Boston PD prevents local Pokemon TCG Tournament Massacre


Pokemon is all fun and games right? Until you piss off the wrong person that is.

Kevin Norton, 18, and James Stumbo, 27, both from Iowa, allegedly made violent threats on social media to attendants at the Pokémon World Championships, cops said. Security officials at the Hynes Convention Center, where the tournament is held, immediately began investigating, and the two men were stopped hours later trying to get into the event.

Detectives searched the suspects' car and found a 12-gauge shotgun, an AR-15 rifle, several hundred rounds of ammunition and a hunting knife, cops said.

The altercation began between two entrants on facebook.
Stumbo posted the threat Aug. 19 on a Facebook group called "Mayhem Pokémon Crew," with a photo of the shotgun and the rifle on the back of their car.

He captioned the photo: "Kevin Norton and I are ready for worlds Boston here we come!!!"


When a group member wished them good luck, Norton replied, "With killing the competition?"

:arrow: SOURCE


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
Somewhere, Earth.
Damn humanity, you're scary!

I mean, it's just a game, chill the **** out!
We don't need more flames for the blame games already have for making people violent. They where already bad from the head, they just choose a simple card game for their excuse. It could be beer or a girlfrield or anything "accepted by society"... People are violent because they did not control their instincts.

Thanks God it wasn't the case though. And well, many people get caught simply because they can't resist to show off or something like that. Social media HAS uses, who knew...
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Aug 22, 2013
Away from this shithole
United States

Hells Malice

Are you a bully?
GBAtemp Patron
Apr 9, 2009
I don't know if this is a completely reliable source but this interested me. (Tweet related don't worry)

Rofl if that's true.
Even if it is, they still deserve it. They completely brought it on themselves with the threats and pictures. You can't joke about commiting a terrorist act and then be like "lol jk."
That's not how real life works, and i'm glad those two dipshits are learning exactly what real life is. Bet they wont be that fucking stupid again.
They'll be shitting their bunkbed every time they hear sirens after this.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2012
United States
I absolutely believe him. However, that's not acceptable. You don't joke with guns, it's one of the first rule of "brain: how-to". They deserve the punishment. I hope Nintendo won't go turtle on us now, as they usually do when something bad happens.
I honestly don't buy it. I mean it feels more like a third party who supports/promotes trolls. and the story seems TOO convenient.

Father Crilly

GBAtemp's Phoney Priest
Aug 5, 2015
It's like people don't know pranks are supposed to be funny and harmless.

They are? Shit. Better remove that ignition triggered bomb from my friend's car...

"The BPD detectives did a great job in the stop and prevention of a potential tragedy," BPD bureau of intelligence and analysis commander Paul Fitzgerald said.

What? That's bullshit. Two people made threats to Pokemon people on Facebook. Someone reported those threats. Police went to the event, arrested the two guys when they got there, searched their car and found guns. It's not that hard.
In fact, I find it stupid that they weren't arrested at their houses. They could have arrived there and forced their way through the entrance with guns blazing. That to me is the complete opposite of detective work, never mind a "great job".

Deleted User

Do whatever you like, you are totally right this is not my country. But I'm pretty sure that giving access that easily to tools that were made to kill other people with great ease and efficiency isn't the best way to protect a country. You're talking about patriotism, but do you really think that these two guys are a bit of patriots? Do you really think that killing your own people is something patriotic? Heck, they're even way too young to know what is patriotism. You got to earn the right to have, buy or use a gun. This isn't something you can give to anyone because or freedom or misplaced patriotism. And you should not talk lightly about your history, your ancestors fought for your freedom and that's what they are doing with it : killing other Americans... Listen, I'm from a country where military service is mandatory, and men have to keep their weapon at home (it's a SIG-550,feel free to check). So I have my assault rifle at home. But to prevent this kind of situation, ammo is not provided, the AR is registered to your name and ID number, and buying ammo in not permitted without a permit. In my eyes, that's far more secure than giving weapons to everyone... But it's just my opinion, and again you're right, I have absolutely no rights to complain and judge as an outsider. But you know sometimes, you have to be outside to have a better and unbiased look on the situation.
^I had to break that up in notepad just to try and read it, try breaking up your sentences when you've got more than 5 lines.

