Gaming Arms Global Test Punch, QUICK LOOK! (Review)

Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States
If you reading this and must know why this isn't in review section, cause is not as much of a review as it should be, if you want a actual review, there is one already by T-hug, click here to view.

This is a quick review of the Arms test punch I played this weekend. Yes, I know a featured "GBATemp official" review exist but like all reviews, is one person's experience. While is not professional considering the fact the full game exist and I didn't play that instead, is okay. (not really but why the heck not?)

NOTE: the images show "Sonicnight" as the name of my tag, since it uses the same name you give your mii character, and is limited to 10 text characters only instead of using your nintendo network ID which would be the full name I use here "SonicAngelKnight" Which is limited to 16 text characters. (Thanks Nintendo.)

What is ARMS!?


Arms is a new game that was created by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch system. The game in my own words, "Arms!? Looks like they ruined punch out!!" SonicAngelKnight - 2017 :P

Okay, for more serious description. Is more of a "Party fighter" Boxing game. The game is basically boxing, you throw punches... yes throw them, as in shooting like a projectile, across the arena of battle to hit your opponent, each character has long coil like Arms... most of the time (some aren't arms but other things) and use it to punch or toss the opponent. The game is up to 4 players simultaneously, which is why I described it as party fighter, boxing usually is only 2 people. The game is currently available.

What kind of stuff can I do in Arms?


Since this is a global testpunch, access to game modes is pretty limited. There is only training mode, which is just a tutorial for newcomers, there is a hints and tips for learning more advanced techniques, and online game mode. Having access to the full game gives you a bit more, like a arcade mode style game, and mini game for collecting and unlocking more arms. The basic reason for the global testpunch was for allowing people to try the game (a demo) this is the second one and I tried both so there is nothing to unlock in this test.

Cast of characters


First you pick from a roster of various characters, each character has their own set of 3 Arms and a unique ability. From left to right. Spring Man, Ribbon Girl, Ninjara, Master Mummy, Min Min, Mechanica, Twintelle, Helix. Their abilities are described in the help section on the main menu, but for quick description, see spoiler.
  • Spring man can repel incoming attacks by cancelling a Arms charge, a blue ring around him will appear to indicate when is done. He also gets permanent Arms charge when his life is low enough (flashing red)
  • Ribbon girl can perform multiple jumps in the air, total of 3. She also has a airdrop allowing her to fall quickly to the ground in a instant.
  • Ninjara vanishes every time he performs a dash, makes it harder to keep a eye on his position.
  • Master Mummy can take some hits without flinching, most people call this feature "Super armor" which has been used in various capcom games. He also can recover life when guarding.
  • Min Min performs a kick when using a air dash to repel incoming attacks. When she completes a arms charge, her left arm turns into a dragon that does more damage and also negates the effect of the arm selected for that hand.
  • Mechanica like Master Mummey can take some hits without flinching, she also can hover in air for sometime during air dashes.
  • Twintelle can slow down incoming punches while Arms charging and also perform Arms charge in mid air. (She also uses her HAIR to fight, not ARMS)
  • Helix can stretch his body to avoid attacks and position himself for better accuracy, he can also shrink himself as well.
There is also other characters like Byte & Barq, Kid Cobra, Max Brass and also Lola Pop who will be in the next update, but none of those 4 are in the testpunch. The total roster so far is coming to 12. Each with strengths and weakness, pick a character, to main and get good with buffing your weak points and improving the strong points, or pick the best character for each situation.

