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The 14 characteristics of Fascism


Literally the wurst.
Jul 1, 2018
I would just like to chime in saying that the 14 signs of fascism are meant to describe the big, common traits of fascism to help identify it, not to provide a list of any one thing that is fascist. Only when all 14 traits are present at once is there a high probability that a system is fascist, if one or more are absent chances are very high the system is not fascist but instead is something else, like Stalin's laughable implementation of communism.

Also, the Nazis were national socialists in name only. The only socialist policies the Nazi party implemented was to provide a short maternal leave, a few days paid rest for injured workers, and a small loan for every born child. The big caveat here that only members of the Nazi party qualified for those policies which meant that a large chunk of the population was unable to benefit from those. If you didn't fit the definition of an Aryan or were suspected to be Jewish you did not qualify for it. Jews in particular were denied German citizenship and thus were exempt by default.

Deleted member 586536

Returned shipping and mailing
Feb 26, 2022
This my last reply

Control+F 'national socialism'... no nothing.
How about you read peoples arguments before trying to press control f and skim them.

The "national" part is a modifier. we can separate the national part from the "ism" to identify if the rest of it matches.
Just because it's "nationalist" shouldn't mean the core ideology behind it is destroyed, unless it's NOT the idealogy you imply.
You claimed that Nazi germany was national socialist.
Their actions, killing socialists first, supporting capitalist industries, stopping unions. Is a indication that they are not socialists. Therefore, not nationalist socialist.
IF you also did the reading, you would of learned they they say they are behind the idea of supporting socialism/being anticaptalist. But in action they are not.

This is my final response since it's beyond a unreasonable doubt that you will not argue in good faith and your now going into essentially unprovable or falsifiable claims. I'm not going to argue another 8 paragraphs with you if your unwilling to do the basic thing and read

Deleted member 586536

Returned shipping and mailing
Feb 26, 2022
Also, the Nazis were national socialists in name only. The only socialist policies the Nazi party implemented was to provide a short maternal leave, a few days paid rest for injured workers, and a small loan for every born child.
Afterwords however, they then cracked down on unionization, reduced wages and so on, they were pro corporation.


Aug 20, 2019
Interesting how OP never mentioned what Mussolini himself defined Fascism as.

He wasn't a good writer nor an intellectual, he made it pretty damn simple to understand:

Fascism means, as Mussolini himself defined it:
Everything for the Government, nothing outside the Government, nothing against the Government.

This can apply to a number of different ideologies from pretty much any any political spectrum, but Mussolini's Fascism has some very distinct traits, mainly:

- Imperialism: the term Fascism comes form the Roman Fascio, a symbol of the Roman empire, similar to how the Nazis appropriated the Swastika and called themselves the Third Reich (Third Empire). Mussolini wanted to bring back the Roman empire.

- Nationalized Industries: governmental control in a Fascist regime means that the means of production, even if declared "private", are really all under control of the one political party. There is also a huge hatred of foreign companies. Basically, there's no free market. You could say that the economic practices of Fascism are categorized under Mercantilism.

- Usage of religion for control of the masses: this is actually a very hard-to-spot characteristic of Fascism. The Fascists love using religion to advance their control over society, however they don't actually give religion itself any power, power is still in the government's hands. Basically it's like the middle ages but in reverse (government controls religion rather than religion controlling the government).

- Worshiping the Government and the supreme leader: this one is a no brainer. Even if there's religion all over the place for control, the government and the leader are still worshipped above everything and everyone, including God.

There's more, but I recommend you just read The Fascist Manifesto to have a really good idea of how this ideology behaves.

Now most of these traits are also very common in other regimes such as the USSR and the CCP, but that's really not a strange thing. Mussolini was a socialist for most of his political career, until he was kicked out of the Italian Socialist Party for being too radical, so he went ahead and made his own political ideology, with blackjack and hookers. In his book, The Fascist Manifesto, he explains the similarities and differences between Fascism and the Socialism. He also used Lenin's 1927 "revolution" as an example of a Fascist Takeover, and the secret soviet police (the Cheka) was an inspiration for the SS.
(tldr: Fascism recognizes all the issues that socialism diagnoses, but considers socialism unable or not good enough to actually fix those issues).


