Review cover Disgaea 4 Complete+ (Computer)
Official GBAtemp Review

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): September 10, 2020
  • Release Date (EU): September 10, 2020
  • Publisher: NIS America
  • Developer: Nippon Ichi Software
  • Genres: RPG, Action, Strategy
  • Also For: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer
In the runup to the long-awaited Disgaea 6, we look at the latest re-release of Disgaea 4 to see if it still holds up nine years after its initial PS3 release.


Until recent years, the SRPG genre has remained a relatively niche market. Though big hitters have come and gone, be it Final Fantasy Tactics, Shining Force, or Advance Wars, each had their following, but none quite became the mainstay they had hoped. With the advent of games like Fire Emblem Awakening and XCOM: Enemy Unknown, the genre exploded with new life and love, but no title can quite hold a candle to the absurd brilliance of the Disgaea series. With this definitive edition of the definitive edition of the fourth entry available on PC and modern consoles, I hope to give you a glimpse of what makes this series so great.


The game opens in Hades where you meet our protagonist Valvatorez, a vampire sworn to never again taste human blood. Once a powerful tyrant, he now has the generally-undesirable job of Prinny Instructor, doomed to eternally mould the souls of sinful humans into the obedient doods you all know and love. I’ll waste little time trying to explain the plot, because frankly it goes off the rails fast. The Corrupternment decides that Prinny overpopulation has become a real issue in the Netherworld, and decides the mass-extermination of our patchwork penguins is the only option. One thing leads to another, and suddenly our main man is on a warpath against the very Corrupternment he once worked for. If the plots of this series are one thing, they are consistent. They’re unpredictable, they’re devilishly funny, and they’re also fully voice acted. Listening to the characters as they frame a prison warden for their own crimes, or discuss sardines as a substitute for human blood, it elevates the whole thing. The series as a whole is one of few I find myself skipping very little of the voiced dialogue. It’s just too good; I crave more.

Review image Review image Review image Review image

Looking to the gameplay, any SRPG fans will feel right at home. It’s familiar in all the right ways. As standard, you have an isometric view akin to Final Fantasy Tactics, where a turn can be broken down into moving your characters, performing an action, and watching them be executed. It’s worth saying here though that a top-down view more closely similar to the Fire Emblem series is also available. I did notice a few minor texture layering issues using this mode, and it’s more difficult to visualise height, but I’m grateful it’s there all the same. Isometry was the biggest reason I struggled to get into the series initially, my mind just doesn’t play well with it. Back to the gameplay though, there are a number of actions available to you in a turn to provide a surprising level of depth to play. Sure you can attack and use skills, but then you also have things like Magichange–the ability to turn your monster allies into weapons for your human allies. This is interesting because the weapon’s effectiveness is based on the monster’s stats. The stronger the monster, the stronger the weapon. And just like that you find yourself wanting to train another character. You can also merge two of the same monster type to create a giant monster and again you find yourself wanting to train more characters, wanting to try new things. As a series, it incentivises grinding and experimentation in a way I simply haven’t come across elsewhere, and the games are designed to accommodate this.


Of course, much of my praise is praise for the larger series, so what does Disgaea 4 have to offer for itself? In all honesty, there’s not that much. The most significant feature you’ll only find here is Cam-Pain HQ. Since Valvatorez is taking on the Corrupternment, it makes sense he’d have his own campaign to win the masses. In reality, this is a large map that houses all the characters in your party. As you complete more maps in the story, you unlock more tiles here that can be occupied by more party members. What’s more, you can use this space to place Evil Symbols if you find yourself not at capacity for allies. Evil Symbols provide a good variety of boosts and advantages to you, some only working for characters within their proximity, while others providing a set effect. You can see my setup below for the first two Evil Symbols you acquire. These two allow for a fraction of EXP and Mana gained by the leader, in this case, Valvatorez for both, to be distributed to the other members within the vicinity. Some characters also have Evilities that are provide bonuses based on their position in Cam-Pain HQ, such as providing a bonus to stats based on how many allies are adjacent to the appropriate ally.


Watch out for the shady "DLC" guy.