Party mode (The online mode for fun)


The party match is the online mode, this does not affect rankings. You can play with a partner as well just like in Mario kart 8, you can pair up before going online so you will be more likely to play together. There is 5 game modes, each one is played at random, a fight mode, which is the common standard with 2 players or 4 players in a 2v2 team battle, a Skill Shot mode that is also 4 players where you compete to get the highest score by hitting targets (Kinda like super smash bros on wii u/3DS). Then there is Volleyball titled "V-ball" also 4 players where you knock the ball with punches to the other side of the court to score as in standard rules. There is also a hoops mode, where the objective is to score 11 points by knocking you foe into the basket hoop (like basketball) in other words, YOU are the ball. Score rules is same as basketball , outside arc shots are 3 points, inside are 2, you can grab toss them in, or dunk if close enough, or just throwing enough punches to knock them off their feet. Then there is the VS. Hedlok mode, this usually happens when there is 3 players in the lobby without partners to battle with. Is a 3v1 match against the hedlok, which is basically a boss for the game I assume. (Is literally a steel rock looking monster with 6 arms attached to a random Character, imagine Graveler from pokemon but with 6 arms instead of 4, attached to anyone else.) Hoops as far as I know is the only 2 player mode, while vs hedlok is 3 player, the others are 4 players always played with team battles. Like I said, you can bring a partner online with you to play, but in most cases you will not get to play with them.


The way matches work is based on the lobby status, it works like so. The lobby is filled with a specific amount of people, the room can have matches going on at the time you enter, matches are always random. Even if you could have a match with someone, there is times when you just don't get it, you end up waiting until other players finish their matches to play, I assume the game avoids linking you with the same player 2 times in a row? Anyway, you don't decide what mode you will play, and the mode decided at random is based on how many people you link with, only vs hedlok is always 3v1, hoops is always 1v1 and the others is 2 or 4 players. There is no spectator mode, instead you just have a simplified view of what the battle status is, you cannot watch the fight like in other games, but you can do a warmup while waiting for a match, also all matches are one round winner only fight matches as well as hedlok matches are 99 seconds while the others are only 60 seconds.

Game Play

The rules for each mode is simple.
  • Fight: Hit your opponent with attacks to decrease their life to zero, the one still standing or has the most life when the time runs out wins, if both player has same life when time is over, is a draw. (2 - 4 players. 4 players are fought in teams of 2)
  • V-ball: Hit the ball over the net to the opponent's side of the court, when the ball touches their side of the ground, you score. The player with the most points at time over is the winner. (2 or 4 players, screenshot not available, was unable to get one from the times I played)
  • Skill Shot: Attack the targets when they show up to score points, you can score more points if you hit multiple targets with one shot or attack your opponent. The player with the most points wins. (2 or 4 players)
  • Hoops: Shoot your opponent into the basket hoop to score points, use punches to knock them off their feet or throws to toss them with a slam dunk. Shots scored outside the arc is 3 points while shots inside are 2. First to score 11 points or have more when time over wins. (2 players only)
  • VS Hedlok: Team up with 2 other players and fight a 3v1 against a hedlok cpu character of a random level. Same rules as fight mode, but the hedlok has 6 arms and also have 3x as much life than normal players, as well as the same absorbing hits without flinching ability that Master Mummy has. (3 players only)
This game works with 4 different control methods, Dual joycon motion controls, which is the advertized way to play this game, single joycon controls, held sideways like a wiimote trying to play nes games. Wii u pro controller, and Dual joy cons without motion controls (uses same controls as switch pro) I used the latter. Use joystick to move, press a or b to throw a left or right punch (You can also use ZL and ZR as well), you can use them together to perform a grab to toss your enemy. Press X to jump, (A VERY UNCOMMON CONTROLLER INPUT.... breath of the wild.:glare:) Use y to dash, performs a evasion motion to dodge attacks with. When performing punches, you can change their trajectory by using the movement input of the selected control method. During attacks, your rush meter builds up, when is full, press L or R to perform a rush attack, quickly press both punches rapidly alternating to send quick attacks their way for a limited time. There is also items that appear in the arena like one that restores life or rush meter for a small area, or bombs that explode and cause fire damage or electric shock to immobilize people.