...But I'm pretty sure that giving access that easily to tools that were made to kill other people with great ease and efficiency isn't the best way to protect a country.
We're a country founded on the idea that everyone should be capable of fighting to defend our country. much like you are "from a country where military service is mandatory" Our whole populace basically a mandatory part of our army, and in every army, country, and society there is a murderer. they will always exist and always will break the law regardless of the methods required.

Do you really think that killing your own people is something patriotic?
It's real typical of you folks to try and put those words in the mouths of everyone who's patriotic about their guns, NO killing your own kinsmen is NOT patriotic in any way and that is a frankly BROKEN path of logic to follow.

Heck, they're even way too young to know what is patriotism. You got to earn the right to have, buy or use a gun.
... the AR is registered to your name and ID number... In my eyes, that's far more secure than giving weapons to everyone...
now BOTH of those I can agree with. we DO have systems to earn your right to own a gun, There is a DEEP background check including a full historical search, a Psych evaluation, and a full ID Registration of every gun to your ID number, assuming that they obtained the weapon through LEGAL CHANNELS or didn't MAKE THE GUN themselves by hand. but as usual, this statement comes up in a situation where the perpetrators did not go through legal means to obtain their weapons, so no dice. they're criminals, and when someone makes the conscious decision to be a criminal the law kinda goes by the wayside to them.

And you should not talk lightly about your history, your ancestors fought for your freedom and that's what they are doing with it : killing other Americans...
Again, you take my point and bend it to your purposes. our ancestors fought hard to make sure we have these freedoms, but we can't simply take away these freedoms which come from our very founding document due to a rare sub-0.0001% of our populace who are insane enough to abuse it, that would be insane from our perspective, they wanted us to have guns so bad they wove it into our country's very fabric. To toss it out would be an affront to everything they lived and DIED for.

But it's just my opinion, and again you're right, I have absolutely no rights to complain and judge as an outsider. But you know sometimes, you have to be outside to have a better and unbiased look on the situation.
I'm a outsider and you should listen to me because my uneducated opinions shape realtity boo hoo... T.T
FTFY, when you've spent 20+ politics and have done classes on our politics maybe i'll listen, because then and only then could you ever know american politics better than someone who LIVES here.

Deleted User

A gun license should be a relatively difficult thing to obtain and something that requires periodical mental and physical checks in order to keep, not something you either don't have to own or can just request and get on the spot. A speeding car is a massive steel bullet too, it can be as destructive as a gun, if not more, and that's why a driving license is required to operate one - the same applies, or should apply, to any form of a firearm.

The fact most people outside america don't seem to get is that guns AREN'T easy to get, it takes on average a week of background checks (Including Criminal, Medical, and Psychological History) and most types and modifications even then require extra licences, classes, and fees that oft out-cost the gun itself.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
The fact most people outside america don't seem to get is that guns AREN'T easy to get, it takes on average a week of background checks (Including Criminal, Medical, and Psychological History) and most types and modifications even then require extra licences, classes, and fees that oft out-cost the gun itself.
It depends on the state, I don't think it's strictly regulated by the federal government since naysayers would cry that it's against the constitution (it isn't, but votes are worth more than sensible reform).


Revenge is beneath me but accidents do happen.
Jun 20, 2013
The C Standard Library
United States
Just had a thought. what if they didn't post on social media and a mass shooting happened where several died, also on camera. Would that combined with this weeks incident open Americas eyes to how lax our gun control is? I'm pretty sure the NRA gun nut conservatives would say something like "games like Pokemon where you 'kill' your opponent, lead to their violent behavior".

@Thelucario21 some places are easier to get than others, the Virginia news guy put a fucking deposit down on June 19 and was mass murdering within a month. Crazy people arent scared of crazy prices if they can get their hands on a gun. They're fucking CRAZY in the first place.

Why is it easier to get a gun than a passport or a green card. All states that sell guns should have laws that state to apply for a gun, the process takes minimum of 1 year, several background checks, a mandatory psychiatric visit twice a year every year, and surprise inspections. If you marked down using the gun for hunting, and they find out you haven't hunted ever they strip you of your shit. Also, there needs to be stricter regulations on bullets.

Deleted User

It depends on the state, I don't think it's strictly regulated by the federal government since naysayers would cry that it's against the constitution (it isn't, but votes are worth more than sensible reform).
suprisingly, the rules i mentioned are pretty much universal, it's just some states allow that stuff to be done AFTER the purchase is made and the gun is handed over, only Texas is (basically) de-regulated and Texas oddly has the lowest crime rates of all the states ignoring their problems with illegal immigration.

