has a $5 bundle of over 1,000 indie games and content to help raise money for Palestine

itchio_6tjc.jpg is hosting another massive game bundle to help raise money for charity. Just like last year's Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality, this new bundle consists of 1,020 indie games, assets, soundtracks, and more for just $5, all from independent game developers banding together for the cause of Palestinian aid. Any and all money made from the bundle will go straight to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, who has already helped over a million individuals affected by the ongoing situation in Palestine. All of the content within the bundle is DRM-free, and includes games such as Liyla and The Shadows Of War, STRAINGE, To Duel List, The Count of Monte Carlo, and many, many more. The bundle will be available until June 12th. At the time of writing, the bundle has raised nearly $120,000, with a hopeful goal of $500,000.

This is a grassroots bundle by indie devs who want to help Palestinians.

All profit from this bundle will be donated to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. The UNRWA has provided food assistance for over one million Palestinians, and continues to do so in the territories with heavy destruction. They also provide emergency mental and physical health protection for those in the region.

Indie games are unique in that they can tell stories not seen in AAA or other games. We pour our life experiences into our games and share a piece of ourselves with the world. Palestinian game developers are no different in this aspect, but have the added challenges of limited access to basic services, like clean water, electricity, medical care, and food security. They live under Israeli authority that discriminates and subjugates Palestinians to the point of persecution and apartheid, simply for being Palestinian. Furthermore, they develop games without all the resources that come with being in a western hub for game development.

Palestinian game developer Rasheed Abueideh did exactly that when he made Liyla and the Shadows of War, which tells a story of a little girl who lives in Gaza during the 2014 war, in which 30% of civilian casualties were children. Liyla and the Shadows of War was showcased at IndieCade and A MAZE and earned numerous award nominations, including a win in Excellence in Storytelling at the International Mobile Gaming Awards Middle East/North Africa.

This bundle is pay-what-you-want (above $5 U.S. dollars) for Liyla and the Shadows of War, and you will receive hundreds of additional games, assets, and soundtracks graciously donated by game developers and media creators around the world for free. The bundle will run through Friday, June 11th. Together, we can raise funds for UNRWA for food and medical assistance for Palestinians AND highlight a game developer who is directly affected by the cause we are rallying behind.

:arrow: Source


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2012
Best place on Earth
Saudi Arabia
I will not give money to terrorists.

You already are though. Your tax money funds Zionists ethnic cleansing.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

On what basis? You'd be hard-pressed to find an Englishman or an Irishman today that thinks they are jusified in murdering the other.
Your only saving grace is that one side isn't completely defenseless like Palestine.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
UNRWA is the reason why Palestinians couldn't get a refugee status in any other countries, if you support this status quo, you absolutely must buy this bundle
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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2010
Your only saving grace is that one side isn't completely defenseless like Palestine.

Some civil unrest of teens due to certain political deisions and econmic factors isn't comparable to what's currently happening in Isreal/Palestine though, neither side is trying to take-over the other's land, neither are hurling missles at each other and the average person in the UK isn't taught from birth that they have a god-given right to subjugate and murder the other.

This is a text-book false equivalency.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2012
Best place on Earth
Saudi Arabia
Some civil unrest of teens due to certain political deisions and econmic factors isn't comparable to what's currently happening in Isreal/Palestine though, neither side is trying to take-over the other's land, neither are hurling missles at each other and the average person in the UK isn't taught from birth that they have a god-given right to subjugate and murder the other.

This is a text-book false equivalency.

Regardless of if what I said is equivalent or not, you wishing the destruction of Palestine for childish reasons is repulsive.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2010
Regardless of if what I said is equivalent or not, you wishing the destruction of Palestine for childish reasons is repulsive.

A better outcome would be for both sides to treat each other as human beings but I don't see that being even slighly plausable with the idiological adherances involved.

Sorry you think that moral universalism is replusive, personally I find morality based on supremacy and hate to be reprehensible but to each their own, I guess.


Dec 17, 2009
Are you serious right now?