Before each match, you can choose a pair of Arms, each arms have a different method for attacking and effect when charged. For example, the toaster (see image) is a straightforward boxing glove and can set enemies on fire when charged. Boomerang hits in a arc circling around the standard path when used and also shoots as a projectile detaching from the arm, when charged it creates whirlwinds to send opponents flying. Tribolt shots 3 missiles at the same time to extend the range of attack. You can set different arms for each hand if wanted. For the test punch, each character already has 3 arms by default, so if you wanna try more, you are encouraged to play different characters. If you own the full game you can play a mini game to unlock more arms for other characters but you have to make sure to set them up, you can only have three choices per character, this is cause during some modes there is more than one round and allows changing arms between them each of them if desired. Each arms have different attack paths and range and effects and elements so using them all to find the best one for you is key.


Team battles are a bit of a pain, there is this elastic effect with your partner that could be compared to the same concept as Knuckles' Chaotix. When doing 2v2 fight mode, you are stuck connected to your partner until one loses, only then you are free.You can see a piece of elastic connected between your teammate. When one member of the team is grab and tossed, the other follows also knocking them down, moving around is difficult especially if you both move in different directions, having a good coordination with your partner is key to winning team battles.


This is a simple pick up and play game, is easy to learn and understand. Most of getting better comes from understanding your character's weakness and strengths, covering the bad parts and making them less exposed, while making sure to use your strengths to the fullest. Move around a lot to avoid easy hitting and learn how to aim your punches with the curve control, bring the arms you like best for various situations, and understand how the other players are playing against you. Is common for every fighting game. For example, since Ribbon girl can jump multiple times, most likely they will use air attacks, block or dodge them and wait for her to land to launch a attack, Min Min's air dash can deflect attacks, and Arms charging changes her left arm to dragon, most likely they will want to block to perform a Arms charge, so grab to negate her blocking. If a arm is giving you trouble such as a freezing effect, try aiming for it, you can disable their arms this way making unusable or even slowing them down for easier attacks. There is a triangle system in this game similar to fire emblem, in that game, each weapon has a advantage and disadvantage to another weapon. For example, If your opponent is performing a grab, you can break the grab with a standard punch, if they are blocking, you can break it with a grab, if they are using a normal attack, you can use a rush to break it. In short, make the right move in the right situation and you keep learning with each win and loss. There is a replay feature so make sure to watch it to learn from your mistakes.



(No the game is not perfect, but got to show off at least one of them right?) In short, the game looks okay, is the concept that is appealing, but there is probably many things that could be used to improve it, at the moment, I can't think of any considering I only played a portion of it, but a decent size cast of more characters (at least 16 or more, even some nintendo characters like Little Mac from Punch out or Donkey Kong) would be nice. Is the kind of game people call "easy to play but difficult to master" I still joke about it being a ruined version of punch out games, but who knows, punchout could have been the basis of inspiration for this game, Punch out started as a single player game that featured a colorful cast of opponents to fight against and about a underdog who wins against some of the most cheap and unfair "talented" boxers of unbalanced matchups. This games takes a boxing game and transforms it to a 4 player party game anyone can pick up and play while keeping a deep perspective that hardcore fighting game fans could enjoy as well. Depending on if you are the casual or hardcore player, you may play this in short burst or competitively often. I'm one of the casual players, and while I did play this for 2 hours straight (for the purpose of collecting screenshots for this post) It wasn't bad but repetitive. I am the type who would play this in short burst when alone, or with friends often if i can.

But Would i pay $59.99 + tax for it? No... not really. There is plenty of stuff that could be improved or added to make me feel like is worth paying $60 for but not yet. At best, in my opinion, is feels only half complete, either a $30 price tag with a $20- $30 season pass for extra content or least free to play with options of what you wish to have unlocked kinda like the wii sports club on wii u or most free to play games like Dead or alive 5 last round would have been a better fate. This is no way trying to discredit Nintendo but stating a opinion, this game did a decent job compared to other games like Street fighter V in terms of sales, and being a new game altogether, it could have just had "Nintendo all stars" as their selling point but it was a new game with new ideas and probably the main selling point was the use of the joycon motion controls that the nintendo switch uses. While I haven't or never will use that method of play, it appeals to some players and is not a bad thing. Having more games use what nintendo pitched as part of the system to demonstrate the use of it, either by simplicity or other reasons is good. (as long as they have options to not use it for people who don't want to)

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Last edited by Sonic Angel Knight,

Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States
Really nice review!!! Agree with all of your points. Did you enjoy the TestPunch?
Well, since i played 2 hours straight to get pics for this post, is not a terrible game but it could offer more for the price tag of $60. More characters, least 16. Maybe some guest characters like little mac or donkey kong may make me more interested, the 2v2 elastic band thing is a pain but yeah, it could use some improvements. Not sure for ideas on game modes but more characters or more single player content would make it better.

