• Friendly reminder: The politics section is a place where a lot of differing opinions are raised. You may not like what you read here but it is someone's opinion. As long as the debate is respectful you are free to debate freely. Also, the views and opinions expressed by forum members may not necessarily reflect those of GBAtemp. Messages that the staff consider offensive or inflammatory may be removed in line with existing forum terms and conditions.

10 year old killed his mom because she didn't buy a VR set


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Corporal punishment is a double-edged sword - it overwhelmingly produces immediate compliance in children, but it’s also associated with increased aggression, delinquency and anti-social/criminal behaviour in the child. There’s evidence to believe that it reduces IQ over time, and should the parent become reliant on it, it’s associated with domestic abuse. After all, if hitting the child produces immediate compliant behaviour, why rely on any other method? It’s a trap. The negative consequences outweigh the benefits in *most* scenarios.


You have to think logically about what you’re doing. Using violence teaches the child that the argument of force is an effective way to achieve an objective, which is not a good lesson.

There are two camps out there - one that advocates the complete abolition of corporal punishment and one that vehemently believes it’s a good method of disciplining a child. Neither camp is really “correct” - in the gross majority of scenarios there are much better ways of disciplining a child, but there *are* scenarios is which corporal punishment would be warranted, however extreme and rare those scenarios are.

Overall, discipline enforcement is a mixture of positive and negative reinforcement, and physical violence sits on the absolute extreme end of negative reinforcement. It should not be the de facto method - you’re skipping a lot of steps if hitting a child is your first though. That being said, you cannot “negotiate” with a child that raises its hand at you.

There’s an order to every household, and the parent should always be at the top of that order, in control. Control is not to be confused with the use of force - that’s actually lack of control. There’s no strength in having a short temper, but there’s also no strength in letting a child waltz around like it’s the king of the castle. It is far better to be respected than it is to be feared, and there’s a myriad of paths to get there. The exact path will be different for every child and every family.


Life-long Learner
Nov 12, 2015
United States
Your first mistake was assuming it was a rhetorical statement, just because I didn't quote the specific people I described. But also I made it slightly broader than the specific individuals in this thread because individuals like what I described aren't exactly rare outside of it either.
It fits the definition of a rhetorical statement. One example is your metaphor regarding masturbatory activity. Metaphor is a rhetorical device. I'm not sure how that is an assumption on my part since it is obvious that you did not mean that individuals are literally doing what you stated they were doing. What do you believe is a rhetorical statement if your audience is not supposed to infer such from your statement?

There is no amount of beating that is not abusive, unless all involved parties consent to it. That has been settled science for over 60 years. Other disciplinary tactics like just taking away toys or denying rewards / treats until behavior improves are both more effective and less likely to cause lasting trauma.
Are you sure? I was spanked and it was not abuse. Am I unique exception among those that have experienced corporal punishment? Also, if science were settled, we would still believe maggots are derived from spontaneous generation. The very essence of science is that it is never "settled." If it were, individuals like Johan Mendel (father of genetics), Anton van Leeuwenhoek (father of microbiology), and Joseph Lister (father of antiseptic surgery) would be remembered in infamy as science deniers today. The science was "settled" before their revolutionary discoveries.

The reason for that is that the work hours have exponentially increased since the days of yore, and particularly single parents often have to work 2 jobs or more, limiting their ability to spend time with the kids even more. Better pay, more PTO, and a shorter work week would drastically improve chances kids get in every aspect, not just in how well behaved they are.
What you are describing is a consequence of increased consumption. The demand for convenient goods and services has increased exponentially. This then causes an increased demand for labor to supply these conveniences. Better pay, increased PTO, and a shorter work week sounds great, though fails to address the issue driving labor demand, consumer consumption. I do not see any sort of quick fix since the solution would require a cultural shift in attitude regarding consumerism (not an easy task with aggressive and invasive commercial advertising). Providing such benefits would seem to only exasperate consumer demand for labor supply rather than decrease it since time away from work is typically utilized to consume goods and services.

Lots of people can quote scripture but fail to follow it, in fact I believe there's at least one bible story about exactly that.
Therefore Christian love is actually hate? You will need to elaborate your reasoning. As far as my lack of mind reading abilities are concerned, this is a non-sequitur.