This whole conflict started when Zionists stepped off their ships in Palestine. What's so hard to understand about who's at fault?
Is that so? So when Israel obeyed United Nations Resolution 242 (even though they were acting in self-defense to a clear and widely announced plan to exterminate them by multiple nations), cooperated with the Camp David Accords (which only Egypt showed good will for in spite of it being favorable to all), and followed the resolutions of the Oslo Accords, they were fueling the conflict? Tuly? Or was it the intifadahs fueling that conflict? The continuous almost daily rocket firings for decades? Because it sure seems that way when you look at facts.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
United States
It's funny how everyone who could care less about Palestine yesterday, can't get any sleep over them today. FAKE!
You strike me as someone who would see a natural disaster undeniably and definitively occur due to climate change, see the outrage that the event happened, and proclaim, "It's funny how no one ever cared about climate change until now." When the reality is, if you open your eyes up even slightly, you'd see that there are plenty of people around the world that have been and continued to be concerned about the issue.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2009
in a cardboard box
Why take only the one side when we can have both, better yet make that donation for the people and not for the stupid political issue. Then again, that's not how the world works. Politics is everywhere and people have biases. Oh well.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
A two-state solution seems to be out of the question.
Therefore there can only be full ethnic "cleansing" (which not even the Babylonians, Romans or Arabs did to that extent) or a neutral state or the incorpartion all of Israel and Palestine to other countries like Egypt, Syria or others. Pick your poison but the first one should be regarded as the worst option by civilized people.


Jun 5, 2021
Arabs have massacred the jews in the area? Are you insane? Christians, Muslims, and jews lived together peacefully before Zionists stepped foot on Palestine.

Looking at the flag on your account explains a lot. Brainwashed from childhood until death. Jewish schools in Israel teach the wrong version of Judaism, "Arabs will be our slaves", translation checked by a Hebrew speaker.

@Brighton is already twisting the narrative to make it seem like anti-semitism LOL. Your old schemes don't work anymore zionist!

Look up the massacre of Hebron in 1929. Decades before the current state of Israel was declared ~70 Jews murdered by Arabs.

Christians and Muslims certainly not living peacefully in the land that's now known as Lebanon. Even Muslims not getting along peacefully with Muslims in Syria.

Yes, I live in the land of Israel. No, I'm not Jewish and I was not raised here but I can tell you that the video you linked to is not typical of most people here. What they're saying in that video is abhorrent! I know from first hand experience that when running for our lives to a protected shelter and a scared and panicked child asks why "Arabs want to kill us" they're quickly corrected that it is Hammas that are firing rockets, not all Arabs. We live and work side by side with Arabs. My children go to school with and are friends with Arabs. Of course in a society as diverse as here there is an extreme right but don't let them speak for all of Israel.

Have you also seen the many videos from Gazan childrens' TV where they're being taught to hate and want to kill 'the Jew'?

@Brighton is already twisting the narrative to make it seem like anti-semitism LOL. Your old schemes don't work anymore zionist!

My "old schemes". Nope, that didn't sound a bit like the start of some antisemitic rant… My point was that it's so fashionable these days to hate on Israel. But where is your, or the UN's, criticism of every other injustice in the world?

The morally bankrupt UN General Assembly has issued the following condemnations in the last 5-6 years:

Russia 12 times, North Korea 6 times, USA 7 times, Syria 8 times, China 0, Pakistan 0, Venezuela 0, Libya 0, Cuba 0, Turkey 0, Zimbabwe 0,

Israel… 112 times!
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Dec 23, 2009
Pffff... This'll be among the hardest five bucks I've ever spent. Not because of the games (there are some good ones there), but because of that hornets nest that is the Israel /Palestine situation.
And kind of ironic, because I was /am leaning toward Palestine regardless.

As with any war or even dispute, there are two opposing stories here. And both have been going on so long it's now unfair to point to the root of it, even though that was really what started it.

Historically, Muslims and jews have always lived on that area of the world. But jews never had a country to call their own until after the second world War. Or rather : Israel was more the idea of a promised land than an actual country. So in my view the problems started with the actual realization of the country. And this is where history takes two separate perspectives.

The Jewish perspective argues that they've earned their right as a country and at least initially understood they couldn't just steal the land from the others. They offered hospitality, friendship, a two state solution...and it got rejected time and time again. Relationships and their stance toward Palestine soured over the years, but Isreal spokesmen (or at least Nethanyahu) always underlined that they're just defending their own people. Even if the results of skirmishes are like 104 Palestines (with an estimate of 60 children) dead or severely wounded against 2 Israeli soldiers with slight injuries.

