when he came to power. Again, IIRC. So while you're technically right, the shall we say "nature" of the socialists who were purged is inconvenient for your argument.

*I've talked to Tankies from various feeds my church did on the West Coast. They seem like they can see reason, though their ways aren't mine. If they ever need help with DSA and Antifa types, I will gladly sell them whatever they need.

Capitalism has led us to where we are now, facing down modern-day fascists.
I agree completely. The union of the state and corporations - which is the definition of fascism - has resulted in the censorship of the Republican party and Donald Trump. For this reason we must discorporate Amazon, Walmart, Facebook, Twitter, and Google, break up the banks, and do a full audit and investigation of the 2020 elections with local, state, federal, and international oversight. To refuse to do so only harms Biden's legitimacy!

Placing too much value on money and property has devalued human life in their eyes,...
I agree completely, which is why I don't advocate for materialist philosophies such as capitalism, communism, socialism, or fascism that reduce all of humanity to economic interactions.

to the point where police brutality is perfectly acceptable to the right-wing.
Speak for yourself, I loathe cops. Should I do a search of your username and Ashli Babbit?

Also if the left disapproves of cops, why is their first instinct when they get into an argument or fight always to call the cops? Why did you mourn George Floyd being abused by cops, but approve of it when it's some dumb Trump-voting Boomer white guy? Judging by your actions, your apparent goal was to make sure that everyone is treated like George Floyd, not to prevent anyone from being treated like that.

Could it be that you're a small-souled creature whose only joy in life is sharing your misery with others?

Repression of intolerance is precisely what is needed to combat the rise of Trump's fourth reich.
Trump, the fascist, is the man:
1. Whose grandkids are all ethnically or religiously Jewish?
2. Who partied with Mike Tyson and George Mayweather back in the day?
3. Whose stated beliefs are those of the Democrat party circa 1994?
4. Who cried in public when a corny parade of high school marching bands and firefighters walked by?

Look, we both know that you want a world where the people you believe are your enemies* must follow all the rules, while you can ignore them. When you make dumb arguments like this, you only help persuade the audience to my side and make yourself look bad. For your own sake at least make it hard for me to persuade normal people that you're not a liar and hypocrite!

*The real enemies are corporations and banks, but since they fund Pride parades and BLM "protests", you're not ready to have that conversation yet.

Apparently gay pride and BLM are the left wing equivalent of abortion and gay marriage on the right: pointless culture war issues designed and propagated by wealthy managerialists to dangle over the left's heads to prevent them from uniting the those on the populist right to crush our real enemies, before we all return to states rights and leave each other alone.

This is assuming Trump isn't allowed to burn down the Republican party and leave only smoldering ash in its wake. Because if he's allowed to run again, that's exactly what's gonna happen.
I registered with the Green Party and I intend to vote for the craziest, stupidest lefty I can reasonably get in any office as punishment for the Republican elites and all Democrats. I want the entire country to have the same laws as San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle: legal street-defecation, legal shoplifting, legal camping on public sidewalks, legal hard drug use, and legal violent crime - all if you are non-white, poor, homeless, mentally ill, or addicted to something. Let the left live with the consequences of their beliefs for a while, nothing else will wake them up.

The Republican party is already dead. Everyone - literally everyone - I know that voted for Trump in 2020, which are all the Republicans I know, are never voting for a Republican ever again.

it's not like it matter anyways, Democrats will just keep finding votes until they win for all future elections. We won't have any non-subversive legal recourse, so why bother and paint a target on your back?

It won't affect me since I'm in a multi-racial marriage and the father of a multi-racial child, the house I intend to buy is 70 miles (through rough terrain) from the nearest major city, and the land I want to live in is too harsh to be homeless in and useless for anything except grazing livestock. I'll donate $20 to the DSA, BLM, Communist Party, Democratic Party, ADL, and SPLC once every election year to prove my street creds. I literally just ordered BLM, Trans, LGBTQ+, Communist, and Mexican flags to put up around my house if the cops come knocking. I'll order some "programming socks", change my gender to female on all my government IDs, and change my name to Mary Smith.

I'll put my wife on paper as the owner of our ranch and any businesses we start, so we can get preference in government contracts as a minority (black, woman) owned business. We will do the bare minimum needed to get paid, and nothing beyond that.

If leftists want to erect barriers to living if you're a straight white Christian man, then I'll just lie. The government lies, leftists lie. Anyone that doesn't lie is a sucker. No skin off my back.

I hope you enjoy living in the cities and enduring the decayed infrastructure now that you've awakened the only people that gave enough of a crap to contribute to society. We're not going to contribute to a society that hates us. Good luck building a society from the ground up by yourself, while surrounded by people who are happy to stab you in the back!