And there's another one for the bingo card, no a missing father is not a driving force for misbehaving children, it's the reduction of human contact that is the problem. The father could easily be substituted by other adults (relatives, adult siblings, another mom, it doesn't matter) with absolutely no detriment to the child's upbringing. As said prior the main reason why children of single parents do worse than those with two parents in the picture is the lack of time that can be spend with the children, as well as that single parents generally have to work longer to make ends meet, those are absent even more than they would be if they had another partner to share the work load with.
None of that is conjecture, either, if you look at the numbers emotionally neglected children where both parents are present but simply don't interact with the kids have the same problems, while children of gay couples get the exact same benefits as kids with more traditional families at home.
Okay, so what you are saying is that an absent father is not a contributing factor while single parenthood is a contributing factor. The problem with this line of reasoning is that the majority of single parent homes are missing the father, at least that is the case in my area. I am also aware of the fact that repeated behavior children in public schools tend to come from homes without the biological father, with a revolving door of live-in boyfriends or, an abusive and/or negligent father. Basically, these children lack a stable and safe male parental figure. I was blessed to have a father that suffered the tragedy of being raised without his own father, who passed away from cancer. This caused him to vow never to allow his children to go without their father. My area is not so progressive as to have a significant pool of same-sex parents to render such a factor as relevant in these observable cases. These are children and families that I actually interact with. They are not some anonymous, impersonal, ambiguous statistic in an academic publication I read online.

Your attempt to tell me that only your perspective is valid because you have talked to people in real life is also slightly tainted by the fact that you forgot you're telling me all this online. Whichever part I pick of your text to be true invalidates the other.
I am honestly unsure what you mean to say here. Do you mean that the fact that I claim that predominantly perceiving reality through the online lens causes a warped perception of reality has tainted that claim? If this is what you mean, please explain this phenomenon further since my reference to hyperreality was to express that my knowledge and experience on the subject is not chiefly online and that I suspect your own to be. If you disagree, please explain.

Your experiences are certainly valid, though likely weren't exactly examined critically considering you're readily citing drugs as the reason for the dysfunction, when in most cases there are a consequence and only used as a form of escapism from abuse, trauma, or similar.
Did I?
Exposure to frequent drug use, including marijuana, though most commonly alcohol, at home is another factor I've found in common with those individuals.
I thought that I was expressing that frequent drug use in the home is another factor I've found in common within the most hateful and resentful people that I know. You may read the context of the above excerpt again. I do not believe that I "cited drugs as the reason for the dysfunction." If you disagree, please explain why. It's also unclear as to what dysfunction you are referring to since there are two possibilities in this discussion, child behavior and adult hate and resentment.

My own experiences offline paint a slightly different picture, a lot fewer christians in general and the ones that were "practicing" most often only did lip service. They preach one thing and then do another, but since they can ask for forgiveness it's okay that they aren't living up to the standards they proclaim to honor. As a result the kids of those people were generally far less happy than those of atheists, and even as adults these christian offspring have often trouble with being able to talk about their emotions, or just the general substance abuses so popular among neglected children.
Hypocrisy is innately human. I can't really speak for others, but for myself it can be frustrating at times as the flesh and the reborn spirit war with one another.
"For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree with the law, that it is good. So now it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me.

"So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being, but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin" (Rom. 7:15-25, ESV).
The context of the above Scripture is that the Apostle Paul is arguing that the purpose of the Law of Moses (Torah) is to inform us of our inherent unrighteousness, thus necessitating the coming of the Messianic Savior, that is Christ Jesus. I highly recommend reading the entire epistle, not just the above excerpt from the section labeled Chapter Seven. Paul presents a well formulated apology for his position, making it an enjoyable read.

As my signature expresses, we are to hate the sin and not the sinner. Whether other professing Christians practice that or not, I cannot control and will not attempt to control. I can only petition for repentance and point to Jesus Christ. I do ask that you resist the urge of using sinners to justify your hatred of Jesus Christ. Though He is wholly man, He is also wholly God.


going hire Ronald McDonald To Gun Down Nintendo.
Apr 16, 2008
United States
kids killing parent's over video games is sad. hell i was a little piss pot when i asked for a game and my mom said no. so i rammed my shopping cart in her ankle... she would not do anything for me for a while after even my own laundry... you should never hurt/kill you parent's there the one who gave birth to you.


Sepatown, my damie.
May 3, 2010
United States
I like that I described a very specific suit and three separate people took offense that it fits them perfectly.