There is one more thing that, at least to the best of my knowledge, is unique to Disgaea 4–or to be more specific, Disgaea 4 Complete+. I am of course talking about the new “DLC”. For small portions of real-world money, you can minimise the grind with EXP boosters, and various other handy tools. That’s right folks, microtransactions! Honestly, it goes beyond the usual response of corporate greed. I’m just left asking why? Who is this for? The game is well-paced where you don’t need to grind unless you enjoy it, and is designed in a way as to make it accessible and simple if you do. Heck, it’s a game that has a cheat shop as a feature. A cheat shop where you can readily increase your yield of EXP, Mana, or money. On top of this, you can scale enemy difficulty to get as high levelled as early on as you want. I understand EXP boosters in games designed around a certain task taking a certain amount of time, MMOs that lock levels behind hours of grinding to keep people in their ecosystem. Disgaea 4 by comparison, is a game where you can hit max level many times in an hour by the point in the game where it actually matters. It’s really not the microtransactions in themselves that annoy me, it’s the choice of game they decided to put them in. It doesn’t make sense to me, and would even go as far as to say it diminishes the satisfaction that comes from defeating the game’s hardest foes, knowing you didn’t quite earn it yourself. If you want the payoff without the effort, you may as well be using Cheat Engine if you’re playing on PC. At least that’s free.

Looking beyond the unwanted extras, much of what makes Disgaea great is on show here. If you get tired of grinding levels for your cohort of corruption, you can get to work on levelling up their items through the Item World. Using this chain of randomly generated levels, you can delve deep and reap incredible rewards. You also have Chara World, which is used to increase certain character attributes, though if you’ve previously played Disgaea 5 you may be left a little disappointed. Where Disgaea 5 evolved Chara World to be a cute board game and something entirely its own, Disgaea 4’s implementation is a carbon copy of Item World. Random levels to get through, with permanent bonuses waiting at the end for you. They’re both certainly fun, but going back to Disgaea 4 now, I really do appreciate the changes made by its successor. It’s not that the Chara World on offer here is bad, it’s just nothing particularly different. If you’ve been grinding Item World for a few hours, you probably wouldn’t want to jump into Chara World for more of the same. I live in hope the upcoming Disgaea 6 can evolve these features further, though exactly what I want to be added remains somewhat of an unknown.


In this house, we cheat.

To give a brief rundown of the PC port, I can say it's fine. There's no real frills, but it runs well. Testing it on my 1440p ultrawide monitor, the game did run at its native resolution, albeit with the somewhat expected black bars. The mouse and keyboard support is equally fine, though perhaps a little clumsy. There's just something unsettling about the screen panning when you click the mouse on a tile. If camera movement and tile selection were detached, I think I'd have had a far more comfortable experience, but as things stand I'd probably recommend using a controller. 

All things considered, I struggle to contest that Disgaea 4 Complete+ is a great entry to the series. While I definitely wouldn’t call it the definitive edition, with its additions being more detrimental than positive, it’s great to see it hit both the Switch and PC for an unparalleled sense of availability. If you enjoyed Disgaea 5 and haven’t had a chance to play any other games in the series, this is one to check out. It’s familiar in all the right ways, and incredibly easy to jump into and fall in love with. Limit your spending to the price of the game, and you’ll have a grand time.


What We Liked ...
  • More Disgaea on more platforms
  • Brilliant off the rails humour
  • Almost fully voice acted dialogue
  • Interesting ideas in the Cam-Pain HQ
  • Cheat Shop is available very early on to tweak your experience
What We Didn't Like ...
  • Only notable addition for Complete+ is a microtransaction con shop
  • Chara World feels lacking after experiencing Disgaea 5's implementation
  • Mouse and keyboard controls feel clunky
SRPG action at its best, and I really mean that. You have a gameplay loop that rewards grinding without requiring it, and makes it fun. As a series, it keeps getting better, and while this may not be the latest and greatest, it still holds up brilliantly.
For an almost ten year old game, Disgaea 4 is looking as fresh as ever. You have a fairly standard Disgaea art style, complete with over the top skills, dialogue, and voice acting. It's perhaps nothing new for the series, but great all the same.
Lasting Appeal
Like any a Disgaea game, how much you get out if it comes entirely down to you. With Chara World and Item World essentially being the same thing, I'd argue there's a little less replayability here than perhaps Disgaea 5, just because you're likely to get tired of the same thing faster. That said, if you enjoy the random levels of Item World, you may appreciate having more of it to explore than the board game of Disgaea 5's Chara World.
out of 10