While I wouldn't approve of all-out war with Russia, this type of response was absolutely warranted. Russia had just annexed Crimea and was attempting to invade Ukraine at the time, an ally of the US. Trump gave Putin everything he could've wanted in this regard by just ignoring the problem.
Anyone who gives a shit what happens 10,000 miles away is a dork. Like, Ben Shapiro tier dork.

You remember wrong. The criticism was for abandoning our Kurdish allies in the region and (once again) letting Putin come in and take control instead. Trump's first impeachment had nothing to do with a potential war, and everything to do with pressuring Ukraine to start a baseless investigation into Hunter/Joe Biden. I believe there were a million better reasons to impeach, but whatever. The fact remains that Russia is our adversary, not our friend. They just got done hacking most of the US government, including our nuclear stockpile, a story that was largely swept under the rug after the capitol riot.
Sounds like an argument for reducing our dependence on other nations and cutting ties with foreigners. Russia can't do much if we have 200% tariffs on everything, and we block all internet traffic, immigration, and "investment" from outside the USA.

Besides that, the NSA spent all their efforts on subversion and offense instead of defense. If their defense continues to be as awful as it was since at least the Obama years, we'll see the Intel Management Engine cracked (plus the AMD equivalents) and every computing device made since like 2009 will be paperweights.

If we don't want to be hacked, maybe we shouldn't let the morons in our government deliberately compromise our tech and security?

Oh yeah, I just remembered that Congress wants to ban many forms of the strongest encryption too lol. Enjoy seeing your bank account cleared out once every year! Thanks Congress!

Besides, the Syrian and Iraqi civil wars are over. Whatever criticism you have of Putin, he won those wars.
So you're telling me Ghaddafi's son is slaughtering his own people and allowing a massive human trafficking operation to continue in the country, but I'm supposed to believe he's a good guy? Seems like the country was going to end up in a bad place with or without the drones we sent to help the rebels.
How is he allowing human smuggling and slavery to occur in his country if he's not in full control of it yet?

Why should I care what happens 10,000 miles away when we have more than enough problems here?

How do you tell who is the good guy when I can barely tell the difference between factions?

How am I supposed to fix it when they've been killing each other since before the USA existed?

Why should I risk the lives of my people for people very far away, who hate us for good reason, and when it doesn't materially benefit us in any way?

Why should I tell brown people what to do when I'm a straight white Christian man and telling brown people how to run their own nations is the vilest of bigotries?

Libya was already in a bad place, drone striking indistinguishable brown people won't make it less of a bad place. Besides that, I have this aversion to killing people who are no threat to me as long as they stay over there.

There are already a ton of Syrian and Kurdish refugees out there, Trump being responsible for many of them becoming refugees in the first place. On top of which, climate change is set to make the Middle East practically uninhabitable in the next ten years or so. There will be no shortage of refugees resulting from that.
Why is Trump responsible for CIA color revolutions in the MENA that started in 2010, under Obama, with Biden as Vice President (and I believe Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State), and continued for at least 6 more years?

Huh? If you're really that interested, the reason I attended a Christian middle school was simply out of convenience for my parents. It was like halfway between where they worked and where we lived in Washington state, and the public schools were all either further away or located in the opposite direction.
How much did that Christian middle school cost per year?

Charities don't waste money on status symbols like megachurches and private jets.
Yes, instead they spend it on useless eaters (managers and administrators) whose only job is to shuffle paperwork to stay in compliance with the endless regulations from our beloved comrades in government! Hail the Democrat Party! May our Glorious Leader Biden lead us into the future of total reliance on unaccountable bureaucrats for survival, forever!


Jesus was a lefty.

Right wing extreme Christianity like you get in the states, is something they invented. It's not real Christianity that you get from Jesus teachings.
The Balkans, Mediterranean Europe, Iberia, and Eastern Europeans aren't Europe?

Technically the only people above replacement rate in Western Europe are Africans and MENA Muslims, so if you define a nation by the people who inhabit it then in two or three generations Britain, France, Germany, and Sweden won't be Europe either. If you're an example of the average Western European, I must say that I support that. I'd much rather deal with an African or Muslim than a Western European, they're much more practical and less naive.
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Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
I don't give a shit what Muslims and Jews do as long as it doesn't effect me, but us religious Abrahamics are all absolutely replacing you. We aren't worried about each other at all.
Or Scientology wins out. Or some fancy new alien religion. With lasers. Still DGAF. There's no reason to struggle against the forward movement of time.