It is a pity that the irony of you copying what I said to twist it will be lost on you. But it is a trait of Christianity after all to take everything they can get from other religions and slap their own sticker on it.
Also not surprised you had to pepper in racism and transphobia there.

Nothing unexpected here.

I succinctly described a very specific type of person by their behavior, nothing more and nothing less. The fact that this type of person uses a certain religion to push for and validate their agenda is not disrespect on my part.

I also grew up with a gameboy in hand and were basically never without at least one of my electronic devices. And yet the only people I have physically or mentally hurt on purpose were bullies, either of my own person or someone else.
The "electronics bad" is the same cheap excuse as back in the day when you had people sit in front of the TV every waking hour. The problem is a lack of social interactions with other people at large and that parents are generally too overworked to be able to give those interactions to the kids, or have them able to get the kids together with other kids.

I hope the kid gets the help he needs, whether it'll be in prison or in a psychiatric center. If he can still grow into emotional maturity he's going to need that therapy once he's able to comprehend the full breadth of his actions on that day.

Your first mistake was assuming it was a rhetorical statement, just because I didn't quote the specific people I described. But also I made it slightly broader than the specific individuals in this thread because individuals like what I described aren't exactly rare outside of it either.

There is no amount of beating that is not abusive, unless all involved parties consent to it. That has been settled science for over 60 years. Other disciplinary tactics like just taking away toys or denying rewards / treats until behavior improves are both more effective and less likely to cause lasting trauma.

The reason for that is that the work hours have exponentially increased since the days of yore, and particularly single parents often have to work 2 jobs or more, limiting their ability to spend time with the kids even more. Better pay, more PTO, and a shorter work week would drastically improve chances kids get in every aspect, not just in how well behaved they are.

There's also likely more effects at play, though, like the rise in CO2 lowering cognitive ability and development, both of which have already been observed in humans and are going to accelerate over the coming decades.

Lots of people can quote scripture but fail to follow it, in fact I believe there's at least one bible story about exactly that.

And there's another one for the bingo card, no a missing father is not a driving force for misbehaving children, it's the reduction of human contact that is the problem. The father could easily be substituted by other adults (relatives, adult siblings, another mom, it doesn't matter) with absolutely no detriment to the child's upbringing. As said prior the main reason why children of single parents do worse than those with two parents in the picture is the lack of time that can be spend with the children, as well as that single parents generally have to work longer to make ends meet, those are absent even more than they would be if they had another partner to share the work load with.
None of that is conjecture, either, if you look at the numbers emotionally neglected children where both parents are present but simply don't interact with the kids have the same problems, while children of gay couples get the exact same benefits as kids with more traditional families at home.

Your attempt to tell me that only your perspective is valid because you have talked to people in real life is also slightly tainted by the fact that you forgot you're telling me all this online. Whichever part I pick of your text to be true invalidates the other.
Your experiences are certainly valid, though likely weren't exactly examined critically considering you're readily citing drugs as the reason for the dysfunction, when in most cases there are a consequence and only used as a form of escapism from abuse, trauma, or similar.
My own experiences offline paint a slightly different picture, a lot fewer christians in general and the ones that were "practicing" most often only did lip service. They preach one thing and then do another, but since they can ask for forgiveness it's okay that they aren't living up to the standards they proclaim to honor. As a result the kids of those people were generally far less happy than those of atheists, and even as adults these christian offspring have often trouble with being able to talk about their emotions, or just the general substance abuses so popular among neglected children.
Not a Christian, little boy. Not a Republican. Not a boomer. So that's three strikes against your flimsy little Strawman.

Just because you get checked by multiple people doesn't mean you OFFENDED multiple people. It just means you presented a shitty argument and got slapped down by the entire room.

Please find something more original than calling everyone who disagrees with you a racist, or of harboring a phobia. These words don't work at all. On anyone. Not sure what you were expecting, here. Probably not THIS outcome.

Please sit down and shut up. You're embarrassing yourself.
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Dec 11, 2015
You have to think logically about what you’re doing. Using violence teaches the child that the argument of force is an effective way to achieve an objective, which is not a good lesson.
There's a reason we send Army's into war, because usually it's a last resort when talking doesn't work. violence works 100% to achieve your objective - it always has and it always will.

