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Do you feel the USA is better now than it was 22 years ago?

Are things getting better or worse for the "Greatest Country in the World"?

  • Better

  • Worse

  • It's a mixed bag and very complicated and while I think some things have declined we do also have...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
Critical race theory just outlines how damages have been done to minorities and looks at what can be done to level out the playing field, usually in tandem with how to help bridge the gap between the rich and poor and better living conditions for everyone going forward.

You can help everyone and focus on those who were wronged simultaneously, if you've the will to try, comrade! :grog:
a) Please clarify what you mean by greater good. I could not discern it.
b) What can be done to level out the playing field with regards to Asian-Americans outperforming European-Americans in terms of earnings and academic achievement?
c) You cannot help everyone if you declare one group the problem and help the other at the expense of the former. If you limit the number of Asian-American table tennis players you are obviously hurting that group.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
I am not surprised by the results of my poll, but am very thankful for everyone for participating! I've been kia ever since the primaries, but I find it genuinely fascinating that most people seem to agree that things have been on a downhill trajectory, but the divide is between those who wish to recreate an idealized past that never was for the benefit of their own in group, and people who fear for the future and want to enact policies for the greater good... while being "dunked on" by the first group with meaningless pointless and absolutely fruitless conjecture and straw-manning. My apologies to @Xzi @Lacius @LainaGabranth and my beloved fellow feline @The Catboy for just making another battleground for y'all to play whack-a-mole, but I deeply appreciate your contributions to this section and all you do!

Much love, comrades! :wub:
One group wants to decentralize power back to the states and just wants to be left alone and another group wants to centralize power in the federal government to rule over the people. The left is so brainwashed, they advocate for an authoritarian central government while calling everybody they disagree with fascist. The cognitive dissonance with the left grows stronger by the day. Communism is a helluva drug.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2021
United States
Well unfortunately for you guys, you are caught under a post modernist/communistic/neo-marxist interpretation of history, the present, and our selves. Further more you all deny God, or at best, attempt to recreate God in your own image, though without actual knowledge and experience of God, without conscious, you will remain trapped in the proverbial cave chasing after shadows, and having no foundation from which your values have sprung.
In overview on the whole, this is whataboutism and white apologetic talking points mixed in with some zealotry... Classic right wing tactic. :glare:

I am sorry to be the one to have to break this to you, but religion in the US is falling out of favor more now than it has in previous generations. The ability to break apart inconsistencies in the histories, the lack of modern day relevance, and the corruption of many religious institutions has left many not wanting to partake in organized faith. Even more than this, of course, certain faiths encourage division and violence on a grand scale as there is the obvious presupposition that practitioners are starting from an absolute and perfect origin for their world views that non-believers do not share and thus are lesser stock in need of conversion... or death. Nobody is missing anything by not drinking your kool-aid, comrade, but you come off as awful hostile implying we're blind without your faith.

Sure you talk about a love for humanity, a community spirit, and this and that, but where did you get those values from? If life is nothing but flesh, economics, and the inevitable worm, then who is to say that any one value is more significant than any other?

Generally... society? The collective consensus of the masses involved? Kinda the whole game there, really. People are social animals, we come together to form a stronger collective than could be achieved by individual actions, and in the process establish culturally accepted practices and ideals.

If you guys would spend more time trying to understand rather than come across as constantly condescending know it alls, then these little conversations may actually lead to something meaningful.

You're accusing folk of being ignorant slaves, then mock them as being know-it-alls. Irony intensifies.

It's like above, you just assume that anyone that does not agree with you and your post modernist clan here, is merely longing for some past that never existed, yet I don't recall anyone longing for such a thing, though I do see a lot of people taking dead things from the distant past and hooking them up to life support to use as political leverage.

Isn't "taking dead things from the distant past and putting them on life support" the same as "wishing for aspects of a past in the present"? You can use whatever terminology makes your naughty bits tingle, but at the end of the day you've been talking about returning the status of law to what it was in the past, both with abortion and gay marriage... and you imply a pretty hefty religious ideal that would be akin to governments of the very distant past.