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2021
This is my final response since it's beyond a unreasonable doubt that you will not argue in good faith and your now going into essentially unprovable or falsifiable claims. I'm not going to argue another 8 paragraphs with you if your unwilling to do the basic thing and read
Okay, in this case it would be unreasonable for you to start arguing with me again in the future, because you characterize me as a bad faith actor. I'm saying this to avoid having to go through something like this again. Fair enough?


Jan 28, 2015
ok i didn't read all the tread, but this is pretty much it.....but you need the undestanding of italian culture to really get what government was standing for
  • the religion thing was for promoting family (who can procreate) politics like giving moms who stayed at home an insurace for injuries, giving children the possybility to study ecc.......and to take power out of the vatican and this was a good thing considering that they don't pay taxes a lot of taxes considering that 20% of italy is propriety of cardinal priest and other church associated
  • the worshipping is kind of bullshit because in fascism, truth is that the ruler have absolute power, but giving it socialist nature the ruler is for the people, the goverment is the nation, than kicks in nationalism, the nation is the people....so it became sometingh like: do for the govenment because government will do for you
the manifest are never full explained because you have to know the way of thinking of the person who wrote it and Benito was a pretty solid man for the era

Interesting how OP never mentioned what Mussolini himself defined Fascism as.

He wasn't a good writer nor an intellectual, he made it pretty damn simple to understand:

Fascism means, as Mussolini himself defined it:
Everything for the Government, nothing outside the Government, nothing against the Government.

  • This can apply to a number of different ideologies from pretty much any any political spectrum, but Mussolini's Fascism has some very distinct traits, mainly:

  • - Imperialism: the term Fascism comes form the Roman Fascio, a symbol of the Roman empire, similar to how the Nazis appropriated the Swastika and called themselves the Third Reich (Third Empire). Mussolini wanted to bring back the Roman empire.

- Nationalized Industries: governmental control in a Fascist regime means that the means of production, even if declared "private", are really all under control of the one political party. There is also a huge hatred of foreign companies. Basically, there's no free market. You could say that the economic practices of Fascism are categorized under Mercantilism.

- Usage of religion for control of the masses: this is actually a very hard-to-spot characteristic of Fascism. The Fascists love using religion to advance their control over society, however they don't actually give religion itself any power, power is still in the government's hands. Basically it's like the middle ages but in reverse (government controls religion rather than religion controlling the government).

- Worshiping the Government and the supreme leader: this one is a no brainer. Even if there's religion all over the place for control, the government and the leader are still worshipped above everything and everyone, including God.

There's more, but I recommend you just read The Fascist Manifesto to have a really good idea of how this ideology behaves.