Motte and Bailey logical fallacy.
Or I was just providing my opinion on the matter? But I guess you wanted that conversation to come to an abrupt end for whatever reason.

Social signaling.
So I guess your view that all motives should be self-serving is anti-virtue signaling? Again, clearly another conversation you didn't want to continue with.

1. The Nazi (National Socialist Party of Germany) wasn't socialist?
Correct. It's akin to North Korea calling themselves a "Democratic People's Republic."

I agree completely. The union of the state and corporations - which is the definition of fascism - has resulted in the censorship of the Republican party and Donald Trump.
Then you don't agree completely. Trump never would've had a platform to begin with if not for all the corporations supporting him. TV media gave him far more free air time than any other candidate in 2016.

I agree completely, which is why I don't advocate for materialist philosophies such as capitalism, communism, socialism, or fascism that reduce all of humanity to economic interactions.
Again, not in agreement. Socialism is a means by which to place more value on the worker himself, rather than placing more value on the material things the worker produces.

Speak for yourself, I loathe cops. Should I do a search of your username and Ashli Babbit?
Feel free, I haven't commented on the matter previously. It's a bit of a mixed bag that one, obviously Babbit is no Breonna Taylor. Should the cops have resorted to non-lethal force first? Absolutely. Should she have put herself in that situation, believing that her skin color and political affiliation would shield her from all consequences? No.

Also if the left disapproves of cops, why is their first instinct when they get into an argument or fight always to call the cops?
You're confusing Democrats for leftists. Leftists own guns and other weapons.

Trump, the fascist, is the man:
1. Whose grandkids are all ethnically or religiously Jewish?
2. Who partied with Mike Tyson and George Mayweather back in the day?
3. Whose stated beliefs are those of the Democrat party circa 1994?
4. Who cried in public when a corny parade of high school marching bands and firefighters walked by?
1. An alliance formed from a shared corruption and criminality. Look into Kushner's dad.
2. "I can't be racist, I had a black friend once forty years ago."
3. He's a fucking liar who will say and do anything to gain more power.
4. Irrelevant.

The Republican party is already dead.
God I wish you were right, but there's still a decent chance that McConnell manages to purge Trump from the party and keep it alive.

I hope you enjoy living in the cities and enduring the decayed infrastructure now that you've awakened the only people that gave enough of a crap to contribute to society. We're not going to contribute to a society that hates us. Good luck building a society from the ground up by yourself, while surrounded by people who are happy to stab you in the back!
It'll be tough, but I'm sure I'll find some way to carry on without the "contributions" of methed-out neo-nazis and PBR-drinking trailer park burnouts. The country will continue to offer them opportunities as far as education, healthcare, and employment are concerned, but it won't surprise me in the least when they ultimately turn down all those opportunities.

Anyone who gives a shit what happens 10,000 miles away is a dork. Like, Ben Shapiro tier dork.
Did I miss the part where we traveled back in time to the early 1900s? The world is all connected now bud. What happens 10,000 miles away can and often will come back to bite us in the ass here at home. I'll take being called a dork though, best I've ever done before is geek. Don't compare me with Shapiro though, fuck that guy.

Sounds like an argument for reducing our dependence on other nations and cutting ties with foreigners.
It's on a case-by-case basis. Certainly we shouldn't be supporting countries whose only interest is manipulating us into war. I also don't think we need a continued military presence in every country that we've gone to war with previously. At the same time, total isolationism isn't the answer, nor is it really an option in the modern day. That would only cede more power to both China and Russia on the world stage.

If we don't want to be hacked, maybe we shouldn't let the morons in our government deliberately compromise our tech and security?
Agreed, we need more young people who actually understand tech and cybersecurity in positions of leadership.

Libya was already in a bad place, drone striking indistinguishable brown people won't make it less of a bad place. Besides that, I have this aversion to killing people who are no threat to me as long as they stay over there.
Right or wrong, the thought process was that Ghaddafi was sympathetic to ISIS and/or Al'Queda, and so Libya was heading toward becoming a stronghold for our enemies in the region, and thus a threat to our troops. Obviously I would've preferred if GWB had never been elected, 9/11 had been prevented, and we had never been in the region to begin with.

Why is Trump responsible for CIA color revolutions in the MENA that started in 2010, under Obama, with Biden as Vice President (and I believe Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State), and continued for at least 6 more years?
I didn't say he was responsible for any of that, only that he was responsible for abandoning our Kurdish allies, an alliance that dates back all the way to the 1980s and spans multiple presidencies.