You say "but votes are worth more" with great sarcasm, and I hear "Submit to a Dictatorship". You say "sensible reform" and i hear "give up your national heritage"


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
suprisingly, the rules i mentioned are pretty much universal, it's just some states allow that stuff to be done AFTER the purchase is made and the gun is handed over, only Texas is (basically) de-regulated and Texas oddly has the lowest crime rates of all the states ignoring their problems with illegal immigration.

You say "but votes are worth more" with great sarcasm, and I hear "Submit to a Dictatorship". You say "sensible reform" and i hear "give up your national heritage"
Sensible regulation is not giving up national herritage, it's preventing nutjobs from obtaining guns. A nutjob won't be bothered by any checks after obtaining a gun, so the idea of post-purchase regulation is completely pointless. You have to acknowledge the fact that the British Empire doesn't exist anymore, the French are in no hurry to invade either and the Native Americans are near-extinct, and not due to guns but due to continental diseases the founders unwittingly brought to America on their blankets. There is no pressing danger of any invasion anymore, you live in a superpower country, you could relax a bit with what you arm yourself with. The only point I'd be willing to give to the pro gun community is that most weapons used in organized crime are from the black market and cannot be regulated, school shooters and other psychos use their ow guns though, or the guns of their family, so there should be regulations in place regarding who can buy weapons, who can buy ammunition, what kind of weapons they buy and how they are supposed to store them, and all those regulations are incredibly lax in the states. That's not to say I'm anti-guns - I'm pro guns, I love'em myself, I just think they shouldn't be treated like toys and licensing should be strict so that only the cream of the crop can get them, and even they should have to attend periodical check-ups in order to keep them. I prefer a slightly demilitarized populace over militarized police which has to be militarized because they have no way of knowing if you have a handgun or a grenade launcher.

Deleted User

Sensible regulation is not giving up national herritage, it's preventing nutjobs from obtaining guns. A nutjob won't be bothered by any checks after obtaining a gun, so the idea of post-purchase regulation is completely pointless. You have to acknowledge the fact that the British Empire doesn't exist anymore, the French are in no hurry to invade either and the Native Americans are near-extinct, and not due to guns but due to continental diseases the founders unwittingly brought to America on their blankets. There is no pressing danger of any invasion anymore, you live in a superpower country, you could relax a bit with what you arm yourself with. The only point I'd be willing to give to the pro gun community is that most weapons used in organized crime are from the black market and cannot be regulated, school shooters and other psychos use their ow guns though, or the guns of their family, so there should be regulations in place regarding who can buy weapons, who can buy ammunition, what kind of weapons they buy and how they are supposed to store them, and all those regulations are incredibly lax in the states. That's not to say I'm anti-guns - I'm pro guns, I love'em myself, I just think they shouldn't be treated like toys and licensing should be strict so that only the cream of the crop can get them, and even they should have to attend periodical check-ups in order to keep them. I prefer a slightly demilitarized populace over militarized police which has to be militarized because they have no way of knowing if you have a handgun or a grenade launcher.

"A nutjob won't be bothered by any checks after obtaining a gun, so the idea of post-purchase regulation is completely pointless."
Maybe i should have been more spesific, FULL DEPTH searches are performed BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT after purchase IN THOSE STATES WHO USE THIS METHOD OF REGULATION. The day of the purchase, before money has changed hands there is a basic background check IN ALL STATES, with the purchaser awaiting, run through police databases for criminal records for the usual black flags (APBs for arrest, validating Personal ID, criminal record including number expunged) and if that passes then the gun is handed over, but even then MOST states have a waiting period for the Full Depth check to be executed (typically 2 weeks, California even has a full 90 days)

"[Incoherent protectionist babble, line 2-6]"
It isn't just about being prepared for an invasion or being able to aid our main armed forces, it's also a threat to our own government which reads in the most bold, 99pt font MS Word can produce "If you screw us over, or try to take away our ability to kill you for screwing us over, we will KILL you" the one thing we fear more than anything else is our own government oppressing and killing us. a fear instilled in us by the long old lineage of queens trying to tax us into poverty and killing us for saying no. why do you think the Riots in Ferguson and Oliver are STILL going? BECAUSE WE ARE SCARED SHITLESS OF GOVERNMENT OPPRESSION!