Take the African slave trade as an example. It marks a period in history where African slaves were being carted away out of Africa and into other countries, and guess what, America wasn't the only place! In fact slavery began long before the African slave trade, it existed all over the world and it could care less what color you were. Contrary to the Marxist Narrative, is was Western Civilization that made a stab at ending slavery, and we even had a blood bath over it! Then because of Democrats and Big Business, the blacks faced a lot of set backs that they would not have otherwise.
Three things. First, nobody debates the African slave trade as anything but bad, but everyone condemns its use by the western powers. Second, this really isn't covering the USA which was the topic being discussed, but while we're here the civil war took place well after other western powers caught the notion that it maybe wasn't such a good idea ever. Lastly, and this is important, time moves in a line and things change. The Democrats of yesteryear are not the Democrats of today, and studies have been very clear that the Southern Switch was a thing and you can see in the party lines today that this is obviously the case. Preaching this line makes you seem like a disingenuous grifter... kinda like your avatar and title...

Though you know what, South of Texas they kept their slaves for quite a while longer than us, but that's never talked about. In fact there are Slaves currently in China, the Middle East, etc. etc. though you never hear about them except maybe once in a while through national geographic. Where is your heart felt concern for all of them?

Even if modern news doesn't highlight it all the time, it doesn't mean human rights violations across the globe aren't an issue for the left. Hell, I can dig up plenty of left-leaning news sources that do bring these sorts of things up quite often.. how about the right? What's that? Hate crimes against immigrants is almost exclusively done by the right and they celebrate human rights abuses while even the center-left shamefully tries to minimize their involvement when they are causing an issue while the far left protests it altogether? How very odd.

Also, again, nobody celebrates slavery anywhere and what happened south of us doesn't make the actions of our homeland somehow magically better.

How about the natives, people always bitch about Americans killing the natives and eroding their culture, and in part that is true, but there are other stories, that separate the Natives of North America from the Mexicans and South Americans. I.E. How come in America we have reservations, and we still have the various "tribes", have preserved some of the language customs, etc. yet down beneath the boarder of Texas everyone assumes they are Latin/Spanish, embrace Catholicism and speak Spanish?

Because absolute genocide was averted but what happened was still terrible. See what happens when you don't view the world in black and white? Also, the atrocities of others doesn't make our own issues less relevant within our own borders. Please try to stop shifting, you're absolutely tanking your credibility.

I am unsure what set all you kids on this Post Modernist/Communistic/Neo Marxist kick, but it is misleading you, and if there is any sincerity in your heart, it is being corrupted and used against your self and others. There is real evil within this world, but you've got to take off the Main Stream VR head set to see it. And no, reality is not some Matrix-esque homo erotic rave in the underground somewhere, it's something much more real, much more relevant, and with a much higher purpose than mere feeling.

Besides, the author of the Book the Matrix director's were influenced by hated the movies and said that if The Matrix were to make a movie, that The Matrix is exactly the kind of movie it would make.

Again, you presume that people are mislead because their views don't match yours, but you don't really have anything to show of it. You throw out the idea of a vague evil force, sprinkle in some homophobia, and complain that a relevant pop culture source has a naysayer involved in the media presented... woo. I'm not married to the movies and can critique them as popcorn trash too, but it doesn't make the comparison any weaker.

All in all... your posts are just hateful junk without advocating for anything but the same old nonsense that got my poll to the numbers it received. History was largely dictated by theocratic ruling class people and lead to dissatisfaction, and you still cling to the idea that going backwards is the way to fix the problems today. I would advise some introspection!

a) Please clarify what you mean by greater good. I could not discern it.
b) What can be done to level out the playing field with regards to Asian-Americans outperforming European-Americans in terms of earnings and academic achievement?
c) You cannot help everyone if you declare one group the problem and help the other at the expense of the former. If you limit the number of Asian-American table tennis players you are obviously hurting that group.
a) Wrong quote of mine, but the greater good is in reference to aiding a community over one's own interests.
b) In the US? Those two ethnic blocks don't really need a lot of support, but naturally increasing the quality of schools and funding things like state managed child care and medical services would help everyone get on the same playing field and narrow the academic and wage gap.
c) I don't think I've ever seen anyone in this form scream "Kill the asians!" or anything, but I'm presuming that you're saying the "harm" is not offering the top tier opportunities to every high performing (or well funded) asian student who reaches the benchmarks for enrollment. I actually have a whole bunch of asian stepsisters who all went to high end colleges, so I'm happy to address this!