How much did that Christian middle school cost per year?
I don't know, I'd have to ask my parents. It certainly wasn't some lavish operation with a massive campus and marble pillars inside the building, if that's what you're thinking. The entire thing had maybe four classrooms and a gymnasium, was built probably in the 60s or 70s.

Yes, instead they spend it on useless eaters (managers and administrators) whose only job is to shuffle paperwork to stay in compliance with the endless regulations from our beloved comrades in government!
Still more productive than televangelists and megachurch pastors.
Last edited by Xzi,


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
I've read your interpretation and I'm not convinced.



And you are talking about an english translation of hebrew text that was written long after jesus died.

And by national socialist do you mean nazi? Because at that point your argument is really broken.

I don´t care if you are not convinced. You have not disputed any of my points. Instead of giving me links (which I read and they also dispute nothing I said) you could be man enough to actually engage in criticism.
Jesus was a national socialist because he was helping the poor of HIS PEOPLE, told his people to help one another (The samartians are his people), ignored foreigners (yes, he helped them, but only after they had helped his people or humbled themselves completely) and confirmed that his people are special, i.e. God-chosen (as it also says in your link).

The New Testament was not written in Hebrew. You know nothing about the Bible. And by that logic we can dismiss is it altogether and make virtually no claims about Jesus (as all the best sources about him from the Bible).

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I'm a maniac because I believe we should keep our commitments to protecting our allies abroad? Seems like it's really stretching the definition of the word, but okay.
You have no commitment to Ukraine. Everyone knows that Ukraine in NATO is a ridiculous idea like Canada or Mexiko in an anti-US military coalition. USA would never allow this to happen.

You're also incorrect about what would result from only soldiers voting. GWB still would've made it into office twice. The military is not infallible, there are a ton of warmongers in the armed forces from the General rank all the way down.
It wouldn´t be perfect but better than the status quo. Take a rifle and go to Donbass, as there is still fighting going on, you hero. It is easy to send others to die, coward.

No...US troops in Ukraine would be like US troops in Canada. They're both our allies. Russian troops in Canada would signal that an invasion is happening, just as Russian troops in Ukraine did.
That was not my point. I know a war-monger has difficulty to see things from other countries´ perspective, but give it a try: The US economy collapses. There are tensions with Canada. Russia offers Canada military help and they accept. Russian troops are building up at the American border. What would happen, genius?

There's no point in going over all this again. Suffice it to say the video you're referencing doesn't prove what you think it does, and Trump wouldn't have needed to put pressure on Ukrainian officials to start an investigation if there had already been a solid basis for one.
I am not defending Trump. I corrected your claim that it was "baseless" when we have a video of Biden admitting to firing the Ukrainian criminal investigator by blackmailing Ukraine.
Last edited by UltraDolphinRevolution,


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
You have no commitment to Ukraine.
Certainly not now that Trump has allowed the country to fall under Russian control, but this discussion is more of a "what if" scenario.

It wouldn´t be perfect but better than the status quo. Take a rifle and go to Donbass, as there is still fighting going on, you hero. It is easy to send others to die, coward.
It would pretty much be exactly the status quo. McCain might've been elected instead of Obama, that's about it. Trump still would've been elected in 2016, and Biden still would've been elected in 2020. For the most part, troops are just a microcosm of public opinion in general, maybe slightly more right-wing.

That was not my point. I know a war-monger has difficulty to see things from other countries´ perspective, but give it a try: The US economy collapses. There are tensions with Canada. Russia offers Canada military help and they accept. Russian troops are building up at the American border. What would happen, genius?
Yeah, ridiculous hypotheticals where everybody changes teams still aren't helping me understand the point you're trying to make. Russia invaded Ukraine. They're the warmongers in this scenario. In my opinion, we should've aided them in retaining their independence from Russia, and then we should've left. I wasn't suggesting we annex the country or start making aggressive moves against Russia, only that we defend Ukraine's borders as they were.

If Germany were to invade Poland again today, would you have the US do nothing? And if we aren't willing to send aid to our allies when they need it most, why would any country remain allies with us?