Let's face facts here: When you tell a child to do something repeatedly and they repeatedly ignore you, when you've exhausted other means such as telling them their grounded and they sneak out, took their toys away and they are still cheeky, you are left wtih little option but to inflict some quick pain - a cuff round the ear followed by a few tears is a sure fire way to teach a child that there will be repercussions for their actions. It's better they learn this lesson young because when they are older if they go out and annoy the wrong person they are likely to get more than a cuff around the ear, some people just won't put up with their crap and will give them a severe beating. Now some might not agree with this, but I grew up in a harder time in a reasonably harder environment than the youth of today grow up in and you knew certainly weren't cheeky to the school bully or the gangs that would have zero regrets about knocking your teeth out if you stepped out of line. These are human traits and always will be. If one of your American progressive youths/teens came to my town and tried to give a lecture about your prefered pronouns or any of your woke ideaology to some of the local boys/girls around here, you would be laughed and and then be beaten up and nobody would want to hang around with you. It's best to instill respect and discipline at a young age, these are lessons evey kid should learn from the day they are able to understand things which benefits them in the long run.
Last edited by mrdude,
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2014
When people come up with the decision that killing someone is a good idea, they're no longer a child. When they take action and actually kill someone (no matter the reason), justice must be enforced accordingly.

If the justice enforcement system doesn't take action and avoid their commendment, they're protecting someone that as an adult will believe wrong actions don't deserve a punishment.

USA's law enforcement system is rotten up to the roots. But wait, its not the only one in the world, sadly.
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Literally the wurst.
Jul 1, 2018
It fits the definition of a rhetorical statement. One example is your metaphor regarding masturbatory activity. Metaphor is a rhetorical device. I'm not sure how that is an assumption on my part since it is obvious that you did not mean that individuals are literally doing what you stated they were doing. What do you believe is a rhetorical statement if your audience is not supposed to infer such from your statement?
You're still missing the forest for the trees. And quite frankly I don't have the desire to hold your hand through understanding the mockery.
Are you sure? I was spanked and it was not abuse. Am I unique exception among those that have experienced corporal punishment? Also, if science were settled, we would still believe maggots are derived from spontaneous generation. The very essence of science is that it is never "settled." If it were, individuals like Johan Mendel (father of genetics), Anton van Leeuwenhoek (father of microbiology), and Joseph Lister (father of antiseptic surgery) would be remembered in infamy as science deniers today. The science was "settled" before their revolutionary discoveries.
People going through abuse and rationalizing it away that it wasn't that bad is a very well known quirk of the human brain. The normalization of hitting children to raise them usually lands with people who have gone through it themselves. Like every other form of abuse, children growing up in an a family of alcoholics are also more likely to turn to alcoholism, for example.

And it's settled science in the sense that we have the actual research and data to reference, your example of maggots spawning from nothing is not comparable to modern science in any way, shape, or form. It was an early precursor built on conjecture and guesswork, modern science has actual rigorous standards to document, test, and verify results. The results of the current studies hold up to scrutiny and have been successfully repeated beyond any doubt.
What you are describing is a consequence of increased consumption. The demand for convenient goods and services has increased exponentially. This then causes an increased demand for labor to supply these conveniences. Better pay, increased PTO, and a shorter work week sounds great, though fails to address the issue driving labor demand, consumer consumption. I do not see any sort of quick fix since the solution would require a cultural shift in attitude regarding consumerism (not an easy task with aggressive and invasive commercial advertising). Providing such benefits would seem to only exasperate consumer demand for labor supply rather than decrease it since time away from work is typically utilized to consume goods and services.
Automation has increased productivity by orders of magnitude yet wages stagnate, work weeks get longer, and the only people profiting are the capital owners. There's a reason unions are getting demonized in the US and how the standard of living is higher in the EU, where we do have a lot of those things you people lost over the decades.
Therefore Christian love is actually hate? You will need to elaborate your reasoning. As far as my lack of mind reading abilities are concerned, this is a non-sequitur.
Here is the most succinct way I can explain this: when a Christian mom loves their gay child a lot and sends them to conversion therapy in the hopes to make the kid "good" in the eyes of their religion all they do is put more abuse onto the child and accomplish nothing but adding more trauma. This dichotomy between a perceived act of love and the actual effects being nothing but abuse is rampant amongst the more extreme branches of the Christian faith, and has been for a long time.