It isn't that bad of an issue at the best of times now, as they tend to get opportunities at some high end college or another (my middle step sister didn't get into Berkeley despite crushing her pre-reqs, but she went to Davis and did just fine for herself) and at the worst of times in a hypothetical leftist progressive nation... well, surprise surprise, evening out the resources and talent pool of teachers between schools would allow EVERY ethnic group the same opportunities for advancement, including the high performers! Raise all boats and all that jazz. Just because you don't offer the best for the most capable doesn't mean you're inflicting harm, it just means you're counting on their ability to procure resources and training to keep pushing them forward while focusing on those who may need more assistance.

Hyper-individualism is a bit of a curse, and exceptional people will always find a way to be exceptional and their contributions should of course be celebrated, but it isn't going to end the world if those celebrations are toned down a bit and the resources available to the best aren't quite as grandiose and expensive. People will still be motivated to do their best even if they aren't given super ultra trophies and monetary compensation, and at the end of the day... even Asian Americans aren't properly represented in the highest wealth pools, so obviously skill and success aren't completely hand in hand now.

One group wants to decentralize power back to the states and just wants to be left alone and another group wants to centralize power in the federal government to rule over the people. The left is so brainwashed, they advocate for an authoritarian central government while calling everybody they disagree with fascist. The cognitive dissonance with the left grows stronger by the day. Communism is a helluva drug.
Sorry love, but the idea of States acting as Countries isn't how it works here. There was already a disagreement about it a while back called the Civil War, didn't end well for the rebels, get over it. Human rights are a federal issue, sustainability is a federal issue, health and safety is a federal issue, and terrorism response is a federal issue.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
Sorry love, but the idea of States acting as Countries isn't how it works here. There was already a disagreement about it a while back called the Civil War, didn't end well for the rebels, get over it. Human rights are a federal issue, sustainability is a federal issue, health and safety is a federal issue, and terrorism response is a federal issue.
WTH are you talking about? The Civil War ended slavery, not states rights. The 10th Amendment is still in the Constitution. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't true. The federal government was created by the states, ya dork.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2021
United States
WTH are you talking about? The Civil War ended slavery, not states rights. The 10th Amendment is still in the Constitution. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't true. The federal government was created by the states, ya dork.
The civil war was sparked by States wanting to have the power to rule themselves independent of certain Federal policies that maybe kinda sorta yeah was totally about slavery. States rights was the flag they waived, hence the Dixiecrats, AKA the States Rights party... ya dork. =3


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
The civil war was sparked by States wanting to have the power to rule themselves independent of certain Federal policies that maybe kinda sorta yeah was totally about slavery. States rights was the flag they waived, hence the Dixiecrats, AKA the States Rights party... ya dork. =3
The states didn't want to have the power to rule themselves, that is literally how the US was designed by the Founders. It's in the Constitution. You should try reading it sometime. You will definitely learn something that your school failed to teach you. It doesn't matter if you like it or not. Cope.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Imagine hating this sentence and trying to spread the lie that it leads to authoritarianism and fascism. This is how dumb today's left has become.


GBATemp Sporaddict
Dec 24, 2015
United States
Why "22 years".
My guess is because its 2022.

It's worse. Too many Woke and PC types have ruined it
You're part of the problem.

Do you feel the USA is better now than it was 22 years ago?​

Hell no its not better unless you consider gun/mental health crisis, sexual/physical assault at seemingly all time highs, and being on the verge of banana republic and civil war as "better."

Its probably better for sociopaths, drug lords, and extremist. But far, far in the "worse" column for your everday jerk just trying to exist.

Just don't forget 1)things can and do reverse their trajectory, but that NEVER happens without changing the causes (I'll be the first to admit I don't know all the answers, but I do know we need to work together and stop blaming eachother). 2)Even with things on a downturn and many negatives going on, there's still so much more to be thankful for.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
My guess is because its 2022.

You're part of the problem.

Do you feel the USA is better now than it was 22 years ago?​

Hell no its not better unless you consider gun/mental health crisis, sexual/physical assault at seemingly all time highs, and being on the verge of banana republic and civil war as "better."