I am not defending Trump. I corrected your claim that it was "baseless" when we have a video of Biden admitting to firing the Ukrainian criminal investigator by blackmailing Ukraine.
Conveniently this leaves out the fact that both Republicans and Democrats agreed the guy was corrupt and needed to go. In other words, an innocuous statement that was stripped of all context to make it seem malicious. There are plenty of valid criticisms to levy at Biden, so you don't need to keep pushing misinformation.
Last edited by Xzi,


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
Yeah, ridiculous hypotheticals where everybody changes teams still aren't helping me understand the point you're trying to make. Russia invaded Ukraine. They're the warmongers in this scenario. In my opinion, we should've aided them in retaining their independence from Russia, and then we should've left. I wasn't suggesting we annex the country or start making aggressive moves against Russia, only that we defend Ukraine's borders as they were.
It is not ridiculous. Teams change all the time, that´s what America has been doing for at least 70 years e.g. in the Americas (currently Venezuela). Once demographics and economics change, former Mexican territories of the US could try to gain independence from the US. Then Russia becomes a viable partner. However, Russia is not as aggressive as the US. The Cuban Missle Crisis was only a reaction to US action. The Americans did not tolerate rockets being pointed at them (WE WERE AT THE BRINK OF WW3!) but see no problem if they do it to Russia. Leave Russia the f*ck alone - for the sake of all of us.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
So long as Russia leaves all the other countries in the region alone, I have no issue with that. I'm against imperialism no matter who's engaging in it, including the US or CIA.
No, you are a warmonger and US imperialist. You have no interest in history, just like Neocons.
I assume you would also be for defending Taiwan (?) How many troops would you sacrafice? Would you throw nuclear bombs at Chinese cities?

I am also curious on your stance on the invasion of US troops into Syria - since you claim to be against imperialism.
Last edited by UltraDolphinRevolution,


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
No, you are a warmonger and US imperialist. You have no interest in history, just like Neocons.
Says the guy selectively supporting Russian imperialism. I'm not sure what it is about this particular annexation that triggers you so, but you aren't being logical here.

I assume you would also be for defending Taiwan (?) How many troops would you sacrafice? Would you throw nuclear bombs at Chinese cities?
That's a very different matter, as China is and has been a US ally. They also didn't invade/annex Taiwan so much as they simply claimed ownership over it. It's definitely still not a good look, and I would've preferred if Taiwan could've remained independent, but the most we could do from overseas is put economic pressure on China to take a different route.

I am also curious on your stance on the invasion of US troops into Syria - since you claim to be against imperialism.
That was not an invasion force, we were there to protect our longtime Kurdish allies in the region. We no longer have a presence there thanks to Trump, and so Putin has taken near-complete control of the country just as he did with Ukraine. The Kurds all ended up refugees or oppressed pawns of a dictatorship.
Last edited by Xzi,


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
Says the guy selectively supporting Russian imperialism.
I do not. I don´t regard problems between Ukraine and Russia as forms of Imperialism. I am against the invasion of Afghanistan (by Russians or Americans). If Afghans prefer to live the way they do, I let them. An imperialist like you can´t leave peoples alone. You have no tolerant bone in you.
With regards to Ukraine: Family matters. Ukrainians are Russians just as Austrians are Germans or Taiwanese are Chinese.

An analogy: A child eats chocolate against the will of the mother. The mother hits the child.
I, as a non-interventionist, do nothing or perhaps make a statement.
You as the imperialist are willing to hit the mother. If she has a knife, you will take out yours and kill her or get killed. Bravo.

That's a very different matter, as China is and has been a US ally.
Was during WW2. It has been an enemy for about 70 years. Don´t know where you get the idea from.

That was not an invasion force, we were there to protect our longtime Kurdish allies in the region.
The US broke international law. They were not invited by the Syrian government. The Kurds do not have a country. I would be ok with them having one but that´s like saying I want African-Americans or Native Americans to have their own country, let us bomb Washington.
Last edited by UltraDolphinRevolution,


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
I do not. I don´t regard problems between Ukraine and Russia as forms of Imperialism.
Because you aren't recognizing Ukraine as a separate, independent nation, as it has been ever since the fall of the USSR. A Russian invasion and annexation of Ukraine is imperialism. Period. Choosing to bury your head in the sand won't change that, it can only make you a hypocrite.

I am against the invasion of Afghanistan (by Russians or Americans).
As am I, I didn't vote for GWB in either election, and I protested going to war in the Middle East both times. Afghanistan and Iraq are both clear-cut examples of imperialism, as we never had any intention of leaving.

Was during WW2. It has been an enemy for about 70 years. Don´t know where you get the idea from.
IIRC it was Nixon who normalized relations with China, so they've been an ally longer than I've alive. I know that wasn't always the case, though.

The US broke international law. They were not invited by the Syrian government. The Kurds do not have a country.
The Syrian government was in the process of bombing/gassing their own people, thus causing casualties among the Kurds as well. The US had made commitments and promises to help them re-establish a homeland in the region decades ago. So Trump's decision to pull our troops out (and send them to Saudi Arabia to protect oil refineries instead) did massive damage to our military's reputation and their trustworthiness abroad. A good way to create more terrorists and more unrest in the region.
Last edited by Xzi,

Deleted User

Or Scientology wins out. Or some fancy new alien religion. With lasers. Still DGAF.
So you claim, but in any case I'm just telling you that you have no future without kids because it belongs to whoever shows up. If you don't have kids, that's not you. Transhumanism is a lie designed to keep you compliant, and feeding a system that sees you as a resource, not a person.