Disgaea 4 Complete+ puts out a great game on modern hardware, that much is indisputably good. If you've played Disgaea 5 and want something to tide you over until Disgaea 6 drops later in the year, this is for you. If you want to jump in and use this as your first glimpse into the series, it's a great choice too. However you choose to play, just make sure to avoid the shady corporate "DLC" guy.
Where is your evility setup? None of the screens show it.
I can grab some screens after work, but I'm basically just running the default skills lol. Didn't get as deep into D4 as I did with D5, kinda knowing how much of a time sink it can be. I'll probably end up coming back to it for a more thorough run when I'm a bit more free.
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The best part is that the microtransaction shop doesn't even work if you're playing the Game Pass version. It'll pop up the Windows Store and let you buy stuff, but gives a server error when you try and claim it in-game.
Oh wow, issues with microtransactions aside I had no idea the game was available on Game Pass. Say what you will about MS but that service is incredible value.
Until recent years, the SRPG genre has remained a relatively niche market. Though big hitters have come and gone, be it Final Fantasy Tactics, Shining Force, or Advance Wars, each had their following, but none quite became the mainstay they had hoped. With the advent of games like Fire Emblem Awakening and XCOM: Enemy Unknown, the genre exploded with new life and love, but no title can quite hold a candle to the absurd brilliance of the Disgaea series.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails[...]: "Am I a joke to you?"
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Reactions: Julie_Pilgrim
Given Sky SC's sales...yes, it is a joke :cry:
LOH/Eiyuu Densetsu has always been under the radar because of a lack of advertising and a lack of etc. When it comes to sheer game quality though I doubt even you disagree that Disgaea is the inferior series, even if by a small bit. Disgaea's fun is simply its being grindy non-sense anyhow. Trails is always gonna be the premiere SRPG for story, world building, and char development :P.
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Reactions: Julie_Pilgrim
LOH/Eiyuu Densetsu has always been under the radar because of a lack of advertising and a lack of etc. When it comes to sheer game quality though I doubt even you disagree that Disgaea is the inferior series, even if by a small bit. Disgaea's fun is simply its being grindy non-sense anyhow. Trails is always gonna be the premiere SRPG for story, world building, and char development :P.
I’ve only played Disgaea—the original.

Meanwhile, I’m only missing out on the most recent ToCS entires purely because they weren’t made by XSEED and I’m nervous to see how the translation is after the change of hands.

Trails is a ridiculous franchise, really without compare. I know it can be nestled into the genre of SRPG, but I don’t consider it as one, at least in my mind. It’s so much of its own beast—a mishmash of exploration, story, and just about anything anyone would want from any JRPG.

Or maybe Trails is so good that it’s unfair to put it next to other games. Lol.
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Reactions: Julie_Pilgrim
I’ve only played Disgaea—the original.

Meanwhile, I’m only missing out on the most recent ToCS entires purely because they weren’t made by XSEED and I’m nervous to see how the translation is after the change of hands.

Trails is a ridiculous franchise, really without compare. I know it can be nestled into the genre of SRPG, but I don’t consider it as one, at least in my mind. It’s so much of its own beast—a mishmash of exploration, story, and just about anything anyone would want from any JRPG.

Or maybe Trails is so good that it’s unfair to put it next to other games. Lol.

Considering the combat's definitely SRPG (replacing the square grid with a move pixel-based approach), I'd consider it an SRPG. I dunno if that will remain in Kuro No Kiseki though.

While Cold Steel is a SLIGHT decline from the Sky/Crossbell arcs, it still is a VERY well written world and barely eeks out a 8/10 wherein I'd give most of Sky/Crossbell a 10/10 (and I rarely eek that opinion out ever). It may not be for everyone (TOOK ME 3 FREAKIN' TRIES to get through the prologue of Sky FC!), but my god never has a series more thoroughly captivated my soul.

Also, yeah, Trails really feels like a league of its own, and it HURTS AND baffles me it doesn't get the coverage or respect it should.

That the ONLY REVIEW on the series is you covering CS1 is also an atrocity. One that must be resolved somehow!!!
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Reactions: Julie_Pilgrim
Considering the combat's definitely SRPG (replacing the square grid with a move pixel-based approach), I'd consider it an SRPG. I dunno if that will remain in Kuro No Kiseki though.

While Cold Steel is a SLIGHT decline from the Sky/Crossbell arcs, it still is a VERY well written world and barely eeks out a 8/10 wherein I'd give most of Sky/Crossbell a 10/10 (and I rarely eek that opinion out ever). It may not be for everyone (TOOK ME 3 FREAKIN' TRIES to get through the prologue of Sky FC!), but my god never has a series more thoroughly captivated my soul.

Also, yeah, Trails really feels like a league of its own, and it HURTS AND baffles me it doesn't get the coverage or respect it should.