Its probably better for sociopaths, drug lords, and extremist. But far, far in the "worse" column for your everday jerk just trying to exist.

Just don't forget 1)things can and do reverse their trajectory, but that NEVER happens without changing the causes (I'll be the first to admit I don't know all the answers, but I do know we need to work together and stop blaming eachother). 2)Even with things on a downturn and many negatives going on, there's still so much more to be thankful for.
I know it doesn't seem like it, but we are actually doing better. The reason why things look bad now is because all of the corruption that has been hidden from us for so many decades is being exposed. The corrupt are fighting back to re-establish the status quo. The people are waking up and no longer living in ignorance and we are shocked at what we are finding.

I agree, we need to stop blaming each other. That's just how the corrupt has conditioned us to stay in power. Continuously dividing us into smaller and smaller groups. Not to compete with each other on a level playing field, but to fight amongst ourselves while the corrupt enrich themselves. Divided we are more easy to control.

Think of every major event in the last 22 years. From 9/11 to the housing bubble, to Covid, to the current energy and inflation crises. Who benefitted from all of these crises? Certainly not We the People. We had laws (Patriot Act) passed against us for our safety and we cheered it on. We had international banks and foreign companies bailed out with our money. We were all locked down and forced to stay at home while the corrupt raked in trillions of dollars of our money. And now, what money we have left is becoming more worthless as the months go by and gas is over $5 a gallon.

Now is the time not only for Americans to unite, but the world to unite. Sri Lankans showed us what the people are capable of doing. The farmers in the Netherlands are fighting back. The truckers in Canada took a stand. The corrupt hate this and are scared.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2021
United States
The states didn't want to have the power to rule themselves, that is literally how the US was designed by the Founders. It's in the Constitution. You should try reading it sometime. You will definitely learn something that your school failed to teach you. It doesn't matter if you like it or not. Cope.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Imagine hating this sentence and trying to spread the lie that it leads to authoritarianism and fascism. This is how dumb today's left has become.
You throw a lot of insults around, but honestly you kinda seem a bit lost here with your strawman punching bag. I've been pro-fed over state rights since forever, and have been arguing that here once you brought it up!

When it says "Nor prohibited by it to the States", it means that Federal law takes precedent over State law. States can make up their own laws (I would suspect in relation to localized matters even if nowaday it is being perverted into some idea of compartmentalized nation-states that still suck the value out of the deeply majority blue states via federal aide) but per Article 6 Clause 2 of the Constitution's Supremacy clause, any conflict between State and Fed defaults to the Fed. Not that I'd know, I never research this kind of thing and don't actively work with law enforcement or anything... :lol:

You should try out public service, I think it would help you empathize with folk! Just stay away from policing, I think you're a little too high strung for that sort of work.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
United States
Things are going to get real interesting, real fast. we are officially in the information age, so education mostly drives the economy. the brain drain from the south to the west/north east due to the draconian abortion and coming gay/sodomy laws/contraceptive laws is going to continue to impoverish the south as companies follow the money away from the states with awful legislation. while we are basically careening towards a second civil war, it really won't play out that ways as it is more rural vs urban issues at play.

What I am expecting is a massive increase in secular violence, in the vein of Christian extremists attacking abortion doctors/clinics in states where it isn't legal. basically a USA sized version of the troubles. I also expect the GOP to take control of the house/senate and pass a federal abortion ban, which blue states will ignore like we already ignore the DEA scheduling of weed/magic mushrooms. I expect travel to out of state to get abortion care to be made illegal using the Texas style bounty laws since judicial consistency is basically out the window.

overall it's gonna be wild in the next 2 years.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
You throw a lot of insults around, but honestly you kinda seem a bit lost here with your strawman punching bag. I've been pro-fed over state rights since forever, and have been arguing that here once you brought it up!