There's no reason to struggle against the forward movement of time.
Leftism can only exist in a very narrow set of circumstances: high trust society, abundant resources, homogeneous community. We're no longer a high-trust society, we're running out of resources, and clearly we're no longer a homogeneous community.

Look at bastions of the Left in the USA and you'll see that they're either ruled by Klepocrats (California, New York), or they're the whitest of white-breads (Oregon, Seattle, New England). Everywhere with diversity, leftism fails.

And before you start posting stats about dumb toothless rednecks in Arkansas, look up the racial breakdown of Arkansas. You wouldn't want to inadvertently do a racism, would you?

I'm not disagreeing with what you do and want. What you claim to want has unforeseen consequences which benefit me and harm you, therefore I can and should go along with it. I sincerely hope that Oregon, Washington, and New England get a revivifying infusion of diversity, for the reasons outlined above.

Or I was just providing my opinion on the matter? But I guess you wanted that conversation to come to an abrupt end for whatever reason.
Not really, just pointing it out for the audience so they can recognize insincerity in the future.

So I guess your view that all motives should be self-serving is anti-virtue signaling? Again, clearly another conversation you didn't want to continue with.
No, I'm pointing out that your claim of virtue is a lie, and you're as self-serving as the rest of us. You just couch it in progressive language so you can hide from the consequences of being a hypocrite.

Correct. It's akin to North Korea calling themselves a "Democratic People's Republic."
Well the SA certainly thought they were fighting for some degree of socialism.

Then you don't agree completely. Trump never would've had a platform to begin with if not for all the corporations supporting him. TV media gave him far more free air time than any other candidate in 2016.
He only had a platform because:
1. The media thought they could use him to bludgeon the rest of the Republican candidates into submission.
2. They didn't think he would win.
3. He trolled them into covering them by exploiting the narcissism of the average journalist. If journalists weren't addicted to headpats, they would go into fields that actually pay a decent wage and don't require crippling student loan debt.
4. They made a ton of money in ad revenue because Trump got people to click on their shit.

Exploiting the weaknesses of our "genius" political operatives and media propagandists to get your views out there isn't technically support. They supported him due only to their own incompetence and greed, not because they supported his ideas.

Again, not in agreement. Socialism is a means by which to place more value on the worker himself, rather than placing more value on the material things the worker produces.
1. There's much more to life than work.
2. The left changes the definition of worker to benefit themselves. According to the hottest takes I've seen from the Brooklyn podcast crowd (who do a wonderful job of scamming their constituents out of their parent's money - kudos to the hustlers), cashiers aren't working class, but people with an Only Fans are. So risking your life to do thankless work in a pandemic doesn't mean you deserve anything from our trust-fund hipster socialists in NYC, but showing rich losers on the internet your butthole does.

Feel free, I haven't commented on the matter previously. It's a bit of a mixed bag that one, obviously Babbit is no Breonna Taylor. Should the cops have resorted to non-lethal force first? Absolutely. Should she have put herself in that situation, believing that her skin color and political affiliation would shield her from all consequences? No.
I just read something that the guy who goaded her into trying to climb through the window is affiliated with Antifa somehow - he got arrested by the FBI and was filming with a CNN journalist - though I'm not sure if that's because he's actually antifa, he's an infiltrator, or he's your standard glowie. The narrative around it stinks, and I'm slowly coming to realize that this may be one reason why they're rushing through another impeachment.

Not that it matters. Impeachment, which prevents Trump from running for office and ensures that there are no political solutions for the Right, only helps me. I feel like Brier Rabbit, desperately begging Farmer John not to throw me into that briar patch while trying to keep a straight face.

You're confusing Democrats for leftists. Leftists own guns and other weapons.
Yet leftists keep voting for Democrats in general elections after consistently getting scammed by Bernie.

1. An alliance formed from a shared corruption and criminality. Look into Kushner's dad.
2. "I can't be racist, I had a black friend once forty years ago."
3. He's a fucking liar who will say and do anything to gain more power.
4. Irrelevant.
I don't know why I'm even arguing with you about this, slandering/libeling 80 million people as Nazis because they voted for the reality TV show host and Twitter troll only helps me. Carry on!