I had some matches that was too easy, which is bad for someone who doesn't own the game, and matches that was very bad considering my teammate wasn't good, and having a good team coordination is important. It would have been nice to have lobbies for each game mode cause having random doesn't give players a chance to get good at everything.

Over all, I could see myself playing the game more, but I wouldn't pay $60 for the current condition. A free to play with optional selection for buying content would be nice, as well as maybe just a $30 price tag with $20 -$30 season pass for more.


Aug 2, 2004
United Kingdom
It might be a new IP but the only thing that's grabbing my attention are the character designs. While I don't expect a massive, "WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOR" back story, I do find it amusing that when this game was shown on Nintendo Direct, the "story" was basically "I woke up one day and I had springs on my arm which is cool".

Anyway, the test punch didn't grab my attention. I felt like I was thrown into matches with someone who could really play the game while other times I was just throwing punches randomly which is probably a terrible way for me to play now that I think about it. But then again I said the same thing about Splatoon and after receiving a copy in a bundle, I tried it out and couldn't put it down so maybe ARMS will eventually grow on me.

Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States
It might be a new IP but the only thing that's grabbing my attention are the character designs. While I don't expect a massive, "WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOR" back story, I do find it amusing that when this game was shown on Nintendo Direct, the "story" was basically "I woke up one day and I had springs on my arm which is cool".

Anyway, the test punch didn't grab my attention. I felt like I was thrown into matches with someone who could really play the game while other times I was just throwing punches randomly which is probably a terrible way for me to play now that I think about it. But then again I said the same thing about Splatoon and after receiving a copy in a bundle, I tried it out and couldn't put it down so maybe ARMS will eventually grow on me.
Well like all games, you slowly learn to become better at the game, just cause you know the controls, doesn't mean you know how to win. The key is knowing as much as you can. While I didn't play as much as people who own the game, I did well cause I knew what to do. I gave some advice and information in the review.

This is a simple pick up and play game, is easy to learn and understand. Most of getting better comes from understanding your character's weakness and strengths, covering the bad parts and making them less exposed, while making sure to use your strengths to the fullest. Move around a lot to avoid easy hitting and learn how to aim your punches with the curve control, bring the arms you like best for various situations, and understand how the other players are playing against you. Is common for every fighting game. For example, since Ribbon girl can jump multiple times, most likely they will use air attacks, block or dodge them and wait for her to land to launch a attack, Min Min's air dash can deflect attacks, and Arms charging changes her left arm to dragon, most likely they will want to block to perform a Arms charge, so grab to negate her blocking. If a arm is giving you trouble such as a freezing effect, try aiming for it, you can disable their arms this way making unusable or even slowing them down for easier attacks. There is a triangle system in this game similar to fire emblem, in that game, each weapon has a advantage and disadvantage to another weapon. For example, If your opponent is performing a grab, you can break the grab with a standard punch, if they are blocking, you can break it with a grab, if they are using a normal attack, you can use a rush to break it. In short, make the right move in the right situation and you keep learning with each win and loss. There is a replay feature so make sure to watch it to learn from your mistakes.

This is every fighting game ever. Know what moves the characters have and how the player using them will make the most of them. I used spring man the whole time, having Arms charge with low life helps a lot. But people seem to forget that cancelling his Arms charge move cause a repel ring around him which made it seem easy. 5 perfects was a eye sore. IT was obvious some people did not know how to play, the video trailers for characters exist to demonstrate the use of the characters abilities. :P

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