When it says "Nor prohibited by it to the States", it means that Federal law takes precedent over State law. States can make up their own laws (I would suspect in relation to localized matters even if nowaday it is being perverted into some idea of compartmentalized nation-states that still suck the value out of the deeply majority blue states via federal aide) but per Article 6 Clause 2 of the Constitution's Supremacy clause, any conflict between State and Fed defaults to the Fed. Not that I'd know, I never research this kind of thing and don't actively work with law enforcement or anything... :lol:

You should try out public service, I think it would help you empathize with folk! Just stay away from policing, I think you're a little too high strung for that sort of work.
The states were always designed to be where the experiments happen. So if a certain policy fails, it only affects one state instead of the entire country. The Founders were pretty clear about the concept of a limited federal government. That is why Obama called the Constitution a document of negative rights for the federal government and it is the reason why the left despises the Constitution.

I already tried public service. 11 years in the US Army. So you can stop with your superiority complex. It looks silly.

Things are going to get real interesting, real fast. we are officially in the information age, so education mostly drives the economy. the brain drain from the south to the west/north east due to the draconian abortion and coming gay/sodomy laws/contraceptive laws is going to continue to impoverish the south as companies follow the money away from the states with awful legislation. while we are basically careening towards a second civil war, it really won't play out that ways as it is more rural vs urban issues at play.

What I am expecting is a massive increase in secular violence, in the vein of Christian extremists attacking abortion doctors/clinics in states where it isn't legal. basically a USA sized version of the troubles. I also expect the GOP to take control of the house/senate and pass a federal abortion ban, which blue states will ignore like we already ignore the DEA scheduling of weed/magic mushrooms. I expect travel to out of state to get abortion care to be made illegal using the Texas style bounty laws since judicial consistency is basically out the window.

overall it's gonna be wild in the next 2 years.
So you are concerned about abortion clinics being bombed while pregnancy centers in NY, Oregon and Louisiana are being bombed right now by a group called Jane's Revenge. Weird.

It will be a wild 2 years, just not how you are expecting.


Has a PhD in dueling
Aug 27, 2009
duel acadamia
United States
Things are going to get real interesting, real fast. we are officially in the information age, so education mostly drives the economy. the brain drain from the south to the west/north east due to the draconian abortion and coming gay/sodomy laws/contraceptive laws is going to continue to impoverish the south as companies follow the money away from the states with awful legislation. while we are basically careening towards a second civil war, it really won't play out that ways as it is more rural vs urban issues at play.

What I am expecting is a massive increase in secular violence, in the vein of Christian extremists attacking abortion doctors/clinics in states where it isn't legal. basically a USA sized version of the troubles. I also expect the GOP to take control of the house/senate and pass a federal abortion ban, which blue states will ignore like we already ignore the DEA scheduling of weed/magic mushrooms. I expect travel to out of state to get abortion care to be made illegal using the Texas style bounty laws since judicial consistency is basically out the window.
overall it's gonna be wild in the next 2 years
wild 2 years you say? I give it a good few months before we realize bethesda was warning us all along via a video game IP


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
United States
So you are concerned about abortion clinics being bombed while pregnancy centers in NY, Oregon and Louisiana are being bombed right now by a group called Jane's Revenge. Weird.

It will be a wild 2 years, just not how you are expecting.
you know, shit like this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...-girl-rape-doctor-bernard-kidnapping-barrett/

like I said, secular violence cuts both ways, you basically proved my point. we have evidence of violence and threats in both directions which is an example of troubles style secular violence. expect it to escalate, as restrictions get tighter.


Has a PhD in dueling
Aug 27, 2009
duel acadamia
United States
what i find odd is the GOP pleaded for democrats to pass a bill to give Scotus security detail but i bet if the opposite was true the gop would laugh and even egg on their supporters to kill the liberal judges i bet my life on that


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2021
United States
The states were always designed to be where the experiments happen. So if a certain policy fails, it only affects one state instead of the entire country. The Founders were pretty clear about the concept of a limited federal government. That is why Obama called the Constitution a document of negative rights for the federal government and it is the reason why the left despises the Constitution.

I already tried public service. 11 years in the US Army. So you can stop with your superiority complex. It looks silly.
For what its worth, I was meaning on a more local level, but thank you for your service! As a vet myself, I appreciate anyone who opts for military service, too! Pity you're also a crackpot...