God I wish you were right, but there's still a decent chance that McConnell manages to purge Trump from the party and keep it alive.
Surely this could never go wrong. I'll nerd out a bit and hint at what I think will occur with a quote from Dune, just after Paul dispatches the Harkonnen boy and claims his victory over the Empire: "You will think back to the gentle ways of the Sardaukar!"

It'll be tough, but I'm sure I'll find some way to carry on without the "contributions" of methed-out neo-nazis and PBR-drinking trailer park burnouts.
How is Flint doing after they hired exclusively African-American contractors who were related to the people disbursing the funds to fix their water intake pipes with the money they've been given over and over again in the past 20 years?

The country will continue to offer them opportunities as far as education, healthcare, and employment are concerned, but it won't surprise me in the least when they ultimately turn down all those opportunities.
This is a lie, according to several state and federal government regulations, it's de jure illegal to give preference to race in employment, healthcare, and education. De facto - and in some states de jure - it's legal to discriminate in favor of people who are not white, for a given definition of "white" that is constantly changing. Recently the term "BIPOC" has gained traction, which expels East Asians for sure from the progressive in-group, and ensures that they will be the next tax cows to be milked. Whether or not they will fall for it, coming from societies that were run by corrupt bureaucracies for centuries, is another matter.

My dad was a bureaucrat, he knows California state regulations inside and out and worked as a fixer for businesses after he got his pension. He taught me how to research systems of people.

Did I miss the part where we traveled back in time to the early 1900s? The world is all connected now bud. What happens 10,000 miles away can and often will come back to bite us in the ass here at home.
Japan closed their borders within the last month to block the new UK variant of the coronavirus. Trump's tariffs almost destroyed China's economy. Seems like it would be pretty easy for the USA to opt-out of globalism, given that we're protected against Asia and Europe by two enormous oceans and we have all the resources and people to make everything we need... which we did for most of our history.

I'll take being called a dork though, best I've ever done before is geek. Don't compare me with Shapiro though, fuck that guy.
Nerds > Geeks > Dorks

A dork is a geek who thinks he's a nerd.

If you can't build a web shop or you don't know C, then you're not a nerd, sorry. At least, you're not one specific type of nerd. You can be a geek though, appreciation of the things nerds do is fine.

It's on a case-by-case basis. Certainly we shouldn't be supporting countries whose only interest is manipulating us into war. I also don't think we need a continued military presence in every country that we've gone to war with previously. At the same time, total isolationism isn't the answer, nor is it really an option in the modern day. That would only cede more power to both China and Russia on the world stage.
I for one support Chinese and Russian troops - rather than Americans - getting blown up by IEDs in the MENA for a change. Let them have a go at the global empire thing and see how they like it.

With 3D printing and drone tech, we won't be able to project force with carriers or military bases if we aren't wanted there. We should get out now before the first mass closed casket military funeral courtesy of Hezbollah.

In any case, the USA is a maritime empire, not a land empire like Germany, Russia, or China. We need to be, given our geographical isolation from the Old World. As a maritime empire, our most powerful asset is trade, and we can best control other nations with our economic might. Trump did this very well with tariffs, especially on China. Biden doesn't have the wherewithal to do the same, for myriad reasons, and Kamala is more interested in policing recalcitrant rubes than ensuring the continued functioning of our American empire.

Agreed, we need more young people who actually understand tech and cybersecurity in positions of leadership.
Unfortunately our empire is in the stage of decay where it's run by sclerotic, unaccountable, and elderly bureaucrats, much like the USSR in the 1980s.

Right or wrong, the thought process was that Ghaddafi was sympathetic to ISIS and/or Al'Queda, and so Libya was heading toward becoming a stronghold for our enemies in the region, and thus a threat to our troops. Obviously I would've preferred if GWB had never been elected, 9/11 had been prevented, and we had never been in the region to begin with.
No he wasn't, the guys who overthrew him were Al-Queda. I tracked that stuff religiously when it happened, and scoured Google maps to tag locations in the videos they put out.

It's pretty odd that a self-avowed lefty is repeating neocon propaganda.

I didn't say he was responsible for any of that, only that he was responsible for abandoning our Kurdish allies, an alliance that dates back all the way to the 1980s and spans multiple presidencies.
I seem to remember our Kurdish allies turning tail and running when ISIS arrived on the scene in the early 2010s. They abandoned a bunch of Yazidis to be enslaved and genocided by ISIS multiple times.

The whole thing was a shitshow, we should have never invaded Iraq or Afghanistan. Everyone in all nations involved would be better off if we'd air-dropped all our special forces troops into Afghanistan and picked up Osama (assuming he actually did it), then skedaddled.