Now most of these traits are also very common in other regimes such as the USSR and the CCP, but that's really not a strange thing. Mussolini was a socialist for most of his political career, until he was kicked out of the Italian Socialist Party for being too radical, so he went ahead and made his own political ideology, with blackjack and hookers. In his book, The Fascist Manifesto, he explains the similarities and differences between Fascism and the Socialism. He also used Lenin's 1927 "revolution" as an example of a Fascist Takeover, and the secret soviet police (the Cheka) was an inspiration for the SS.
(tldr: Fascism recognizes all the issues that socialism diagnoses, but considers socialism unable or not good enough to actually fix those issues).
let me quickly explain something to you as an italian with gramps and uncle who lived trought fascism
  • fascism and socialism are the same thing, but fascism let "armed corp"(military,police,carabinieri,ecc) have more power to punish criminal who are caught in the act...giving people the possibility of nigth patrol. beating before the court, this resulted in less crime.
  • fascism unlike socialism don't "give" to people that don't contibute to society.....if you don't work you will not eat.....but when you where jobless government provided you, the patrol went to jobless people and make them clean the street or other type of things that cotributed too society and you got payed for that...now you are not jobless, you got payed, you can eat.
  • social security, healt care, ecc., all for the people......comunist, democrats should learn instead of making the rules for dad capitalism
  • food shortage? no prob.....the government will buy all the food and sell it at lowered price and sell it per quota, everybody have same thing at same price
  • industries you trying to get more that you deserve.....magic you are now nationalaized and work as you are supposed to do....also instead of importing it prioritized the local production......good for economy
  • istruction became obbligatory for children......you are welcome
  • infracstruture where made quickly you don't need 20 years for a sevage or a street.... read point 2
I can go on all day giving you exaple of how fascism really worked, the real problem was that you could not go agaist it you could improve it, but not oppose it.....it was national socialism with force involved, from the people to the people.....fascism is just a quick way to make socialism work, is not a bad thing (if you take "force" out) like you all comunist belive, like any political party some people always try to destroy it, but fascist responded with force and censor (totaly like the comunist, you should learn italian political hystory).
Now fascism worked well until people, coruption and world war 2 came out:
  • people in the "armed force" became superb and abused power (Police on a certain group in america? oh my god is the same)
  • power and money corupt people so the political party inevitabily became corrupt
  • and then war, italy where not ready for a war so mussolini decided to ally with hitler (adolf's national socialism was inspired by benito's fascism). Adolf was a "lovely" man, he just hated jews for economic reason, masking it with racism, until he met eva braun (partecipated in war coucils) then he was war here war there...... fast forward to the war the severe food shortage made fascism the "bad" because corrupt people in power (include military and patrol) began to steal food from the poor, abusing power and taking advantage of people...true story example: my gramps alone walked 140 km round trip for 5kg of fava beans needed for planting and eating (8 people family + side family (we help each other we are italians)) he was stopped and beans were stolen from him by the POLICE because they didn't belive he would sow them and the quota that week was 400 grams per family he was alone and they didn't belive it was for more than 1 family, but still he said fascism made good things for italy, because he lived trough hunger and know what people become when they are hungry. this was happenig while american, russian, french people where terrorizing normal people, stealing raping (marocchinate....is not just in the ciociara movie(i think english title is two women) and destroing.....in that years people discontent *insert meme* stonks, and the political party in power got the bad end
so basicaly i'm sayng fascism in not as bad as you think or some idiots tell you, is just a political ideology, sometimes it may be good, sometimes it may be shit, the problem is always the people.....
now you can understand this and stop saying fascism to everything because fascist and comunist have done the exact same things and stop being an idiot(squadrismo=fascist patrol who terrorized people with force.....Ronde armate proletarie=comunist patrol who terrorized people with force)
you can can say this is fascist propaganda.

my political ideology is an utopic world socialism, but only for those who cotribute to society, i am pro resposability of any kind "you reap what you sow", tax relief only to who can give a future to the nation( create jobs, births, big problems solutions,ecc), i am not anti lgbtqaip+-*:%# just don't tell me i don't need to know your sex life, and i'm not racist because i hate everybody at the same level.

sorry for the confusion, the english and the hinted(hoping is not to italian like minded) i hope i explained something to you all, if you got offended is your problem i didn't intend to offend anyone.

pretty much op incorrect with knwoledge from comunist party propaganda.


Jan 28, 2015
oohohohoohohohohoho i forgot the funniest thing

in italy there is a law voted by the democrats in the first republic after the war:
basicaly if you are fascist or defend fascism, make roman salute in public, ecc., you get arrested.
i'm asking you, is this not fascism? (ironically)
i'm trully sad for the roman salute it rapresented history of the entire world!


Aug 20, 2019
ok i didn't read all the tread, but this is pretty much it.....but you need the undestanding of italian culture to really get what government was standing for
  • the religion thing was for promoting family (who can procreate) politics like giving moms who stayed at home an insurace for injuries, giving children the possybility to study ecc.......and to take power out of the vatican and this was a good thing considering that they don't pay taxes a lot of taxes considering that 20% of italy is propriety of cardinal priest and other church associated
  • the worshipping is kind of bullshit because in fascism, truth is that the ruler have absolute power, but giving it socialist nature the ruler is for the people, the goverment is the nation, than kicks in nationalism, the nation is the people....so it became sometingh like: do for the govenment because government will do for you
the manifest are never full explained because you have to know the way of thinking of the person who wrote it and Benito was a pretty solid man for the era