The "Founders" weren't nearly so homogenized, by the by. There were federalists and anti-federalists, and while it is cute how deeply you side with one faction over the other, one of the core sources of debate since the founding was the level of Federal power. Also, the Constitution also isn't a perfect document that is immune to criticism, and Obama for his many... many faults... was a well educated scholar and expert on constitutional law. He spoke of its shortcomings professionally, but y'know, seeing as he was the president of the country and all I think it is pretty obvious he didn't HATE it or the country, despite your annoying insinuations.

I guess what I'm trying to say here is that you've got a lot of rage due to demonizing folk you don't agree with, and this sounds kinda dangerous and even threatening with some of your comments. You may want to seek help.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
you know, shit like this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...-girl-rape-doctor-bernard-kidnapping-barrett/

like I said, secular violence cuts both ways, you basically proved my point. we have evidence of violence and threats in both directions which is an example of troubles style secular violence. expect it to escalate, as restrictions get tighter.
Is this you?

What I am expecting is a massive increase in secular violence, in the vein of Christian extremists attacking abortion doctors/clinics in states where it isn't legal. basically a USA sized version of the troubles. I also expect the GOP to take control of the house/senate and pass a federal abortion ban, which blue states will ignore like we already ignore the DEA scheduling of weed/magic mushrooms. I expect travel to out of state to get abortion care to be made illegal using the Texas style bounty laws since judicial consistency is basically out the window.

I'm not seeing the both ways argument being made here.

For what its worth, I was meaning on a more local level, but thank you for your service! As a vet myself, I appreciate anyone who opts for military service, too! Pity you're also a crackpot...

The "Founders" weren't nearly so homogenized, by the by. There were federalists and anti-federalists, and while it is cute how deeply you side with one faction over the other, one of the core sources of debate since the founding was the level of Federal power. Also, the Constitution also isn't a perfect document that is immune to criticism, and Obama for his many... many faults... was a well educated scholar and expert on constitutional law. He spoke of its shortcomings professionally, but y'know, seeing as he was the president of the country and all I think it is pretty obvious he didn't HATE it or the country, despite your annoying insinuations.

I guess what I'm trying to say here is that you've got a lot of rage due to demonizing folk you don't agree with, and this sounds kinda dangerous and even threatening with some of your comments. You may want to seek help.
Fake compliment ending with an insult.

I never said that the Founders were homogenized. You just imagined that on your own, but the final document they created and was voted by all of the newly created states shows that they agreed to a limited federal government since they just escaped a monarchy. Why would they create a similar style government after defeating tyranny? That makes zero sense. Criticize the Constitution all you want. That's all that the left has because they do not have the majority to make changes to it like they think they do. You can tell Obama hated the country when he campaigned on "fundamentally transforming America". If you love something or somebody, you don't try to fundamentally change it/them.

The only rage on these forums is coming from hard leftists crying and seething that the Constitution is being upheld again. Those who say for others to seek help are normally the ones who need it themselves. It's called projection and you seem to enjoy employing it even though you are not that good at it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2021
United States
Fake compliment ending with an insult.

I never said that the Founders were homogenized. You just imagined that on your own, but the final document they created and was voted by all of the newly created states shows that they agreed to a limited federal government since they just escaped a monarchy. Why would they create a similar style government after defeating tyranny? That makes zero sense. Criticize the Constitution all you want. That's all that the left has because they do not have the majority to make changes to it like they think they do. You can tell Obama hated the country when he campaigned on "fundamentally transforming America". If you love something or somebody, you don't try to fundamentally change it/them.
You really idolize the founders for somebody who also rages about the state of the country in other threads. Huff and puff all you want, comrade, people want change and reform doesn't have to mean rising from ruin. Obama wasn't a Muslim terrorist who hated the country he lead for two terms by demand from the majority of citizens on a platform of reform. Your analogy about loving folks is also a bit silly. Plenty of people love family members but hate that they've been brainwashed by Fox news and other dishonest sources into believing all their neighbors are antifa supersoldiers ready to stuff dead babies down their throats, and want them to change. Maybe even someone you know! :unsure:

The only rage on these forums is coming from hard leftists crying and seething that the Constitution is being upheld again. Those who say for others to seek help are normally the ones who need it themselves. It's called projection and you seem to enjoy employing it even though you are not that good at it.
If you say so. The rage I tend to spot is from leftists mad that the will of the people is being usurped by the minority continuously, and that individual freedoms are being taken. This doesn't include the sway back from raging conservatives using whataboutism and non-democratic loopholes to defend their unpopular opinions of course. A pretty good number of these threads tend to be mass topic spam campaigns from certain grouchy right wingers itching for a fight... or sharing conspiracies.
Last edited by Dakitten,


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
You really idolize the founders for somebody who also rages about the state of the country in other threads. Huff and puff all you want, comrade, people want change and reform doesn't have to mean rising from ruin. Obama wasn't a Muslim terrorist who hated the country he lead for two terms by demand from the majority of citizens on a platform of reform. Your analogy about loving folks is also a bit silly. Plenty of people love family members but hate that they've been brainwashed by Fox news and other dishonest sources into believing all their neighbors are antifa supersoldiers ready to stuff dead babies down their throats, and want them to change. Maybe even someone you know! :unsure:

If you say so. The rage I tend to spot is from leftists mad that the will of the people is being usurped by the minority continuously, and that individual freedoms are being taken. This doesn't include the sway back from raging conservatives using whataboutism and non-democratic loopholes to defend their unpopular opinions of course. A pretty good number of these threads tend to be mass topic spam campaigns from certain grouchy right wingers itching for a fight... or sharing conspiracies.
The Founders created the greatest country on Earth by writing one of the greatest documents as it's foundation. One would think that if the majorities of states wanted change, they would have continued down that path with Hillary, but her ego was so big, she didn't think she needed to campaign in critical states. Yes, only right wing news sources are legitimate, even though they are proven wrong by citizen journalists every single day and this includes Fox News who is part of the corporate media. This entire paragraph doesn't even make sense and I'm not sure why you even typed it out since I never mentioned it besides to highlight your own delusion.

Except individual rights are not being taken. Actually, the most supreme right of all, the right to life was upheld. Sorry if that is so offensive to you, but that's the left in a nutshell. The only grouchy people on these threads are from the left. The left cannot debate without slinging insults and writing paragraphs of whataboutism about inter-racial marriage being made illegal and women being subjugated a la, Handmaid's Tale. Your entire first paragraph is a word salad of whataboutism. Project much?


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2021
United States
The Founders created the greatest country on Earth by writing one of the greatest documents as it's foundation. One would think that if the majorities of states wanted change, they would have continued down that path with Hillary, but her ego was so big, she didn't think she needed to campaign in critical states.
Nobody ever said all leftists were good. That being said, Hillary did win the popular vote, Trump just won the undemocratic and very outdated electoral college. Yay swing states.

Yes, only right wing news sources are legitimate, even though they are proven wrong by citizen journalists every single day and this includes Fox News who is part of the corporate media. This entire paragraph doesn't even make sense and I'm not sure why you even typed it out since I never mentioned it besides to highlight your own delusion.
I was talking about how people can love others and long for change and gave the Fox news bit as an example. I'm not sure what you're even talking about here, I couldn't care less about corporate news but you seem to be trying to use some sarcasm while lumping them in at the same time? Confusing stuff.

Except individual rights are not being taken. Actually, the most supreme right of all, the right to life was upheld. Sorry if that is so offensive to you, but that's the left in a nutshell. The only grouchy people on these threads are from the left.
And here we have the religious nonsense conservative bingo! Mark your cards, folks!

I can't say I'm overly surprised you can't empathize with women suffering from pain and distress from even regular pregnancies, let alone exceptional and abnormal ones, and you'd be more focused on the potential for a life form to emerge over the safety and well being of the gender you can't relate to, but at least this clears up any concern that you might not be a scumbag!

The left cannot debate without slinging insults and writing paragraphs of whataboutism about inter-racial marriage being made illegal and women being subjugated a la, Handmaid's Tale. Your entire first paragraph is a word salad of whataboutism. Project much?
You've kinda been the primary slinger of insults at folk, and whataboutism didn't occur in my paragraph? I covered how the founders took two different sides regarding federal power and reached a compromise while yielding the highest office to a Federalist, how Obama won the popular vote, and how people can love people who need to change to better their lives. There was no projection nor whataboutism at all. Seriously, you're off the script, comrade. Please do yourself a favor and touch some grass, you've been down too long.
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