I don't know, I'd have to ask my parents. It certainly wasn't some lavish operation with a massive campus and marble pillars inside the building, if that's what you're thinking. The entire thing had maybe four classrooms and a gymnasium, was built probably in the 60s or 70s.
Ask them, I'm curious.

Size doesn't necessarily mean cheapness; exclusivity is a thing. Harvard's campus is smaller than that of OSU, IIRC. Small class size seems to aid learning as well.

Still more productive than televangelists and megachurch pastors.
Tell that to the people with worthless degrees and student loan debt they will never pay off. Same for people with medical bills that excessive regulation caused by insane federal medicare compliance rules, which are inserted in bills to benefit medical suppliers and lawyers. At least the sheep being fleeced by the televangalists get to feel like they belong to something, as paltry as that is.

There's something going on with megachurches, something to do with massively scaled-up societies and the breakdown of community and family. The Wal-Mart-ification of religion - with the degeneration of the religious experience to the lowest common denominator in accordance with basic marketing 101 practices - isn't so much a cause of malaise and anti-religious feeling in America as it is a symptom, and it's a symptom of something more fundamental.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
Because you aren't recognizing Ukraine as a separate, independent nation, as it has been ever since the fall of the USSR. A Russian invasion and annexation of Ukraine is imperialism. Period. Choosing to bury your head in the sand won't change that, it can only make you a hypocrite.
Ukraine is an independent country but not an independent nation.
During the crisis trade never stopped. Isn´t it weird to trade with a country you are invaded by?
Still today Ukraine is against Nord Stream 2 because they want Russian gas.
You cannot tell me a date Russia invaded Ukraine because it never happened (unlike Turkey invading Syria).
What Russia did in Ukraine is similar to what Turkey did before invading Syria: Letting volunteers go to Syria.

IIRC it was Nixon who normalized relations with China, so they've been an ally longer than I've alive. I know that wasn't always the case, though.
China was never an ally of the US since the Korean war. Ties were established at the end of the 70s, hoping they would become like you (typical mindset of imperalists) but they never have, so they are enemies again (this is the mainstream view of both parties and the US media)

The Syrian government was in the process of bombing/gassing their own people, thus causing casualties among the Kurds as well.
And the Ukrainian government was bombing their own people in the east of the country. By that logic Russia could have invaded Ukraine. But even then there would be more justification (because of blood ties - which the US does not have with the Kurds).


MediCat USB Dev
Jul 23, 2012
WA State
United States
First thing's first: I'm not religious. However...

Trump and his supporters hate socialism. But they love Jesus... And Jesus was a socialist. Figure that one out.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
Trump's tariffs almost destroyed China's economy. Seems like it would be pretty easy for the USA to opt-out of globalism, given that we're protected against Asia and Europe by two enormous oceans and we have all the resources and people to make everything we need... which we did for most of our history.
The 2nd part is correct. However, Trump did not almost destroy China´s economy. The trade war actually increased the trade imbalance, not decreased it. It would have only worked if China hadn´t increased tariffs as well.

Recently the term "BIPOC" has gained traction, which expels East Asians for sure from the progressive in-group
This is absolutely fascinating. East Asians in America are caught between playing the victim card (which does not work that well) and siding with Whites with regards to affirmative action etc.
Especially the Koreans are interesting: When BLM happened many older Koreans remember the Rodney King riots and how they were left alone to defend their businesses (so they are not pro BLM). But many younger Koreans went protesting for BLM because they instinctively understand which views are beneficial for status and which aren´t.


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
During the crisis trade never stopped. Isn´t it weird to trade with a country you are invaded by?
Err...no? At some point you don't have a choice any longer, once the occupation of your country has advanced far enough.

You cannot tell me a date Russia invaded Ukraine because it never happened (unlike Turkey invading Syria).
Wrong. February 22nd, 2014 is when Russian soldiers without insignias started moving into the Ukrainian territory of Crimea, signalling the beginning of the conflict.

Ties were established at the end of the 70s, hoping they would become like you (typical mindset of imperalists) but they never have
Lol, you sure about that? Xi Jinping and his posse of oligarchs seem to like suckling at the tit of capitalism an awful lot. Not to mention that China has the second worst income inequality in the world, behind only the US.

so they are enemies again (this is the mainstream view of both parties and the US media)
The viewpoints of individuals are ultimately irrelevant, China is still one of the largest producers of goods (electronics in particular) for the US, if not THE largest. At worst, we're uneasy allies, but still allies nonetheless.

And the Ukrainian government was bombing their own people in the east of the country.
Russian soldiers attempting to remain anonymous are not "Ukraine's own people," sorry.

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