let me quickly explain something to you as an italian with gramps and uncle who lived trought fascism
  • fascism and socialism are the same thing, but fascism let "armed corp"(military,police,carabinieri,ecc) have more power to punish criminal who are caught in the act...giving people the possibility of nigth patrol. beating before the court, this resulted in less crime.
  • fascism unlike socialism don't "give" to people that don't contibute to society.....if you don't work you will not eat.....but when you where jobless government provided you, the patrol went to jobless people and make them clean the street or other type of things that cotributed too society and you got payed for that...now you are not jobless, you got payed, you can eat.
  • social security, healt care, ecc., all for the people......comunist, democrats should learn instead of making the rules for dad capitalism
  • food shortage? no prob.....the government will buy all the food and sell it at lowered price and sell it per quota, everybody have same thing at same price
  • industries you trying to get more that you deserve.....magic you are now nationalaized and work as you are supposed to do....also instead of importing it prioritized the local production......good for economy
  • istruction became obbligatory for children......you are welcome
  • infracstruture where made quickly you don't need 20 years for a sevage or a street.... read point 2
I can go on all day giving you exaple of how fascism really worked, the real problem was that you could not go agaist it you could improve it, but not oppose it.....it was national socialism with force involved, from the people to the people.....fascism is just a quick way to make socialism work, is not a bad thing (if you take "force" out) like you all comunist belive, like any political party some people always try to destroy it, but fascist responded with force and censor (totaly like the comunist, you should learn italian political hystory).
Now fascism worked well until people, coruption and world war 2 came out:
  • people in the "armed force" became superb and abused power (Police on a certain group in america? oh my god is the same)
  • power and money corupt people so the political party inevitabily became corrupt
  • and then war, italy where not ready for a war so mussolini decided to ally with hitler (adolf's national socialism was inspired by benito's fascism). Adolf was a "lovely" man, he just hated jews for economic reason, masking it with racism, until he met eva braun (partecipated in war coucils) then he was war here war there...... fast forward to the war the severe food shortage made fascism the "bad" because corrupt people in power (include military and patrol) began to steal food from the poor, abusing power and taking advantage of people...true story example: my gramps alone walked 140 km round trip for 5kg of fava beans needed for planting and eating (8 people family + side family (we help each other we are italians)) he was stopped and beans were stolen from him by the POLICE because they didn't belive he would sow them and the quota that week was 400 grams per family he was alone and they didn't belive it was for more than 1 family, but still he said fascism made good things for italy, because he lived trough hunger and know what people become when they are hungry. this was happenig while american, russian, french people where terrorizing normal people, stealing raping (marocchinate....is not just in the ciociara movie(i think english title is two women) and destroing.....in that years people discontent *insert meme* stonks, and the political party in power got the bad end
so basicaly i'm sayng fascism in not as bad as you think or some idiots tell you, is just a political ideology, sometimes it may be good, sometimes it may be shit, the problem is always the people.....
now you can understand this and stop saying fascism to everything because fascist and comunist have done the exact same things and stop being an idiot(squadrismo=fascist patrol who terrorized people with force.....Ronde armate proletarie=comunist patrol who terrorized people with force)
you can can say this is fascist propaganda.

my political ideology is an utopic world socialism, but only for those who cotribute to society, i am pro resposability of any kind "you reap what you sow", tax relief only to who can give a future to the nation( create jobs, births, big problems solutions,ecc), i am not anti lgbtqaip+-*:%# just don't tell me i don't need to know your sex life, and i'm not racist because i hate everybody at the same level.

sorry for the confusion, the english and the hinted(hoping is not to italian like minded) i hope i explained something to you all, if you got offended is your problem i didn't intend to offend anyone.

pretty much op incorrect with knwoledge from comunist party propaganda.
Most of those points can easily be found on other authoritarian regimes like communism, a bit different but more or less the same end result.

I think the main problem here is that people want to use Fascism as a synonim of authoritarianism, and that's the same as saying that "all flowers are roses", which they aren't (all fascists are totalitarian, but not all totalitarian are fascists).
Basically there's other totalitarian ideologies still alive today and still killing and oppressing people, but dumbass wokers nowadays are too cowards to fight them so they prefer to fight some ideology that's been dead for over 80 years.

Fascismo can only really be applied to Mussolini's Italy, it can't even be applied to Hitler's Germany or Spain's Franco. They are very similar, but they also have many differences (as many as the differences between Nazi Germany and the USSR).
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