Meanwhile, Muslims in the regio originally were like home-owners whose residents suddenly declared themselves owner of part of the building. Reasoning? Arguing? A two state solution? Why would they even bother to listen, as Palestine was simply their country to begin with. The Jews had strong allies, but that didn't gave them the right to just carve out a piece for themselves. And okay: the fact that Jeruzalem was (and still is) a piece of that only makes matters worse. Again: very reasonable. Jeruzalem's tragedy is that it's a holy city for at least three major religions, so any amount of smoothtalking the Jews were going to do was dooomed from the start.
Hamas is a terrorist organisation, absolutely, but they're born from the conflict itself. Probably also by the lack of international support for their stance (because let's face it: everyone from the UN, the US, EU or whomever basically said "just stfu and give in"). And sorry, but perhaps initially the Israeli side had noble intentions, but the escalating tensions and evergrowing incidents have turned Israelian actions into straightup oppressors.
There's also one factor I don't like mentioning but really should: the Muslims in the regio are...kind of dumb, especially when contrasted with Israel. It's of course an impression I have after reading up on stories of both sides, but it really stands out like Israel is providing all sorts of education, encourages democracy, making science, research and development a strong part of the nation, and so on...and Palestine is so bent on merely survival they can barely see a future aside the immediate tomorrow. I'm sure many is propaganda from both sides, but I can't help feel like Israel is trying to portray itself as the older and wiser party with the Palestine (or even just Gaza) as a sort of local redneck area that has to be educated, whereas the other side claims to be the helpless underdog against the genocidal oppressors.

With this anthics, it would have surprised me if the UNRWA wasn't to be discredited in some way. And the reason I don't go into that is that it is, in more than one way, irrelevant. Let's presume for a second that my 5 bucks is honestly used to buy food that is honestly given to starving Palestine children. It'll make me (and other contributers) feel good, but what does it ultimately do? Those children still see their neighborhood in ruins, parts of their families and/or friends slaughtered because of "a conflict" and have no real hope to build a bright future. Chances are still higher they'll end up supporting the terrorist hamas group than long for a two state solution.'s not as if this is contributing toward a real solution.

Still...I donated. Reason: I don't want to let people starve to dead. And oh noes...I'm getting a larger video game backlog in return. Fucking sue me if you consider me a monster for either of those. :angry:
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Jun 5, 2021
Still...I donated. Reason: I don't want to let people starve to dead. And oh noes...I'm getting a larger video game backlog in return. Fucking sue me if you consider me a monster for either of those. :angry:

Dude, don't feel bad! Hopefully that money will go to Palestinian people and not to Hammas' pockets. Your heart is in the right place. :) I buy Palestinian goods when I can and I don't know for sure where that money ends up. Don't let Hammas know but they make a nice lager (beer) in the West Bank. ;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2012
Best place on Earth
Saudi Arabia
Is that so? So when Israel obeyed United Nations Resolution 242 (even though they were acting in self-defense to a clear and widely announced plan to exterminate them by multiple nations), cooperated with the Camp David Accords (which only Egypt showed good will for in spite of it being favorable to all), and followed the resolutions of the Oslo Accords, they were fueling the conflict? Tuly? Or was it the intifadahs fueling that conflict? The continuous almost daily rocket firings for decades? Because it sure seems that way when you look at facts.

Why are you surprised when people who've been robbed of their homes fight back?

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Look up the massacre of Hebron in 1929. Decades before the current state of Israel was declared ~70 Jews murdered by Arabs.

Christians and Muslims certainly not living peacefully in the land that's now known as Lebanon. Even Muslims not getting along peacefully with Muslims in Syria.

Yes, I live in the land of Israel. No, I'm not Jewish and I was not raised here but I can tell you that the video you linked to is not typical of most people here. What they're saying in that video is abhorrent! I know from first hand experience that when running for our lives to a protected shelter and a scared and panicked child asks why "Arabs want to kill us" they're quickly corrected that it is Hammas that are firing rockets, not all Arabs. We live and work side by side with Arabs. My children go to school with and are friends with Arabs. Of course in a society as diverse as here there is an extreme right but don't let them speak for all of Israel.

Have you also seen the many videos from Gazan childrens' TV where they're being taught to hate and want to kill 'the Jew'?

My "old schemes". Nope, that didn't sound a bit like the start of some antisemitic rant… My point was that it's so fashionable these days to hate on Israel. But where is your, or the UN's, criticism of every other injustice in the world?

The morally bankrupt UN General Assembly has issued the following condemnations in the last 5-6 years:

Russia 12 times, North Korea 6 times, USA 7 times, Syria 8 times, China 0, Pakistan 0, Venezuela 0, Libya 0, Cuba 0, Turkey 0, Zimbabwe 0,

Israel… 112 times!