Yes, I am ignoring every other group of people being guilty of the same, as only one religion is relevant here, at this moment.
Okay, so what you are saying is that an absent father is not a contributing factor while single parenthood is a contributing factor. The problem with this line of reasoning is that the majority of single parent homes are missing the father, at least that is the case in my area. I am also aware of the fact that repeated behavior children in public schools tend to come from homes without the biological father, with a revolving door of live-in boyfriends or, an abusive and/or negligent father. Basically, these children lack a stable and safe male parental figure. I was blessed to have a father that suffered the tragedy of being raised without his own father, who passed away from cancer. This caused him to vow never to allow his children to go without their father. My area is not so progressive as to have a significant pool of same-sex parents to render such a factor as relevant in these observable cases. These are children and families that I actually interact with. They are not some anonymous, impersonal, ambiguous statistic in an academic publication I read online.
Everything you've just said is literally just agreeing with what I said. The fact that the missing parent in question is predominantly the father, from your experience, doesn't change that the outcome would have been nearly identical had it been the mother that's missing instead.
That was the entire point I was making, a parent missing is the problem, not specifically that it's the father that is missing.
I am honestly unsure what you mean to say here. Do you mean that the fact that I claim that predominantly perceiving reality through the online lens causes a warped perception of reality has tainted that claim? If this is what you mean, please explain this phenomenon further since my reference to hyperreality was to express that my knowledge and experience on the subject is not chiefly online and that I suspect your own to be. If you disagree, please explain.
Your presupposition that my own experience is online only in combination with you telling me such online was reason for me to call out the hypocrisy of your statement.
Did I?

I thought that I was expressing that frequent drug use in the home is another factor I've found in common within the most hateful and resentful people that I know. You may read the context of the above excerpt again. I do not believe that I "cited drugs as the reason for the dysfunction." If you disagree, please explain why. It's also unclear as to what dysfunction you are referring to since there are two possibilities in this discussion, child behavior and adult hate and resentment.
Children learn from the people around them, substance abuse that is observed by young children will often be mirrored once they get older, perpetuating the cycle. Often times this is combined with emotional neglect, leads to stunted emotional growth, which can then also lead to the cycle repeating with the next generation.
I'm also referring to both, they are linked and often progress from one during childhood to the other during adulthood.
Hypocrisy is innately human. I can't really speak for others, but for myself it can be frustrating at times as the flesh and the reborn spirit war with one another.

The context of the above Scripture is that the Apostle Paul is arguing that the purpose of the Law of Moses (Torah) is to inform us of our inherent unrighteousness, thus necessitating the coming of the Messianic Savior, that is Christ Jesus. I highly recommend reading the entire epistle, not just the above excerpt from the section labeled Chapter Seven. Paul presents a well formulated apology for his position, making it an enjoyable read.

As my signature expresses, we are to hate the sin and not the sinner. Whether other professing Christians practice that or not, I cannot control and will not attempt to control. I can only petition for repentance and point to Jesus Christ. I do ask that you resist the urge of using sinners to justify your hatred of Jesus Christ. Though He is wholly man, He is also wholly God.
I've got no problem with the carpenter that potentially lived a couple thousand years ago and had aspirations to make the world a better place, I do have a problem with his followers using that as a justification for a lot of suffering they afflict on the rest of the world.
I do not believe your religion, and that is the nicest way I can formulate that.
Not a Christian, little boy. Not a Republican. Not a boomer. So that's three strikes against your flimsy little Strawman.

Just because you get checked by multiple people doesn't mean you OFFENDED multiple people. It just means you presented a shitty argument and got slapped down by the entire room.

Please find something more original than calling everyone who disagrees with you a racist, or of harboring a phobia. These words don't work at all. On anyone. Not sure what you were expecting, here. Probably not THIS outcome.

Please sit down and shut up. You're embarrassing yourself.
I was expecting exactly what I got from the people I mocked, the fact you can't grasp this isn't my problem. You also ignored the actual point I was making in favor of your own strawma but that was to be expected as well.

I'm quite glad you think I'm embarrassing myself because everything you said in here is so unbelievably stupid and narrow-minded it's basically a work of art.
Just in case I actually need to spell this out for you in plain English so you can pick it up the third time around: Everything you've said in here is so far removed from how reality actually works it's genuinely impressive and I am glad I have next to nothing in common with you, or people like you.
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Objectively the most infuriating woman ever
Jun 26, 2022
Sneed's Feed and Seed
United States
None of these words in this post have anything to do with this thread. A kid shot his mom over a VR headset because he showed signs of violence and psychopathy at an early age and wasn't institutionalized. The problems with this kid are nothing you can amend with discipline. Sometimes people are legit just fucked and need therapy and medication. Quit stroking yourself over such weak shit.