That the ONLY REVIEW on the series is you covering CS1 is also an atrocity. One that must be resolved somehow!!!
If they're really as good as you're making out, I'll give them a shot sometime and write up something for the front page. No idea when it'll be though, there's too many games to play at the moment lol
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Reactions: Julie_Pilgrim
If they're really as good as you're making out, I'll give them a shot sometime and write up something for the front page. No idea when it'll be though, there's too many games to play at the moment lol
They're all older games up until I wanna say CS3/4, and bar the CS quadrology (which is just GOOD, but nowhere near horrible bar a number of narrative choices involving the Persona dating-like system...), they're all godly games in my book. Sky FC starts out as a slow ride, because it is meant to feel low scale. Like I said - took me 3 tries to even get past the prologue (I restarted each time to get the full story). And once I completed that first chapter I zoomed *ALL THE WAY* through Sky SC, Sky TC, and Zero + CS1 (I'm waiting for Geofront to finish the Azure translation now).,

It's my opinion that Trails is the definition of an "Epic" in Gaming form. Each game tells their own story while also building up to a bigger whole, and even when ending each saga you can't help but be excited for the next verse (game) in the series. I also have constantly referred to the three original sagas (Sky, Zero/Azure, and Cold Steel) as basically the equivalent of the MCU. Each series builds up their own casts, only for them to collide and crossover in their own version of Infinity War (Cold Steel 3) and End Game (Cold Steel 4).

Sky 2nd Chapter (or Sky SC as it's often known as, or SC for short) alone is more raw wordcount in the game than War and Peace, and if I remember larger in wordcount then the entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy. That goes to show just how much depth they put into the world seeing as all the re-talk convos and the variant conversations (and at least one Variant cutscene I can think of)! These games are massive.

Edit: I feel it necessary to express how I felt when I saw only a review for CS1 was on the site, in Trails form:

They're all older games up until I wanna say CS3/4, and bar the CS quadrology (which is just GOOD, but nowhere near horrible bar a number of narrative choices involving the Persona dating-like system...), they're all godly games in my book. Sky FC starts out as a slow ride, because it is meant to feel low scale. Like I said - took me 3 tries to even get past the prologue (I restarted each time to get the full story). And once I completed that first chapter I zoomed *ALL THE WAY* through Sky SC, Sky TC, and Zero + CS1 (I'm waiting for Geofront to finish the Azure translation now).,

It's my opinion that Trails is the definition of an "Epic" in Gaming form. Each game tells their own story while also building up to a bigger whole, and even when ending each saga you can't help but be excited for the next verse (game) in the series. I also have constantly referred to the three original sagas (Sky, Zero/Azure, and Cold Steel) as basically the equivalent of the MCU. Each series builds up their own casts, only for them to collide and crossover in their own version of Infinity War (Cold Steel 3) and End Game (Cold Steel 4).

Sky 2nd Chapter (or Sky SC as it's often known as, or SC for short) alone is more raw wordcount in the game than War and Peace, and if I remember larger in wordcount then the entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy. That goes to show just how much depth they put into the world seeing as all the re-talk convos and the variant conversations (and at least one Variant cutscene I can think of)! These games are massive.

Edit: I feel it necessary to express how I felt when I saw only a review for CS1 was on the site, in Trails form:

What game is that? I assume it's an edit but still
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Reactions: Julie_Pilgrim
Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): September 10, 2020
  • Release Date (EU): September 10, 2020
  • Publisher: NIS America
  • Developer: Nippon Ichi Software
  • Genres: RPG, Action, Strategy
  • Also For: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    hunter x hunter
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    he has not allowed anyone to continue it for him for example
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @salazarcosplay, theres a dragon ball af mod for budokai 3
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    updated ship of harkinian, gonna install some hd texture pack
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    I might download rayman revolution for my ps3
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I may try the new ram site, and download more RAM to my Switch. Not sure if ddr3 is the right ram
    for it tho. Edit- no it uses floppy Ram, just like @AncientBoi
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    And sometimes Z
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @K3Nv2, MAGA supporters be wearing tin foil hats lol.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, whats maga?
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    It stands for Maniacs Against General Acceptance
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, people rejecting general consensus about stuff?
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yup, nuh its really just Trump followers
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, im not american so i dont care about trump
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    or us elections
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Me niether, us north Koreans don't care
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    good night
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    i don't care either, even if i'm american
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    truth be told, i agree with psi, i dislike both candidates, but i'd probably vote trump simply because the economy was better during his presidency
  • AngryCinnabon @ AngryCinnabon:
    Just be careful, if trump ends up winning and using project 2025 America might really change...for the worse.
  • AngryCinnabon @ AngryCinnabon:
    I'm not american and even that sends shivers down my spine.
  • AngryCinnabon @ AngryCinnabon:
    anything that offers trump an opportunity to become an actual dictator
    is bad in my book, i could care less if it wasn't for that...
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Canada: America's Russia
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    people are so dramatic that I can't even tell if they are being serious
    NinStar @ NinStar: people are so dramatic that I can't even tell if they are being serious