"[Incoherent protectionist babble, line 7-9]"
We've NEVER had a spree shooter use his own legally obtained weapon although i will admit they generally use family member's weapons which is illegal. and we DO have restrictions on what and who can buy a gun, Age restrictions on both weapons and ammunitions, those with a criminal record of any sort may NEVER own a gun and often have regular officer searches to be sure they don't have any, Semi-Automatic weapons only without LOTS of government sanctioned Armorer classes and a huge fee, all Grenades, Incendiary, and Gas weapons are entirely ILLEGAL without being a member of the main army forces and Tracer ammunition is only barely legal as "Training ammunition", no MK.19 grenade launchers with anything but flares (since all other ammunition is illegal and really hard to get black-market, I've tried just for shits and giggles), no M249 LMG/SAW, nothing crazy like your own sensationalist media plays it up as, JUST Semi-automatic rifles and shotguns

"[Typical "Only people like me should own a gun" line]"
-sigh- 2 words, screw off. What passes in your country won't pass here. attempting to add trainings will only postpone those truly intended on using a legal gun for illegal deeds. hell, I've heard of people coming back from full army service with a clean bill of health and use their skills to kill innocent people on their homeland because those skills are what they wanted out of it all. (why do you think our government treats our veterans so poorly?)

@Vengenceonu there will always be that person who breaks, the spesific shooting you mention involves someone who was bullied to no end by 2 or more co-workers, 2 of which he killed, until the day he was fired. Can you imagine ~40 years of devoting your life to a job you have obsessed about since childhood and spending more than a full year non-stop being harassed by your co-workers to the point of multiple breakdowns and eventually being fired? He was broken by those around him, spending 2 years trying to get legal repercussion for their actions, suing the station twice for discrimination the first time the judge claimed that the issue "had been settled" without citation and threw it out, and when the suit came up again under racism the judge claimed it was "Baseless" even though outside of him it was an all-white broadcasting team, this is someone who wasn't given justice and wrongfully tried to take it into his own hands. more a problem of "Humans treating others terribly" and less "guns need better regulation".

I'm out of here, this argument of cultural ignorance will go nowhere. continuing on for either side is just pissing in the wind, you don't see my side because you didn't grow up here and i don't see your side because it means more control for our government.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2013
United States
Guns are not a privilege to be granted by the government; they are a right. They are so important of a right that they are the second after our freedom of speech/press/assembly/religion. The reason why the right to bear arms is so important isn't because some burglar might break into your home (though it is not a bad reason to own a gun), it is because it is the one right that gives power to all the others. It gives citizens the ability to stand up to the government. Our country was born in revolution and founded on the principle that the government exists by the will of the people, not the other way around.

Gun registration? No thank-you. I do not want the government to have a nice easy list of homes to visit when the time comes they've decided that citizens should no longer be armed. NAZI Germany enacted gun registration before using the registration to disarm the citizenry. Yes, NAZI Germany is used as an example too often, so how about an American example? California enacted an Assault Weapons ban with a Grandfather Clause stating that if you already had one, you could keep it if you registered it. They then turned around and used the registry to later confiscate the formerly grandfathered guns.

You don't like our militarized police? I agree, but it has nothing to do with lack of gun control. There is a piece of legislation that requires police forces to use that military-grade equipment with a certain regularity or else it will be taken away, and you'll not see a part of the government willingly give up funding/resources.

At the end of the day, and I mean no offense by this, but frankly I don't care how Europeans (or anybody else) feel about how our government is run. I'd equally expect Europeans to be uninterested in how Americans think European countries should run.

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    @K3Nv2, MAGA supporters be wearing tin foil hats lol.
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    @SylverReZ, whats maga?
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    It stands for Maniacs Against General Acceptance
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    @BigOnYa, people rejecting general consensus about stuff?
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    @BigOnYa, im not american so i dont care about trump
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    I'm not american and even that sends shivers down my spine.
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    people are so dramatic that I can't even tell if they are being serious
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    Why so serious!
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    @BakerMan, yeah that's about the only reason I would vote for Trump over Biden.
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    In my opinion on all other factors they are pretty much the same.
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    Economy was better under Trump, according to Fox News.
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    A Far Right news service company
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
    I give a fuck about what happens to America but I would like it if our shit didn't spill out on the rest of the world, thank you.
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