Has a PhD in dueling
Aug 27, 2009
duel acadamia
United States
In Saudi Arabia, you can get your hand cut off for stealing, crime is dealt with harshly and there's relatively low crime in that country - especially for things like adultery which isn't considered a crime in the west. So it seems to me that if you deal harshly with criminals there's quite a detterant. If you kill murderers they aren't going to kill anyone else and if you have people are on the roads in chain gangs, people driving past watching them will see that and not want to be in the same position.

Consequences for your actions is the way to deal with crime, but the cosequences need to be harsher than the crime committed in my opinion, I am all for going medievil on some of these cretins going about nowadays, and I wouldn't shed a tear for any of the criminals getting the harsh treatment they deserve. You can bet for sure that the criminals don't give a damn about their victims or the lives they ruin.
i think UAE is messed up cause they behead people for jacking off or is that in Indonesia?


Dec 11, 2015
Not when the other side wins
You're being pedantic as well you know, violence works - the stronger more violent side wins.
Post automatically merged:

i think UAE is messed up cause they behead people for jacking off or is that in Indonesia?


You'll face the firing squad/beheading for certain crimes in those countries - not for spanking the monkey though.
Last edited by mrdude,
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Has a PhD in dueling
Aug 27, 2009
duel acadamia
United States
also for reference...... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_criminal_responsibility#By_country UK where this crime is commited is 10 or 12 yrs old where children can be charged as adults US varies by state but federal crimes the age is 11 anything below those ages get pushed to juvie court (and less severe punishments of course) i do recall alot of gangs in the US enlist child enforcers due to this to commit murders and that,plus you wouldn't think (quickly enough) of a kid capping you in the skull at 6 or 7 years old now would you?


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2021
United States
I'm going to guess that the mother was also horrible at parenting. I'm sorry, but 10 year olds don't think this way unless they live in a fucked up environment


Has a PhD in dueling
Aug 27, 2009
duel acadamia
United States
I'm going to guess that the mother was also horrible at parenting. I'm sorry, but 10 year olds don't think this way unless they live in a fucked up environment
they can if mental illness example bi polar type 2 (with agression) Plays a role though any senseble parent would institutionalize their children for previous incidences of harm (either to ones self or another)


Objectively the most infuriating woman ever
Jun 26, 2022
Sneed's Feed and Seed
United States
they can if mental illness example bi polar type 2 (with agression) Plays a role though any senseble parent would institutionalize their children for previous incidences of harm (either to ones self or another)
Yeah, like, the entire larp from the christian weirdos about "discipline" is pointless. The kid had symptoms that he'd do increasingly outlandish, awful things, and he went and did exactly that. The writing was on the wall and he should have been taken to treatment instantly.


Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
You're being pedantic as well you know, violence works - the stronger more violent side wins.
Post automatically merged:



You'll face the firing squad/beheading for certain crimes in those countries - not for spanking the monkey though.
Not being pandemic. It's the truth.

Violence will not always 100% achieve your objective because there will likely be retaliation.

Two sides fight. Both sides want to 100% achieve their objective. Only one side will win and get that.

Your logic is flawed in the real world.


Dec 11, 2015
Not being pandemic. It's the truth.

Violence will not always 100% achieve your objective because there will likely be retaliation.

Two sides fight. Both sides want to 100% achieve their objective. Only one side will win and get that.

Your logic is flawed in the real world.
Russia Just invaded Ukraine, go and talk nicely to Vladimir Putin and see how it goes........ he will just laugh at you. You are being pedantic as well you know. If I wanted to take your stuff and I am 6'5" and extremely violent and you are 5'2" and a weak effiminate, I am going to take your stuff, end off conversation.

If a kid gets a slap from a parent now and again to teach them a lesson because they have been bad, this is not a bad thing, It's been done since the dawn of time and it's not just humans that do this, it's done throughout the animal kingdom. I suggest you study some animals as you seen to not have a clue about nature and will most likely bump your gums to the wrong person one day and end up being on the wrong side of someones fist. Then i'd like to see if you carried on waffling crap to the person that punched you - I doubt you would, but if you did you'd probably get hit even harder and keep getting hit until you learned to be quiet.
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