Yeah those Zionists were murdered in self defense. They weren't murdered because of their religion. They were murdered for stealing land. The UK was escorting zionists by the masses to turn Arabs a minority in Palestine and making Euro Jews the majority.

The conflict in Lebanon and Syria is because of Iran. Don't twist this on Muslims you snake. Persians have had a superiority complex since the dawn of time.

It's not fashionable to hate on Zionism, it's logical to hate on ethnic cleansing, apartheid, and war crimes.

You live in a temporary land ruled by zionism and will forever be doomed to go extinct. It was built on the blood of innocent civilians and will forever be cursed with war.
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Jun 5, 2021
Why are you surprised when people who've been robbed of their homes fight back?

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Yeah those Zionists were murdered in self defense. They weren't murdered because of their religion. They were murdered for stealing land. The UK was escorting zionists by the masses to turn Arabs a minority in Palestine and making Euro Jews the majority.

The conflict in Lebanon and Syria is because of Iran. Don't twist this on Muslims you snake. Persians have had a superiority complex since the dawn of time.

It's not fashionable to hate on Zionism, it's logical to hate on ethnic cleansing, apartheid, and war crimes.

You live in a temporary land ruled by zionism and will forever be doomed to go extinct. It was built on the blood of innocent civilians and will forever be cursed with war.

Well, it didn't take long for your true colours to come out did it?! Insults, lies and threats when presented with facts!

The murder of almost a hundred innocent unarmed Jews, and hundreds more injured and maimed including children, who'd lived on that land for centuries and you've got the gall to say it was 'self defence'.

"The conflict in Lebanon and Syria is because of Iran"

Who do you think bankrolls and arms Hammas? Iran! But you said there's peace in the area without Jews on the land. :?

And the British that were ruling the land at the time were turning away Jewish refugees. However the 'Palestinians' had no issue when the British ruled the land, or the Ottomans (Turkish), or the Greeks, or the Romans…

I thought we could have a reasoned debate, but all you understand is hate!

Have a nice life. Oh, and don't double post!


Dec 23, 2009
I guess that's a "no"?

Can we just lock this thread and get it over with, then?
Ey, sure... Let's have a look. Among others, you'll get...

Underhero: an rpg in the style of paper Mario
Not the robots : a sort of Fifield where you have to hide from guards while eating the furniture
Hacknet: a hacking game
Frame collection (1&2 I presume) : a puzzle game in which you lay out the correct order of comic book tiles
3 draknek games (sokobond, a good snowman is hard to build, cosmic express) : great puzzle games with simple mechanics but that get very hard later on
Pikuniku: charming rpg platformer with great humor
Minit: black & white... I guess roguelike? You did every minute, so it's kind of like the puzzles from Zelda on steroids
The floor is jelly : a platformer /climber game

I know it looks like I'm picking known stuff, but can you blame me? I've had great fun with the last bundle, but it's certainly off the beaten path. If I mention eg gunhouse or adjacency, chances are you won't like it because it's too quirky or abstract for the general audience.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2012
Best place on Earth
Saudi Arabia
Well, it didn't take long for your true colours to come out did it?! Insults, lies and threats when presented with facts!

The murder of almost a hundred innocent unarmed Jews, and hundreds more injured and maimed including children, who'd lived on that land for centuries and you've got the gall to say it was 'self defence'.

"The conflict in Lebanon and Syria is because of Iran"

Who do you think bankrolls and arms Hammas? Iran! But you said there's peace in the area without Jews on the land. :?

And the British that were ruling the land at the time were turning away Jewish refugees. However the 'Palestinians' had no issue when the British ruled the land, or the Ottomans (Turkish), or the Greeks, or the Romans…

I thought we could have a reasoned debate, but all you understand is hate!

Have a nice life. Oh, and don't double post!

LOL what? I did call you a snake but I did not lie nor threaten you. I guess the anti-semitism card didn't work so now you're claiming I'm threatening you. Typical Zionist.

Those "unarmed jews" were colonists that had just stepped foot off a ship from europe to kick the natives.

Hammas was born out of Zionistic aggression.

Because neither the British, Ottomons, nor Romans massacred them.

I understand who's at fault when I see it. You are calling me a hater to justify the cleansing being done against Arabs.

I wish you'd wake up and help stop the ruthless zionist regime.

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